Rob van den Braak

Mimaki´s unstoppable journey

14 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,

Mimaki UV at FESPA-55The Mimaki UV55 – 320, is the first 3,2 meter wide UV printer for under 100K ( 68,000 euro to be exact).

Mimaki was not well known as inkjet printer manufacturer. This has changed rapidly in the past few years. With a turnover of more than 100 million Euro in Europe alone, Mimaki is now market leader in segments such as textile printer and large format UV. Mimaki is unstoppable thanks to their well designed and well built print solutions. Solutions which are also the core of many other wide format printers. Mimaki´s focus on practical solutions to help their clients make money is also important. And money they make. An investment in a Mimaki printer, such as the Mimaki UV55 – 320, is half of what other competitors offer. For just under 100K  Mimaki delivers a 3.2 meter wide UV printer with 1,200 dpi resolution and a speed of up to 110 m2/hour.

Mimaki Mike

An eye for detail and practical solutions for inkjet printing are the driving force to Mimaki´s unstoppable journey, according to Mike Horsten, general manager marketing. Proprietary applications were shown at the FESPA digital stand with amazing examples of large format textile printing.

Mimaki not only invests in the development of print solutions and the perfection of practical applications. The team in the European headquarters in Amsterdam also works on a perfect dealer network for pre and after sales support in all their segments. The investment in a ink manufacturing plant is a strategic decision by Mimaki leadership to claim even more market segments. Their prominent place at FESPA was proof of this.

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De onstuitbare opmars van Mimaki

14 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,

Strechtmaster FESPA-55
De Mimaki UV55 – 320 is de eerste 3,2 meter brede UV productie printer onder de 100K (vanaf 68.000 euro)

Mimaki was als fabrikant van inkjet printers geen bekende naam. Dat is de laatste jaren snel veranderd. Met een omzet van meer dan 100 miljoen euro alleen al in Europa, is Mimaki snel marktleider geworden in segmenten als textiel printing en groot formaat UV. Die onstuitbare opmars heeft Mimaki te danken aan zijn goed ontworpen en gebouwde printoplossingen. Oplossingen die ook het hart vormen van menig ander groot formaat printer.  Ook de focus die het bedrijf heeft op praktische toepassingen waarmee zijn klanten geld kunnen verdienen is belangrijk. En geld verdienen doen ze, omdat een investering in een Mimaki printers, zoals de nieuwe UV55 – 320, de helft is van wat concurrenten bieden. Voor 68.000 euro levert Mimaki een 3,2 meter brede UV printer die met een resolutie van 1.200 dpi tot 110 m2/uur kan printen.

Mimaki Mike
Oog voor detail en voor de praktische toepassing van inkjet printing zijn volgens Mike Horsten, general manager marketing, de drijvende kracht achter de onstuitbare opmars van Mimaki. Op de FESPA Digital stand werden die eigenschappen gedemonstreerd met zelfgemaakte applicaties van bierviltjes tot tot telefoonhoesjes en schitterende voorbeelden van groot formaat textiel printing.


Mimaki investeert niet alleen de ontwikkeling van printapperatuur en de vervolmaking de praktische toepassingen daarvan door het team in het Europese hoofdkantoor in Amsterdam, maar ook in de ontwikkeling van een perfect dealernetwerk dat in alle segmenten waarin Mimaki actief is als exclusieve vertegenwoordiger focus kan geven aan pre- en aftersales support. Ook de investering in een inktfabriek in Nederland is zo’n strategische beslissing waarmee Mimaki het leiderschap in steeds meer marktsegmenten wil claimen. De prominente plaats die Mimaki op FESPA Digital had is daar het bewijs van.


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GLU Lezing 15 maart: Jos Stelling – Filmmaker

13 mrt 2016

GLU Jos StellingAanstaande dinsdag, 15 maart, is iedereen van harte welkom bij de [gratis] pro•lezing van Jos Stelling in de collegezaal van het Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht. Jos stelt het zeer op prijs wanneer je een vraag voor hem meeneemt welke je tijdens de lezing aan hem kunt stellen. Deze lezing zal daardoor zeker een interactieve beleving worden.

