Rob van den Braak

Xerox tries to put the horse ‘before’ the cart

13 jul 2016

Bloomberg Xerox mergerWith the possible acquisition of the American print giant R.R. Donnelley Xerox tries to put the horse ‘before’ its slow-going cart. The rumors of talks about mergers have not been confirmed by either party. The rumor will be one of the biggest topics of gossip this summer, especially for Xerox´s largest clients. These clients will start worrying about the competition from a company nurtured by Xerox. The step seems reasonable for both Xerox and Donnelley. Xerox will get the much needed growth and Donnelley´s shareholders will finally get their money back. It will be an exciting summer if the rumors, published by Bloomberg, will become true.


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Laurel Brunner: Sustainable print and the designer

13 jul 2016
Categorie: ,

Platnum collageOne of the often forgotten sides of the sustainable production of print is the actual design. In Laurel´s Verdigris blog she discusses how a designer can influence the sustainability of a product. Paper type, special colours and the use of these colours all have its impact. Read her blog on our articles page via this link.



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PLATNUM: Internationale online marktplaats voor visuals

13 jul 2016
Categorie: ,,

Platnum collageHet vinden van unieke en betaalbare visuals is een stuk gemakkelijker geworden met PLATNUM.
Het platform verbindt een keur aan visual artists met potentiële opdrachtgevers. De PLATNUM site is niet alleen een snel op kleur, stijl en andere criteria te doorzoeken onuitputtelijke bron van visuele hoogstandjes, maar ook een inspiratiebron en een richtlijn van wat nu trendy is. Dus laat je inspireren en neem een kijkje op de site die op zich al een reis door de wereld van digitale creativiteit is.

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PLATNUM: international online market place for visuals

13 jul 2016
Categorie: ,,

Platnum collageFinding a unique and affordable visual has become much easier with PLATNUM. The platform connects a wealth of visual artists to potential clients. The PLATNUM site offers a source of visual masterpieces which can be selected by colour, style or other criteria. It is also a source of inspiration and an indication of what is trendy now. So, let yourself be inspired and take a look at the site which is a journey through the world of digital creativity.

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PDF Aktuell: The 100th PDF newsletter by Stefan Jaeggi

12 jul 2016

PDF Actueel 100ePDF and workflow expert Stefan Jaeggi has been publishing his PDF-Aktuell newsletter since February 1999. The 100th newsletter is again full of Adobe PDF solutions for print production, with for example PDF trends at drupa and the Ghent Workgroup publication PDF Processing Steps Specification. Read the useful and interesting newsletter via this link.


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PDF Aktuell: De honderdste PDF nieuwsbrief van Stefan Jaeggi

12 jul 2016

PDF Actueel 100eSinds februari 1999 maakt PDF en workflow expert Stefan Jaeggi een nieuwsbrief boordevol informatie over de toepassingen van Adobe PDF voor print productie. Ook de 100e nieuwsbrief is weer rijk gevuld met onderwerpen zoals PDF trends op drupa en Ghent Workgroup publicatie van de PDF Processing Steps Specification. Lees deze interessante nieuwsbrief via deze link.


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Wild Format 2.2: Nieuwe serie artikelen over de toepassing van groot formaat printing

11 jul 2016
Categorie: ,

3D HP PageWide HQLaurel Brunner en een team van internationale journalisten schrijven een serie artikelen over de snel veranderende wereld van groot formaat printing. Deze serie belicht niet alleen de techniek maar vooral de toepassingen van groot formaat printing. Lees haar introductie van deze nieuwe serie via deze link naar onze artikelen pagina.


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Wild Format Technology Is All About You

11 jul 2016

This is the first in a series of articles explaining how you can use wide format digital printing technology to produce exciting and innovative media concepts. The Wild Format Technology series takes you on a journey into a world where your imagination can truly go wild.

