Rob van den Braak
The Eversify software from Agfa Graphics enables publishers to easily turn printed content into a electronic publication. With just a few clicks printed content can be repurposed into an e-pub app that can be offered to readers via App stores and websites. The simplicity of the process will be illustrated at drupa. Or you can check the video below:
[video_embed url=”” embed_style=”default” width=”540″]
Lees verder....De Eversify software van Agfa Graphics maakt het zeer eenvoudig om van print content een elektronische publicatie te maken. Met slechts een paar klikken kan content gemaakt voor print omgetoverd worden tot een e-pub app die via appstores en websites aan lezers aangeboden kunnen worden. Hoe eenvoudig dat is met Eversify kun je niet alleen op drupa zien maar ook op de video hier onder.
[video_embed url=”” embed_style=”default” width=”540″]
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Designer Hiroki Nakamura wilde laten zien welke bijzondere mensen en plekken er zijn in Tokyo. Daarvoor ontwierp hij een bijzonder boek met unieke foto’s en maakte hij een bijpassende app voor Apple iOS om de informatie up to date te houden. Het is een geslaagd multi channel publishing project geworden dat goed laat zien hoe een gedrukt boek aangevuld kan worden met een bijpassende app. Eind september komt er nog een aanvulling op dit project, Concierge, een person to person service waarbij locals je gids zijn in de wereldstad Tokyo.
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Designer Hiroka Nakamura wanted to show the special people and places in Tokyo. To do this he designed a beautiful book with unique photos and a complimentary app for Apple OS to keep the information up-to-date. It is a well turned out multi channel publishing project and a good example of how a printed book can be improved by an app. There will be another addition to the book in September, Concierge, a person-to-person service where locals will be your guide in metropolis Tokyo.
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Avery Dennison (NYSE:AVY) today announced a definitive agreement to acquire the European business of Mactac from Platinum Equity, a California-based private equity firm, for the purchase price of €200 million including assumed debt. With 2015 year-end run-rate revenues of €147 million, or approximately $170 million, and approximately 470 employees, the business is a leading manufacturer of high quality pressure-sensitive materials, serving several high-value segments, including graphics, specialty labels and industrial tapes. Mactac’s core product lines complement Avery Dennison’s existing graphics portfolio.
“The acquisition of Mactac Europe enhances our competitiveness in high-value graphics, where we have sustained above-average growth over the past few years,” said Dean Scarborough, Avery Dennison chairman and CEO. “Known for high product quality and outstanding service, Mactac complements our existing business with a strong brand and loyal customer base, expanding our product offering, capabilities, and distributor network.”
With a manufacturing facility in Soignies, Belgium, along with sales offices and warehouses in Europe and Asia, the Mactac business expands Avery Dennison’s global footprint and provides needed capacity to support its growth. Through export sales, Mactac Europe also serves customers in South America, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and North Africa. The transaction excludes the Mactac business in the U.S., Canada and Mexico and its North American exports.
The acquisition is expected to have an immaterial impact to earnings per share in 2016 and be approximately ten cents accretive to EPS in 2017.
Avery Dennison will maintain the Mactac brand for graphic films, building on its existing strengths and customer relationships.
“We have been very impressed with what Mactac’s team has accomplished and believe the combination of the two companies’ talented employee bases will create a stronger European team with expanded capabilities and growth opportunities,“ said Mitch Butier, president and COO, Avery Dennison. “We plan to continue operating Mactac’s manufacturing facility in Soignies, Belgium and to make the facility and its people a key driver of Avery Dennison’s future innovation and growth in Europe.”
“Mactac’s European business has come a long way with the successful restructuring of its operations and product portfolio. It is today fundamentally strong and well positioned to join Avery Dennison and take this next step in the company’s evolution,” said Platinum Equity Partner Louis Samson. “The company’s progress and recent success is a testament to its strong leadership team and dedicated employees. We are proud of everything Mactac Europe has accomplished under Platinum Equity’s ownership.”
Samson said his team now remains focused on partnering with Mactac’s North American leadership to continue driving its growth and profitability.
Avery Dennison will fund the acquisition with existing cash and credit facilities. The acquisition is expected to close within three months, subject to customary conditions and approvals.
