Rob van den Braak

Focus on new prepress, printing, finishing & ancillary products & forging international partnerships
31st March 2016 – Picon, the UK trade association representing print industry manufacturers and suppliers, is supporting 21 British companies in its four Picon Pavilions at drupa (May 31 – June 10). Covering almost 600 square metres, across four halls, the Picon Pavilions showcase ‘Best of British’ companies offering a variety of specialist equipment and services spanning prepress, printing, finishing and ancillaries.
Picon supports the export activities of its members by providing a cost-effective way to exhibit at major international events, without all the organisational and logistical detail required when exhibiting individually. Picon Pavilions not only provide a central hub for companies to showcase their products, but also a hosted business lounge with meeting rooms and WiFi to allow members to hold meetings with their customers and international sales agents.
The companies participating in the Picon Pavilions are: Alphasonics, Applied Laser Engineering, BCS, Compact Foilers, CyanX, Dies Direct, Edale, FFEI, Focus Label Machinery, Heights (UK), Imprint Business Systems, Infigo Software, Magnesium Elektron, ManMat, Profoil, RK Print Coat Instruments, Rollem, Security Foiling, SF Services, Troika Systems and Victory Lighting. Information about each company and its focus at drupa is summarised below.
“The fact that we have 21 companies participating in the Picon Pavilions at drupa, including several for the first time, indicates the optimism of UK manufacturers and eagerness to build their export markets,” says Picon Chairman, Robert Flather. “While much has changed in the print industry since the last show four years ago, there is much to be excited about and drupa gives our members the opportunity to exhibit cutting edge technology which ensures print remains current and competitive. It’s encouraging to see that many are unveiling new developments and all are seeking to expand their international sales by forging new distribution partnerships.”
Picon Pavilions at drupa 2016: Exhibitor highlights
Hall 3 Stand F35
RK PrintCoat Instruments manufactures equipment used to produce repeatable samples and its flexo pre-press devices are used worldwide for conducting trials to resolve colour communication and print/process issues including: colour matching, printability, gloss, scuff and chemical resistance off-press; quickly reducing downtime and with minimal waste.
Victory Lighting manufactures high quality Infra-Red and Medium Pressure UV Lamps for curing applications. At drupa the company showcases various new products it has recently added to its portfolio and aims to create new strategic distribution partnerships as well as offering their knowledge and experience to OEMs.
Hall 10 Stand B10
Alphasonics is a cleaning equipment manufacturer and at drupa will launch ‘Anilox Control’ and reveal how its technologies are designed to ensure the effective management of aniloxes that go beyond simple cleaning. Alongside its highly popular ultrasonic anilox cleaning systems, Alphasonics will showcase new developments which it says are the ‘answer to flexographic cleaning problems’ featuring brand new parts and plate washing systems. Plus, following the successful launch of ‘Active Cavitation’ at LabelExpo, a new technology which alternates between varying ultrasonic frequencies in one cleaning cycle will debut at drupa.
Applied Laser Engineering features Functional Topography at drupa. Laser engraved Functional Topography describes a surface that has functionality provided to the surface by the laser. This functionality could be to hold ink, for Flexo, Gravure or Anilox rollers, or to create a surface used for embossing or imprinting a substrate. Other applications include printed electronics, optical films, anti-microbial and low-friction surfaces. Discover more at Drupa.
Dies Direct is the UK’s fastest growing die manufacturer for the foiling and embossing and moulding industries and is launching its new quick on-line pricing app at drupa. With the best service levels in the UK, the company now wants to share that service with the rest of Europe.
FFEI will show its digital inkjet integration capabilities and products at drupa. The company’s objective is to seek out new partners for future product development projects, which build on the proven technologies powering FFEI’s Graphium digital Inkjet Label Press and workflow product range.
Focus Label Machinery will show its latest servo eFlex and Proflex flexo presses, plus the dFlex hybrid flexo-inkjet model. The d-Flex inkjet press combines the latest high-speed full-colour Konica Minolta inkjet technology with in-line UV flexo printing & converting. The new Flex & Proflex E models incorporate open-architecture print stations with top-loading print cylinders.
Heights Group is launching its new TITANIUM UV and Thermal Plate Processor for high quality commercial plate production at drupa. The HEIGHTS complete range of offset, relief and special products will also be represented and the company is inviting professional and experienced dealers from around the world to visit its stand.
Imprint-MIS is launching v18 of its successful Print Management Information System (MIS) at drupa. A desktop redesign, greater functionality, further developed modules, SentinelNet online machine monitoring and Shop Floor Data Capture and much more will be shown for the first time. Imprint-MIS gives users a flexible solution that includes JDF integration, estimating, works instructions, cost monitoring, production control, stock control, purchasing, and invoicing systems that are recognised for their reliability.
Infigo Software will be demonstrating a variety of solutions which have the power to revolutionise any market sectors. The company’s showcase focus will be on MegaEdit, a dynamic online design tool, and Symphony, an all-encompassing cross-media marketing platform which makes up just part of Infigo’s comprehensive web-to-print product portfolio.
