Rob van den Braak

Presstek introduceert ECO-UV droging voor zijn DI persen

07 jun 2016

Schermafbeelding 2016-06-07 om 08.08.48Op drupa heeft Presstek een ECO-UV optie voor zijn DI persen aangekondigd. Lees meer over ECO-UV in het onderstaande persbericht.

Presstek has announced that Presstek DI digital offset press owners and print service providers who are looking for an affordable way to quickly expand their capabilities are showing keen interest in the new ECO-UV Integrated Curing System for DI presses being showcased on the drupa show floor in Presstek’s Stand Hall 15/D59.
“When commercial, packaging and in-plant printers come into our stand and see the quality and speed with which the Presstek DI ECO-UV press prints on plastic; they are very impressed,” explains Ralph Jenkins, director of worldwide sales and marketing, Presstek. “Then, when they find out that this quality and speed is not limited to non-porous substrates, such as plastic and vinyl, but extends to traditional paper and board; that is when they really get excited. They say that the ability to easily deliver a wider range of applications on a broader range of substrates at an affordable price point will not only increase their current customer’s satisfaction, but it will retain them and bring in new customers.
Jenkins continues, “These visitors to our stand also note that the rich color printing on specialty substrates, coupled with the scuff-resistant, instant drying time benefits of UV printing will give them a definitive competitive edge. It opens up new capabilities to quickly turn around high-value printing jobs; such as plastic cards, packaging, labels, point-of-purchase materials and unique direct mail pieces.
He adds, “They really like the fact that the DI ECO-UV digital offset press offers them an affordable way to get into the UV printing market. Plus, current Presstek 34DI and 52DI press owners can have the ECO-UV installed as a field upgrade.
“In addition, these print service providers have told us that they see the benefits of competitively differentiating with the eco-friendly nature of the DI ECO-UV press. Presstek DI’s waterless press design and on-press chemistry-free imaging technology deliver significant advantages for the environment. Plus, there are energy savings with ECO-UV; it is about 70% more efficient than standard UV and generates less heat, which results in superior sheet control and less stock deformation.
Jenkins concludes, “The reason I believe that we have a winner with the new ECO-UV Integrated Curing System for DI Digital Offset Presses is in the wrap up of our conversations with DI ECO-UV demo attendees. They tell us about how they can envision their business becoming more capable, profitable, competitive and environmentally responsible with this new innovative product.”

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Mijlpaal: > 2.000 lezers van het Blokboek Magazine

06 jun 2016
Categorie: , Magazine Drupa 2016 NLGisteren bereikten we een mijlpaal, de drupa versie van het Blokboek Magazine had zijn 2.000ste lezer. Daar zijn we trots op vooral ook omdat die lezers gemiddeld 5,7 minuten besteden om 9,4 pagina’s van de 12 pagina’s te bekijken.

Wat een verschil met traditionele vakbladen die niet alleen actualiteit en interactiviteit van het Blokboek Magazine missen maar ook minder lezers echt bereiken. Die interactiviteit is voor lezers, voor ons en onze adverteerders belangrijk. Met Google Analytics zien we dat 48 procent van de lezers meer wil lezen over een onderwerp of er informatie over zoekt op de site van een leverancier.

Kijk uit naar het volgende nummer
Het nu al eclatante succes van dit eerste multi media en cross channel Blokboek Magazine krijgt zeker een vervolg. In het najaar komen we met een special geheel gewijd aan het fenomeen multi channel publishing en volgend jaar kunt u rond beurzen als Fespa en IPEX weer een special boordevol informatie verwachten.
Meer weten over deze uitgaven? Mail

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Xitron Northstar RIP geeft OKI printers snelheid en een perfecte kleurweergave

06 jun 2016


Spot color matching techniek van Xitron geeft OKI printers optimale kleurweergave

RIP software ontwikkelaar Xitron heeft de beschikbaarheid van haar Navigator Northstar RIP voor de OKI 931 en OKI 941 kleuren printers aangekondigd. Met de Northstar RIP kunnen gebruikers van de zeer betaalbare A3-plus OKI productie printers optimaal gebruik maken van de vijfde kleur die deze printers bieden. Met de ingebouwde kleurmanagement software zorgt Northstar bovendien voor een perfecte omzetting naar CMYK en calibratie voor specifieke papier soorten. Lees meer over de Northstar voor OKI in het onderstaande persbericht.

Xitron, the leading independent developer of RIP and workflow products for commercial, digital, and high-speed inkjet printing is now shipping their Navigator Northstar RIP and workflow in support of OKI 931 and 941 color production printers. Designed to provide spot color matching capability, the workflow makes it possible for OKI users to quickly and accurately reproduce spot color elements within production jobs.

