Rob van den Braak

Digital Transformation with KBA 4.0. expands customer service
KBA 4.0. is more than just digital remote access to a press. KBA-Sheetfed has carried out remote press access since 1994, back then via a modem as part of remote maintenance and for about the last ten years faster via a secure internet connection. Intelligent encryption modules in the consoles only enable KBA service technicians and certified KBA suppliers to communicate with a large number of the some 7,000 presses on the market worldwide 24/7. A virtual tunnel protects the presses from unauthorized third parties accessing its data.
Data sharing for proactive service
- Automatic e-mail with a warning when defined milestones have been exceeded (shown here 60m printed sheets) (1)
For the last two years KBA-Sheetfed has been working on analysing available data automatically and using this for new services relating to the presses. In the beginning it was mainly designed for performance evaluation, but it later resulted in more and more ideas for proactive and preventative service applications. One goal is a 360° user perspective enabling sales, service and marketing to offer relevant information and added-value services on the basis of this data.Every Rapida press features extensive control and sensor technology which captures and stores data on press activity. This includes press data, such as status and error notifications, time-stamped operating actions and other information on the day-to-day use of the press. KBA loads these log files automatically during each remote maintenance connection. Job, person and company-related data is naturally disregarded, also as this information is not included in the press log files.
Monthly performance reports
- Automatically generated performance report based on a KBA Rapida’s log files (2)
Currently a growing number of KBA users participate voluntarily in a data-exchange programme. This means that their presses are permanently online. KBA-Service accesses these presses daily to evaluate data and in return these participants receive a monthly performance report (photo 1).The performance reports are an optional part of remote maintenance contracts, but this feature can also be ordered separately. The reports which are set out clearly with graphics provide information on a user’s press output, maximum and average press speeds, production availability, run lengths as well as printing, washing and job changing times.
By networking customers and their presses with KBA and the service data available KBA is able to unlock potential for optimisation for its customers and make them more successful on the basis of this data. Milestones, such as exceeding a certain number of printed sheets, are recognised at an early stage and communicated automatically as an email notification (photo 2). Just like the on-board computers found in modern vehicles users receive information on expired service intervals and inspection, maintenance or update recommendations. These are aimed at maintaining a high level of press availability and production security throughout the press’ entire service life.
PressCall: Service at the touch of a button
PressCall is a new automatic press error notification tool. Users now no longer have to call the KBA hotline. All data relevant for remote maintenance is transferred immediately and directly to KBA’s service department. This offers many advantages for users and KBA-Service, such as:
- Shorter reaction times
- Optimisation of error notifications and registering
- Clear identification of press
- Prompt analysis of press data
- Proactive and faster feedback from KBA
- Fewer incorrect entries
PressCall activates a dialogue window on the console (photo 3). Error notification and maintenance is done via a menu. In the future KBA subsidiaries throughout the world will receive real-time information on hotline requests and are informed promptly about possible errors and maintenance requests in their region.
- Remote maintenance is menu-driven with PressCall (3)
Benchmarking: using optimisation potential
The press is a key part of the process chain to the finished print product. Whether packaging or ad flyers, every minute saved through short makeready times or a higher production speed delivers cash benefits. KBA as a press manufacturer can support the optimisation process with international benchmarking. It is important to compare identical technology used for the same applications, which is why KBA is currently classifying technology according the various criteria. In the future users, sales staff or even service technicians are expected to be able to retrieve possible, untapped potential transparently and anonymously at the touch of a button.
- An overview of the locations of service technicians in Europe (4)
Predictive Service: avoiding potential press downtime
When a motor overheats, the error notification often comes too late. The cause, e.g. a faulty bearing, can normally already be determined in advance. So, there is a chance to proactively counteract. Along with proactive service, predictive maintenance is the future. This involves real big-data applications. Rapida press’ sensor and logic systems deliver high volumes of data. This is in addition to service, quality and process data from the plant. Patterns can be derived from these data streams with intelligent software. Each component’s probability of default can be determined in advance. KBA offers maintenance services before this happens.
Much has already become reality today. The map (photo 4) of worldwide service requests and service operations facilitates the technicians’ operational planning. Digital networking offers the customer an additional advantage by automatically alerting the closest available technician to take over the service job.
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Tien jaar na de introductie van Postscript als paginabeschrijvende taal was drupa 1986 de doorbraak van data exchange, ofwel het uitwisselen van opdrachten tussen pre-press systemen met verschillende bestandsformaten. Nu op drupa 2016 is data exchange uitgegroeid tot Multi Channel Publishing. Een trend die papieren media kan redden. Lees de parallel tussen deze twee drupa’s op onze artikelen pagina.
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Op drupa 1982 zag ik, net terug van twee jaar militaire dienst in Suriname, hoe rotatie offset als een disrupting techniek diepdruk rotatie tot een ouderwetse en dure druktechniek degradeerde. Dat kwam goed uit want mijn eerste schreden in de verkoop deed ik op dat moment bij Machinehandel Houtstra, de dealer voor Solna Offset, de Zweedse drukpersfabrikant die met zijn rotatie persen toen redelijk scoorde in Europa. Ook nu nog is offset rotatie voor hogere oplagen de goedkoopste en meest productieve druktechniek. Lees hier de parallel tussen digitale web persen op drupa 2016 en rotatie offset op drupa 1982.