ManMat manufactures metal and plastic based creasing matrix through its SureScore and brands. The company distributes worldwide, offering a personal service tailored to its customers. New at drupa is Diamond, a new leading edge creasing matrix technology for long run applications.
Magnesium Elektron is the global leader in supplying Magnesium, Copper, Brass and Zinc into the Graphic Arts industry. With sales offices and manufacturing facilities around the world, the company provides local service with global support. Customers can depend on Magnesium Elektron to provide the highest quality materials and to help find the best solutions for their engraving needs.
Profoil is Europe’s first and biggest on-line shop for foiling professionals selling; dies; foil; toggles; heater plates; foil conversions; and many more products. The company is launching its new premium toggles and a new international website with euros, dollars and sterling transaction capability at drupa. The company is looking for agents and invites companies to visit them to learn more.
Rollem will be launching three new products at drupa which will expand its capability for print finishing across a wider range of applications. Visit the booth to see these new products demonstrated and to discuss your print finishing issues with the team of Rollem engineers.
SF Services has become the world’s number one company specialising in the sale of foiling and embossing equipment: It also represents Masterwork (MK). If you want to purchase a foiling and embossing machine this is the stand to visit.
Troika Systems, winners of EFIA Technical Innovation Award 2016, will be demonstrating its latest enhancements and developments: the new Advanced Inspection Microscope with Advanced Gravure and Plate Analysis applications. Plus, a new corrugated 3D scanning microscope, with its current SurfaceCAM and AniCAM 3D scanning microscopes for Anilox, Gravure, Engraving and flexo-plates quality control management, and also the P2P-HD.
Hall 12 Stand B05
BCS has added to its AUTOBOX range with a brand new machine which simplifies the box making process even further. The BOXER, more compact and simpler to use, is aimed at companies wishing to produce their own boxes – both the right size and quantity, even printed – exactly when they require them.
CyanX is looking for European partners to work with on its wide range of unique products. The company will be showing its eco-seal™ aqueous coating along with its pressing solution, the X-presser. Foiltone, the inline cold foil and Cast & Cure specialist and Ikeuchi humidification will be joining CyanX. For the first time CyanX will be showing a new anti-static solution and it will also make a major announcement for a turnkey mailing solution for digital printers.
Edale will discuss its design and consultancy services with clients looking to develop new and innovative print and finishing solutions. Edale is also keen to meet with OEMs and technology companies and share knowledge and expertise to bring dynamic new products to the market. The company will also be highlighting its range of flexographic and digital printing presses and converting equipment.
Hall 16 Stand A40
Compact Foilers manufactures a range of modules for producing special effects such as cold foiling and cast and cure in the offset, digital and flexographic printing industry. All its machines include three foil saving features as standard: rapid set up, complete safety and total web tension control.
About Picon
Picon Ltd is the business support organisation dedicated to the promotion and ongoing development of UK manufacturers and suppliers to the printing, publishing, papermaking and paper converting industries. Picon’s long association with the industry has enabled it to develop into a leading, forward thinking business organisation that aims to meet the needs of its members. From multi-nationals to SMEs, the growth and complexity of its membership continues to reflect the evolution and diversity of the sector, where the products and services provided are shaping the future direction of the global graphic communications industry. T: 01438 832742
For more information:
Ruth Clark, Splash!PR. T: 01580 241177.
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Splash!PR, Windmill Oast Benenden Road, Rolvenden, Kent TN17 3PF United Kingdom

Dat al deze nieuwe digitale ontwikkelingen niet direct een succes werden lag niet alleen aan technische onvolkomenheden, de gemiddelde drukker was er gewoon nog niet aan toe. Hij investeerde liever in ijzer en had ook zijn pre-press en zijn digitale workflow nog niet in orde, en dat bleef nog jaren zo.
De digitale revolutie begon op drupa 1990

Ook de sterk verbeterde beeldkwaliteit van Postscript filmbelichters die dankzij nieuwe rastertechnieken zoals HQS en FM, het moiré probleem oplosten stonden aan de basis van de digitale revolutie die zich op drupa 1990 aankondigde. Die ervaring met rastertechnieken wordt nu gebruikt om digitale persen de perfecte afdrukkwaliteit te geven die we nu vanzelfsprekend vinden.
De dominantie van digitaal op drupa 2016

Het kloppend hart in elke computer to plate of digital printing systeem is een raster image processor. Een rip zorgt ervoor dat de digitale data van een opdracht, meestal in de vorm van een pdf, omgezet wordt in een rasterpatroon dat de laser van een CtP systeem of de inkjet koppen van een digitale printer aan kan sturen. Een goede rip zorgt er voor dat de intentie van de maker van de digitale data op de juiste wijze vertaald wordt. Een goede rip zal het CtP systeem of printer nooit laten wachten en geeft de operator in real time informatie over de status van een opdracht. Voorwaar geen eenvoudige taak waar rip bouwers zoals Xitron al 30 jaar aan werken. Om inzicht te krijgen in hoe deze ontwikkeling is gegaan en wat we op rip gebied op drupa 2016 mogen verwachten spraken we met Bret Farrah, product manager van Xitron. Xitron bouwt op basis van de Global Solution Harlequin software rips die gebruikt worden in imagesetters, computer to plate systemen, proefprinters en production printers. Behalve de rip levert Xitron ook de interface tussen het rip werkstation en het output device, de Blue Box. Met een Blue Box kan de levensduur van een bestaande filmbelichter, CtP systeem of printer aanmerkelijk verlengt worden en de functionaliteit uitgebreid worden tot bijvoorbeeld het verwerken van complexe pdf’s en verbeterde rasterweergave.
