Rob van den Braak

Europe on the wrong track with tax on hyperlinks

21 jun 2016
Categorie: ,

Tax-on-HyperlinkProtection of intellectual property is a good thing. Writers are happy with the copyright laws which protect their work. Europe wants to adjust these laws and tax the use of hyperlinks in digital content. Reason being that, just like with film and audio, the producer needs to be protected if money is made on content taxes need to be paid.
A ridiculous idea as Frederic Filloux explains on his blog.
If this laws comes reality it will mean that online publishes, such as can no longer offer information free-of-charge. Which spells the end of and the free news gathering which our readers appreciate so much.
Hopefully the politicians will learn from the mistakes that Spain and Germany already made.


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The making of the Blokboek Magazine

21 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,

Hoe maak je van web-content een responsive online-magazine geschikt voor elk computer platform? Magazine Drupa 2016 NLDat was de uitdaging die we hadden toen we besloten een digitaal Magazine voor de drupa beurs te maken. De wereldwijde zoektocht naar een simpele en betaalbare oplossing leidde naar een Nederlandse software ontwikkelaar, Instant Magazine. Instant Magazine is een Software As A Service oplossing. Niet alleen hoefden we dankzij die SAAS oplossing geen software te kopen of te installeren, ook het maken van backup’s en het met meerdere mensen aan een magazine werken zijn standaardfuncties van deze slimme oplossing.


Een vliegende start

Schermafbeelding 2016-06-21 om 09.20.29Met Instant Magazine heb je een vliegende start. Je selecteert in de uitgebreide voorbeelden-gallerij een paginastructuur die je aanstaat en je kunt aan de slag. Alles is zeer intuïtief en vanzelfsprekend. Mocht je toch hulp nodig hebben dan wordt je snel geholpen door de snelle online helpdesk. Zo creëer je in een mum van tijd een eigen unieke magazine.

Als je net als wij een gezonde weerstand hebt tegen het lezen van handleidingen dan ben je bij Instant Magazine aan het goede adres. Een handleiding is er niet, wel zijn er leerzame en informatieve filmpjes die alle onderwerpen van vormgeving tot publicatie en het maken van analyserapporten na publicatie behandelen. Die worden ondersteund door een beknopte en makkelijk te lezen online support tab.

Dat betekende dat we binnen een dag al een Blokboek Magazine hadden. Niet helemaal eerlijk misschien want we konden beginnen met de content die we al hadden in WordPress, het content management systeem dat we voor onze sites gebruiken. En we hebben al een paar jaar ervaring met het maken van tijdschriften.

Toch is het prettig om binnen een paar dagen al een redelijk compleet magazine te hebben dat je in een preview mode aan redacteuren en sponsors kunt laten zien.


Optimaliseren zonder problemen

Continu kun je in de live preview jouw vorderingen bijhouden, zodat je ook snel aanpassingen kunt doen. Zo zie je onmiddelijk of een afbeelding qua resolutie, uitsnede of kleurweergave wel geschikt is voor een digitale publicatie. Ook het splitsen van content in hapklare brokken, het creërenvan tussenkoppen, plaatsen van witregels en nieuwe alinea´s is daarmee erg eenvoudig en vraagt geen programmeerervaring.


HTML 5 voor- en nadelen

Instant Magazine publicaties zijn gemaakt in HTML 5 met als grootste voordeel dat een magazine op alle bekende webbrowsers en op alle mobiele en desktop devices optimaal wordt weergegeven.

Een nadeel is dat het niet eenvoudig is om een PDF met volledige functionaliteit te maken. Je kunt wel per device en browser een complete HTML versie maken zodat je ook zonder internetverbinding een publicatie kunt bekijken. Instant Magazine maak het wel mogelijk om jouw magazine ook offline beschikbaar te maken en delen kan via de share knop.


Web naar print

Eversify PlaatjeEen HTML 5 oplossing zoals Instant Magazine is standaard niet geschikt om pagina’s voor een gedrukte uitgave te maken. De print-optie stript alle opmaakdata en geeft je wel een compacte weergave. Maar de opmaak, de navigatie en zoekmogelijkheden ontbreken. Ook het gebruik van de noodzakelijk hoge resolutie beelden voor print is door beperking van de file-omvang niet mogelijk. Vervanging van beelden voor een print uitgave is dan ook een, wel te automatiseren, noodzaak.

