Marco den Engelsman

Drupa optimistic about visitor numbers

02 mrt 2016

Drupa is expecting 300,000 visitors, the same as in 2012, despite what is happening in the industry, with 1,600 exhibitors of which 500 new ones.

Drupa will take place every three years and the show is now 11 days long instead of 14 previously.
And what is it that Drupa does to attract the younger crowd? Print is not dead yet and that can be seen at the show. There are a lot of clever and interesting applications. Print will remain the most important theme of Drupa.
Read the Drupa press release, in English, about the many new and interesting things to see at the show which is themed Touch the Future.

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Nexpress with LED technology

02 mrt 2016
KODAK NexPress ZX3900_Doors openKodak will introduce the whole new Nexpress platform at drupa. The new platform has LED technology and focuses on higher volumes and less operator time. The Nexpress ZS3900 digital colour press will be shown for the first time by Kodak at their stand F09 in Hall 5.
Press Release

Kodak will showcase its new KODAK NEXPRESS ZX3900 Digital Production Color Press at drupa 2016, which will be running live throughout the show on the company’s stand (Hall 5, Stand F09). The new press supports thicker paper and the use of synthetic substrates that will open up new opportunities for printers, including short-run packaging applications like labels, tags and small folding cartons, as well as differentiated commercial and publishing products.

Complementing these state-of-the-art NEXPRESS ZX Press models, the company will also preview a new KODAK NEXPRESS Platform on its stand, with commercial availability targeted for 2017. The new platform will feature a new multi-bit LED writing system that provides industry-unique computational halftone screening, enabling extremely consistent, high image quality with minimal artifacts.

Additionally, switchable color stations that allow for colors to be printed in different sequences and combinations will broaden the spectrum of applications that can be produced (for example CMY plus two specialty inks). The new NEXPRESS Platform will be capable of delivering peak quality over longer runs with less operator effort. It will also have the ability to print on longer sheets of up to 48” to accommodate additional retail and other specific applications.

The company is launching a new KODAK NEXPRESS Opaque White Dry Ink for NEXPRESS Presses for the Fifth Imaging Unit. This new specialty dry ink complements the nine inks already available, while delivering excellent opacity in a single pass through the press, and providing increased productivity and higher quality short run production for applications such as packaging, signage, labels and invitations.

“Our expanding NEXPRESS portfolio plays a critical role within Kodak’s digital print offerings. These announcements are testimony to the company’s ongoing commitment to innovation and investment in this space,” said Robert S. Taylor, General Manager, Electrophotographic Printing Solutions, Vice President, Print Systems Division. “NEXPRESS Presses deliver industry-leading productivity, unique print capabilities and modular design – enabling customers to upgrade to the latest technology available within each NEXPRESS Platform. And, with the introduction of the newest NEXPRESS Platform, printers can continue to broaden their application offerings, enabling them to grow their businesses and customer base.”

Visitors can also learn more about how the company is further leveraging its strengths in materials and small particle manufacturing to participate more broadly in the electrophotographic market as a supplier of unique, high quality chemical toners.

“Kodak’s legacy is deeply rooted in materials science, imaging and manufacturing excellence that allows the company to be a full systems provider – from components to hardware to software solutions to world class customer service – within the market segments we holistically serve,” said Taylor. “We’re very excited to bring a spectrum of important new offerings to the market at this year’s drupa, and look forward to engaging with our customers and delivering the best solutions to their needs.”

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02 mrt 2016

bobstBobst viert dit jaar het 125 jarig bestaan op Drupa. Het bedrijf doet het ondanks de slechte koers van de Zwitserse Frank in de verpakkingsindustrie heel goed.

Bobst toont op de stand een futuristische afwerk en printstraat voor karton die nog het meeste weg heeft van een hogesnelheidstrein. Absoluut indukwekkend.






BOBST, the world’s foremost supplier of equipment and services to packaging and label manufacturers, will use drupa 2016 to showcase innovation solutions that will drive customer productivity higher, open up new capabilities and protect customers’ global investments .


Jean-Pascal Bobst, CEO of BOBST, said, “2016 will be a milestone year for BOBST as we celebrate the 125th anniversary of the formation of our company. This drupa will see us clearly demonstrate that we are going forward with the same dynamism and commitment that first won us our reputation in the industry. The Group continues to expand technologies and services to continuously improve its performance supporting our increasing customer base in their variety of applications. We will unveil innovations that will address the needs of brands and their suppliers for maximum efficiency, reduced time to market and optimized printing processes. Our Services offering will continue to expand and new customers features will be unveiled covering the entire product portfolio”


drupa 2016 highlights

BOBST delivers technology to the industry that is based on its extensive in-house ‘savoir-faire’ and on continuous polling of both its customers and brand owners about the challenges facing them. As a result, BOBST leads the way in innovation, leveraging state-of-the-art technologies to deliver the solutions that the industry needs, in both the conventional and digital arenas.


