Rob van den Braak

Continuous plate production possible with Agfa

27 apr 2016
Categorie: ,

Advantage-N-PL_18x10With the Agfa Graphics Advantage N-PL continuous plate production becomes very simple. With a capacity of 2 x 1,500 plate loads plus 100 extra plates loaded on top, two plate format can be  processed at the same time. The loading of the plates can take place in normal light. The Advantage N-PL is expected to be shown at drupa. More information about this easy continuous production in the press release below.


Agfa Graphics offers full computer-to-plate autonomy with new Advantage N-PL Engine

Agfa Graphics has added a new member to its Advantage N platesetter family – the Advantage N-PL. With its ability to image up to 3,100 plates continuously at a throughput speed of up to 400 plates per hour, the newcomer takes computer-to-plate (CtP) productivity and automation to the next level.

Mortsel, Belgium – April 25, 2016
Continuous plate production is made possible by the integrated pallet load module of the Advantage N-PL. This module supports two different plate formats – single plates and panorama plates – and allows printers to have both online simultaneously. The printer either loads two stacks of 1,500 single plates or one stack of 1,500 panorama plates. In addition, an extra 100 plates can be loaded on top.

“The pallet load mechanism is quite simple. When the CtP engine has used up its first stack of plates, it automatically puts the second stack in place to continue plate production”, says Emiel Sweevers, Marketing Manager for Newspaper Engines, Agfa Graphics. “Thanks to this continuous production, we can avoid inconvenient plate leftovers. Moreover, the Advantage N-PL autonomy of more than 3,000 plates significantly reduces the number of necessary production stops and averts manual plate-loading errors such as badly stacked plates.”

White light loading
The pallet load module also enables printers to load new plates under white light circumstances, without interrupting the production process. By inserting a light protection shutter between the empty stack and the online stack, for example, new plates can be loaded through the back or the side of the machine without damaging the online ones with UV light.

“The plate stacks are protected by a transport harness until they are moved to the online position inside the Advantage N-PL. That, together with the light protective shutter, allows printers to load a new stack without needing yellow light conditions”, Sweevers explained. “The loading possibilities of the Advantage N-PL also add to the engine’s ability for continuous production.”

Pallet load bonuses
The Advantage N-PL’s working process significantly reduces packaging costs. In this way, the engine takes a sustainable and ecological approach to plate production. Another bonus is the possibility to combine the pallet load module with other Advantage N units. The module is available as an upgrade for both the Advantage N-TR HS and the Advantage N-TR VHS.

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RadTech UV and EB technology Expo and Conference

26 apr 2016

Schermafbeelding 2016-04-26 om 10.04.03Two weeks before drupa, where UV drying technology will play a major part, Radtech will organise an international conference and expo in Chicago. The list of speakers and exhibitors shows how important this technology has become. There is a special Deep UV LED session which gives this technology all the attention it needs. UV drying is also the driving force behind 3D printing and wearable sensor printing. More about this conference via this link.


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NASA 1970 Graphics Manual: Zo kun je een huisstijl toepassen en verkopen

26 apr 2016
Categorie: ,

Nasa Graphics Manual 1970Onder grafische ontwerpers en opdrachtgevers is de NASA 1970 Graphics Manual de toetssteen en een veel gebruikt voorbeeld van hoe een huisstijl toegepast en verkocht kan worden.

Er zijn van de manual slechts 40 exemplaren gemaakt die nu allemaal een fortuin waard zijn. Dankzij ontwerpers Jesse Reed en Hamish Smyth, die via Kickstarter bijna een miljoen ophaalden, kun je nu voor 79 dollar een replica van deze iconische handleiding kopen. Je kunt ook via onze download pagina een pdf ervan downloaden. Een aanrader als je op zoek bent naar inspiratie of naar een voorbeeld van hoe een huisstijlgids er uit moet zien.

