Rob van den Braak
Book on Demand was het kern thema van drupa 2005. Met beloftes van supersnelle levertijden en het kapitaliseren van content door het onbeperkt herdrukken ervan scoorden fabrikanten van digitale print systemen een vloed van orders. Een veelvoud van afdruktechnieken werd gebruikt om uitgevers te verlossen van magazijnen vol slecht verkoopbare boeken. Inkjet, liquid toner en toner afdruktechnieken konden nu meer papiersoorten bedrukken en ook nog tegen lagere kosten en met hogere snelheden. Hand in hand met deze afdruk-technische ontwikkelingen gingen de razend snelle ontwikkelingen in de software om book on demand systemen aan te sturen. Networking, de andere trend van drupa 2004, zorgde ervoor dat de eerste applicatie van web2print verschenen en workflow systemen die van bestelling tot verzending de productie van een boek konden automatiseren. Het resultaat van die ontwikkelingen kun je zien op drupa 2016 waar het thema van Muller Martini ‘PDF in Book Out’ aangeeft hoe ver we gekomen zijn in Book on Demand.
Lees in #9 van onze Drupa Achter de Geraniums Serie wat de stormachtige ontwikkeling van Book on Demand is geweest en wat de toekomst is van dit nog steeds groeiend marktsegment.
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Het bewaren en naar CtP systemen versturen van plate-ready TIFF informatie van workflow systemen van Fuji, Kodak, Agfa en FFEI is nu mogelijk dankzij versie 4.0 van de Xitron Raster Blaster. Raster Blaster software in combinatie met de Xitron Blue Box geeft bedrijven een prepress independence. Lees in onderstaand persbericht hoe bijna elk workflow systeem gekoppeld kan worden met bijna alle CtP systemen.
Raster Blaster 4.0 Set to Debut at Drupa
Xitron announces intelligent TIFF Catcher for CTP
Ann Arbor, Michigan – May 2, 2016 – Xitron, the leading independent developer of RIP and workflow products for commercial, digital, and high-speed inkjet printing will introduce Raster Blaster 4.0 during Drupa, the world’s largest trade show for print and cross-media solutions. Described as the next generation in TIFF Catcher technology, Raster Blaster 4.0 will include several features previously unavailable.
“Raster Blaster 4.0 is a high-technology bridge between workflows like FujiFilm XMF, Kodak Prinergy, Agfa Apogee, or FFEI RealPro, and the various CTP devices printing companies choose for production,” said Jeffrey Piestrak, Xitron Product Manager. “Compatible with nearly 100 CTP models from all the major vendors, Raster Blaster 4.0 is a prime example of prepress independence, allowing users to choose their CTP and workflow from separate suppliers. Of course, it’s also well-matched for Xitron’s own Sierra workflow too.”
More than a simple conduit supplying raster data to the CTP unit, Raster Blaster 4.0 combines complete archiving and job searching with plate usage reporting, production and waste analytics, automated re-plate sequencing, image prioritization, and remote operator control. A standard browser interface supplies real-time data to all operators on the network and enables control through mobile devices as well.
“Truly unique is the fact that, in most cases, a host PC is no longer required,” added Piestrak. “All the functionality is built into the Xitron interface, colloquially known as the ‘Blue Box.’ As long as there is a network connection, the system maintains maximum functionality and accessibility throughout the shop.”
Raster Blaster 4.0 can be seen on the Xitron stand at Drupa (Hall 15/C54-4) May 31, through June 10th in Dusseldorf, Germany. There are nearly 4,000 existing Raster Blaster users and special programs have been put in place for those looking to upgrade.
Book on Demand was het kern thema van drupa 2005. Met beloftes van supersnelle levertijden en het kapitaliseren van content door het onbeperkt herdrukken ervan scoorden fabrikanten van digitale print systemen een vloed van orders. Een veelvoud van afdruktechnieken werd gebruikt om uitgevers te verlossen van magazijnen vol slecht verkoopbare boeken. Inkjet, liquid toner en toner afdruktechnieken konden nu meer papiersoorten bedrukken en ook nog tegen lagere kosten en met hogere snelheden. Hand in hand met deze afdruk-technische ontwikkelingen gingen de razend snelle ontwikkelingen in de software om book on demand systemen aan te sturen. Networking, de andere trend van drupa 2004, zorgde ervoor dat de eerste applicatie van web2print verschenen en workflow systemen die van bestelling tot verzending de productie van een boek konden automatiseren. Het resultaat van die ontwikkelingen kun je zien op drupa 2016 waar het thema van Muller Martini ‘PDF in Book Out’ aangeeft hoe ver we gekomen zijn in Book on Demand.