Among the highlights that BOBST will present at drupa 2016 will be:

  • The world premiere of a brand new MASTERCUT 106 PER. This new model will be the most productive die-cutter ever available to the industry, thanks to a range of ground-breaking innovations that will set new standards in die-cutting.
  • A new MASTERFOIL 106 PR hot-foil stamping press that incorporates FOIL UNWINDER+, a system which delivers up to 30% more press productivity and a reduction of up to 50% in foil use.
  • A new folder-gluer to be launched at the show, along with the new MASTERCUT and new MASTERFOIL, feature increased automation, shorter set-up times, lower running costs, easier use, and will allow packaging manufacturers to realize ‘zero fault’ production.
  • A brand new version of the M6 UV flexo press, configured with folding carton production in mind, which will challenge offset printed carton production by offering job changeovers in under a minute – thanks to Digital FlexoTM technology; high running speeds; and high-speed in-line sheeting. Cartons produced on the line can then be converted using the BOBST die-cutting and folding & gluing equipment available to most carton makers. The seven-color M6 offers what no other press in the market can – the cost benefits of purchasing board on reels, allied to the production benefits of the no-water, no-solvent, fast changeover UV Digital FlexoTM
  • Innovative and effective alternatives to offset printing for the production of folding cartons and flexible packaging. Using new low migration UV curable inks and Digital FlexoTM automation, BOBST will show solutions that offer comparable set-up times to digital, allied to the highest productivity.
  • Extended color gamut (ECG) printing, using four or seven fixed colors, on new ECG optimized presses, taking full advantage of substantial developments in ECG printing technology.
  • New CI flexo, in-line flexo, gravure and new digital printing presses; laminators; coaters; and metallizers, many featuring digital automation technologies for easy, repeatable and reliable operation in a digital printing and converting workflow.
  • New tooling software for the production of high-performance die-cutting formes, using BOBST branded precision die-board wood, ejection rubber and rules.
  • Enhancements to BOBST maintenance and helpline services, and a new generation Pick&Pay solution which will increase operator safety and reduce machine downtime by making first emergency and wear parts available on the machine.
  • Presentations by a specialized team of the breakthrough high-output Digital Printing Press for corrugated board and Digital Printing Press for folding carton, paper and film.


Innovation compass

Visitors who pre-register online to visit the BOBST booth at drupa 2016 will get a BOBST Innovation Compass sent to their Smartphone which will give them quick and easy guided access to those solutions on the booth they have expressed an interest in. Visitors can pre-register in this way at


Stephan März, worldwide head of the Services Business Unit, said, “At BOBST we have always been at the forefront of innovation. We aim to be a guiding partner, helping our customers succeed whether it is by providing services that help them make the most of their existing equipment, by supplying highly productive new solutions for conventional processes, or by offering disruptive new technologies such as digital print. The BOBST booth at drupa will be a ‘must see’ for anyone involved in packaging or label manufacture.”



At drupa 2016 BOBST will be working closely in partnership with other forward-thinking suppliers to the industry. These include Kodak, who will host packaging samples and their VIP lounge, Kurz, who will host a brand new BOBST hot-foil stamping press on their stand,, Marbach, Hinderer + Mühlich, Baumer hhs, Metsä, Henkel, Gebr. Knauer, and the partners in the REVO Digital Flexo project.


Results 2015 & Global strategy 2016

Today BOBST announced its detailed results for FY2015, which are available online at BOBST recorded positive sales growth in 2015, despite the impact of the exceptionally strong Swiss franc.

With regard to the strategy for 2016, Jean-Pascal Bobst said, “We will continue to invest in innovative new products that use common platforms and modular designs. We will also be also investing in our client support network, which will include an increased presence in China, Asia and MEA, as well as investing in strengthened services that we aim to make the benchmark in the industry.”

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DataLase: inprinten met laser gevoelige inkten

02 mrt 2016

Schermafbeelding 2016-03-02 om 12.51.44DataLase is een Engels bedrijf dat pigmenten levert voor de inktindustrie. Het gaat hier om laserreactive inkt. De grootste laser producenten in de wereld gebruiken deze technologie. Uiteindelijk kan deze techniek in combinatie met andere technieken gebruikt worden. Zij hebben een inktloos proces.