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HP Inc. onthult nieuwe Indigo en PageWide Web Presses
Amstelveen, 29 maart 2016 — HP Inc. kondigt vandaag de uitbreiding van zijn HP Indigo portfolio met drie nieuwe persen en het HP PageWide Web Press portfolio met vijf nieuwe persen aan. De introductie bestaat uit verbeteringen in kwaliteit, productiviteit, veelzijdigheid en kleur voor het gehele portfolio. Met de nieuwe producten groeien de mogelijkheden voor hoogwaardig maatwerk voor ‘print service providers’ (PSP’s).
De drie nieuwe persen – met toevoer per drie sheets – zijn uitgerust met HP Indigo Liquid Electrophotography (LEP) technologie. Het portfolio wordt uitgebreid met de HP Indigo 12000, 7900 en 5900 Digital Presses, de oversized B1-format duplex HP Indigo 50000 Digital Press, de HP Indigo WS6800p Digital Press speciaal voor fototoepassingen en de verbeterde HP Indigo 20000 Digital Press welke volledig is uitgerust voor commerciële toepassingen. De nieuwe persen bouwen voort op het succes van de eerder gepresenteerde producten op drupa in 2012.
Met de uitbreiding van het HP PageWide Web Press portfolio uitgerust met High Definition Nozzle Architecture (HDNA) technologie bieden deHP PageWide Web Presses T490 HD, T490M HD en T240 HD verbeterde printkwaliteit en hogere productiviteit voor PSP’s om zo meer hoogwaardige content te leveren ten opzichte van inkjet.
“PSP’s hebben de nieuwste technologieën nodig om hun creativiteit om te zetten in omzetgroei”, aldus Mike Salfity, vice president and general manager, Graphics Solutions Business, HP. “Met de nieuwe HP Indigo en PageWide Web Press introducties kunnen HP klanten zichzelf onderscheiden van de concurrentie met unieke toepassingen zonder dat de productiviteit hier onder lijdt.”
“Als boekenproducent zijn wij voortdurend op zoek naar mogelijkheden om onze workflow te stroomlijnen, printkwaliteit te verbeteren en doorlooptijden te versnellen. Hiermee anticiperen wij op de behoeften van onze klanten”, zegt Pierre-François Catté, voorzitter, CPI Group. “Met de HP PageWide Web Press T480 HD komen wij Europa’s meest veeleisende uitgevers tegemoet. Met dit apparaat is het mogelijk om in korte tijd drukkwaliteit te bieden van een nóg hogere kwaliteit, terwijl verspilling wordt teruggebracht.”
Meer mogelijkheden met HP Indigo line-up dankzij LEP technologie
Het nieuwe HP Indigo portfolio is uitgerust met innovaties die General Commercial Printing (GCP) voor PSP’s volledig vernieuwt:
- De nieuwe benchmark in printkwaliteit(1)met geïntegreerde hardware, supplies en software-innovaties. Waaronder een speciale printkwaliteit modus waarmee scherper wordt geprint. Nieuwe High Definition Laser Array (HDLA) technologie verdubbelt de printresolutie voor nog betere printkwaliteit.(2)
- Nieuwe automatische kleurmanagementtoepassingen voor betere kleuraccuratie en -consistentie waaronder een inline spectrofotometer om aan de meest strikte kleurstandaarden te voldoen.
- Nieuwe mogelijkheden met het nieuwe HP Indigo ElectroInks en een uitgebreid scala aan druksubstraten waaronder canvas, metalen en synthetische zwart en/of gekleurde substraten tot wel 550 micron met uitstekende inkthechting dankzij ingebouwde HP Indigo ElectroInk Digital Primer. Daarnaast worden met HP SmartStream Mosaic 2.0 de designmogelijkheden uitgebreid met onder meer nieuwe kleurtoepassingen.
- Dankzij verbeterde productiviteit en automatisering kunnen HP Indigo klanten moeiteloos duizenden opdrachten per dag verwerken. Klanten kunnen tot 50 procent van de voorbereidingswerkzaamheden schrappen met Production Pro 6.0 en de doorvoer tot 40 procent verhogen met HP Indigo Optimizer. Deze ondersteunt non-stop printen met ingebouwde sequencing en proefdrukken tijdens de productie.
HP Indigo klanten profiteren daarnaast van vergrote productiviteit dankzij meer dan 260 oplossingen van meer dan 80 workflow- en afwerkingspartners. Zij bieden ‘end-to-end’ oplossingen die op maat zijn gemaakt voor een breed scala aan toepassingen.
