9353 kilometres of photo books, made by Albelli
Albelli has reached an important milestone: 1 million unique customers have captured their memories in a photo product. This means that Albelli has welcomed 411 clients daily since their start in June 2008. The pages of all books together come to 9353 kilometers, 43 times the length of an A2. In 2008 Albelli already had 48,886 unique customers. In less than 4 years they had more than 500,000 and 3 years further on 1 million Dutch people have had a photo product made. The number of yearly orders also grew steadily. In 2008 568,523 products were made which grew to more than 2.7 million orders in 2014. Wall decorations are increasingly popular, a total of 307 tennis fields was produced in wall decorations.
One of the things that has been steady is the top 5 of photo book subjects. 1. travel/holidays, 2. family, 3. weddings, 4. baby, 5. love/relationships. “We are continually expanding our product range which resulted in more Dutch people becoming regular clients.” says Frederik van der Veen, country manager at Albelli. “Apart from photo books we offer photo products such as wall decorations in canvas, aluminium, perspex and forex. We have also introduced an iPad app for photo books which has meant a considerable broadening of our target market. All of this has helped us through the stormy years behind us through which we have been able to grow.”
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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