Rob van den Braak

The life of H. Joseph Gerber: De biografie van de man die de eerste CtP belichter bouwde

01 jul 2016
Categorie: ,

Schermafbeelding 2016-06-30 om 09.17.35In The Inventor´s Dilemma beschrijft David Gerber hoe zijn vader niet alleen CtP uitvond maar daarvoor ook de eerste filmbelichter bouwde. Die uitvindingen veranderden onze industrie voor altijd. Ze zijn onderdeel van de meer dan 600 patenten op het gebied van plotting, printing, digitizing, computer graphics, zeefdruk, stenciling en billboard printing.

Joseph Gerber, startte zijn bedrijf Gerber Scientific met 3.000 dollar. Een bedrijf dat in 1996 het jaar van zijn overlijden een omzet haalde van 350 miljoen.
Gerber Technology beheert nu zijn patenten en besteedt nog steeds miljoenen aan onderzoek naar technieken binnen en buiten de grafische industrie.
Het boek is te bestellen via Amazon, alleen verkrijgbaar als hardcover, een logische beslissing voor een biografie van een man die zelf nooit een computer gebruikte.
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The life of H. Joseph Gerber: biography of the man who built the first CtP image setter

01 jul 2016
Categorie: ,

Gerber BioIn The Inventor´s Dilemma David Gerber describes how his father did not only invent CtP, but also built the first image setter. This changed our industry profoundly. They are part of the more than 60 patents in the areas of plotting, printing, digitizing, computer graphics, screen print, stenciling an billboard printing.
Joseph Gerber started his company Gerber Scientific with only 3000 US$. In 1996, the year of Gerber´s death, the company had a turnover of more than 350MUS$.
Gerber Technology now owns the patents and still spends millions on research into technologies in and outside the print industry.
The book can be ordered via Amazon and is available in hard cover only. A logical choice for a biography of a man who never used a computer.


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Snapchat presents Real Life magazine

01 jul 2016
Categorie: ,

RLS“I’ve argued that “online” and “offline,” like “body” and “mind,” aren’t like two positions on a light switch—a perspective I’ve called digital dualism. Instead, all social life is made of both information and material; it’s technological and human, virtual and real. Together with friends and colleagues, I’ve theorized an experience of the internet based less in cyberpunk and more in body horror—and not just horror but other things too, like joy. With Real Life — which will launch on June 27 — we will be building on that perspective”.

The words of Nathan Jurgenson, editor in chief of new Real Life online magazine sound very promising. Real Life is about technology and the role of new technology in every day life. The magazine is financed by Snapchat. Jurgenson (researcher at Snapchat) promises that Real Life will be independent from Snapchat.

Real Life will publish essays, discussions and stories about life and technology. It does not intend to be a news site with gadget reviews or industry gossip. The main subject is every day life and how technology and gadgets influence our lives. Real Life intends to publish every day and will consider other formats in the future.


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Mega XXL printer

30 jun 2016
Categorie: ,

roland 900xxlStaudigl printers in Donauwörth, Germany, have installed a super large format printer this month. It is a class 8 Roland 900 XXL. The sheets for this printer are 131×187 cm big. The printer will use it for large format work such as posters. Staudigl has many clients for smaller quantities. This press is highly automated which will ensure efficiency also in smaller quantities. The family company employs 175 people.


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Brexit and the consequences for the communication industry

30 jun 2016

BexitWhen, and if, there will eventually be a Brexit will have consequences for the whole communication industry. Print companies in the EU will possibly profit because export of orders will become more complicated. Creative design agencies will leave London to follow their bigger clients who will prefer other European capitals. Also e-commerce and cloud computing will  be affecting due to different regulations. The biggest problem for the UK will be the limitations for designers from other EU countries to acquire work permits. This may mean that Britain´s leading role in design could disappear. We hope that we will soon get clarity about the procedures around Brexit. Ideally there will be no Brexit, or possibly the same status as Sweden and Norway.