De enige oplossing is om een magazine op te maken in opmaakprogramma’s als Adobe InDesign of Quark Xpress. Van die pagina’s maak je dan een pdf en je gebruikt dan services als Instant Magazine om het magazine online te publiceren. Voor grafische bedrijven die over deze programma’s en de noodzakelijke kennis beschikken is dan Agfa Eversify een meer voor de hand liggende oplossing. Daarmee kun je in een paar klikken van voor print opgemaakte pagina’s een app of online publicatie maken.


Interesse in Instant Magazine?

Neem contact op met of bel naar 020-3032822.

Of begin een Gratis Trial voor 30 dagen!



Voor is Instant Magazine een perfecte oplossing om snel en tegen lage kosten een online magazine te maken. De ondersteuning, beschikbaar in het Nederlands en Engels, is perfect, de leercurve zeer kort en het resultaat is, zoals vele lezers ons meldden, ‘een prachtig magazine’ dat op elke computer, smartphone en tablet optimaal weergeven wordt. Een aanrader dus. Via deze link kun je het resultaat van onze inspanningen bekijken.


Op naar het volgende Blokboek Magazine

Gebaseerd op de overweldigende belangstelling zullen we doorgaan met het maken van meer Blokboek Magazines.

Arkitex_Eversify_receivers_groupshot_tcm601-123199Zo komen we in het najaar met een special over Multi Channel Publishing. Alle aspecten van online en print publishing zullen daar in behandeld worden met onderwerpen zoals:  van web to print versus print to web, welke gereedschappen zijn er beschikbaar en welk ondernemersmodel is het meest succesvol.

  • Belangstelling voor deze special als lezer? Volg dan de aankondiging op of abonneer hier je op onze nieuwsbrief dan krijg je een mail als het nieuwe nummer beschikbaar is.
  • Belangstelling om content aan te leveren voor de Multi Channel Publishing special? Stuur een mail naar
  • Belangstelling om te adverteren in de special? Stuur een mail naar
  • Geïnteresseerd om mee te werken aan een gedrukte of geprinte versie van het Blokboek Magazine. Stuur een mail naar



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Maya Staels Blog: What kind of drupa was yours?

20 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,

BB160615-Maya-klMaya Staels, owner of PR agency REEL visited drupa and experienced it as an inspiration, application and commercialisation drupa. A drupa of new business models, but more so product ideas. Read her refreshing views on our articles page.


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Column: Maya Staels – Welke drupa heb jij bezocht?

20 jun 2016

BB160615-Maya-klMaya Staels, owner of PR agency: REEL,  bezocht de drupa en constateerde dat het voor haar de inspiration, application en commercialisation drupa was. Een drupa die nieuwe business modellen maar vooral nieuwe productideeën bracht. Lees de verfrissende kijk op onze industrie in haar column op onze artikelenpagina.

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Twitter met Emoji targeting: Social media verliest definitief zijn onschuld

20 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,
Twitter emoij marketingMet de aankondiging van Twitter dat emojis nu gebruikt kunnen worden voor targeting verliest het web definitief zijn onschuld. Het sturen van een pizza emoji bijvoorbeeld kan nu eindigen met een stroom van pizza-boeren bij je in de buurt die Twitter je kan gaan sturen op basis van je GPS-data!
Na de serie aankondigingen van Facebook die zijn gebruikers gaat overspoelen met commerciele boodschappen, de vercommercialisering van LinkedIn die door de overname van Microsoft sneller en heviger zal worden is dit de nagel aan de doodskist van onafhankelijke social media apps.
Hoe de markt gaat reageren is voorspelbaar. Gebruikers zullen switchen naar advertentie- en content marketingvrije platformen en de nog resterende gebruikers van de social media giganten zullen steeds minder waarde en aandacht geven aan zakelijke boodschappen op die media.
Tel daarbij op dat zoekmachinemarketing zoals Google die jarenlang als melkkoe gebruikte zijn waarde aan het verliezen is en een revival van betrouwbare gedrukte en digitale content is slechts een kwestie van tijd.
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Twitter and emoji targeting: social media has definitely lost its innocence