Hoge HP PageWide Web Press kwaliteit en productiviteit maken Inkjet wijdverbreid
Inkjet printen kan nu worden ingezet voor alledaags commercieel drukwerk. De HP PageWide Web Presses zijn geschikt voor een groeiend scala aan hoog volume, offset-printkwaliteittoepassingen, waaronder boeken, tijdschriften, retail catalogi, brochures en marketingmateriaal.
De 42-inch HP PageWide Web Press T490 HD is de meest productieve digitale kleuren duplex pers.(3) Met volumes tot wel 1000 voet per minuut (fmp) in de performance mode is dit een groei in snelheid van 67 procent(4), in kwaliteitsmodus is dit 500 fmp. De monochrome variant, de HP PageWide Web Press T490M HD, biedt hoog volume boekhandelproductiviteit gelijkwaardig aan digitale monochrome productie. Daarnaast bieden de HP PageWide Web Presses T470 HD en T480 HD nu snelheden tot 500 fmp in kwaliteitsmodus, een toename van 25 procent sinds de introductie.
De nieuwe 22-inch HP PageWide Web Press T240 HD print met snelheden tot 500 fpm in de prestatiemodus, een toename van 25 procent(5) en 250 fpm in kwaliteitsmodus. Met een maandelijkse duty cycle van maximaal 60 miljoen pagina’s, is de T240 HD ontworpen voor commerciële drukkers, productiehuizen en (boek)drukkerijen die betrouwbare kleurprestaties in een tweetraps productieomgeving nodig hebben.
HP PageWide Web Press klanten hebben sinds 2009 meer dan 150 miljard briefformaatpagina’s geproduceerd.
Het nieuwe HP Indigo-portfolio is verkrijgbaar vanaf de tweede helft van 2016 en nieuwe HP Indigo eigenschappen zijn naar verwachting in 2016 als optionele upgrade beschikbaar. De New High Definition Laser Array (HDLA) technologie voor de HP Indigo 12000 Digital Press is in 2017 beschikbaar. De nieuwe HP PageWide Web Presses zijn beschikbaar in 2016. De huidige duplex color HP PageWide Web Press klanten kunnen in 2016 upgraden naar de nieuwe technologie.
Alle nieuwe HP Indigo Digital Presses en HP PageWide Web Presses beschikken over HP PrintOS-connectiviteit. Met HP Print OS kan de printproductie eenvoudiger gemanaged worden. HP PrintOS is per 31 mei 2016 beschikbaar.
Nieuwe commerciële Print Investment Solutions(6)
HP Financial Services heeft zijn IT-investmentportfolio uitgebreid waardoor klanten eerder gebruik kunnen maken van HP Indigo en HP PageWide Web Press-technologie. Ramp-up options zijn nu beschikbaar voor gereduceerde betalingen in de eerste zes maanden. Evenals een vast maandelijks betaalplan voor maximaal 60 maanden. Doordat de flexibiliteit van IT-investeringen voor zakelijke klanten toeneemt, liggen er voor hun organisaties nieuwe mogelijkheden op het gebied van productiviteit en efficiëntie.
HP is not only the biggest exhibitor at drupa, it also has the biggest news. It will introduce three new Indigo presses plus a complete new line of Web Preses with new PageWide technology. The three new Indigo presses are an addition to what HP now calls liquid electro photography, LEP, digital presses. For commercial printers HP introduces the HP Indigo 2000 which has been much improved as far as productivity and print quality, and the HP Indigo WS6800p for photo printing. Printers looking for a larger format HP has the HP Indigo 5000, an oversized B1 format double sided digital press. PageWide is the name and technology for the HP Web Presses which have increased speed by 67%. More information about HP at drupa in the press release below.
HP Inc Reinvents Business Printing with New Portfolio and PageWide Product Line
LISBON, March 8, 2016 — HP Inc. is driving the printing category forward with an innovative new portfolio of business printers, including:
- A new brand of HP PageWide printers that provide professional color, best-in-class cost of ownership , fastest speeds , best energy efficiency , and the world’s most advanced security and management features in its class;
- New HP OfficeJet Pro printers that deliver affordable, professional color and big performance in a compact package for small businesses;
- New HP LaserJet printers with leading laser performance, print-shop quality color documents, and best value for black-and-white printing;
- HP Secure Managed Print Services to help customers secure their print environment with the strongest protection available in the industry.
“We’re reinventing printing for every business – large or small. Traditionally vendors have spoken about ‘Good, Better, Best’ where most customers have to compromise, but today we are promising ‘Best, Best, Best’ allowing our customers to determine the right print solution for their business, not their budget.“
“HP PageWide printers have exceeded our expectations in terms of quality and speed and have enabled us to be more productive in the way we work. “
Reinventing Business Printing with HP PageWide
HP PageWide Technology is a proven, reliable scalable print technology developed by HP that has delivered more than 140 billion high quality digital pages via HP printers including large format printers and web presses. In addition to the new lineup of A4 devices early next year, HP will expand the reach of PageWide Technology to redefine the copier market with a new portfolio of A3 multifunction printers (MFPs).
