Rob van den Braak

The Making of the Agfa Graphics Calendar 2016

14 dec 2015
Categorie: ,,
2016-COVER-finalTraditioneel maakt Agfa voor zijn relaties elk jaar een bijzondere kalender, dit jaar is Print meets Digital het thema. Het is weer een bijzondere kalender geworden. Hoe de kalender tot stand kwam kun je zien in het filmpje op onze Video Pagina.

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Material Innovation: materiaalmogelijkheden in verpakkingen

14 dec 2015
Categorie: ,,,
The Drinkable BookIn de groei-markt verpakking speelt materiaal gebruik en ontwerp een belangrijk rol. Materiaal expert Andrew H. Dent en merken bouwer Leslie Sherr schreven een lijvig boek, 250 pagina’s, over welke zaken er belangrijk zijn als het gaat om materiaal keuze. Het boek is volgepakt met cases en praktijk ervaringen. Voor 29,85 dollar is het te koop via deze link of via Amazon. Een uitgebreide beschrijving met video’s van dit leerzame en inspirerende boek vind je op Wired.


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Blendle is coming to the United States.

11 dec 2015

The Dutch micropayment platform said Wednesday that it plans to launch a closed beta version of the site in the United States in early 2016, followed by a public launch a few months later. The company debuted in the Netherlands in the spring of 2014 before launching a German version this fall.

Alexander Klöpping, the site’s cofounder, declined to specify when the American beta was launching. He also refused to disclose which U.S. publications joining the platform, citing publisher agreements.

However, a preview of the American site that Blendle included in a press release shows stories from The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Economist. A number of English-language publications, including the Times, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, and several Condé Nast magazines are already on the Dutch and German versions of the site.


“In the United States, we’ll first focus on national publications and maybe pilot with a few regional ones, but the focus will be national for now,” Klöpping told me. “Eventually, we want to do more of the regional newspapers…That would mean that your timeline could get filled with a few national newspapers based on your interests and some stories from your local newspaper. That’s part of the vision we have for the product.”

Participating publishers’ stories can be found on Blendle’s site and app, and users can then pay for individual articles, regardless of where they were initially published. Each outlet sets its own prices and receives 70 percent of the revenue, with Blendle taking the other 30 percent. In Germany and the Netherlands, articles are priced between 10 and 90 cents apiece, the company said. Users can also ask for a refund if they don’t like a story.

In October 2014, The New York Times Co. and Axel Springer invested €3 million in the company.

Between the Netherlands and Germany, Blendle says it has about 550,000 registered users. When people first sign up, they get free credits to buy articles and test the service. But only about 20 percent of the users who have signed up have actually submitted credit card information and begun paying for articles, and Blendle won’t disclose how many articles have actually been purchased.

Blendle expects to hire around five people, based in New York, to run the American site.

Source: Nieman Journalism Lab

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The Print Hotel: Printeriors 2016 showcase van interior design

11 dec 2015
Categorie: ,
FESPA Printeriors Logo 2016Tijdens FESPA Digital, 8 tot 11 maart in Amsterdam, is er in de RAI ook Printeriors, een conferentie en vakbeurs voor interieurtoepassingen van groot formaat printers. De beursorganisatie heeft er voor gekozen om in de vorm van een kompleet hotel te tonen wat er allemaal mogelijk is met inkjet printers. De in totaal 16 kamers, van hotelkamers, lounge, meeting rooms tot shops worden door een aantal verschillende leveranciers omgetoverd tot een echt showcase. Meer informatie en hoe je Printeriors 2016 gratis (met de promo code APOZ0701) kunt bezoeken vind je via deze link.

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Material innovation: the surprising possibilities of packaging materials

11 dec 2015
Categorie: ,,,

The Drinkable Book

In a growth market called packaging use of materials and design play an important part. Materials expert Andrew H Dent and brand strategist Leslie Sherr wrote a 250 page book about what is important in the choice of materials. The book is filled with cases and real life experiences. It is for sale for 29,85US$ via this link or via Amazon. A detailed description, including videos can be found on Wired. 


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800 print job vacancies in Belgium

10 dec 2015


Since December 2014 the number of job vacancies for in the print industry in Flanders, Belgium, has been growing steadily. There were 350 vacancies in 2014, up to November 2015 there were already double that, a whopping 800!

GRAFOC coordiantor Herman Staes did research on this: “We want to have better insight in the job market for the short and long term. People with the right education, now and in the future, are crucial. This will also give enterprises the chance to examine the age pyramid, and look at the right mix between knowledge and age.¨


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6th All in Print China

10 dec 2015

BB151201 all in print shanghaiOne year ahead of the actual date of 18 October 2016, already more than 400 important market players have confirmed their intention to exhibit and 80,000 km/sq of exhibition space has already been sold.

The growth of the Asian print market seems to be unstoppable at already 40% of the worldwide print market. The theme of the All In Print 2016, to be held in Shanghai 18-22 October 2016, is “Discover the future of printing”. Messe Düsseldorf co-organises this event.


