Rob van den Braak

Enfocus als motor van innovatie voor vandaag en morgen

23 mei 2016

ENF_pr16005_Innovation articleEnfocus geniet wereldwijd bekendheid als leverancier van oplossingen voor end-to-end automatisering die klanten ondersteunen om hun activiteiten efficiënter te laten verlopen. Innoveren speelt sinds jaar en dag een sleutelrol in het succes van Enfocus. Vandaag is het bedrijf volop bezig met het verder versterken van zijn bestaande technologie om workflowprocessen en leveringsmodellen van bedrijven te transformeren met de beste technologische oplossingen die er zijn.

In dit artikel bekijken we de factoren die Enfocus producten met kop en schouders hebben doen uitsteken boven de rest, en blikken we vooruit op de baanbrekende innovaties die Enfocus – en zijn klanten – verder vooruit zullen stuwen.

De wereldwijde aantrekkingskracht van Enfocus oplossingen 

Enfocus oplossingen ondersteunen nu klanten over de hele wereld. De populariteit van de oplossingen is grotendeels te danken aan de manier waarop het modulaire productportfolio gebruikers een betrouwbare en kostenefficiënte oplossing biedt om hun activiteiten efficiënter te laten verlopen.

De verkoop van PitStop, dat meer dan 15 jaar geleden werd uitgebracht, mag dan over zijn hoogtepunt heen zijn, de verkoop van de andere oplossingen zit nog steeds in de lift. Enfocus Connect heeft enorm veel voet aan de grond gekregen sinds 2014. Daarnaast is de verkoop van Enfocus Switch jaar na jaar met meer dan 20% gegroeid. Bovendien vertegenwoordigt de omzet uit OEM-partnerschappen nu meer dan 20% van de totale omzet van het bedrijf.
De oplossingen kennen een hoge klanttevredenheid. Maar liefst 95% van de Enfocus klanten vernieuwt zijn onderhoudscontract.
Het bedrijf heeft een groeiend bestand van tevreden klanten die Enfocus oplossingen met succes aanwenden om end-to-end automatisering mogelijk te maken in hun organisatie.
Het is vanuit dit sterke fundament dat Enfocus naar de toekomst kijkt.

Marktaandeel vergroten in bestaande markten

In eerste instantie zal Enfocus blijven doen wat het goed doet: nieuwe kansen grijpen in bestaande markten door best-in-class oplossingen, die betrouwbaarheid combineren met een lage Total Cost of Ownership, te ontwikkelen en aan te reiken.

Fabian Prudhomme, Vice President bij Enfocus, zegt: “Dit zijn nog steeds uitdagende tijden voor veel drukkerijen en uitgeverijen. De wereldeconomie is nog altijd erg fragiel gezien de aanhoudende zwakte in de handel, lonen en prijzen. Toch kan het matige herstel nieuwe kansen creëren voor onze oplossingen. Een belangrijk voordeel is immers dat ze gebruikers in staat stellen om efficiënter te werken zonder een grote investering te vereisen. Wij zijn dan ook optimistisch gestemd en verwachten onze verkoopcijfers te kunnen verhogen in bestaande afzetmarkten.”

Disruptieve technologie en de kracht van Enfocus

Enfocus is ook bezig met een transformatie-inspanning die – op termijn – de gebruikerservaring van workflowprocessen en leveringsmodellen voor bedrijven fundamenteel zal veranderen.
De transformatie zal gebaseerd zijn op drie speerpunten: co-creatie, innovatie en nieuwe businessmodellen.

De kracht van co-creatie

Tot voor kort werd het proces van waardecreatie bijna uitsluitend binnen een bedrijf aangestuurd. De rol van de consument kwam alleen aan bod op het einde van het productontwikkelingsproces. De opkomst van het internet en aanverwante technologieën heeft een nieuw paradigma in het leven geroepen voor het creëren van waarde: co-creatie.

Co-creatie is een vorm van samenwerking tussen bijvoorbeeld een bedrijf en een groep klanten om samen tot een resultaat te komen dat op wederzijdse goedkeuring kan rekenen.

Co-creatie wordt reeds uitgebreid toegepast in andere sectoren, zoals de sectoren voor muziek, content en software. In februari 2016 pakte Enfocus uit met een primeur door het model van co-creatie te introduceren in de grafische sector met de lancering van de Enfocus Appstore. Het platform brengt ontwikkelaars en gebruikers samen om de gebruikerservaring te verbeteren. Zo halen ze maximaal rendement uit hun investering in Switch technologie.

Bjorn Willems, Director of Product Management bij Enfocus, merkt op: “De Enfocus Appstore is een compleet nieuwe kijk op hoe technologie wordt ontwikkeld. In plaats van alleen te vertrouwen op Enfocus voor technologische ontwikkelingen, kunnen klanten betrokken raken en apps rechtstreeks met elkaar uitwisselen. Het resultaat is een bloeiende marktplaats waar de wereldwijde Switch Community haar kennis en werk kan delen, zodat iedereen er voordeel kan uit halen. Er kan van alles worden gecreëerd: de mogelijkheden zijn vrijwel onbeperkt.”

Nog geen maand na de lancering bevatte de Enfocus Appstore al 15 apps en stond de teller voor in gebruik genomen proefversies al op meer dan 30 – geïnteresseerden kunnen een app eerst gratis uitproberen. Er worden met de regelmaat van de klok apps toegevoegd en het aantal proefversies neemt dagelijks toe. Met een dergelijk groeitempo schat Enfocus dat er tegen drupa 2016 al meer dan 50 apps van 20 app ontwikkelaars beschikbaar zullen zijn en dat er al meer dan 250 proefversies in gebruik zullen zijn.