One of the hardest things to do with a CMYK printer is to replicate the palettes used by designers and brand builders in the creation of their artwork,” said Eric NelsenVice President of Product Development at Xitron. Yet, it’s extremely critical to get it right regardless of run length or output device. The addition of this inexpensive software will give OKI users precisely the control they have been looking for.

Navigator Northstar comes as a complete package that includes the Navigator RIP and color matching workflow component, ready to install in the customer’s shop. Accessible through any Mac or PC currently printing to the OKI, the software is simple, intuitive, and accurate. It uses drag-and-drop as well as “print-to” functionality allowing the user to print and match spot colors before committing to a multiple copy run.

According to Nelsen, users who previously purchased the Harlequin Multi-RIP Server option with their OKI, can add the Northstar color matching workflow almost seamlessly. “Doing so will advance their Harlequin RIP technology to the next level of color accuracy, giving customers the fidelity they expected all along.

Xitron is demonstrating Navigator Northstar on their stand (15/C54-4) at Drupa in Dusseldorf, Germany through June 10th. It is available for immediate purchase and shipment through Xitron dealers worldwide. To locate a Xitron dealer, go to

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KBA Corrugraph: De comeback van een flex-pers bewijst de potentie van de verpakkingsmarkt

06 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,
Coni Wolf of York Container in York, PA, is extremely satisfied with her KBA Corrugraph delivered shortly after the millennium. She is pleased that KBA is re-entering the sheetfed flexo corrugated market with a new Corrugraph generation – shown here as a model

Even more highly automated for fast job change the new KBA Corrugraph features an integrated rotary die-cutter. It is engineered for a maximum sheet format of 152 x 340cm and a maximum print speed of 12,000sph. It can handle substrate thicknesses from 1 to 10mm. What is more, KBA is working with HP on the development and production of the HP T1100S inkjet web press with a web width of 2.8m. HP has already ordered 5 of these presses.

Packaging market growing faster than world’s population

With a growth rate of +4% p.a. the global packaging market is growing faster than the world’s population. Flexible packaging (+4.4%), corrugated (+4.3%), board (+4.2%), rigid plastics (+3.8%), glass (+3.3%) and metal (+2.5%) are growing the fastest. KBA companies are active in all of these areas, and are even the leader in some.

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Accolades for Mimaki UJV55-320, Mimaki UJF-7151 plus and Mimaki TX300P-1800

05 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,

Mimaki has secured a hat-trick of European Digital Press Association (EDP) Awards, presented at drupa 2016.
The Mimaki UJV55-320 has been named Best Wide Format Roll-to-Roll Printer up to 320 cm; the Mimaki UJF-7151 plus, the Best Special Object Printer; and the Mimaki TX300P the Best Textile Printer Roll-to-Roll up to 100 sqm/h. The awards were accepted by Mike Horsten, General Manager Marketing of Mimaki EMEA, at a special ceremony held during the show.

Creative recognition
Mike Horsten, General Manager Marketing of Mimaki Europe “To achieve one EDP award is an honour – three is a great recognition of the hard work and creativity of our research and development teams in not only bringing market leading solutions to fruition but also in identifying emerging trends and how we can help customers make the most of the opportunities they present,” says Horsten. “The UJV55-320 is the perfect complement to existing sign and display graphics production platforms as well as an affordable market entry for operations looking for new sign revenue streams. The Mimaki UJF-7151 plus addresses a growing demand for digital, on-demand and plateless inkjet printing because of its ability to quickly provide high-mix and low-volume printing.

Mike Horsten adds, “With the Mimaki TX300P-1800, we were mindful of the shift in textile production from both analogue to digital and from centralised to distributed production. We envision a day not too far in the future when consumers will be able to download or create their own patterns rather than being limited to commercially available designs. The TX300P-1800 is ideal for this new distributed model of textile printing.”


Affordable wide-format
UJV55-320_key-visualThe Mimaki UJV55-320 is an affordable roll-fed wide-format printer that delivers speeds of up to 110 m2/h and print resolutions of up to 1200 dpi, depending on the substrates. It uses UV-curable ink, cured with a low-energy LED light array. This results in sign and display graphics that exit the printer dry and are immediately ready for further processing, significantly reducing production cycle times. In addition, UV-curable inks emit no volatile organic compounds (VOCs), minimising the environmental footprint.

The UJV55-320 also features:

  • Cyan, magenta, yellow, black, white, light cyan and light magenta inks that can be configured in a 4-colour mode or 6-colour set plus white.
  • White ink allows printing high quality, vibrant images on transparent and coloured media. The three-layer colour-white-colour printing is especially suitable for production of applications such as window graphics and backlit signs. Mimaki Circulation Technology (MCT) maintains white ink print quality and reduces ink waste.
  • Built-in LED lights that make it more efficient for operators to check printing quality of backlit signage, simulating their installed look and reducing waste and rework.
  • Automatic detection of nozzle faults and cleaning and/or nozzle substitution for high quality uninterrupted printing.
  • Twin roll capability, enabling printing on two separate rolls of the same media for simultaneous printing of two different jobs.
  • RasterLink 6 software with a patented dithering technique and Mimaki Advanced Pass System (MAPS) for higher quality and reduced banding, even at high print speeds and during longer print runs.