“HP PageWide printers have exceeded our expectations in terms of quality and speed and have enabled us to be more productive in the way we work,” said Tim Larson, design principal, Downstream. “We operate in a demanding environment and are in the business of visual design so how things look on paper is important — HP is keeping up with us.”
The new HP PageWide business portfolio will be available through channel partners and at select retail stores. In addition, the new portfolio increases the number of managed devices designed for contractual channel partners and managed print services engagements. These contractual HP PageWide printers enable HP channel partners to provide low cost of operation with HP’s highest capacity supplies, a three-year print head warranty, higher speeds and RMPV on select models, as well as integration with HP JetAdvantage Management and third-party tools. By optimizing managed HP PageWide devices for contractual agreements, HP provides channel partners with new opportunities to deliver higher customer satisfaction.
New Additions to the HP OfficeJet Pro and LaserJet Pro families
The expanded HP business printing portfolio also includes new HP OfficeJet Pro and HP LaserJet printers, rounding out the options available to customers.
In the last decade, HP has created and firmly established the ink in the office category, offering small and medium businesses professional quality ink-based color printing at up to 50% lower cost per page than lasers6. The HP OfficeJet Pro 8000 series features HP Print Forward Design to provide customers productivity with high speeds in a space-saving design that helps preserve office real estate. These new printers also include enhanced manageability and security features, seamless mobile printing7, and access to the convenient and affordable HP Instant Ink supplies delivery program.
The HP LaserJet family provides customers with print shop document quality, fast speed and the best value on black-and-white printing. The new LaserJet products include Original HP Toner cartridges with JetIntelligence technology enabling the industry’s most advanced laser printing platform that offer leaner, faster, smarter options to help customers accelerate their business.
Today HP is also introducing HP Secure Managed Print Services (MPS), a new Managed Print Services (MPS) offering focused on security. This enhanced service reflects HP’s defense-in-depth approach to delivering the most comprehensive device, data and document security8 available today. HP Secure MPS provides security experts with the ability to help customers secure their print environment with the strongest protections available in the industry and then maintain security over time to address evolving threats and compliance requirements.
HP Secure MPS advanced protections include:
- The world’s most secure printers9 with self-healing capabilities
- Security software to detect threats as well as protect, monitor and manage the printer fleet
- Data encryption to better protect confidential data
- Reporting for regulatory and compliance audits
- Security expertise to co-develop a comprehensive print security plan
HP has also updated HP JetAdvantage Security Manager software, the industry’s only policy-based printer security compliance solution10, to enable greater visibility into what firmware updates have been applied across the HP printer fleet. This feature enables customers to see which of their printers are protected by HP’s advanced printer security including: HP Sure Start BIOS protection, whitelisting, and run-time intrusion detection. In addition, HP Enterprise printers can now be monitored for malicious activity by the SIEM tool Splunk. Based on a sampling of HP JetAdvantage Security Manager functionality, business customers can sign-up for HP Quick Assess, a free one-hour phone session to assess the vulnerability of their HP printer fleet (up to 20 devices) at
Product Pricing and Availability11
The new HP PageWide business printers include:
- The HP PageWide Enterprise Color series includes the HP PageWide Enterprise Color 556 and HP PageWide Enterprise Color MFP 586. These printers are designed for small businesses and medium sized work groups printing up to 15,000 pages a month, with a print speed of up to 75 pages per minute12. The HP PageWide Enterprise Color MFP 586 is expected to be available in May starting at $1,999. The HP PageWide Enterprise Color 556 printer is expected to be available in May starting at $749.
- The HP PageWide Pro 500 series includes the HP PageWide Pro 552dw and the HP PageWide Pro MFP 577dw. The 552dw and 577dw are designed for small businesses and work groups printing up to 6,000 pages a month, with print speeds of up to 70 pages per minute13. The PageWide Pro 500 series is expected to be available in April starting at $699.00.
- The HP PageWide Pro 400 series includes the HP PageWide Pro 452dw and the HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dw. These printers are designed for small businesses and work groups printing up to 4,500 pages a month with print speeds of up to 55 pages per minute14. The PageWide 400 series is expected to be available in April starting at $499.00.
- The HP PageWide 300 series includes the HP PageWide 352dw and the HP PageWide MFP 377dw. These printers are designed for small businesses and work groups printing up to 3,000 pages a month with print speeds of up to 45 pages per minute15 . The PageWide 300 series is expected to be available in June.
The new OfficeJet Pro printers include:
- For micro and small businesses printing up to 2,000 pages a month, the HP OfficeJet Pro 8710/8720/8730/8740 All-in-One printers and the HP OfficeJet Pro 8210 printer provide professional quality printing at up to 50 percent lower cost per page than lasers16. HP OfficeJet Pro 8720/8730/8740 All-in-One printers features HP Print Forward Design, delivering superb office productivity with high speeds for two-sided print and scan jobs with laser-like paper handling, and space-saving designs helps preserve office real estate. HP OfficeJet Pro 8730/8740 All-in-One printers and the HP OfficeJet Pro 8210 printer include enhanced manageability and security features. The OfficeJet Pro 8700 series is expected to be available in April starting at $199.99. The OfficeJet Pro 8210 is expected to be available in September for $129.99.