De kracht van innovatie

Het mag duidelijk zijn: mobiele apparaten zijn uitgegroeid tot hét communicatiemiddel. Er zijn nu wereldwijd 2,6 miljard smartphoneabonnementen actief. Tel daarbij nog het feit dat meer dan 15% van de wereldbevolking – meer dan 1 miljard mensen – een tablet heeft gebruikt in 2015.

De groei van mobiel heeft bijgedragen tot de opmars van het gebruik van digitale technologie. Deze trends hebben een verwachtingspatroon gecreëerd bij klanten: ze willen meer betrokken zijn en meer controle hebben over de hele productervaring.

Om daarop in te spelen, heeft Enfocus een nieuwe add-on module ontwikkeld voor Enfocus Switch: de PDF Review Module. De module biedt gebruikers een gemakkelijke manier om PDF’s te bekijken en ze te inspecteren op basis van de objecten. Dankzij de gebruikersinterface op basis van HTML5 kunnen ze alles controleren op een desktop of tablet. De Switch PDF Review Module biedt Switch klanten de kans om nuttige controlepunten in te bouwen in de workflow waar tussenkomst aangewezen is.

Het gebruik van de PDF Review Module in Switch stroomlijnt het controleproces. Zodra een PDF is gecreëerd, ontvangt de proeflezer, zeg maar de reviewer, een e-mail met een link naar de PDF. Hij of zij klikt op de link en het PDF-bestand wordt geopend in de browser van het apparaat. Reviewers krijgen de PDF te zien in een gebruikersinterface die vooraf volledig te configureren is op basis van hun functie en vaardigheidsniveau. De aanpassingsmogelijkheden variëren van een zeer eenvoudige PDF-voorbeeldweergave met onderaan een knop om de PDF goed of af te keuren tot een geavanceerde weergave met tools zoals een pipet, visualisatie van scheidingen en wireframeweergave. De geavanceerde weergave stelt de gebruiker ook in staat om afzonderlijke objecten in het PDF-bestand te analyseren. De manier waarop het werkt, is vergelijkbaar met de Inspector Module van PitStop Pro.

Bjorn Willems vervolgt: “Gebruikers melden dat de Inspector functionaliteit een van de meest gewaardeerde functionaliteiten van PitStop Pro is. Dankzij de PDF Review Module hebben gebruikers toegang tot die waardevolle functionaliteit vanuit eender welke HTML5-browser. Het resultaat is een fundamentele verbetering van het PDF-controleproces: klanten beschikken over een snellere en nauwkeurigere manier om dit bedrijfskritische proces in goede banen te leiden.”

HTML komt niet alleen de PDF Review Module ten goede maar ook de koppeling van jobtickets. Enfocus ondersteunt drie HTML-formaten voor die functionaliteit: Basic, Internal HTML en External HTML. Alle drie de formaten ondersteunen variabelen en Smart Preflight. Een handige extra van External HTML is dat het databaseconnectiviteit mogelijk maakt via dynamische velden. Deze nieuwigheden zullen worden geïntroduceerd bij de release van Connect 13.2.

Flexibele businessmodellen

Deze geest van innovatie wordt ook doorgetrokken in de manier waarop software wordt aangeboden en gebruikt door klanten.

Zo zal PitStop Server 13.2 beschikbaar zijn via een nieuw, optioneel licentiemodel met een maand- of jaarabonnement. De abonnementsformule biedt gebruikers meer flexibiliteit en zorgt ervoor dat ze altijd werken met de nieuwste versies. Een ander voordeel is dat klanten extra abonnementen kunnen nemen tijdens piekperiodes en het aantal weer kunnen verminderen tijdens kalme periodes.

Enfocus werkt ook aan een cloudgebaseerde oplossing die de gebruikers meer flexibiliteit en veiligheid zal bieden. Dankzij Enfocus Cloud zullen gebruikers Switch items (workflows enz.) automatisch kunnen synchroniseren naar de Cloud. Mocht hardware het laten afweten, dan hoeft de gebruiker gewoon Switch op een nieuwe server te installeren, zich aan te melden met zijn of haar Enfocus ID en klaar: alle workflows worden hersteld.

Manier van werken transformeren

Fabian Prudhomme besluit: “De wereldwijde community van Enfocus gebruikers staat centraal in alles wat we doen. Om ervoor te zorgen dat onze oplossingen blijven voldoen aan de behoeften van onze groeiende gebruikerscommunity en tegelijk nieuwe klanten weten aan te trekken, blijven we alles in het werk stellen om onze oplossingen verder te verbeteren. Wel moeten we daarbij ook anders denken, willen we echt slagen in onze opzet. Disruptieve technologieën die de manier van werken fundamenteel transformeren, moeten we omarmen. Dat is de richting die ons bedrijf vandaag opgaat. We zijn erg enthousiast over wat de toekomst zal brengen voor ons bedrijf en de activiteiten van onze klanten.”

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Enfocus – driving innovation for today and the future

23 mei 2016
Categorie: ,

ENF_pr16005_Innovation articleEnfocus is known around the world as a provider of end-to-end automation solutions that help customers run more efficient operations. Innovation is a key part of what has made Enfocus successful. And today, the company stands ready to enhance their existing technology to transform workflow processes and business delivery models using the best technical solutions available.

In this article, we explore the factors that have made Enfocus products standout in the past, and review the ground breaking innovations that are driving Enfocus – and their customers – into the future.


The worldwide appeal of Enfocus solutions 

Enfocus solutions now support customers around the globe. The popularity of these solutions is due in large part for the way this modular product range gives users a reliable, cost effective way to make their operations more efficient.

And while sales of PitStop, which was released over 15 years ago, have reached their peak, sales of these other solutions continue to grow. Enfocus Connect has gained tremendous traction since 2014. In addition, sales of Enfocus Switch have grown by over 20% year over year. OEM partnership sales now account for more than 20% of the company’s total revenue.

