Rob van den Braak

Big Data: printers marry waitresses and secretaries

25 feb 2016
Categorie: ,,
Big Data Printing Machine operators mary scretaries
Big Data, know as much as possible about as many people as possible, is the future according to the experts. Big Data will help multi channel campaigns be more effective and measurable. Bloomberg made an example of what you can do with Big Data, an interactive presentation of which jobs make the best marriage partners. Bloomberg used data from 3.5 million US households. The conclusion is printers marry waitresses and secretaries (correct in my case). Have a look at the perfectly made infographic via this link and see if you made the right choice according to Big Data.

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Big Data: Drukkers trouwen met serveersters en secretaresses

25 feb 2016
Categorie: ,
Big Data Printing Machine operators mary scretariesBig Data, zoveel mogelijk weten van zoveel mogelijk mensen, is volgens experts de toekomst. Met Big Data kunnen multi channel campagnes via druk, print, social media en smart TV’s effectiever en meetbaarder worden. Bloomberg maakte een voorbeeld van wat je met Big Data kunt; een interactieve presentatie die aangeeft welke beroepen als huwelijkspartner het beste bij elkaar passen. Het gebruikte daarvoor de gegevens van 3,5 miljoen Amerikaanse huishoudens. De conclusie is: drukkers trouwen met serveersters en secretaresses (een conclusie die in mijn geval wel klopt). Bekijk de perfect gemaakte infographic via deze link en zie of je juist gekozen hebt of waar je volgens Big Data naar moet zoeken.

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Here: Ear protection with super human qualities

24 feb 2016

Here Actief LuisterenIf you are bothered by to many to annoying sounds and want to give your mind and ears a break, Here may be the solution. A set of wireless ear buds which completely seal your ears. A smart app with preset filters for irritating noises and Doppler Labs´ patented TruEQ technology, will give you only the sounds you want to hear. In other words, superhuman.
Here is not on the market yet, but you can join the waitlist via their site The site also has more interesting info about this very clever invention.

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Here: Gehoorbeschermers geven je superhuman eigenschappen

24 feb 2016

Here Actief LuisterenAls je last hebt van te veel of vervelende geluiden om je heen en je gehoor en geest wil beschermen dan is er nu Here. Here is een set van draadloos verbonden oordopjes die je oren volledig afsluiten. Daarbij hoort een slimme app die dankzij een meer-kanalen-equaliser, Doppler Labs’ patented TruEQ™ technology, een aantal preset filters voor vervelende geluiden, je precies laat horen wat je wilt. Daarmee krijg je volgens de makers superhuman eigenschappen.
Je kunt Here nog niet bestellen maar je via de Here site wel op de wachtlijst laten plaatsen, daar vind je ook nog meer info over deze slimme uitvinding.

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Muller Martini met Finishing 4.0 op DRUPA

23 feb 2016
Finishing 4.0 is volgens Muller Martini de volgende stap in afwerking, mogelijk gemaakt door zijn Connex workflow oplossing. Connex koppelt alle afwerkingsapparatuur aan elkaar door slim gebruik te maken van JDF/JMF data. En zoals Muller Martini op zijn Drupa stand zal laten zien hebben we er een nieuwe kreet bij “PDF In / Book Out”. Meer informatie over Finishing 4.0 vind je in onderstaand persbericht.

Muller Martini Corporates – Finishing 4.0: Muller Martini Interconnects All Process Steps in Print Finishing

Automated systems are state of the art at Muller Martini. Productivity is further increased by interconnecting the various highly automated machines with all systems involved in the production process. Thanks to Muller Martini’s workflow solution, which is consistently based on JDF/JMF, the machines – from individual aggregates through to complex production lines – can already be seamlessly integrated today with existing customer networks via standard interfaces. The systems can be interconnected with the Management Information System (MIS) available at the graphic arts company, enabling the formation of impressive production chains that are geared to efficiency in order to tap into new markets.

