Rob van den Braak
Voor grafische bedrijven die de stap van 2D naar 3D willen maken is een bezoek aan het KCI’s touchpoint een aanrader. De van oorsprong Nederlandse organisatie, specialist in kennis, communicatie en informatieoverdacht, creeert in Hall 7a, stand C41, een ontmoetingspunt waar gebruikers, fabrikanten en experts elkaar kunnen ontmoeten. Met presentaties en vooral netwerken wil KCI de toepassingen van 3D stimuleren. Meer info over Touchpoint lees je in het onderstaande persbericht.
KCI’s touchpoint 3D fab + print new to drupa 2016
Open daily during drupa’s business hours, KCI’s 3D fab + print touchpoint will be available in Hall 7a at stand C41. We will form a meeting ground where thought leaders, industry professionals, exhibitors, and visitors working in both the 2D printing/packaging production, and 3D printing industries can come together to discuss thought-provoking ideas, share technologies, and knowledge. The ultimate objective of the touchpoint is to encourage new technological integrations, even leading to new brand and production collaborations and partnerships between these three important industries. In this way, the 2D printing and packaging production industries will be able to come along and examine not only their present potential, which may not as yet have been fully realized, but also be able to look at what 3D printing has to offer their businesses both now and for the future.
“Just come along to one of our networking events and have some fun! Have a drink with us and make some new friends and business partners. You might also just be the lucky person who wins one of the Cubicon Style 3D printers that will be given away, or gets a free scaled bust of yourself, printed by one of our partners”, says Leslie Wood Account Manager 3D fab+print.
The touchpoint will encompass a daily schedule of interactive presentation sessions. Each presentation will consist of a short lecture of 10-15 minutes and will be followed by a lively question and answer session with the audience. Some of the leading companies that have already signed up to present are: SDD/AMR Europe, Gartner, Doob, Smithers, Massivit. They will address such themes as:
• What 3D technologies are relevant to the 2D printing and packaging production industries?
• What added business potential is there for 2D printing services to integrate 3D printing into their available services?
• What opportunities does 3D printing represent as a new business model?
In addition overviews will be given of:
• 3D printing and 3D printing service bureaus,
• Technology trends with case studies (including those for traditional 2D printer manufacturers) ,
• New business opportunities.
Presentations will also be given on 3D market forecasts and how these relate to 2D printing manufacturers in terms of:
• Market drivers and inhibitors; both consumer and enterprises, and
• Market trends
Besides this lecture program, there will also be technology displays and workshop areas where you will be able to see the latest 3D products like the Getto Blaster (SDD3DP1204) and software (e.g. SDD STP Step(file) To Print) on display and be able to engage in conversation with industrial experts and gain advice to new industry solutions.
About KCI
KCI Publishing is a leading knowledge, communication and information company based in the Netherlands connecting business-to-business professionals by building and sustaining global communities, solving their information needs and helping them to develop their professional lives and friendships.
Voor grafische bedrijven die de stap van 2D naar 3D willen maken is een bezoek aan het KCI’s touchpoint een aanrader. De van oorsprong Nederlandse organisatie, specialist in kennis, communicatie en informatieoverdacht, creeert in Hall 7a, stand C41, een ontmoetingspunt waar gebruikers, fabrikanten en experts elkaar kunnen ontmoeten. Met presentaties en vooral netwerken wil KCI de toepassingen van 3D stimuleren. Meer info over Touchpoint lees je in het onderstaande persbericht.
KCI’s touchpoint 3D fab + print new to drupa 2016
Open daily during drupa’s business hours, KCI’s 3D fab + print touchpoint will be available in Hall 7a at stand C41. We will form a meeting ground where thought leaders, industry professionals, exhibitors, and visitors working in both the 2D printing/packaging production, and 3D printing industries can come together to discuss thought-provoking ideas, share technologies, and knowledge. The ultimate objective of the touchpoint is to encourage new technological integrations, even leading to new brand and production collaborations and partnerships between these three important industries. In this way, the 2D printing and packaging production industries will be able to come along and examine not only their present potential, which may not as yet have been fully realized, but also be able to look at what 3D printing has to offer their businesses both now and for the future.