Customer satisfaction for these solutions is high. An astounding 95% of Enfocus customers renew their maintenance contracts.

The company has a growing, satisfied customer base that is successfully deploying Enfocus solutions to enable end-to-end automation in their organisation.

And it is from this strong foundation that Enfocus looks to the future.


Growing existing markets

To start, Enfocus will continue to concentrate on what they have done well: capture new opportunities in their existing markets by developing and delivering best-in-class, reliable solutions at a low cost of ownership.

As Fabian Prudhomme, Vice President at Enfocus says, “These are still challenging times for many printing and publishing organisations. The global economy is still very fragile; there is weakness in trade, wages and prices. But this lacklustre recovery can be an opportunity for our solutions, because they enable users to be more effective without requiring a big investment. For these reasons, we are optimistic about expanding sales of our products in existing markets.”


Disruptive technology and the power of Enfocus

Enfocus is also undertaking a transformation effort that will – over time – fundamentally change the workflow process and business delivery models customers experience today.

This transformation will come from three key areas: co-creation, innovation, and new business models.

The power of co-creation

Until very recently, the process of value creation was driven almost exclusively within a company. The role of the consumer was seen only at the end of the product development process. The emergence of the Internet and related technologies has created a new paradigm for creating value: co-creation.

Co-creation is a management initiative that brings different parties together – such as a company and a group of customers – to jointly produce a mutually valued outcome.

Co-creation has been used extensively in other industries such as music, content and software. In February 2016, Enfocus became the first supplier to bring the co-creation model to the graphic arts sector when they announced the Enfocus Appstore. It brings developers and users together to enhance the user experience and maximise their investment in Switch technology.

Bjorn Willems, Director of Product Management at Enfocus, notes, “The Enfocus Appstore represents a whole new way of thinking about how technology gets developed. Instead of just relying on Enfocus for technical developments, customers can connect and exchange apps directly with each other. The result is a thriving marketplace where the global Switch Community can share their knowledge and work for the benefit of all. The possibilities of what can be created here are virtually unlimited.”

Almost one month after its launch, the Enfocus Appstore hosted 15 Apps and over 30 trials had been started. More apps are being added regularly and the number of trials grows daily. At this pace of growth, Enfocus estimates that by drupa 2016, over 50 apps from 20 app creators will be available, and over 250 trials will be underway.

The power of innovation

It’s clear that mobile devices have become the preferred tool for communication. There are now 2.6 billion smartphone subscriptions globally. Add to that the fact that more than 15% of the global population – more than 1 billion people – have used a tablet in 2015.

This growth in mobile has helped to expand the use of digital technology. Together, these trends have empowered the consumer, setting the expectation that they can be in control during the entire product experience.

To support these trends, Enfocus developed the PDF Review Module. This is a new add-on Module for Enfocus Switch. This module gives users an easy way to view PDFs, perform object-based inspection and review all from within an HTML5 based interface on a desktop or tablet. With the Switch PDF Review Module, Switch customers have the opportunity to add useful touch points with their customers wherever it is needed in the workflow.

The use of the PDF Review Module in Switch streamlines the review process. Once a PDF has been created, an email is sent to the reviewer with a link to the PDF. The user clicks the link and the PDF is opened in the browser. The person reviewing the PDF is presented with a fully configurable user interface, depending on their role and skill level. It could range from a very basic PDF preview with an Approve/Reject button on the bottom to an expert view that includes tools such as Eyedropper, Separation view, and Wireframe. The expert view also allows the user to analyse individual objects within the PDF file, similar to the Inspector Module of PitStop Pro.

Bjorn Willems, continues, “Users report that one of the most valued features of PitStop Pro is the Inspector feature. With the PDF Review Module, users can access that valuable functionality from any HTML5 browser. This fundamentally changes the PDF review process, giving users a faster, more accurate way to manage this critical process.”

In addition to the PDF Review Module, Enfocus is also using HTML to connect job tickets. There are three HTML formats supported for this feature: Basic, Internal HTML and External HTML. All three formats support variables and Smart Preflight and the External HTML allows for database connectivity through dynamic fields. These features will be introduced with the release of Connect 13.2.

Flexible Business models

This spirit of innovation is also carrying into the way software is delivered and used by customers.

For example, PitStop Server 13.2 will come with a new optional licensing model that includes monthly or yearly subscriptions. This subscription based licensing gives users a greater flexibility and ensures they are always working with the latest versions. It also enables customers to better manage the seasonality of their business.

Enfocus is also working on a Cloud-based solution that gives users more flexibility and security. Using Enfocus Cloud, users can automatically sync Switch assets (workflows, etc.) to the Cloud. In case of hardware failure, the user simply reinstalls Switch on a new server, logs in with their Enfocus ID and all workflows will be restored.

Transforming how business gets done

Fabian Prudhomme concludes, “The global community of Enfocus users drives all that we do. We actively work to enhance our solutions so they continue to meet the needs of our growing user base and attract new customers. But if we are to truly succeed, we also need to think differently. We need to embrace disruptive solutions that fundamentally transform how business gets done. This is the company’s mission for today – and we are truly excited about where it will take our business and the businesses of our customers.”


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Laurel Brunner’s Verdigris Blog: Do We Need More than ISO 14001?

23 mei 2016

iso 14001If you wanted to put a green label on a printing company, what would you look for? The usual differentiator amongst printers is compliance and ideally formal certification to ISO 14001. Compliance to this environmental management standard is based on a company’s environmental policy and how well the organisation conforms to that policy. There are requirements for management reviews and documentation, but this may not be enough to certify the overall greenness of a particular business.