20 jun 2016
Categorie: ,
Twitter emoij marketingWith the announcement of Twitter using emojis for targeting the Web has lost its innocence. After the announcements of Facebook drowning its users with commercial messages, linkedin’s commercialisation accelerated by the takeover by Microsoft this spells the end of independent social media apps.
The market’s response seems predictable. Users will switch to advert and content marketing free platforms and those who continue to use the platforms will pay little or no attention to the commercial messages.
Add to that the fact that search engine marketing, used as an important source of income by Google, is losing ground, and it will not be long before we will see a revival of trustworthy printed and digital content.
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Hugo Beck: automation system for post-print processing

19 jun 2016
Categorie: ,

Hugo-Beck_drupa-2016_robot-technologyHugo Beck gives a positive account of the company’s appearance at this year’s drupa 2016 trade fair. From May 31 to June 10, the high-speed robotic system for film packaging applications in post-print processing proved a highlight on the company’s trade fair stand.

This was the first time the company had presented its robot-assisted fully-automated feeder system in combination with film packaging applications to an international audience. The automation system takes charge of the manual onserting of gimmicks or samples, for example, and the subsequent film packaging. It consists of a parallel (or spider) robot and a corresponding packaging machine or line. The robot localizes, sorts, and dispenses a diverse range of 3D products and packaging with a load-bearing capacity of up to 8 kg and fully reproducible results both in the case of single products and large quantities.

“Product infeed made easy,” Hugo Beck’s Sales Director, Timo Kollmann, succinctly describes the company’s innovation. “Without exception, visitors from across the globe all responded positively to our new robot technology. This confirms the trend towards greater automation in post-print processing, a sector under heavy cost pressure,” Kollmann continues. “As a manufacturer, we have to give our customers solutions that will enable them to respond more flexibly to a diverse range of tasks in the future, while also operating economically. The post-processing market is becoming more complex and it is precisely the manual processes that pose a multitude of problems. We have responded to this with technical solutions that are simple to operate and integrate, as we demonstrated so successfully at the drupa trade fair,” Kollmann summarizes.


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New Mac OS with personal assistant: “Siri, run me a proof”

19 jun 2016

Schermafbeelding 2016-06-14 om 09.34.11During the annual developers conference Apple announced a new name for the desk and laptop OS. It will be named Mac OS. Hardly shocking. No more shocking were the announcements about functionality. Unless the further integration with iCloud could be called so. It should now be possible to cut and paste between your mobile devices and a desktop Mac with Sierra, the new Mac OS.

New is also Siri, Apple´s personal assistant, for desktop Macs. Commands such as ´run a proof´or ´stop the press´ should be possible. AI is supposed to continuously improve Siri to avoid the current mistakes when you talk to your iPhone.

Public beta versions should be available by year-end.

Read, listen or watch more OS news on the Apple developers page.

Note of the editor: Sorry for the Dutch screenshot, the question to Siri was Run me a proof, the answer was At this moment it’s not possible …

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GLU Pro•lezing 14: Mike van Rossum – Het verhaal van een piloot die tekenfilm maakt… 

18 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,,

Aanstaande donderdag, 23 juni, is de laatste Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht Pro•lezing voor de vakantie periode. Dit keer Mike van Rossum:

‘In 2009 kwam ik op een 3-daagse MasterClass in de Efteling een animator van PIXAR tegen, Mark Walsh. Hij heeft uiteindelijk het laatste duwtje gegeven om te beginnen. “That would be a great story at ‘The Office (PIXAR)’: Pilot becomes animator”, lachte hij,” Usually the dream works the other way around.”

In 2010 heeft Mike de sprong in het diepe gemaakt en zijn eigen tekenfilmmaatschappij opgezet: Milkyway Productions Limited en in In 2012 heeft hij Holland Animatie opgericht. Het verhaal Toetsel is een tekenfilm maar inmiddels heeft hij het ook als boek uitgegeven.

Deze piloot sluit wel op een heel bijzonder manier de reeks pro•lezingen af en die droom van Mike moet je echt meemaken.