Een boek is meer dan de omslag
Het maken van een omslag is een van de uitdagingen van Book on Demand. Kleur gebruik, materiaal keuze en afdrukkwaliteit bepalen de verkoopbaarheid van een boek. Als het binnenwerk gedrukt wordt op een andere papiersoort of als monochrome voldoende is dan vraagt het afdrukken van de omslag extra aandacht. Ook in de afwerking is het maken van de omslag een kritisch punt zeker als het een hardcover moet worden met een stofomslag. Op drupa 2004 was de meest toegepaste oplossing het aanleveren van van te voren gedrukte omslagen. Voor boeken met kleine oplagen is dat een probleem, een probleem dat verschillende fabrikanten op drupa 2016 op verschillende manier op zullen lossen. Het zal interessant zijn om te zien wat de meest efficiënte en kostprijs technisch haalbare oplossing is. Want een juiste oplossing maakt het mogelijke om het nog steeds stijgende aantal boektitel in kleine oplagen tot een winstgevende activiteit te maken. Die groei komt vooral door het gemak waarmee een ieder met een computer en een internet verbinding een boek kan maken. Services voor zelf publicerende schrijvers zoals die door Blurb en Amazon aangeboden worden groeien nog steeds. Die bedrijven nemen alle taken over van traditionele uitgevers. Van eindredactie tot marketing en distributie word door hen geregeld. Waarmee bewezen wordt dat een boek meer is dan een omslag.
PDF red Book on Demand
De rol van het portable document format bij Book on Demand is tweeslachtig. Terwijl PDF de digitale distributie van, vaak illegale, kopieën mogelijk maakt red het ook het Book on Demand proces. Want zonder een goede PDF van de miljoenen beschikbare boektitels zou het onmogelijk zijn om een Book on Demand systeem op te zetten. Het maken van een zonder problemen tot boek te verwerken PDF is niet eenvoudig. Van ontbrekende fonts tot niet te printen afbeeldingen kunnen er voor zorgen dat een boek niet aan de verwachtingen van de uitgever en zijn lezer voldoet. Het toverwoord is ‘flight check’, het voor het afdrukken controleren van een PDF op mogelijke technische problemen. Pioniers als Markzware, Enfocus en Callas hebben dat probleem voor ons opgelost. Met door grafische bedrijven aangemaakte profielen kunnen nu schrijvers en uitgevers een perfecte PDF maken. Een PDF die het workflow van een Book on Demand systeem voor de zekerheid nog een keer gecontroleerd wordt en eventueel geproefd kan worden.
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Dantex claims to be able to replace image setters as well as reduce costs with its Star Plate system. With smart screening and a 2,880 dpi resolutions it could produce screenings up to 200 lpi. The maximum negative density is 4,5 which is more than sufficient to set offset and flexo plates, according to Dantex.
More about Star Plate in the press release below.
StarPlate Linework LW with T-series Epson
Star Plate is a digital imaging solution designed for direct inkjet to film, with the ability to produce high quality halftone screening. Utilising its proven analytical engine “Actual Dot”, the system faithfully analyses and reproduces the dots of the RIPped 1- bit data.
When used with award winning Smart Screen screening technology, users have the facility to produce high quality screened negatives, perfect for Flexo or Letterpress plate making.
The resultant plates display sharp dots, fine lines and visually superior tonal ranges on press, particularly in highlight areas.
Star Plate preserves text attributes, right down to 1pt type and is capable of imaging screen rulings up to 200 lpi. A user-friendly interface allows for multiple calibration curves to be generated to suit various press conditions.
A range of CTF nano-porous films are available in various gauges and sizes, all developed to produce a D.Max of between 3.0 and 4.5.
Star Plate CTF
Star Plate CTF devices are available in two sizes. The Star Plate CTF 610 is a 24’ width device whilst the CTF 1118 has a maximum width of 44”.
These new devices use a five cartridge system as opposed to the previous nine cartridge device which equates to lower consumable outlay both at start up and through the life of the printer. When combined with Star Plate and Smart Screen, the Star Plate CTF delivers an inkjet to film solution which is unrivaled in terms of speed and quality.