If we were to develop such a standard, ISO 14001 would obviously be the reference for environmental management systems. In addition to ISO 14001 companies might also be asked to demonstrate other sustainability commitments, commitments that go beyond managing environmental aspects and impacts, and ensuring quality and safety.

However the details of what gets included in the environmental policy required by ISO 14001 determines how ambitious and comprehensive that policy is. Within the scope of 14001 it can go beyond prevention of pollution and minimising environmental impacts. The underlying principle for ISO 14001 is one of continuous improvement, so each time a company goes through the audit process it’s measured on the business’s new targets. Those targets, enshrined in the environmental policy, reach ever further into the organisation. Properly implemented the environmental management policy should enhance environmental performance, and fulfil environmental objectives and compliance obligations.

This means that ISO 14001 is enough, if we can assume that companies develop comprehensive environmental policies and live up to them. The trouble is that we cannot make such assumptions, so there may be an argument for a new standard specifying what an environmental policy should cover. And it should be ambitious, because certification to a combined ISO 14001, plus an environmental policy standard would confer the ultimate green status.

Take a packaging company for example, producing millions of filled flexible packages every month. Its environmental management policy would include requirements for accepting bulk deliveries, a process that would have to be managed to be environmentally sound. This might mean route planning which requires cooperation with shipping companies and their other customers. And then there is the loading and distribution process which would also need an environmentally benign process.

This packaging company would also have to consider such things as ingredient preparation and filling. Not only should the processes be efficient and minimise emissions and waste. There is also the consideration of consumer safety, and overall stability of the packaging and contents.

It could all be included as part of ISO 14001, but perhaps there is an argument for a series of ISO standards that specify the environmental policy requirements for different sectors of the printing industry. Such a series would be far from easy to write, but it could improve uptake of ISO 14001 and print’s overall environmental impact.

The Verdigris project is an industry initiative intended to raise awareness of print’s positive environmental impact. It provides a weekly commentary to help printing companies keep up to date with environmental standards, and how environmentally friendly business management can help improve their bottom lines. Verdigirs is supported by the following companies: Agfa Graphics, Digital Dots, EFI, Fespa, HP, Kodak, Ricoh, Splash PR, Unity Publishing and Xeikon.

 Laurel Brunner





The Verdigris project is an industry initiative intended to raise awareness of print’s positive environmental impact. It provides a weekly commentary to help printing companies keep up to date with environmental standards, and how environmentally friendly business management can help improve their bottom lines. Verdigirs is supported by the following companies: Agfa Graphics, Digital Dots, EFI, Fespa, Heidelberg, HP, Kodak, Ricoh, Splash PR, Unity Publishing and Xeikon

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Screen laat op drupa super gepersonaliseerd drukwerk live zien

20 mei 2016
Categorie: ,
Screen laat op drupa, Hall 8a -stand C11, in samenwerking met Nic. Oud zien hoe de Truepress Jet520HD inkjet pers tot in detail gepersonaliseerd drukwerk kan maken. De opdrachtgever, webshop Olliewood, constateerde na de verzending een piek in verkopen, een bewijs dat drukwerk ook voor deze nieuwe doelgroep een perfect gereedschap is. Lees meer over dit bijzondere project en de plannen van Screen voor drupa in onderstaand persbericht.



Press release
19th May 2016

SCREEN showing personalised publication printing with on-booth demonstration at drupa 2016

European football programme will be produced at the show

At drupa, Screen (stand C11/Hall 8a) will demonstrate how its high-speed Truepress Jet520HD inkjet press can be used to produce highly customised print publications. Working in partnership with Nic.Oud, Screen will show how the printer can work with web traffic reports to allow catalogue publishers to customise each magazine to the recipient, based on page visits and buying patterns.

Screen drupa resized-Olliewood

The introduction of the Truepress Jet520HD has enabled Nic.Oud and Olliewood to produce personalised catalogues tailored to the recipient.

Netherlands-based direct mail company Nic.Oud runs such a campaign for one of its customers, clothing company Olliewood. Selling children’s clothing via its website and printed catalogue, it produces collections each year targeted at boys and girls of differing ages. Previously, email and print communications would have been sent out without differentiation. However, the introduction of the Truepress Jet520HD has enabled Nic.Oud to offer a service to Olliewood that allows them to customise each magazine to the recipient.

The results were visible immediately to Olliewood, with consistently higher repeat purchases in the month following the catalogue mailing – up to 300% – compared to a control group who all received the same catalogue.

Developed to support the growing demand for quality, high-speed variable data printing, the Truepress Jet520HD gives users the ability to print water-based pigment inks at high speed and high quality on various paper stocks. At up to 1500 colour pages or 120 metres a minute and 507mm print width, the press has been designed to give a productivity level that is suitable for short- to medium-run book production, as well as high volume transactional and direct mail – at a quality level that comes close to traditional offset printing.

Visitors to the Screen booth will see for themselves how personalised publications can be created using its own variable data software Varistudio, an InDesign-based creative tool that allows anyone with basic InDesign knowledge to create personalised content. As part of the same demonstration, Screen will also show how its unique camera system, JetInspect, can spot even the smallest print error and this error information is used to generate a reprint to a cut-sheet toner printer.

Screen kicks off a summer of football with a customised programme

In addition to the direct mail application, Screen will demonstrate the flexibility of the Truepress Jet520HD further by producing a football programme in preparation of this year’s European football championship that starts on the same day as the show finishes – June 10th. The 32-page self-cover will feature each country that is participating and include information on how they got to the final and who they will play. Each country will feature on its own cover so there will be 24 different versions of the programme.

Both publications will be finished inline from the Truepress Jet 520HD to a Horizon saddle-stitching system on the booth.

