Rob van den Braak
Met ingang van 20 oktober 2017 is Arjen Molendijk de nieuwe secretaris van de ZSO, de branchevereniging van zeefdruk- en signondernemingen. Hij neemt de rol over van Cees Koedijk, die met pensioen gaat.
Binnen de ZSO fungeert de secretaris als ‘spin in het web’ tussen het bestuur, de leden en de overige betrokkenen. Molendijk heeft veel ervaring met het werken voor organisaties, in zowel de architecten-, de internet- als de grafische branche. Als secretaris van de ZSO zal Molendijk het bestuur, in het bijzonder de voorzitter, ondersteunen bij het behartigen van de werkgeversbelangen voor bedrijven in de zeefdruk- en signindustrie.
Goed werkgeverschap
Molendijk: “Het feit dat men bij de ZSO gaat voor goed werkgeverschap, spreekt mij zeer aan. De CAO-onderhandelingen die volgend jaar beginnen, vormen natuurlijk bij uitstek een moment waarop de ZSO zijn waarde bewijst. Hoewel mijn werk daarbij voornamelijk achter de schermen plaatsvindt, zie ik er naar uit daar een bijdrage aan te leveren. Een andere uitdaging waar de ZSO voor staat, is het verhogen van de zichtbaarheid van de organisatie. Daar gaan we hard aan werken, door deel te nemen aan beurzen, maar ook door het organiseren van kwalitatief hoogwaardige bijeenkomsten, die de missie van de ZSO ondersteunen.”
Fespa Nederland
Molendijk ondersteunt sinds kort ook Fespa Nederland, in de rol van Chief Operational Officer (COO). Ook hier neemt hij de ondersteunende taak over van Cees Koedijk, die daarvoor werd ‘uitgeleend’ door het KVGO.
Lees verder....Laurel Brunners´ Verdigris blog lists the advantages of LED UV curing, but she also points out the one remaining disadvantage, the long drying times compared to mercury arc lamps.
Read her short and powerful list of this promising technology on our articles page via this link.
Lees verder....In haar Verdigris blog somt Laurel Brunner nog eens de voordelen van LED UV inktdroging op, en legt ze de vinger op het enige nog overgebleven nadeel van LED UV: de, in vergelijking met mercurylampen, lange droogtijd.
Lees haar korte en krachtige opsomming van deze veelbelovende techniek in haar blog op onze artikelenpagina via deze link.
Lees verder....Coldenhove Papier in Eerbeek (the Netherlands) will become part of American Neenah Paper. The US company will acquire full control from the two families of the founders and the current management.
Coldenhove supplies special papers worldwide, such as sublimation transfer paper (for textile printing) and services market niches. According to Jeroen Alkemade, CEO of Coldenhove Papier, the company has been looking or a strong strategic partner for some time. Neenah Paper is that partner with distribution channels in over 80 countries.
Coldenhove Papier was founded in 1661, had a turnover of 40 million euro in 2016 and offers employement to 120 people.
Source: Coldenhove Papier
Lees verder....Alle keynote speakers van IPEX 2017 zijn nu bekend, nadat de organisatie bekend heeft gemaakt dat Kevin Goeminne, CEO van CHILI publish, het publiek zal toespreken op de derde dag, donderdag 2 november.
Deze laatste spreker onderstreept de duidelijke visie die de organisatie heeft voor een veelomvattende “Print in Action” conferentie. Kevin sluit zich aan bij Francois Martin, een gerenommeerde naam als consultant in de printindustrie, en Deborah Corn, architect van
’s werelds grootste online gemeenschap van printers. Samen zijn zij de drie keynote speakers op de eerste drie dagen van de beurs.
Content curator van IPEX 2017, James Matthews-Paul zegt: “Kevin is een van de jongste CEOs in onze industrie, en heeft een aanstekelijke passie voor print en de toekomst van print. Zijn verfrissende kijk op en ervaring in coding and programmeren, samen met zijn achtergrond als ondernemer, geven hem een unieke kijk op de industrie. Die wil hij graag met het publiek delen.”
Kevin Goeminne zal spreken over het succes van CHILI publish, en geeft daarmee inzicht in de kruisbestuiving die er mogelijk is in de markt. CHILI publish weet zich gesteund door Volta Ventures, de gerenommeerde beleggingsonderneming, en houdt zich bezig met online document editing en rendering solutions voor digital marketing services overal ter wereld. In zijn keynote speech zal hij het publiek deel maken van de acht jaren die achter hem liggen, waarin CHILI publish een grote naam werd in de marketing- en communicatiewereld.