Avery Dennison (NYSE:AVY) kondigde vandaag aan dat het een definitieve overeenkomst heeft bereikt om de Europese activiteiten van Mactac over te nemen van Platinum Equity, een private equity-vennootschap gevestigd in California, voor een bedrag van 200 miljoen euro, inclusief overgenomen schulden. Mactac realiseerde in 2015 een omzet van 147 miljoen euro of ongeveer 170 miljoen dollar en telt ongeveer 470 werknemers. Het bedrijf is een toonaangevende fabrikant van zelf klevende materialen van hoge kwaliteit en is actief in verschillende hoogwaardige segmenten, waaronder grafische producten, gespecialiseerde labels en industriële tapes. De kernproducten van Mactac vormen een goede aanvulling op het bestaande graphics-aanbod van Avery Dennison.
Uit het gezamenlijke persberichtL:
“De overname van Mactac Europe versterkt onze concurrentiepositie in de markt voor hoogwaardige grafische producten, waar we in de afgelopen jaren een bovengemiddelde groei hebben behaald,” zegt Dean Scarborough, voorzitter en CEO. van Avery Dennison. “Mactac staat bekend om zijn hoge kwaliteit en uitstekende service en is een goede aanvulling op onze bestaande activiteiten dankzij het sterke merk en trouwe klantenbestand. Het bedrijf zal ons de mogelijkheid geven om ons productaanbod, onze capaciteit en ons distributienetwerk uit te breiden.”
Met Mactacs productievestiging in Soignies (België) en verschillende verkoopskantoren en magazijnen in heel Europa en Azië kan Avery Dennison zijn wereldwijde aanwezigheid vergroten en zal het bedrijf meer capaciteit hebben om de groei te ondersteunen. Door de exportactiviteiten bereikt Mactac Europe ook klanten in Zuid-Amerika, Azië en Oceanië, het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika. Mactacs activiteiten in de Verenigde Staten, Canada en Mexico en de exportactiviteiten van Noord-Amerika zijn niet opgenomen in de transactie.
Naar verwachting zal de overname geen materiële impact hebben op de winst per aandeel in 2016, en een bijdrage van tien cent per aandeel genereren in 2017.
Avery Dennison zal het Mactac-merk behouden voor grafische films, voortbouwend op de bestaande sterktes en klantrelaties.
“We waren erg onder de indruk van Mactacs prestaties en geloven dat we door de medewerkers van beide bedrijven met elkaar te laten samenwerken een sterker Europees team kunnen creëren, met meer kwaliteiten en groeimogelijkheden”, zegt Mitch Butier, voorzitter en COO van Avery Dennison. “We zijn van plan om Mactacs productievestiging in Soignies te blijven gebruiken. De fabriek en de mensen die er werken zullen een belangrijke motor zijn voor de toekomstige innovatie en groei in Europa van Avery Dennison.”
“Mactac is al lange tijd actief in Europa. Het bedrijf herstructureerde zijn activiteiten en productaanbod en bevindt zich momenteel in een sterke en goede positie om zich bij de Avery Dennison-familie te vervoegen en deze volgende stap te nemen”, zei Louis Samson, vennoot bij Platinum Equity. “De vooruitgang en recente successen van het bedrijf tonen aan dat het over een sterk managementteam en toegewijde medewerkers beschikt. We zijn trots op alles wat Mactac Europe bij Platinum Equity heeft bereikt.”
Samson zei dat zijn team zich nu zal blijven richten op de samenwerking met Mactacs management in Noord-Amerika om de groei en winstgevendheid te blijven stimuleren.
Avery Dennison zal de overname met bestaande kasmiddelen en kredietfaciliteiten financieren. De overname zal naar verwachting binnen drie maanden worden afgerond, afhankelijk van de gebruikelijke voorwaarden en goedkeuringen.
Lees verder....De Franse labelprinter SEIC is de eerste labelspecialist in Frankrijk die investeert in een Screen Truepress Jet L350UV. Screen Europe installeerde al Jet350UV label presses in landen als Engeland, Nederland en Zuid Africa.
Lees meer over de investering en het succes van de Truepress in onderstaand persbericht.