Industrial Small Format
The UJF-7151 plus industrial small format UV Inkjet flatbed printer ensures high quality printing production from both analogue to digital and from centralised to distributed production. We envision a day not too far in the future when consumers will be able to download or create their own patterns rather than being limited to commercially available designs. The TX300P-1800 is ideal for this new distributed model of textile printing.”

Affordable wide-format
The Mimaki UJV55-320 is an affordable roll-fed wide-format printer that delivers speeds of up to 110 m2/h and print resolutions of up to 1200 dpi, depending on the substrates. It uses UV-curable ink, cured with a low-energy LED light array. This results in sign and display graphics that exit the printer dry and are immediately ready for further processing, significantly reducing production cycle times. In addition, UV-curable inks emit no volatile organic compounds (VOCs), minimising the environmental footprint.

The UJV55-320 also features:

  • Cyan, magenta, yellow, black, white, light cyan and light magenta inks that can be configured in a 4-colour mode or 6-colour set plus white.
  • White ink allows printing high quality, vibrant images on transparent and coloured media. The three-layer colour-white-colour printing is especially suitable for production of applications such as window graphics and backlit signs. Mimaki Circulation Technology (MCT) maintains white ink print quality and reduces ink waste.
  • Built-in LED lights that make it more efficient for operators to check printing quality of backlit signage, simulating their installed look and reducing waste and rework.
  • Automatic detection of nozzle faults and cleaning and/or nozzle substitution for high quality uninterrupted printing.
  • Twin roll capability, enabling printing on two separate rolls of the same media for simultaneous printing of two different jobs.
  • RasterLink 6 software with a patented dithering technique and Mimaki Advanced Pass System (MAPS) for higher quality and reduced banding, even at high print speeds and during longer print runs.

Industrial Small Format
Mimaki UJF7151+The UJF-7151 plus industrial small format UV Inkjet flatbed printer ensures high quality printing and top level productivity with ultra-accurate ink droplet placement. It has a maximum printable size of 710 x 510 mm (28 x 20in). This best-in-class digital on-demand industrial small format printing solution for the screen printing industry improves accuracy, consistency and reliability by modifying the mechanical structure of the print table. Fine lines, edges and small texts are crystal clear. It also enables double-layer printing and colour printing on a white base layer.

Key features include:

  • Mechanical structure for high-precision printing.
  • Superior print-image quality control technology.
  • Mimaki Advanced Pass System (MAPS) that reduces banding and uneven colour printing with blurred boundaries.
  • Mimaki Fine Diffusion (MFD) that reduces noise due to dithering through hybrid processing of patterns.
  • Maximum 3.3 m2/h productivity delivered via six staggered print heads increases the printing speed and achieves top-level productivity.
  • Uninterrupted printing with high-stability as a result of an ink-circulating mechanism within the head.
  • Automatic detection and recovery of clogged nuzzles by cleaning them, thus reducing waste. The Nozzle Recovery System ensures that good nozzles are used as substitutes when clogged nozzles are not recovered after cleaning.
  • Reliable operating support package (NRS) that ensures maximum uptime.

Addressing small lots in textilesTx300P-1800_178

The Mimaki TX300P-1800 is an innovative 1.8 meter roll-to-roll direct-to-textile inkjet printer designed to meet the market demand for smaller lot sizes, faster delivery times and the ability to quickly produce samples. Created specifically for direct-to-textile printing, the 8-colour inkjet printer features a new print head that ejects ink droplets at high speed to ensure accurate ink droplet placement with a high head gap. This makes the printer ideal for printing high quality images on all types of fabrics, including thicker and textured materials.

Other features include:

  • Print resolution of up to 1080 dpi with drop sizes ranging from 6 to 24 pl.
  • Print speeds more than twice as fast as that of a conventional printer at up to 68 m2/hour.
  • Stable textile transport that maintains optimum tension, based on Mimaki’s unique and reliable techniques developed over years of textile inkjet printer research and development.
  • A choice of sublimation dye, disperse dye, pigment, reactive dye, and acid dye inks to meet a wide range of application needs.
  • Uninterrupted printing with automatic detection and cleaning of clogged nozzles, thanks to the Nozzle Recovery System.
  • A choice of powerful digital front ends, including standard Mimaki RasterLink6 or the TxLink3 Lite.
  • Production of large, seamless patterns from a single image, including repeat and mirror patterns.
  • Simple creation of multi-colour ICC profiles using Mimaki’s unique profile Wizard.
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Mimaki scoort een hattrick op de European Digital Press Association (EDP) Awards

05 jun 2016
Categorie: ,

Mimaki, heeft een hattrick gescoord op de European Digital Press Association (EDP) Awards, die op drupa 2016 werden uitgereikt. De Mimaki UJV55-320 is uitgeroepen tot beste grootformaat rol-naar-rol printer in de categorie tot breedtes van 320 cm, de Mimaki UJF-7151 plus tot beste printer voor speciale objecten en de Mimaki TX300P tot beste rol-naar-rol textielprinter in de categorie tot snelheden van 100 m²/uur. De awards werden tijdens een speciale uitreiking op de beurs in ontvangst genomen door Mike Horsten, General Manager Marketing bij Mimaki EMEA.