Milestones in rip development
Dat een moderne rip nu sneller is dan het output device dat het aanstuurt is volgens Bret Farrah de belangrijkste milestone in 30 jaar rip ontwikkeling. Voor superfomaat CtP systemen is dat cruciaal, starten en stoppen is geen optie tijdens het belichten van een offsetplaat. Voor production printers is het volledig benutten van hun productiesnelheid essentieel. Xitron rips kunnen printers aansturen met snelheden die op kunnen lopen tot 300 feet per minute / 91,44 meter per minuut. Voor deze en hogere snelheden is het mogelijk om een Xitron multi rip configuratie samen te stellen, maar zoals Bret stelt, het optimaliseren van de werkstation hardware is zeker zo belangrijk. Xitron en haar getrainde dealers kunnen ook daar mee helpen.
Gebruiksgemak en betrouwbaarheid
Hoewel de core software van veel rips hetzelfde is, is dat niet het geval met de mate van automatisering van workflow. Op basis van de jarenlange ervaring heeft elke Xitron rip niet alleen een snel te leren gebruikersinterface, maar kunnen meerdere gebruikers via het netwerk gebruik maken van alle mogelijkheden van een Xitron rip. Via zijn eigen werkstation krijgt een gebruiker niet alleen statusinformatie, maar ook uitgebreide preflight rapporten. De pre-press operator kan via dat zelfde netwerk alle informatie over ink remapping, ink key settings, imposition, proofing en color matching opvragen en zonodig aanpassen. Foutmeldingen en storingen worden direct via het scherm gemeld en in logfiles opgeslagen; een eigenschap die de betrouwbaarheid van het systeem aanmerkelijk verhoogt.
Interfaces voor meer dan 1.000 output devices
Een groeiend aantal OEM’ers maken gebruik van Xitron rips om hun CtP systeem of digitale printer aan te sturen. Voor hen ontwikkelde Xitron een breed scala aan hardware interfaces. De imposante lijst van interfaces bevat meer dan 1.000 devices. Dat varieert van oudere imagesetters tot de nieuwste CtP systemen en printers. Voor Trendsetters en Fuji VX gebruikers heeft Brett goed nieuws. Op de drupa introduceert Xitron een Blue Box interface van USB naar SCSI. De nieuwe Blue Box is geschikt voor MPE type Trendsetters en andere CtP systemen die communiceren via een SCSI bus. De nieuwe interface lost het probleem op van het niet meer beschikbaar zijn van SCSI kaarten voor computers die niet onder WIndows XP werken. Die gebruikers kunnen nu een krachtiger computer gebruiken en profiteren van alle mogelijkheden van de nieuwe generatie Harlequin rip software.
Lees verder....
The heart of every computer to plate or digital printing system is a raster image processor. A RIP ensures that the digital data, usually in PDF form, are converted into a raster pattern with which the laser can drive the CtP system or the inkjet heads in a digital printer. A good RIP ensures that the designer´s intentions are translated in the correct manner. A good RIP will never make the CtP system or printer wait and gives real time information about the status. Not an easy task and RIP builders such as Xitron have been working on this for 30 years. To get a good insight into the development and what we can expect at drupa 2016 we interviewed Bret Farrah, Executive Vice President at Xitron. Read the interview on our article page and get the complete inside on the latest rip developments.
Lees verder....
The heart of every computer to plate or digital printing system is a raster image processor. A RIP ensures that the digital data, usually in PDF form, are converted into a raster pattern with which the laser can drive the CtP system or the inkjet heads in a digital printer. A good RIP ensures that the designer´s intentions are translated in the correct manner. A good RIP will never make the CtP system or printer wait and gives real time information about the status. Not an easy task and RIP builders such as Xitron have been working on this for 30 years. To get a good insight into the development and what we can expect at drupa 2016 we interviewed Bret Farrah, Executive Vice President at Xitron. Xitron builds RIPs based on the Global Graphics Harlequin software. The RIPs are used in image setters, computer to plate systems, proof printers and production printers. Xitron also supplies the interface between the RIP workstation and the output device, the so-called Blue Box. The Blue Box can significantly lengthen the life of an image setter, CtP system or printer and add to the functionality to include for example complex PDFs and improved raster image.
Milestones in 30 years RIP development
The most important milestone in 30 years of RIP development is that fact that a modern RIP is faster than the device it drives, according to Bret. For super format CtP sytems this is crucial as starting and stopping is not an option during the process. For production printers, full utilization of production speed is essential. Xitron RIPs are able to drive printers with a speed of up to 300 feet per minute/91,44 meters per minute. Xitron has the possibility to deliver a multi RIP configuration for these and higher speeds. However, says Bret, optimisation of the workstation hardware is equally important. Xitron and their dealers can assist in this as well.
