Rob van den Braak

Screen introduceert inkjet inkten voor standaard coated offset papier

02 jun 2016


Voor het bedrukken van standaard coated offset papier heeft Screen inkten ontwikkeld voor haar Truepress Jet high speed printers. De nieuwe inkten voorkomen ook het bloeden tussen kleuren en verhogen de afdrukkwaliteit die nu volgens Screen vergelijkbaar is met offset. Lees meer over deze nieuwe inkten in het onderstaande persbericht.

Screen GP has developed new inkjet inks that can be used for printing on standard offset coated paper. The inks have been created to be fully compatible with SCREEN GP’s cutting-edge Truepress Jet 520HD high-speed roll-fed inkjet press. SCREEN GP exhibit a range of samples showcasing the technology at drupa 2016, the world’s largest exhibition of graphic arts equipment.

In recent years, the printing industry has increasingly focused on the creation of diversified, small volume materials that are personalized to match the various attributes of individual consumers. This trend is particularly evident in the one-to-one direct mailings for cars, luxury goods and other items requiring the inclusion of premium images. In this case, there has been a growing demand for improved ability to print on coated paper due to its high-quality finish.

SCREEN GP has been closely monitoring these changing needs. In response, it has developed groundbreaking new inks that enable its Truepress Jet 520HD high-speed roll-fed inkjet press to print directly on to most of offset coated paper currently available. The inks are also compatible with printing on a wide range of paper types, including popular standard coated paper and high-quality inkjet paper, as well as standard plain paper.

In addition, SCREEN GP’s unique technology provides impressive abrasion resistance for offset level printing, enabling printing that makes the most of its original surface texture.

Finally, these new inks noticeably reduce bleeding between colours, achieving a high-grade image quality approaching offset printing. They are also highly resistant to clogging of printhead nozzles, significantly improving system maintainability.

SCREEN GP is focused on providing a comprehensive range of fully-formed inkjet solutions for the commercial printing industry. In addition to consolidating the company’s position in the market, these new technologies are intended to contribute to the continuing expansion of the overall printing industry.

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Book Globe in de Drupa Daily

02 jun 2016

Het boek in de vorm van een wereldbol is in Nederland al een tijdje bekend onder de naam 

Nu zorgde de internationale introductie onder de naam Book Globe op Drupa voor veel belangstelling van de internationale vakpers en ook van de drupa dagkrant; de “DrupaDaily.

In een artikel mocht eigenaar Beate den Engelsman uitleggen waarvoor dit innovatieve grafische product in te zetten is.

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Ricoh partners with EFI® VUTEk™ to offer market-leading flatbed printing solutions 

02 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,

vutektx3250rsm_bigRicoh Europe signalled its entry into the vibrant signage market by adding EFI VUTEk flatbed printers to its offering, building on the success of its large format portfolio of print production solutions. The agreement, which allows Ricoh to offer systems from the EFI range, will officially be marked in a ceremony today at 11:00am on Ricoh’s Hall 8a B46 stand at drupa 2016 in Düsseldorf. Ricoh Corporate Vice President, Business Solutions Group, Tad Furushima and EFI’s Senior Vice President for Worldwide Sales and Marketing, Frank Mallozzi will represent the two companies.