Stelling is een autodidact die veel indruk maakte met zijn eerste film: Mariken van Nieumeghen. De film was buitengewoon succesvol, zowel in Nederland als daarbuiten. De film werd geselecteerd voor het competitieprogramma van het Filmfestival van Cannes. In één klap was de naam van Stelling gevestigd.
Jos Stelling heeft veertien films gemaakt en won vele nationale en internationale prijzen, zowel voor zijn films als voor zijn gehele oeuvre waaronder negen Gouden Kalveren, een Gouden Roos, twee Gouden Gryphons en de St. Petersburg prijs. In 1996 werd hij benoemd tot ‘Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw’ voor zijn bijdrage aan de cinematografie.
Jos Stelling nam in 1981 het initiatief voor de Nederlandse Filmdagen (nu bekend als het Nederlands Film Festival). Stelling bleef tot 1991 nauw betrokken bij de organisatie van het festival.
Stelling is eigenaar van twee filmhuizen in Utrecht: Springhaver (sinds 1978) en het Louis Hartlooper Complex (sinds 2004).


Verslag lezing Violina Jeliazkova

Afgelopen woensdagmiddag vertelde beeldwerkster Violina Jeliazkova de aanwezigen respectvol over haar professie als beeldbewerkster. Violina begon haar presentatie met haar definitie van schoonheid. Wat vinden wij daar met z’n allen van en hoe ziet men dat mondiaal? Met het treffende voorbeeld van een onbewerkte foto van een portret van een vrouw dat vervolgens door tal van internationale beeldbewerkers was bewerkt toonde ze dat zeer overtuigend aan.

Het werk van Violina lijkt van een verbluffende eenvoud totdat je een kijkje in haar keuken van de ‘gelaagdheid’ van haar Photoshop-ducumenten mag nemen. Voorbeelden van ogenschijnlijk eenvoudige retouches maar van een ongekend hoogwaardig niveau.


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FESPA Digital in Pictures

12 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,



Editor Beate den Engelsman made this compilation of remarkable, unique or just beautiful images of  FESPA Digital. The images show how diverse digital technology has become and how technology can inspire creative communicators in making unique products.


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FESPA Digital in Beeld

12 mrt 2016


Redacteur Beate den Engelsman maakte deze compilatie van opmerkelijke, bijzondere of gewoon mooie beelden van FESPA Digital. De beelden geven aan hoe divers de toepassing van digitale technieken is geworden en hoe techniek creatieve communicatie makers inspireert om bijzondere producties te maken.

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Nieuwe helden van formaat op FESPA

11 mrt 2016
Durst FESPA-17Ze stonden dicht bij elkaar, de super formaat Durst industriele textiel printer en de Stretchmaster van MHP Technology voor het automatisch opspannen van canvas. Strechtmaster FESPA-50Twee nieuwe helden van verschillend formaat, maar wel twee oplossingen die aangeven hoe geautomatiseerd onze bedrijfstak is geworden en hoe snel grenzen tussen marktsegmenten verdwijnen. FESPA Digital bewees dat er geen muren zijn tussen bedrijfstakken, de enige beperking die een ondernemer heeft is zijn creativiteit. Technisch zijn er oplossingen voor elke vorm van tastbare communicatie, oplossingen die door automatisering en digitalisering allemaal disrupting zijn geworden voor traditionele bedrijfstakken. Bedrijfstakken die als ze niet oppassen het volgende mega-event, Drupa 2016, niet zullen halen. Blijf die ontwikkelingen volgen door het bezoeken van onze speciale Drupa pagina of door een abonnement te nemen op onze gratis Drupa nieuwsbrief. En met onze Win een Drupa Ticket Actie ding je mee naar tientallen gratis Drupa kaarten ter waarde van 65 euro!
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Nieuwe helden van formaat op FESPA Digital 2016