Brian Filler, President, Screen GP Europe, says: “drupa provides Screen with the ideal opportunity to show the huge potential of the Truepress JetHD and the significant opportunity for direct mail companies to offer highly creative print services to their customers. Working with Nic.Oud illustrates perfectly how the press can be employed to make their communications much more dynamic and effective.”

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Screen laat op drupa super gepersonaliseerd drukwerk live zien

20 mei 2016
Screen laat op drupa, Hall 8a -stand C11, in samenwerking met Nic. Oud zien hoe de Truepress Jet520HD inkjet pers tot in detail gepersonaliseerd drukwerk kan maken. De opdrachtgever, webshop Olliewood, constateerde na de verzending een piek in verkopen, een bewijs dat drukwerk ook voor deze nieuwe doelgroep een perfect gereedschap is. Lees meer over dit bijzondere project en de plannen van Screen voor drupa in onderstaand persbericht.



Press release
19th May 2016

SCREEN showing personalised publication printing with on-booth demonstration at drupa 2016

European football programme will be produced at the show

At drupa, Screen (stand C11/Hall 8a) will demonstrate how its high-speed Truepress Jet520HD inkjet press can be used to produce highly customised print publications. Working in partnership with Nic.Oud, Screen will show how the printer can work with web traffic reports to allow catalogue publishers to customise each magazine to the recipient, based on page visits and buying patterns.

Screen drupa resized-Olliewood

The introduction of the Truepress Jet520HD has enabled Nic.Oud and Olliewood to produce personalised catalogues tailored to the recipient.

Netherlands-based direct mail company Nic.Oud runs such a campaign for one of its customers, clothing company Olliewood. Selling children’s clothing via its website and printed catalogue, it produces collections each year targeted at boys and girls of differing ages. Previously, email and print communications would have been sent out without differentiation. However, the introduction of the Truepress Jet520HD has enabled Nic.Oud to offer a service to Olliewood that allows them to customise each magazine to the recipient.

The results were visible immediately to Olliewood, with consistently higher repeat purchases in the month following the catalogue mailing – up to 300% – compared to a control group who all received the same catalogue.

Developed to support the growing demand for quality, high-speed variable data printing, the Truepress Jet520HD gives users the ability to print water-based pigment inks at high speed and high quality on various paper stocks. At up to 1500 colour pages or 120 metres a minute and 507mm print width, the press has been designed to give a productivity level that is suitable for short- to medium-run book production, as well as high volume transactional and direct mail – at a quality level that comes close to traditional offset printing.

Visitors to the Screen booth will see for themselves how personalised publications can be created using its own variable data software Varistudio, an InDesign-based creative tool that allows anyone with basic InDesign knowledge to create personalised content. As part of the same demonstration, Screen will also show how its unique camera system, JetInspect, can spot even the smallest print error and this error information is used to generate a reprint to a cut-sheet toner printer.

Screen kicks off a summer of football with a customised programme

In addition to the direct mail application, Screen will demonstrate the flexibility of the Truepress Jet520HD further by producing a football programme in preparation of this year’s European football championship that starts on the same day as the show finishes – June 10th. The 32-page self-cover will feature each country that is participating and include information on how they got to the final and who they will play. Each country will feature on its own cover so there will be 24 different versions of the programme.

Both publications will be finished inline from the Truepress Jet 520HD to a Horizon saddle-stitching system on the booth.

Brian Filler, President, Screen GP Europe, says: “drupa provides Screen with the ideal opportunity to show the huge potential of the Truepress JetHD and the significant opportunity for direct mail companies to offer highly creative print services to their customers. Working with Nic.Oud illustrates perfectly how the press can be employed to make their communications much more dynamic and effective.”

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Video verslag Gerard Unger GLU pro•lezing

20 mei 2016

gerard_ungerAfgelopen week was Gerard Unger te gast en vertelde de aanwezigen over zijn werk als letterontwerper. Zijn pro•lezing ging niet zo zeer over alles wat we op straat en in de krant van hem tegenkomen maar voornamelijk over zijn inspiratiebronnen en de wijze waarop hij deze in zijn dagelijks werk als letterontwerper toepast. Een zeer gewaardeerd kijkje in de keuken van een grootmeester. Je kunt van de hele lezing nagenieten via dit adres: [Lezing typografie Gerard Unger] via GLU-Plus.


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SCREEN showing personalised publication printing with on-booth demonstration at drupa 2016

20 mei 2016
Categorie: ,

European football programme will be produced at the show

At drupa, Screen (stand C11/Hall 8a) will demonstrate how its high-speed Truepress Jet520HD inkjet press can be used to produce highly customised print publications. Working in partnership with Nic.Oud, Screen will show how the printer can work with web traffic reports to allow catalogue publishers to customise each magazine to the recipient, based on page visits and buying patterns.

Screen drupa resized-Olliewood

The introduction of the Truepress Jet520HD has enabled Nic.Oud and Olliewood to produce personalised catalogues tailored to the recipient.

Netherlands-based direct mail company Nic.Oud runs such a campaign for one of its customers, clothing company Olliewood. Selling children’s clothing via its website and printed catalogue, it produces collections each year targeted at boys and girls of differing ages. Previously, email and print communications would have been sent out without differentiation. However, the introduction of the Truepress Jet520HD has enabled Nic.Oud to offer a service to Olliewood that allows them to customise each magazine to the recipient.

The results were visible immediately to Olliewood, with consistently higher repeat purchases in the month following the catalogue mailing – up to 300% – compared to a control group who all received the same catalogue.

Developed to support the growing demand for quality, high-speed variable data printing, the Truepress Jet520HD gives users the ability to print water-based pigment inks at high speed and high quality on various paper stocks. At up to 1500 colour pages or 120 metres a minute and 507mm print width, the press has been designed to give a productivity level that is suitable for short- to medium-run book production, as well as high volume transactional and direct mail – at a quality level that comes close to traditional offset printing.