Goeminne benut zijn keynote speech om het publiek enthousiast te maken voor een cross-market helicopteraanpak. “CHILI publish heeft zich ontwikkeld van een start-up naar een scale-up, omdat wij verder zijn gegaan dan alleen print en op die manier een allesomvattend product hebben gemaakt. We hebben gepartnerd en geïntegreerd met digital asset management, product information management en management information, en daarmee gezorgd dat onze online document editing solutions een must zijn voor web-to-print. Digital is verder ontwikkeld, en print heeft dat ook gedaan. Ik wil laten zien hoe een combinatie van beiden perspectief geeft voor wereldwijde mogelijkheden.”
Event Director Rob Fisher voegt daaraan toe: “Nu de beurs dichterbij komt, is het geweldig dat we kunnen aankondigen dat Kevin Goeminne als spreker aanwezig zal zijn. Het is de perfecte aanvulling op onze toch al sterke serie keynote speeches. We kijken uit naar zijn waardevolle inzichten die hij op de “Print in Action” conferentie zal delen met het publiek van IPEX 2017.”
IPEX is de grootste international beurs van de UK. De beurs vindt plaats van 31 oktober tot 3 november 2017 in het NEC in Birmingham. IPEX 2017 toont: innovatie, technologie en print in action, waarbij een scala aan toepassingen voor print, software, digital en finishing aan bod komen. Online registratie is mogelijk via deze link en IPEX is gratis te bezoeken. Het is aan te raden om je van tevoren te registreren om rijen te voorkomen, maar ook om kortingen op reizen te benutten en updates te krijgen.
Lees verder....The keynote speaker line-up at IPEX 2017 is now complete, as organisers of the show reveal Kevin Goeminne, CEO of CHILI publish, will address audiences on the third day, Thursday 2nd November.
The final keynote choice is indicative of the bold vision for a diverse, inclusive content programme at IPEX’s ‘Print In Action’ conference. Kevin joins senior graphics industry consultant Francois Martin and Deborah Corn, architect of the world’s largest online community of print stakeholders, who together form the three keynote speakers on the first three days of the event.
Content Curator at IPEX 2017, James Matthews-Paul, comments; “Kevin is one of the youngest CEO’s in the industry, and has a contagious passion for print and its future. His fresh outlook and experience in coding and programming, combined with his entrepreneurial background, gives him a unique perspective, which he is excited to share with our audience.”
Kevin Goeminne will deliver an inspiring account of the continued success CHILI publish is experiencing, providing insights into market crossover opportunities. CHILI publish is a scale-up business with backing from prestigious investment firm Volta Ventures, providing online document editing and rendering solutions for digital marketing services worldwide. In his keynote, he will share the moments behind the eight extraordinary years of growth that made CHILI publish a fast-growing brand within the marketing communications business.
During his keynote, Goeminne will aim to enthuse the audience for this cross-market helicopter approach; “CHILI publish evolved from start-up to scale-up because we ventured beyond pure print in order to create an all-encompassing niche solution. Partnerships and integrations with Digital Asset Management, Product Information Management and Management Information System and in-house developing, helped us ensure that our online document editing solutions are unneglectable when thinking web-to-print. Digital has evolved, so has print – I want to highlight the best of both worlds during my keynote and show what a combination of both can unlock for businesses worldwide.”
Event Director, Rob Fisher adds; “As the event draws closer, we are delighted to share our final keynote speakerKevin Goeminne, as the perfect final addition to our stellar line-up of keynote addresses. We can’t wait to hear the valuable insights he will bring to the ‘Print In Action’ Conference and share with the print community in attendance at IPEX 2017.”
IPEX is the UK’s longest running international print show. The event takes place from 31st October to 3rd November 2017 at the NEC in Birmingham. IPEX 2017 will be a showcase of innovation, technology and print in action, covering a range of applications including printing, software, digital, and finishing. Online visitor registration is open and IPEX is free to attend, visitors are advised to register early to avoid the queues and take advantage of travel discounts and event updates.
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Celebrating its fourth year focusing on the original communications delivery device, International Print Day (IPD) throws open its virtual doors to the global print community on Wednesday, October 18th – and everyone is invited.
Here is a chance to join a worldwide conversation without borders and share your passion for print through social media that spans all time zones and all types of print, beginning at 6PM ET on October 17th (*11PM GMT, 9AM AEST) and finishing 24 hours later on October 18th at 6PM ET.
There are many ways for students and artists, printers and their supply chain partners to participate. During IPD share your work, your favorite print samples and applications or simply share a moment with fellow enthusiasts using the hashtag #IPD17. Interact and network with the global print community to share your love of print. Last year, the IPD hashtag on Twitter generated an impressive 30-million timeline deliveries in just under 24 hours, so the push for 2017 is to go bigger.