Wild Format digital printing lets you express yourself as never before. It’s a technology for printing on any surface, in full, glorious and enduring colour. We call it Wild Format, because what you do with it is up to you and there are no boundaries to what is possible. You can totally let your imagination go, and express yourself in print using technology that’s cheap, accessible and available on demand. Wild format digital printing gives you unprecedented creative print possibilities, whether you want to change the pictures on the wall, or revamp your wardrobe. It’s all about you and turning your ideas into reality.

3D HP PageWide HQ

HP’s PageWide technology can be used to print anything from newspapers to posters. It can also be used to produce three dimensional objects.


How we got here

There’s nothing new in the idea of print, but with digital printing everything is different. The technology makes it simple and inexpensive for anyone to create and produce their own printed materials from silks to ceramics. Wild format digital print is about printing on any suface at any size, and at a quality you won’t believe.

We didn’t get here overnight. The systems used to create low cost bespoke digital print have been around for years. The technology has steadily evolved to get better and better, producing printed pages that look at least as good as their traditional, costly and complicated equivalents. We think digital, and digital print is a natural extension for our nimble digital mindsets and fragmented communications. We manage our lives via social media and mobile apps and we live an online life. We always want more and we want it now and we can use print to differentiate our ideas and messages.

Most of us get that digital printing adds a new dimension to how we communicate, so we are comfortable using print as another component in our communications models. We’ve been thinking bespoke birthday and anniversary cards, and personalised party invitations for a few years now. We’re comfortable ordering customised postcards from a mobile device. It’s easy and cheap to print photos from a mobile phone, or get customised business cards from a website.

Maybe you print photobooks of your holidays or print special Facebook diaries. Maybe you’ve created anniversary memory books for special occasions. Whatever you’re used to printing right now is just the start of what else you might want to create. Now you have many more options because digital printing technology is moving at such a speed. This is where Wild Format comes in.


Wild format takes you further

Wild format digital print offers a whole other dimension for individual expression, one that lets you share your ideas as never before and going far beyond conventional print formats. You can use digital printing technology to take your ideas much further than party invites. How do you fancy printing your own designs onto wallpaper and flooring? Would you like to update your home with new textiles and bespoke printed doors? Or how about new personalised ceramic tiles for your bathroom and kitchen? And banners for your next party? Wild format digital printing technology makes all of this, and much more, possible.

Wide format digital printing devices are very similar to the inkjet printers that many people have on their desktops. HP for instance uses the same basic thermal inkjet technology in its desktop printers and in its line of Latex and Designjet printers. The difference with wide format digital printing is that the inkjet printheads are configured to print across a very large width, as much as five metres in the case of printing engines from several manufacturers. The massive range of colours, ink durability and flexibility, and of available substrates, is unprecedented. They give you the opportunity to create printed banners, signs, shop displays, carpets, glass panels and even wood and metal sheets. All of these materials can be printed with your own designs and because this stuff is printed with digital technology, the production process and output is affordable too. We are just at the beginning of an amazing journey that lets you turn your imagination loose.

Over the coming series of articles we’ll be writing about the technology, the materials options, how you get your prints finished and what you need to know to get perfect results. The Wild Format article series is about giving you the know-how to exploit this amazing technology. We look forward to hearing from you, if you have any specific puzzles you’d like us to help you solve.

Laurel Brunner


The Wild Format guides are intended to expand awareness and understanding of the craziness that can be created on wide format digital printing devices, from floors to lampshades and everything in between.

These guides are made possible by a group of manufacturers working together with Digital Dots. Together we hope you enjoy the articles and that you put into practise what you learn. If you want to talk about it, go to our LinkedIn group via this link.

Enjoy and Go Wild!


This article is sponsored by…

Agfa – Digital Dots – EFI – Esko – Fujifilm – HP – Mimaki


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White Light: “Een printkwaliteit op DIBOND en FOREX zoals nooit te voren”

08 jul 2016
Categorie: ,

AGFAwhitelight_BE_operatorHet Belgische White Light is een sign @ display bedrijf dat complete concepten levert voor decoratie en interior design. In augustus 2015 investeerde het Genkse bedrijf in een Agfa Graphics Jeti Mira om zijn leveringsprogramma verder uit te breiden.