11 mrt 2016
Durst FESPA-17Ze stonden dicht bij elkaar, de super formaat Durst industriele textiel printer en de Stretchmaster van MHP Technology voor het automatisch opspannen van canvas. Strechtmaster FESPA-50Twee nieuwe helden van verschillend formaat, maar wel twee oplossingen die aangeven hoe geautomatiseerd onze bedrijfstak is geworden en hoe snel grenzen tussen marktsegmenten verdwijnen. FESPA Digital bewees dat er geen muren zijn tussen bedrijfstakken, de enige beperking die een ondernemer heeft is zijn creativiteit. Technisch zijn er oplossingen voor elke vorm van tastbare communicatie, oplossingen die door automatisering en digitalisering allemaal disrupting zijn geworden voor traditionele bedrijfstakken. Bedrijfstakken die als ze niet oppassen het volgende mega-event, Drupa 2016, niet zullen halen. Blijf die ontwikkelingen volgen door het bezoeken van onze speciale Drupa pagina of door een abonnement te nemen op onze gratis Drupa nieuwsbrief. En met onze Win een Drupa Ticket Actie ding je mee naar tientallen gratis Drupa kaarten ter waarde van 65 euro!
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New heroes of significant size at FESPA

11 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,

Durst FESPA-17

They were located close to each other, the super format Durst industrial textile printer and MHP Technology´s Stretchmaster. Strechtmaster FESPA-50Two new heroes of different size, but solutions that indicate how automated our industry has become and how fast the borders between market segments are disappearing. FESPA Digital proved that the borders between segments have disappeared, the only limit is our creativity. There are technology solutions for every form of tactile communication, solutions which have become disrupting for traditional businesses through automation and digitisation.
Industries that are not paying attention may not even get as far as the next mega event drupa 2016. Keep on following all developments by visiting our drupa page or by subscribing to our free drupa newsletter.


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EFI introduces a whopping six new VUTex printers at FESPA

10 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,
EFI VUTEx ProNo less than six new VUTex large format flatbed printers were introduced by EFI at FESPA Digital. The flagship is the 3.2-meter wide EFI VUTEk LX3 Pro hybrid roll/flatbed LED inkjet printer (picture) with fast throughput of up to 318 sq. m./hr.

More information about the introductions in the press release below.

Six New Printers from EFI Unveiled at Fespa Digital 2016

AMSTERDAM — March 8, 2016 — Electronics For Imaging (Nasdaq:EFII) will feature six new EFI VUTEk printers, including one of the world’s fastest production-class hybrid LED printers, a new, flagship high-volume inkjet press and a VUTEk textile printer making its worldwide debut, at Fespa Digital 2016.

The 3.2-meter wide EFI VUTEk LX3 Pro hybrid roll/flatbed LED inkjet printer making its European debut at the show is a leader in production-class LED inkjet graphics print engine speeds with fast throughput of up to 318 sq. m./hr. The printer also offers high-resolution greyscale imaging and its “cool cure” LED technology is a greener solution that reduces energy usage and costs while giving users the ability to print on a wider range of media, including media that cannot withstand the heat of other curing or drying methods.

High print quality at faster print speeds
Early users such as U.S. customer Nutis Visual Communications Group in Columbus, Ohio, benefit from producing four-color, true point-of-purchase quality output. The printer’s unique benefits provide maximum versatility for businesses looking to profit from higher volumes and shorter lead times.

“The VUTEk LX3 Pro is a terrific addition that complements our other digital presses and enhances our overall capabilities,” says Nutis Visual Communications Group VP of Print Production Joey Nutis. “With the new printer, four-color 600-dpi imaging with light smoothing is now our go-to print mode. We have seen improved quality at faster print speeds at that setting on jobs that would have run at 1,000 dpi with heavy smoothing on our previous printer.”

The 3.2-meter EFI VUTEk HS125 Pro UV inkjet press is also making its European debut at Fespa Digital. It builds on the remarkable success customers have achieved on the 100+ worldwide installations of its predecessor, the EFI VUTEk HS100 Pro inkjet press. The new HS125 Pro model — the fastest VUTEk product ever developed — stands as the new flagship of the VUTEk lineup. It delivers true analogue replacement capabilities with quality approaching offset, production speeds up to 125 boards/hr., unique pin and cure UV LED curing, and a variety of automated material handling options, including one for corrugated board.