Label print specialist SEIC ( is the first company in France to invest in a Screen Truepress Jet L350UV digital label press, with inline ABG converter system, to update and expand its existing flexo and digital print service. The new press will be installed in May at its facility in Les Ulis, just south of Paris.
Part of the EFI Group, SEIC offers a complete design, prepress, print and finishing service, specialising in producing a wide range of bespoke self-adhesive and non-self-adhesive labels for its trade customers.
The company wanted to update its existing kit to increase productivity while maintaining superb quality print output. SEIC decided to invest in the Truepress Jet L350UV label press after trialling several presses. “We have been using an HP 4500 inkjet press for a number of years. The Truepress Jet L350UV is an interesting alternative for us,” says CEO Arnaud Lefébure. “Not only does it enable us to increase our production speeds but it also delivers the high quality print that our customers demand.”
The high 50m/minute running speed of the Truepress Jet L350UV, combined with a printing width of up to 322mm and the ability to print on material from 90 micron to 350 micron, enables it to deliver an output of 16.1sqm/minute. It is also equipped with an automated head cleaning function that greatly simplifies maintenance and therefore reduces the amount of time required to keep the press in optimum condition.
The press delivers photo-realistic quality, fast job turnarounds and stable output and, combined with advanced colour management technology based on Screen’s EQUIOS universal workflow, the Truepress Jet L350UV creates smooth, vivid gradations. It uses Screen’s proprietary high-definition UV inks with optional opaque white ink to further boost colour vibrancy while enhancing application versatility by allowing printing on transparent film and metallic foil. The press incorporates single-pass greyscale piezo printheads with a minimum droplet size of 3 picolitres. Printing resolutions of 600 x 600dpi combined with the very small droplet size and the four grey levels, gives sharp, well-defined images and text.
Arnaud is confident the new press will offer many benefits to his company and customers: “We pride ourselves on offering a first class service and with the Truepress Jet L350UV we can now offer our customers digital label printing without loss of speed, quality or reliability on a wider range of media than ever before.”
Frans Kops, Screen Europe, says: “SEIC and Screen Truepress technology are a perfect fit and the company’s decision to choose the press to complement its existing flexo and digital line-up is a major endorsement for Screen engineering.”
Lees verder....Label print specialist SEIC ( is the first company in France to invest in a Screen Truepress Jet L350UV digital label press, with inline ABG converter system, to update and expand its existing flexo and digital print service. The new press will be installed in May at its facility in Les Ulis, just south of Paris.
Part of the EFI Group, SEIC offers a complete design, prepress, print and finishing service, specialising in producing a wide range of bespoke self-adhesive and non-self-adhesive labels for its trade customers.
The company wanted to update its existing kit to increase productivity while maintaining superb quality print output. SEIC decided to invest in the Truepress Jet L350UV label press after trialling several presses. “We have been using an HP 4500 inkjet press for a number of years. The Truepress Jet L350UV is an interesting alternative for us,” says CEO Arnaud Lefébure. “Not only does it enable us to increase our production speeds but it also delivers the high quality print that our customers demand.”
The high 50m/minute running speed of the Truepress Jet L350UV, combined with a printing width of up to 322mm and the ability to print on material from 90 micron to 350 micron, enables it to deliver an output of 16.1sqm/minute. It is also equipped with an automated head cleaning function that greatly simplifies maintenance and therefore reduces the amount of time required to keep the press in optimum condition.
The press delivers photo-realistic quality, fast job turnarounds and stable output and, combined with advanced colour management technology based on Screen’s EQUIOS universal workflow, the Truepress Jet L350UV creates smooth, vivid gradations. It uses Screen’s proprietary high-definition UV inks with optional opaque white ink to further boost colour vibrancy while enhancing application versatility by allowing printing on transparent film and metallic foil. The press incorporates single-pass greyscale piezo printheads with a minimum droplet size of 3 picolitres. Printing resolutions of 600 x 600dpi combined with the very small droplet size and the four grey levels, gives sharp, well-defined images and text.
Arnaud is confident the new press will offer many benefits to his company and customers: “We pride ourselves on offering a first class service and with the Truepress Jet L350UV we can now offer our customers digital label printing without loss of speed, quality or reliability on a wider range of media than ever before.”
