Rob van den Braak
The Chestnote app lets you decide when and where your messages are opened. Only a few days after the launch in July this year more than 25,000 messages were sent into the future and Chestnote was downloaded in 25 countries already. According to the manufacturers instant messaging is a thing of the past. Slow messages, which only show up when and where you want, will be the way forward.
Chestnote is an app to entice your friends to come to your favourite spots. You decide the ideal place and the right moment for your photo, text or video to become visible. You simple select a time, point to a place on the map and the radius and you´re done. If your friends want to read your message, they will have to go to the place you have chosen.
Result is the polar opposite of Snapchat. Instead of messages disappearing within seconds, your Chestnote messages will appear in the future.
Lees verder.... is a tool for photographers, photo labs and everyone else who has a production printer. A simple app for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets by which amateur photographers with a mobile device to quickly and simply order photo prints. is not as sophisticated as professional solutions such as Taopix, but it is easy to use and very affordable.
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Interns at BBH London are using the Pokémon Go craze to draw attention of missing persons.
The campaign has been designed by the Missing People organisation: an independent charity which searches for missing persons on behalf of their friends and family.
It consists of vinyl posters of missing people that borrow the look and feel of Pokemon balls to target gamers in the area the at-risk individual was last spotted, asking anyone with information to call the charity’s free helpline.
The posters were placed on the floor to be most visible to Pokemon gamers looking down at their phones, and will also run in high visibility sights in popular Pokemon hotspots as well as transport hubs, including London’s Waterloo station.
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Agfa Graphics will present its new 3.2 meter wide LED UV printer during the SGIA which will be held 14-16 September in Las Vegas. The Anapurna H3200i is available as sheetfed or roll-to-roll and combines productivity with perfect quality. Read more about this new model in the comprehensive Anapurna series in the press release below.
Agfa Graphics introduces new Anapurna H3200i LED wide-format printer at SGIA
The new 3.2 m wide Anapurna H3200i LED completes the family of hybrid Anapurnas (2.05m, 2.5m and 3.2m wide) from Agfa Graphics. At SGIA the Anapurna H3200i LED, Anapurna FB2540i LED (flatbed) and Anapurna RTR3200i LED (roll-to-roll) will be on display next to the flatbed Jeti Mira with dockable roll-to-roll and high-end hybrid Jeti Tauro in a ¾ automation set-up.
On its family of Anapurna i printers, Agfa Graphics recently introduced state-of-the-art, air-cooled LED UV curing as an alternative to the current mercury lamp curing technology—enabling printers to print on a broader range of media, save energy, increase system up-time and reduce operational expenses.
On display at the 2016 SGIA Expo (Las Vegas, September 14–16) will be the Anapurna H3200i LED system, a brand new 3.2 m hybrid solution for printing both rigid and flexible media.
The Anapurna H3200i LED offers both high throughput and high print quality. The white ink function is built in. It includes pre-, post-, spot and even sandwich white. The Anapurna H3200i LED is driven by Asanti 3.0, the workflow dedicated to wide-format printing solutions.
LED UV curing on the Anapurna i-series
The new Anapurna i-series inkjet systems are equipped with powerful, air-cooled 16 Watt/cm² LED UV lamps. The dedicated ink sets from Agfa Graphics perfectly match the specific UV frequencies of the curing LEDs. Thanks to their reduced heat emission, they can print on heat-sensitive substrates such as thin-layer styrene, self-adhesive sheets or stretched ceiling materials made of PVC fabric. LED UV curing technology also offers interesting operational and environmental benefits.
Unlike for mercury lamps, the lifetime of the LED alternative is in line with the economical lifetime of a printer of typically five years. LED lamps can be switched on/off instantaneously, without degradation of intensity. As a consequence, both the cost and the downtime for changing lamps are obviated, while there is no issue in disposing them either. In addition, the power output remains consistent over the LEDs’ operating life, which is an important element in maintaining good physical characteristics of the print with regards to adhesion for example. Finally, LED lamps have no warm-up, nor cool-down time, so power consumption is drastically lower during printing and reduced to an absolute minimum when paused, which results in a lower energy bill.
