Rob van den Braak

De februari winnaars zijn bekend

06 mrt 2016

DRUPA ticket NL sidebar bannerDe tien februari winnaars van de “win een DRUPA ticket” wedstrijd zijn bekend. Ze ontvangen binnenkort hun ticket ter waarde van 65 euro. Niet in de prijzen gevallen, geen nood, ook deze maand verloten we weer tien tickets. Klik hier voor het deelnameformulier. Succes!

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Woensdag 4e gratis GLU lezing: Violina Jeliazkova – beeldbewerker

04 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,,,

violina-jeliazkova_2 voor siteViolina Jeliazkova vertelt woensdag in detail over High End Retouche en haar beroep van beeldbewerker. Na het afronden van de Kunstacademie te Antwerpen is Violina zich meer en meer op het digitaal beeldbewerken gaan specialiseren. De laatste 10 jaar werkt ze als zelfstandig beeldbewerker aan projecten voor fotografen en grote klanten en geeft ze daarnaast trainingen in Retouche en Creatieve beeldbewerking. Violina vertelt je over haar eigen werk en toont het proces van beeldbewerking van analyse tot eindresultaat. Aan de hand van voorbeelden ga je tijdens de lezing samen nadenken over de subjectiviteit van schoonheid en jouw rol in het maken van een beeld. Als beeldbewerker sta je voor keuzes, keuzes hebben consequenties. Violina’s persoonlijk doel is je aan te zetten zelf die keuzes te maken.


Verslag Lezing Onno van Geuns

Afgelopen week waren de verwachtingen hoog gespannen met betrekking tot de lezing van Onno van Geuns over het out-of-the-box denken en de illustratie gekoppeld aan het theater.

Schermafbeelding 2016-03-04 om 09.41.07



Onno begon zijn lezing met een overzicht in vogelvlucht door zijn werk en besloot deze reis met een leeg scherm. De metafoor van het lege scherm naar het lege vel papier. Hier begon de reis van de artiest, de performer met de aanwezigen. Iedereen begon met een leeg vel papier. Hetzelfde gevoel wanneer je voor het grote publiek het toneel op moet. Plankenkoorts dus. Onno maakte op een speelse en originele wijze duidelijk dat ‘performen’ een vak op zich is. Voor diegene die op het toneel staat en voor diegene die achter een leeg stuk papier of beeldscherm zit. Verassende insteek en een bijzonder lezing waar ook de domtoren nog aan te pas kwam…

En er komen nog meer lezingen, zet ze in je agenda met onderstaand schema!



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De FESPA tram rijdt door Amsterdam

03 mrt 2016

FESPA tramDe Fespa Nederland tram? Jazeker! Volgende week rijdt tijdens de FESPA Digital beurs in Amsterdam tussen het Centraal station en de Rai een tram die geheel beplakt is in FESPA stijl. Hiermee maakt zij promotie voor de FESPA beurzen, voor FESPA Nederland, maar ook voor dit unieke promotieproduct. Onze `eigen` tram werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door JC Decaux, GVB, PPP Nederland, HP, Mactac en Avery.

Van 8 tot 11 maart vinden in de RAI de FESPA digital, Textile, Sign EXPO en Printerior plaats. Naast deze beurzen is er ook nog een eendaagse conferentie op 8 maart over digitaal textiel bedrukken en tijdens alle beursdagen verspreid over de hele dag diverse seminars.


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Wesley A. Clark: The man who developed the DEC mini computer, ARPA net and the graphical user interface has died

03 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,

Wesley A. Clark

At 88 Wesley A. Clark has died. The computer engineer who developed the DEC mini computer which was once the beating heart of the graphic industry servers. The DEC mini computer also influenced the development of ARPA net, the WorldWideWeb´s predecessor. Clark was a great influence on what we now call graphical user interface. In the sixties he was the driving force behind the development of hard and software for operator management as well as of smaller computers. His graphical interface Sketchpad inspired Doug Engelbart, inventor of the computer mouse, and Alan Kay who developed the Apple interface.