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Brexit en de gevolgen voor de communicatie industrie

30 jun 2016

BexitAls er ooit een Brexit komt dan zal dat gevolgen hebben voor de hele communicatie industrie. Grafische bedrijven in de EU gaan er wellicht van profiteren doordat export van drukwerk orders niet meer zo eenvoudig is. Creatieve ontwerpbureau’s zullen Londen ontvluchten om hun grotere klanten te volgen die uitwijken naar Europese hoofdsteden. Voor e-commerce en cloud-computing kan Engeland een minder logische vestigingplaats worden, omdat de wetgeving af zal wijken van de EU. Het grootste probleem voor Engeland zullen de beperkingen zijn die creatieve ontwerpers uit EU landen tegemoet zien bij het verkrijgen van werkvergunningen. Daarmee kan de leidende rol die Engeland nu heeft in design wel heel erg snel afgelopen zijn. Hopelijk komt er snel duidelijkheid of en hoe de Brexit procedure gaat verlopen. Het ideale scenario is dat er helemaal geen Brexit komt of dat Engeland dezelfde status gaat krijgen als Zweden en Noorwegen.

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More than 3,000 visitors at Gmund Paper drupa stand still believe in paper

29 jun 2016

Gmund Paper at DRUPA 2016

Gmund Paper showed at the Drupa 2016 a full spectrum of print products: beginning in the morning when a consumer reaches for a tube of toothpaste or unpacks a new bottle of shower gel, continuing at lunchtime with the daily changing digitally printed menu, and ending with the printed label on a bottle in the evening.

“260,000 visitors from 188 countries, including more than 3,000 guests at Gmund’s stand. This was a very successful Drupa for us. We welcomed many interested people from Europe and elsewhere at our stand. We made several big sales at the fair and we were pleased by the upbeat mood.”, summarizes Florian Kohler.

A big “Thank You” to all visitors at Gmund Paper stand for this successful Drupa 2016!

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Gmund: 3.000 drupa bezoekers duiken in papier

29 jun 2016
Categorie: ,

Te midden van het ijzer en digitaal geweld op drupa 2016 waren er ook stands waar het om papier als basis materiaal voor grafische communicatie ging. Zo kreeg Gmund Paper meer dan 3.000 geregistreerde bezoekers die creatieve ideeën opdeden voor het gebruik van bijzondere en standaard media. Lees meer over het succes van Gmund op drupa in onderstaand persbericht.

Gmund Paper at DRUPA 2016

Gmund Paper showed at the Drupa 2016 a full spectrum of print products: beginning in the morning when a consumer reaches for a tube of toothpaste or unpacks a new bottle of shower gel, continuing at lunchtime with the daily changing digitally printed menu, and ending with the printed label on a bottle in the evening.

“260,000 visitors from 188 countries, including more than 3,000 guests at Gmund’s stand. This was a very successful Drupa for us. We welcomed many interested people from Europe and elsewhere at our stand. We made several big sales at the fair and we were pleased by the upbeat mood.”, summarizes Florian Kohler.

A big “Thank You” to all visitors at Gmund Paper stand for this successful Drupa 2016!

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Heidelberg’s Brandenburg fabriek viert 25e verjaardag

28 jun 2016

De fabriek waar meer dan 8.000 onderdelen van o.a. de Heidelberg Speedmasters worden gemaakt bestaat 25 jaar. Reden voor een feestelijke bijeenkomst met de meer dan 2.000 medewerkers en bijzondere gasten. Lees meer over deze mijlpaal in onderstaand persbericht.

Heidelberg Brandenburg Plant

The Brandenburg plant of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) celebrated its 25th anniversary on Saturday, June 25, with an official ceremony and a family day that was attended by some 2000 visitors. The guest of honor at the festivities was Brandenburg’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy, Albrecht Gerber. In April 1991, the world’s largest press manufacturer had started production in rented premises at the Brandenburg location. The foundation stone for the new plant in the Hohenstücken industrial zone was laid in May 1992 by the then Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The first components for sheetfed offset presses started rolling off the brand-new production line just five months later.

Brandenburg had won through against several alternative locations both in Germany and abroad as the site where Heidelberg would expand its production capacities. In addition to its excellent infrastructure, the area was also home to a large number of highly skilled engineers with experience in the metal-processing industry. The Brandenburg plant initially produced standard mechanical parts. But over the years it added more and more large and complex parts and assemblies – particularly shafts, rollers, and flat and profiled parts up to 4 meters in length. Since the plant was commissioned, Heidelberg has invested approximately EUR 220 million in the site, most recently in state-of-the-art production technology, a driverless transport system, and energy-saving LED lighting throughout the entire plant.

