Rob van den Braak
Een strategisch samenwerking tussen Kodak en Komori moet een antwoord geven aan de plannen van andere persenbouwers als Heidelberg en KBA om hun drukpersen te verbinden met pre-press en administratieve workflows. De bedrijven gaan werken aan een totale integratie tussen de Komori KP-Connect en Kodak Prinergy workflows. Lees meer over deze samenwerking in het onderstaande persbericht.
Komori and Kodak announced they have entered into a strategic partnership that will deliver seamless interoperability between Komori KP-Connect (K-Station 4) Printing Task Control Software and Kodak PRINERGY Workflow. By integrating KP-Connect (K-Station 4) and PRINERGY Workflow, Komori and Kodak will increase the automation and productivity of mutual customers. The integrated solution will be demonstrated at drupa at Komori’s booth (Hall 15, Booth D04).
Automating communication between KP-Connect (K-Station 4) and PRINERGY Workflow gives users of Komori offset and digital presses a powerful shop floor scheduling solution and automated prepress functions. With this new combination of prepress and production workflows customers will experience the benefits of reduced labor costs, reduced errors and the ability to complete orders faster, opening up additional revenue opportunities from short run and quick turnaround jobs. The integrated workflow solution combines the powerful rules-based automation feature of PRINERGY Workflow with real-time process management from K-Station 4’s scheduling via CIP4/JDF. The combined solution provides a very robust, yet flexible automated prepress process.
“In order to increase productivity of printing companies, Komori is promoting the KP-Connect Alliance Program in which every step of a vendor’s product is bi-directionally connected with Komori’s KP connect,” says Eiji Kajita, director, operating officer and general manager, Corporate Planning Office, Komori Corp.
“Together, Komori and Kodak are helping our joint customers reduce labor costs, minimize errors and enable faster production times,” says Allan Brown,VP and general manager of Kodak’s Unified Workflow Solutions group. “The new combination of PRINGERGY Workflow and Komori KP-Connect provides a solution to long standing challenges around schedule optimization our customers are facing. We will continue to collaborate to develop new ways to streamline prepress and pressroom operations for our customers.”
Lees verder....Komori and Kodak announced they have entered into a strategic partnership that will deliver seamless interoperability between Komori KP-Connect (K-Station 4) Printing Task Control Software and Kodak PRINERGY Workflow. By integrating KP-Connect (K-Station 4) and PRINERGY Workflow, Komori and Kodak will increase the automation and productivity of mutual customers. The integrated solution will be demonstrated at drupa at Komori’s booth (Hall 15, Booth D04).
Automating communication between KP-Connect (K-Station 4) and PRINERGY Workflow gives users of Komori offset and digital presses a powerful shop floor scheduling solution and automated prepress functions. With this new combination of prepress and production workflows customers will experience the benefits of reduced labor costs, reduced errors and the ability to complete orders faster, opening up additional revenue opportunities from short run and quick turnaround jobs. The integrated workflow solution combines the powerful rules-based automation feature of PRINERGY Workflow with real-time process management from K-Station 4’s scheduling via CIP4/JDF. The combined solution provides a very robust, yet flexible automated prepress process.
“In order to increase productivity of printing companies, Komori is promoting the KP-Connect Alliance Program in which every step of a vendor’s product is bi-directionally connected with Komori’s KP connect,” says Eiji Kajita, director, operating officer and general manager, Corporate Planning Office, Komori Corp.
“Together, Komori and Kodak are helping our joint customers reduce labor costs, minimize errors and enable faster production times,” says Allan Brown,VP and general manager of Kodak’s Unified Workflow Solutions group. “The new combination of PRINGERGY Workflow and Komori KP-Connect provides a solution to long standing challenges around schedule optimization our customers are facing. We will continue to collaborate to develop new ways to streamline prepress and pressroom operations for our customers.”