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#8/11: Automation of finishing at drupa 2000 versus hybrid production systems at drupa 2016

25 apr 2016

Geranium 8At drupa 2000 we saw the first fully automated finishing systems which used data from the digital prepress workflows to shorten make-ready times and reduce the possibilities of mistakes. Finishing was the last part in the production process which had not made this very important step. Driving force behind this improvement were not only the very necessary cost reductions, but also the trend towards smaller volumes and increasingly shorter turnaround times. Read in the 8th article of our Drupa Behind the Geraniums series how this involved in the hybrid production systems you will see at drupa 2016.


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Automation of finishing at drupa 2000 versus hybrid production systems at drupa 2016

25 apr 2016
Muller Martini PrestoAt drupa 2000 we saw the first fully automated finishing systems which used data from the digital prepress workflows to shorten make-ready times and reduce the possibilities of mistakes. Finishing was the last part in the production process which had not made this very important step. Driving force behind this improvement were not only the very necessary cost reductions, but also the trend towards smaller volumes and increasingly shorter turnaroudn times. There was a lot of interest in the black and white printers with in-line booklet makers, the complete binding lines and anything in between at drupa 2000. The phletora of paper types, finishing types and the difference in production times between print and finishing systems ask a lot of both designers and manufacturers. Add to that the fact that most independent finishing companies work for many clients and prices need to be competitive and you will understand why substantial investments are not easy. Finishers who decided to add printing to their services and printing on demand companies who wanted to be able to offer the whole process were the first customers for companies like Muller Martin, C.P. Bourg and Horizon the pioniers of automated finishing systems.


Digital printing demands in-line finishing
Xerox iGen Booklet MakerThe rise of Printing on Demand in 2000 meant that the last part of the printing production process received more attention from the manufacturers, and not just the traditional manufacturers. Press builders such as Heidelberg and GOS also developed finishing systems or went into business with the traditional manufacturers. Out of a pure need, because developing software connections between presses and finishing systems is even more complex than actually doing it manually. Cooperation was also needed in connecting workflow systems. From Web2Print, digital prepress to management information systems have to communicate together for an optimized automation. At drupa 2000 we saw the first steps of this, stimulated also by the standards such as Adobe Portable Job Format. There was still a long way to go to completely automated workflow systems, as we will see at drupa 2016 from manufacturers such as EFI, Agfa, HP, Heidelberg and Fuji. Not just those though, as you will see in the DIP pavilion.


drupa 2016: 1024 finishing stands
KERN-3000At drupa 2016 there are a whopping 1024 stand for finishing solutions. Most will show automated systems, from guillotine lines to complete book production lines. Impressive will also be the connection between direct mail and industrial print solutions from manufacturers such as Kern and Domino. Cost price, speed and peak capacity for DM are optimised through automisation. Automisation also takes care that Big Data are correctly transformed into print productions where printing and finishing are being used to seduce consumers into buying.

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GMG shares colour management expertise at drupa

25 apr 2016

Schermafbeelding 2016-04-25 om 09.38.17Colour management seems to have become a non-issue, but the right application will improve print quality and can also save money and time. Time savings because the right colour is achieved quicker and is more consistent, and money savings because less ink is used. GMG Color wants to show how to achieve this at drupa. Read more about GMG´s ambitions in the press release below.

GMG to provide a complete agenda of topics at their headquarters in Tübingen, Germany, providing all transportation, hotel, dining and entertainment

Tübingen, Germany (January 28, 2016) – This year, guests can take the opportunity to come for drupa, and stay for more. GMG, the leading developer and supplier of high-end color management and workflow software solutions, announces that its global color management experts will be conducting a complete, hands-on color management training event, GMG Academy, concurrent with drupa, from June 9-11 at its headquarters in Tübingen, Germany. The event lets those interested in color management combine two educational opportunities: the industry’s most comprehensive exhibition, with the most thorough color management seminar.

The highly interactive workshop will guide attendees through the latest industry news and standards, offer training with resident GMG color scientists in the company’s latest solutions, and provide personalized technical insight to improve current color management processes.