Ease of use and reliability
Although the core software of many RIPs is basically the same, this is not always the case with automatisation of workflow. Based on their ample experience Xitron RIPs have an easy-to-use interface and the possibility of multiple users. Every user has their own workstation for status reports and comprehensive preflight reports. A pre-press operator can use the same network to get information on, and, if necessary, adjust the ink remapping, ink key setting, imposition, proofing and colour matching. Error messages and outages are directly reported on the screen and stored in logfiles; another characteristic which greatly enhances reliability.
Interfaces for more than 200 output devices
A growing number of OEMs make use of Xitron RIPs for their CtP system and digital inkjet printers. Xitron developed a wide variety of hardware and software interfaces for them. The impressive list of interfaces spans more than 200 devices, from older image setters to the newest CtP systems and printers. For Trendsetters and Fuji VX users there is good news. During drupa Xitron will introduce a Blue Box USB to SCSI interface. The new Blue Box is suitable for MPE type Trendsetters and other CtP systems which communicate via SCSI. The new interface solves the problem of the unavailability of SCSI cards for operating systems beyond Windows XP. These can now use a more powerful computer and profit from the possibilities of a new generation Harlequin RIP software.
Xitron at drupa
The Xitron solutions can be seen at the Xitron stand C5474 in Hall 15. Experts will be there to answer any questions you may have. More information about Xitron and their wide dealer network via this link.
Niet zo spectaculair als de Nanography persen, maar Landa L50 Nano-Metallography modulen beloven een van de sensaties te zijn van drupa 2016. Met Nanoflake metaal deeltjes van slechts 50 nanometer dik maakt de L50 hot- en coldfoil modulen hopeloos ouderwets. Volgens Landa is de besparing in materiaal gigantisch, nano-metallography gebruikt alleen metaal waar nodig en dankzij de uiterst dunne laagdikte ook nog veel minder ‘edel’ metaal.
De L50 module kan ingebouwd worden in elke rollenpers van welke traditionele druktechniek dan ook. Het is uiteraard een perfecte combinatie met digital web presses, zeker met de Landa W10 verpakking pers. Lees meer over de nano-metallography via deze link.
Lees verder....Bijna 2.000 m2 standruimte heeft afwerkingspecialist Horizon op drupa. Op de grootste afwerkingstand in Hal 6 toont het Smart Finishing Solutions op 24 werkende systemen die met perfect binden, nieten, vouwen en digitale toepassingen als thema moeten bewijzen wat de echte waarde is van afwerking. Lees meer over Horizon’s drupa plannen in onderstaand persbericht.
Horizon’s drupa Approach Will ‘Change the Focus’ to Finishing Equipment
Under the theme “Change the Focus,” Horizon will unleash the hidden value of postpress. The goal is to help customers comprehend and plan finishing steps at the beginning of the print process, to enable end-to-end automation and production efficiency. Horizon’s 16,000-square-foot booth will be the largest in Hall 6 and the single largest exhibit dedicated to postpress at drupa. Twenty-four working systems — including the world premieres of a new perfect binder and folder — will be organized into various zones featuring perfect bind, stitch, fold and digital applications. Live presentations will also highlight four innovative Smart Finishing Solutions, each one capable of processing conventional and digitally printed output.
Horizon will unveil a highly versatile, hybrid Smart Binding System which will deliver finished books in one process.
Live Presentations Emphasize Smart Finishing
Six live presentations hosted daily in the Horizon Theatre will focus on finishing from the point of job creation, to ensure efficiency through each step of production, cut down on waste and minimize touch points. In this presentation, Horizon will unveil a highly versatile, hybrid Smart Binding System which will deliver finished books in one process from continuous-feed, cut-sheet, or folded signatures with variable size, thickness and page count. In the first workflow, digitally printed rolls from the Screen Truepress Jet520HD will be unwound by the Hunkeler UW6 into the Hunkeler CS6-HS cutter, equipped with Dyna-cut, a feature that enables dynamic, barcode-driven changes in sheet length. Horizon’s newly designed AFV-566T6F dynamic folder will receive the variable-length sheets and change fold pattern from 12- to eight-page signatures on-the-fly to minimize blank pages. Next, the folded signatures are spot glued, accumulated and jogged in the Horizon BBS-40 to produce book blocks. Completed book blocks are automatically fed into the Horizon SB-09V for perfect binding and then transported for three-knife trimming on the HT-1000V with zero makeready.
Two additional workflows will be demonstrated by this same system. B2-size sheets digitally printed by FujiFilm and HP will be cut, collated and intelligently stacked at the near-line Horizon SmartStacker. The loose sheet book blocks are then loaded at the transport conveyor of the Horizon Smart Binding System for automatic infeed to the SB-09V perfect binder. In the final workflow, 16-page signatures printed by Komori and folded on the Horizon AFC-746FKT folder are loaded at the gathering section to create book blocks which are delivered to the SB-09V Perfect Binder.