Lees verder....Drupa ticket winnaar Roelof Janssen stuurde een selfi van zijn bezoek aan de stand. Hij mailde ook een kort verslag van zijn drupa bezoek gewijd aan web2print en 3D. Hieronder integraal zijn verslag:
Mijn 2-daagse bezoek aan de Drupa 2016 stond in het teken van WebToPrint en 3D printing:
Bij WebToPrint (voornamelijk hal 7 en 7a) zie je steeds naast de bekende namen als Chili Publisher en 2Imagine ook kleinere bedrijven die document editors maken die te gebruiken zijn als plug-in in eigen of third party software, bijv. Design ’N Buy, te integreren in Magento. Illustreert ook het definitieve einde voor Flash, men maakt nu gebruik van JavaScript libraries en/of HTML 5. Ook dagelijks een leuke lezing van Bernd Zipper die verdere groei van W2P voorspelt, zeker ook met meer maatwerk voor de eindgebruiker.
Wat 3D printing betreft: bij Fab + Print een lezing van LeapFrog uit Nederland bijgewoond; dit bedrijf werkt samen met Ricoh maar was daar niet op de stand te vinden, wel bij AV Flexologic bv in hal 10, stand A20 waar ze een 3D printer hebben staan van 2,5 m hoog om flexowalsen mee te printen (voordelen: veel lichter, klaar in een uur, uiteenlopende formaten mogelijk).
Voor hen die nog gaan: neem paraplu mee, soms brak een zware regenbui los; verder maakte ik op zondag een ontruiming mee van hallen 8a en b, die 2 uur dicht gingen vanwege een verdacht pakketje (bleek volgens geruchten een oplaadbaar scheerapparaat te zijn).
Verder opvallend weinig aandacht voor EK voetbal (consideratie met de buren?), nergens een geprint speelschema gevonden, wie wel ?
Een uitgebreider verslag volgt op mijn eigen blog / in Blokboek.
Noot redactie: Screen print tijdens de drupa een wedstrijdschema dat daar gratis af te halen is, in Hal 8a.
Lees verder....Canon Europe toont in de Functional & Industrial zone van haar stand op drupa 2016 (hal 8a, stand B50) het prototype van een nieuwe oplossing voor workflowautomatisering – voorlopig aangeduid als ‘View & Cut’.
De view & cut-technologie is het resultaat van een samenwerking tussen Canon en Zünd Scandinavië om de nabewerking van prints gemaakt met Canon- grootformaatprinters op Océ ProCut G3 en S3 snij- en freessystemen verder te automatiseren.
De oplossing is uitgerust met Canon’s geavanceerde EOS-imagingtechnologie die zich in een aan het plafond bevestigd systeem bevindt dat de registratiemarkeringen op de geprinte media herkent en automatisch de opdrachten op het snijsysteem identificeert. De view & cut-technologie converteert deze gegevens naar een instructie voor de Océ ProCut Vision software, waarna elke opdracht op het Océ ProCut snijsysteem wordt uitgevoerd op basis van de individuele specificaties voor afwerking van de prints, zoals snijden, rillen en kiss-cut.
Deze co-ontwikkeling van de view & cut-technologie heeft tot doel de handmatige interventie door de operator in de nabewerkingsfase sterk te verminderen en ook om de nabewerking van prints – zowel vellen als rol – gemaakt met één of meer Canon-grootformaatprinters zoveel mogelijk te automatiseren. Deze technologie biedt printbedrijven de mogelijkheid meerdere opdrachten op vellen of rollen te combineren en de nabewerking van deze opdrachten te automatiseren.
Mathew Faulkner, European Marketing Manager voor de Wide Format Group bij Canon Europe, zegt: “Deze fascinerende innovatie laat zien hoe de imaging knowhow van Canon’s cameradivisie in combinatie met onze kennis van grootformaat prints kan leiden tot een daadwerkelijke en pragmatische vooruitgang binnen de meest veeleisende printproductieomgevingen.”
