Rob van den Braak
Tablet giants Google and Apple are putting a lot of effort into pushing tablets for education. Google´s success with its Chromebooks has influenced the amount of paper materials already. But there is more to it. Children and students using a tablet for their education will become fluent in this type of communication. They have the advantages of electronic publications, the interactiveness, fast updates, empty schoolbag and specifically targeted content. This seems bad news for printers. The students do, however, also experience the negatives such as internet and electricity dependency. The other advantages of printed information can also play a key role, such as the touch and feel of a real book, reading where and when you want without the interruption of mail and social media and borrowing and lending real books.
Tablets and smartphones will have their place in multichannel publishing and print can certainly add to that, especially if cost, quality and distribution are perfect. New technologies such as production inkjet, a perfect workflow which supports content for different media, will be a weapons with which modern printers can keep their place in the chain of communications, and even strengthen it.
Because, after all, together we have more than 1000 years of experience in the distribution of content.
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Nearly half of consumers (49%) expects not to have to pay for media services in 2025, for traditional media (48%) such as movies, television, music, radio, news and sports from before the internet, as well as new digital media (47%), such as online social media.
These are the results of the new research State of Customer Service in 2015 by Xerox.
According to the research amongst 6000 consumers in media, telecom and technology in France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. At the moment 43% of consumers pays for access to their favourite media channels. Two thirds (66%) of all users of these paid services does not think that the quality of media content will be available free of charge within the coming 10 years. The research also states that the use of internet will not decrease within the coming 10 years. More than two third of consumers (69%) predicts that internet access will become a basic need.
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By scanning the label the drinker can go to a site with more information about the brand. The limited edition of this interactive label will be presented at special events.
To give the brand its mysterious and unique appeal, Oculto has previously also tried unique labels, for example one on which eyes appeared when the bottle is refrigerated.
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Screen installeerde zijn eerste groot formaat vel naar rol en rol naar rol printer in Africa. Tali Digital koos voor de Screen Truepress Jet W3200UV HS niet alleen om de productiviteit maar ook om de veelzijdigheid in toepassing. Lees welke andere redenen eigenaar Orlando de Abrue van Tali Digital had voor deze aanschaf in het onderstaande Engelse persbericht van Screen.
Tali Digital has installed the first Screen Truepress Jet W3200UV HS wide format printer in South Africa.
Supplied by Ipex Machinery, Orlando de Abreu, Owner, Tali Digital, decided to invest in the machine after being impressed by its speed and versatility. ‘The speed is amazing, it prints at 150sqm at sellable speed, which is a major benefit. It’s versatile because we can switch from roll-to-roll to flatbed printing. This machine has replaced two other machines, so it’s two super functional machines in one.’
Other features that appealed to the company is the construction of the machine. ‘It’s well built. A lot of thought went into the engineering of the machine, and there’s a high level of precision.’
De Abreu was also impressed with the service offered by local reseller Ipex Machinery. ‘The in-depth training we’ve received on the machine, and the whole installation process, is something else. The printer had to go through a number of checks before it was signed off.’
The printer’s unique eight-layer printing feature was also another selling point, as were the high amount of safety features and the automatic cleaning station. ‘With UV you have to keep the printheads clean if you want the printer to perform at its best, so the cleaning station is a very useful feature,’ says de Abreu.
The printer allows Tali Digital to expand into new market applications. ‘Because of the larger table size, we can now print on oversized perspex sheets, FSU’s and corrugated board, which we couldn’t do before. We’re very excited about the possibilities it opens for our business.’
‘Ipex machinery sees wide format digital printing as a growth area of the printing market in South Africa, and we believe that the Screen Truepress W3200UV is the ideal solution for all digital wide format printers in the country,’ said Lance Green, Product Manager at Ipex Machinery.
Ipex representatives met de Abreu at FESPA Cologne in May 2015, where he expressed his need for a wide format and roll to roll printer with the ability to deliver the highest possible print quality at the highest possible speed. ‘The W3200HS can print at a production speed of 150sqm per hour, producing high quality saleable prints in either flatbed or roll to roll format. These two features, together with the automatic cleaning of print heads, nozzle mapping function, the stability of the linear drive of the print head and the standard colour configuration of CMYKLcLm and two Whites, intrigued and excited Orlando and so began the relationship with Tali Digital and Ipex,’ added Green.
Ipex believes that this is the first of many installations in South Africa. With the Truepress Jet W3200UV flatbed and roll to roll printer, Ipex has a product to offer the market that can print on any substrate, using durable and vibrant inks, to produce high value products. It can be installed as a standard 85sqm per hour flat-bed printer and upgraded on-site to a 150sqm per hour machine or fitted with the industrial roll system.