Frans Kops, Screen Europe, says: “SEIC and Screen Truepress technology are a perfect fit and the company’s decision to choose the press to complement its existing flexo and digital line-up is a major endorsement for Screen engineering.”
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Apple and Adobe built the digital future of our industry. And now it feels they are breaking it down. In its Adobe Sign press release Adobe says that companies and organisations should focus on the best client experience possible, and that client experience is paperless. A dagger through the heart of the industry which made Adobe the big player it is today.
And Apple is losing ground, both in turnover and in user confidence. Userscomplain that the last free OSX update El Capitan takes a lot of time and and negatively affects apps such as Mail, the fact that wifi connections are more difficult and that Apple web browser Safari is increasingly volatile. It all was enough to make support specialist in a big print company say “don´t mention the A words to me”.
See below Adobe press release and decide for yourself if this language is appropriate for a market leader.
Adobe Sign Debuts, Integrated with Adobe Marketing Cloud for Paperless Customer Experiences
Adobe Document Cloud Integrations Introduced with Box and Microsoft OneDrive
SAN JOSE, Calif. — April 26, 2016 —The accelerating pace of digital transformation has raised consumer expectations to unprecedented levels, and is causing every organization to rethink how they engage with their customers. According to a recent survey by IDC¹, 72 percent of businesses reported that improving document processes would increase customer satisfaction, yet 80 percent of those processes still rely on paper. Companies focused on great experiences can no longer afford to be mired in document processes that are slow and inefficient. Their customers need and want a better way.
Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) today unveiled the first integration between Adobe Sign and Adobe Marketing Cloud, eliminating the cost and frustration of manual, paper-based process for enrollment, onboarding and servicing across the customer journey. Adobe Sign (formerly Document Cloud eSign services) features an upgraded and modernized mobile app experience, and works seamlessly with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Forms – a key part of Adobe Marketing Cloud – helping organizations to go completely digital with anything from credit card applications to government benefit forms or medical forms. And building on widespread adoption in Europe, Adobe is rolling out new data centers and meeting the most stringent legal requirements in the EU, part of a global expansion that will continue through 2016.
Adobe also announced new Document Cloud storage integrations with Box and Microsoft OneDrive, which make it easier to access and work on PDF files from anywhere, as well as new features for Adobe Acrobat DC subscribers, delivering on the promise of ongoing innovation and value through Document Cloud.
“Every company and organization should be laser-focused on delivering the best customer experience possible, and the best experience does not involve paper,” said Bryan Lamkin, executive vice president and general manager, Digital Media at Adobe. “Today we further strengthen the value that Adobe Document Cloud and Adobe Sign bring to our global customers as the only complete solution that transforms paper-based transactions into 100 percent digital workflows.”
At the heart of Document Cloud is Acrobat DC, the world’s best PDF solution; Adobe Sign, the leading e-signature solution that allows anyone to electronically sign and send documents from any device; and powerful companion mobile apps. More than six billion digital and electronic signature transactions are processed through Document Cloud each year, including global businesses like AmerisourceBergen, MasterCard, The Royal Bank of Scotland and Verizon, which rely on Document Cloud and Adobe Sign for fast, secure and mobile e-signatures.
“At Royal Bank of Scotland, we put our customers’ experience first when rolling out new services to make their lives a little easier,” said, Ankit Chhajer, Digital Lead – Customer Experience and Sales Innovation, Royal Bank of Scotland. “Building on our broad adoption of Adobe Marketing Cloud, we are now turning to Adobe Document Cloud and Adobe Sign to create an elegant, hassle free customer experience that rivals none other.”
Introducing Powerful New Capabilities with Adobe Sign
Adobe Sign is the fast, easy, secure way to bring trusted e-signatures to every organization and department including HR, sales, IT, legal and procurement, to name a few. New functionality includes:
- Transforming digital experiences – The integration between Adobe Sign and Experience Manager Forms turns complex, form-based processes into simple, engaging, mobile-optimized digital experiences across the entire customer journey. This includes how a person discovers the right form that they need, fills it out easily and successfully on any device, electronically signs it, and gets status updates once it is submitted. Using the integration between Adobe Sign and Adobe Marketing Cloud, organizations can provide responsive, adaptive experiences, enable personalization to continually improve the user experience with Adobe Target, and analyze and optimize performance with Adobe Analytics. Government, financial services and healthcare are just a few of the industries that will benefit from this service.