Horizon will also present a tightly integrated Roll-to-Booklet solution featuring Hunkeler unwinding and cutting technology and the Horizon StitchLiner 6000 digital saddlestitcher. Pre-printed rolls from the Canon ColorStream 3700Z will be processed into finished booklets with variable sheet count. All jobs featured in the presentation will be connected to the Horizon pXnet digital workflow system to create a total JDF production workflow, including scheduling, equipment setup, job status and reporting.
World Premiere in Perfect Binding
Making its debut at drupa, the Standard Horizon BQ-480 perfect binder features the quickest set-up and changeover for variable book production in its class, especially for book-of-one. With interchangeable PUR and EVA glue tanks, the binder also offers advanced automation through a movable, color touchscreen including adjustments for roller height, nipping height and amount of side glue. Specially designed to meet the requirements of PUR book binding, the BQ-480 includes a gentle elevator delivery system with a mere 5mm drop and also accommodates the lowest temperature setting for PUR glue. Horizon will display a complete range of perfect binding and trimming systems which demonstrate barcode-driven set-up for variable book production, a destacking solution for auto-infeed to the trimmer and short-run PUR binding.
Even More Possibilities Unfold
Standard Horizon will introduce the next generation in folding with the AFV-566 series featuring faster production speeds, reduced set-up time, dynamic folding capabilities and greater automation. Building upon Horizon’s already proven automated fold technology, the AFV-566 includes scoring navigation that can be done automatically through the touchscreen panel, automatic double-sheet detection to minimize waste, improved registration and easier sheet loading. Optional dynamic folding is also possible to change fold pattern on-the-fly for variable signatures with no blank sheets in the set.
In a technology demonstration, Horizon will present a hybrid folder/StitchLiner system which allows for the production of 16-page booklets from a single press sheet at speeds up to 6000 booklets/hour. The Horizon AFC-746F folder creates the first and second fold of the 16-page signature and the last cross-fold is created by the Horizon StitchLiner 6000 saddlestitcher before stitching and three-side trimming into a completed self-cover booklet. Additionally, Horizon’s folding zone will include large-format, outsert and pharmaceutical applications as well as enhanced presser/stacker systems with new anti-static roller design and increased pressing power.
Finishing Flexibility for Digital Print
Horizon will demonstrate a complete line-up of multi-function finishing systems that can be used independently or in combination for a vast and varied range of output possibilities. Taking center stage will be the recently introduced Horizon SmartSlitter, an all-in-one smart sheet processing system that can slit, gutter cut, edge trim, cross-cut, perforate and crease in a single pass. Designed for both offset and digitally printed output, the system comes equipped with print mark registration to accommodate image shift in both directions. And, in legendary Horizon style, the color touchscreen monitor features a simple user interface for easy operation including job setup via barcode. Various applications will be processed including business and greeting cards, and the unique skip perforation feature for T- and L-perfs will be highlighted during the production of tear-off coupons and reply cards. Two SmartSlitters will be running as part of a JDF-driven automated workflow using software from Ultimate Technographics and Horizon’s SmartConnect system for simplified job set-up.
Standard Horizon’s RD-4055 rotary diecutter will also be churning out a variety of unique applications including door hangers, pop-up business cards, stickers, labels, pocket folders and other specialty packaging. The system can die-cut, kiss-cut, crease, perforate, slit, hole punch and round corner in one process for digital and offset printed sheets and can achieve up to 6,000 cycles/hr. on sheet sizes up to 15.74×21.65”. A repeat register function allows multiple-up applications from a single-up die to minimize costs. Two system configurations will be shown to demonstrate the SPC-4055 separator unit and the ST-4055 high capacity stacker for lightweight stock and complicated shapes.
Horizon Partnerships Extend the Reach
In addition to many partner applications running in the Horizon booth — provided by Canon, FujiFilm, HP, Komori, Ricoh and Screen — Horizon solutions will likewise have a strong presence in partner booths across the halls at drupa. In the Screen booth, the Horizon StitchLiner 6000 saddlestitcher will be shown as part of a combination solution producing variable sheet count booklets in-line with the Screen Truepress Jet520HD. HP’s booth will feature the Horizon SmartStacker in-line with the HP Indigo 10000 Digital Press for seamless processing of B2 size output into straight stacks, offset stacks or book blocks with intelligent accumulation and stacking. FujiFilm will show the Horizon Smart Binding System processing rolls from the JetPress 540W into finished books with Horizon folding, stacking, binding and trimming capabilities. The Horizon AF-566F folder will be shown in the Hunkeler booth as part of a direct mail folding solution with dynamic perforating and web inspection, and the Horizon SmartSlitter will have a third spot on the show floor in the Xerox booth.
Lees verder....
Nearly 2,000 sqm of space for the finishing specialist Horizon at drupa. The stand is the biggest in Hall 6 for finishing equipment, showing Smart Finishing Solutions on 24 working systems. Perfect binding, folding and stitching will show the real value of finishing. More about Horizon´s plans for drupa in the press release below.