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Wesley A. Clark: De man die de DEC minicomputer, ARPA-net en graphical user interface ontwierp is overleden

03 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,

Wesley A. Clark88 is hij geworden, Wesley A. Clark.  Een computer engineer die aan de wieg stond van de DEC minicomputer, ooit het hart van in de grafische industrie veel gebruikte servers. De DEC minicompuer had invloed op de ontwikkeling van ARPA-net, de voorloper van het world wide web. Hij had ook grote invloed had op wat we nu een grafische gebruikersinterface noemen. In de jaren zestig was Wes Clark een van de stuwende krachten achter de ontwikkeling van hard- en software die door een operator kon worden bediend en van computer die niet een hele kamer vulde. Zijn grafische interface, Sketchpad, inspireerde Doug Engelbart, de uitvinder van de computermuis en Alan Kay die na zijn vertrek bij Xerox de Apple interface ontwikkelde.

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DP Lenticular met groot formaat lenticular lenzen primeur op Drupa

02 mrt 2016

Lencticular DrupaLenticular specialist DP Lenticular zal op drupa een groot formaat lens introduceren. De 3D 28 LPI UV-MF is, met zijn 2,15 mm lens en kijkhoek van 37 graden, de perfecte lenticular oplossing voor midden en groot formaat opdrachten. De nieuwe lens is net als de 20 LPI UV-LF een in Europa gemaakt product dat voldoet aan strenge milieunormen dankzij het gebruik van volledig recyclebare PETG-UV resin. DP Lenticular producten zullen tijdens de drupa live gedemonstreerd worden op de KBA stand waar een middenformaat Rapida met Lenstarplus@75dpi spectaculaire afdrukken zal maken. Meer informatie over Lenticular Print op Drupa lees je in onderstaand persbericht.

DIP-ping into Lenticular Print – Hall 7, stand 70F09  at drupa innovation park (DIP)

Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, 25 February 2016 – DP Lenticular, the only European company dedicated solely to the promotion and sale of lenticular plastic sheets and rolls for the offset, digital and label markets, will be presenting its creative portfolio of solutions, including a world first, at drupa from May 31 to June 10, 2016 at the Messe Düsseldorf.

As the sole producer of large format lenses made in Europe, DP Lenticular, will place the spotlight firmly on its new 3D 28 LPI UV-MF. With a thickness of 2.15 mm and a viewing angle of 37°, it is the perfect match for three-dimensional lenticular applications printed on medium format digital systems. It joins the large format 3D 20 LPI UV-LF. Both are extruded in Europe with PETG-UV resin making them ideal for indoor use such as airports, subways, railway stations and outdoor use such as bus shelters. Extruded with a specially developed UV protection resin to preserve colors, PETG-UV is also fire-resistant and offers a much better transparency than other resins.

Daniel Pierret, managing director of DP Lenticular states: “This lens design does not exist anywhere else in the world and its development is in direct response to a gap we spotted in the medium to large format flatbed market.”

From postage stamps to large format advertising applications

At drupa, DP Lenticular will be partnering with KBA for live demos to the offset market. Show stopping prints will be produced on their new half format press using LENSTARplus® 75 LPI lenticular sheets. The LENSTARplus® lenticular sheet is a PACUR product created specifically for direct lens printing that provides unsurpassed characteristics in brightness, toughness, clarity, notch resistance and cutability.

All the Lenstar® and EcoLens® products are extruded by Pacur in Oshkosh WI (U.S.A).

Developed specifically for the brand authentication, security, philatelic and other high-end flexible label marketsMicroFle labels will also be on display at the show. Produced by Forward Optics (U.S.A) MicroFlex® is a unique ultra-thin lens array film and the first ever label of this thickness to produce eye-catching depth, dimension, and motion effects. This unique substrate contains a micro-optical lens array on the surface magnifying graphic elements imbedded in the second surface printing. Unlike traditional lenticular material which is too stiff for most labeling applications, MicroFlex® is a patent pending blend of a biaxial oriented polypropylene base layer (for press stability) and cast polypropylene (for flexibility).

All products are designed and manufactured so that printers can print the interlaced (and reversed) image directly onto the gloss surface of the lenticular sheet (backside) using conventional or UV inks.

Pierret adds: “Lenticular printing’s ability to create eye-catching animations or 3D effects by putting printed images behind ridged parallel clear lenses has been growing in popularity in the past decade. This is as a result of the effects becoming more accessible thanks to digital cameras and easier design and production programmes. To offer exceptional print resolution, we supply printers with a perfectly clear and stable lenticular sheet that results in optimal registration.”

