The 31 EDP Awards 2017: Mirroring the technological developments in our industry has highlighted a few of the EDP Award winners, but there are more, as many as 31!
Apart from the marketing value of the Awards, the list also has value as an indication of the most important developments in our industry.
The number of ´print´ awards, a total of 18, shows that digital printing gets a lot of attention, not just from the Awards jury, but also from manufacturers. There is a wide array of options available from object printer to production printers.
Consumables were also popular. Agfa won an award for its UV LED inks and Trotec got one for their laser printer substrate.
Last in the list, but not the least, is the award for Just Normlicht LED Proofstation 20 SP, a new colour viewing system.
Read the complete list on the EDP site via this link.
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