- For micro and home businesses printing up to 800 pages a month, the HP OfficeJet Pro 6960/6970 All-in-One printers provide professional quality printing professional quality printing at less than half the cost of laser printing. The OfficeJet Pro 6900 series is expected to be available in June starting at $149.99.
The new HP LaserJet printers include:
- The HP LaserJet Pro M501 series is a single function, monochrome printer for small and medium sized businesses or work groups printing up to 6,000 pages a month. It offers best in class performance including fastest first page out from ready, fastest first page out from sleep and lowest total energy consumption17 against leading competitors. The HP LaserJet Pro M501 series is expected to be available in April starting at $549.00.
- The HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M377 series is a multifunction color printer for small and medium sized businesses or work groups printing up to 4,000 pages a month. It offers best in class performance including fastest first page out from sleep, fastest duplex printing, and lowest total energy consumption18against leading competitors. The HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M377 series is expected to be available in April for $489.00. Additional information about HP’s new business printing portfolio is available at
Reinventing protection with Secure Managed Print Services
Niet alleen voor zijn Omnifire 250 4D printing system, maar ook voor zijn Speedmaster XL 106 en XL 162 ontving Heidelberg een Red Dot design award. Volgens de jury gaf de combinatie tussen toegepaste ergonomie, technische innovatie, kwaliteit en de moderne vormgeving de doorslag voor deze ‘triple’. Heidelberg heeft voor zijn ontwerp nu al meer dan 50 prijzen gewonnen. Lees meer over de Red Dot Awards, in onderstaand persbericht.
Three in one sweep: “red dot design award” for Heidelberg innovations in digital and offset printing
- Omnifire 250 4D printing system, Speedmaster XL 106 and XL 162 convinced the jury with innovation, quality and ergonomics
- Heidelberg product design emphasizes digital future of the print media industry
- Over 50 international design awards won to date
Customers’ needs have always been the main concern of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg). The company will therefore be presenting the digital future of the print media industry – the networking of all processes for the benefit of the customer – at drupa 2016 under the motto “Simply Smart”. The focus is also reflected in the new, fresh product design with its clear geometric shapes and ease of operation in support of the operator.
The design thus emphasizes the new machine generations that will be presented at drupa 2016. This approach now earned the renowned international “red dot design award” in the category of product design for three products at once. The jury was convinced by the degree of innovation, quality and ergonomics in the digital Omnifire 250 4D printing system as well as the sheetfed offset presses Speedmaster XL 106 and XL 162. The 41 members of the jury selected the top products from around 5,200 from 57 countries. The “red dot design award” is organized by the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen ( Heidelberg has won well over 50 international design awards since the 1990s.
“We developed a consistent design for all machines with the focus on digital networking and ease of operation,” explains Bernd Reibl, Head of Industrial Design at Heidelberg. “The intention was to generate attention from afar and prove quality from up close. The design is a visualization of our machine’s precision and quality.” The pared-back shape of the silver portal on the delivery of the sheetfed offset presses is unobtrusive and directs the eye of both operator and customer to the finished print product during print approval. The silver Prinect line at the galleries stands for digital networking and symbolizes drive, speed and flow of data.
Black glass is the design element used on the digital presses to give them a modern and individual look. All machines from Heidelberg are based on the same operating philosophy which makes it easy for the user to switch between offset and digital printing.
Heidelberg deploys its own design experts to develop the product design in close cooperation with the customer.
Heidelberg received the Red Dot design awards for their Omnifire 250 4D printing system as well as for their Speedmasters XL 106 and XL162. According to the jury the combination of ergonomics, technical innovation and the modern design was the reason for this triple. Heidelberg has won more than 50 awards for their designs. More about the Red Dot Awards in the press release below.
Three in one sweep: “red dot design award” for Heidelberg innovations in digital and offset printing
- Omnifire 250 4D printing system, Speedmaster XL 106 and XL 162 convinced the jury with innovation, quality and ergonomics
- Heidelberg product design emphasizes digital future of the print media industry
- Over 50 international design awards won to date
Customers’ needs have always been the main concern of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg). The company will therefore be presenting the digital future of the print media industry – the networking of all processes for the benefit of the customer – at drupa 2016 under the motto “Simply Smart”. The focus is also reflected in the new, fresh product design with its clear geometric shapes and ease of operation in support of the operator.
The design thus emphasizes the new machine generations that will be presented at drupa 2016. This approach now earned the renowned international “red dot design award” in the category of product design for three products at once. The jury was convinced by the degree of innovation, quality and ergonomics in the digital Omnifire 250 4D printing system as well as the sheetfed offset presses Speedmaster XL 106 and XL 162. The 41 members of the jury selected the top products from around 5,200 from 57 countries. The “red dot design award” is organized by the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen ( Heidelberg has won well over 50 international design awards since the 1990s.