He concludes: “It is an ideal medium for boosting the corporate image and business profitability and is appropriate for use in a large number of applications such as POP designs, packaging, direct mail, promotional and various card formats, from a postage stamp to large format advertising.”

At the show, DP Lenticular will also stage the third edition of the Lenstar® Lenticular Print Awards, supported by drupa. Created to highlight technical processing options, and likely to attract more than 150 entries from 40 countries, the Awards Ceremony will be held on June 2 at 5pm in the DIP in hall 7. Entries can be made here at for six different categories.

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DP Lenticular to present world premiere large format lenticular lens at Drupa 2016

02 mrt 2016

Lencticular DrupaDIP-ping into Lenticular Print – Hall 7, stand 70F09  at drupa innovation park (DIP)

Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, 25 February 2016 – DP Lenticular, the only European company dedicated solely to the promotion and sale of lenticular plastic sheets and rolls for the offset, digital and label markets, will be presenting its creative portfolio of solutions, including a world first, at drupa from May 31 to June 10, 2016 at the Messe Düsseldorf.

As the sole producer of large format lenses made in Europe, DP Lenticular, will place the spotlight firmly on its new 3D 28 LPI UV-MF. With a thickness of 2.15 mm and a viewing angle of 37°, it is the perfect match for three-dimensional lenticular applications printed on medium format digital systems. It joins the large format 3D 20 LPI UV-LF. Both are extruded in Europe with PETG-UV resin making them ideal for indoor use such as airports, subways, railway stations and outdoor use such as bus shelters. Extruded with a specially developed UV protection resin to preserve colors, PETG-UV is also fire-resistant and offers a much better transparency than other resins.

Daniel Pierret, managing director of DP Lenticular states: “This lens design does not exist anywhere else in the world and its development is in direct response to a gap we spotted in the medium to large format flatbed market.”

From postage stamps to large format advertising applications

At drupa, DP Lenticular will be partnering with KBA for live demos to the offset market. Show stopping prints will be produced on their new half format press using LENSTARplus® 75 LPI lenticular sheets. The LENSTARplus® lenticular sheet is a PACUR product created specifically for direct lens printing that provides unsurpassed characteristics in brightness, toughness, clarity, notch resistance and cutability.

All the Lenstar® and EcoLens® products are extruded by Pacur in Oshkosh WI (U.S.A).

Developed specifically for the brand authentication, security, philatelic and other high-end flexible label marketsMicroFle labels will also be on display at the show. Produced by Forward Optics (U.S.A) MicroFlex® is a unique ultra-thin lens array film and the first ever label of this thickness to produce eye-catching depth, dimension, and motion effects. This unique substrate contains a micro-optical lens array on the surface magnifying graphic elements imbedded in the second surface printing. Unlike traditional lenticular material which is too stiff for most labeling applications, MicroFlex® is a patent pending blend of a biaxial oriented polypropylene base layer (for press stability) and cast polypropylene (for flexibility).

All products are designed and manufactured so that printers can print the interlaced (and reversed) image directly onto the gloss surface of the lenticular sheet (backside) using conventional or UV inks.

Pierret adds: “Lenticular printing’s ability to create eye-catching animations or 3D effects by putting printed images behind ridged parallel clear lenses has been growing in popularity in the past decade. This is as a result of the effects becoming more accessible thanks to digital cameras and easier design and production programmes. To offer exceptional print resolution, we supply printers with a perfectly clear and stable lenticular sheet that results in optimal registration.”

He concludes: “It is an ideal medium for boosting the corporate image and business profitability and is appropriate for use in a large number of applications such as POP designs, packaging, direct mail, promotional and various card formats, from a postage stamp to large format advertising.”

At the show, DP Lenticular will also stage the third edition of the Lenstar® Lenticular Print Awards, supported by drupa. Created to highlight technical processing options, and likely to attract more than 150 entries from 40 countries, the Awards Ceremony will be held on June 2 at 5pm in the DIP in hall 7. Entries can be made here at for six different categories.

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Print Power Case Studies: Convince clients that print is the perfect medium

01 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,

Print Power Case Studies
Sometimes a little help is needed to convince clients that print is the perfect medium. The Print Power site can provide this help. By simply selecting the market, application and target market you will get a selection of relevant case studies by well-known and lesser-known companies and organisations that have used print successfully.