The global agreement will commence with availability through Europe and Latin America, with North America and Asia Pacific to follow. The deal focuses on the solutions that offer the best fit for Ricoh’s clients.
Added to Ricoh’s AR Latex roll-to-roll Ricoh ProTM L4100 series, these UV flatbed new additions will bring even greater flexibility and opportunity to Ricoh clients in the commercial print and signage sectors. Today’s announcement means that Ricoh’s graphic arts offer expands further and is now a complementary product range encompassing flatbed, large format, continuous feed, cut sheet, software and consultancy services.
Natural progression
Benoit Chatelard, Ricoh’s Vice President, Production Printing, Ricoh Europe, says: “This is a natural progression for Ricoh for two reasons. First, we have a long-standing relationship with EFI, who provide EFI Fiery as a digital front end for our cut sheet products. Secondly, we have already had a successful roll-fed large format offering in our portfolio; and the addition of UV flatbed options broadens the market possibilities our print service providers can embrace. We have been receiving client requests to expand our portfolio, and we are delighted to be able to do that with a long-time partner that is so well-respected in the industry. With this exciting announcement, we are again making clear our commitment to providing print service providers with a broad and comprehensive, integrated solution set.”
Among the VUTEk flatbed printers included is the very popular EFI H1625 LED Hybrid roll/flatbed UV printer, featuring four colour print plus white and includes single pass and multilayer capabilities. Variable droplet sizes provide eight levels of grayscale. The 1.65m-wide printer also enables fast changeovers between rigid and flexible materials for optimum operational efficiency.
“LED curing is a tremendous benefit since inks are cured using EFI’s Cool Cure technology,” says Chatelard. “This means that thinner substrates can be used, reducing material, shipping and energy. This makes it one of the most environmentally friendly flatbed printers in the market, which we believe will be important to our clients in making their buying decisions.”
Chatelard adds: “The affordable, hybrid printers will complement the sheet fed capabilities of many of our commercial printing clients.”
One stop shop evolution
He concludes, “The agreement continues Ricoh’s commitment to offering print service providers the opportunity to evolve into a one stop shop fully supported by tried and trusted solutions and services. Adding these outstanding printers gives our clients a wider range of choices while still taking advantage of Ricoh’s territory reach to support them fully no matter where they are located geographically.
On Ricoh’s drupa stand, visitors will be able to see for themselves what is possible using these flatbed solutions by viewing an application wall that will feature creative samples.
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Book Globe in de Drupa Daily

02 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,

Het boek in de vorm van een wereldbol is in Nederland al een tijdje bekend onder de naam 

Nu zorgde de internationale introductie onder de naam Book Globe op Drupa voor veel belangstelling van de internationale vakpers en ook van de drupa dagkrant; de “DrupaDaily”.

In een artikel mocht eigenaar Beate den Engelsman uitleggen waarvoor dit innovatieve grafische product in te zetten is.

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Screen introduceert 70 platen per uur 8-up belichter op drupa

02 jun 2016

Nieuw op de stand van Screen is een supersnelle, 70 platen per uur, groot formaat belichter. De PlateRite HD 8900N belicht thermische platen van 304 x 305 mm tot een maximum 1,165 x 950 mm. Lees meer over de nieuwe PlateRite in onderstaand persbericht.


New series delivers class-leading productivity of 70 plates per hour

SCREEN Graphic and Precision Solutions will show its new PlateRite HD 8900N series at drupa 2016. These eight-page platesetters promise class-leading productivity for thermal computer-to-plate (CtP) production and will be released to the global market after the show.

Over the last few years, offset printing has been increasingly expected to handle a wider range of small volume jobs with shorter turnaround times. This has created a growing need for CtP systems to deliver higher productivity and output than ever before.  In response to this requirement, SCREEN GP has developed its new PlateRite HD 8900N lineup. The range builds on the exceptional productivity, quality and performance offered by SCREEN GP’s flagship PlateRite HD 8900 series, which has itself been repeatedly upgraded since its launch in 2011.

The new lineup includes the Z, S and E models, with each type designed to meet specific needs. The high-end Z model features a 1,024 channel imaging head that helps it to improve output from 67 to 70 plates per hour. The S and E models are equipped with 512 channel imaging heads and are capable of producing 48 and 36 plates per hour, respectively. For the S model, this represents an increase of more than 10 percent compared to the current throughput.

The series also accommodates a wide variety of plate sizes, ranging from 304 x 305 mm up to a maximum 1,165 x 950 mm. The optional MA-L8900 and SA-L8900 autoloader feature automatic plate supply,*1 significantly improves efficiency and allows each model to operate continuously for extended periods.

Improvements enabled by the latest GLVTM imaging heads support output using SCREEN GP’s unique Spekta 2 hybrid screening as well as Randot X FM screening. The high-resolution S and E models also support ultrafine AM screening of up to 700 lpi, enabling the printing of fine art materials with outstanding quality. In addition, combining a resolution of 4,000 or 4,800 dpi *2 with step imaging mode *3 allows the output of 3D or other high-grade lenticular printing.

In terms of environmental impact, the Z model dramatically reduces energy consumption during operation by up to 43 percent3 per plate. This, and a variety of other features, considerably strengthen the series’ overall environmental friendliness. SCREEN GP anticipates the release of the new PlateRite HD 8900N series will make an important contribution to the continuing growth of the printing industry.