Horizon’s drupa Approach Will ‘Change the Focus’ to Finishing Equipment
Under the theme “Change the Focus,” Horizon will unleash the hidden value of postpress. The goal is to help customers comprehend and plan finishing steps at the beginning of the print process, to enable end-to-end automation and production efficiency. Horizon’s 16,000-square-foot booth will be the largest in Hall 6 and the single largest exhibit dedicated to postpress at drupa. Twenty-four working systems — including the world premieres of a new perfect binder and folder — will be organized into various zones featuring perfect bind, stitch, fold and digital applications. Live presentations will also highlight four innovative Smart Finishing Solutions, each one capable of processing conventional and digitally printed output.
Horizon will unveil a highly versatile, hybrid Smart Binding System which will deliver finished books in one process.
Live Presentations Emphasize Smart Finishing
Six live presentations hosted daily in the Horizon Theatre will focus on finishing from the point of job creation, to ensure efficiency through each step of production, cut down on waste and minimize touch points. In this presentation, Horizon will unveil a highly versatile, hybrid Smart Binding System which will deliver finished books in one process from continuous-feed, cut-sheet, or folded signatures with variable size, thickness and page count. In the first workflow, digitally printed rolls from the Screen Truepress Jet520HD will be unwound by the Hunkeler UW6 into the Hunkeler CS6-HS cutter, equipped with Dyna-cut, a feature that enables dynamic, barcode-driven changes in sheet length. Horizon’s newly designed AFV-566T6F dynamic folder will receive the variable-length sheets and change fold pattern from 12- to eight-page signatures on-the-fly to minimize blank pages. Next, the folded signatures are spot glued, accumulated and jogged in the Horizon BBS-40 to produce book blocks. Completed book blocks are automatically fed into the Horizon SB-09V for perfect binding and then transported for three-knife trimming on the HT-1000V with zero makeready.
Two additional workflows will be demonstrated by this same system. B2-size sheets digitally printed by FujiFilm and HP will be cut, collated and intelligently stacked at the near-line Horizon SmartStacker. The loose sheet book blocks are then loaded at the transport conveyor of the Horizon Smart Binding System for automatic infeed to the SB-09V perfect binder. In the final workflow, 16-page signatures printed by Komori and folded on the Horizon AFC-746FKT folder are loaded at the gathering section to create book blocks which are delivered to the SB-09V Perfect Binder.
Horizon will also present a tightly integrated Roll-to-Booklet solution featuring Hunkeler unwinding and cutting technology and the Horizon StitchLiner 6000 digital saddlestitcher. Pre-printed rolls from the Canon ColorStream 3700Z will be processed into finished booklets with variable sheet count. All jobs featured in the presentation will be connected to the Horizon pXnet digital workflow system to create a total JDF production workflow, including scheduling, equipment setup, job status and reporting.
World Premiere in Perfect Binding
Making its debut at drupa, the Standard Horizon BQ-480 perfect binder features the quickest set-up and changeover for variable book production in its class, especially for book-of-one. With interchangeable PUR and EVA glue tanks, the binder also offers advanced automation through a movable, color touchscreen including adjustments for roller height, nipping height and amount of side glue. Specially designed to meet the requirements of PUR book binding, the BQ-480 includes a gentle elevator delivery system with a mere 5mm drop and also accommodates the lowest temperature setting for PUR glue. Horizon will display a complete range of perfect binding and trimming systems which demonstrate barcode-driven set-up for variable book production, a destacking solution for auto-infeed to the trimmer and short-run PUR binding.
Even More Possibilities Unfold
Standard Horizon will introduce the next generation in folding with the AFV-566 series featuring faster production speeds, reduced set-up time, dynamic folding capabilities and greater automation. Building upon Horizon’s already proven automated fold technology, the AFV-566 includes scoring navigation that can be done automatically through the touchscreen panel, automatic double-sheet detection to minimize waste, improved registration and easier sheet loading. Optional dynamic folding is also possible to change fold pattern on-the-fly for variable signatures with no blank sheets in the set.
In a technology demonstration, Horizon will present a hybrid folder/StitchLiner system which allows for the production of 16-page booklets from a single press sheet at speeds up to 6000 booklets/hour. The Horizon AFC-746F folder creates the first and second fold of the 16-page signature and the last cross-fold is created by the Horizon StitchLiner 6000 saddlestitcher before stitching and three-side trimming into a completed self-cover booklet. Additionally, Horizon’s folding zone will include large-format, outsert and pharmaceutical applications as well as enhanced presser/stacker systems with new anti-static roller design and increased pressing power.
Finishing Flexibility for Digital Print
Horizon will demonstrate a complete line-up of multi-function finishing systems that can be used independently or in combination for a vast and varied range of output possibilities. Taking center stage will be the recently introduced Horizon SmartSlitter, an all-in-one smart sheet processing system that can slit, gutter cut, edge trim, cross-cut, perforate and crease in a single pass. Designed for both offset and digitally printed output, the system comes equipped with print mark registration to accommodate image shift in both directions. And, in legendary Horizon style, the color touchscreen monitor features a simple user interface for easy operation including job setup via barcode. Various applications will be processed including business and greeting cards, and the unique skip perforation feature for T- and L-perfs will be highlighted during the production of tear-off coupons and reply cards. Two SmartSlitters will be running as part of a JDF-driven automated workflow using software from Ultimate Technographics and Horizon’s SmartConnect system for simplified job set-up.