The Star Plate CTF solution features the latest generation of print-heads which deliver a 3.5 pico litre minimum droplet. Fine tuned to deliver optimum registration and fit between separations, it is capable of output speeds which are 3 x faster than the previous Epson Stylus Pro series of inkjet devices.
Dantex claimt met zijn Star Plate systeem fotosetters te kunnen vervangen tegen lagere kosten. Met een Smart Screening en een resolutie van 2.880 dpi kunnen rasters tot 200 lpi geprint worden. De max van deze oplossing is 4.5, ruim voldoende om offset en flexo platen te belichten volgens Dantex.
Lees meer over Star Plate in het onderstaande persbericht.
StarPlate Linework LW with T-series Epson
Star Plate is a digital imaging solution designed for direct inkjet to film, with the ability to produce high quality halftone screening. Utilising its proven analytical engine “Actual Dot”, the system faithfully analyses and reproduces the dots of the RIPped 1- bit data.
When used with award winning Smart Screen screening technology, users have the facility to produce high quality screened negatives, perfect for Flexo or Letterpress plate making.
The resultant plates display sharp dots, fine lines and visually superior tonal ranges on press, particularly in highlight areas.
Star Plate preserves text attributes, right down to 1pt type and is capable of imaging screen rulings up to 200 lpi. A user-friendly interface allows for multiple calibration curves to be generated to suit various press conditions.
A range of CTF nano-porous films are available in various gauges and sizes, all developed to produce a D.Max of between 3.0 and 4.5.
Star Plate CTF
Star Plate CTF devices are available in two sizes. The Star Plate CTF 610 is a 24’ width device whilst the CTF 1118 has a maximum width of 44”.
These new devices use a five cartridge system as opposed to the previous nine cartridge device which equates to lower consumable outlay both at start up and through the life of the printer. When combined with Star Plate and Smart Screen, the Star Plate CTF delivers an inkjet to film solution which is unrivaled in terms of speed and quality.
The Star Plate CTF solution features the latest generation of print-heads which deliver a 3.5 pico litre minimum droplet. Fine tuned to deliver optimum registration and fit between separations, it is capable of output speeds which are 3 x faster than the previous Epson Stylus Pro series of inkjet devices.
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Lees verder....It is not easy to save plate-ready TIFF information from workflow systems from Fuji, Kodak, Agfa and FFEI and send it to CtP systems. Version 4.0 of the Xitron Raster Blaster makes this possible. Raster Blaster software in combination with the Xitron Blue Box gives full prepress independence. More information about how nearly every workflow system can be connected to nearly all available CtP systems in the press release below.
Raster Blaster 4.0 Set to Debut at Drupa
Xitron announces intelligent TIFF Catcher for CTP
Ann Arbor, Michigan – May 2, 2016 – Xitron, the leading independent developer of RIP and workflow products for commercial, digital, and high-speed inkjet printing will introduce Raster Blaster 4.0 during Drupa, the world’s largest trade show for print and cross-media solutions. Described as the next generation in TIFF Catcher technology, Raster Blaster 4.0 will include several features previously unavailable.
“Raster Blaster 4.0 is a high-technology bridge between workflows like FujiFilm XMF, Kodak Prinergy, Agfa Apogee, or FFEI RealPro, and the various CTP devices printing companies choose for production,” said Jeffrey Piestrak, Xitron Product Manager. “Compatible with nearly 100 CTP models from all the major vendors, Raster Blaster 4.0 is a prime example of prepress independence, allowing users to choose their CTP and workflow from separate suppliers. Of course, it’s also well-matched for Xitron’s own Sierra workflow too.”
More than a simple conduit supplying raster data to the CTP unit, Raster Blaster 4.0 combines complete archiving and job searching with plate usage reporting, production and waste analytics, automated re-plate sequencing, image prioritization, and remote operator control. A standard browser interface supplies real-time data to all operators on the network and enables control through mobile devices as well.
“Truly unique is the fact that, in most cases, a host PC is no longer required,” added Piestrak. “All the functionality is built into the Xitron interface, colloquially known as the ‘Blue Box.’ As long as there is a network connection, the system maintains maximum functionality and accessibility throughout the shop.”
Raster Blaster 4.0 can be seen on the Xitron stand at Drupa (Hall 15/C54-4) May 31, through June 10th in Dusseldorf, Germany. There are nearly 4,000 existing Raster Blaster users and special programs have been put in place for those looking to upgrade.
