Rob van den Braak

Unique book by Ricoh

08 aug 2016
Categorie: ,
BB160804 Vision forward ricohThis summer Ricoh will publish a unique inspiration book called Vision Forward. A remarkable carton-bound book full of interviews and articles by print experts. The book is a combination of reading, feeling and inspiration. A graphic masterpiece.

From the press release:
Technology is rapidly changing the media landscape. But technology enables you print entrepreneur to create opportunities and new business models to increase revenue.
With this book we want to share our vision of the market. Be inspired by interviews with for example internet entrepreneur Willem Vermeend about 3D printing and Economy 4.0 and with professor Frans Feldberg about Big Data. We bring new ideas with practical examples and in articles about inkjet, sustainability, book trade and the market for wide format, as well as direct mail and privacy.
A book about technology, but mostly about communication and changing landscapes. A world we want to create together with you.


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Sun Chemical buys Flint Group´s gravure ink division

08 aug 2016
Categorie: ,

Gravure Press KBAMore shuffling of cards in ink country. Flint´s gravure ink business no longer fits into the group´s strategy which will focus on offset. Another sign that gravure is no longer a growth market and will slowly disappear. It is, however, reassuring for other gravure businesses in Europe that Sun Chemical still deems it worthwhile.

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Cinema the way to reach a younger generation

05 aug 2016
Categorie: ,

BB160803 BioscoopCinema popularity is increasing and cinema advertising saw a spectacular growth in 2015. Television is keping a close eye on this trend. Because cinema does what television and many other media are failing at: reaching a younger generation.
In 2015 33 million people went to the cinema in the Netherlands. An increase of 7.1% compared to 2014. Cinema revenue was 275.6M€ in 2015, 10,3% more than the previous year. This increase in itself is not new. Cinema popularity has been rising since the mid 80s with some minor setbacks in the years in between. Cinema is also increasingly popular for advertising. Researcher Nielsen saw an increase of 30% in advertising in cinemas in 2015. Cinema grew faster than internet (8.3%) and out-of-home (6.9%). And much faster than television with only 0.1%.


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Xitron introduces USB/SCSI interface for Agfa Palladio CtP systems

05 aug 2016
Xitron Bluebox RIP interfaceAgfa Palladio CtP system users can upgrade their RIP thanks to Xitron´s USB/SCSI interface. They will be able to use all new features of the Xitron Navigator RIP and save thousands by not having to upgrade their system. Read more about this unique solution in the press release below.



Xitron USB/SCSI Interface Now Supports Agfa Palladio

Allows users to eliminate limitations caused by XP and older operating systems


Ann Arbor, MI – August 2, 2016 – Xitron, the leading independent developer of RIP and workflow products for commercial, digital, and high-speed inkjet printing has announced that Agfa Palladio CTP devices are now supported with Xitron’s USB/SCSI interface, which was released for sale and shipment last month. Palladio users, such as those with Agfa Apogee and Print Drive, have been struggling with impending obsolescence due to the lack of SCSI support beyond 32-bit Windows XP.

By developing the 64-bit USB/SCSI interface, Xitron is able to bring Palladios up to current operating system standards, extending service lives and saving the owners thousands of dollars in replacement costs. “We know of several hundred Palladio installations around the world facing this dilemma today,” said Karen Crews, President of Xitron. “Until now, their choices have been to replace the Palladio or endure the risks associated with keeping obsolete operating systems on their network.”

Xitron expects the interface to have an impact on the used CTP market as well. “The Palladio has been a popular platesetter in secondary markets for some time,” added Crews. “Unfortunately, the same limitations faced by current users helped to slow used equipment sales of the device, which also lowered resale value. Our new interface completely eliminates this problem and allows used equipment dealers to turn their inventory.”

64-bit support for other SCSI-based systems such as Kodak’s Trendsetter was publicized last month. An announcement about Fuji’s Vx series of platesetters is expected upon completion of testing shortly.