The Anapurna H3200i LED, the Anapurna RTR 3200i LED, and the Anapurna FB2540i LED will be on display at 2016 SGIA Expo (Las Vegas, September 14–16).
Lees verder....SIGN2COM, de tweejaarlijkse vakbeurs voor signage en visuele communicatie, viert van 25 tot en met 27 september 2016 in Kortrijk Xpo (BE) haar twaalfde verjaardag. Op zoek naar creatieve, bruikbare ideeën zodat voor uw bedrijf de best mogelijke visuele communicatiestrategie ontstaat? Dan is er geen betere plaats om inspiratie op te doen!
Alle nieuwe trends onder een dak
Inspiratie hangt in de lucht op SIGN2COM. Op de beurs ontdekt en ervaart u als bezoeker de toekomst van signage en visuele communicatie. Talrijke toonaangevende bedrijven en experts (actuele exposantenlijst te raadplegen op tonen er de meest baanbrekende evoluties en technologieën. U tekent present voor het enige Belgische event in zijn soort én voor een gevestigde waarde met aanzien in de hele Benelux. Dit alles in een aangenaam kader, met zolang de beurs duurt free catering voor zowel exposanten als bezoekers.
Realiseren door toe te passen
Theorie en praktijk, dat is SIGN2COM op en top. Een beetje geschift soms, al die nieuwigheden en uitvindingen. Maar wel altijd bruikbaar, efficiënt en effectief. Wat kan ik realiseren met alle toepassingen die ik hier zie? Die vraag hoeft u zich geen twee keer te stellen. Op SIGN2COM liggen de logische antwoorden en originele oplossingen voor het rapen. Een signbad om u tegen te zeggen met o.a tal van interessante demo’s op de verschillende standen.
De groei die tijdens de vorige editie in 2014 werd gerealiseerd zet zich ook voor deze editie verder. De beursoppervlakte groeit en ook het aantal exposanten schiet de hoogte in met tal van nieuwe namen waaronder Lunado Group, Dimix Belux, Publivenor, Texo Trade Services, Nautasign, Probosign, Belgian Sign Organization, ….
We durven dus gerust te stellen dat SIGN2COM haar reputatie als echte koopbeurs ook in 2016 opnieuw alle eer zal aandoen.
Gratis registratie & deelname
Klaar om geïnspireerd te worden? Inschrijven voor een bezoek aan SIGN2COM kan online via met code 1300. Registratie voor deelname is verplicht maar gratis. SIGN2COM legt zowel de standhouders als de bezoekers in de watten met gratis catering.
Lees verder....Het is niet alleen de korte omlooptijd van orders en de schitterende kleuren waarom de Amerikaanse Triangle Label zo tevreden is met de Screen Truepress Jet L350UV digitale labelprinter. Na 12 maanden blijkt de Truepress fors te besparen op arbeidskosten ten opzichte van haar flexopersen. Ook het economische punt waarbij één oplage beter in flexo gedrukt kan worden is het bedrijf erg mee gevallen. Werd er bij de investering in de Truepress Jet nog uitgegaan van een grens die rond de 15.000 feet/ 4.572 meter zou liggen, nu blijkt dat zelfs orders van 100.000 feet / 30.480 meter economisch verantwoord digitaal gedrukt kunnen worden.
Triangle Label Saves Big with Truepress Jet L350UV
August 11, 2016
(From left) Scott Kneer, Operations Manager; Tom Hagedorn, Plant Manager; and Jaime Balent, Director of Sales
Longtime flexographic shop Triangle Label of West Chester, Ohio has achieved major production savings in the first year since it invested in a Screen Truepress Jet L350UV inkjet label press. Proud of its parent company’s (BGR, Inc.) history and its own high standards of quality, Triangle Label did not put the brakes on forward motion when it came to seeking out ways to reduce costs and increase flexibility, maintaining the product excellence for which the company is known.