Attendees will be driven to GMG headquarters during the evening of June 8, attend comprehensive color management sessions from June 9-10, and participate in an optional sightseeing tour on June 11. Individual travel plans will be offered to guests, who will have the option to return to Düsseldorf on June 10 or 11, depending upon departing flights.

Training content: An immersion into color management

On June 9, attendees can elect to attend either basic or advanced sessions. ‘The color management basics: DeltaE, Lab, CMYK & Co.’ course offers a complete overview of standardization and profiling processes. Topics will include lighting, the difference between ISO standards, definition of a fingerprint, understanding profile settings, and more.

The more advanced ‘Deep dive color science’ sessions will explain ‘behind the scenes’ of GMG ColorProof, MX color processing, ICC vs. MX4 color profiles, and insights to the magic behind GMG OpenColor—among other topics.

On June 10, GMG will offer best practices tips and tricks, an interactive workshop covering questions about GMG products. While attendees are encouraged to submit questions before the event, topics will also include the Epson SC-P Series, a closer look into profiling: profile optimization and visual correction, and remote proofing.

Each evening, GMG experts will guide visitors through the German nightlife, including the best restaurants in town. Those who stay an optional third day will go sightseeing throughout this beautiful region of Germany.

The complete package includes:
* Transfer from drupa (Düsseldorf) to GMG headquarters in Tübingen, and back
* Four nights’ hotel stay
* Two full days of training and nightly activities
* A third day of sightseeing around the gorgeous Germany countryside
The cost for the complete package is 2400€ (excl. VAT). Those who register before January 31 receive a 15% early bird discount (360€).

“GMG knows that many people would value a trip to our headquarters to receive the most comprehensive education about color management, but those who live far away may not be able to rationalize the expense,” explains Jessica Landherr, GMG Academy Manager. “What better way is there to get immersed in industry technology than attending drupa and tying it with a trip to GMG at Tübingen?”

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GMG deelt zijn color management expertise met gebruikers op drupa

25 apr 2016
Schermafbeelding 2016-04-25 om 09.38.17Color management lijkt een non-isue onderwerp geworden, maar het juist toepassen ervan is niet alleen afdrukkwaliteitverhogend maar kan ook geld en tijd besparen. Tijd door het sneller op kleur zijn en blijven, en geld omdat met minder inschiet en minder inkt gedrukt en geprint kan worden. Hoe je dat kunt bereiken wil GMG Color laten zien op drupa. Lees meer over deze ambitie in het onderstaande persbericht.

GMG to provide a complete agenda of topics at their headquarters in Tübingen, Germany, providing all transportation, hotel, dining and entertainment

Tübingen, Germany (January 28, 2016) – This year, guests can take the opportunity to come for drupa, and stay for more. GMG, the leading developer and supplier of high-end color management and workflow software solutions, announces that its global color management experts will be conducting a complete, hands-on color management training event, GMG Academy, concurrent with drupa, from June 9-11 at its headquarters in Tübingen, Germany. The event lets those interested in color management combine two educational opportunities: the industry’s most comprehensive exhibition, with the most thorough color management seminar.

The highly interactive workshop will guide attendees through the latest industry news and standards, offer training with resident GMG color scientists in the company’s latest solutions, and provide personalized technical insight to improve current color management processes.

Attendees will be driven to GMG headquarters during the evening of June 8, attend comprehensive color management sessions from June 9-10, and participate in an optional sightseeing tour on June 11. Individual travel plans will be offered to guests, who will have the option to return to Düsseldorf on June 10 or 11, depending upon departing flights.

Training content: An immersion into color management

On June 9, attendees can elect to attend either basic or advanced sessions. ‘The color management basics: DeltaE, Lab, CMYK & Co.’ course offers a complete overview of standardization and profiling processes. Topics will include lighting, the difference between ISO standards, definition of a fingerprint, understanding profile settings, and more.