The newest-version EFI Fiery proServer driving the 3.2-meter VUTEk printers in EFI’s stand deliver productivity and quality well beyond a typical printer RIP. This upgraded Fiery digital front end platform gives VUTEk customers the power to process print files 60% faster than earlier versions of the proServer, or up to 170% faster than alternate systems.

EFI printers and Fiery technology connect into a complete ecosystem for end-to-end productivity on display at Fespa Digital, with technologies on display from the industry’s most comprehensive software portfolio featuring the EFI Midmarket Productivity Suite with the Pace MIS/ERP system at its core, out-of-the-box certified workflows, and additional Web-to-print and newly integrated cross media management solutions.

Worldwide launch of new EFI VUTEk FabriVU printers for soft signage
EFI also is premiering a new VUTEk printer to help customers capture new opportunities based on surging demand for high-quality, lightweight reusable fabric graphic soft signage used in retail visual merchandising, trade show graphics and other applications.

According to a study from industry research firm IT Strategies, the soft signage market will grow 8% annually from 2015 to 2020. EFI is helping signage and display graphics customers capture that growth with new 1.8- and 3.4-meter EFI VUTEk FabriVU printers developed by EFI Reggiani — a global leader in aqueous-based textile print technology based in Italy that was acquired by EFI in 2015. The printers run environmentally friendly water-based inks and open the door to new, profitable applications.

This family of printers brings high print quality and speed that will help print providers quickly expand their range of offerings. They feature precise unwinding for smooth, reliable feeding and print direct to fabric or transfer paper. A patented ink circulation system in the printer prevents nozzles from drying out, reducing ink costs by up to 15%.

According to Frank Mallozzi, EFI’s senior VP of worldwide sales and marketing, “With this product line launch, we are making EFI Reggiani’s technology and know-how in textile printing available to EFI signage and display graphics customers to positioning them to grow along with – or even faster than – the soft signage market at large.”

Available now, this printer family offers print speeds up to 464 sq. m./hr. at 600 dpi and ultra-high resolution up to 2,400 dpi. It also features four-level greyscale printing with 4- to 72-picolitre drop sizes. These printers and their environmentally friendly, water-based sublimation inks help users produce stunning soft signage and banner applications.

Other new printers making their European debut at EFI’s Fespa Digital stand include:

  • The EFI Matan Quantum LXr LED printer, a dedicated roll-to-roll printer offering a superb price/speed/quality ratio for exceptional versatility, the widest range of substrates, and the lowest total cost of ownership in its class. This economical alternative to latex printers has 7-picoliter imaging, and print resolutions up to 1,200 dpi in four colors with optional white for high-quality printing. Unique productivity options for the printer, including ink and media efficiencies, advanced roll handling technologies, increase productivity, minimize waste, reduced labor and exceptional ease of use with dramatically lower power consumption.
  • The EFI H1625-SD, an entry-level, 1.65-meter UV hybrid production printer that uses award-winning EFI SuperDraw UV ink for near-photographic imaging direct to thermoformable substrates. The printer runs four colors plus white with high-quality greyscale imaging.

For the industrial textile market, including digital printing for home décor and apparel, EFI also features the Reggiani ReNOIR NEXT 180 at Fespa Digital. This highly versatile product runs fabrics and papers with a common ink set using a 1.8-meter beltless digital printing system. The printer offers simplified material handling, a compact footprint and lower acquisition cost, making it an ideal entry-level production device for industrial décor and apparel applications. The printer can be used with water-based dispersed, acid, pigment and reactive dye printing inks, offering users greater flexibility in production applications while providing users with high-speed throughput and some of the lowest total running costs in the market.

“The complete showcase of print workflow, Fiery technology and our broad industrial inkjet portfolio at Fespa Digital provides the innovations signage and display graphics professionals need to distance themselves from competitors using less-efficient or lower-quality technologies,” explains Scott Schinlever, senior VP, EFI Inkjet Solutions. “The combination of high-end imaging, sustainability, and streamlined productivity from the products EFI is showing this year put our customers further ahead on the leading edge of business success.”