Het portfolio Océ ProCut snij- en freessystemen bestaat uit nauwkeurige, geautomatiseerde snijsystemen die een uitzonderlijk hoge snijkwaliteit, flexibiliteit en productiviteit garanderen bij alle sign- en displaytoepassingen.
De view & cut-technologie is een prototype dat verder wordt doorontwikkeld en is nog niet commercieel verkrijgbaar. Bezoekers van drupa 2016 worden uitgenodigd om op de Canon-stand in hal 8a een live demonstratie bij te wonen en zich te laten informeren.
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The Holmberg Co., Inc. announces that VBG Media has become the exclusive distributor of Mazina Hinged photo papers for the Germany & Benelux regions.
The Mazina Media product line includes digital photo papers for press-printed books with a unique FlexBind® hinge that is integrated into the sheet. Printers benefit from this exclusive technology that adds no thickness to the page, resulting in trouble-free production. The printer simply fills the paper drawer and prints. FlexBind® technology is not a binding method or a cover. The unique media product is compatible with many digital presses, covers and various binding equipment. Extended sheet sizes allow for full-bleed printing and trimming.
Along with offering true lay-flat books, digital printers and photo labs have the added ability to produce panoramic image spreads with confidence, knowing the integrity of the image will be preserved and presented in a stunning format.
Says Neil Bather, CEO, VBG Media: “There has been a huge growth in the photo book market over the past few years as printers and photo labs look to offer more high-margin and diverse products to clients. However, more printers are recognising that success in this market is not just about using a quality digital press, it’s also about delivering a product with the necessary ‘wow’ factor which promotes customer loyalty and preserves margin”. “We also see a huge opportunity in the commercial digital print market for the supply of high end lay-flat books”.
John Thompson, National Account Manager for Holmberg Co concludes “We are looking forward to replicating in Europe the same success we have had with Mazina media in the US. VBG Media is an ideal partner, because they have the experience in other countries and have full focus on the Mazina product. This combination is one of the major reasons why we think that this is a good step for Holmberg to enter in the European market.
Please contact Leon Verkerk of VBGmedia,, for samples or a demo of this unique product.
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The world’s biggest and most important trade fair for print and crossmedia solutions sticks to its proven four-year cycle and will be held again in Düsseldorf from Tuesday, 23 June, to Friday, 3 July 2020. With this decision Messe Düsseldorf is responding to the numerous demands voiced by exhibiting industry players.
“The current drupa, with its outstanding business deals and positive atmosphere really stands out and has made one thing perfectly clear: “Its USP are the production lines and are in full operation here,” explains Werner M. Dornscheidt, President & CEO of Messe Düsseldorf, and adds: “This is one of the reasons why drupa is such a beacon. Precisely this investment – this is what many representatives of the exhibitor community have assured us over the past few days here – they want to be at and with drupa in the future, their No. 1 international industry platform. Therefore in the interest of our customers and international markets, drupa will stick to its 4-year cycle.”
The re-positioning of drupa 2016, its focus on future topics as well as the shorter duration of eleven days have all proven to be correct decisions. drupa 2016 is still on until 10 June. 1,837 exhibitors from 54 countries are currently showcasing their innovations and applications for print and cross-media solutions in Düsseldorf’s 19 exhibition halls.
Approx 200,000 visitors from 183 countries have visited the world’s biggest and most important trade fair in the print and media industry since day one of the event. And the percentage of visitors from throughout the world has also been extremely high so far: 78% have come from abroad.
Lees verder....Een zucht van verlichting was bijna te horen op drupa toen bekend werd dat de grootste vakbeurs ter wereld niet om de drie maar om de vier jaar gehouden zal worden. De volgende drupa zal dus in 2020 plaatsvinden van dinsdag 23 juni tot en met vrijdag 3 juli.