- Furthering global e-signature and digital signature adoption – Building on widespread adoption in Europe, and as part of a global rollout, new data centers are now live in the EU. With a secure, standards-based approach, Adobe Sign meets the most stringent legal requirements so European organizations can go digital in compliance with eIDAS, the new EU signature regulation set to take effect in July 2016.
- Delivering enhanced mobile signing – Sending, tracking and managing documents on tablets and smartphones is now easier than ever with the Adobe Sign app for iOS and Android (formerly Adobe eSign Manager DC). An updated dashboard and improved send for signature workflow enable users to be even more productive on any device.
Adobe is focused on enabling people to use Document Cloud with solutions they already use as part of their day-to-day work. Document Cloud already offers integrations with industry leaders like Apttus, Dropbox, Salesforce, Workday, and more. Adobe today is unveiling integrations with best-in-class cloud storage providers Box and Microsoft, along with new and expanded Adobe Sign integrations that span key business solutions and workflows.
- Box – New offerings integrate Acrobat DC, Acrobat Reader and Adobe Sign with Box to simplify document workflows, as well as e-signature processes for enterprises. Whether users start from Box or Adobe, with just a few clicks they will be able to view and edit PDFs without any downloading, and ensure that the latest version is automatically secured in Box. Additionally, users can open Box files directly in Adobe Sign to provide an electronic signature on important contracts and paperwork, centralizing all updates in Box and streamlining the approval process. [Read the press release]
- Microsoft OneDrive – New integration with Acrobat DC, Acrobat Reader and Microsoft OneDrive allows organizations to access and work on PDF files stored in OneDrive directly from within the Adobe apps. With a few clicks in Acrobat on the desktop, users can view and work on PDF files stored in OneDrive while ensuring documents always remain synced. In addition, iOS users can access PDFs in OneDrive from the Acrobat Reader mobile app via the universal document picker, enabling them to work with PDF files anywhere.
- Salesforce – The latest release of Adobe Sign significantly improves a user’s experience. Expected to be available in beta in May 2016, the update features the enhanced Salesforce Lightning user experience across any device, plus support for customizing the app with the drag-and-drop interface of Salesforce Lightning Components—while also providing compelling new features like signing groups and hybrid signing order. SteelBrick, recently acquired by Salesforce, also has an existing integration with Adobe Sign for helping speed the Configure Price Quote (CPQ) process.
- Adobe Sign Ecosystem Momentum – Many new and updated integrations significantly expand the Adobe Sign ecosystem across common enterprise solutions—such as business process automation, contract lifecycle management and enterprise resource planning—and include Advanced Software Concepts (ASC), Buildium, McKesson Contract Manager, Namely, Oracle, SciQuest, SpringCM, and ThinkSmart.
Ongoing Innovation with Subscription to Acrobat DC
At the heart of Document Cloud, a subscription to Acrobat DC delivers instant access to new features and enhancements as soon as they’re available. Today, Adobe introduced:
- Updated tools for everyday use – Modernized commenting and annotation tools are now fully updated with an intuitive, touch-friendly interface that makes it easier than ever to give and get fast, clear feedback; a highlighter pen can now markup scanned documents without the need for optical character recognition (OCR); and paper-to-digital workflows like scanning are now optimized to deliver the best results.
- Unrivaled accessibility – Adobe is adding critical menu and dialog updates to enhance the experience for users with visual impairments who rely on Acrobat DC to work with PDFs. The Home view and Save As options can now be read aloud by screen readers for greater accessibility.
- Streamlined deployment – Adobe team and enterprise customers can now deploy and update Acrobat DC with Creative Cloud apps using the Adobe Creative Cloud packager.
Apple en Adobe bouwden samen de digitale toekomst van onze industrie. Nu voelt het aan of ze deze afbreken. Adobe stelt in zijn Adobe Sign persbericht dat “Bedrijven
en organisaties zich zouden moeten richten op het bieden van de beste klantervaring die er mogelijk is, en de beste ervaring is papierloos,” een dolk in de rug van de industrie die Adobe groot maakte.