MIM_pr16011_Mike Horsten - MimakiCreatieve erkenning

“Eén EDP Award in de wacht slepen is op zich al een eer. Er drie in de wacht slepen is een fantastische erkenning voor het harde werk en de creativiteit van onze R&D-teams: zij weten niet alleen vooruitstrevende oplossingen te ontwikkelen maar ook nieuwe trends te spotten en manieren te bedenken waarop wij klanten kunnen helpen om het maximale te halen uit de kansen die deze trends aanreiken”, zegt Horsten. “De UJV55-320 is de perfecte aanvulling op bestaande productieplatformen voor sign & display graphics. Daarnaast biedt hij bedrijven die op zoek zijn naar nieuwe inkomsten uit signs, een betaalbare manier om de markt te betreden. De Mimaki UJF-7151 plus speelt in op een groeiende vraag naar digitaal, on-demand en plaatloos drukken met inkjet vanwege zijn vermogen om snel een hoge mix en lage volumes te printen.”


Mike Horsten voegt eraan toe: “Met de Mimaki TX300P-1800 bieden wij een krachtig antwoord op het feit dat de textielproductie verschuift van analoog naar digitaal en van gecentraliseerde naar gedistribueerde productie. Wij geloven dat consumenten in de nabije toekomst patronen kunnen downloaden of zelf creëren in plaats van gebonden te zijn aan commercieel verkrijgbare designs. De TX300P-1800 is ideaal voor dit nieuwe gedistribueerde model van textielprinten.”


Betaalbare grootformaat oplossing

De Mimaki UJV55-320 is een betaalbare grootformaat printer met rolinvoer. Met snelheden tot 110 m²/uur print hij in printresoluties tot 1200 dpi, afhankelijk van de substraten. Hij maakt gebruik van UV-drogende inkt, die uithardt onder een energiezuinig LED-array. Dit resulteert in geprinte sign & display graphics die droog uit de printer komen en direct klaar zijn voor verdere verwerking, wat de productiecyclustijden aanzienlijk verkort. Een bijkomend voordeel is dat de UV-drogende inkten geen vervliegende organische stoffen (VOS) uitstoten, wat de ecologische voetafdruk minimaliseert.


Andere eigenschappen van de UJV55-320:

Cyaan, magenta, gele, zwarte, witte, lichtcyaan en lichtmagenta inkten die kunnen worden geconfigureerd in een 4-kleuren printmodus of een set van 6 kleuren plus wit.

Witte inkt maakt het mogelijk om levendige beelden van hoge kwaliteit te printen op transparante en gekleurde media. Drielaags printen waarbij witte inkt wordt geprint tussen kleurlagen (kleur-wit-kleur), is vooral geschikt voor de productie van toepassingen zoals raamgraphics en backlit signs. Mimaki Circulation Technology (MCT) handhaaft de printkwaliteit van witte inkt en voorkomt inktverspilling.

Ingebouwde LED-lampen die het operators gemakkelijker maken om de printkwaliteit van backlit signage te controleren. Zo kunnen zij efficiënter de look realiseren die de ontwerper voor ogen had en afval en extra werk voorkomen.

Automatische detectie van spuitmondjes met fouten en reiniging en/of gebruik van vervangende spuitmondjes om zonder onderbreking in hoge kwaliteit te blijven printen.

Mogelijkheid tot het printen op twee rollen, waardoor twee verschillende jobs gelijktijdig kunnen worden geprint op twee verschillende rollen van hetzelfde mediatype.

RasterLink 6 software met een gepatenteerde ditheringtechniek en Mimaki Advanced Pass System (MAPS) voor een hogere kwaliteit en minder streepvorming (banding), zelfs bij hoge printsnelheden en hogere oplagen.


Industriële kleinformaat oplossing

De UJF-7151 plus industriële kleinformaat UV-inkjetvlakbedprinter garandeert printresultaten van hoge kwaliteit met topproductiviteit en ultranauwkeurige plaatsing van de rasterpunten. Hij heeft een maximaal beprintbaar formaat van 710 x 510 mm (28 x 20 inch). Deze best-in-class digitale on-demand industriële kleinformaat printoplossing voor de zeefdrukindustrie verbetert de nauwkeurigheid, consistentie en betrouwbaarheid met een gewijzigde mechanische constructie voor de printtafel. Fijne lijnen, randen en kleine tekst zijn kristalhelder. Hij maakt het ook mogelijk om een dubbele laag te printen en in kleur te printen op een witte basislaag.