“We developed a consistent design for all machines with the focus on digital networking and ease of operation,” explains Bernd Reibl, Head of Industrial Design at Heidelberg. “The intention was to generate attention from afar and prove quality from up close. The design is a visualization of our machine’s precision and quality.” The pared-back shape of the silver portal on the delivery of the sheetfed offset presses is unobtrusive and directs the eye of both operator and customer to the finished print product during print approval. The silver Prinect line at the galleries stands for digital networking and symbolizes drive, speed and flow of data.
Black glass is the design element used on the digital presses to give them a modern and individual look. All machines from Heidelberg are based on the same operating philosophy which makes it easy for the user to switch between offset and digital printing.
Heidelberg deploys its own design experts to develop the product design in close cooperation with the customer.
Met de nieuwe Xerox Impika web inkjet production presses en de sterk verbeterde iGen vellenprinters wordt de markt voor book on demand steeds belangrijker voor Xerox en haar klanten. 55 uitgevers uit Europa en Rusland werden daarom in Verona, Italie, bijgepraat over de nieuwste ontwikkelingen die centraal zullen staan op drupa 2016. Deze opdrachtgevers kregen niet alleen presentaties van Xerox en een aantal consultants, maar ook een tweetal cases van Xerox gebruikers. Lees meer over dit event in het onderstaande persbericht.
Book Publishers Gather to Discuss Impact of On-Demand Printing
Earlier this month, book publishers gathered in Verona, Italy for an event hosted by Xerox.
You might recognize this beautiful historical city as the location where Romeo and Juliette first met. They fell in love passionately and, well, you know the rest. Shakespeare wrote his version of this true story and it is regularly played in the Arena of Verona.
Of course, if you are not in Verona at the right time of year, you could always read the book.
Next to great love stories there are many kinds of books. Children stories, photo books, thrillers, study books, manuals, novels, and many more. Most pages are printed through offset processes but digitally printed books are gaining market share.
To Print (On Demand) or Not to Print, That is the Question…
For the reader, of course, it doesn’t matter how the book is printed. All they care about is easy access to the books they want. But what if that book is out of sale? Is it possible for only one copy of the desired book to be printed? With digitally printed books, the answer is ‘yes’, you could produce only the one book your customer needs.
In Verona, book publishers in Europe and Russia came together to visit a large book publisher company named L.E.G.O. They’ve been in existence since 1900 and have printed digitally since the end of the 1990’s. About eight years ago, they began working with Xerox printers (two Xerox Impika Inkjet Presses and a Xerox iGen Press) with a Web-to-print workflow and Xerox FreeFlow Core helping to automate the production.
Dr. Giulio Olivotto, the owner of L.E.G.O., welcomed all the visitors to his production plant. He made it possible to see all aspects of the book printing and finishing. L.E.G.O. is quite unique in that books are finished using a Smyth sewn binding process rather than glue. With this method, books are stronger and have a longer lifetime. This is one example of how L.E.G.O. focuses on the high-end production of quality books, as Mr. Olivotto explained in front of attendees.
Automation in Action
The session also entailed different industry speakers, including consultant Stéphane Montouchet, who showed publisher trends and their impact on book printers. Sean Smith of Smithers Pira looked at different opportunities and advantages for publishers. In addition to Mr. Olivotto, other book printers showcased their steps towards digital printing of books and how it increased their market share and profitability. Among them were Matthew Baldwin of PWC (ex CPI, United Kingdom) and Boris Makarenkov (T8, Russia).
The process of order automation up to the finished book was highlighted by the partners for the event: Hunkeler, Meccanotecnica, D&K, Antalis and CP Bourg. They showcased how their technology can create automated production workflows with as few touch points as possible. As a bonus, event attendees got a glimpse into new developments which will be on display at drupa.
From Rivers to Mountains
Frans van Hellemont and Massimo Dentone of Xerox discussed the workflow and the inkjet strategy, and why we bring mountains to Dusseldorf (yes, you know Dusseldorf as having the scenic Rhine river, but this drupa is all about the mountains…Trivor and Brenva).
Once again, a very special thanks to all the participants, speakers, and sponsors – especially host L.E.G.O. – for gathering in Verona, home of Romeo and Juliet, to celebrate an unwavering passion and commitment to taking the publishing industry to new heights.
The market for book on demand is getting increasingly important for Xerox and its customers, which is why they introduced the Xerox Impika web inkjet production presses and the improved iGen press.
55 publishers from Europe and Russia were invited to Verona, Italy to learn about the developments which will be central to the Xerox drupa 2016 exhibit. The publishers saw presentations by Xerox and two book printing consultants and also received two case studies about Xerox customers.
More about the event in the press release below.
Book Publishers Gather to Discuss Impact of On-Demand Printing
You might recognize this beautiful historical city as the location where Romeo and Juliette first met. They fell in love passionately and, well, you know the rest. Shakespeare wrote his version of this true story and it is regularly played in the Arena of Verona.
Of course, if you are not in Verona at the right time of year, you could always read the book.
Next to great love stories there are many kinds of books. Children stories, photo books, thrillers, study books, manuals, novels, and many more. Most pages are printed through offset processes but digitally printed books are gaining market share.