At Muller Martini, the backbone of digital and conventional print production is the Connex data and workflow system. In the mailroom, Connex.Mailroom connects, for instance, all sub-processes from the distribution software through to the ramp, and assists the cost-effective use of the equipment, whether it be the zoned processing of print products, the coordination of the feeder allocations or the perfect bundle formation. Connex.Mailroom also provides reliable production figures in real time for management by numbers.

Muller Martine drupa Finishing 4.0

With Finishing 4.0, Muller Martini will showcase the growth opportunities that connectivity offers the graphic arts industry at Booth A49, Hall 2 at drupa 2016.

Connectivity by means of Connex is likewise a fixed element of the SigmaLine configurations – the only fully automated complete solution for digital print production worldwide. Connex includes an automatic imposition process, which is interconnected with digital printing and print finishing. The system controls and monitors all processes required for production, thereby ensuring a seamless, fully networked workflow from the PDF to the finished book (PDF in – book out).

Finishing 4.0 is already reality at Muller Martini today. “We’ve been leading the way and driving the development of connectivity based on the JDF and JMF standards for many years,” says Roland Kost, Head of R&Dat Muller Martini Print Finishing Systems. “Muller Martini systems are also open to other data formats, which is important in book production, for instance.” Muller Martini will showcase all the benefits of seamless connectivity in May 2016 with impressive live demos at Booth A49 in Hall 2 at drupa.

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Muller Martini met Finishing 4.0 op DRUPA

23 feb 2016
Finishing 4.0 is volgens Muller Martini de volgende stap in afwerking, mogelijk gemaakt door zijn Connex workflow oplossing. Connex koppelt alle afwerkingsapparatuur aan elkaar door slim gebruik te maken van JDF/JMF data. Zoals Muller Martini op zijn DRUPA stand zal laten zien hebben we er een nieuwe kreet bij “PDF in Book Out”. Meer informatie over Finishing 4.0 vind je in onderstaand persbericht.

Muller Martini Corporates – Finishing 4.0: Muller Martini Interconnects All Process Steps in Print Finishing

Automated systems are state of the art at Muller Martini. Productivity is further increased by interconnecting the various highly automated machines with all systems involved in the production process. Thanks to Muller Martini’s workflow solution, which is consistently based on JDF/JMF, the machines – from individual aggregates through to complex production lines – can already be seamlessly integrated today with existing customer networks via standard interfaces. The systems can be interconnected with the Management Information System (MIS) available at the graphic arts company, enabling the formation of impressive production chains that are geared to efficiency in order to tap into new markets.

At Muller Martini, the backbone of digital and conventional print production is the Connex data and workflow system. In the mailroom, Connex.Mailroom connects, for instance, all sub-processes from the distribution software through to the ramp, and assists the cost-effective use of the equipment, whether it be the zoned processing of print products, the coordination of the feeder allocations or the perfect bundle formation. Connex.Mailroom also provides reliable production figures in real time for management by numbers.

Muller Martine drupa Finishing 4.0

With Finishing 4.0, Muller Martini will showcase the growth opportunities that connectivity offers the graphic arts industry at Booth A49, Hall 2 at drupa 2016.

Connectivity by means of Connex is likewise a fixed element of the SigmaLine configurations – the only fully automated complete solution for digital print production worldwide. Connex includes an automatic imposition process, which is interconnected with digital printing and print finishing. The system controls and monitors all processes required for production, thereby ensuring a seamless, fully networked workflow from the PDF to the finished book (PDF in – book out).

Finishing 4.0 is already reality at Muller Martini today. “We’ve been leading the way and driving the development of connectivity based on the JDF and JMF standards for many years,” says Roland Kost, Head of R&Dat Muller Martini Print Finishing Systems. “Muller Martini systems are also open to other data formats, which is important in book production, for instance.” Muller Martini will showcase all the benefits of seamless connectivity in May 2016 with impressive live demos at Booth A49 in Hall 2 at drupa.