Visitors to the Screen booth will see for themselves how personalised publications can be created using its own variable data software Varistudio, an InDesign-based creative tool that allows anyone with basic InDesign knowledge to create personalised content. As part of the same demonstration, Screen will also show how its unique camera system, JetInspect, can spot even the smallest print error and this error information is used to generate a reprint to a cut-sheet toner printer.

Screen kicks off a summer of football with a customised programme

In addition to the direct mail application, Screen will demonstrate the flexibility of the Truepress Jet520HD further by producing a football programme in preparation of this year’s European football championship that starts on the same day as the show finishes – June 10th. The 32-page self-cover will feature each country that is participating and include information on how they got to the final and who they will play. Each country will feature on its own cover so there will be 24 different versions of the programme.

Both publications will be finished inline from the Truepress Jet 520HD to a Horizon saddle-stitching system on the booth.

Brian Filler, President, Screen GP Europe, says: “drupa provides Screen with the ideal opportunity to show the huge potential of the Truepress JetHD and the significant opportunity for direct mail companies to offer highly creative print services to their customers. Working with Nic.Oud illustrates perfectly how the press can be employed to make their communications much more dynamic and effective.”

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Book on demand at drupa 2004 versus ´PDF in Book Out´ at drupa 2016 Copy

19 mei 2016

Expresso EBM_HeroBook on Demand was the central theme at drupa 2004. With promises of superfast delivery times and monetisation of content by unlimited reprints manufacturers of digital print systems scored many orders. A phletora of print technologies was used to help publishers get rid of their cellars full of unsellable books. Inkjet. liquid toners, and toner print technology were able to print on various paper types, against lower costs and higher speeds. Hand in hand with these print developments went the software developments to manage the book on demand systems. Networking, another trend at drupa 2004, made sure that the first application of web2print saw the light and workflow systems form order to despatch of books could be automated. The results of these developments can be seen at drupa 2016 where Muller Martini´s ´PDF in Book Out´ shows how far we have come with Book on Demand.


A book is more than just a cover
book-coversThe production of a cover is one of the challenges for Book on Demand. Use of colour, choice of material and print quality make or break book sales. If the inside of the book is printed on a different material or if monochrome is sufficient the cover needs extra attention. The finishing of the cover is also critical, especially with hard covers with a fabric binding. At drupa 2004 the solution most used was preprinted covers. This was a problem for books with smaller volumes. This problem will be solved by various manufacturers at drupa 2016. It will be interesting to see what the most efficient and economic solution is. Because the right solution will make the ever rising number of small volume books profitable. This growth is mainly due to the ease with which everyone with a computer and an internet connection can make a book. Services for self publishing authors such as Blurb and Amazon are also growing. They take away the work that is usually done by traditional publishers, from editing to marketing and distribution. Which proves that a book is more than just a cover.


PDF will save Book on Demand
pdf ButtonThe role of the portable document format is ambivalent. Whilst PDF facilitates the digital distribution of, often illegal, copies it at the same time saves the Book on Demand process. Because without a good PDF of the millions of available book titles it would be impossible to get a good Good on Demand process going. Making a PDF which can easily be transformed into a book is not easy. Unavailable fonts or unprintable images prevent good quality. The magic word is ´flight check´; checking the PDF for any technical problems before print. Pioneers such as Markzware, Enfocus and Callas have found a solution. Profiles made and provide by print companies allow writers and publishers to make the perfect PDF. A PDF which can be proofed and checked by the workflow of a Book on Demand system.


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Air Motion at drupa with three new LED UV technologies

19 mei 2016

Air Motion DrupaLow Pile, High Power and MultiWave are three new LED UV technologies shown by curing specialist Air Motion. With these technologies Air Motion underlines the fact that LED UV development goes fast and that there is a solution for all print technologies. More about these new technologies in the press release below.

RIVER FALLS, Wis. — April 25, 2016 — Air Motion Systems (AMS), a provider of high-power LED UV curing systems for the print media industry, has announced new products to be highlighted at drupa 2016, being held May 31-June 10, in Düsseldorf, Germany.

MultiWave LED-UV Blended Wavelength Modules
At drupa 2016, AMS will commercialize a blended wavelength series LED module called MultiWave LED-UV featuring the industry’s first uniform blend of Wide Spectrum UV and LED wavelengths at equivalent power levels, and with a performance range designed for compatibility with many existing UV photo initiator packages, including low-migration formulas. The development means that the ink prices for LED curing can now be similar to those of existing high quality UV inks.
“MultiWave LED-UV is a true industry first,” says Steve Metcalf, CEO of AMS. “With MultiWave, AMS offers a single, 100% LED-based solution capable of curing a much broader range of UV and LED inks, varnishes and coatings at the highest performance levels, without reliance on mercury based arc lamps or proprietary, dual-purpose power supplies to assist. Further, MultiWave LED modules are engineered to be plug-compatible with all AMS LED UV systems in use, providing an easy upgrade path for our existing customers.”
Based on AMS’ award-winning and patented PEAK Optics Dynamic Collimation technology, MultiWave LED modules give printers and converters wider spectrum compatibility with UV inks, varnishes and coatings combined with all the advantages of 100% LED-based curing, including low energy consumption, elimination of mercury and ozone, removal of heat, improved curing consistency, safer operation and elimination of frequent bulb changes. “Drupa 2016 will be all about preparing yourself for the wide spectrum future of LED,” adds Carsten Barlebo, managing director of AMS EMEA. “And with the latest from AMS, we and our customers are ready.”
MultiWave LED modules are based on the latest high-efficiency (HE), upgradeable diode chipsets from AMS and will be offered in power densities of 12W, 17W and 25W classes, consistent with existing power setups offered by AMS, and capable of reaching the highest production speeds in perfecting and straight mode of machines on the market today. MultiWave modules are available in seamless format widths from narrow up to 2.5 meters (100 inches) for all AMS systems spanning offset, flexo and digital.