Bijvoorbeeld labels worden behandeld met de inkt die reageert op een laser. De laser schrijft in een verpakkingsproces barcode en adres op de behandelde labels. De inkt reageert op de laser en de boodschap blijft onuitwisbaar staan. Het voordeel is dat de DataLase oplossing veilig schoon en razendsnel is.

Zo wordt de technologie ook gebruikt met veel varianten in bijvoorbeeld de voedselketen. Door alle verpakkingen individueel te printen tegen lage kosten ontstaan er grote besparingen.

Zij hebben een printsnelheid van 1000 producten per uur. Inktloos op het punt waar geprint wordt. Vanzelfsprekend is dit een monochrome toepassing. Maar de variabele gedeeltes in een boodschap zijn meestal in een enkele kleur. Vandaar dat de DataLase oplossing een hele mooie aanvulling kan zijn van bestaande print en afwerk apparatuur.

De printoplossing is te koop ten tijde van Drupa. Het is geen technologische hype meer.

Hal 6 stand A19







Leading inline digital printing company, DataLase, will launch the next generation of its revolutionary digital printing solutions at Drupa 2016.

The new Variprint™ monochrome technology will be demonstrated by the DataLase team on their stand in Hall 6 at Drupa, the world’s leading trade show for graphic and industrial print, media and multichannel, held in Dusseldorf, Germany, May 31-June 10, 2016.

Historically, the technology has only been seen in product coding and marking applications, in white, clear and black. Now, the company has extended its intellectual property portfolio and is bringing to market the ability to deliver true real time messaging and variable data on pack with a new selection of monochrome colours – a breakthrough in laser inline digital printing.

The Variprint development delivers a new level of pack differentiation with promotions and key variable data messages able to stand out from traditional coding and marking style graphics in blue, green and red text.

DataLase, which has offices in the UK, USA and Japan, is seeing the development of a range of market applications on a global basis. Its patented laser reactive pigments can be incorporated into a coating, or conventionally printed onto a package. When exposed to a low power CO2 or NIR diode array laser on a packing line, it generates a colour change reaction resulting in a high definition, premium quality digital print.

The DataLase technology can be applied on a variety of primary and secondary packaging materials, to enable the laser to print text, and graphics up to 100mm high and 2m/sec with one laser. The solution enables high-speed printing, which is ideal for in line customised print. In addition, the system is essentially an inkless print solution removing the requirement for consumables at the point of packing and filling or converter.

DataLase CEO, Chris Wyres, said: “Our unique technology platforms have been designed to deliver enhanced flexibility, quality, productivity and consumer interaction. Our solutions are a true breakthrough in the market and will change the way brand owners print packaging and interact with consumers.

“Digital print is growing because it offers a significant advantage over conventional print techniques, delivering capability for responsive and timely customised marketing and promotion on packs and products. Our ground-breaking technology is cost effective and efficient, providing a high added-value solution for today’s print market and meets the needs of brand owners, retailers and packaging converters alike.”

DataLase technology can be used across the FMCG market place from food and beverage, pharmaceutical and medical, to home and personal care applications. The solution is designed to complement the industry’s most dynamic production lines and is actively used today for folding cartons, cans, bottles, labels, flexible materials, cases and other packaging materials.

Whilst coding and marking is still a core application for the technology, the future looks bright for DataLase delivering multi-colour highly effective, flexible inline digital printing capability to maximise brand owner and retailer marketing effectiveness.

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Een virtual reality bril van happy meal verpakking

02 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,

BB160302 happygoggles-2Virtual Reality brillen, we zien ze steeds meer. We kennen natuurlijk de Google Cardboard, maar onlangs lanceerde het magazine Sports Illustrated ook een VR-editie van de badpakkenspecial. McDonald’s kon natuurlijk niet achterblijven en heeft een Happy Meal-doos ontworpen die je kunt omvouwen tot een VR-bril: de Happy Goggles.

Nadat je klaar bent met eten van je Happy Meal, kun je je doos gebruiken als bouwkit voor een VR-bril. De headset werkt hetzelfde als Google Cardboard door je telefoon er in te steken.

Vanaf 5 maart zijn er 3500 Happy Goggles in zeven McDonald’s vestigingen in Zweden beschikbaar. Als de VR-brillen het in Zweden goed gaan doen, dan komen de brillen van McDonald’s Happy Meal wellicht ook naar andere landen.

(Bron: Dutch Cowboys)

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EFI: Alles is te bedrukken

02 mrt 2016

EFI standEFI heeft het voor elkaar gekregen de afgelopen jaren met 12 procent per jaar te groeien. Ze richten zich structureel op de grote groeimarkten. Verpakking, Sign en labelling zijn de belangrijkste markten waar zij zich op richten. Daarom zal volgens CEO Guy Gecht EFI zich nooit bezighouden met het printen van vellen.