Dankzij de Jeti Mira konden ze omschakelen van stickering naar direct printing omdat de printkwaliteit op dibond en forex materiaal zoveel beter was.

White Light is ook zeer te spreken over de zeer dunne inktlaag van de Jeti Mira en over de intuïtieve gebruikers interface die veel tijd bespaart bij het voorbereiden van een printopdracht.

Bekijk hier het video interview met Marcel Engelen, CEO of White Light, en zijn ervaringen met de behandeling van speciale substraten op een groot formaat printer.

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White Light: “Achieving printing quality on DIBOND and FOREX like never before”

08 jul 2016
Categorie: ,

AGFAwhitelight_BE_operatorWhite Light (Genk, Belgium) is a sign & display company that provides complete concepts in the field of interior design and decoration. In August 2015, the company invested in Agfa Graphics’ Jeti Mira to expand its offering even further.

Thanks to Jeti Mira, they could switch from stickering to direct printing, as the quality on dibond and forex materials is so much better than before. White Light greatly values the thin ink layer of the Jeti Mira, and the engine’s intuitive graphic user interface, which lets them gain a lot of time when preparing the files.

Watch the video interview with Marcel Engelen, CEO of White Light, about efficient substrate handling in wide-format printing environments.


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Interest for Inkjet Pushes New Market Players to Join TheIJC 2016

07 jul 2016

TheIJC zaaldrupa 2016 showed the direction of digital printing future, now TheIJC invites all who look ahead to technological insights of inkjet engineering and chemistry, and who build the future. Supported by drupa, sponsored by MS Italy and organised by ESMA, the third edition of the world’s largest inkjet event returns to Swissôtel Düsseldorf/Neuss on 4-6 October 2016. So far, more than 20% of the tabletops have been booked by new exhibitors and 50% of delegates registered to date have never attended TheIJC before.

drupa has been the supporting partner of The Inkjet Conference since its inauguration in 2014 and enabled creating a venue for 400 technology developers, engineers, chemists, researchers and decision makers. During the fair in June 2016 many of TheIJC delegates and exhibitors presented new products and solutions, and all of them confirmed to join the conference in October. Given the numbers of registered newcomers and a setting for at least 70 tabletops, a record breaking attendance is expected.


Presentation titles already confirmed

Over 50 companies have already confirmed and many of them have submitted their presentation titles with abstracts for review. Among the first-time exhibitors and presenters are:

  • Aleksander Bespalov from DPS Innovations with “Printhead controller boards for inkjet printheads and their role in the printing process”
  • Guy Evron from Velvet Jet with “Benefits of using pigment inks for textile printing”
  • Thomas Franz from Baumer Inspection with “Process monitoring of single pass printing by wide formatimage inspection”
  • Michael Gross from KIWO with “Resists and more: Industrial processes with inkjet printable resists”
  • Dr Tobias Kraus from Leibniz Institute for New Materials with “Sinter-free hybrid metal-polymer inks forprinted and flexible electronics”
  • Jan Rops from Crown Van Gelder with “Future trends in inkjet paper”
  • Sean Smyth from Smithers Pira with “Drivers and barriers toward adoption of inkjet in packaging”
  • Joseph E. Ward from RJA Dispersions with “Nano-pigment dispersions for industrial inkjet systems”The detailed and continuously updated list of presentation abstracts is available at The range of topics reflects the complete spectrum of components which contribute to the performance of an inkjet system. “Inkjet and digital cover a diverse range of topics and technologies, including precision engi- neering, chemistry, electronics, software, database management, hydraulic systems, surface science, colour management, inkjet printheads and of course a huge knowledge about the specific application. In isolation each of these topics are quite straight forward, but it is their interaction and a weakness in any one of them that will affect system performance. Just as we start to understand one area, we discover several more to explore. To know where to start is always a challenge. TheIJC offers guidance for both newcomers and professionals from specific domains who want to broaden their expertise“, says Steve Knight, co-founder of TheIJC.