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Printeriors Update: Alberto Alessi keynote speaker and partnerships with leading design associations

22 feb 2016
Categorie: ,

Alberto Alessi“We are delighted to announce that we have formalised partnerships with The Bureau of European Design Associations (BEDA), and BNI-Nederland, which further positions Printeriors as the must-attend event for those working within the interior décor and design industries,” comments Printeriors Director Roz McGuinness. “We’ve also got an incredible line-up of speakers at the conference on 10 March, with none other than Alberto Alessi, Chairman of iconic Italian houseware and kitchen utensil company, ALESSI SPA, as keynote speaker. And, with 16 participants within the Print Hotel showcase, all of whom can be found here, offering a mix of print-led, hotel-inspired room sets, Printeriors 2016 truly is an event not to be missed.”



For information on Printeriors and to register for free entry visit and use code APOZ0705.

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Heidelberg Primefire 106: the new 7 colour digital Speedmaster

22 feb 2016

Primefire 106Heidelberg introduced their first digital Speedmaster last week, the Primefire 106. The Primefire is the result of a cooperation between Heidelberg and Fujifilm. It is a 70x100cm format, seven colour plus coater digital press using Fujifilm 1200x1200dpi Samba inkjet heads. Inkjet heads which are also used in Landa Nanographic and Fujifilm Jetpress presses. Every 2 picoliter water ink drop is brought to preconditioned media via the patented VersaDrop grayscale and multi-pulse technique. Samba inkjet heads were developed by Fujifilm´s Dimatrix division. The past three years these heads were further developed and are being used by various manufacturers. The Fujifilm water based inks are fully recyclable and adhere to the strict Swiss Ordinance Conformity which is great for the packaging market.
Packaging is the target market for the Primefire 106, because of the added value of the larger colour scale and coating possibilities. This market depends on smaller quantities and variable data for client or regional printing and is therefore willing to pay a bit more.
After introduction at drupa the Primefire 106 will be beta tested. Delivery is not expected until 2017. Prices and cost price per print are not yet known, but bearing in mind the target market it will not be cheap. A video about the first print of this drupa sensation, can be seen on our videos page. 



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Used clothing becomes paper in Portugal

22 feb 2016
Categorie: ,

Mohinjo papierPortuguese paper manufacturer Moinho de Chula is unique. Since 1993 it produces cotton-based paper. The manufacturer receives rest materials and used clothing from clothing manufacturers and uses these as the base source for their paper.

Production has remained artisanal, both manual and mechanical. This approach allows the company to produce large quantities of paper but keep the artisanal properties of the cotton paper, such as grain, texture and life cycle. Moinho is also environmentally friendly: the paper is cotton based and all water used during the production process is recycled. They make different types of paper, 100-800 g/m2, on a small machine.
The company also offers a wide assortment of other products such as bags, notebooks, albums, pacakging and envelopes, with or without natural scent.



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A good year for press manufacturers

22 feb 2016

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

German press manufacturers Heidelberg and MAN Roland had a good year. In the last quarter of 2015 world´s largest press manufacturer Heidelberg had a turnover of 640€M (+15%). In the first three quarters of that year Heidelberg had a turnover of 1.8€B (+16%). This resulted in a break-even for Heidelberg which is a great result after years of losses and reorganisation.
Nearly half of turnover is from services and consumables, and not from actual printer sales. This is partly because of the acquisition of PSG, the company which also owns Tetterode in the Netherlands and Plantin in Belgium.
Manroland Sheetfed, part of UK Langley Holdings, showed improved results for the fourth year running. PrintWeek writes that this is due to Langley´s efficiency efforts after the takover of MAN Roland in 2012. MAN Roland Sheetfed saw their turnover increase to 292€M in 2015.


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M&R brings the M-Link Xperience to FESPA Digital 2016

22 feb 2016
Categorie: ,,

Mlink FESPATextile printing and the technology used in this sector will be showcased and discussed at FESPA Digital 2016. The event will once again feature specialist areas dedicated to sectors of the industry including this one.