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Print Power Case Studies: Overtuig opdrachtgevers dat drukwerk het perfecte medium is

01 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,
Print Power Case Studies
Soms kun je wat hulp gebruiken om opdrachtgevers er van te overtuigen dat drukwerk het perfecte medium is. Die hulp kun je vinden op de Print Power site. Door simpel te selecteren voor welke markt, welke toepassing en welke doelgroep de drukwerkopdracht bestemd is en je krijgt een selectie van case studies van bekende en onbekende bedrijven en organisaties die drukwerk succesvol hebben gebruikt.
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Durst met Water Technology UV inkten op FESPA

01 mrt 2016
Schermafbeelding 2016-03-01 om 14.00.45Met trots presenteert Durst op FESPA zijn portfolio van water-based UV groot formaat printer inkten. De praktische invulling van het thema “Durst Water Technology” demonstreert Durst met zijn Rho WT 250 HS vlakbedprinter en de Rhotex 500, de eerste printer die 5 meter lange afdrukken kan maken. Meer info over het Durst aanbod op FESPA lees je in onderstaand persbericht.

At FESPA Digital 2016, in Hall 1 at Booth 100, Durst, the industrial inkjet specialist, will be showcasing the latest innovations and developments from Durst Water Technology for the large format printing (LFP) segment.

With “Durst Water Technology”, Durst is expanding its successful UV portfolio with water-based solutions that are free from hazardous substances or odors and which are designed to open up new and lucrative potential uses for the LFP market.

The showcase will include the Rho WT 250 HS flatbed printing system for sustainable and odor-free advertising media at the POS. For web printing systems, Durst is presenting the Rhotex 500, the first 5-meter-long soft signage printer on the market. With the Alpha 190, Durst is opening up new opportunities and fields of business in industrial textile production for LFP specialists. With the Rho 1312 AF, Durst is showcasing the fully automatic material alignment unit in combination with a feeder and stacker.


Rho WT 250 HS

The new printer class in large format printing

With the Rho WT 250 HS, Durst is launching a new class of printer to large format printing. Based on Durst Water Technology, the flatbed printing system achieves the very best optical and haptic offset print quality on a range of coated and uncoated paper surfaces for POP/POS materials such as corrugated displays and posters. The Durst Rho WT inks are odorless and require no health and safety registration. As a result, the new Rho WT 250 HS is especially suitable for sustainable advertising media at the POS and in indoor areas.


Rhotex 500

The first industrial 5-meter printing system for seamless soft signage production

The Rhotex 500 guides Durst Water Technology “seamlessly” into new areas of application. With an unparalleled printing width of 5 meters, the Rhotex 500 allows seamless, extra-wide soft signage and true large-format products at the POS, at trade fairs, in arenas, event venues and public spaces. Soft signage is already the advertising medium of choice, since it is easy to fold, transport, attach, wash, and even recycle. Printing uses water-based dispersion inks and uncoated and coated polyester materials in photo-realistic print quality, brilliant colors and high color fidelities.

Rho 1312 AF

The fastest and most versatile UV flatbed printing system

With the Rho 1312 AF, Durst is unveiling the flagship in its UV portfolio designs for production in 3-shift operation. Automation is also the crucial factor in the Durst UV portfolio for further increasing overall system efficiency. The Rho 1312 AF sets new standards in this context with its feed, alignment and destacking units developed by Durst.


Alpha 190

For efficient and economic textile production

With the presentation of the Alpha 190, Durst is addressing the trend towards digital textile printing systems. While the Rhotex series serves the growing soft signage market, the Alpha series offers industrial production systems for traditional textile applications in the fields of home textiles, clothing and upholstery coverings. There are no limits in terms of which textile materials can be used, which means that Durst Water Technology-based reactive, acid and dispersion inks are available for cotton, silk and all other conceivable textile materials. Durst offers the technological convergence towards large format printing with the newly developed one-step pigment inks and a fully automatic pretreatment unit which offers a pathway into traditional textile production, even for industry newcomers. Various types of fiber such as cotton and polyester can be printed with this ink system.