Hierbij bezwijkt de organisatie voor de druk van vele exposanten. Het gerucht ging al langer rond maar vandaag is de kogel door de kerk. De hanger “see you at drupa 2019” wordt een collectors item. Exposanten voerden aan dat er simpelweg minder marketinggeld beschikbaar is bij een drie–jaar cyclus. De beurs zou dan veel kleiner worden.
Meer over deze, volgens vele terechte beslissing, lees je in het onderstaande persbericht.
The world’s biggest and most important trade fair for print and crossmedia solutions sticks to its proven four-year cycle and will be held again in Düsseldorf from Tuesday, 23 June, to Friday, 3 July 2020. With this decision Messe Düsseldorf is responding to the numerous demands voiced by exhibiting industry players.
“The current drupa, with its outstanding business deals and positive atmosphere really stands out and has made one thing perfectly clear: “Its USP are the production lines and are in full operation here,” explains Werner M. Dornscheidt, President & CEO of Messe Düsseldorf, and adds: “This is one of the reasons why drupa is such a beacon. Precisely this investment – this is what many representatives of the exhibitor community have assured us over the past few days here – they want to be at and with drupa in the future, their No. 1 international industry platform. Therefore in the interest of our customers and international markets, drupa will stick to its 4-year cycle.”
The re-positioning of drupa 2016, its focus on future topics as well as the shorter duration of eleven days have all proven to be correct decisions. drupa 2016 is still on until 10 June. 1,837 exhibitors from 54 countries are currently showcasing their innovations and applications for print and cross-media solutions in Düsseldorf’s 19 exhibition halls.
Approx 200,000 visitors from 183 countries have visited the world’s biggest and most important trade fair in the print and media industry since day one of the event. And the percentage of visitors from throughout the world has also been extremely high so far: 78% have come from abroad.
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Konica Minolta verrast drupa bezoekers niet alleen met zijn nieuwe KM-1 digitale pers maar doet dat ook op een Carbon Neutral stand. Het berekende alle uitstoot van CO 2 inclusief de vliegreizen en het transport die nodig waren voor zijn stand, 190.000 kg, en compenseerde dat met de investering in projecten van het Climate Partner project. Lees meer over dit bijzonder milieu-vriendelijke initiatief in onderstaand persbericht.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe (Konica Minolta) is showcasing a carbon neutral stand (hall 8B, stand A65) in Düsseldorf at the drupa show, the world’s leading professional print fair that is taking place between 31 May and 10 June 2016. With this new concept for the stand, Konica Minolta is reinforcing its approach towards sustainability in an economic context. The company’s long-term plan for a sustainable future, EcoVision 2050, was developed back in 2009 – Konica Minolta’s strategy and vision have been shaped by this plan ever since.
“As one of the leading global services providers in the field of production printing, Konica Minolta recognises the impact corporations have on the environment and is committed to contributing to a more sustainable earth and society”, explains Olaf Lorenz, General Manager International Marketing Division, Konica Minolta. “Konica Minolta set itself the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 80% throughout the product life cycle by 2050, compared with 2005 levels – a concept based on the company’s management philosophy. The new concept for the stand presented at drupa is carbon neutral and makes the company’s efforts even more visible and unique.”
The carbon neutral stand
Leading up to the show all the factors contributing to carbon emissions were calculated, such as travel and hotel stays for the demo team, catering and drinks at the stand and material production and printing. Around 190,000 kg CO2 is expected to be emitted at drupa – this is comparable with a mid-range car driving around the world thirty times. Based on these data, Konica Minolta is compensating for these emissions by investing in certified carbon offset projects, such as wind energy in Turkey and hydropower in Indonesia. In cooperation with experts from ClimatePartner, Konica Minolta has established a transparent concept that can easily be traced and validated. There are plans to implement the carbon neutral stand concept at future shows as well, thereby reducing the company’s carbon footprint.