LED UV Solution for Low-Pile Sheetfed Presses
At drupa, AMS will further introduce a new low-profile LED module, called the XD Series, for easy conversion of space-restricted machines to LED printing. The development of XD is a result of working closely with partners and customers who requested a smaller-profile design with easy setup for the numerous low-pile sheetfed offset litho presses in use around the world, and for which adequate space in the delivery is not readily available for standard LED drying units.
“XD is a LED printing solution for the many printers who operate 520mm (20-inch) format machines with low pile designs from different manufacturers,” relays Carsten Barlebo. “The XD systems come complete with a turnkey start-up package, and are designed for quick installation that can be done oftentimes by the printer themselves, without the expense of onsite technicians.”
The XD solution will allow small format presses to more easily take advantage of the growing worldwide trend towards eco-friendly, “offset-on-demand” LED printing, including instant drying and the ability to readily print on many papers and synthetic materials.
XD systems are built around a common, proven LED architecture from AMS that features replaceable, upgradeable chip diodes and operates at the highest level of performance and reliability. Power and control systems are designed for flawless operation even in the most difficult environments, and systems come prepared with internet-based remote diagnostics.

High Power Air-Cooled LED UV Modules
At drupa, AMS will further unveil an all-new, extendable, high-power Air-Cooled LED UV architecture designed for machines and applications where air-cooling can be realized into the space of the machine. The modules, known as the X-AIR Series, will offer a central connection to a blower manifold instead of relying on a series of onboard fans, which take up space and can lead to maintenance issues. The vastly improved cooling efficiency in a rugged, extruded housing also enables much wider, and seamlessly extendable format sizes for Air-Cooled LED applications than previously possible.
“Existing air-cooled LED UV designs on the market are beset with challenges for machine integration,” notes Metcalf. “When fan-based modules are positioned end-to-end to create larger curing widths, energy drops off at the seams causing drying inconsistencies, such as striping and noticeable gloss-level changes. This doesn’t work for most applications, where total curing uniformity is a must. The AMS X-AIR systems offer seamless output up to lengths of 2 meters (80 inches) without loss of energy across the media. Another advantage is that we can economically deploy a centralized blower to a multi-lamp setup, similar to traditional air-cooled UV architectures.”
The X-AIR modules will come standard with AMS upgradeable and replaceable high power chip diodes, deliver outstanding working distance, and can be ordered in any format width for uniform output, eliminating the need to position multiple, small LED units end-to-end. With X-AIR, the power and control architecture is also greatly simplified, as each module requires a single dedicated driver to operate.

LED UV Satisfaction Guarantee
Based on its track record and focus on LED UV instead of hybrid systems, AMS is the first major LED UV provider to extend a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on the LED printing process across all standard applications. In short, AMS guarantees the LED curing system, the LED curing process and top performance of the LED machine, or money is returned to the investor. The guarantee is a direct result of helping so many customers around the world achieve success with LED UV.

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Pro•lezing 10 donderdag 26 mei: Mark Vankan – Motion Graphics

19 mei 2016
Categorie: ,

Mark Vankan is Motion Graphic Designer uit Eindhoven en zo’n 8 jaar werkzaam als motion designer. Waarvan 5 jaar als freelancer.
Als studie heeft Mark eerst het Sint Lucas (MBO) te Boxtel gedaan en daarna de Willem de Kooning Academie (HBO) in Rotterdam. Momenteel heeft hij een eigen studio in Eindhoven en werkt voor producten, reclamebureaus en direct voor klanten of artiesten. Mark maakte motion graphics voor bedrijven als Schwarzkopf Professional, Philips, VPRO, DAF, Thomas Azier, the Dutch Design Week, koninklijke Heerema en Boskalis. Voor deze klanten maakte hij openingsfilms, infographics, Vr-films en TV commercials.



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Nieuwe LED UV technieken op drupa

19 mei 2016

Air Motion DrupaLow Pile, High Power en MultiWave zijn drie nieuwe LED UV technieken die droging specialist Air Motion toont op drupa. Met deze drie technieken onderstreept Air Motion hoe snel het gaat in LED UV ontwikkeling en dat er voor elke druktechniek een oplossing is. Lees meer over deze nieuwe technieken in het onderstaande persbericht.

RIVER FALLS, Wis. — April 25, 2016 — Air Motion Systems (AMS), a provider of high-power LED UV curing systems for the print media industry, has announced new products to be highlighted at drupa 2016, being held May 31-June 10, in Düsseldorf, Germany.