En Apple verliest niet alleen omzet, maar ook het vertrouwen in zijn software, althans bij veel gebruikers. Gebruikers die klagen dat de nieuwste gratis update van OSX, El Capitan, hen veel tijd kost en daarna problemen oplevert met apps als Mail, dat WiFi verbindingen wegvallen en dat de Apple webbrowser Safari steeds meer kuren krijgt. Waarna een support specialist bij een grote grafische onderneming verzuchtte ‘gebruik nooit de A woorden als ik er bij ben´.
Zie ook onderstaand persbericht van Adobe en beslis zelf of dit brallende taal is die past bij een marktleider.
Adobe Sign Debuts, Integrated with Adobe Marketing Cloud for Paperless Customer Experiences
Adobe Document Cloud Integrations Introduced with Box and Microsoft OneDrive
SAN JOSE, Calif. — April 26, 2016 —The accelerating pace of digital transformation has raised consumer expectations to unprecedented levels, and is causing every organization to rethink how they engage with their customers. According to a recent survey by IDC¹, 72 percent of businesses reported that improving document processes would increase customer satisfaction, yet 80 percent of those processes still rely on paper. Companies focused on great experiences can no longer afford to be mired in document processes that are slow and inefficient. Their customers need and want a better way.
Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) today unveiled the first integration between Adobe Sign and Adobe Marketing Cloud, eliminating the cost and frustration of manual, paper-based process for enrollment, onboarding and servicing across the customer journey. Adobe Sign (formerly Document Cloud eSign services) features an upgraded and modernized mobile app experience, and works seamlessly with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Forms – a key part of Adobe Marketing Cloud – helping organizations to go completely digital with anything from credit card applications to government benefit forms or medical forms. And building on widespread adoption in Europe, Adobe is rolling out new data centers and meeting the most stringent legal requirements in the EU, part of a global expansion that will continue through 2016.
Adobe also announced new Document Cloud storage integrations with Box and Microsoft OneDrive, which make it easier to access and work on PDF files from anywhere, as well as new features for Adobe Acrobat DC subscribers, delivering on the promise of ongoing innovation and value through Document Cloud.
“Every company and organization should be laser-focused on delivering the best customer experience possible, and the best experience does not involve paper,” said Bryan Lamkin, executive vice president and general manager, Digital Media at Adobe. “Today we further strengthen the value that Adobe Document Cloud and Adobe Sign bring to our global customers as the only complete solution that transforms paper-based transactions into 100 percent digital workflows.”
At the heart of Document Cloud is Acrobat DC, the world’s best PDF solution; Adobe Sign, the leading e-signature solution that allows anyone to electronically sign and send documents from any device; and powerful companion mobile apps. More than six billion digital and electronic signature transactions are processed through Document Cloud each year, including global businesses like AmerisourceBergen, MasterCard, The Royal Bank of Scotland and Verizon, which rely on Document Cloud and Adobe Sign for fast, secure and mobile e-signatures.
“At Royal Bank of Scotland, we put our customers’ experience first when rolling out new services to make their lives a little easier,” said, Ankit Chhajer, Digital Lead – Customer Experience and Sales Innovation, Royal Bank of Scotland. “Building on our broad adoption of Adobe Marketing Cloud, we are now turning to Adobe Document Cloud and Adobe Sign to create an elegant, hassle free customer experience that rivals none other.”
Introducing Powerful New Capabilities with Adobe Sign
Adobe Sign is the fast, easy, secure way to bring trusted e-signatures to every organization and department including HR, sales, IT, legal and procurement, to name a few. New functionality includes:
- Transforming digital experiences – The integration between Adobe Sign and Experience Manager Forms turns complex, form-based processes into simple, engaging, mobile-optimized digital experiences across the entire customer journey. This includes how a person discovers the right form that they need, fills it out easily and successfully on any device, electronically signs it, and gets status updates once it is submitted. Using the integration between Adobe Sign and Adobe Marketing Cloud, organizations can provide responsive, adaptive experiences, enable personalization to continually improve the user experience with Adobe Target, and analyze and optimize performance with Adobe Analytics. Government, financial services and healthcare are just a few of the industries that will benefit from this service.