To Print (On Demand) or Not to Print, That is the Question…
For the reader, of course, it doesn’t matter how the book is printed. All they care about is easy access to the books they want. But what if that book is out of sale? Is it possible for only one copy of the desired book to be printed? With digitally printed books, the answer is ‘yes’, you could produce only the one book your customer needs.
In Verona, book publishers in Europe and Russia came together to visit a large book publisher company named L.E.G.O. They’ve been in existence since 1900 and have printed digitally since the end of the 1990’s. About eight years ago, they began working with Xerox printers (two Xerox Impika Inkjet Presses and a Xerox iGen Press) with a Web-to-print workflow and Xerox FreeFlow Core helping to automate the production.
Dr. Giulio Olivotto, the owner of L.E.G.O., welcomed all the visitors to his production plant. He made it possible to see all aspects of the book printing and finishing. L.E.G.O. is quite unique in that books are finished using a Smyth sewn binding process rather than glue. With this method, books are stronger and have a longer lifetime. This is one example of how L.E.G.O. focuses on the high-end production of quality books, as Mr. Olivotto explained in front of attendees.
Automation in Action
The session also entailed different industry speakers, including consultant Stéphane Montouchet, who showed publisher trends and their impact on book printers. Sean Smith of Smithers Pira looked at different opportunities and advantages for publishers. In addition to Mr. Olivotto, other book printers showcased their steps towards digital printing of books and how it increased their market share and profitability. Among them were Matthew Baldwin of PWC (ex CPI, United Kingdom) and Boris Makarenkov (T8, Russia).
The process of order automation up to the finished book was highlighted by the partners for the event: Hunkeler, Meccanotecnica, D&K, Antalis and CP Bourg. They showcased how their technology can create automated production workflows with as few touch points as possible. As a bonus, event attendees got a glimpse into new developments which will be on display at drupa.
From Rivers to Mountains
Frans van Hellemont and Massimo Dentone of Xerox discussed the workflow and the inkjet strategy, and why we bring mountains to Dusseldorf (yes, you know Dusseldorf as having the scenic Rhine river, but this drupa is all about the mountains…Trivor and Brenva).
Once again, a very special thanks to all the participants, speakers, and sponsors – especially host L.E.G.O. – for gathering in Verona, home of Romeo and Juliet, to celebrate an unwavering passion and commitment to taking the publishing industry to new heights.
FESPA Digital was a success both in numbers of visitors as well as in product introductions. One of these introductions was the series of substrates by manufacturer and market leader Brett Martin. Plastic substrates such as the new Coexcell, a PVC Foam which can be printed directly, show that the development of substrates is on an even keel with the development of printer and inkjet inks. The fact that Marpet-g FS Petg and Polycarbonate are now available in 0,5mm, 0,75mm, 1mm and 1,5mm is proof of this. Read more about Brett Martin and their substrates in the press release below.
31st March 2016
It has proven to be yet another successful year at FESPA Digital for Brett Martin, as the company’s range of direct to print plastic substrates attracted a wide variety of visitors to the stand throughout the course of the show (RAI, Amsterdam, 8th – 11th March). Among these substrates was Coexcell, the latest addition to the manufacturer’s foam PVC sheet range, as well as new thin gauge options for Brett Martin’s Marpet-g FS PETg and Polycarbonate ranges.
“For Brett Martin, FESPA continues to be a must-attend exhibition. The show is proving to go from strength to strength, attracting the right audience and creating a strong pull for any new or existing distributors and printers,” explains Hayley Lowry, Group Marketing Manager at Brett Martin. “The exhibition has been a great opportunity to showcase our excellent direct-to-print substrates and our new offering to members of the print and display sector.”
FESPA Digital ’16 saw Brett Martin exhibit its market leading Foam PVC Range (Foamalux White, Foamalux Colour, Foamalux Ultra and Foamalux Xtra), as well as its popular Transparent Sheet Range (Marlon FS Polycarbonate, Marpet-g FS PETg, Marpet-a FS aPET and Marcryl Acrylic), which is one of the broadest available in Europe.
The new thin gauge products for the Marpet-g FS PETg and Polycarbonate ranges come in various options: 0.5mm, 0.75mm, 1mm and 1.5mm. Offering exceptional ease of workability and thermoformability at low temperatures, the thin gauge range features outstanding durability for lower sheet thicknesses and is the perfect choice for projects that require outstanding optical clarity and light transmission. Typical applications include a wide range of sign and display applications, point of sale equipment, illuminated advertising signs, displays and graphic arts.
Also on display was Coexcell, Brett Martin’s premium printing, cladding and fabrication sheet that comprises a co-extruded solid PVC skin and foamed PVC core. Combining excellent strength and rigidity with ease of workability, the substrate is ideal for signage, POS, retail and exhibitions.
“We are very pleased with the number of visitors to our stand during FESPA Digital, and we are looking forward to continuing the positive discussions with more members of the industry at Drupa in a couple of months,” concludes Hayley. “It is an exciting time to be involved in the print sector and we are optimistic that our offering will inspire prospective clients to investigate new product opportunities.”