De belangrijkste kenmerken zijn:

Mechanische constructie om met hoge precisie te printen.

Superieure technologie voor controle over de printkwaliteit.

Mimaki Advanced Pass System (MAPS), dat streepvorming en ongelijkmatige kleurenprints voorkomt dankzij vage grenzen. => is vage grenzen een voordeel of nadeel?

Mimaki Fine Diffusion (MFD), dat ruis voorkomt dankzij dithering met hybride verwerking van patronen. => is dithering goed of slecht? In Engelse versie slechte bijklank

Maximale productiesnelheid van 3,3 m²/uur via zes gestapelde printkoppen verhoogt de printsnelheid en bereikt topproductiviteit.

Ononderbroken printen met hoge stabiliteit dankzij een inktcirculatiemechanisme in de printkop.

Automatische detectie van verstopte spuitmondjes en automatisch herstel ervan door ze te reinigen, waardoor afval wordt voorkomen. Als verstopte spuitmondjes niet hersteld zijn na de reiniging, zorgt het Nozzle Recovery System ervoor dat goede spuitmondjes worden gebruikt in plaats van de verstopte.

Betrouwbaar operationeel supportpakket (NRS), dat zorgt voor een maximale uptime.


Oplossing voor kleine textieloplagen

De Mimaki TX300P-1800 is een innovatieve 1,8 meter brede rol-naar-rol direct-to-textile inkjetprinter. Hij is ontwikkeld om in te spelen op de vraag naar kleinere productieoplagen, snellere levertijden en de mogelijkheid om snel samples te produceren. Deze 8-kleuren inkjetprinter is speciaal gecreëerd om rechtstreeks op textiel te printen. Hij is uitgerust met een nieuwe printkop: deze spuit de inktdruppels met hoge snelheden voor nauwkeurige plaatsing van de rasterpunten bij high head gap printing. Dit maakt de printer ideaal om beelden van hoge kwaliteit te printen op alle soorten stoffen, zelfs dikkere en geweven materialen.


Andere kenmerken zijn:

Printresolutie tot 1080 dpi met druppelgroottes variërend van 6 tot 24 pl.

Meer dan twee keer zo snel als een conventionele printer, dankzij printsnelheden tot 68 m²/uur.

Behoud van optimale spanning dankzij stabiel textieltransport op basis van de unieke en betrouwbare technieken die Mimaki door de jaren heen heeft ontwikkeld als uitkomst van R&D op het gebied van inkjetprinters voor textiel.

Een keuze aan dye-inkt (sublimatie-, dispersie-, reactieve en zure inkt) en pigmentinkt om te voldoen aan een breed scala aan toepassingsbehoeften.

Ononderbroken printen met automatische detectie en reiniging van verstopte spuitmondjes dankzij het Nozzle Recovery System.

Een keuze aan krachtige digitale front-ends, waaronder de standaard Mimaki RasterLink6 en de TxLink3 Lite.

Productie van grote, naadloze patronen op basis van één enkel beeld door patronen te herhalen en te spiegelen.

Eenvoudige ICC-profielaanmaak voor workflows met meer dan vier proceskleuren (Multicolor-workflows) via Mimaki’s unieke Wizard voor profilering.


Meer details over Mimaki’s producten, waaronder het volledige portfolio printers en inkten van het bedrijf, is beschikbaar op

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Heidelberg Cloud: Heidelberg Druckmachinen goes digital all the way

05 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,

drupa 2016 - Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG © Sascha Steinbach/actionpress for HeidelbergNot only the new Primefire 106 and all the other ‘fire’ printers are showing Heidelberg goes digital. The announcement of Heidelberg Cloud shows it goes all the (digitale) way.

Read more on this remarkable step in the press release below.

Smart Collaboration: Heidelberg Cloud, Heidelberg Assistant, and Heidelberg eShop are setting new standards when it comes to the customer/supplier relationship

Extensive digitization in the print media industry is providing print shops with totally new opportunities in relation to efficient job processing and communication with their customers and suppliers. Cooperation between Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) and its customers will also change significantly in the digital age. With this in mind, the company will be presenting the three innovations Heidelberg Cloud, Heidelberg Assistant, and Heidelberg eShop at drupa 2016, based on the theme “Smart Collaboration”.