1. The MA-L8900 is able to set up to 600 plates while the SA-L8900 has a capacity of 120 plates.

2. Options may be required to enable these resolutions depending on the model.

3. This may vary according to the usage environment. The figure shown is based on a comparison between the PlateRite HD 8900N-Z and PlateRite 8800N-ZX when an MA-L autoloader and built-in bridge were connected. Operation was performed at an ambient temperature of 25ºC with conditions including a resolution of 2,400 dpi and plate size of 1,030 by 800 mm.

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SCREEN Truepress Jet520NX high-speed roll-fed inkjet press op drupa

02 jun 2016

Om tegemoet te komen aan de vraag van markt voor een snellere Truepress Jet introduceert Screen op drupa de Truepress Jet520NX. De nieuwe Truepress is niet alleen sneller maar heeft ook een vijfde printkop waarmee speciale inkten zoals MICR black ink en invisible UV fluorescent inkten geprint kunnen worden. Meer over de nieuwe telg uit de Truepress serie, waarvan al meer dan 1.000 units verkocht zijn, lees je in onderstaand persbericht.

Drives growth of digital printing business with newly-developed printhead

SCREEN Graphic and Precision Solutions has finalized development of the Truepress Jet520NX high-speed, roll-fed inkjet press. The new model incorporates many of the advanced image processing and inkjet technologies accumulated by SCREEN over its many years in the printing industry.

The Truepress Jet520NX will make its debut at drupa 2016. It is currently scheduled for market release in February 2017.

In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for diversified, small volume printing capabilities that closely target the varied attributes of individual consumers. This has been accompanied by a similarly rapid rise in the requirements for direct mail, transactional and other types of roll-fed printing. The global market for roll-fed printing is showing consistent annual growth and it is estimated that by 2020 it will have grown by 40 percent* compared to 2010.

As a result, printing companies have been working to improve quality and productivity and create unique new value-added services. This has, in turn, given rise to increasing requirements and expectations for highly expandable printing equipment that can meet these needs.

SCREEN GP’s new Truepress Jet520NX inherits many of the proven features of the successful high speed roll-fed inkjet press, which has already manufactured and shipped a combined total of more than 1,000 units. The Truepress Jet520NX is equipped with newly developed 5-inch printhead module and supports a maximum resolution of 600 by 1,200 dpi plus advanced ink volume control. These features deliver significantly-enhanced color reproduction compared to existing model.

In addition to the standard printheads for four ink colors, the Truepress Jet520NX can be fitted with an extra printhead for a “fifth color” that enables the use of MICR black ink, invisible UV fluorescent ink, and other special inks. These combined technologies support the creation of product manuals, direct mail and invoices based on customer databases as well as printing that incorporates various effects intended to prevent counterfeiting.

SCREEN GP has specifically designed the Truepress Jet520NX to facilitate smooth replacement of existing Truepress Jet520. It expects the new system to become a key element in printing companies’ ongoing efforts to realize the potential of new printed products and solutions.

Since SCREEN GP originally launched the Truepress Jet520 series in 2006, its reliable print quality and outstanding speed have helped it to build an impressive reputation in the printing industry. The launch of the Truepress Jet520NX in 2017 is intended to further improve on these achievements. SCREEN GP remains committed to developing solutions that will create new businesses and contribute to the growth of the printing industry.

* In 2010, printed materials with roll-fed paper valued at approximately 123 million dollars were delivered. This total is expected to increase to around 170 million dollars by 2020. Source: Smithers Pira.


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Ricoh gaat samenwerking aan met EFI® VUTEk™ en neemt flatbedsystemen op in productportfolio

02 jun 2016

vutektx3250rsm_bigRicoh bevestigde vandaag dat het de groeiende markt voor flatbed signtoepassingen betreedt met grootformaatsystemen van EFI VUTEk. Hiermee bouwt het voort op het succes van haar productportfolio van grootformaat printoplossingen. Tadashi Furushima (Corporate Vice President Business Solutions Group van Ricoh Co Ltd) en Frank Mallozzi (Senior Vice President Worldwide Sales and Marketing bij EFI) hebben vandaag officieel de overeenkomst op Ricoh’s stand op drupa ondertekend. Naar aanleiding van deze overeenkomst zal Ricoh grootformaat printsystemen uit het EFI-productportfolio gaan aanbieden.
Met het oog op beschikbaarheid zal de wereldwijde overeenkomst van start gaan in Europa en Latijns-Amerika. Noord-Amerika en Azië-Pacific volgen. De deal focust op de printoplossingen die het best passen bij de behoeften van Ricohklanten.