Standard Horizon’s RD-4055 rotary diecutter will also be churning out a variety of unique applications including door hangers, pop-up business cards, stickers, labels, pocket folders and other specialty packaging. The system can die-cut, kiss-cut, crease, perforate, slit, hole punch and round corner in one process for digital and offset printed sheets and can achieve up to 6,000 cycles/hr. on sheet sizes up to 15.74×21.65”. A repeat register function allows multiple-up applications from a single-up die to minimize costs. Two system configurations will be shown to demonstrate the SPC-4055 separator unit and the ST-4055 high capacity stacker for lightweight stock and complicated shapes.
Horizon Partnerships Extend the Reach
In addition to many partner applications running in the Horizon booth — provided by Canon, FujiFilm, HP, Komori, Ricoh and Screen — Horizon solutions will likewise have a strong presence in partner booths across the halls at drupa. In the Screen booth, the Horizon StitchLiner 6000 saddlestitcher will be shown as part of a combination solution producing variable sheet count booklets in-line with the Screen Truepress Jet520HD. HP’s booth will feature the Horizon SmartStacker in-line with the HP Indigo 10000 Digital Press for seamless processing of B2 size output into straight stacks, offset stacks or book blocks with intelligent accumulation and stacking. FujiFilm will show the Horizon Smart Binding System processing rolls from the JetPress 540W into finished books with Horizon folding, stacking, binding and trimming capabilities. The Horizon AF-566F folder will be shown in the Hunkeler booth as part of a direct mail folding solution with dynamic perforating and web inspection, and the Horizon SmartSlitter will have a third spot on the show floor in the Xerox booth.
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Digital Transformation with KBA 4.0. expands customer service
KBA 4.0. is more than just digital remote access to a press. KBA-Sheetfed has carried out remote press access since 1994, back then via a modem as part of remote maintenance and for about the last ten years faster via a secure internet connection. Intelligent encryption modules in the consoles only enable KBA service technicians and certified KBA suppliers to communicate with a large number of the some 7,000 presses on the market worldwide 24/7. A virtual tunnel protects the presses from unauthorized third parties accessing its data.
Data sharing for proactive service
- Automatic e-mail with a warning when defined milestones have been exceeded (shown here 60m printed sheets) (1)
For the last two years KBA-Sheetfed has been working on analysing available data automatically and using this for new services relating to the presses. In the beginning it was mainly designed for performance evaluation, but it later resulted in more and more ideas for proactive and preventative service applications. One goal is a 360° user perspective enabling sales, service and marketing to offer relevant information and added-value services on the basis of this data.Every Rapida press features extensive control and sensor technology which captures and stores data on press activity. This includes press data, such as status and error notifications, time-stamped operating actions and other information on the day-to-day use of the press. KBA loads these log files automatically during each remote maintenance connection. Job, person and company-related data is naturally disregarded, also as this information is not included in the press log files.
Monthly performance reports
- Automatically generated performance report based on a KBA Rapida’s log files (2)
Currently a growing number of KBA users participate voluntarily in a data-exchange programme. This means that their presses are permanently online. KBA-Service accesses these presses daily to evaluate data and in return these participants receive a monthly performance report (photo 1).The performance reports are an optional part of remote maintenance contracts, but this feature can also be ordered separately. The reports which are set out clearly with graphics provide information on a user’s press output, maximum and average press speeds, production availability, run lengths as well as printing, washing and job changing times.
By networking customers and their presses with KBA and the service data available KBA is able to unlock potential for optimisation for its customers and make them more successful on the basis of this data. Milestones, such as exceeding a certain number of printed sheets, are recognised at an early stage and communicated automatically as an email notification (photo 2). Just like the on-board computers found in modern vehicles users receive information on expired service intervals and inspection, maintenance or update recommendations. These are aimed at maintaining a high level of press availability and production security throughout the press’ entire service life.
PressCall: Service at the touch of a button
PressCall is a new automatic press error notification tool. Users now no longer have to call the KBA hotline. All data relevant for remote maintenance is transferred immediately and directly to KBA’s service department. This offers many advantages for users and KBA-Service, such as:
- Shorter reaction times
- Optimisation of error notifications and registering
- Clear identification of press
- Prompt analysis of press data
- Proactive and faster feedback from KBA
- Fewer incorrect entries
PressCall activates a dialogue window on the console (photo 3). Error notification and maintenance is done via a menu. In the future KBA subsidiaries throughout the world will receive real-time information on hotline requests and are informed promptly about possible errors and maintenance requests in their region.
- Remote maintenance is menu-driven with PressCall (3)
Benchmarking: using optimisation potential
The press is a key part of the process chain to the finished print product. Whether packaging or ad flyers, every minute saved through short makeready times or a higher production speed delivers cash benefits. KBA as a press manufacturer can support the optimisation process with international benchmarking. It is important to compare identical technology used for the same applications, which is why KBA is currently classifying technology according the various criteria. In the future users, sales staff or even service technicians are expected to be able to retrieve possible, untapped potential transparently and anonymously at the touch of a button.