The Heidelberg Cloud is an information and service platform specially adapted for the print media industry. It integrates the Heidelberg Remote Service network, which links more than 10,000 machines and an additional 15,000 software products with Heidelberg Service, with all the information that a customer needs: it is comprehensively supported by Heidelberg Service, for example with augmented reality videos showing how to carry out maintenance tasks or real-time fault reporting with eCall. The Heidelberg Cloud is also the backbone for services based on the analysis and prediction of big data. Heidelberg demonstrates how big data applications such as this can be used successfully to increase the availability of machines and to improve the productivity of print shops.

The Heidelberg Assistant concept study demonstrates what the future information and service portal based on the Heidelberg Cloud for Heidelberg customers will look like. Users can access it via PC, smartphone, or tablet. The tool is divided into four sections: Print Shop, Shopping, Support, and Administration.

With the Heidelberg Assistant, customers get personal access to all information and services related to their company. As the customized “window” to the Heidelberg world, they enjoy access to communication with Heidelberg and numerous Heidelberg solutions as well as to availability and productivity data for their print shops. For example, they have access to all their service contracts with Heidelberg. They can see at a glance which machines and software tools they are using in their business and how productive these systems currently are.

The features of Heidelberg Assistant use existing data as their basis in order to ensure the customer the best possible support for order transactions, service queries, and general information. For example, an order transaction that is created via the Heidelberg Assistant can determine whether the parts and consumables ordered are actually appropriate for the customer’s equipment or whether an error has been made.

The Heidelberg Assistant also permits direct access to the new Heidelberg eShop, which is the basis for attractive e-commerce solutions. Heidelberg has now launched this new online shop in 27 countries. On this platform, customers can order consumables — and, in the future, selected service parts — around the clock, and the goods will be delivered on the next working day in most cases. Customers can also benefit from special prices, online promotions, and bonus schemes. Payments can be made on receipt of an invoice or by credit card. In the future, the shipping status will be trackable in real time. A range of safety information and technical data sheets is also available for customers to download. Videos provide instructions and lots of tips on various products. Furthermore, Heidelberg is the first company to offer an open shop, in which interested parties can find out about the entire range, even without a personal account.

“The digitization of our industry is gradually encompassing all areas and processes within the print shop and beyond. As Heidelberg transforms big data into smart data, we can benefit from the advantages offered by this trend: with the Heidelberg Assistant, we make communicating with us as easy as possible for our customers and also give them a tool they can use to get an overview of the performance of their company at any time –it really is simply smart”, says Harald Weimer, Head of Sales and Service at Heidelberg.

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Heidelberg Cloud: een persenbouwer gaat echt digitaal

05 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,

drupa 2016 - Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG © Sascha Steinbach/actionpress for Heidelberg

Met de Primefire 106 en de andere ‘fire’ digitale printers neemt Heidelberg op drupa digitale stappen. Een misschien wel belangrijkere stap is de aankondiging van Heidelberg Cloud die de basis gaat vormen voor een hele serie digitale services. Services zoals Heidelberg Assistant, die je op basis van je eigen gegevens op de hoogte houdt van Heidelberg nieuws, en Heidelberg eShop waarmee je een e-commerce omgeving kunt bouwen.

Lees meer over deze interessante ontwikkelingen in het onderstaande persbericht.

Smart Collaboration: Heidelberg Cloud, Heidelberg Assistant, and Heidelberg eShop are setting new standards when it comes to the customer/supplier relationship

Extensive digitization in the print media industry is providing print shops with totally new opportunities in relation to efficient job processing and communication with their customers and suppliers. Cooperation between Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) and its customers will also change significantly in the digital age. With this in mind, the company will be presenting the three innovations Heidelberg Cloud, Heidelberg Assistant, and Heidelberg eShop at drupa 2016, based on the theme “Smart Collaboration”.

The Heidelberg Cloud is an information and service platform specially adapted for the print media industry. It integrates the Heidelberg Remote Service network, which links more than 10,000 machines and an additional 15,000 software products with Heidelberg Service, with all the information that a customer needs: it is comprehensively supported by Heidelberg Service, for example with augmented reality videos showing how to carry out maintenance tasks or real-time fault reporting with eCall. The Heidelberg Cloud is also the backbone for services based on the analysis and prediction of big data. Heidelberg demonstrates how big data applications such as this can be used successfully to increase the availability of machines and to improve the productivity of print shops.

The Heidelberg Assistant concept study demonstrates what the future information and service portal based on the Heidelberg Cloud for Heidelberg customers will look like. Users can access it via PC, smartphone, or tablet. The tool is divided into four sections: Print Shop, Shopping, Support, and Administration.

With the Heidelberg Assistant, customers get personal access to all information and services related to their company. As the customized “window” to the Heidelberg world, they enjoy access to communication with Heidelberg and numerous Heidelberg solutions as well as to availability and productivity data for their print shops. For example, they have access to all their service contracts with Heidelberg. They can see at a glance which machines and software tools they are using in their business and how productive these systems currently are.