Holistic sustainability approach
As one of the pioneers of sustainable engagement in the printing industry, Konica Minolta encourages others to commit themselves to reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases. As part of this commitment, Konica Minolta has been powered by regenerative energy sources at nearly all of its locations in Germany since January this year. In tandem with their carbon neutral printing programme, Konica Minolta is currently working on expanding its paper recycling strategy. Konica Minolta in Langenhagen orders only recycled paper for office printing, without exception, and there are plans to implement this approach at all locations in Germany.
Social sustainability at Konica Minolta
For Konica Minolta social sustainability is as important a task as commitments made towards environmental improvement. One step in this direction is the collaboration between Konica Minolta Europe, CzechITas and Impact Hub. Impact Hub provides inspiring workspaces, including technical equipment, especially for social entrepreneurs by connecting people, ideas and financial support. Under the motto ‘Let´s target the balance. We can do IT together’ the CSR project CzechITas pushes for more gender diversity in the IT sector. The pilot project consisting of 15 workshops took place between 1 July 2015 and 31 March 2016. The support given by Konica Minolta to CzechITas and Impact Hub was not limited to financial contributions, as Konica Minolta also enabled knowledge transfer by providing staff members onsite and by getting in touch with future IT experts.
Lees verder....
Konica Minolta verrast drupa bezoekers niet alleen met zijn nieuwe KM-1 digitale pers maar doet dat ook op een Carbon Neutral stand. Het berekende alle uitstoot van CO 2 inclusief de vliegreizen en het transport die nodig waren voor zijn stand, 190.000 kg, en compenseerde dat met de investering in projecten van het Climate Partner project. Lees meer over dit bijzonder milieu-vriendelijke initiatief in onderstaand persbericht.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe (Konica Minolta) is showcasing a carbon neutral stand (hall 8B, stand A65) in Düsseldorf at the drupa show, the world’s leading professional print fair that is taking place between 31 May and 10 June 2016. With this new concept for the stand, Konica Minolta is reinforcing its approach towards sustainability in an economic context. The company’s long-term plan for a sustainable future, EcoVision 2050, was developed back in 2009 – Konica Minolta’s strategy and vision have been shaped by this plan ever since.
“As one of the leading global services providers in the field of production printing, Konica Minolta recognises the impact corporations have on the environment and is committed to contributing to a more sustainable earth and society”, explains Olaf Lorenz, General Manager International Marketing Division, Konica Minolta. “Konica Minolta set itself the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 80% throughout the product life cycle by 2050, compared with 2005 levels – a concept based on the company’s management philosophy. The new concept for the stand presented at drupa is carbon neutral and makes the company’s efforts even more visible and unique.”
The carbon neutral stand
Leading up to the show all the factors contributing to carbon emissions were calculated, such as travel and hotel stays for the demo team, catering and drinks at the stand and material production and printing. Around 190,000 kg CO2 is expected to be emitted at drupa – this is comparable with a mid-range car driving around the world thirty times. Based on these data, Konica Minolta is compensating for these emissions by investing in certified carbon offset projects, such as wind energy in Turkey and hydropower in Indonesia. In cooperation with experts from ClimatePartner, Konica Minolta has established a transparent concept that can easily be traced and validated. There are plans to implement the carbon neutral stand concept at future shows as well, thereby reducing the company’s carbon footprint.
Holistic sustainability approach
As one of the pioneers of sustainable engagement in the printing industry, Konica Minolta encourages others to commit themselves to reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases. As part of this commitment, Konica Minolta has been powered by regenerative energy sources at nearly all of its locations in Germany since January this year. In tandem with their carbon neutral printing programme, Konica Minolta is currently working on expanding its paper recycling strategy. Konica Minolta in Langenhagen orders only recycled paper for office printing, without exception, and there are plans to implement this approach at all locations in Germany.