De toekomst is snel, ondemand, gepersonaliseerd en gediversifieerd.

Gecht onderscheidt niet alleen the internet of things maar ook the imaging of things, alles is te bedrukken. Het grote voordeel van inkjet is dat de kop het oppervlakte niet aanraakt. Dat maakt het mogelijk alles te beprinten.

Het bedrukken van textiel is één van de nieuwe markten waar EFI zich op richt onder het motto “print now is everywhere”.

Verpakking- en labelprint zijn volgens Gecht de grootste groeimarkten. Deze markt groeit naar zijn zeggen sneller dan de iPhone markt. (in percentages dat wel)


EFI heeft de Amerikaanse inktfabrikant Rialco overgenomen. Het bedrijf ziet strategisch een enorme groei in het gebruik van inkt, wat de reden is. Op water gebaseerde inkten heeft de toekomst. EFI laat een inkt zien die de goede kanten van op water gebaseerde inkten gebruikt en de inkten in de verpakkingsindustrie met veel chemische stoffen gecombineerd worden. EFI introduceert op Drupa een geheel nieuwe inkt soort.

EFI brengt op Drupa een nieuw platform die alle soorten printers zal gaan aansturen.

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Epson: continu verbeteren

02 mrt 2016


Epson SureColor SC-F dye sub printers produce stunning decor, apparel and deocrated productsEpson ontwerpt en produceert alle onderdelen van zijn omvangrijke printerassortiment zelf. Volgens oude Japanse theorieën is het nodig alles zelf te maken met achting voor de natuur en het milieu en op een manier dat continu verbeterd wordt. Op Drupa zal Epson professionele grootformaat- en labelprinters laten zien.

Epson investeert dagelijks 1,3 miljoen dollar in research en development dat is zes procent van de omzet. Het bedrijf is eigenaar van 50.000 patenten over de hele wereld. Een nieuwe richting die Epson ingaat is het produceren van robots voor elke omgeving.

Ook Epson gaat zich meer richten op textielprint omdat zij daar een belangrijke groeimarkt zien.



Lees hier het persbericht van Epson op Drupa


Epson presents its most advanced range of professional production inkjet printers and presses at drupa 2016


Latest solutions deliver market-leading quality, productivity and ROI for wide range of added-value and creative applications and demonstrate Epson’s commitment to continuous improvement and technology development


2nd March 2016 – Epson will demonstrate its most advanced range of professional production inkjet printers and presses at drupa 2016 for label, sign & display, photographic, apparel, décor and product decoration applications. (Hall 5/Stand A01, 31st May – 10th June 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany). The Epson booth at drupa will be split into 5 zones: Prepress, Sign & Display, Label, Copy Shop and Technology to allow visitors to focus on specialist demonstrations and applications and experience the significant business benefits each can deliver.

The company has stepped up its development programme and more than doubled the rate of new product launches for the professional printing industry since the last drupa in 2012. Epson is committed to continuous improvement to ensure that its inkjet printers, presses and inks deliver new levels of quality, performance, ease of use and ROI. As a result, over the last six months alone, Epson has launched 13 new printers and these will be demonstrated together for the first time at drupa.

Epson designs and manufactures compact, precise and energy-saving inkjet printers and all use Epson’s own micropiezo printheads and ink. Every component of an Epson printer – hardware, printhead, ink and firmware – is optimised to deliver the best possible performance.

Reducing the environmental impact of its technology is a major focus for Epson. The design and precision of the inkjet printers and presses reduces energy and ink use, and cuts down waste. For example, the new SureColor SC-S printers demonstrated at drupa use up to 4 x less energy compared to latex technology, about 15% less ink than the previous SureColor generation and up to 50% less ink than latex technology (depending on the substrate and quality printed).

Epson’s third generation PrecisionCore TFP printhead in single head and linehead configurations is making a significant impact on Epson’s development of its printers and presses, enabling products that deliver higher quality, higher speeds and better all-round performance. To meet predicted demand, Epson has just announced a €160 million investment in a new factory in Japan to triple printhead production capacity for new professional print products currently under development.

In line with its commitment to meet the changing needs of the printing industry and to maximise the potential of many different print applications, Epson has merged its wide-format, label and textile businesses to create a major new global ‘Professional Printing Solutions’ division, headed by COO Sunao Murata. drupa 2016 provides the launch pad for this new division where Epson will show how it is transforming professional printing with a range of smart production systems that are affordable, easy-to-use and which produce a wide variety of ‘added-value’ creative products.