De nieuwe UV-flatbedsystemen zullen de roll-to-roll AR-latexprinters van de Ricoh Pro™ L4100-serie in Ricoh’s aanbod versterken om klanten nog meer flexibiliteit te bieden en kansen te bieden in de grafimedia- en signmarkt. Van hybride flatbed en roll to-roll grootformaat tot rotatief, losblad, software en consultancydiensten: klanten vinden het nu allemaal bij Ricoh, waar ze kunnen kiezen uit een uitgebreid productportfolio van complementaire producten.

Een logische stap
Sander Sondaal, Directeur Production Printing bij Ricoh Nederland zegt: “Dit is een logische stap voor Ricoh om twee redenen. We werken al lang samen met EFI: de EFI Fiery is een digitale front-end voor onze losblad productiesystemen. Daarnaast hebben we al een succesvol roll to roll grootformaat aanbod in ons productportfolio. De uitbreiding met UV-flatbedsystemen vergroot de mogelijkheden voor de grafimedia- en signmarkt waarmee we optimaal inspelen op marktbehoeften.

Een van de VUTEk-flatbedsystemen is de zeer populaire EFI H1625 hybride LED UV-flatbedsysteem, die vier kleuren plus wit biedt en de mogelijkheid om meerdere lagen in één doorgang te printen. Deze is ook uitgerust met grijstinttechnologie voor acht grijsniveaus met variabele druppelgroottes. En dankzij de mogelijkheid om snel te switchen tussen stijve en flexibele materialen helpt deze 1,65 m brede printer om een optimale operationele efficiëntie te realiseren.

“Een enorm voordeel is de LED-inktdroging met EFI’s Cool Cure-technologie”, zegt Sondaal. “De lagere droogtemperaturen maken het mogelijk om te printen op dunnere substraten, waardoor klanten besparen op materiaal-, verzend- en energiekosten. Het feit dat dit een van de meest milieuvriendelijke flatbedsystemen is in de markt, zal volgens ons een belangrijk criterium zijn voor klanten bij het nemen van investeringsbeslissingen.”

Sondaal voegt toe: “Deze betaalbare, hybride grootformaatsystemen zullen voor veel grafimediaondernemers de perfecte aanvulling zijn op hun mogelijkheden voor traditioneel print- en drukwerk. Met deze overeenkomst versterkt Ricoh opnieuw haar commitment om grafimediabedrijven te ondersteunen hun dienstverlening verder uit te breiden”

Om met eigen ogen te kunnen zien welke creatieve toepassingen deze flatbedsystemen mogelijk maken, kunnen bezoekers op de Ricoh stand op drupa in Düsseldorf een applicatiewand vol toepassingen bekijken.

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SCREEN develops Truepress Jet520NX high-speed roll-fed inkjet press

02 jun 2016
Categorie: ,

Drives growth of digital printing business with newly-developed printhead

SCREEN Graphic and Precision Solutions has finalized development of the Truepress Jet520NX high-speed, roll-fed inkjet press. The new model incorporates many of the advanced image processing and inkjet technologies accumulated by SCREEN over its many years in the printing industry.

The Truepress Jet520NX will make its debut at drupa 2016. It is currently scheduled for market release in February 2017.

In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for diversified, small volume printing capabilities that closely target the varied attributes of individual consumers. This has been accompanied by a similarly rapid rise in the requirements for direct mail, transactional and other types of roll-fed printing. The global market for roll-fed printing is showing consistent annual growth and it is estimated that by 2020 it will have grown by 40 percent* compared to 2010.

As a result, printing companies have been working to improve quality and productivity and create unique new value-added services. This has, in turn, given rise to increasing requirements and expectations for highly expandable printing equipment that can meet these needs.

SCREEN GP’s new Truepress Jet520NX inherits many of the proven features of the successful high speed roll-fed inkjet press, which has already manufactured and shipped a combined total of more than 1,000 units. The Truepress Jet520NX is equipped with newly developed 5-inch printhead module and supports a maximum resolution of 600 by 1,200 dpi plus advanced ink volume control. These features deliver significantly-enhanced color reproduction compared to existing model.