- An overview of the locations of service technicians in Europe (4)
Predictive Service: avoiding potential press downtime
When a motor overheats, the error notification often comes too late. The cause, e.g. a faulty bearing, can normally already be determined in advance. So, there is a chance to proactively counteract. Along with proactive service, predictive maintenance is the future. This involves real big-data applications. Rapida press’ sensor and logic systems deliver high volumes of data. This is in addition to service, quality and process data from the plant. Patterns can be derived from these data streams with intelligent software. Each component’s probability of default can be determined in advance. KBA offers maintenance services before this happens.
Much has already become reality today. The map (photo 4) of worldwide service requests and service operations facilitates the technicians’ operational planning. Digital networking offers the customer an additional advantage by automatically alerting the closest available technician to take over the service job.
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Digital Transformation with KBA 4.0. expands customer service
KBA 4.0. is more than just digital remote access to a press. KBA-Sheetfed has carried out remote press access since 1994, back then via a modem as part of remote maintenance and for about the last ten years faster via a secure internet connection. Intelligent encryption modules in the consoles only enable KBA service technicians and certified KBA suppliers to communicate with a large number of the some 7,000 presses on the market worldwide 24/7. A virtual tunnel protects the presses from unauthorized third parties accessing its data.
Data sharing for proactive service
- Automatic e-mail with a warning when defined milestones have been exceeded (shown here 60m printed sheets) (1)
For the last two years KBA-Sheetfed has been working on analysing available data automatically and using this for new services relating to the presses. In the beginning it was mainly designed for performance evaluation, but it later resulted in more and more ideas for proactive and preventative service applications. One goal is a 360° user perspective enabling sales, service and marketing to offer relevant information and added-value services on the basis of this data.Every Rapida press features extensive control and sensor technology which captures and stores data on press activity. This includes press data, such as status and error notifications, time-stamped operating actions and other information on the day-to-day use of the press. KBA loads these log files automatically during each remote maintenance connection. Job, person and company-related data is naturally disregarded, also as this information is not included in the press log files.
Monthly performance reports
- Automatically generated performance report based on a KBA Rapida’s log files (2)
Currently a growing number of KBA users participate voluntarily in a data-exchange programme. This means that their presses are permanently online. KBA-Service accesses these presses daily to evaluate data and in return these participants receive a monthly performance report (photo 1).The performance reports are an optional part of remote maintenance contracts, but this feature can also be ordered separately. The reports which are set out clearly with graphics provide information on a user’s press output, maximum and average press speeds, production availability, run lengths as well as printing, washing and job changing times.
By networking customers and their presses with KBA and the service data available KBA is able to unlock potential for optimisation for its customers and make them more successful on the basis of this data. Milestones, such as exceeding a certain number of printed sheets, are recognised at an early stage and communicated automatically as an email notification (photo 2). Just like the on-board computers found in modern vehicles users receive information on expired service intervals and inspection, maintenance or update recommendations. These are aimed at maintaining a high level of press availability and production security throughout the press’ entire service life.
PressCall: Service at the touch of a button
PressCall is a new automatic press error notification tool. Users now no longer have to call the KBA hotline. All data relevant for remote maintenance is transferred immediately and directly to KBA’s service department. This offers many advantages for users and KBA-Service, such as:
- Shorter reaction times
- Optimisation of error notifications and registering
- Clear identification of press
- Prompt analysis of press data
- Proactive and faster feedback from KBA
- Fewer incorrect entries
PressCall activates a dialogue window on the console (photo 3). Error notification and maintenance is done via a menu. In the future KBA subsidiaries throughout the world will receive real-time information on hotline requests and are informed promptly about possible errors and maintenance requests in their region.
- Remote maintenance is menu-driven with PressCall (3)
Benchmarking: using optimisation potential
The press is a key part of the process chain to the finished print product. Whether packaging or ad flyers, every minute saved through short makeready times or a higher production speed delivers cash benefits. KBA as a press manufacturer can support the optimisation process with international benchmarking. It is important to compare identical technology used for the same applications, which is why KBA is currently classifying technology according the various criteria. In the future users, sales staff or even service technicians are expected to be able to retrieve possible, untapped potential transparently and anonymously at the touch of a button.
- An overview of the locations of service technicians in Europe (4)
Predictive Service: avoiding potential press downtime
When a motor overheats, the error notification often comes too late. The cause, e.g. a faulty bearing, can normally already be determined in advance. So, there is a chance to proactively counteract. Along with proactive service, predictive maintenance is the future. This involves real big-data applications. Rapida press’ sensor and logic systems deliver high volumes of data. This is in addition to service, quality and process data from the plant. Patterns can be derived from these data streams with intelligent software. Each component’s probability of default can be determined in advance. KBA offers maintenance services before this happens.
Much has already become reality today. The map (photo 4) of worldwide service requests and service operations facilitates the technicians’ operational planning. Digital networking offers the customer an additional advantage by automatically alerting the closest available technician to take over the service job.
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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