Sunao Murata, COO Professional Printing Division, Seiko Epson, says: “Our commitment to R&D and continual improvement shapes everything we do. The industry will see the very latest results at drupa where we will demonstrate more professional inkjet printers and presses than ever before – all delivering the ultimate in production performance and user experience – and show how companies can use them to build successful businesses and enter new markets.”

Pre-press, Signage & Display, Label, Copy Shop and Technology zones illustrate breadth and versatility of Epson’s latest inkjet printers & presses
Hall 5/Stand A01

The Epson drupa zones

  • Sign & Display zone: In this zone Epson shows its latest range of wide-format SureColour SC-S signage printers and SC-F dye-sublimation printers producing a selection of signage, display and décor products on a variety of substrates. Launched in January this year, the next-generation ‘class-leading’ SureColor SC-S Series with new-formulation UltraChrome GS3 inkset and permanent PrecisionCore printhead is impressive. Completely re-designed, the new series gives a choice of three printers from 4-11 colours (including red, orange, white and metallic silver) and productivity up to 95.3 sqm/hr. Visitors will be able to see the new Epson Control Dashboard which gives users online access to over 200 different media profiles for easy and automatic set up. Epson has reduced the ink price for this new range which, combined with significantly lower ink consumption, delivers a low cost of ownership and rapid ROI. These printers lead the market in offering the very best combination of quality, speed and price.

Epson is the world’s leading manufacturer of dye sublimation printers and at drupa it will also show the latest range of SureColor SC-F models using UltraChrome DS ink to produce a selection of soft signage, soft furnishing, apparel and promotional products.


  • Label zone: at drupa Epson unites its high-end industrial label presses with its desktop office, retail and handheld label printers to display the broadest selection of label printing solutions developed by any single manufacturer. Highlights include Epson’s SurePress digital label presses which will be a major focus within this zone: These include the single-pass SurePress L-6034VW with PrecisionCore linehead and LED-cured UV ink featuring in-line digital varnish and high-opacity white ink. This press is ideal for high-quality short-to-mid-run jobs, producing labels with outstanding scratch and weather resistance. The SurePress range also includes the seven-colour SurePress L-4033AW, ideal for high-quality, high-value, short-run jobs on a wide variety of label substrates, including structured paper, film and metallic foils. This zone will also feature the ColorWorks C7500, desktop label printer for in-house ‘on-demand’ applications and the new, award-winning, portable LabelWorks LW-Z900 for industrial and construction use.


  • Copy Shop zone: Here Epson shows how high street retailers, bureaux and copy shops can expand their services by producing quality printed products quickly and easily to drive new revenue streams. The company has developed a range of printers designed to meet the increasing consumer demand for a variety of personalised products from canvas prints and wallpaper to mugs and smartphones. Here visitors can see a range of desktop-based production printers from the SureColor SC-F2000 direct-to-garment printer to the SureLab D700 inkjet printer enabling the widest variety of applications.


A particular highlight in this zone are Epson’s new super-fast, photo-quality aqueous SureColor SC-P wide format printers with the latest PrecisionCore MicroTFP printheads. The 64-inch 10-colour SC-P20000 launches in March and the 44-inch SureColor SC-P10000 will be launched at drupa (refer to separate release for full details). These new accurate and precise printers combine the highest speed with superior quality to produce large-format photographs, fine art prints, posters and display graphics to an exceptionally high standard.


At drupa, Epson will unveil significant new features on its multifunction 36-inch and 44-inch aqueous SureColor SC-T printers with integrated scanners which combine to deliver impressive new levels of functionality and productivity for applications where hard copies are scanned to file and printed. These include the fastest in-class print and scan speeds at 34cm/second in grayscale and 15cm/second in colour; a new high-speed ‘production’ mode for images on photo glossy type media; 150mm roll; high-capacity 700ml ink containers and versatile scanning up to 30.4m long. (See separate release for full details).


  • Prepress zone: the ultimate in colour-accurate proofing will be demonstrated by the latest SureColor 24-inch SC-P7000 and 44-inch SC-P9000 printers with the 11-colour UltraChrome HDX inkset, incorporating a new violet ink. These printers use the PrecisionCore printhead to ensure the highest-quality output. They achieve 99% of Pantone®‑certified[i] colours for accurate spot colour reproduction while large replacement ink cartridges (350ml and 700ml) are ideal for large print runs.
  • Technology zone: Epson invests over a million dollars every day on R&D to drive innovation and in this zone it will display and demonstrate some of its latest technologies. Here we explain in depth our unique core printing technology. Furthermore, visitors can view a video showing the PaperLab – the world’s first instant office paper recycling system. This new system uses a dry process to recycle office paper and produce A4/A3 paper, business cards and coloured/scented paper. PaperLab signals the launch of a new smart recycling division for Epson, which will investigate how the technology can be applied on a larger scale in the future.
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Epson: introduceert PaperLab

02 mrt 2016

Epson PaperLabEpson laat zien dat het bedrijf papier kan maken zonder water.