The more advanced ‘Deep dive color science’ sessions will explain ‘behind the scenes’ of GMG ColorProof, MX color processing, ICC vs. MX4 color profiles, and insights to the magic behind GMG OpenColor—among other topics.

On June 10, GMG will offer best practices tips and tricks, an interactive workshop covering questions about GMG products. While attendees are encouraged to submit questions before the event, topics will also include the Epson SC-P Series, a closer look into profiling: profile optimization and visual correction, and remote proofing.

Each evening, GMG experts will guide visitors through the German nightlife, including the best restaurants in town. Those who stay an optional third day will go sightseeing throughout this beautiful region of Germany.

The complete package includes:
* Transfer from drupa (Düsseldorf) to GMG headquarters in Tübingen, and back
* Four nights’ hotel stay
* Two full days of training and nightly activities
* A third day of sightseeing around the gorgeous Germany countryside
The cost for the complete package is 2400€ (excl. VAT). Those who register before January 31 receive a 15% early bird discount (360€).

“GMG knows that many people would value a trip to our headquarters to receive the most comprehensive education about color management, but those who live far away may not be able to rationalize the expense,” explains Jessica Landherr, GMG Academy Manager. “What better way is there to get immersed in industry technology than attending drupa and tying it with a trip to GMG at Tübingen?”

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Domino met monochrome en zeven kleuren inkjet persen op drupa

25 apr 2016

Schermafbeelding 2016-04-25 om 09.29.43De digital printing solution division van inkjet printing persenbouwer Domino toont op drupa niet alleen de supersnelle K630i, goed voor 7.000 complete boekjes per uur, maar ook de K600i een monochrome vellenprinter die 120 meter per minuut kan printen. Gedemonstreerd wordt ook de Domino N610i zeven kleuren labelprinter die 75 meter per minuut kan printen met UV-curable inkten. Lees meer over Domino op drupa in het onderstaande persbericht.

Domino Digital Printing Solutions to feature expanding range of technologies at Drupa 2016

Domino will once again focus on providing complete solutions on Stand No 5A23 at Drupa 2016 (Messe Düsseldorf, 31st May – 10th June).
Philip Easton, Director of Domino’s Digital Printing Solutions Division, comments: “We will continue to focus on delivering solutions to meet different customer requirements rather than just offering the digital printing press. This is the best way to provide our customers with real added value – our latest innovations start with job creation and workflow, through to printing and final product finishing.”

Booklet Production

Domino is pleased to announce a new key partnership with the digital finishing specialist, IBIS Bindery Systems. From white paper rolls in, the Domino K630i monochrome digital press will print in-line with the IBIS digital saddle-stitcher at web speeds of up to 150 metres/min to produce up to 7,000 book blocks or booklets per hour, with constantly varying number of pages. Kern AG will be providing the unwinder, buffer and the rotary cutter for this line. This integrated solution is designed to minimise manning requirements and material waste, in addition to facilitating both high production output and being geared for rapid job change. “I am delighted to be working with both the IBIS and Kern teams at Drupa,” says Easton. “This will be Domino’s first of two planned product offerings for the book printing market.”

Sheet-Fed Printing

Domino will also be showing for the first time a B2 digital printing sheet-fed solution including the newly launched 782mm print width Domino K600i monochrome printer. This system will operate at up to 120m/min printing on sheets from 60g/m² to 250g/m². Applications range from variable data printing for security printing and game cards to 2D code printing onto carton sheets of folded cartons. Bryan Palphreyman, Domino Product Manager adds, “We have partnered with Gremser, who will provide a range of high performance sheet-fed handling solutions that complement our modular width K600i printer. With over two hundred K600i installations, this newly launched wider B2 version enables our customers to more cost effectively produce variable data solutions in conjunction with their current off-set presses.”

