Augmented reality tattoo

ar tattooComic designer Sutu has had his augmented reality comic figure tattooed on his arm. And of course it works with AR. Australian Sutu requested financial support for his comic Modern Polaxis via Kickstarter. The story about a paranoid time traveller was delivered to the backers by the end of last year and works with augmented reality. By focussing an iOS app on the pages in the book the images came to life on the iPhone and included secret messages.
The comic led to a new experiment. Sutu wanted to know if his Boomcore AR technology which he developed together with interactive designer Lukasz Karluk would also work on human skin.
The answer is yes. Sutu had the protagonist tattooed on his arm. By pointing his smart phone camera onto the tattoo was brought to life. The artist posted the result to Instagram with the comment “I can´t believe this worked!”




Marco den Engelsman

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