PaperLab is een machine die oud papier verwerkt tot nieuw papier in een kantoor of bedrijfsomgeving. Upcycling noemt Epson dit standalone papierrecycling systeem dat wonderlijk genoeg geen water gebruikt. De machine verwijdert zowel toner als inkjet. De normale kantoorpapieren kunnen zonder meer in de machine ingevoerd worden. Het papier wordt in de machine afgebroken tot kleine delen die met een bindmiddel gevormd worden tot nieuw papier.

De machine is nog in een testfase, Epson kan nog niets zeggen over de kosten en het energieverbruik.



Lees ook het persbericht van PaperLab:


Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724, “Epson”) has developed what it believes to be the world’s first*1 compact office papermaking system capable of producing new paper from securely shredded waste paper*2 without the use of water*3. Epson plans to put the new “PaperLab” into commercial production in Japan in 2016, with sales in other regions to be decided at a later date. Businesses and government offices that install a PaperLab in a backyard area will be able to produce paper of various sizes, thicknesses, and types, from office paper and business card paper to paper that is colored and scented.


A developmental prototype of the PaperLab will be demonstrated at the Epson booth (booth location: 4-002) at Eco-Products 2015, an environmental exhibition that will take place at the Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center) from December 10 to 12.


The enduring universal appeal of paper lies in its simplicity as a communication tool. In fact, recent research carried out by Epson in Europe, revealed that 77% of employees across Italy, France, Spain, Germany and the UK, saw printers as vital in terms of helping them effectively work with 49% stating that not having printing capabilities would significantly impact their productivity. Information on the highly portable and always convenient medium of paper is easy to read, easy to digest, and easy to remember. Furthermore, 61% of survey respondents said that they believe “there is more chance of making errors when editing an electronic document than editing a print-out” with 88% of respondents printing on average around 21 items per day which equates to around 83 pages.


On the other hand, this essential tool is also produced from a limited resource. As a leading company in the world of printing, Epson has been deeply involved with paper used for its printer products. With this in mind, the company set out to develop technology that would change the paper cycle. With PaperLab, Epson aims to give new value to paper and stimulate recycling.


PaperLab Features

  1. Office-based recycling process

Ordinarily, paper is recycled in an extensive process that typically involves transporting waste paper from the office to a papermaking (recycling) facility. With PaperLab, Epson is looking to shorten and localize a new recycling process in the office.

  1. Secure destruction of confidential documents

Until now enterprise has had to hire contractors to handle the disposal of confidential documents or has shredded them themselves. With a PaperLab, however, enterprise will be able to safely dispose of documents onsite instead of handing them over to a contractor. PaperLab breaks documents down into paper fibers, so the information on them is completely destroyed.

  1. High-speed production of various types of paper

PaperLab produces the first new sheet of paper in about three minutes of having loaded it with waste paper and pressing the Start button. The system can produce about 14 A4 sheets per minute and 6,720 sheets in an eight-hour day.

Users can produce a variety of types of paper to meet their needs, from A4 and A3 office paper of various thicknesses to paper for business cards, color paper and even scented paper.

  1. Environmental performance

PaperLab makes paper without the use of water. Ordinarily it takes about a cup of water to make a single A4 sheet of paper. Given that water is a precious global resource, Epson felt a dry process was needed.

In addition, recycling paper onsite in the office shrinks and simplifies the recycling loop. Users can expect to purchase less new paper and reduce their transport CO2 emissions.


PaperLab technology

Epson’s foundation of compact, energy-saving and high-precision technologies enables the company to achieve small, energy-efficient products that offer outstanding accuracy and performance. With printer business operations spanning the consumer, office, commercial and industrial sectors, Epson has an immense storehouse of ink and media expertise, as well as the ability to produce reliable, durable systems that will operate stably.

In addition to these, Epson has developed Dry Fiber Technology without water, a new group of technologies for the PaperLab.

Dry Fiber Technology consists of three separate technologies: fiberizing, binding, and forming.


Using an original mechanism, waste paper is transformed into long, thin cottony, fibers. This process immediately and completely destroys confidential documents. Since the PaperLab does not use water, it does not require plumbing facilities. That, plus its compact size, makes it easy to install in the backyard of an office.