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Production Inkjet wordt volwassen met de 280 cm brede HP PageWide Web Press

10 dec 2015

KBA : HP PageWide Web Press T1100S


Begin december toonde KBA en HP in Würzburg dat production inkjet volwassen is geworden. De in twee jaar gezamenlijk ontwikkelde T1100S is een gigantische inkjet rotatiepers met een breedte van 280 cm en een maximum snelheid van 183 meter per minuut. De T1100S is door KBA en HP ontwikkeld voor het digitaal bedrukken van golfkarton, een markt die volgens de onderzoekers elk jaar groeit met bijna 20% en in 2019 19 miljard dollar groot moet zijn. De pers is gebaseerd op de jarenlange ervaring die KBA heeft in het maken van speciale verpakkingspersen en op de HP PageWide techniek waarmee in een drukgang de volle breedte van een rol papier of karton bedrukt kan worden. Meer info over de gigantische pers via deze link.


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Production Inkjet matures with the 280cm wide HP PageWide Web Press

10 dec 2015

KBA : HP PageWide Web Press T1100S

At the beginning of December KBA and HP showed that production inkjet has grown up. Over 2 years KBA and HP together developed the T1100S which is a huge inkjet rotation press with a width of 280cm and a maximum speed of 183 meters per minute. The T1100S was developed for the digital printing of corrugated cardboard, a market which is said to grow by 20% yearly and should be worth 19 billion dollars in the year 2019.
The press is based on the KBA´s yearlong experience with packaging presses and HP´s PageWide technology. More information about this enormous digital press via this link.


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09 dec 2015
Categorie: ,,

FESPA Printeriors Logo 2016

Interior design showcase and dedicated conference return with new concept for 2016

Printeriors 2016 will take place from 8-11 March, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, alongside FESPA Digital 2016, demonstrating how print can be used to create statement interiors.

This year’s event will offer visitors a visual and interactive experience. Presented in the form of a hotel, it will demonstrate the possibilities for print showcased in 16 room sets from lounges, bathrooms and bedrooms through to cafes, bars, meeting rooms and shops. This application-focused showcase will illustrate the expanding diversification opportunities available for wide format printers and aims to inform and inspire both the print and design communities to stimulate awareness in this area.

Printeriors 2The showcase will be supported by a one-day conference on Thursday 10 March dedicated to printed interior design. During the conference, visitors will be able to hear from industry experts including interior magazine editors, branding suppliers, large format kitchen design specialists and ceramic printing experts. The sessions will focus on a range of topics including design for the workplace, vinyl applications for interiors, printed furniture and how to bring images to life with large format printing.

Printeriors 1Roz McGuinness, Divisional Director, FESPA, comments: “Printed interior decoration is a strong diversification area for wide format digital printers and is making waves in the interior design and architectural industries. Textile for decorative applications was also one of the main growth areas highlighted in the FESPA Print Census. We know that an increasing number of our core FESPA Digital community already offer solutions in this field, and therefore want to ensure that we are proactively highlighting the opportunities to those who may still be considering the value to them.

“There are numerous possibilities for printers in this sector including walls, floor coverings, textiles, furniture and accessories. For 2016 we have chosen a hotel theme so that we can highlight the different techniques and applications that can be created using print across a number of interior environments. It will cover the complete gamut from ceramic tiles in bathrooms to printed cushions and curtains in the lounge or bedroom. The Printeriors showcase and conference will once again provide both printers and designers a place to visualise how print can transform ordinary interiors into the extraordinary.”

For more information and to gain free entry to Printeriors you can register at and use promotional code APOZ0701.

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The most advanced eBook ever?

09 dec 2015
Categorie: ,,
Lost My Name, a London start-up, has published an ebook for children full of new technology and probably the most advanced ebook ever. Their first book The Little Boy/Girl who Lost His/Her Name is followed by The Incredible Intergalactic Journey Home. This book is personalized with the name and other variables, and creates based on those variables a unique plot and ending. Thanks to Google Maps and NASA the reader will see satellite images of their home and their journey. A journey which takes children through space and teaches them about the solar system along the way. NASA sponsored this book as part of their Global Space Education Foundation and like Google, who invested in the start-up, supplies the necessary images. The book can be ordered for around US$30 via the LostMyName website.

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Het meest geavanceerde e-boek ooit?

09 dec 2015
Categorie: ,

Lost My Way Home e-boek 2015-12-09 om 09.09.08Lost My Name, een Londense startup, heeft een kinder e-boek gepubliceerd dat volgepakt is met nieuwe technieken, waarschijnlijk het meest geavanceerde e-boek ooit. De opvolger van hun eerste boek The Little Boy/Girl Who Lost His/Her Name is The Incredible Intergalactic Journey Home. Dit boek wordt voor de lezer niet alleen gedepersonaliseerd met de naam en andere in te geven variabelen, maar creëert op basis van deze variabelen een unieke plot en afloop. Zo krijgt de reis van de lezer dankzij input van Google Maps en Nasa satellietbeelden van zijn woonplaats en alle plaatsen op zijn reis naar huis te zien. Een reis die kinderen meeneemt door het heelal en ze onderweg veel leert over ons zonnestelsel. NASA heeft als onderdeel van zijn Global Space Education Foundation’s het boek gesponsord en net als Google, één van de investeerders in de start-up, de benodigde beelden geleverd. Het boek is voor 30 dollar te bestellen via de website van Lost My Name.


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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