Stretching across Hall 4 and Hall 5, FESPA Textile will feature some of the major manufacturers in this sector and their respective technologies designed to help improve the output of companies in digital textile print.

One such firm that will have a presence within this specialist area of the show is M&R Companies, which will take its place on Stand G150 of Hall 1.

The company’s M-LINK direct-to-garment digital textile printer is one device currently proving popular with customers. In addition, M&R’s i-Prep technology automatically pre-treats black and coloured garments ready for direct-to-garment digital printing.

“FESPA Digital attendees are invited to bring a USB flash drive with a personal or public-domain raster-based PNG or PSD image file with transparent background―and let us show what the incomparable, award-winning M-Link X can do”, said Geoff Baxter, director of M&R’s Digital Products Division.

“The M-Link Xperience is a great way to do head-to-head comparisons among direct-to-garment printers. We’ll print a shirt using the attendee’s image file. Then the attendee can take the flash drive and M-Link-printed shirt to the booths of other digital printers and ask them for a print of the same image file. We’re certain the M-Link X print will prove to be superior in every way.”

“When we began work on M-Link, our goal was to design and build a digital printer with the highest print quality and the lowest per-print cost in the industry—all at a cost-effective price point,” said Stephen Chuddy, M&R’s Digital Division product manager, and the results exceeded all expectations: M-Links clearly have the highest print quality and the lowest per-print cost.”

The phenomenal image quality results from high-speed industrial printheads, M&R’s i-Colour RIP Software and exclusive Absolute Position Technology, DuPont Artistri BRITE inks, and print modes designed to minimize ink usage while producing printed garments that are softer, more breathable, and much closer to water-based screen printing.

The four most popular print modes are single-pass modes for printing on white, color, and black, as well as a single-pass highlight mode.

  • White Print Mode prints C-M-Y-K with no underbase for use on white or light-color shirts.
  • Color One-Pass Mode prints a gradated white underbase and C-M-Y-K on color shirts.
  • Black One-Pass Mode prints a gradated white underbase and C-M-Y on black shirts, using the shirt’s color for black areas of the image.
  • On light-color shirts with light pretreatment, Highlight Mode prints C-M-Y-K and a white highlight—but without a white underbase.

Since two white printheads are positioned ahead of the color printheads, M-Link and M-Link X are capable of printing the white and color layers in the same pass. On applicable artwork, this results in excellent images at maximum print speed.

“The one-pass modes speed up production, and the optimized RIP helps lower overall ink consumption,” said Chuddy. “In addition, M-Link and M-Link X are designed with integrated bulk ink-feed systems. This allows users to purchase ink in bulk quantities instead of being tied to expensive cartridge-based systems.”

“Our other goal was to introduce high-speed printing to cost-effective pricing,” said Baxter. “M-Link X prints superb full-size images on white shirts in an amazing 30 to 45 seconds and full-size images on dark shirts in less than a minute. And M&R’s standard M-Link prints white shirts in 45 to 60 seconds and dark shirts in two-and-a-half to three minutes—with the same outstanding image quality.

“The combination of speed, quality, and low ink cost makes M-Link X superior to direct-to-garment digital printers costing more than three times as much,” continued Baxter. “M-Link X isn’t the only printer for high quality prints. And it isn’t the only high-speed printer. However, it is the only affordable high-quality, high-speed printer. M-Link X is an incredible value.”

For more information about those companies due to attend the show, as well as the full list of speakers lined up to discuss various aspects of textile print and the wider industry, visit For FREE entry don’t forget to use code: ADOZ0117.

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M&R M-Link Xperience: Direct to garment op FESPA

22 feb 2016

Mlink FESPADe M-Link Xperience laat je kennis maken met het direct digitaal bedrukken van textiel, een specialisme van M&R. M&R bedrukt textiel in een drukgang en kan dat behalve in de vier proceskleuren ook met twee witte inkten waardoor de kleurkracht gewaarborgd is en een breed assortiment textiel bedrukt kan worden. Lees meer over de Xperience in het onderstaande persbericht.