The features of Heidelberg Assistant use existing data as their basis in order to ensure the customer the best possible support for order transactions, service queries, and general information. For example, an order transaction that is created via the Heidelberg Assistant can determine whether the parts and consumables ordered are actually appropriate for the customer’s equipment or whether an error has been made.

The Heidelberg Assistant also permits direct access to the new Heidelberg eShop, which is the basis for attractive e-commerce solutions. Heidelberg has now launched this new online shop in 27 countries. On this platform, customers can order consumables — and, in the future, selected service parts — around the clock, and the goods will be delivered on the next working day in most cases. Customers can also benefit from special prices, online promotions, and bonus schemes. Payments can be made on receipt of an invoice or by credit card. In the future, the shipping status will be trackable in real time. A range of safety information and technical data sheets is also available for customers to download. Videos provide instructions and lots of tips on various products. Furthermore, Heidelberg is the first company to offer an open shop, in which interested parties can find out about the entire range, even without a personal account.

“The digitization of our industry is gradually encompassing all areas and processes within the print shop and beyond. As Heidelberg transforms big data into smart data, we can benefit from the advantages offered by this trend: with the Heidelberg Assistant, we make communicating with us as easy as possible for our customers and also give them a tool they can use to get an overview of the performance of their company at any time –it really is simply smart”, says Harald Weimer, Head of Sales and Service at Heidelberg.

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KBA Corrugraph: Return of a flexo hero proofs packaging is a growth market

05 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,

The focus on growth markets, such as conventional and digital packaging printing, is part of KBA’s successful strategy. With this in mind, KBA announced its return to the sheetfed flexo market for corrugated at Drupa. CEO and president Claus Bolza-Schünemann: “We were active in this market around 10 years ago with KBA Corrugraph flexo press built at our U.S. plant. Users of the first Corrugraph series are extremely satisfied with their presses and we have the know-how for a cutting-edge version of our sheetfed flexo press. It is expected to be built at KBA’s headquarters in Würzburg.”


Coni Wolf of York Container in York, PA, is extremely satisfied with her KBA Corrugraph delivered shortly after the millennium. She is pleased that KBA is re-entering the sheetfed flexo corrugated market with a new Corrugraph generation – shown here as a model

Even more highly automated for fast job change the new KBA Corrugraph features an integrated rotary die-cutter. It is engineered for a maximum sheet format of 152 x 340cm and a maximum print speed of 12,000sph. It can handle substrate thicknesses from 1 to 10mm. What is more, KBA is working with HP on the development and production of the HP T1100S inkjet web press with a web width of 2.8m. HP has already ordered 5 of these presses.


Packaging market growing faster than world’s population

With a growth rate of +4% p.a. the global packaging market is growing faster than the world’s population. Flexible packaging (+4.4%), corrugated (+4.3%), board (+4.2%), rigid plastics (+3.8%), glass (+3.3%) and metal (+2.5%) are growing the fastest. KBA companies are active in all of these areas, and are even the leader in some.

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Navigator Northstar RIP ondersteunt OKI color production printer met 5e kleur

05 jun 2016

Xitron maakt bekend dat haar Northstar RIP nu ook de OKI 931 en OKI 941 color production printers aan kunnen sturen. Met het Northstar kleurmanagement systeem kunnen niet alleen CMYK kleuren afgestemd worden op verschillende materialen maar kan ook optimaal gebruik worden gemaakt van de vijfde kleur die OKI in zijn zeer betaalbare A3 printers aanbied.

Lees meer over de mogelijkheden van de Navigator in combinatie met OKI printers in onderstaand persbericht.


Spot color matching technology provides accuracy to entire installed base

Xitron, the leading independentdeveloper of RIP and workflow products for commercial, digital, and high-speed inkjet printing is now shipping their Navigator Northstar RIP and workflow in support of OKI 931 and 941 color production printers. Designed to provide spot color matching capability, the workflow makes it possible for OKI users to quickly and accurately reproduce spot color elements within production jobs.

One of the hardest things to do with a CMYK printer is to replicate the palettes used by designers and brand builders in the creation of their artwork,” said Eric NelsenVice President of Product Development at Xitron. Yet, it’s extremely critical to get it right regardless of run length or output device. The addition of this inexpensive software will give OKI users precisely the control they have been looking for.

Navigator Northstar comes as a complete package that includes the Navigator RIP and color matching workflow component, ready to install in the customer’s shop. Accessible through any Mac or PC currently printing to the OKI, the software is simple, intuitive, and accurate. It uses drag-and-drop as well as “print-to” functionality allowing the user to print and match spot colors before committing to a multiple copy run.

According to Nelsen, users who previously purchased the Harlequin Multi-RIP Server option with their OKI, can add the Northstar color matching workflow almost seamlessly. “Doing so will advance theirHarlequin RIP technology to the next level of color accuracy, giving customers the fidelity they expected all along.