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EFI introduceert maar liefst zes nieuwe VUTEx printers op FESPA

10 mrt 2016

EFI VUTEx ProMaar liefst zes nieuwe VUTEx groot formaat vlakbed printers introduceerde EFI op FESPA Digital. Het vlagschip is de EFI VUTEx LX3 Pro (zie foto) is een hybride rol/vlakbed printer met een maximale breedte van 3,2 meter en een printsnelheid van 318 m2/uur. Meer info over deze introductie van formaat lees je in het onderstaande persbericht.

Six New Printers from EFI Unveiled at Fespa Digital 2016

AMSTERDAM — March 8, 2016 — Electronics For Imaging (Nasdaq:EFII) will feature six new EFI VUTEk printers, including one of the world’s fastest production-class hybrid LED printers, a new, flagship high-volume inkjet press and a VUTEk textile printer making its worldwide debut, at Fespa Digital 2016.

The 3.2-meter wide EFI VUTEk LX3 Pro hybrid roll/flatbed LED inkjet printer making its European debut at the show is a leader in production-class LED inkjet graphics print engine speeds with fast throughput of up to 318 sq. m./hr. The printer also offers high-resolution greyscale imaging and its “cool cure” LED technology is a greener solution that reduces energy usage and costs while giving users the ability to print on a wider range of media, including media that cannot withstand the heat of other curing or drying methods.

High print quality at faster print speeds
Early users such as U.S. customer Nutis Visual Communications Group in Columbus, Ohio, benefit from producing four-color, true point-of-purchase quality output. The printer’s unique benefits provide maximum versatility for businesses looking to profit from higher volumes and shorter lead times.

“The VUTEk LX3 Pro is a terrific addition that complements our other digital presses and enhances our overall capabilities,” says Nutis Visual Communications Group VP of Print Production Joey Nutis. “With the new printer, four-color 600-dpi imaging with light smoothing is now our go-to print mode. We have seen improved quality at faster print speeds at that setting on jobs that would have run at 1,000 dpi with heavy smoothing on our previous printer.”

The 3.2-meter EFI VUTEk HS125 Pro UV inkjet press is also making its European debut at Fespa Digital. It builds on the remarkable success customers have achieved on the 100+ worldwide installations of its predecessor, the EFI VUTEk HS100 Pro inkjet press. The new HS125 Pro model — the fastest VUTEk product ever developed — stands as the new flagship of the VUTEk lineup. It delivers true analogue replacement capabilities with quality approaching offset, production speeds up to 125 boards/hr., unique pin and cure UV LED curing, and a variety of automated material handling options, including one for corrugated board.

The newest-version EFI Fiery proServer driving the 3.2-meter VUTEk printers in EFI’s stand deliver productivity and quality well beyond a typical printer RIP. This upgraded Fiery digital front end platform gives VUTEk customers the power to process print files 60% faster than earlier versions of the proServer, or up to 170% faster than alternate systems.

EFI printers and Fiery technology connect into a complete ecosystem for end-to-end productivity on display at Fespa Digital, with technologies on display from the industry’s most comprehensive software portfolio featuring the EFI Midmarket Productivity Suite with the Pace MIS/ERP system at its core, out-of-the-box certified workflows, and additional Web-to-print and newly integrated cross media management solutions.

Worldwide launch of new EFI VUTEk FabriVU printers for soft signage
EFI also is premiering a new VUTEk printer to help customers capture new opportunities based on surging demand for high-quality, lightweight reusable fabric graphic soft signage used in retail visual merchandising, trade show graphics and other applications.

According to a study from industry research firm IT Strategies, the soft signage market will grow 8% annually from 2015 to 2020. EFI is helping signage and display graphics customers capture that growth with new 1.8- and 3.4-meter EFI VUTEk FabriVU printers developed by EFI Reggiani — a global leader in aqueous-based textile print technology based in Italy that was acquired by EFI in 2015. The printers run environmentally friendly water-based inks and open the door to new, profitable applications.