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ESMA: Drupa 2016 was the industrial printing drupa

17 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,

One of Expert Team sessionsOne of Expert Team sessions“We call it ‘Print in Production’ as printing has truly become a production method for fluid deposition. It can serve decorative or functional purposes but the potential is similar if not greater than that of 3D printing. Many visitors regarded ESMA as a platform for new areas of expertise and we could offer them guidance at the show through our member companies who specialise in conductive and dielectric inks, pastes, bespoke printing equipment, EL technology and applications such as photovoltaics, NFC antennas or bio-medical,” said Peter Buttiens, CEO of ESMA. Organised for the second time at drupa, the pavilions of European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association covered over 550 sqm and included 22 members or technology partners in halls 3 and 6.

For some of them it was the first time as an exhibitor at world’s largest print fair. “The interest in functional inks, particular Intrinsiq’s range of conductive copper inkjet inks and screen print pastes, was exceptional, resulting in numerous new potential clients and collaborations. It was an excellent show which reached customers who do not typically attend the printed electronics events,” evaluated Ian Clark from Intrinsiq Materials, one of the newcomers to drupa. Debbie Thorp, Business Development Director at Global Inkjet Systems, added “drupa has always been an important meeting place, but with this year’s broader industrial coverage, it has become an essential event for companies like GIS. We had a very successful show and we look forward to increasing our presence at drupa 2020.”

Inkjet technology has enjoyed particularly strong exposure during the fair which was reflected in the huge interest for the upcoming edition of The Inkjet Conference, organised by ESMA on 5-6 October 2016 in Düsseldorf. “drupa has been a supporting partner of TheIJC since its inauguration in 2014. During the show we met many of our past delegates and exhibitors presenting new products and solutions, all confirming to join us again in October for further insight to the future of inkjet engineering and chemistry. In general, the ESMA Lounge at drupa was a great meeting point for those looking to the future,” said Steve Knight, the co-founder of TheIJC and The Inkjet Training course. The latter, held at the iPrint Institute in Fribourg, Switzerland, attracted many of drupa attendees by displaying and operating one of the test printer units used at the course.

All seats taken at ESMA Lounge at drupa 2016All seats taken at ESMA Lounge at drupa 2016Founded originally as a screen printing manufacturers association, ESMA dedicated a substantial part of their pavilion in hall 3 to companies which mastered this conventional technology, not least for unconventional and specialist applications. “Many visitors were certainly impressed by the massive presence of digital printing at drupa but we were able to show them that there is a whole range of high-end applications which are still only possible with screen printing or at least require screen going hand in hand with digital,” explained Jorge Ellert, Applications and Training Manager at Ulano. Manuel Zuckerman, owner of FIMOR, underlined the importance of a joint screen printing pavilion: “If we were isolated and left on our own, we would miss a great number of contacts who would not find us or not even look for us. Anyone with an interest in screen printing has to come by the ESMA pavilion where the key brands are represented and this is a high value for us.”

Whether from the digital, screen and at times even offset printing businesses, ESMA Lounge welcomed visitors who came with specific questions for the Expert Team. This new initiative kicked off at the first day of drupa and, supported by a special expert publication, completed the association’s profile as a knowledge body of the industry, responsible for promotion of best practices and innovative processes. Nine experts: Roland Biemans, Fritz Bircher, Jochen Christiaens, Frank Eirmbter, Steven Harnie, Oliver Kammann, Philipp Klinger, Steve Knight and Lucien Moons received dozens of appointments which encouraged the further development of this new ESMA project. Everyone who seeks advice on all issues in the broad scope of industrial printing can visit to learn more about the topics handled by the Expert Team and to submit their question.

Considered not only the topmost printing show but also a must-attend for all who either provide industrial printing solutions or look into innovating their printing business and expanding it to new market applications, drupa 2016 was an extraordinary event. “With the growing industry awareness of new printing capabilities, the recognition of ESMA activities increases, as well. We would like to thank all member companies who contributed to the success of ESMA pavilions and all visitors who took their time to come by and learn more about industrial, functional and speciality printing. We will return with ESMA member pavilions to Messe Düsseldorf for glasstec on 20-23 September and K show on 19-26 October 2016”, concluded Peter Buttiens.