A variety of different binders can be added to the fiberized material to increase the binding strength or whiteness of the paper or to add color, fragrance, flame resistance, or other properties needed for a given application.


Users can produce sheets of A4 or A3 office paper and even paper for business cards thanks to forming technology that allows them to control the density, thickness, and size of paper.


Epson aims to help customers increase operational efficiency by providing high-speed, low-power business inkjet printers that deliver images of amazing quality at a low cost per print. And by employing PaperLab to convert used paper into new, the company believes that offices of all types will fundamentally change the way they think about paper.


  • See the attachment for the main specifications of the prototype product
  • Clink here to view the product concept movie.


*1 Epson believes it is the world’s first paper production system to use a dry process.

*2 The system can use ordinary A3- and A4-sized copy paper as raw material.

*3 A small amount of water is used to maintain a certain level of humidity inside the system.


About Epson
Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to driving innovations and exceeding customer expectations in printing, visual communications, quality of life and manufacturing. Epson’s lineup ranges from inkjet printers, printing systems and 3LCD projectors to industrial robots, smart glasses and sensing systems and is based on original compact, energy-saving, and high-precision technologies.
Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises nearly 72,000 employees in 93 companies around the world, and is proud of its contributions to the communities in which it operates and its ongoing efforts to reduce environmental burdens.

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Zin en onzin van iso certificering

02 mrt 2016

BB160302 ISOCMBO organiseert de informatie- en discussiebijeenkomst ‘De Zin en Onzin van ISO Certificering’, donderdag 17 maart in samenwerking met Amara Partners. De bijeenkomst vindt plaats in het gebouw van Antalis bv in Almere.

Veel bedrijven zijn inmiddels bekend met de verschillende op ISO-normen gebaseerde zorgsystemen: ISO 9001 voor Kwaliteit, ISO 14001 voor Milieu en ISO 26000 voor Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen. Bij veel andere bedrijven staat men juist voor de vraag òf ze hier mee aan de gang moeten. Over de werking van verscheidene ISO certificeringen bestaat nog veel onduidelijkheid. Certificering is in de eerste plaats bedoeld om klanten en andere stakeholders vertrouwen te geven op de genoemde terreinen.


  • in hoeverre betekent ISO certificering ook een meerwaarde voor het bedrijf zelf?
  • welke keuzes maak je, wat wil je bereiken?
  • hoe voorkom je dat je verstrikt raakt in een woud van regels en het keurslijf van een handboek?
  • stel: je wilt hier morgen mee aan de slag, waar begin je?

Tijdens deze interactieve bijeenkomst willen we daar meer duidelijkheid in scheppen, waarbij er volop gelegenheid zal zijn tot het stellen van vragen en het uitwisselen van ervaringen.



15.30 uur Inloop

16.00 uur Ontvangst en presentatie Antalis bv

16.30 uur Start informatie- en discussiebijeenkomst,

met o.a. Jeanne van Norden (Amara Partners) en

Tiny Hoogland (Antalis bv)

18.00 uur Broodje en netwerkborrel



Antalis bv

Wittevrouwen 15

1358 CD Almere



Je kunt je aanmelden voor dit event, via de website van CMBO, op de pagina van dit event, na te zijn ingelogd. De toegang is gratis.

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Video: Drupa 2012 update

01 mrt 2016

Dit was onze goed bekeken video impressie van de vorige Drupa in 2012.

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Xerox slaat een brug

01 mrt 2016

Xerox DRUPADe wereld veranderd en de manier waarop we communiceren is dramatisch anders geworden, stelt Xerox. We leven in een mobiele wereld. Dat is de realiteit. Dit heeft grote invloed op de printing industrie. Print is de brug tussen de fysieke wereld en de digitale wereld.
De documenten markt ziet Xerox als een markt van 50 miljard gedrukte pagina’s wereldwijd waar er maar 2 procent van digitaal geproduceerd worden.

Het Xerox thema van Drupa is: Let the work flow in hal 8b. Het bedrijf toont inspirerende producten voor diverse sectoren.

Technisch gezien ziet ook Xerox de meeste toekomst in inkjet. Ze introduceren een vellen inkjet pers onder de naam Brenva. De tweede aankondiging is een inkjet printer genaamd de Trivor 2400. Alle producten gebaseerd op het door Xerox overgenomen Impika platvorm.