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Durst Water Technology 2016 at Fespa Digital

01 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,

Durst Water Technology 2016-03-01 om 14.00.45At FESPA Digital 2016, in Hall 1 at Booth 100, Durst, the industrial inkjet specialist, will be showcasing the latest innovations and developments from Durst Water Technology for the large format printing (LFP) segment.

With “Durst Water Technology”, Durst is expanding its successful UV portfolio with water-based solutions that are free from hazardous substances or odors and which are designed to open up new and lucrative potential uses for the LFP market.

The showcase will include the Rho WT 250 HS flatbed printing system for sustainable and odor-free advertising media at the POS. For web printing systems, Durst is presenting the Rhotex 500, the first 5-meter-long soft signage printer on the market. With the Alpha 190, Durst is opening up new opportunities and fields of business in industrial textile production for LFP specialists. With the Rho 1312 AF, Durst is showcasing the fully automatic material alignment unit in combination with a feeder and stacker.


Rho WT 250 HS

The new printer class in large format printing

With the Rho WT 250 HS, Durst is launching a new class of printer to large format printing. Based on Durst Water Technology, the flatbed printing system achieves the very best optical and haptic offset print quality on a range of coated and uncoated paper surfaces for POP/POS materials such as corrugated displays and posters. The Durst Rho WT inks are odorless and require no health and safety registration. As a result, the new Rho WT 250 HS is especially suitable for sustainable advertising media at the POS and in indoor areas.

Rhotex 500

The first industrial 5-meter printing system for seamless soft signage production

The Rhotex 500 guides Durst Water Technology “seamlessly” into new areas of application. With an unparalleled printing width of 5 meters, the Rhotex 500 allows seamless, extra-wide soft signage and true large-format products at the POS, at trade fairs, in arenas, event venues and public spaces. Soft signage is already the advertising medium of choice, since it is easy to fold, transport, attach, wash, and even recycle. Printing uses water-based dispersion inks and uncoated and coated polyester materials in photo-realistic print quality, brilliant colors and high color fidelities.

Rho 1312 AF

The fastest and most versatile UV flatbed printing system

With the Rho 1312 AF, Durst is unveiling the flagship in its UV portfolio designs for production in 3-shift operation. Automation is also the crucial factor in the Durst UV portfolio for further increasing overall system efficiency. The Rho 1312 AF sets new standards in this context with its feed, alignment and destacking units developed by Durst.


Alpha 190

For efficient and economic textile production

With the presentation of the Alpha 190, Durst is addressing the trend towards digital textile printing systems. While the Rhotex series serves the growing soft signage market, the Alpha series offers industrial production systems for traditional textile applications in the fields of home textiles, clothing and upholstery coverings. There are no limits in terms of which textile materials can be used, which means that Durst Water Technology-based reactive, acid and dispersion inks are available for cotton, silk and all other conceivable textile materials. Durst offers the technological convergence towards large format printing with the newly developed one-step pigment inks and a fully automatic pretreatment unit which offers a pathway into traditional textile production, even for industry newcomers. Various types of fiber such as cotton and polyester can be printed with this ink system.

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swissQprint: At the booth of boundless opportunity

01 mrt 2016
Categorie: ,

swissPrint FEPSA

swissQprint, developer and manufacturer of premium inkjet printers, is exhibiting at Fespa Digital 2016 in Amsterdam. Hall 1, stand J140 is where the Swiss company will be presenting everyday applications, as well as some rather special ones, to demonstrate the versatility of its large-format printers.

swissQprint will be presenting every possible application in Amsterdam – and some seemingly impossible ones, too. A pair of printers will be on display for experiencing the printing process “live”. Visitors are also invited to discuss solutions and ideas of their own.

Modular design
The Swiss-crafted UV inkjet printers are all based on a solid flatbed solution. Users can then create the machine they need with add-ons such as roll to roll and board options, as well as nine freely configurable colour channels. A fully-equipped swissQprint machine is rather like a Swiss pocket knife: it has all the tools together in one unit.

One machine for all ideas
Rather than a fleet of machines, customers need just one printer to handle both rigid and roll materials. From beermat to billboard format. swissQprint is keen to show the trade public the existence of more than just the well-known applications. So for people on the lookout for new ideas and keen on high-end printing, Stand J140, hall 1 is the place to be.

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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