MultiWave LED-UV Blended Wavelength Modules
At drupa 2016, AMS will commercialize a blended wavelength series LED module called MultiWave LED-UV featuring the industry’s first uniform blend of Wide Spectrum UV and LED wavelengths at equivalent power levels, and with a performance range designed for compatibility with many existing UV photo initiator packages, including low-migration formulas. The development means that the ink prices for LED curing can now be similar to those of existing high quality UV inks.
“MultiWave LED-UV is a true industry first,” says Steve Metcalf, CEO of AMS. “With MultiWave, AMS offers a single, 100% LED-based solution capable of curing a much broader range of UV and LED inks, varnishes and coatings at the highest performance levels, without reliance on mercury based arc lamps or proprietary, dual-purpose power supplies to assist. Further, MultiWave LED modules are engineered to be plug-compatible with all AMS LED UV systems in use, providing an easy upgrade path for our existing customers.”
Based on AMS’ award-winning and patented PEAK Optics Dynamic Collimation technology, MultiWave LED modules give printers and converters wider spectrum compatibility with UV inks, varnishes and coatings combined with all the advantages of 100% LED-based curing, including low energy consumption, elimination of mercury and ozone, removal of heat, improved curing consistency, safer operation and elimination of frequent bulb changes. “Drupa 2016 will be all about preparing yourself for the wide spectrum future of LED,” adds Carsten Barlebo, managing director of AMS EMEA. “And with the latest from AMS, we and our customers are ready.”
MultiWave LED modules are based on the latest high-efficiency (HE), upgradeable diode chipsets from AMS and will be offered in power densities of 12W, 17W and 25W classes, consistent with existing power setups offered by AMS, and capable of reaching the highest production speeds in perfecting and straight mode of machines on the market today. MultiWave modules are available in seamless format widths from narrow up to 2.5 meters (100 inches) for all AMS systems spanning offset, flexo and digital.

LED UV Solution for Low-Pile Sheetfed Presses
At drupa, AMS will further introduce a new low-profile LED module, called the XD Series, for easy conversion of space-restricted machines to LED printing. The development of XD is a result of working closely with partners and customers who requested a smaller-profile design with easy setup for the numerous low-pile sheetfed offset litho presses in use around the world, and for which adequate space in the delivery is not readily available for standard LED drying units.
“XD is a LED printing solution for the many printers who operate 520mm (20-inch) format machines with low pile designs from different manufacturers,” relays Carsten Barlebo. “The XD systems come complete with a turnkey start-up package, and are designed for quick installation that can be done oftentimes by the printer themselves, without the expense of onsite technicians.”
The XD solution will allow small format presses to more easily take advantage of the growing worldwide trend towards eco-friendly, “offset-on-demand” LED printing, including instant drying and the ability to readily print on many papers and synthetic materials.
XD systems are built around a common, proven LED architecture from AMS that features replaceable, upgradeable chip diodes and operates at the highest level of performance and reliability. Power and control systems are designed for flawless operation even in the most difficult environments, and systems come prepared with internet-based remote diagnostics.

High Power Air-Cooled LED UV Modules
At drupa, AMS will further unveil an all-new, extendable, high-power Air-Cooled LED UV architecture designed for machines and applications where air-cooling can be realized into the space of the machine. The modules, known as the X-AIR Series, will offer a central connection to a blower manifold instead of relying on a series of onboard fans, which take up space and can lead to maintenance issues. The vastly improved cooling efficiency in a rugged, extruded housing also enables much wider, and seamlessly extendable format sizes for Air-Cooled LED applications than previously possible.
“Existing air-cooled LED UV designs on the market are beset with challenges for machine integration,” notes Metcalf. “When fan-based modules are positioned end-to-end to create larger curing widths, energy drops off at the seams causing drying inconsistencies, such as striping and noticeable gloss-level changes. This doesn’t work for most applications, where total curing uniformity is a must. The AMS X-AIR systems offer seamless output up to lengths of 2 meters (80 inches) without loss of energy across the media. Another advantage is that we can economically deploy a centralized blower to a multi-lamp setup, similar to traditional air-cooled UV architectures.”
The X-AIR modules will come standard with AMS upgradeable and replaceable high power chip diodes, deliver outstanding working distance, and can be ordered in any format width for uniform output, eliminating the need to position multiple, small LED units end-to-end. With X-AIR, the power and control architecture is also greatly simplified, as each module requires a single dedicated driver to operate.

LED UV Satisfaction Guarantee
Based on its track record and focus on LED UV instead of hybrid systems, AMS is the first major LED UV provider to extend a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on the LED printing process across all standard applications. In short, AMS guarantees the LED curing system, the LED curing process and top performance of the LED machine, or money is returned to the investor. The guarantee is a direct result of helping so many customers around the world achieve success with LED UV.

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Three specialists present The Centre of Print Finishing Excellence

19 mei 2016

CP Bourg DrupaThree finishing specialists, C.P. Bourgh, Watkiss and Challenge Machinery will together present Print Finishing Excellence at drupa. With different technologies and products for offset and digital print finishing, Centre of Print Excellence will give visitors a complete view of what is possible in finishing.
More about this in the press release below.

A one-stop-shop for all your book and booklet-making needs.

Bourg, Watkiss and Challenge – who all manufacture finishing equipment for the digital and offset print market – already partner on various technologies, products and market activities to provide integrated finishing systems.

“We want to focus on the excellent quality, service and support that we all aim to deliver; and our three companies have a long history of cooperation that has proven beneficial to our customers. So it is logical to work together at such an important event as drupa. Collectively, we have a diversity of print finishing solutions that will appeal to a wide audience. By coming to one site, we can direct customers to the products that best suit their applications.” explains Paul Attew, Sales Director of Watkiss Automation.

“Automation, flexibility, workflow optimization and cutting-edge technology are common words to Challenge, Watkiss and C.P. Bourg. For the last few years, our successful collaboration on developing integrated print finishing solutions, combining the best of each company, enable our customers to deliver very quickly on-demand and personalized books and booklets. It was therefore logical to put forward our brand new integrated print finishing solutions at drupa. In one central location, customers will find the solutions to all their print finishing needs.”, explains Sacha-Paolucci, Commercial Director of C.P. Bourg s.a.

“All three companies have long histories of providing superior finishing solutions in terms of quality, service and support, and practical innovation.  With close collaboration and the sharing of ideas, we are together providing better solutions for the rapidly changing needs of our print customers.  Together, our three companies look forward to showing customers the assortment of print solutions available at The Centre of Print Finishing Excellence” states Larry Ritsema, President/CEO of The Challenge Machinery Company.

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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