Rob van den Braak

LED droging verovert Europa: 1e Speedmaster XL 106 LED Perfecter geplaatst in Duitsland

08 dec 2015

Hofmann Druck Heidelberg 106 XL LED Perfector

Offsetpersen met LED-droging worden steeds populairder. De korte inrichtingen, hoge afdrukkwaliteit en de energiebesparing door de zuinige LED lampen doen veel drukkers besluiten om hun oude persen te vervangen door LED versies. Zo plaatste Hofmann Druck in het Duitse Nürnberg een super lange 8 kleuren Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106 LED. Volgens Verkoop Directeur Ralf Büttner van Hofmann Infocom, het moeder bedrijf van de drukkerij, heeft het bedrijf dankzij de voordelen van LED-droging al een aantal nieuwe klanten voor hoge kwaliteit tijdschriften binnen kunnen halen. Meer informatie over de aanschaf en LED lees je via deze link.


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LED drying conquers Europe: First Speedmaster XL 106 LED Perfecter installed in Germany

08 dec 2015
Hofmann Druck Heidelberg 106 XL LED Perfector
High quality prints from the new Speedmaster XL 106 LED at Hofmann Druk
Offset systems with LED drying are becoming more popular. Because of the short make ready times, high quality prints and energy efficiency because of the LED lamps many printers are deciding to replace their old systems with LED versions. Hofman Druck in Nürnberg, Germany, installed a super long eight colour Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106 LED. According to Ralf Büttner, Sales Director at Hofmann Infocom, the company has been able to acquire new clients for high quality magazines, thanks to the advantages of LED drying. More information about the system via this link.

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Drupa Insights Report #2 for sale now

07 dec 2015
Categorie: ,

Drupa Global Insints Touch the Future
Which print applications have opportunity for growth, when can return on investment be expected for digital? These and other questions about the future of our industry are answered in the second Drupa Insights Report, Touch the future – Applications that can create growth. The report was made from the input of 741 executives. It is a very readable report with lots of learnings. Our editor Arthur Lubbers has started on a series of articles discussing the highlights. The complete report can be obtained for 249 Euro via this link. A short summary with a number of interesting infographics can be downloaded from our downloads page.

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Drupa Insights Report #2 nu te koop

07 dec 2015

Drupa Global Insints Touch the Future

Welke printtoepassingen hebben groeikansen, wat is de terugverdientijd van investeringen in digitaal? Deze en andere vragen over de toekomst van onze industrie worden beantwoord in het tweede Drupa Insights Report, Touch the future – Applications that can create growth. Ook dit rapport werd gemaakt op basis van gegevens die 741 beslissers verstrekten aan de onderzoekers. Het is een lezenswaardig rapport waar veel uit te leren valt. Redacteur Arthur Lubbers is al begonnen aan een serie artikelen waarin hij de hoogtepunten van het rapport aanstipt. Het complete rapport is voor 249 euro via deze link te koop. Een korte samenvatting met een aantal leerzame infographics is te downloaden via onze Download Page.

Lees ook: Drupa: digitalisering creëert ook kansen voor grafische industrie


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04 dec 2015
Categorie: ,

FESPA Digital 2016 (Amsterdam, 8-11 March 2016) will be the tenth anniversary edition of FESPA’s digital-focused exhibition, and will reflect the astonishing development and diversification of digital print in the intervening decade.

FESPA Digital 2016 will be the year’s most focused event for speciality printers, embracing signage and graphics, digitally printed textiles and decorative applications. The 2016 edition will cover the largest floor space of any event in the Digital show’s history, with 450 exhibitors occupying 42,000 sqm over seven halls at the RAI Exhibition Centre, representing growth of 159% from the very first edition in 2006.

Over ten years, this event has blossomed from a modest launch exhibition to a content-rich, market leading event that offers the visitor Europe’s most comprehensive showcase of digital wide format print technology. Today, this is combined with the chance to explore digital textile exhibits under the FESPA Textile banner, to understand opportunities in signage at the co-located European Sign Expo, and to be inspired by the Printeriors showcase and supporting conference addressing the growing market for digitally printed interior décor.

Roz McGuinness, Divisional Director, FESPA, comments, “Back in 2005, FESPA had the vision and foresight to recognise how digital wide format technology would revolutionise the speciality print world. The event was launched in 2006 to give printers a focused forum in which to explore these then-revolutionary technologies. Fast forward to 2016, and the change we have witnessed has been seismic. The market for digital wide format production technologies and the scope of digital applications has developed far beyond the expectations that existed a decade ago, and the market’s evolution continues, as the growth and diversification of the event and its visitor audience testifies.”

New exhibitors continue to join the FESPA Digital line-up, reflecting the dynamism of the market and recognising the event’s place as the leading launch platform for digital wide format innovations.

Ricoh is one of these new additions to the exhibitor portfolio for 2016. Showcasing its latest software and hardware technologies, Huib Kolen, Manager Business Development at Ricoh Nederland, comments: “We have taken the initiative to exhibit at FESPA Digital 2016 as we see the value of actively participating in such a well-known event which attracts a strong audience from the wide-format industry. Ricoh has been one of the pioneers in the market since starting in printhead technology more than 30 years ago, and in more recent years we have been exploring the wide format and signage markets as areas of growth with the introduction of the Pro L4100 latex large format printer series. We are looking forward to introducing our products and networking with a large number of customers and prospects.”

Other first-time exhibitors for FESPA Digital 2016 include: AT Graphix, ATS Colore Digital, CWT Tools, Ex-cel Plastics, FH-Union UK, Impronta Gadget, Luscher Tschudi, Provis and Pals Print, who all view FESPA Digital 2016 as the main event of 2016.