“The L350 has exceeded our expectations,” said Operations Manager Scott Kneer. “We thought initially that 15,000 feet would be our sweet spot. With the Screen, we have run over 100,000 feet and 3.6 million labels on one order. We are able to run much more material now.”
The L350 gives Triangle the versatility its customers require. “One of the biggest selling points with the L350 is that we do not have to top coat. We just run it and achieve good adhesion results,” Kneer said.
Traditional flexo printing calls for time-intense makeready and clean up. “Up-time versus down-time is a major plus with the L350 compared to flexo,” Plant Manager Tom Hagedorn said. “The set up time has gone from two to four hours down to 10 minutes for both set up and clean up.
“Labor savings has been by far one of our biggest benefits. We have reduced set up and waste. With the L350 digital inkjet technology, you don’t have to mount plates or clean up ink. We’ve seen a huge savings on material as well,” Hagedorn said.
“The Screen is very versatile. We have many products that call for multiple SKUs. Our intended label market niche is pretty wide open. We have lots of craft beer and craft food, for example. Some products call for 30-40 SKUs of the same size. The L350 has given us multiple opportunities to land that type of business. As a result, our retail end has taken off,” Kneer said.
Triangle first experienced digital three-and-a-half years ago with a desktop unit. “Within six months, we knew that digital was more cost-effective than flexographic. A year later we started our search for a larger press. Our team members made a unanimous decision for Screen,” he said. “We’ve never looked back.”
“There have been no major service or quality issues either,” Hagedorn added. “We’re very happy with the L350.”
Lees verder....Not just the make ready times and the brilliant colours are reasons for the US based Triangle Label to be content with the Screen Truepress Jet L350UV digital label printer. After 1 year of using it turns out that the Truepress also significantly reduces labour costs compared to flexo printing. The company is pleasantly surprised by the economics. When they bought the Truepress Jet the assumption was that 15,000 feet/4,572 metres would be the cut-off point, but they are able to do jobs of up to 100,000 feet/730,480 metres and still come out economically sound.
More about Triangle Label and their experiences with the Screen Truepress Jet L350UV in the press release below.
Lees verder....Triangle Label Saves Big with Truepress Jet L350UV
August 11, 2016
(From left) Scott Kneer, Operations Manager; Tom Hagedorn, Plant Manager; and Jaime Balent, Director of Sales
Longtime flexographic shop Triangle Label of West Chester, Ohio has achieved major production savings in the first year since it invested in a Screen Truepress Jet L350UV inkjet label press. Proud of its parent company’s (BGR, Inc.) history and its own high standards of quality, Triangle Label did not put the brakes on forward motion when it came to seeking out ways to reduce costs and increase flexibility, maintaining the product excellence for which the company is known.
“The L350 has exceeded our expectations,” said Operations Manager Scott Kneer. “We thought initially that 15,000 feet would be our sweet spot. With the Screen, we have run over 100,000 feet and 3.6 million labels on one order. We are able to run much more material now.”
The L350 gives Triangle the versatility its customers require. “One of the biggest selling points with the L350 is that we do not have to top coat. We just run it and achieve good adhesion results,” Kneer said.
Traditional flexo printing calls for time-intense makeready and clean up. “Up-time versus down-time is a major plus with the L350 compared to flexo,” Plant Manager Tom Hagedorn said. “The set up time has gone from two to four hours down to 10 minutes for both set up and clean up.
“Labor savings has been by far one of our biggest benefits. We have reduced set up and waste. With the L350 digital inkjet technology, you don’t have to mount plates or clean up ink. We’ve seen a huge savings on material as well,” Hagedorn said.
“The Screen is very versatile. We have many products that call for multiple SKUs. Our intended label market niche is pretty wide open. We have lots of craft beer and craft food, for example. Some products call for 30-40 SKUs of the same size. The L350 has given us multiple opportunities to land that type of business. As a result, our retail end has taken off,” Kneer said.
Triangle first experienced digital three-and-a-half years ago with a desktop unit. “Within six months, we knew that digital was more cost-effective than flexographic. A year later we started our search for a larger press. Our team members made a unanimous decision for Screen,” he said. “We’ve never looked back.”