31st March 2016
It has proven to be yet another successful year at FESPA Digital for Brett Martin, as the company’s range of direct to print plastic substrates attracted a wide variety of visitors to the stand throughout the course of the show (RAI, Amsterdam, 8th – 11th March). Among these substrates was Coexcell, the latest addition to the manufacturer’s foam PVC sheet range, as well as new thin gauge options for Brett Martin’s Marpet-g FS PETg and Polycarbonate ranges.
“For Brett Martin, FESPA continues to be a must-attend exhibition. The show is proving to go from strength to strength, attracting the right audience and creating a strong pull for any new or existing distributors and printers,” explains Hayley Lowry, Group Marketing Manager at Brett Martin. “The exhibition has been a great opportunity to showcase our excellent direct-to-print substrates and our new offering to members of the print and display sector.”
FESPA Digital ’16 saw Brett Martin exhibit its market leading Foam PVC Range (Foamalux White, Foamalux Colour, Foamalux Ultra and Foamalux Xtra), as well as its popular Transparent Sheet Range (Marlon FS Polycarbonate, Marpet-g FS PETg, Marpet-a FS aPET and Marcryl Acrylic), which is one of the broadest available in Europe.
The new thin gauge products for the Marpet-g FS PETg and Polycarbonate ranges come in various options: 0.5mm, 0.75mm, 1mm and 1.5mm. Offering exceptional ease of workability and thermoformability at low temperatures, the thin gauge range features outstanding durability for lower sheet thicknesses and is the perfect choice for projects that require outstanding optical clarity and light transmission. Typical applications include a wide range of sign and display applications, point of sale equipment, illuminated advertising signs, displays and graphic arts.
Also on display was Coexcell, Brett Martin’s premium printing, cladding and fabrication sheet that comprises a co-extruded solid PVC skin and foamed PVC core. Combining excellent strength and rigidity with ease of workability, the substrate is ideal for signage, POS, retail and exhibitions.
“We are very pleased with the number of visitors to our stand during FESPA Digital, and we are looking forward to continuing the positive discussions with more members of the industry at Drupa in a couple of months,” concludes Hayley. “It is an exciting time to be involved in the print sector and we are optimistic that our offering will inspire prospective clients to investigate new product opportunities.”
For print shops who want to go from 2D to 3D a visit to KCI´s touchpoint is a definite must. The originally Dutch organisation is a leader in knowledge, communication and information and will create a meeting point in Hall 7a, Stand C41 where manufacturers, users and experts can meet. KCI wants to stimulate the applications of 3D by presentations and networking. Read more about Touchpoint in the below press release.
KCI’s touchpoint 3D fab + print new to drupa 2016
Open daily during drupa’s business hours, KCI’s 3D fab + print touchpoint will be available in Hall 7a at stand C41. We will form a meeting ground where thought leaders, industry professionals, exhibitors, and visitors working in both the 2D printing/packaging production, and 3D printing industries can come together to discuss thought-provoking ideas, share technologies, and knowledge. The ultimate objective of the touchpoint is to encourage new technological integrations, even leading to new brand and production collaborations and partnerships between these three important industries. In this way, the 2D printing and packaging production industries will be able to come along and examine not only their present potential, which may not as yet have been fully realized, but also be able to look at what 3D printing has to offer their businesses both now and for the future.
“Just come along to one of our networking events and have some fun! Have a drink with us and make some new friends and business partners. You might also just be the lucky person who wins one of the Cubicon Style 3D printers that will be given away, or gets a free scaled bust of yourself, printed by one of our partners”, says Leslie Wood Account Manager 3D fab+print.
The touchpoint will encompass a daily schedule of interactive presentation sessions. Each presentation will consist of a short lecture of 10-15 minutes and will be followed by a lively question and answer session with the audience. Some of the leading companies that have already signed up to present are: SDD/AMR Europe, Gartner, Doob, Smithers, Massivit. They will address such themes as:
• What 3D technologies are relevant to the 2D printing and packaging production industries?
• What added business potential is there for 2D printing services to integrate 3D printing into their available services?
• What opportunities does 3D printing represent as a new business model?
In addition overviews will be given of:
• 3D printing and 3D printing service bureaus,
• Technology trends with case studies (including those for traditional 2D printer manufacturers) ,
• New business opportunities.
Presentations will also be given on 3D market forecasts and how these relate to 2D printing manufacturers in terms of:
• Market drivers and inhibitors; both consumer and enterprises, and
• Market trends
Besides this lecture program, there will also be technology displays and workshop areas where you will be able to see the latest 3D products like the Getto Blaster (SDD3DP1204) and software (e.g. SDD STP Step(file) To Print) on display and be able to engage in conversation with industrial experts and gain advice to new industry solutions.
About KCI
KCI Publishing is a leading knowledge, communication and information company based in the Netherlands connecting business-to-business professionals by building and sustaining global communities, solving their information needs and helping them to develop their professional lives and friendships.
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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