Social sustainability at Konica Minolta
For Konica Minolta social sustainability is as important a task as commitments made towards environmental improvement. One step in this direction is the collaboration between Konica Minolta Europe, CzechITas and Impact Hub. Impact Hub provides inspiring workspaces, including technical equipment, especially for social entrepreneurs by connecting people, ideas and financial support. Under the motto ‘Let´s target the balance. We can do IT together’ the CSR project CzechITas pushes for more gender diversity in the IT sector. The pilot project consisting of 15 workshops took place between 1 July 2015 and 31 March 2016. The support given by Konica Minolta to CzechITas and Impact Hub was not limited to financial contributions, as Konica Minolta also enabled knowledge transfer by providing staff members onsite and by getting in touch with future IT experts.
Lees verder....
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe (Konica Minolta) is showcasing a carbon neutral stand (hall 8B, stand A65) in Düsseldorf at the drupa show, the world’s leading professional print fair that is taking place between 31 May and 10 June 2016. With this new concept for the stand, Konica Minolta is reinforcing its approach towards sustainability in an economic context. The company’s long-term plan for a sustainable future, EcoVision 2050, was developed back in 2009 – Konica Minolta’s strategy and vision have been shaped by this plan ever since.
“As one of the leading global services providers in the field of production printing, Konica Minolta recognises the impact corporations have on the environment and is committed to contributing to a more sustainable earth and society”, explains Olaf Lorenz, General Manager International Marketing Division, Konica Minolta. “Konica Minolta set itself the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 80% throughout the product life cycle by 2050, compared with 2005 levels – a concept based on the company’s management philosophy. The new concept for the stand presented at drupa is carbon neutral and makes the company’s efforts even more visible and unique.”
The carbon neutral stand
Leading up to the show all the factors contributing to carbon emissions were calculated, such as travel and hotel stays for the demo team, catering and drinks at the stand and material production and printing. Around 190,000 kg CO2 is expected to be emitted at drupa – this is comparable with a mid-range car driving around the world thirty times. Based on these data, Konica Minolta is compensating for these emissions by investing in certified carbon offset projects, such as wind energy in Turkey and hydropower in Indonesia. In cooperation with experts from ClimatePartner, Konica Minolta has established a transparent concept that can easily be traced and validated. There are plans to implement the carbon neutral stand concept at future shows as well, thereby reducing the company’s carbon footprint.
Holistic sustainability approach
As one of the pioneers of sustainable engagement in the printing industry, Konica Minolta encourages others to commit themselves to reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases. As part of this commitment, Konica Minolta has been powered by regenerative energy sources at nearly all of its locations in Germany since January this year. In tandem with their carbon neutral printing programme, Konica Minolta is currently working on expanding its paper recycling strategy. Konica Minolta in Langenhagen orders only recycled paper for office printing, without exception, and there are plans to implement this approach at all locations in Germany.
Social sustainability at Konica Minolta
For Konica Minolta social sustainability is as important a task as commitments made towards environmental improvement. One step in this direction is the collaboration between Konica Minolta Europe, CzechITas and Impact Hub. Impact Hub provides inspiring workspaces, including technical equipment, especially for social entrepreneurs by connecting people, ideas and financial support. Under the motto ‘Let´s target the balance. We can do IT together’ the CSR project CzechITas pushes for more gender diversity in the IT sector. The pilot project consisting of 15 workshops took place between 1 July 2015 and 31 March 2016. The support given by Konica Minolta to CzechITas and Impact Hub was not limited to financial contributions, as Konica Minolta also enabled knowledge transfer by providing staff members onsite and by getting in touch with future IT experts.
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Presstek has announced that Presstek DI digital offset press owners and print service providers who are looking for an affordable way to quickly expand their capabilities are showing keen interest in the new ECO-UV Integrated Curing System for DI presses being showcased on the drupa show floor in Presstek’s Stand Hall 15/D59.