In addition to the standard printheads for four ink colors, the Truepress Jet520NX can be fitted with an extra printhead for a “fifth color” that enables the use of MICR black ink, invisible UV fluorescent ink, and other special inks. These combined technologies support the creation of product manuals, direct mail and invoices based on customer databases as well as printing that incorporates various effects intended to prevent counterfeiting.

SCREEN GP has specifically designed the Truepress Jet520NX to facilitate smooth replacement of existing Truepress Jet520. It expects the new system to become a key element in printing companies’ ongoing efforts to realize the potential of new printed products and solutions.

Since SCREEN GP originally launched the Truepress Jet520 series in 2006, its reliable print quality and outstanding speed have helped it to build an impressive reputation in the printing industry. The launch of the Truepress Jet520NX in 2017 is intended to further improve on these achievements. SCREEN GP remains committed to developing solutions that will create new businesses and contribute to the growth of the printing industry.

* In 2010, printed materials with roll-fed paper valued at approximately 123 million dollars were delivered. This total is expected to increase to around 170 million dollars by 2020. Source: Smithers Pira.

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Ricoh gaat samenwerking aan met EFI® VUTEk™ en neemt flatbedsystemen op in productportfolio

02 jun 2016

vutektx3250rsm_bigRicoh bevestigde vandaag dat het de groeiende markt voor flatbed signtoepassingen betreedt met grootformaatsystemen van EFI VUTEk. Hiermee bouwt het voort op het succes van haar productportfolio van grootformaat printoplossingen. Tadashi Furushima (Corporate Vice President Business Solutions Group van Ricoh Co Ltd) en Frank Mallozzi (Senior Vice President Worldwide Sales and Marketing bij EFI) hebben vandaag officieel de overeenkomst op Ricoh’s stand op drupa ondertekend. Naar aanleiding van deze overeenkomst zal Ricoh grootformaat printsystemen uit het EFI-productportfolio gaan aanbieden.
Met het oog op beschikbaarheid zal de wereldwijde overeenkomst van start gaan in Europa en Latijns-Amerika. Noord-Amerika en Azië-Pacific volgen. De deal focust op de printoplossingen die het best passen bij de behoeften van Ricohklanten.

De nieuwe UV-flatbedsystemen zullen de roll-to-roll AR-latexprinters van de Ricoh Pro™ L4100-serie in Ricoh’s aanbod versterken om klanten nog meer flexibiliteit te bieden en kansen te bieden in de grafimedia- en signmarkt. Van hybride flatbed en roll to-roll grootformaat tot rotatief, losblad, software en consultancydiensten: klanten vinden het nu allemaal bij Ricoh, waar ze kunnen kiezen uit een uitgebreid productportfolio van complementaire producten.

Een logische stap
Sander Sondaal, Directeur Production Printing bij Ricoh Nederland zegt: “Dit is een logische stap voor Ricoh om twee redenen. We werken al lang samen met EFI: de EFI Fiery is een digitale front-end voor onze losblad productiesystemen. Daarnaast hebben we al een succesvol roll to roll grootformaat aanbod in ons productportfolio. De uitbreiding met UV-flatbedsystemen vergroot de mogelijkheden voor de grafimedia- en signmarkt waarmee we optimaal inspelen op marktbehoeften.

Een van de VUTEk-flatbedsystemen is de zeer populaire EFI H1625 hybride LED UV-flatbedsysteem, die vier kleuren plus wit biedt en de mogelijkheid om meerdere lagen in één doorgang te printen. Deze is ook uitgerust met grijstinttechnologie voor acht grijsniveaus met variabele druppelgroottes. En dankzij de mogelijkheid om snel te switchen tussen stijve en flexibele materialen helpt deze 1,65 m brede printer om een optimale operationele efficiëntie te realiseren.

“Een enorm voordeel is de LED-inktdroging met EFI’s Cool Cure-technologie”, zegt Sondaal. “De lagere droogtemperaturen maken het mogelijk om te printen op dunnere substraten, waardoor klanten besparen op materiaal-, verzend- en energiekosten. Het feit dat dit een van de meest milieuvriendelijke flatbedsystemen is in de markt, zal volgens ons een belangrijk criterium zijn voor klanten bij het nemen van investeringsbeslissingen.”