Het bewaren en naar CtP systemen versturen van plate-ready TIFF informatie van workflow systemen van Fuji, Kodak, Agfa en FFEI is nu mogelijk dankzij versie 4.0 van de Xitron Raster Blaster. Raster Blaster software in combinatie met de Xitron Blue Box geeft bedrijven een prepress independence. Lees in onderstaand persbericht hoe bijna elk workflow systeem gekoppeld kan worden met bijna alle CtP systemen.
Raster Blaster 4.0 Set to Debut at Drupa
Xitron announces intelligent TIFF Catcher for CTP
Ann Arbor, Michigan – May 2, 2016 – Xitron, the leading independent developer of RIP and workflow products for commercial, digital, and high-speed inkjet printing will introduce Raster Blaster 4.0 during Drupa, the world’s largest trade show for print and cross-media solutions. Described as the next generation in TIFF Catcher technology, Raster Blaster 4.0 will include several features previously unavailable.
“Raster Blaster 4.0 is a high-technology bridge between workflows like FujiFilm XMF, Kodak Prinergy, Agfa Apogee, or FFEI RealPro, and the various CTP devices printing companies choose for production,” said Jeffrey Piestrak, Xitron Product Manager. “Compatible with nearly 100 CTP models from all the major vendors, Raster Blaster 4.0 is a prime example of prepress independence, allowing users to choose their CTP and workflow from separate suppliers. Of course, it’s also well-matched for Xitron’s own Sierra workflow too.”
More than a simple conduit supplying raster data to the CTP unit, Raster Blaster 4.0 combines complete archiving and job searching with plate usage reporting, production and waste analytics, automated re-plate sequencing, image prioritization, and remote operator control. A standard browser interface supplies real-time data to all operators on the network and enables control through mobile devices as well.
“Truly unique is the fact that, in most cases, a host PC is no longer required,” added Piestrak. “All the functionality is built into the Xitron interface, colloquially known as the ‘Blue Box.’ As long as there is a network connection, the system maintains maximum functionality and accessibility throughout the shop.”
Raster Blaster 4.0 can be seen on the Xitron stand at Drupa (Hall 15/C54-4) May 31, through June 10th in Dusseldorf, Germany. There are nearly 4,000 existing Raster Blaster users and special programs have been put in place for those looking to upgrade.
Drupa 2008 saw the breakthrough of digital printing: systems with a larger format than A3, faster production speeds and, certainly as important if not more so, lower cost per print. Star of the show undoubtedly was the HP Inkjet Web Press which wsas announced as a thermal inkjet device with a width of 6,2 cm and a speed of 112m/minute. Impika from France, now a Xerox company, introduced its iPress 150 for black and a spot colour and the iPress 600 for full colour. These inkjet presses had a width of 47,4cm and speeds of up to 150 m/minute. Impika used Panasonic Drop On Demand piezo electric printheads. Printheads would become more important on the way to drupa 2016. Read what happened in the last 8 years and what you can aspect at drupa 2016 in the 10the article in our Drupa Behind the Geraniums series.
Drupa 2008 saw the breakthrough of digital printing: systems with a larger format than A3, faster production speeds and, certainly as important if not more so, lower cost per print. Star of the show undoubtedly was the HP Inkjet Web Press which wsas announced as a thermal inkjet device with a width of 6,2 cm and a speed of 112m/minute. Impika from France, now a Xerox company, introduced its iPress 150 for black and a spot colour and the iPress 600 for full colour. These inkjet presses had a width of 47,4cm and speeds of up to 150 m/minute. Impika used Panasonic Drop On Demand piezo electric printheads. Printheads would become more important on the way to drupa 2016. The possibility to place the heads next to each other, to use more paper types and the increased printhead lifetime became the manufacturers´ sales advantages.
Printheads at a good price
The secret of digital presses are the printheads. Not only manufactured by independent companies such as Xaar, but also by Kodak, Fuji, Panasonic and Konica Minolta. The difference between the printheads, apart from the technology to release the ink drops, is in characteristics such as drop size, drop placement and the possibilities of detecting and replacing faulty nozzles. These costs can kill you, and they are not always clear before buying a system.
A lot has changed in printhead technology since drupa 2008. At drupa 2016 the manufacturers will definitely emphasize characteristics such as durability, print quality and media choice of their printheads. Media choice and print quality can be easily judged. The other factors depend on the trust in the manufacturer and getting a really good, watertight contract.