This family of printers brings high print quality and speed that will help print providers quickly expand their range of offerings. They feature precise unwinding for smooth, reliable feeding and print direct to fabric or transfer paper. A patented ink circulation system in the printer prevents nozzles from drying out, reducing ink costs by up to 15%.

According to Frank Mallozzi, EFI’s senior VP of worldwide sales and marketing, “With this product line launch, we are making EFI Reggiani’s technology and know-how in textile printing available to EFI signage and display graphics customers to positioning them to grow along with – or even faster than – the soft signage market at large.”

Available now, this printer family offers print speeds up to 464 sq. m./hr. at 600 dpi and ultra-high resolution up to 2,400 dpi. It also features four-level greyscale printing with 4- to 72-picolitre drop sizes. These printers and their environmentally friendly, water-based sublimation inks help users produce stunning soft signage and banner applications.

Other new printers making their European debut at EFI’s Fespa Digital stand include:

  • The EFI Matan Quantum LXr LED printer, a dedicated roll-to-roll printer offering a superb price/speed/quality ratio for exceptional versatility, the widest range of substrates, and the lowest total cost of ownership in its class. This economical alternative to latex printers has 7-picoliter imaging, and print resolutions up to 1,200 dpi in four colors with optional white for high-quality printing. Unique productivity options for the printer, including ink and media efficiencies, advanced roll handling technologies, increase productivity, minimize waste, reduced labor and exceptional ease of use with dramatically lower power consumption.
  • The EFI H1625-SD, an entry-level, 1.65-meter UV hybrid production printer that uses award-winning EFI SuperDraw UV ink for near-photographic imaging direct to thermoformable substrates. The printer runs four colors plus white with high-quality greyscale imaging.

For the industrial textile market, including digital printing for home décor and apparel, EFI also features the Reggiani ReNOIR NEXT 180 at Fespa Digital. This highly versatile product runs fabrics and papers with a common ink set using a 1.8-meter beltless digital printing system. The printer offers simplified material handling, a compact footprint and lower acquisition cost, making it an ideal entry-level production device for industrial décor and apparel applications. The printer can be used with water-based dispersed, acid, pigment and reactive dye printing inks, offering users greater flexibility in production applications while providing users with high-speed throughput and some of the lowest total running costs in the market.

“The complete showcase of print workflow, Fiery technology and our broad industrial inkjet portfolio at Fespa Digital provides the innovations signage and display graphics professionals need to distance themselves from competitors using less-efficient or lower-quality technologies,” explains Scott Schinlever, senior VP, EFI Inkjet Solutions. “The combination of high-end imaging, sustainability, and streamlined productivity from the products EFI is showing this year put our customers further ahead on the leading edge of business success.”

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Scitex Industrial Press: The comeback of a famous industry name

10 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,

HP Scitex Industrial PressThe introduction of the new HP Scitex Industrial Presses is not only a surprising product announcement, but also the definitive return of what was for decades been been a famous industry name. A name synonymous with image quality and innovative inventions which catapulted our industry into the digital future. Names such as Scitex Response colour work station and the Scitex Eversmart scanners. The Scitex Industrial press, introduced at FESPA, is a mid size flatbed printer which, together with the Scitex HDR printer, should be setting the new industry standard for image quality and productivity.

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Scitex Industrial Press: De comeback van een ‘famous industry name’

10 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,
HP Scitex Industrial PressDe introductie van de HP Scitex Industrial Press is niet alleen een verrassende productaankondiging, maar ook de definitieve terugkeer van wat decennialang een ‘famous industry name’ was. Een naam synoniem voor beeldkwaliteit en innovatieve uitvindingen die onze industrie de digitale toekomst inslingerden, zoals de Scitex Response beeldbewerking stations en de Scitex Eversmart scanners. De Scitex Industrial Press, geïntroduceerd op de FESPA, is een middenformaat vlakbed printer die samen met de nieuwe Scitex HDR printer een nieuwe standaard voor beeldkwaliteit en productiviteit moet zetten. Lees meer over deze verrassende aankondiging op onze FESPA pagina.
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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