Visit our photo gallery from drupa 2016:

Other statements from companies who participated in ESMA pavilions at drupa 2016:

  • “For years drupa has been a must-go fair for us. Our screen printing frames enjoy high recognition in Europe, so this time it was our objective to gain new contacts from overseas. Already in the first days of the show we have won a customer from Ethiopia.” Wolfgang Lefering, CEO, Anton Hurtz
  • “Both visitor numbers as well as their global spread by far exceeded our expectations. In addition, we have noticed a remarkable business optimism in terms of economic development and readiness for new investment in capital equipment. We have not seen such optimistic economic outlook since the global financial crisis and we were pleasantly surprised with some unexpected orders!“ Jan van Schaik, Sales Director, SPS Screen
  • “PVF got good response on High Tech MICRON-Screens and NBC-Mesh especially for fine line and highest dimensional accuracy screen printing. We are ready to participate in 2020 as drupa 2016 was successful for us and we expect all ESMA members to do all efforts to make drupa 2020 a worldwide leading screen printing innovation show!” Peter Fleischer and Julia Fleischer, CEOs, PVF
  • “drupa turned out to be the hot spot location for meeting the industry’s decision makers and establishing the first contact. The visitors were satisfied with our concept of offering expert advice and we have got a large number of inquiries of industrial printing applications.” Marcus Borghoff, General Manager, ESC
  • “We had many visitors from graphic and textile applications. Many offset printers showed interest in screen printing machines and we got interesting enquiries for our products and technical training.” Paolo Parrini, Sales Director, Saati
  • “It has been a key venue for us to meet customers and prospects from the various different application areas of commercial and industrial printing. It was impressive to see which leading role inkjet printing has now taken and how the demand is growing for us to deliver high performing colour management and RIP solutions.” Thomas Kirschner, CEO, ColorGATE
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ESMA: drupa 2016 was ook de industrial printing drupa

17 jun 2016
Categorie: ,

Leuven, 17th June 2016 – With ESMA Lounge buzzing with technical talks, the expert team handling questions from various corners of the industry and 22 pavilion members closing deals and establishing new international contacts, drupa 2016 was undoubtedly the show for everyone involved in industrial and functional printing. During all 11 days and virtually in all 17 halls, the exhibition has confirmed the modern-day reputation of print as an integral part of numerous manufacturing processes. 

One of Expert Team sessionsOne of Expert Team sessions“We call it ‘Print in Production’ as printing has truly become a production method for fluid deposition. It can serve decorative or functional purposes but the potential is similar if not greater than that of 3D printing. Many visitors regarded ESMA as a platform for new areas of expertise and we could offer them guidance at the show through our member companies who specialise in conductive and dielectric inks, pastes, bespoke printing equipment, EL technology and applications such as photovoltaics, NFC antennas or bio-medical,” said Peter Buttiens, CEO of ESMA. Organised for the second time at drupa, the pavilions of European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association covered over 550 sqm and included 22 members or technology partners in halls 3 and 6.

For some of them it was the first time as an exhibitor at world’s largest print fair. “The interest in functional inks, particular Intrinsiq’s range of conductive copper inkjet inks and screen print pastes, was exceptional, resulting in numerous new potential clients and collaborations. It was an excellent show which reached customers who do not typically attend the printed electronics events,” evaluated Ian Clark from Intrinsiq Materials, one of the newcomers to drupa. Debbie Thorp, Business Development Director at Global Inkjet Systems, added “drupa has always been an important meeting place, but with this year’s broader industrial coverage, it has become an essential event for companies like GIS. We had a very successful show and we look forward to increasing our presence at drupa 2020.”

Inkjet technology has enjoyed particularly strong exposure during the fair which was reflected in the huge interest for the upcoming edition of The Inkjet Conference, organised by ESMA on 5-6 October 2016 in Düsseldorf. “drupa has been a supporting partner of TheIJC since its inauguration in 2014. During the show we met many of our past delegates and exhibitors presenting new products and solutions, all confirming to join us again in October for further insight to the future of inkjet engineering and chemistry. In general, the ESMA Lounge at drupa was a great meeting point for those looking to the future,” said Steve Knight, the co-founder of TheIJC and The Inkjet Training course. The latter, held at the iPrint Institute in Fribourg, Switzerland, attracted many of drupa attendees by displaying and operating one of the test printer units used at the course.