“When commercial, packaging and in-plant printers come into our stand and see the quality and speed with which the Presstek DI ECO-UV press prints on plastic; they are very impressed,” explains Ralph Jenkins, director of worldwide sales and marketing, Presstek. “Then, when they find out that this quality and speed is not limited to non-porous substrates, such as plastic and vinyl, but extends to traditional paper and board; that is when they really get excited. They say that the ability to easily deliver a wider range of applications on a broader range of substrates at an affordable price point will not only increase their current customer’s satisfaction, but it will retain them and bring in new customers.
Jenkins continues, “These visitors to our stand also note that the rich color printing on specialty substrates, coupled with the scuff-resistant, instant drying time benefits of UV printing will give them a definitive competitive edge. It opens up new capabilities to quickly turn around high-value printing jobs; such as plastic cards, packaging, labels, point-of-purchase materials and unique direct mail pieces.
He adds, “They really like the fact that the DI ECO-UV digital offset press offers them an affordable way to get into the UV printing market. Plus, current Presstek 34DI and 52DI press owners can have the ECO-UV installed as a field upgrade.
“In addition, these print service providers have told us that they see the benefits of competitively differentiating with the eco-friendly nature of the DI ECO-UV press. Presstek DI’s waterless press design and on-press chemistry-free imaging technology deliver significant advantages for the environment. Plus, there are energy savings with ECO-UV; it is about 70% more efficient than standard UV and generates less heat, which results in superior sheet control and less stock deformation.
Jenkins concludes, “The reason I believe that we have a winner with the new ECO-UV Integrated Curing System for DI Digital Offset Presses is in the wrap up of our conversations with DI ECO-UV demo attendees. They tell us about how they can envision their business becoming more capable, profitable, competitive and environmentally responsible with this new innovative product.”
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Op drupa heeft Presstek een ECO-UV optie voor zijn DI persen aangekondigd. Lees meer over ECO-UV in het onderstaande persbericht.
Presstek has announced that Presstek DI digital offset press owners and print service providers who are looking for an affordable way to quickly expand their capabilities are showing keen interest in the new ECO-UV Integrated Curing System for DI presses being showcased on the drupa show floor in Presstek’s Stand Hall 15/D59.
“When commercial, packaging and in-plant printers come into our stand and see the quality and speed with which the Presstek DI ECO-UV press prints on plastic; they are very impressed,” explains Ralph Jenkins, director of worldwide sales and marketing, Presstek. “Then, when they find out that this quality and speed is not limited to non-porous substrates, such as plastic and vinyl, but extends to traditional paper and board; that is when they really get excited. They say that the ability to easily deliver a wider range of applications on a broader range of substrates at an affordable price point will not only increase their current customer’s satisfaction, but it will retain them and bring in new customers.
Jenkins continues, “These visitors to our stand also note that the rich color printing on specialty substrates, coupled with the scuff-resistant, instant drying time benefits of UV printing will give them a definitive competitive edge. It opens up new capabilities to quickly turn around high-value printing jobs; such as plastic cards, packaging, labels, point-of-purchase materials and unique direct mail pieces.
He adds, “They really like the fact that the DI ECO-UV digital offset press offers them an affordable way to get into the UV printing market. Plus, current Presstek 34DI and 52DI press owners can have the ECO-UV installed as a field upgrade.
“In addition, these print service providers have told us that they see the benefits of competitively differentiating with the eco-friendly nature of the DI ECO-UV press. Presstek DI’s waterless press design and on-press chemistry-free imaging technology deliver significant advantages for the environment. Plus, there are energy savings with ECO-UV; it is about 70% more efficient than standard UV and generates less heat, which results in superior sheet control and less stock deformation.
Jenkins concludes, “The reason I believe that we have a winner with the new ECO-UV Integrated Curing System for DI Digital Offset Presses is in the wrap up of our conversations with DI ECO-UV demo attendees. They tell us about how they can envision their business becoming more capable, profitable, competitive and environmentally responsible with this new innovative product.”
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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