- Furthering global e-signature and digital signature adoption – Building on widespread adoption in Europe, and as part of a global rollout, new data centers are now live in the EU. With a secure, standards-based approach, Adobe Sign meets the most stringent legal requirements so European organizations can go digital in compliance with eIDAS, the new EU signature regulation set to take effect in July 2016.
- Delivering enhanced mobile signing – Sending, tracking and managing documents on tablets and smartphones is now easier than ever with the Adobe Sign app for iOS and Android (formerly Adobe eSign Manager DC). An updated dashboard and improved send for signature workflow enable users to be even more productive on any device.
Adobe is focused on enabling people to use Document Cloud with solutions they already use as part of their day-to-day work. Document Cloud already offers integrations with industry leaders like Apttus, Dropbox, Salesforce, Workday, and more. Adobe today is unveiling integrations with best-in-class cloud storage providers Box and Microsoft, along with new and expanded Adobe Sign integrations that span key business solutions and workflows.
- Box – New offerings integrate Acrobat DC, Acrobat Reader and Adobe Sign with Box to simplify document workflows, as well as e-signature processes for enterprises. Whether users start from Box or Adobe, with just a few clicks they will be able to view and edit PDFs without any downloading, and ensure that the latest version is automatically secured in Box. Additionally, users can open Box files directly in Adobe Sign to provide an electronic signature on important contracts and paperwork, centralizing all updates in Box and streamlining the approval process. [Read the press release]
- Microsoft OneDrive – New integration with Acrobat DC, Acrobat Reader and Microsoft OneDrive allows organizations to access and work on PDF files stored in OneDrive directly from within the Adobe apps. With a few clicks in Acrobat on the desktop, users can view and work on PDF files stored in OneDrive while ensuring documents always remain synced. In addition, iOS users can access PDFs in OneDrive from the Acrobat Reader mobile app via the universal document picker, enabling them to work with PDF files anywhere.
- Salesforce – The latest release of Adobe Sign significantly improves a user’s experience. Expected to be available in beta in May 2016, the update features the enhanced Salesforce Lightning user experience across any device, plus support for customizing the app with the drag-and-drop interface of Salesforce Lightning Components—while also providing compelling new features like signing groups and hybrid signing order. SteelBrick, recently acquired by Salesforce, also has an existing integration with Adobe Sign for helping speed the Configure Price Quote (CPQ) process.
- Adobe Sign Ecosystem Momentum – Many new and updated integrations significantly expand the Adobe Sign ecosystem across common enterprise solutions—such as business process automation, contract lifecycle management and enterprise resource planning—and include Advanced Software Concepts (ASC), Buildium, McKesson Contract Manager, Namely, Oracle, SciQuest, SpringCM, and ThinkSmart.
Ongoing Innovation with Subscription to Acrobat DC
At the heart of Document Cloud, a subscription to Acrobat DC delivers instant access to new features and enhancements as soon as they’re available. Today, Adobe introduced:
- Updated tools for everyday use – Modernized commenting and annotation tools are now fully updated with an intuitive, touch-friendly interface that makes it easier than ever to give and get fast, clear feedback; a highlighter pen can now markup scanned documents without the need for optical character recognition (OCR); and paper-to-digital workflows like scanning are now optimized to deliver the best results.
- Unrivaled accessibility – Adobe is adding critical menu and dialog updates to enhance the experience for users with visual impairments who rely on Acrobat DC to work with PDFs. The Home view and Save As options can now be read aloud by screen readers for greater accessibility.
- Streamlined deployment – Adobe team and enterprise customers can now deploy and update Acrobat DC with Creative Cloud apps using the Adobe Creative Cloud packager.
Canon maakte deze week bekend dat het succes van de productintroducties in negen landen een vervolg krijgt met een 3D-printpropositie voor alle markten in Europa, het Midden-Oosten en Afrika (EMEA). Met de levering van 3D-printtechnologie heeft Canon sinds maart 2015 haar klanten binnen de regio geholpen met de uitbreiding van hun productaanbod, met een kortere time-to-market door snelle prototyping, met het maken van conceptmodellen om hen in staat te stellen de verkooppropositie te verbreden en met het verbeteren van de efficiency van de productielijn.