“Just come along to one of our networking events and have some fun! Have a drink with us and make some new friends and business partners. You might also just be the lucky person who wins one of the Cubicon Style 3D printers that will be given away, or gets a free scaled bust of yourself, printed by one of our partners”, says Leslie Wood Account Manager 3D fab+print.
The touchpoint will encompass a daily schedule of interactive presentation sessions. Each presentation will consist of a short lecture of 10-15 minutes and will be followed by a lively question and answer session with the audience. Some of the leading companies that have already signed up to present are: SDD/AMR Europe, Gartner, Doob, Smithers, Massivit. They will address such themes as:
• What 3D technologies are relevant to the 2D printing and packaging production industries?
• What added business potential is there for 2D printing services to integrate 3D printing into their available services?
• What opportunities does 3D printing represent as a new business model?
In addition overviews will be given of:
• 3D printing and 3D printing service bureaus,
• Technology trends with case studies (including those for traditional 2D printer manufacturers) ,
• New business opportunities.
Presentations will also be given on 3D market forecasts and how these relate to 2D printing manufacturers in terms of:
• Market drivers and inhibitors; both consumer and enterprises, and
• Market trends
Besides this lecture program, there will also be technology displays and workshop areas where you will be able to see the latest 3D products like the Getto Blaster (SDD3DP1204) and software (e.g. SDD STP Step(file) To Print) on display and be able to engage in conversation with industrial experts and gain advice to new industry solutions.
About KCI
KCI Publishing is a leading knowledge, communication and information company based in the Netherlands connecting business-to-business professionals by building and sustaining global communities, solving their information needs and helping them to develop their professional lives and friendships.

Ten years after the introduction of Postscript the real breakthrough at drupa 1986 was data exchange, or the exchanging of orders between pre-press systems with their own file formats. This was now possible with Adobe Postscript.hese. This was the beginning of what is now considered effortless data exchange. Read what has changed in 30 years in my article on our article page.
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Ten years after the introduction of Postscript the real breakthrough at drupa 1986 was data exchange, or the exchanging of orders between pre-press systems with their own file formats. This was now possible with Adobe Postscript. Drupa 1986 was dominated by PostScript Level 1 image setter which were able to set four colour separation i raster 151 lpi within the hour. At the AM Varityper stand where I worked as sales manager we proudly presented the VT 600 output. The first A3, 600 dpi laser printer with an original Adobe Postscript Level 1 RIP with a finished product good enough to make a camera ready print.
Thanks to Postscript and with the right drivers DTP program files such as from Aldus Pagemaker and Ventura publisher can now be sent to proof printers and image setters. Data exchange was a hot item at the 1986 drupa. The traditional pre-press manufacturers such as Crosfield, Scitex and Dainippon-Screen showed systems which could work with TIFF files and were able to convert, vector drawings and Postscript files.
Pioneers such as the Shaffstal brothers showed media converters which could convert word processing programs such as WordPerfect to standard ASCI files. These ASCI files could be converted into pages so retyping – with the added cost and mistakes – was no longer necessary. This was the beginning of what is now considered effortless data exchange.
PDF X/4, variable data and JDF at drupa 2016
It has been a long road from exotic file formats from the traditional pre-press manufacturers to the standardised way we now exchange data and parameters. This exchange is possible because in 2007 Adobe made public the specification of the Portable Data Format, and because ISO accepted the standard data format for the exchange of image and text data with their ISO/IEC 320001-1:2008 norm. This cleared the road for the many applications we will see at drupa 2016. Applications which make automation of the printing process possible, thanks to the exchange from PDF with ISO colour profiles, PDF V/T variable data input and Job Definition Format for all order data. All graphic market segments will profit from this automation. The small print shop which gets its clients because of web2print to the big printers who successfully use price, quality and short turnaround in their competition against digital printers. And thanks to the automation they are all ready for the new trend Multi Channel Publishing.