Sondaal voegt toe: “Deze betaalbare, hybride grootformaatsystemen zullen voor veel grafimediaondernemers de perfecte aanvulling zijn op hun mogelijkheden voor traditioneel print- en drukwerk. Met deze overeenkomst versterkt Ricoh opnieuw haar commitment om grafimediabedrijven te ondersteunen hun dienstverlening verder uit te breiden”.

Om met eigen ogen te kunnen zien welke creatieve toepassingen deze flatbedsystemen mogelijk maken, kunnen bezoekers op de Ricoh stand op drupa in Düsseldorf een applicatiewand vol toepassingen bekijken.

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SCREEN Truepress Jet520NX high-speed roll-fed inkjet press op drupa

02 jun 2016

Om tegemoet te komen aan de vraag van de markt voor een snellere Truepress Jet introduceert Screen op drupa de Truepress Jet520NX. De nieuwe Truepress is niet alleen sneller maar heeft ook een vijfde printkop waarmee speciale inkten zoals MICR black ink en invisible UV fluorescent inkten geprint kunnen worden. Meer over de nieuwe telg uit de Truepress serie, waarvan al meer dan 1.000 units verkocht zijn, lees je in onderstaand persbericht.

Drives growth of digital printing business with newly-developed printhead

SCREEN Graphic and Precision Solutions has finalized development of the Truepress Jet520NX high-speed, roll-fed inkjet press. The new model incorporates many of the advanced image processing and inkjet technologies accumulated by SCREEN over its many years in the printing industry.

The Truepress Jet520NX will make its debut at drupa 2016. It is currently scheduled for market release in February 2017.

In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for diversified, small volume printing capabilities that closely target the varied attributes of individual consumers. This has been accompanied by a similarly rapid rise in the requirements for direct mail, transactional and other types of roll-fed printing. The global market for roll-fed printing is showing consistent annual growth and it is estimated that by 2020 it will have grown by 40 percent* compared to 2010.

As a result, printing companies have been working to improve quality and productivity and create unique new value-added services. This has, in turn, given rise to increasing requirements and expectations for highly expandable printing equipment that can meet these needs.

SCREEN GP’s new Truepress Jet520NX inherits many of the proven features of the successful high speed roll-fed inkjet press, which has already manufactured and shipped a combined total of more than 1,000 units. The Truepress Jet520NX is equipped with newly developed 5-inch printhead module and supports a maximum resolution of 600 by 1,200 dpi plus advanced ink volume control. These features deliver significantly-enhanced color reproduction compared to existing model.

In addition to the standard printheads for four ink colors, the Truepress Jet520NX can be fitted with an extra printhead for a “fifth color” that enables the use of MICR black ink, invisible UV fluorescent ink, and other special inks. These combined technologies support the creation of product manuals, direct mail and invoices based on customer databases as well as printing that incorporates various effects intended to prevent counterfeiting.

SCREEN GP has specifically designed the Truepress Jet520NX to facilitate smooth replacement of existing Truepress Jet520. It expects the new system to become a key element in printing companies’ ongoing efforts to realize the potential of new printed products and solutions.

Since SCREEN GP originally launched the Truepress Jet520 series in 2006, its reliable print quality and outstanding speed have helped it to build an impressive reputation in the printing industry. The launch of the Truepress Jet520NX in 2017 is intended to further improve on these achievements. SCREEN GP remains committed to developing solutions that will create new businesses and contribute to the growth of the printing industry.

* In 2010, printed materials with roll-fed paper valued at approximately 123 million dollars were delivered. This total is expected to increase to around 170 million dollars by 2020. Source: Smithers Pira.


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RIP and workflow for inkjet printers using Memjet Northstar print heads

02 jun 2016
Categorie: ,,

Northstar_Package_12x12.56b8f6dc9bad7Xitron, the leading independent developer of RIP and workflow products for commercial, digital, and high-speed inkjet printing has released Navigator Northstar for sale through their extensive worldwide dealer network. Navigator Northstar improves the color accuracy of Astrojet M1/M2 printers as well as the Colordyne 1600 (C & S), RTI-Digital Vortex 850/851, Trojan One, and Formax Colormax (among others), all of which use the Memjet Northstar inkjet head.

“Digital printing doesn’t have to equate to a lack of color control,” said Jeffrey Piestrak, Product Manager. “The color adjustment tools built into this workflow make it extremely easy to match a job’s spot colors without impacting the rest of the document.” Users adapt quickly to the intuitive interface, which guides the operator through the process. The result is a near immediate increase in productivity with the color accuracy people are looking for.