Roz continues: “This level of interest from new entrants to the market demonstrates the strength of FESPA’s reputation in the speciality print sector, while the sponsorship support of HP, Durst, Mimaki and Hexis underlines how the industry’s established brand leaders see the value of aligning themselves with FESPA. Celebrating the event’s tenth anniversary in its launch city of Amsterdam is exciting, and we’re spellbound to see what new developments will emerge at this year’s show to take the FESPA community forward into another decade of digital.”

For more information on FESPA Digital 2016 and to register to attend, visit: and enter code ADOZ0702 for free entry.


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Maak je eigen papier met Epson PaperLab

04 dec 2015
Categorie: ,,
Epson PaperLab
Papierafval kan met de Epson PaperLab omgezet worden naar nieuw papier. PaperLab gebruikt dankzij de Epson DryFiber techniek geen water om van, op de juiste manier versnipperd papierafval, nieuw papier te maken. PaperLab kan papier maken in verschillende formaten, dikten en soorten. Het apparaat komt volgend jaar beschikbaar in Japan. Verwacht geen hoge productie van deze innovatieve oplossing, per werkdag maakt het ‘slechts’ 6720 A4 vellen. De markt voor PaperLab is daarmee duidelijk de overheid en grotere kantoren. Hoe PaperLab past in de door Epson ondersteunde Paperless Office strategie is net als de kostprijs van dit gerecycled papier niet bekend. Meer info over PaperLab via deze link.

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Make your own paper with Epson PaperLab

04 dec 2015
Categorie: ,

Epson PaperLab

Waste paper can be turned in to new paper with the Epson PaperLab. PaperLab doesn´t use water thanks to Epson´s DryFiber technology to make new paper out of securely shredded waste paper. PaperLab can produce paper in various sizes, thicknesses and types. The machine will become available in Japan next year. Do not expect high production of this innovative solution. It ´only´ makes 6720 A4 sheets a day. PaperLab´s target market is obviously governments and larger offices. The cost price of the recycled paper is not known yet, nor is it clear how Epson thinks PaperLab fits into the Paperless Office strategy. More info via this link.

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Japanese temple doors printed by Agfa

03 dec 2015

BB151124 Tempel Agfa

When the Agfa Graphics Japan print experts got the request to print the doors of a Buddhist temple they started on a fascinating journey which taught them about new print technology, materials and colour management. But, they succeeded.
The Byodo-in is a Buddhist temple near Kyoto, Japan and is a world heritage site. The most famous part is the Phoenix Hall originating from the year 1053. When the original paint of the western doors started to fade the chief priest went on a search for restoration. The search took 10 years and ended with Agfa. The Agfa experts were able to print on the new doors which were made from 400 year old cypress wood. As the 1.2m by 2.5m doors weren’t flat, a special technique was developed to print on the curved surface of the frames with the help of a special tool that was created with a 3D printer. The ink was specially developed for this job. The new doors will be mounted on 6 December.


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The right time to post to social media

03 dec 2015
Categorie: ,

BB151119 sociale mediaRush hours on social media exist. It is very important to know the right moment to post a commercial message. Different platforms have different ideal moments for generating clicks or to engage with the audience. Quicksprout agency has done some research and made it into a nice infographic. In short, Thursdays and Fridays are the most important days for Facebook. More people are not at work and have time for Facebook. Twitter´s best time for retweeting is 6pm. LinkedIn is best used during working hours. The best time to pin to Pinterest is on Saturdays, preferably late Saturday evening.

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The silent revolution: Fiery proServer, 7 times faster, efficient workflow

03 dec 2015
Categorie: ,

Fiery proServer processing timeSuper large format printers are becoming faster and the output resolution higher. Result is raster image processing times becoming so long that the full capacity of printers such as the EFI VUTek can no longer be utilised. EFI have found a solution with the new Fiery proServer. Rip times of 30 minutes can be decreased to a few minutes only. It also allows for simultaneous processing, very important with variable data – a silent revolution. A revolution not only fueled by faster micro processors and hard disks, but also by smart software. The revolution will also affect the new generation sheet printers for formats larger than A3. Next year´s Drupa will not only be about print quality and print costs, but also about rip speed and efficient workflow.


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De stille revolutie: Fiery proServer, 7x sneller, efficiënte workflow

03 dec 2015
Categorie: ,
Fiery proServer processing timeSuper grootformaat printers worden steeds sneller en hun outputresolutie steeds hoger. Het resultaat zijn raster image processingtijden die zo lang worden dat de volledige capaciteit van printers zoals de EFI VUTek niet meer benut kunnen worden. Met de nieuwe Fiery proServer maakt EFI daar een eind aan, riptijden van bijna een half uur worden terug gebracht tot minuten. Ook voor het simultaan verwerken van opdrachten, belangrijk bij variabele data, is hier een stille revolutie aan de gang. Een revolutie die niet alleen tot stand kwam door snellere microprocessors en harddisks, maar vooral door slimme software. Het is een revolutie die zich ook verspreidt onder de nieuwe generatie vellenprinters op formaten groter dan A3. Op de DRUPA volgend jaar zal de strijd niet alleen gestreden worden op afdrukkwaliteit en printkosten maar zeker ook op ripsnelheden en een efficiënte workflow.

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Laurel Brunner: boycot Indonesian pulp

02 dec 2015


There is no improvement regarding deforestation for wood pulp. Asian Pulp & Paper continues to clear rain forests in countries such as Indonesia. This country has the dubious honour of being number one as far as deforestation for wood production is concerned. In her Verdrigris blog Laurel Brunner describes how this has come about and suggests that boycotting paper sourced from Indonesian forests is the only solution to stop deforestation and the consequent production of CO2 emissions.


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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