The print industry is incredibly suitable for making multi channel productions. There is a lot of experience with advanced programs to produce complex productions. Think about Adobe inDesign for example, or Photoshop. And the digital pre-publishing workflow to handle gigantic orders. If we add the experience with colour, typography and short delivery times you will see that Multi Channel Publishing is just the next step. It might even be a better step than investing in a costly production printer. If you already use Adobe Creative Cloud you don´t need anything more than purchase some apps such as DreamWeaver, and of course the time to learn how to use them. Learning is easy online or through courses by graphic schools. For those who use Agfa Apogee the change to Multi Channel Publishing is even easier till. Agfa Eversify easily and efficiently converts print jobs to electronic publications which can be published via the web or app stores.

New output devices, CtP systems, digital printers and proofers usually have their own raster image processor. For existing devices or if the RIP included is not according to the needs, it is not easy to find a replacement RIP. Xitron has found a solution. It has built the Navigator RIP based on the well-known Global Graphics Harlequin software. The Navigator is not just a RIP, but can provide full RIP workflow solutions with jobtracking from any connected device. Apart from the RIP software, Xitron also delivers the right interface for more than 100 different computer to place systems, printers and production printers. More than 30,000 installations have been realised by Xitron and their wide network of specialised distributors. Not only offset printers, but also flexo and packaging printers, screen printers, print on demand and transaction printers have acquired the software. More about Xitron and how to find a distributor via this link.
Tien jaar na de introductie van Postscript als paginabeschrijvende taal was drupa 1986 de doorbraak van data exchange, ofwel het uitwisselen van opdrachten tussen pre-press systemen met verschillende bestandsformaten. Nu op drupa 2016 is data exchange uitgegroeid tot Multi Channel Publishing. Een trend die papieren media kan redden. Lees de parallel tussen deze twee drupa’s op onze artikelen pagina.
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Drupa achter de geraniums zijn mijn zeer persoonlijke visie op het fenomeen Drupa. Het is bijna een halve eeuw ervaring, het kan dus zijn dat niet alle data en namen kloppen. Op voorhand daarvoor mijn excuses. Correcties, aanvullingen en opmerkingen zijn zoals altijd op van harte welkom, mail ze naar
Kiwi Aerial Shots is een bedrijf gespecialiseerd in het maken van luchtopnames met behulp van drones en hebben jarenlange ervaring op het gebied van film en techniek. Deze combinatie zorgt ervoor dat zij perfect mee kunnen denken om hoogwaardige en creatieve producties tot stand te brengen. Kim werkt met verschillende drones die voor de meeste typen high-end camera’s en lenzen geschikt zijn. Het maken van luchtopnames met drones brengt hem over de hele wereld. De specialiteit van Kim is het maken van luchtvideo opnames, dit doet hij met een grote diversiteit aan drones.
In het prachtige Portugal maakten ze in samenwerking met de producent Soulvizion de drone opnames voor de videoclip van Armin van Buren. Kim is piloot, CEO en Cameraman en heeft jarenlange ervaring met het vliegen en bouwen van vele verschillende professionele drones.
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Op drupa gaat Benny Landa weer proberen de show te stelen. Volgens het inmiddels beproefde recept moet je voor de show een plaatsje reserveren of het op één van de gigantische schermen buiten het theater volgen. Met 3.000 m2, het dubbele van de vorige drupa, heeft Landa voldoende ruimte om zijn futuristische B1 formaat oplossing voor enkelzijdig, dubbelzijdig en verpakkingsdrukwerk te tonen. Hoe dichtbij je bij de digitale persen kunt komen en of je afdrukken mee kunt nemen weten we nog niet. Het belooft in ieder geval weer een perfect verzorgde show te worden, die hopelijk, na de intro van de Indigo op IPEX en van Nanography op de vorige drupa, gaat bewijzen dat drie keer scheepsrecht is.
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.