Xerox Brenva HD Production Inkjet Press


Xerox Persbericht:


Volgens InfoTrends zal het productievolume van kleureninkjet in 2019 goed zijn voor 57 procent van het totale productievolume voor digitale kleurenpagina’s1. Om grafimediabedrijven te helpen profiteren van de groeiende vraag naar inkjetoplossingen introduceert Xerox twee nieuwe inkjetpersen: de Xerox BrenvaTM HD Production Inkjet Press en de Xerox TrivorTM 2400 Inkjet Press. Beide inkjetpersen worden geïntroduceerd tijdens drupa 2016. Dit evenement vindt plaats van 31 mei tot en met 10 juni in Düsseldorf.

De persen zijn de eerste producten in een innovatieve nieuwe reeks van inkjetoplossingen van Xerox. Brenva HD is bestemd voor de markt voor losse vellen en Trivor 2400, met de door Fiery® ondersteunde Xerox IJ Print Server, voor de markt voor doorlopende invoer. Met beide persen zijn grafimediabedrijven in staat om het groeitempo op te voeren en ondersteuning te bieden voor hoogwaardige toepassingen zoals direct marketing, transactiedrukwerk, boekpublicaties en catalogi.

Robert Stabler, senior vice president en general manager, Global Graphic Communications Business Group bij Xerox: “Onze focus ligt op het uitbreiden van ons inkjetaanbod, zodat grafische bedrijven meer keuzes en mogelijkheden hebben om hun bestaande digitale drukwerkactiviteiten stapsgewijs en geleidelijk verder uit te bouwen. Met de introductie van Brenva HD en Trivor 2400 maken we inkjettechnologie toegankelijker en beter betaalbaar.”

Een nieuwe plek verwerven in de inkjetmarkt voor losse vellen

Xerox richt zich met Brenva HD op het marktsegment tussen hoogwaardige tonergebaseerde machines en low-end inkjetpersen. InfoTrends noemt dit de “Zone of Disruption”. De nieuwe pers combineert de kostenefficiëntie van inkjet met de flexibiliteit van vellendruk en komt daarmee tegemoet aan de behoeften van grafimediabedrijven die actief zijn op de markt voor Direct Mail en transactionele toepassingen of het digitaal drukken van boeken transactionele druk en boeken. Brenva HD maakt gebruik van een groot aantal van de bewezen betrouwbare onderdelen van het papiertraject van de bekroonde Xerox iGen®. De pers beschikt over optimale automatisering- en stabilisatiefuncties die de productiviteit vergroten, zoals:

Een inline fotospectraalmeter voor hulp bij het automatisch kalibreren en profileren.

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Konica Minolta toont een case waar muziek in zit

01 mrt 2016

Konica Minolta at drupa 2012_1Konica Minolta laat de technologie zien die bij de klant past. Het gaat er niet om technologie te verkopen maar meer te zoeken naar de waarde voor de klant.

Belangrijke items zijn een eenvoudig pad naar digital en minder menselijke controle bij printers. Volgens Konica is er nog een hele weg te gaan omdat nog maar 2.7 % van de verpakking, label en textiel markt digitaal geprint wordt.

Konica Minolta laat een live band op Drupa zien en alles wat de band nodig heeft wordt geproduceerd op Drupa. Het is een casestudy waar ook nog muziek in zit.


Press release

Konica Minolta driving future growth at drupa


Konica Minolta is gearing up for an awe-inspiring spectacle reinforcing its leadership position in production printing. Visitors to its stand at drupa will ‘touch the future’ with Konica Minolta’s latest innovations in printing and applications.

Konica Minolta will enable its customers’ businesses to generate more profit by demonstrating real-value business opportunities in several business zones on a massive 2,400sq m stand, one of the largest at drupa 2016. The business zones will cover the complete Konica Minolta production printing portfolio, including markets such as industrial inkjet, label printing and marketing automation. New products as the bizhub PRESS 1250e series and the full commercial launch of KM-1, a UV sheet-fed digital press, will help pull the crowds.

Konica Minolta’s Press Conference will be in room 7, CCD Süd, Messe Düsseldorf, on 31 May at 13.00. Before then, the company will also be participating at an International Media Conference in Düsseldorf on 1 March at 14.30 where it will be unveiling more drupa plan detail.

The Konica Minolta drupa-dedicated microsite ( incorporates latest drupa information.

Olaf Lorenz, General Manager of the International Marketing Division, Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe, said: “Our fundamental goal is to anticipate our customers’ needs and turn their ideas into reality, by delivering innovative and meaningful solutions that drive their business. At drupa, we will be demonstrating thought leadership by presenting innovative business concepts. We will be illustrating how we enable our customers to grow their business and to generate more profit.”

He added: “We look forward to welcoming visitors to our stand, which is one of the largest at drupa. They won’t be disappointed.”

Visit Konica Minolta’s drupa stand, A65, Hall 8B

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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