 Workshop spaces filling quickly

Dedicated to its educational objectives, The Inkjet Conference 2016 has been extended with six workshop sessions on 4 October 2016. The workshops are offered for free to first 100 delegates who register for the main event and the spaces are filling quickly with “Inkjet in Packaging” chaired by Sean Smyth being the most popular so far. Other sessions will provide the participants with practical knowhow about waveform tuning (chaired by Dr Steven Hoath from University of Cambridge and ImageXpert), colour management and print (Oliver Kammann and Fogra), functional fluids (David Chapman) and speciality effects in textiles (Prof. Marc van Parys). A hands-on introduction to inkjet background and terminology including practical demonstrations will be given by Steve Knight and Johannes Renner from the iPrint Institute.


Delegate registration

The Inkjet Conference will feature two tracks with 50 technical presentations, an exhibitor area of at least 70 tabletops and an exquisite networking dinner on the evening of 5 October 2016. Together with one inkjet workshop of choice, lunches and refreshments, it is all included in the delegate fee of 695 euro + VAT. ESMA members pay 605 euro and academics enjoy a special rate of 160 euro. Group bookings unlock additional discounts. Registration is available at

Some of those who have already confirmed for the TheIJC 2016 as exhibitors, speakers or delegates include: Aako | Actega | Adphos | Albea | Allnex | Agfa | Archipelago | Arcolor | AT Inks | Atlantic Zeiser | Barberan | Barbieri Electric | Baumer Inspection | Bühler | Caldera | ChemStream | Collins Inkjet | ColorGATE | Digital Direct | Domino | DPS Innovations | Duralchrome | Eckart | Excelitas | Fujifilm Dimatix | Fujifilm Imaging Colorants | Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems | GEW | Global Graphics | Global Inkjet Systems | Hapa | Heraeus | Holding Textile Hermès | Hönle | Huntsman | Hymmen | IACS | ImageXpert | Impress Surfaces | Indust- rial Inkjet | Integration Technology | INX Digital | iPrint Institute | Isimat | ISTEC Faenza | KBA-Kammann | KBA-Sheetfed Solutions | KHS | KIWO | KNF | Kodak | Konica Minolta | KWH Mirka | Leibniz Institute for New Materials | Malvern Instruments | Mankiewicz | Marabu | Matsui | Megnajet | Microtrac | Nazdar | NMP Systems | NTS Group | Océ Technologies | Pall | Particle Metrix | Phoseon | Rex-Tone Industries | Ricoh | RJA Dispersions | Roland DG | Schott | Seiko Instruments | Sensient | Smithers Pira | Stillemans | STS Inks | Sun Chemical | TexZeppelin | Thieme | Todema | Toshiba | TTP Meteor | Unilin Industries | University of Cambridge | Velvet Jet | Weber Marking Systems | Wifag-Polytype | Windmöller & Hölscher | Winner Screen Machines | Xaar | Xeikon Manufacturing


Mobile app

For 2016 The Inkjet Conference has introduced an app developed for all mobile devices (Android, iPhone, Blackberry and Windows Phone). It is available in the stores as “TheIJC 2016” and contains all conference details with automatic updates.

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Laurel Brunner: Water uitwasbare flexo platen sparen het milieu

07 jul 2016
Categorie: ,

Kodak Flexcell PlateHet maken van flexo platen was tot nu toe een niet heel erg schoon proces. Laurel Brunner ontdekte op drupa dat Kodak daarvoor een oplossing heeft. Lees in haar Verdigris Blog op onze artikelen pagina hoe de Kodak water uitwasbare flexo platen onze industrie een stuk schoner kunnen maken.


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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