Xitron is demonstrating Navigator Northstar on their stand (15/C54-4) at Drupa in Dusseldorf, Germany through June 10th. It is available for immediate purchase and shipment through Xitron dealers worldwide. To locate a Xitron dealer, go to

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BHS Corrugated en Screen announce partnership

05 jun 2016
Categorie: ,

Schermafbeelding 2016-06-02 om 13.14.32BHS Corrugated Maschinen – und Anlagenbau GmbH and SCREEN Graphic and Precision Solutions Co. Ltd. announce at an exclusive partnership to develop the BHS Corrugated Inline Digital Printing Solution for corrugated box plants.

A new company – SCREEN GP IJC Ltd – has been established to develop the Print Engine technology which will be integrated into a BHS Corrugated Inline Digital Print Solution. It is based close to SCREEN GP subsidiary company Inca Digital’s manufacturing facility in the UK.

With an estimated turnover of €450 million in 2016, BHS Corrugated is the leading supplier of corrugators with 50% share of the global market.  SCREEN GP has considerable experience in colour imaging and inkjet technology development, specifically for the Truepress Jet range of digital presses for transpromo, direct mail and label print production. Inca Digital is a centre of excellence, well known as the pioneer of wide-format flatbed inkjet printing and manufacturer of the high-productivity Inca Onset UV printer. The new company will integrate the core competencies and expertise of all three in inkjet, engineering, web transport and manufacturing to develop the new industrial inline Print Engine which will be integrated into a BHS Corrugated Inline Digital Printing Solution. The first alpha installation is planned at a customer site in 2018.

Unlike other digital print solutions on the market, the BHS Corrugated Inline Digital Printing Solution will be the only reel-to-printed sheet in real time process that is an integral part of the corrugated board manufacturing process (where printed sheets are stacked in the Stacker) The single-pass, aqueous inkjet system will print onto widths up to 2.8m wide at speeds of up to 300m/minute. It will be available as an option for new BHS Corrugators, or as upgrade to existing installations. Integrating digital printing inline on the corrugator is capable of generating two main value propositions: quick turnaround to enable fast and flexible order processing and saving on total cost of ownership.

Global production of corrugated board is predicted to exceed 260 billion square metres by 2020, growing at a rate of about 5% p.a. (ICCA Corrugated Statistics). The strong cost and environmental advantages of producing smaller volumes of corrugated board quickly and on-demand is driving the development of specialist digital printing systems. A high-speed inline, inkjet print process is able to meet those market needs.

 “We are delighted to forge this cooperation with BHS,” says Tsuneo Baba, President, SCREEN GP. “By combining our digital printing technologies with BHS’s equally advanced technologies we aim to trigger major innovation in the corrugated industry.”

Christian Engel, CEO, BHS Corrugated, says, “SCREEN GP is a technology leader in digital print in a variety of markets and our partnership will enable us to be well prepared for the digital decade that the corrugated industry is entering and one that will bring a revolution of print, processes and machinery layout in box plants. BHS Corrugated focuses on providing high-end and high-speed solutions and I am convinced that the integration of Digital Print – inline – during the corrugating process is the superior option which will deliver significant benefits to our customers. The Beta machine will be launched in 2019.”


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SCREEN develops inks that enable inkjet printing on coated paper

04 jun 2016
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SCREEN-TruepressJet520NX_angleScreen GP has developed new inkjet inks that can be used for printing on standard offset coated paper. The inks have been created to be fully compatible with SCREEN GP’s cutting-edge Truepress Jet 520HD high-speed roll-fed inkjet press. SCREEN GP exhibit a range of samples showcasing the technology at drupa 2016, the world’s largest exhibition of graphic arts equipment.

In recent years, the printing industry has increasingly focused on the creation of diversified, small volume materials that are personalized to match the various attributes of individual consumers. This trend is particularly evident in the one-to-one direct mailings for cars, luxury goods and other items requiring the inclusion of premium images. In this case, there has been a growing demand for improved ability to print on coated paper due to its high-quality finish.

SCREEN GP has been closely monitoring these changing needs. In response, it has developed groundbreaking new inks that enable its Truepress Jet 520HD high-speed roll-fed inkjet press to print directly on to most of offset coated paper currently available. The inks are also compatible with printing on a wide range of paper types, including popular standard coated paper and high-quality inkjet paper, as well as standard plain paper.

In addition, SCREEN GP’s unique technology provides impressive abrasion resistance for offset level printing, enabling printing that makes the most of its original surface texture.

Finally, these new inks noticeably reduce bleeding between colours, achieving a high-grade image quality approaching offset printing. They are also highly resistant to clogging of printhead nozzles, significantly improving system maintainability.

SCREEN GP is focused on providing a comprehensive range of fully-formed inkjet solutions for the commercial printing industry. In addition to consolidating the company’s position in the market, these new technologies are intended to contribute to the continuing expansion of the overall printing industry.


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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