Brandenburg today is an important part of the Heidelberg production network which has its main sites in Wiesloch-Walldorf near Heidelberg and Amstetten in the Swabian Alps. Around 8000 different parts are manufactured on the company premises in the north of the city. A significant number of all the mechanical components installed in Heidelberg presses come from here. “The site stands for 25 years of passion, precision, and partnership,” emphasized plant manager Gerwin Cordes at the festivities.

Alongside the parts that Heidelberg manufactures for its own needs, the some 500 employees, including almost 50 trainees, also produce special parts for external customers. The Brandenburg site is one of the largest industrial employers in the city and, in tandem with other companies, is an important partner in the training network for young people. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG also plays an important part in the economy of the city and region, both of which profit from its presence due to the network of suppliers and service providers that serves the company.

The ceremony in the morning was held under the banner “Back to the future” and featured a journey through time. Following this, around 2000 employees with friends and family enjoyed a colorful party with inflatable castles, music, food, drinks, and guided tours through the production halls featuring “Machine tools in action”. As a special memento of the day, employees and guests were able, for a small donation, to take home a model of the Brandenburg Steintorturm tower manufactured on the same day. The proceeds from this campaign will go to the city’s youth fire service. Visitors were also able to take part in guided tours through areas of the site that are normally out of bounds. Another attraction was the “Geisterhand” driverless transport system.

At an anniversary breakfast held prior to the official ceremony, Heidelberg production manager Heribert Wille, Brandenburg plant manager Gerwin Cordes, and the site’s HR manager Marcus Kielmann paid tribute to 76 employees celebrating 25 years of service. That represents almost one sixth of the entire workforce at the site.

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Heidelberg Brandenburg plant celebrates 25th anniversary

28 jun 2016

Heidelberg Brandenburg Plant

The Brandenburg plant of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) celebrated its 25th anniversary on Saturday, June 25, with an official ceremony and a family day that was attended by some 2000 visitors. The guest of honor at the festivities was Brandenburg’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy, Albrecht Gerber. In April 1991, the world’s largest press manufacturer had started production in rented premises at the Brandenburg location. The foundation stone for the new plant in the Hohenstücken industrial zone was laid in May 1992 by the then Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The first components for sheetfed offset presses started rolling off the brand-new production line just five months later.

Brandenburg had won through against several alternative locations both in Germany and abroad as the site where Heidelberg would expand its production capacities. In addition to its excellent infrastructure, the area was also home to a large number of highly skilled engineers with experience in the metal-processing industry. The Brandenburg plant initially produced standard mechanical parts. But over the years it added more and more large and complex parts and assemblies – particularly shafts, rollers, and flat and profiled parts up to 4 meters in length. Since the plant was commissioned, Heidelberg has invested approximately EUR 220 million in the site, most recently in state-of-the-art production technology, a driverless transport system, and energy-saving LED lighting throughout the entire plant.

Brandenburg today is an important part of the Heidelberg production network which has its main sites in Wiesloch-Walldorf near Heidelberg and Amstetten in the Swabian Alps. Around 8000 different parts are manufactured on the company premises in the north of the city. A significant number of all the mechanical components installed in Heidelberg presses come from here. “The site stands for 25 years of passion, precision, and partnership,” emphasized plant manager Gerwin Cordes at the festivities.

Alongside the parts that Heidelberg manufactures for its own needs, the some 500 employees, including almost 50 trainees, also produce special parts for external customers. The Brandenburg site is one of the largest industrial employers in the city and, in tandem with other companies, is an important partner in the training network for young people. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG also plays an important part in the economy of the city and region, both of which profit from its presence due to the network of suppliers and service providers that serves the company.

The ceremony in the morning was held under the banner “Back to the future” and featured a journey through time. Following this, around 2000 employees with friends and family enjoyed a colorful party with inflatable castles, music, food, drinks, and guided tours through the production halls featuring “Machine tools in action”. As a special memento of the day, employees and guests were able, for a small donation, to take home a model of the Brandenburg Steintorturm tower manufactured on the same day. The proceeds from this campaign will go to the city’s youth fire service. Visitors were also able to take part in guided tours through areas of the site that are normally out of bounds. Another attraction was the “Geisterhand” driverless transport system.