Deze uitbreiding weerspiegelt Canon’s streven om de mogelijkheden van 3D-printen voor haar klanten te waarborgen. De gerenommeerde serviceorganisatie van Canon en haar klantgerichte waardeproposities staan borg voor volledige ondersteuning en begeleiding van ondernemingen die hun 3D-mogelijkheden willen ontwikkelen. Ondernemingen die zowel in 3D als in een betrouwbare partner willen investeren, treffen een printpropositie aan met een robuust serviceaanbod, financiële expertise en een programma vol producten en oplossingen. Met haar langetermijnvisie voor uitbreiding naar nieuwe sectoren en verticale markten zal Canon zowel nieuwe als bestaande klanten in Europa een breed pakket aan diensten en oplossingen blijven bieden.
Sarah Thomas, van de technische faculteit aan de Universiteit van Nottingham, zegt: “Om verschillende redenen was het voor ons volkomen logisch om met Canon samen te werken. De partnerschapsbenadering, het delen van hun uitgebreide kennis van de industrie en de ondersteunende diensten samen met de allerbeste hardware, heeft ons in staat gesteld onze leeromgeving te transformeren. Daarnaast kunnen onze studenten nauwkeurige, aantrekkelijke en perfect afgewerkte modellen produceren en zijn ze in staat de grenzen van hun verbeeldingskracht en creativiteit te verleggen. Wij zijn bijzonder onder de indruk van Canon’s klantgerichte benadering en van de adviezen op maat die we bij elke stap in het proces ontvingen. Wij vertrouwen erop dat Canon de best mogelijke ondersteuning, adviezen en technologie biedt om zo aan te sluiten bij onze behoeften en bij die van de architecten van de toekomst.”
Chris Blake, Sales & Marketing Director voor 3D Printing bij Canon Europe, zegt: “De markt voor 3D-printen groeit exponentieel nu klanten de enorme commerciële mogelijkheden zien die deze technologie hen biedt. Bij Canon zijn we erop gericht onze klanten te helpen op die mogelijkheden in te spelen en ondersteunen wij hen in elke fase van het traject met expertise en adviezen. Er was geen betere tijd om in 3D te investeren. Van vergroting van het productaanbod tot snelle en nauwkeurige prototyping – 3D-printen geeft ruimte aan het potentieel van de meest ambitieuze ondernemingen in AEC en de maakindustrie. Wij zullen blijven voortbouwen op onze successen in 3D door ons te focussen op het maximaliseren van deze mogelijkheden voor onze klanten.”
Met de AgfA Graphics Advantage N-PL word een continue plaatproductie wel heel eenvoudig. Met een capaciteit van 2 x 1500 platen op palet plus 100 extra platen in de toploader kunnen nu twee plaatformaten achter elkaar belicht worden. Laden van de platen kan in gewoon licht plaats vinden. De Advantage N-PL is naar verwachting in werking te zien op de drupa. Meer informatie over continue productie lees je in onderstaand persbericht.
Agfa Graphics offers full computer-to-plate autonomy with new Advantage N-PL Engine
Agfa Graphics has added a new member to its Advantage N platesetter family – the Advantage N-PL. With its ability to image up to 3,100 plates continuously at a throughput speed of up to 400 plates per hour, the newcomer takes computer-to-plate (CtP) productivity and automation to the next level.
Mortsel, Belgium – April 25, 2016
Continuous plate production is made possible by the integrated pallet load module of the Advantage N-PL. This module supports two different plate formats – single plates and panorama plates – and allows printers to have both online simultaneously. The printer either loads two stacks of 1,500 single plates or one stack of 1,500 panorama plates. In addition, an extra 100 plates can be loaded on top.
White light loading
The pallet load module also enables printers to load new plates under white light circumstances, without interrupting the production process. By inserting a light protection shutter between the empty stack and the online stack, for example, new plates can be loaded through the back or the side of the machine without damaging the online ones with UV light.
Pallet load bonuses
The Advantage N-PL’s working process significantly reduces packaging costs. In this way, the engine takes a sustainable and ecological approach to plate production. Another bonus is the possibility to combine the pallet load module with other Advantage N units. The module is available as an upgrade for both the Advantage N-TR HS and the Advantage N-TR VHS.
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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