M&R brings the M-Link Xperience to FESPA Digital 2016

Textile printing and the technology used in this sector will be showcased and discussed at FESPA Digital 2016. The event will once again feature specialist areas dedicated to sectors of the industry including this one.

Stretching across Hall 4 and Hall 5, FESPA Textile will feature some of the major manufacturers in this sector and their respective technologies designed to help improve the output of companies in digital textile print.

One such firm that will have a presence within this specialist area of the show is M&R Companies, which will take its place on Stand G150 of Hall 1.

The company’s M-LINK direct-to-garment digital textile printer is one device currently proving popular with customers. In addition, M&R’s i-Prep technology automatically pre-treats black and coloured garments ready for direct-to-garment digital printing.

“FESPA Digital attendees are invited to bring a USB flash drive with a personal or public-domain raster-based PNG or PSD image file with transparent background―and let us show what the incomparable, award-winning M-Link X can do”, said Geoff Baxter, director of M&R’s Digital Products Division.

“The M-Link Xperience is a great way to do head-to-head comparisons among direct-to-garment printers. We’ll print a shirt using the attendee’s image file. Then the attendee can take the flash drive and M-Link-printed shirt to the booths of other digital printers and ask them for a print of the same image file. We’re certain the M-Link X print will prove to be superior in every way.”

“When we began work on M-Link, our goal was to design and build a digital printer with the highest print quality and the lowest per-print cost in the industry—all at a cost-effective price point,” said Stephen Chuddy, M&R’s Digital Division product manager, and the results exceeded all expectations: M-Links clearly have the highest print quality and the lowest per-print cost.”

The phenomenal image quality results from high-speed industrial printheads, M&R’s i-Colour RIP Software and exclusive Absolute Position Technology, DuPont Artistri BRITE inks, and print modes designed to minimize ink usage while producing printed garments that are softer, more breathable, and much closer to water-based screen printing.

The four most popular print modes are single-pass modes for printing on white, color, and black, as well as a single-pass highlight mode.

  • White Print Mode prints C-M-Y-K with no underbase for use on white or light-color shirts.
  • Color One-Pass Mode prints a gradated white underbase and C-M-Y-K on color shirts.
  • Black One-Pass Mode prints a gradated white underbase and C-M-Y on black shirts, using the shirt’s color for black areas of the image.
  • On light-color shirts with light pretreatment, Highlight Mode prints C-M-Y-K and a white highlight—but without a white underbase.

Since two white printheads are positioned ahead of the color printheads, M-Link and M-Link X are capable of printing the white and color layers in the same pass. On applicable artwork, this results in excellent images at maximum print speed.

“The one-pass modes speed up production, and the optimized RIP helps lower overall ink consumption,” said Chuddy. “In addition, M-Link and M-Link X are designed with integrated bulk ink-feed systems. This allows users to purchase ink in bulk quantities instead of being tied to expensive cartridge-based systems.”

“Our other goal was to introduce high-speed printing to cost-effective pricing,” said Baxter. “M-Link X prints superb full-size images on white shirts in an amazing 30 to 45 seconds and full-size images on dark shirts in less than a minute. And M&R’s standard M-Link prints white shirts in 45 to 60 seconds and dark shirts in two-and-a-half to three minutes—with the same outstanding image quality.

“The combination of speed, quality, and low ink cost makes M-Link X superior to direct-to-garment digital printers costing more than three times as much,” continued Baxter. “M-Link X isn’t the only printer for high quality prints. And it isn’t the only high-speed printer. However, it is the only affordable high-quality, high-speed printer. M-Link X is an incredible value.”

For more information about those companies due to attend the show, as well as the full list of speakers lined up to discuss various aspects of textile print and the wider industry, visit For FREE entry don’t forget to use code: ADOZ0117.

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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