A 7 kilo book as homage to Johnny Hallyday

French printer Solidaire has made a giant book as homage to the singer who died last December. The book was already in print before Hallyday died.

In November and December 2017 printer Solidaire from Matigné-sur-Mayenne, delivered 1000 copies of this recent publication about Johnny Hallyday. The book is big (55×32 cm) and weighs 7 kilo with a metal cover and 130 pages.
The printer decided to use metal rings and perforation to bind the book.

The book which title is nothing more than the name of the singer, Johnny Hallyday, was written by André Bercoff, a journalist and author. The work was ordered in the spring of 2017 by two Parisien publishers. The print process had been started before the French rocker died aged 74 in the night of 5 December 2017. Since then more than half of the 1000 copies has been sold for 495€ per book.

Watch the production process here:



Marco den Engelsman

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