Xitron has an installed base of over 30,000 Navigator RIPs and workflows and nearly 5,000 Raster Blaster TIFF Catchers worldwide. Driving CTP devices from Agfa, ECRM, Creo, Kodak, Presstek, Heidelberg, Fuji, and Screen, they provide prepress independence® to customers who want to maximize their investments by extending the life of their prepress systems. More information is available at, including a downloadable white paper describing the technology.

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Xitron introduceert een USB/SCSI interface voor Agfa Palladio CtP systemen

05 aug 2016


Xitron Bluebox RIP interfaceGebruikers van een Agfa Palladio CtP systeem kunnen nu hun RIP upgraden dankzij de USB/SCSi interface van Xitron. Daarmee kunnen ze gebruik maken van alle nieuwe mogelijkheden van de Xitron Navigator RIP en besparen ze duizenden euro’s voor een anders verplichte upgrade van hun oudere systeem. Lees meer over deze unieke oplossing in het onderstaande persbericht.


Xitron USB/SCSI Interface Now Supports Agfa Palladio

Allows users to eliminate limitations caused by XP and older operating systems


Ann Arbor, MI – August 2, 2016 – Xitron, the leading independent developer of RIP and workflow products for commercial, digital, and high-speed inkjet printing has announced that Agfa Palladio CTP devices are now supported with Xitron’s USB/SCSI interface, which was released for sale and shipment last month. Palladio users, such as those with Agfa Apogee and Print Drive, have been struggling with impending obsolescence due to the lack of SCSI support beyond 32-bit Windows XP.

By developing the 64-bit USB/SCSI interface, Xitron is able to bring Palladios up to current operating system standards, extending service lives and saving the owners thousands of dollars in replacement costs. “We know of several hundred Palladio installations around the world facing this dilemma today,” said Karen Crews, President of Xitron. “Until now, their choices have been to replace the Palladio or endure the risks associated with keeping obsolete operating systems on their network.”

Xitron expects the interface to have an impact on the used CTP market as well. “The Palladio has been a popular platesetter in secondary markets for some time,” added Crews. “Unfortunately, the same limitations faced by current users helped to slow used equipment sales of the device, which also lowered resale value. Our new interface completely eliminates this problem and allows used equipment dealers to turn their inventory.”

64-bit support for other SCSI-based systems such as Kodak’s Trendsetter was publicized last month. An announcement about Fuji’s Vx series of platesetters is expected upon completion of testing shortly.

Xitron has an installed base of over 30,000 Navigator RIPs and workflows and nearly 5,000 Raster Blaster TIFF Catchers worldwide. Driving CTP devices from Agfa, ECRM, Creo, Kodak, Presstek, Heidelberg, Fuji, and Screen, they provide prepress independence® to customers who want to maximize their investments by extending the life of their prepress systems. More information is available at, including a downloadable white paper describing the technology.

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Heidelberg receives two InterTech Technology Awards 2016 for innovative products

05 aug 2016

160804_Heidelberg_Omnifire_250_IMAGE_RATIO_600_x kopiePrinting Industries of America (PIA), the association of the American printing industry, awarded the Omnifire 250 4D printing system and the Stahlfolder TH 82-P folding machine with the renowned InterTech Technology 2016 Award. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) thus received two of the six prizes for this year. PIA has been awarding these distinctions since 1978, and Heidelberg is now rewarded with the 35th and 36th star for outstanding and innovative products. The InterTech jury agreed that the Omnifire 250 represents a breakthrough in the decoration of three-dimensional objects. The Stahlfolder TH 82-P folding machine was attested a major engineering achievement for introducing the principle of shingled sheet feeding known from the PFX feeder – which already received an award back in 2012 – as shingled folding to all folding stations of the folding machine. Both products were new presentations at this year’s drupa and exactly met the needs of the printing industry for new applications and improved productivity.


Future-oriented digital printing applications

The Omnifire 250 printing system in particular supports new and innovative business models as well as future-oriented printing applications, with which the customer can command attractive prices on the market. This includes versioned, customized, and personalized print products or the direct printing on three-dimensional surfaces. Examples of personalized and flexible printing on various three-dimensional objects are balls, drinking bottles, and other mass-produced items, especially from the consumer goods industry.