Altrif Label heeft als eerste Nederlandse drukkerij de eerste wereldwijde standaard voor de voedingsmiddelenindustrie behaald, namelijk: FSSC 22000. Deze standaard is goedgekeurd door de Global Food Safety Iniative en creëert internationale harmonie op het gebied van voedselveiligheid.
Er wordt gewerkt met speciale inkten genaamd “Low-Migration”. Deze inkten minimaliseren de kans van migratie. Wanneer er labels geproduceerd worden die direct contact hebben met voedsel wordt er gebruik gemaakt van speciaal materiaal met een aluminium barrière. Dit verkleint de kans op migratie, en voldoet aan de eisen van de certificering.
‘’De wensen en eisen van onze klanten binnen de voedselindustrie worden steeds strenger. Voorbeeld is de traceability van onze inkten. We zijn nu in staat om zowel up als downstream te monitoren waar en wanneer onze inkten zijn gebruikt. Het toevoegen van het FSSC 22000 certificaat sluit daarmee perfect aan op onze visie voor de toekomst waarin we onze klanten nog beter willen bedienen.’’ Aldus Dhr. Goderie (C.O.O.)
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French researchers have succeeded in printing a photo which changes upon rotation. Researchers from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne discovered this when they were experimenting with metal printing. They make use of so-called halftone printing, a technique where tiny dots of cyan, magenta and yellow appear to form an image depending on the viewing angle. They found that when this technique is used on metal surfaces, small colour changes took place. This made them develop the technique and they have succeeded in manipulating colours in such a way that it seems as if there are two photos in one frame.
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Supplied by Ipex Machinery, Orlando de Abreu, Owner, Tali Digital, decided to invest in the machine after being impressed by its speed and versatility. ‘The speed is amazing, it prints at 150sqm at sellable speed, which is a major benefit. It’s versatile because we can switch from roll-to-roll to flatbed printing. This machine has replaced two other machines, so it’s two super functional machines in one.’
Other features that appealed to the company is the construction of the machine. ‘It’s well built. A lot of thought went into the engineering of the machine, and there’s a high level of precision.’
De Abreu was also impressed with the service offered by local reseller Ipex Machinery. ‘The in-depth training we’ve received on the machine, and the whole installation process, is something else. The printer had to go through a number of checks before it was signed off.’
The printer’s unique eight-layer printing feature was also another selling point, as were the high amount of safety features and the automatic cleaning station. ‘With UV you have to keep the printheads clean if you want the printer to perform at its best, so the cleaning station is a very useful feature,’ says de Abreu.
The printer allows Tali Digital to expand into new market applications. ‘Because of the larger table size, we can now print on oversized perspex sheets, FSU’s and corrugated board, which we couldn’t do before. We’re very excited about the possibilities it opens for our business.’
‘Ipex machinery sees wide format digital printing as a growth area of the printing market in South Africa, and we believe that the Screen Truepress W3200UV is the ideal solution for all digital wide format printers in the country,’ said Lance Green, Product Manager at Ipex Machinery.
Ipex representatives met de Abreu at FESPA Cologne in May 2015, where he expressed his need for a wide format and roll to roll printer with the ability to deliver the highest possible print quality at the highest possible speed. ‘The W3200HS can print at a production speed of 150sqm per hour, producing high quality saleable prints in either flatbed or roll to roll format. These two features, together with the automatic cleaning of print heads, nozzle mapping function, the stability of the linear drive of the print head and the standard colour configuration of CMYKLcLm and two Whites, intrigued and excited Orlando and so began the relationship with Tali Digital and Ipex,’ added Green.
Ipex believes that this is the first of many installations in South Africa. With the Truepress Jet W3200UV flatbed and roll to roll printer, Ipex has a product to offer the market that can print on any substrate, using durable and vibrant inks, to produce high value products. It can be installed as a standard 85sqm per hour flat-bed printer and upgraded on-site to a 150sqm per hour machine or fitted with the industrial roll system.
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In 2006 was de eerste FESPA Digital met als focus de nieuwe digitale technieken op het gebied van sign en grafiek. Tien jaar later is die techniek volwassen geworden, zijn er nieuwe markten voor gekomen en is grootformaat printen één van de grootste successen van de hedendaagse grafische industrie. Nu FESPA Digital 2016 weer terug is daar waar het ooit werd gestart, in Amsterdam, denkt Lorraine Harrow, Group Marketing Manager FESPA, na over wat er allemaal gebeurd is in de afgelopen tien jaar.