At an anniversary breakfast held prior to the official ceremony, Heidelberg production manager Heribert Wille, Brandenburg plant manager Gerwin Cordes, and the site’s HR manager Marcus Kielmann paid tribute to 76 employees celebrating 25 years of service. That represents almost one sixth of the entire workforce at the site.


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Empack Brussels 2016 lifts packaging industry to higher level

28 jun 2016
Categorie: ,

Empack 2015On 21 & 22 September the 15th edition of the Empack trade show will take place at Brussels Expo. The place to be for all players in the packaging industry where supply and demand meet in an informal setting. The place where visitors and exhibitors can explore first-hand the latest trends and technologies. And this year: even more zones, even more visitor experience, even more interaction.


Unique meeting platform for the sector

So far more than 80% of the exhibition floor has already been reserved. A powerful signal of the sector’s firm belief in the added value of Empack for their business.

Routes & zones to enhance visitor experience

The organisation makes every effort to enhance visitor experience. Three routes (Innovation, Automation & E-commerce) allow visitors to selectively discover the innovative solutions from the exhibitors. In addition, there are four zones with specific thematic areas:

Biobased Plaza
Biobased packaging is gaining in importance. Experts say this is the future in the field of packaging, but many questions remain to be answered. That is why Easyfairs, in collaboration with Belgian BioPackaging, has created the Biobased Plaza. This Plaza is a location on the exhibition floor reserved for companies and/or knowledge institutes active in biobased packaging, innovations or materials.

Machine Safety & Automation Plaza
Automated packaging lines boost capacity and save costs & time. However, these faster packaging lines also present new safety challenges. The Machine Safety & Automation Plaza, in collaboration with Prebes, provides information about products and services that offer solutions.

Food Pack Terrace
The Food Pack Terrace is a joint initiative of a number of exhibitors that allows the visitor to see a complete packaging line in action. This has never been seen before! From badge scanning over the various steps of the packaging process to a personalised end product.

Pharma Village
Pharmaceutical packing is a rapidly developing market, with annual growth rates of more than 6%. The crucial role of packaging during distribution, delivery and safe consumption of medicines is not to be underestimated. In the Pharma Village you can meet up with players that offer solutions to tomorrow’s challenges: small dose packaging, serialisation, refrigerated packaging, anti-counterfeiting, GDP, etc.

Interactive seminar programme with conferences

Empack opts for an interactive formula. One example is ‘Packstory’, an exhibition on the complete life cycle of a packaging, a true sensory experience. Or the ‘Innovation Gallery’ where the spotlight is on the winners of the Greener Packaging Awards.
Finally, knowledge institutes will discuss in detail a number of topical issues, collected through a visitor survey, at conferences. Topics include: Biobased packaging, Active & intelligent packaging, Food migration, packaging & food loss, E-commerce & packaging, etc. The conferences in combination with a VIP business lunch provide an opportunity for intense networking. Come and experience the power of Empack.


Practical details

Empack Brussel
21 & 22 September 2016
Co-located with Logistics & Distribution
Brussels Expo, Palaces 6 & 9
For details and free access badge:

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Apple WWDC 2016: A surprise after all – a file system which is faster, safer and suitable for any device

27 jun 2016

FI-tw-apple-file-systemGoing through the mountains of announcements and introductions of the Apple World Wide Developers Conference we did find a surprise. APFS, the new filing systems to store all your files safely and encrypted. The new APFS will also be faster because it is optimised for SSD storage media which will be increasingly used in the future. APFS is a universal filing system which can be used on iPhones, iPads, iWatch, laptops, desk tops and other Apple computer devices.

APFS will replace HFS and HFS+ which was developed for floppy drives and hard disks from the era of kilobytes. The new file system supports 64 bits instead of the HFS 32 bits. APFS has a more super exact time stamp of 1 nanosecond which can play an important role in iPay for example.

Another good thing is that APFS uses copy-on-write which will minimize the risk of data loss in case of a crash.

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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