IPD’s annual theme is born from the community that gathers for a weekly #PrintChat held every Wednesday on Twitter at 4PM ET and this year it’s ‘#PrintUX’, providing another way for stakeholders to interact. “Print is an evolving technology with a proud history and a vibrant future,” says Deborah Corn, Principal at Print Media Centr and the driving force behind the day. “PrintUX represents “The Print Experience” as related to print’s role in the world, print’s role in our lives, and the industry’s role in providing the tools and technology to manifest imagination through the printing process. We’re expecting to see printers, designers, marketers and entrepreneurs connecting throughout the day sharing samples and stories of great print – plus ideas, suggestions and opportunities to collaborate.”
One such collaboration is through #PrintChat, taking place at 4PM ET (*9PM GMT) on October 18th. This community endeavor attracts influencers from across the sector, discussing products and services, multi-channel marketing and dreams for a future of print. On this occasion, it will represent the pinnacle of a visionary day of smart, print-related sharing.
Another collaboration reflects the Print Experience in the form of a poster created by Craig Bower of Designs That Rock, with an Augmented Reality assist generously provided by Robert Young and the team at Miralupa ( The PDF poster is available in English and French can be downloaded on the IPD site, Download the free THRUBOX app from your mobile store to access the AR experience.
Corn sees IPD as a way for individual print providers to also engage with their local community. “There are no limits to what can happen on International Print Day,” she states, noting that there are advocates guiding the sharing in Australia, Europe and the Americas to create a non-stop activity that is tipped to trend globally. “If you’ve been thinking of inviting customers or students in to see your shop, why not do it on International Print Day? It’s the perfect excuse to blend fun with being informative and there are no boundaries as to what you can do.”
Anyone can host an International Print Day Hotspot, with whatever degree of formality they choose. A Hotspot can be registered with IPD so that the organizing team can help promote it as an official activity. The United Nations Library Geneva, LIA Queensland, and Xeikon Café North America are already registered for 2017, hosting events in honor of International Print Day.
“In 2015 the United States Capitol Building recognized IPD by sharing pictures of their printed admission tickets,” Corn recalls. “In 2016 Good Morning America gave us a shout-out which was incredible considering their massive following. But when the United Nations Library Geneva reached out to share their 2017 event news, I felt that International Print Day was validated as a legitimate global celebration of print. Now the rest is up to us! So, be as inventive as possible and let’s get print and its possibilities trending around the world.”
For more information, please visit, where additional details about the format and content of the day can be found. Novice social media users can also find “Social Media Minute” videos by Print Media Centr at ahead of time to shore up their sharing knowledge.
Connect with International Print Day on Twitter @IntPrintDay and on Facebook
*Check your local time zone for accuracy with Eastern Time in the US due to rolling global clock changes.
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Portrait mode with studio lighting got more attention and the new option in the camera app to scan QR codes and activate the hidden function. I myself have never been a fan of QR codes. They ruin the layout and were never user friendly. The latter has now been changed with the Apple camera app. In standard photo mode the software not only recognises QR codes, but is able to quickly execute the actions attached to the code. This user friendliness opens new options for users to quickly go to a website or get extra information about a product or service via the internet. This makes the connection between print and the digital world so simple that QR codes could be very big very soon.
Try scanning the QR code below with your iPhone, updated to the latest software, to go to the site. We used the free QR Code Maker from the AppStore to create the QR code.
Manifestations 2017 toont de toekomst! Het grootste ART & TECH event tijdens de Dutch Design Week heeft een vrouwelijk randje!
Veel innovatieve mode en menselijke tech tijdens Manifestations 2017 in Eindhoven.
– vrijdag 20 oktober om 14:00 pers preview!
– uitreiking Young Talent Award: zondag 22 oktober om 16:30.
Van 21 tot en met 29 oktober kun je in het Veemgebouw kennis komen maken met de toekomst. Manifestations presenteert daar meer dan 100 deelnemers, in een mix van kunst en innovatieve technologie en vraagt Will the Future Design Us?
Kunstenaars zetten hier op een creatieve en fascinerende wijze vraagtekens bij, maar het zijn uiteindelijk vragen voor ons allemaal. In Manifestations dit jaar is er veel aandacht voor e-mode, innovatie en techniek.