Label Printing

Finally, Domino will be displaying the market leading N610i seven colour ink jet digital label press. This will operate at up to 75m/min using high impact UV-curable inks. This is the highest productivity digital label press operating either reel-to-reel or reel to finished label. Besides the Domino screen-like opaque white, the seven colour solution including orange and violet will allow 90% of the pantone range to be printed. Easton adds, “We continue to show how ink jet can innovate and add value. In addition to our screen-like white printing, we will be demonstrating unparalleled levels of creativity including our latest ‘Textures by Domino’ print solution showing the digital creation of three dimensional textured images. This adds another dimension to digital printing. It is no longer just about efficiently producing short and medium length production runs, it is also enabling our customers to offer innovative added-value design capability.”

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Domino at drupa with monochrome and seven colour inkjet press

25 apr 2016

Schermafbeelding 2016-04-25 om 09.29.43Inkjet press manufacturer Domino´s digital printing solution division will show the superfast K630i, good for 7,000 booklets per hour, and the K600i, a monochrome sheet printer wich can print up to 120 meters per minute. They will also demonstrate the Domino N610i seven colour label printer which can print up to 75 meters per minute using UV curable inks. More about Domino at drupa in the press release below.

Domino Digital Printing Solutions to feature expanding range of technologies at Drupa 2016

Domino will once again focus on providing complete solutions on Stand No 5A23 at Drupa 2016 (Messe Düsseldorf, 31st May – 10th June).
Philip Easton, Director of Domino’s Digital Printing Solutions Division, comments: “We will continue to focus on delivering solutions to meet different customer requirements rather than just offering the digital printing press. This is the best way to provide our customers with real added value – our latest innovations start with job creation and workflow, through to printing and final product finishing.”


Booklet Production

Domino is pleased to announce a new key partnership with the digital finishing specialist, IBIS Bindery Systems. From white paper rolls in, the Domino K630i monochrome digital press will print in-line with the IBIS digital saddle-stitcher at web speeds of up to 150 metres/min to produce up to 7,000 book blocks or booklets per hour, with constantly varying number of pages. Kern AG will be providing the unwinder, buffer and the rotary cutter for this line. This integrated solution is designed to minimise manning requirements and material waste, in addition to facilitating both high production output and being geared for rapid job change. “I am delighted to be working with both the IBIS and Kern teams at Drupa,” says Easton. “This will be Domino’s first of two planned product offerings for the book printing market.”


Sheet-Fed Printing

Domino will also be showing for the first time a B2 digital printing sheet-fed solution including the newly launched 782mm print width Domino K600i monochrome printer. This system will operate at up to 120m/min printing on sheets from 60g/m² to 250g/m². Applications range from variable data printing for security printing and game cards to 2D code printing onto carton sheets of folded cartons. Bryan Palphreyman, Domino Product Manager adds, “We have partnered with Gremser, who will provide a range of high performance sheet-fed handling solutions that complement our modular width K600i printer. With over two hundred K600i installations, this newly launched wider B2 version enables our customers to more cost effectively produce variable data solutions in conjunction with their current off-set presses.”


Label Printing

Finally, Domino will be displaying the market leading N610i seven colour ink jet digital label press. This will operate at up to 75m/min using high impact UV-curable inks. This is the highest productivity digital label press operating either reel-to-reel or reel to finished label. Besides the Domino screen-like opaque white, the seven colour solution including orange and violet will allow 90% of the pantone range to be printed. Easton adds, “We continue to show how ink jet can innovate and add value. In addition to our screen-like white printing, we will be demonstrating unparalleled levels of creativity including our latest ‘Textures by Domino’ print solution showing the digital creation of three dimensional textured images. This adds another dimension to digital printing. It is no longer just about efficiently producing short and medium length production runs, it is also enabling our customers to offer innovative added-value design capability.”