Als de digitale grootformaat sector in één woord moet worden samengevat, dan is dat zonder twijfel ´diversificatie´. Kijkend naar de vele manieren waarop digitaal grootformaat printen wordt gebruikt dan wordt dit zonder meer bevestigd. Van printen op metaal, keramiek en glas tot aan laminaten, hout en zelfs textiel – digitale druk wordt voor veel meer gebruikt dan traditionele grootformaat druk van banners, posters, sign en billboards.
Alhoewel digitale druk uitermate geschikt is voor snelle opdrachten, verschillende versies en personalisatie en ook steeds vaker daarvoor wordt gebruikt, is het textiel, stickers en printed electronics waar het echt in uitblinkt. De 2015 FESPA Print Census bewijst dit. Ondervraagden gaven een stijging aan in de vraag naar textiel printing, zowel kledingstukken als decor, en verpakking.
De variëteit van drukkers die antwoordden op de 2015 FESPA Print Census laat zien hoe divers de gemeenschap van digitale grootformaat drukkers is geworden. 62% waren drukkers of sign makers, 8% was fabrikant, 7% grafisch ontwerper en 5% reclamebureau.
De ontwikkeling van grootformaat printen is een belangrijke drijfveer geweest van deze diversificatie. Met name de ontwikkelingen in inkjet technology hebben tot een snelle inburgering van digitale druk gezorgd in bijvoorbeeld interieurdecoratie. Kijkend naar bijvoorbeeld keramieke tegeldruk wordt ongeveer tweederde van tegels nu met inkjet technology bedrukt.
Meer dan de helft van de 2015 FESPA Print Census respondenten verwacht dat het digitaal bedrukken van kledingstukken in de komende twee jaar een belangrijk alternatief wordt voor het gebruikelijke zeefdrukken.
Optimisme en kansen
Het digitaal bedrukken van textiel zal steeds verder groeien binnen de digitale grootformaat printsector. Sinds de start van de Digital Textile Conference in 2008, waarbij het innovatie van digitaal grootformaat printen van textiel een hoofdrol speelde, hebben we een snelle stijging gezien van zowel het aantal bezoekers van de conferentie als groei van het marktsegment. Ongeveer 650 miljoen vierkante meter textiel werd bedrukt tussen midden 2013 en midden 2014, terwijl het aantal digitaal bedrukte kledingstukken met 22% toenam. In 2016 hebben we FESPA Fabric omgedoopt tot FESPA Textile waarbij kledingstukken, interieurs, banners en digitaal bedrukte hoezen getoond zullen worden. FESPA Textile zal tegelijkertijd met FESPA Digital 2016 worden gehouden en zal het potentieel en de mogelijkheden van het digitaal bedrukken van textiel aantonen.
Met al deze mogelijkheden is het begrijpelijk dat bedrijven optimistisch zijn over de toekomst. Hun optimisme is ook gebaseerd op commercieel succes en omzetstijgingen – in zijn algemeenheid werd een jaarlijkse groei van 7% ondervonden voor digitaal grootformaat.
Bij FESPA zijn we trots op de rol die FESPA Digital gehad heeft in het voor het voetlicht brengen van ontwikkelingen in deze sector en de inspiratie die we hebben gegeven in de afgelopen 10 jaar. Nu we werken aan de komende FESPA Digital in Amsterdam 8-11 maart, blijkt dat diversificatie dé trend is voor zowel de conferentie als de industrie.
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In 2006, FESPA digital was established to focus on emerging digital technologies in the sign and graphics markets. 10 years on, technologies have evolved, new markets have emerged and the wide format digital print sector is one of the print industry’s greatest success stories. As FESPA gets set to stage FESPA Digital 2016 back at the event’s original starting point in Amsterdam, Lorraine Harrow, Group Marketing Manager, FESPA takes stock of how far wide format digital print has come in a decade.
WIRmachenDRUCK, based in Backnang near Stuttgart, is an internet print shop with a network of small and medium printers. Cimpress is not acquiring print capacity, but a wide product range. WIRmachenDRUCK will remain active under its own name. Cimpress is one of the biggest players for online print in the European market. Apart from Vistaprint, Cimpress has over the past few years acquired Albumprinter (Albelli) in Amsterdam, People & Print Group ( in Deventer, the Netherlands, Pixartprinting, French internet printer Exaprint, Tradeprint and Austrian internet printer
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.