Everything can be printed at drupa 2016
With the latest inks and UV curing really everything imaginable can be printed. More than 200 suppliers of digital presses will prove this at drupa. This has made inkjet the disrupting technology predicted by the experts. Inkjet was quick to enter markets such as labels, packaging, book production and direct mail. With the availability of a B1 format digital sheet press print shops are next. How receptive print shops will be depends largely on their investment plans, but also on the automated offset presses which are trying their best to catch up. With shorter make-ready times, less make-ready sheets and a higher peak production many print shop will stay with the traditional print technology which may suit their business culture better.
Digital printing as venture investment
Investing in digital print is not without risk. Even if the supplier´s warranty and guarantee is good, or if the supplier is willing to help with the financing it is still quite daring to invest.
Important is the role of the banks. How do they view these new print technologies. Are they willing to work with the shorter depreciation and the lower rest value of the digital presses compared to offset presses. Manufacturers such as Heidelberg who now do their own distribution, installation and service seem to do well. They have a good brand and will go far to keep and increase their market share. They also have the advantage that they will show both at drupa and are able to offer a range of both technologies. New kid on the block is Landa who will show three types of presses for three market segments. And Landa wouldn´t be Landa if they didn´t have a solution for nanotechnology which can rightly be called a venture investment.
Groen is in. Steeds meer bedrijven pronken met hun groene imago. En opnieuw wordt de beschuldigende vinger gericht op papieren media die verantwoordelijk zouden zijn voor de kaalslag van bossen over de hele wereld. In haar Verdigris blog legt Laurel Brunner uit waarom dat onzin is en hoe bedrijven zoals Ricoh met een uitgekiend programma er voor zorgen dat het produceren van papieren informatie minder milieubelastend is dan de gemiddelde consument denkt. Lees haar blog op onze artikelenpagina.
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It seems like everyone’s at it. Humdinger green plans abound, but some green initiatives are better than others. And some have more credibility than others. The ones that bash paper are the worst. If you read or hear claims that paper’s use is responsible for the mass destruction of trees, be suspicious. Initiatives that look complicated or that require dedicated resources can be viewed a little more hopefully.
Ricoh has recently launched a very robust sustainable products program. The program evaluates the environmental performance and usability of Ricoh products against various, as yet unspecified, standards. The evaluation criteria include energy and manufacturing resource efficiency, packaging recyclability and the use of chemicals in the product’s design. Ricoh issues certificates to compliant products, confirming their green-ness.
The initiative is the latest addition to Ricoh’s environmental impact reduction strategy, which has been in place for many years. The company has set a couple of key dates and targets. By 2020 the Ricoh Group’s total lifecycle CO2 emissions will be down by 30% and by 2050 they’ll be 87.5% lower compared with the 2000 level. The development of a sustainable products scheme and the associated certification program helps Ricoh to gather data to help monitor the company’s progress.
The usability bit of this program is not just about having snazzy and intuitive user interfaces. For Ricoh, usability covers the comfort of workers in an office or factory where the company’s machines are running. They mustn’t be too loud or generate too much heat, and they must also suit old as well as young operators, the disabled and able bodied alike. This category of references for certifications might be rather tricky to define, but it’s a worthy goal. Will it extend to those of us who are horizontally challenged, one has to wonder?
Ricoh is one of a handful of companies serving the graphics industry to have gone so far to ensure the environmental friendliness of its products. It actively pursues environmental awards such as the US Energy Star, Germany’s Blue Angel and the Eco Mark in Japan. Ricoh’s new program will start with office imaging products and production printers such as the Pro VC60000. The company will publish the results of its assessments and certifications, as they become avaialble.
Adding usability and environmental friendliness to the sustainability conversation takes Ricoh in a slightly different direction. It will be interesting to see how customers respond, and whether they too consider usability as part of the environmental impact debate.
– Laurel Brunner
The Verdigris project is an industry initiative intended to raise awareness of print’s positive environmental impact. It provides a weekly commentary to help printing companies keep up to date with environmental standards, and how environmentally friendly business management can help improve their bottom lines. Verdigirs is supported by the following companies: Agfa Graphics, Digital Dots, EFI, Fespa, Heidelberg, HP, Kodak, Ricoh, Splash PR, Unity Publishing and Xeikon.
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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