“There have been no major service or quality issues either,” Hagedorn added. “We’re very happy with the L350.”
It´s here! The IKEA 2017 catalogue. Between 16 and 27 August world´s biggest print edition with 328 pages full of design and smart solutions will be delivered to millions of Dutch households.
The IKEA 2017 catalogue runs to 211 million copies and makes it world´s largest periodical. The IKEA catalogue will be distributed in 48 countries and 32 languages. In the Netherlands the catalogue will be distributed to 6.2 million households, 300,000 more than last year. The paper used will be Forest Stewardship Council Mix Credit paper, same as in earlier years. This means that the complete production of an IKEA catalogue, from forest to printer, is 100% FSC certified.
The catalogue focuses on life in and around the kitchen. Not only the kitchens and kitchenware feature, but also the food itself. IKEA wants to show people how to eat well, healthy and at a low price.
“We do not make products for ´abstract´ consumers, but for ´real´ people. We continually research what our clients want, their habits and preferences. That can be seen on any of the pages of our catalogue which, for the first time, is more like a magazine with editorials. An important aspect of the new catalogue is that we encourage people to be themselves and be happy. Don´t worry about expectations from others. Do what you feel is best for you”, according to Corporate Communications Manager Mark Blok.
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In 2011 voerde bureau IPSOS een Europees onderzoek uit naar de consumentenperceptie over papier. Consumenten bleken een negatief beeld te hebben over de duurzaamheid van printmedia. Diezelfde consumenten gaven ook aan dat zij de voorkeur geven aan lezen van papier en dat zij karton zien als de meest milieuvriendelijke verpakkingsvorm. Het IPSOS onderzoek toonde voorts aan dat consumenten zich zorgen maken over de milieu-impact van papier. Dat heeft weer te maken met een gebrek aan kennis. Zo denkt het gros van de consument dat de recyclingpercentages in Europa liggen tussen de 20 – 40%. Dat is 87% in Nederland! En de 76% van de consumenten die van mening is dat er een verband bestaat tussen papier en de terugloop van tropische bossen, weet niet dat het Europese bos juist fors groeit en dat met tropische houtvezels geen papier kan worden gemaakt. Papier is een duurzame en prettige manier om van nieuws en andere inhoud te genieten. Om dat te promoten werd de Europese campagne No wonder you love paper ontwikkeld door Two Sides.
In Nederland wordt deze campagne onder de naam Natuurlijk Papier en Karton uitgevoerd door De campagne bestaat uit een aantal onderdelen: de brochure Mythen en Feiten, een reeks advertenties die kan worden gedownload en geplaatst (om zo de boodschap van duurzaam papier en karton breed te verspreiden), een animatiefilm waarnaar kan worden verwezen en een anti-greenwashing campagne.
De anti-greenwashing campagne heeft tot doel om greenwashing ten koste van papier aan te pakken. In 2015 werden diverse banken aangeschreven en bezocht door en pasten de banken hun communicatie over papier en duurzaamheid aan. Komt u gevallen tegen van greenwashing? Meld ze via bij
In 2016 verschijnt een nieuwe Mythen en Feiten brochure specifiek voor golfkarton en zullen eveneens nieuwe advertenties worden gemaakt. Lees meer op
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Most print shops are relatively small. For this large group of companies a yearly sustainability report is far too complex and costly. However, such reports will become a legal requirement in the near future. Laurel talks about this and the consequences for our industry in her Verdigris blog. Read her blog via the link on our articles page.
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Het merendeel van de grafische bedrijven is relatief klein. Voor die grote groep bedrijven is een verantwoord ondernemen plan met een daarbij horend jaarlijks rapport te complex en te kostbaar. Toch zullen ook deze MKB bedrijven in de toekomst wettelijk verplicht worden zich hier op te storten. Laurel Brunner bericht in haar Verdigris Blog wat daarvan de consequenties zijn en hoe we als industrie daarmee om kunnen gaan. Lees haar blog via deze link naar onze artikelen pagina.
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.