Piestrak added, “By combining the power of the Navigator Harlequin RIP with Xitron’s color transform technology, what you see is what you print, consistently.” Designed for the desktop envelope, flyer, and label market, Navigator Northstar includes Navigator RIP version 10.1r2, Navigator Color Matching Workflow, and the Northstar connectivity plug-in developed by Xitron. The system is multi-platform compatible and accessible from anywhere on a user’s network.

Navigator Northstar is shipping now, available through Xitron dealers worldwide. Printers interested in locating a Xitron dealer can visit



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First prints Heidelberg Primefire 106

02 jun 2016
Categorie: ,

drupa 2016 - Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG © Sascha Steinbach/actionpress for Heidelberg

As predicted the Heidelberg Primefire 106 created a big splash at drupa. Is was almost impossible to get a look at the first prints. Also impressive was the new Prinect Digital Frontend that give the Landa presses a lesson in practical design with the press operator in mind. Read more on the Heidelberg at drupa in the press release below.


drupa 2016: With the Primefire 106 Heidelberg will be presenting a world premiere for industrial inkjet printing in 70 x 100 format

  • New business opportunities specifically for packaging printers
  • Tried, tested and reliable platform for high digital production volumes
  • Preset Plus feeder and Prinect Digital Center Inline with Perfect Stack technology ensure reliable overall process and flawless good sheet delivery
  • Seamless workflow integration with the Prinect Digital Frontend
  • High environmental standards and recyclability permit food-safe production

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) will be presenting a world premiere for industrial production of digital printing applications in 70 x 100 format at drupa 2016 with the Primefire 106. The newly designed system is based on the leading inkjet technology from our development partner Fujifilm and the proven Heidelberg Peak Performance platform from our offset technology (see also the following press release for more information: Joint Release with Fujifilm, February 2016).

The Primefire 106 enables packaging printers in particular to take the first step in developing new areas of business, for example with the production of variable or personalized packaging. The digital printing system offers a number of highlights, including the highest quality of 1,200 x 1,200 dpi at a printing speed of up to 2,500 sheets per hour, even achieving production volumes of up to 1.5 million sheets per month in future productivity modes. The 7-color inkjet system with Heidelberg Multicolor technology also covers up to 95 per cent of the Pantone color space. At the same time, water-based inkjet printing meets strict environmental and recycling requirements and therefore also permits food-safe production.


Prinect Digital Center Inline with Perfect Stack technology: Reliable and stable overall process and flawless sheet delivery

Heidelberg has outfitted the Primefire 106 with a revolutionary operating concept in the form of the new Prinect Digital Center Inline with Perfect Stack technology. In combination with the Prinect Digital Frontend (DFE) from Heidelberg, the new high-performance control station ensures seamless integration into a print shop’s existing overall workflow.

In combination with the Perfect Stack technology and controlled by the Prinect Digital Center Inline, the Speedmaster XL-based feeder only allows good sheets into the delivery pile. The operator can also output test sheets directly to the control panel at the push of a button in order to visually check their quality.

“The Heidelberg Primefire 106 combines the best of both worlds and is the first commercially available, industrial digital printing system in 70 x 100 format. This opens up completely new market segments both for our customers and Heidelberg. Folding carton producers in particular develop new digitally driven business models and thus improve their competitiveness. Heidelberg now offers a first-rate solution to do exactly that”, says Stephan Plenz, Member of the Management Board responsible for Heidelberg Equipment, during the presentation of the Primefire 106 at drupa 2016.

Heidelberg is also setting new standards with the Primefire 106 in terms of possible print jobs and applications. To illustrate this, the company will be showcasing a wide range of examples live during its presentation of the new system. With these applications, Heidelberg is addressing specific topics of relevance to the industry, for example web-to-print, multichannel publishing, personalized short runs, or digital packaging and label printing, displaying them in a visually appealing manner with expensively designed print samples, and in so doing giving customers something to talk about.

“Our shows on the Primefire 106, taking place four times per day, showcase the variety and variability of industrial digital printing. We look forward to in-depth discussions with our customers on the completely new business opportunities opened up by this system,” says Jason Oliver, Head of Business Area Digital at Heidelberg.

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