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Mitsubishi Paper at drupa with new chemical free CtP system

25 apr 2016
Categorie: ,

Mitsubishi_Drupa_Violet-Digiplate-System_4037Mitsubishi will introduce the Violet Digiplate at drupa. The violet light image setter is based on their polymer cross link technology. Violet Digiplate plates can handle volumes up to 20,000 prints and are available in thicknesses up to 0.28mm. New is also the Violet Digiplater VDP-CF3070, an internal drum image setter with a maximum format of up to 680x780mm.
More about Mitsubishi at drupa in the press release below.




Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd. (MPM) will exhibit at “drupa 2016,” the world’s leading trade fair for print and cross-media solutions held in Düsseldorf, Germany, May 31st to June 10th.

Please visit the MPM Booth in Hall 8B, Stand D24

Mitsubishi is Print

MPM has made significant contributions to the development of the print industry.  Our innovative, affordable, eco –friendly platemaking equipment (CTPs) and plate material in polyester, paper and now metal, support a range of print production needs.  From screen printers to news printers, from small to mid-size commercial printers, our CTP solutions answer a variety of business needs.

Mitsubishi is Paper

With a 100 + year history, MPM has been at the forefront of advancements driving the digital print age. Through extensive R & D, technological innovations, experience and know-how MPM has engineered papers that meet and exceed today’s most advanced communication needs and printing platforms.  Whether it’s high-speed Production Inkjet, wide format commercial or art and photographic papers, you can count on MPM to deliver high quality, reliable papers for an array of purposes.

Mitsubishi is Your Partner

MPM is a partner you can trust. We are committed to manufacturing the best possible products to help our customers grow their business. Through ingenuity, experience and foresight we continue to bring new and inventive products to market that elevate and lead the progression of printing.


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Mitsubishi Paper met nieuw chemie-vrij CtP systeem op drupa

25 apr 2016
Mitsubishi_Drupa_Violet-Digiplate-System_4037Op drupa introduceert Mitsubishi de Violet Digiplate. Een op hun polymer cross link technologie gebaseerde violet licht plaatbelichter die geen chemie meer nodig heeft. Platen van de Violet Digiplate kunnen oplagen aan tot 20.000 druks en zijn beschikbaar in plaatdikten tot 0.28 mm. Nieuw is ook de Violet Digiplater VDP-CF3070, een interne drumbelichter met een maximaal plaatformaat tot 680 x 780 mm.
Lees meer over Mitsubishi op drupa in onderstaand persbericht.

Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd. (MPM) will exhibit at “drupa 2016,” the world’s leading trade fair for print and cross-media solutions held in Düsseldorf, Germany, May 31st to June 10th.

Please visit the MPM Booth in Hall 8B, Stand D24

Mitsubishi is Print

MPM has made significant contributions to the development of the print industry.  Our innovative, affordable, eco –friendly platemaking equipment (CTPs) and plate material in polyester, paper and now metal, support a range of print production needs.  From screen printers to news printers, from small to mid-size commercial printers, our CTP solutions answer a variety of business needs.

Mitsubishi is Paper

With a 100 + year history, MPM has been at the forefront of advancements driving the digital print age. Through extensive R & D, technological innovations, experience and know-how MPM has engineered papers that meet and exceed today’s most advanced communication needs and printing platforms.  Whether it’s high-speed Production Inkjet, wide format commercial or art and photographic papers, you can count on MPM to deliver high quality, reliable papers for an array of purposes.

Mitsubishi is Your Partner

MPM is a partner you can trust. We are committed to manufacturing the best possible products to help our customers grow their business. Through ingenuity, experience and foresight we continue to bring new and inventive products to market that elevate and lead the progression of printing.


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PDF Actuell: De nieuwe PDF export functies van InDesign

25 apr 2016
PDF Aktuell 2016Adobe InDesign 2015.3 heeft twee nieuwe opties om PDF’s te exporteren. In de nieuwe PDF Aktuell Newsletter is dat het top onderwerp. Ook in deze nieuwsbrief nieuws over de PDF Days Europe op 14 en 15 juni in Berlijn en meer PDF nieuws van expert Stephan Jaeggi. Lees de newsletter via deze link.

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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