All seats taken at ESMA Lounge at drupa 2016All seats taken at ESMA Lounge at drupa 2016Founded originally as a screen printing manufacturers association, ESMA dedicated a substantial part of their pavilion in hall 3 to companies which mastered this conventional technology, not least for unconventional and specialist applications. “Many visitors were certainly impressed by the massive presence of digital printing at drupa but we were able to show them that there is a whole range of high-end applications which are still only possible with screen printing or at least require screen going hand in hand with digital,” explained Jorge Ellert, Applications and Training Manager at Ulano. Manuel Zuckerman, owner of FIMOR, underlined the importance of a joint screen printing pavilion: “If we were isolated and left on our own, we would miss a great number of contacts who would not find us or not even look for us. Anyone with an interest in screen printing has to come by the ESMA pavilion where the key brands are represented and this is a high value for us.”

Whether from the digital, screen and at times even offset printing businesses, ESMA Lounge welcomed visitors who came with specific questions for the Expert Team. This new initiative kicked off at the first day of drupa and, supported by a special expert publication, completed the association’s profile as a knowledge body of the industry, responsible for promotion of best practices and innovative processes. Nine experts: Roland Biemans, Fritz Bircher, Jochen Christiaens, Frank Eirmbter, Steven Harnie, Oliver Kammann, Philipp Klinger, Steve Knight and Lucien Moons received dozens of appointments which encouraged the further development of this new ESMA project. Everyone who seeks advice on all issues in the broad scope of industrial printing can visit to learn more about the topics handled by the Expert Team and to submit their question.

Considered not only the topmost printing show but also a must-attend for all who either provide industrial printing solutions or look into innovating their printing business and expanding it to new market applications, drupa 2016 was an extraordinary event. “With the growing industry awareness of new printing capabilities, the recognition of ESMA activities increases, as well. We would like to thank all member companies who contributed to the success of ESMA pavilions and all visitors who took their time to come by and learn more about industrial, functional and speciality printing. We will return with ESMA member pavilions to Messe Düsseldorf for glasstec on 20-23 September and K show on 19-26 October 2016”, concluded Peter Buttiens.

Visit our photo gallery from drupa 2016:

Other statements from companies who participated in ESMA pavilions at drupa 2016:

  • “For years drupa has been a must-go fair for us. Our screen printing frames enjoy high recognition in Europe, so this time it was our objective to gain new contacts from overseas. Already in the first days of the show we have won a customer from Ethiopia.” Wolfgang Lefering, CEO, Anton Hurtz
  • “Both visitor numbers as well as their global spread by far exceeded our expectations. In addition, we have noticed a remarkable business optimism in terms of economic development and readiness for new investment in capital equipment. We have not seen such optimistic economic outlook since the global financial crisis and we were pleasantly surprised with some unexpected orders!“ Jan van Schaik, Sales Director, SPS Screen
  • “PVF got good response on High Tech MICRON-Screens and NBC-Mesh especially for fine line and highest dimensional accuracy screen printing. We are ready to participate in 2020 as drupa 2016 was successful for us and we expect all ESMA members to do all efforts to make drupa 2020 a worldwide leading screen printing innovation show!” Peter Fleischer and Julia Fleischer, CEOs, PVF
  • “drupa turned out to be the hot spot location for meeting the industry’s decision makers and establishing the first contact. The visitors were satisfied with our concept of offering expert advice and we have got a large number of inquiries of industrial printing applications.” Marcus Borghoff, General Manager, ESC
  • “We had many visitors from graphic and textile applications. Many offset printers showed interest in screen printing machines and we got interesting enquiries for our products and technical training.” Paolo Parrini, Sales Director, Saati
  • “It has been a key venue for us to meet customers and prospects from the various different application areas of commercial and industrial printing. It was impressive to see which leading role inkjet printing has now taken and how the demand is growing for us to deliver high performing colour management and RIP solutions.” Thomas Kirschner, CEO, ColorGATE
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Column Roelof Janssen: De software drupa

16 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,,

Schermafbeelding 2016-06-16 om 07.33.24Computer Software Consultant, XML, publishing, big data, IoT Roelof Janssen bezocht drupa 2016 niet voor het ‘ijzer’ maar voor de software en nieuwe trends als 3D-printing en printing electronics. Lees de column van Roelof op onze artikelen pagina.

Bezoek de SandP website voor meer informatie over de diensten en services die Roelof Janssen aan kan bieden.

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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