Heidelberg will present the Omnifire 1000, the system’s next stage of development, at the InPrint 2016, which will be held in Milan this year from 15 to 17 November. It can be used to print on objects with a diameter of up to one meter.


Benchmark in productivity

The “P” in the new models of the Stahlfolder TH/KH 82-P folding machines stands for the plus points: performance, productivity, and reliability. The PFX feeder forms the basis, ensuring reliable separation of the folded sheets and feeding the sheets to the folding machine in a stream of shingled stock. The increase in productivity of up to 50 percent is also achieved through an innovative sheet guide, which permits shingled folding through the entire folding machine at minimal speed. This means that processing of more sheets in the same time is now also possible in the folding stations. The folding machine can thus keep up with the high productivity of the press. First users report very high folding quality combined with higher output and significantly less time spent – which in turn allows faster delivery to the end customers.

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PDF Aktuell Newsletter: Callas pdfToolbox 9 for variable data, Esko ArtPro+ with PDF editor and more PDF news

04 aug 2016
Categorie: ,,

PDF Aktuell 101The 101st newsletter already, by Stephan Jaeggi full of PDF news. News such as the, not surprising, winner in preferred PDF format being PDf/X-4, the introduction of Acrobat Document Cloude update without Mobile Link, Callas scripting for variables in pdfToolbox 9 and Esko´s new ArtPro+ native PDF editor. The must-read English language newsletter can be read via this link.

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PDF Aktuell Newsletter: Callas pdfToolbox 9 voor variabele data,  Esko ArtPro+ met PDF editor en meer PDF nieuws

04 aug 2016

PDF Aktuell 101De al weer 101ste nieuwsbrief van Stephan Jaeggi staat weer boordevol PDF nieuws. Zoals de, niet verrassende, winnaar in de preferred PDF format winnaar survey PDF/X-4, de introductie van Acrobat Document Cloud update zonder Mobile Link, Callas scripting for variables in pdfToolbox 9 en de nieuwe native PDF editor van Esko’s ArtPro+.

Lees deze engelstalige interessante nieuwsbrief via deze link.



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Viscom 2016: Messe Frankfurt is de plaats waar visuele communicatie specialisten elkaar treffen

04 aug 2016
Categorie: ,,

Viscom 2016Begin november vindt de Viscom visuele vakbeurs weer plaats in Frankfurt. Alle mogelijke vormen van visuele communicatie van print tot digitale displays worden daar gedemonstreerd. De focus van Viscom is gericht op toepassingen maar techniek speelt er ook een belangrijke rol. Veel primeurs zullen er naar verwachting niet te vinden zijn, wel veel praktische toepassingen die een reisje naar Frankfurt de moeite waard maken. Meer info over Viscom via deze link.


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Viscom 2016: Messe Frankfurt is the place where visual communication specialists will meet

03 aug 2016
Categorie: ,,,

Viscom 2016At the start of November the Viscom visual trade show will take place in Frankfurt. All possible forms of visual communications, from print to digital displays will be shown. Viscom´s focus is on applications, but technology also has its place. We don´t expect many news, but the practical applications are sure to be worth a trip to Frankfurt. More info on Viscom via this link.

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Paul Lindström: Why ink matters – Wild Format #2/4

03 aug 2016
Categorie: ,,,

Paul L 4x5cmColour and workflow expert Paul Lindström wrote the fourth article in the second series Wild Format articles. He discusses the importance of inks in wide format printing; he role of pigments, the difference between water based and solvent inks, dye sublimation and UV curable inks. This very interesting article can be read on our articles page.



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Paul Lindström: Why ink matters – Wild Format 2.4

03 aug 2016
Categorie: ,

Paul L 4x5cmKleur- en workflowexpert Paul Lindström schreef het vierde artikel in de tweede serie Wild Format artikelen. In zijn artikel gaat hij in op het belang van inkten in groot formaat printing. De rol van pigmenten, het verschil tussen water based en solvent inkten, dye sublimation en UV curable inkten komen aan bod in dit lezenswaardige artikel te vinden op onze artikelen pagina.



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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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