Kleding met kippenvel, elektronische huisdokter, geur-therapie in je kleding, familie-cocon, robot die eikenprocessierupsen eet, AI autonome wapens, USSR schoonheid, diep dromen, fluister-intimiteit, 360 graden cult Science Fiction, fantasie-organen, interactieve opplak-tattoos, slimme nagel, nutteloze superpowers, onveilige abortusjurk, anti-bacteriële outfit voor zusters, urine- recyclingfles voor vluchtelingen, massagejasje, saaie kinderfeestjes voor rijke kinderen, plastic zak opruimen op de maan, kameleon-rok, genderneutraal speelgoed, lichaammodificaties, draagbare health-monitor voor je ongeboren baby, spelen voor kinderen en volwassenen, dating op geur, een AI-poesje als nieuwe wereldleider, poezenharentrui, pookie gaat naar de poezenhemel, parallelle universums, nieuwe Facebook religie, keuken met verse producten, waarin je je groenten kan laten doorgroeien, oestrogeen hacking, hooligan-fashion, turrets, biohacking, de nieuwste E-Fashion, Innovatieve Virtual Reality.
Lees verder....Thanks to a catalogue printed on a Fuji Jet Press 720S, Paul Hetherington´s clothing label Alex is even more successful. Hetherington´s clothes are worn by Kanye West and Lady Gaga for example. Hetherington chose the jet Press for its perfect reproduction of the most difficult colours. After extensive tests he had 300 copies printed by Italian FAService, one of the first to use the Fuji Jet Press. The catalogues were sent to the most important fashion editors in the world. Hetherington´s choice for print for promotional materials shows again the success of a tactile and exclusive way of introducing products to influencers and consumers.
Read more about this unique project in the press release below.
A catalogue to bring the catwalk to life
What’s the best way to get a fledging fashion brand noticed? This was the challenge faced by experienced, UK-based art director, Paul Hetherington, and leading fashion photographer, Nick Knight, when they were asked to promote high-fashion streetwear brand, Alyx. The L.A. designer behind this radical label has dressed some of the biggest stars around, including Kanye West and Lady Gaga, but getting noticed in such a crowded field with so many established brands can be a challenge.
The main promotional channel today for fashion brands is online, but that medium has become saturated. Recognising this and the fact that there is a renewed interest in print from not only the old guard, but also by a new generation who have only ever known the dominance of the internet, Hetherington set out to identify a print format that would help Alyx stand out from the competition.
“I’ve been doing what I do for 30 years now and I’ve always been interested in the role that print can play in fashion marketing,” says Hetherington. “Around three years ago, when I started working with Alyx, I began seriously researching the print industry because I realised that I just didn’t know what was out there. I’d been hearing about the increasing quality of digital print and this prompted me to take a closer look. Alyx was planning to create an A5 format ‘look book’ to promote the brand to fashion editors, but I became convinced that a short run of large, B3 format catalogues – with Nick Knight’s striking photographs – could be a powerful way to get the brand noticed by key influencers in the industry. The quality had to be exceptional and I needed to find a digital press that could reliably deliver such quality, because for such a short run, litho print was just too costly.”
Hetherington explains how his search ended with Fujifilm’s Jet Press 720S: “I started attending every print trade show and ‘open house’ event I could find. At one of these I came across some of Fujifilm’s Acuity wide format printers. Though these weren’t quite what I was looking for, I was struck by the quality and signed up to a Fujifilm mailing list to keep a close eye on what they were doing. I went along to a Fujifilm open house event in Bedford in 2015 and that’s when I first came across the Jet Press 720S.”
At the time, there weren’t yet any Jet Press 720S presses in the UK. But after looking at some samples, Hetherington thought (for the first time) that he might have found what he was looking for. In fact he was sufficiently convinced that he took a trip to Italy to visit Fujifilm customer, FAService, an early adopter of the machine.
“Seeing it in action, I was even more impressed,” Hetherington continues. “So much so that I gave them the job of printing 300 copies of my catalogue, which then ended up on the desks of some of the most influential fashion editors in the world.”
“The response was excellent, and happily for me, by the time I came to print the next catalogue in the series, the Jet Press had arrived in the UK and I was able to get it printed by Emmerson Press in the West Midlands. A third catalogue is in the works and this too will be printed on the Jet Press 720S.”
“I can honestly say that, in my three years of in-depth research into the print industry, the Jet Press 720S is the single most interesting and substantial piece of technology I have come across. It was perfect for my needs for so many reasons: the format size is exactly what I required, the quality is extraordinary and the wider ink colour gamut makes a huge difference, as standard process cmyk can be really disappointing for vibrant fashion colours. Emmerson Press pulled out all of the stops, and the Jet Press did not disappoint. I’m delighted with the results and I would highly recommend the Jet Press 720S to anyone who is looking for a short print run of outstanding quality.”
Concludes Graham Leeson, Head of Communications & Sales Enablement, Fujifilm Europe: “In such a competitive industry, it’s tough to find the right tools to make a brand stand out, but high quality print now has the potential to make a bigger impact than ever. Paul Hetherington recognised that potential, and in the Jet Press 720S he found the perfect machine to make his concept a reality.”
Lees verder....VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.