Rob van den Braak

Monotype geeft Eric Gill fonts meer families

11 nov 2015
Categorie: ,,
Eric Gille New SeriesDe kleine serie bijzondere en stijlvolle fonts die Eric Gill (1882-1940) ons na liet is nog steeds modern. Voor algemene toepassingen ontbraken er nog een paar variaties. Die heeft Monotype nu met drie nieuwe font families, Gill Sans Nova, Joanna Nova en Joanna Sans Nova ingevuld. Je kunt nu op basis van Eric Gill’s werk kiezen uit maar liefst 77 fonts. Er is dus nu nog minder reden om te kiezen voor platgetreden Helvetica paden. Bekijk de nieuwe Gill fonts via deze link.

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Monotype extends Eric Gill´s family

11 nov 2015
Categorie: ,

Eric Gille New SeriesA small series of unique and stylish fonts left to us by Eric Gill (1882-1940) are still modern. A few variations to make them suitable for everyday use were missing. Monotype has filled this gap with new font families Gill Sans Nova, Joanna Nova and Joanna Sans Nova. There is now a choice of 77 fonts based on Eric Gill´s work. All the more reason to abandon done-to-death Helvetica. Have a look at the new Gill fonts via this link.


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Agfa Graphics wins three Product of the Year awards

10 nov 2015
Categorie: ,

Agfa Graphics Award sgia-2015_2347Agfa Graphics has won three Product of the Year Awards during the SGIA Expo 2015 in Atlanta, USA. It was a first “Triple Crown” for the Jeti Tauro, a superfast UV hybrid wide format printer, the Jeti Mira, a double bed industrial printer, and the Anapurna M2540i FB, the six colour UV printer for step-and-repeat work for multiple formats. Agfa won the awards out of a total of 141 products in 38 different categories. More info about the awards and the products via this link. 


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Agfa Graphics wint drie Product van het Jaar prijzen

10 nov 2015
Categorie: ,
Agfa Graphics Award sgia-2015_2347Agfa Graphics heeft tijdens de SGIA Expo 2015 in Atlanta, USA, maar liefst drie Product of the Year Awards gewonnen. Het kreeg voor het eerst een “Triple Crown” voor de Jeti Tauro, een UV hybrid supersnelle groot formaat printer, de Jeti Mira, een dubbelbed industriële printer, en de Anapurna M2540i FB, de zes kleuren versie van zijn UV printer voor step-and-repeat opdrachten over verschillende mediaformaten. Agfa won de prijzen in competitie met 141 andere producten in 38 verschillende categorieën. Meer info over de prijzen en de producten via deze link.

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EFI Acquires Shuttleworth Business Systems

09 nov 2015
Categorie: ,

ShuttleworthElectronics For Imaging, Inc. (Nasdaq:EFII) announced today the acquisition of Shuttleworth Business Systems Ltd (Shuttleworth), a privately held print software provider headquartered in Kettering, UK.

While financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed, it is not expected to be material to EFI’s Q4 or full year 2015 results.

EFI™ is the global market leader of innovative end-to-end certified business and production workflow software to the commercial print, publishing, and packaging industries. The addition of Shuttleworth will further extend EFI’s leadership in the UK market.

“We are excited to welcome Shuttleworth customers and employees into the EFI family,” said Gabriel Matsliach, Senior Vice President and General Manager, EFI Productivity Software. “We intend to continue to meet and exceed the needs of Shuttleworth’s existing client base with the same enthusiasm that Shuttleworth has for the many years they’ve been in business, while offering those customers access to the full portfolio of EFI products and enabling them to implement complete, end-to-end, business and production workflows that drive efficiency and profitability.”

“We are very excited to join the EFI family and are confident in the additional value they can bring to our customers,” said Andy King, Joint Managing Director, Shuttleworth. “EFI has the technology, skill and reach that will enable Shuttleworth customers continued growth and success for years to come.”


Lees verder.... Kleuren kiezen op zijn Zwitsers

09 nov 2015

Swiss Style Color Picker

Er zijn veel methodes om goed bij elkaar passende kleuren te kiezen, maar de methode van de Duitse grafische ontwerper Fabian Burghardt is meest effectieve en simpelste die we tot nu tegen zijn gekomen. Via zijn site kies je een kleurcombinatie die je bevalt en met simpel een klik kopieer je die kleuren naar je klembord. Eenvoudiger kan niet.

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06 nov 2015
Categorie: ,,

FESPA Fabric rebrands to reflect fast-expanding, multi-application textile sector


FESPA Textile, formerly FESPA Fabric, will open its doors alongside FESPA Digital 2016, at the RAI Amsterdam from 8-11 March 2016. Occupying a dedicated hall of 7,342 m2, with textile equipment and applications on display throughout many wider areas of the FESPA Digital show. Visitors will have every opportunity to investigate the most appropriate digital textile solutions for their business. As the most comprehensive showcase of textile print technologies and applications in Europe in 2016, the event is not to be missed.

As the recent FESPA Print Census (see editorial notes) showed, textile is one of the fastest growing areas of digital print globally, with 81% of respondents viewing it as key for their business. Roz McGuinness, FESPA Divisional Director comments: “The results of our FESPA Print Census highlighted that textile printing for garments and décor are huge growth areas, with textile printing for soft signage not far behind. With this in mind, rebranding the former FESPA Fabric as FESPA Textile was a logical solution. We know that textile covers many different areas, from garments, to interiors, banners and beyond, and we are confident that next year’s event will be a key launch platform for many technology innovations in this dynamic segment of speciality print.”

FESPA Textile 2016 features exhibits from suppliers offering equipment, consumables, substrates and apparel solutions including: Brother, Bullmer, Kiian Digital, INX Digital, Pongs, Screen Europe, MS Printing Solutions, Stahls and Kornit Digital. Visitors will be guided to textile exhibits and content by the icon of Textilewoman, one of a line-up of FESPA Digital superheroes. She will help printers locate new opportunities in soft signage, apparel printing (including garment print & decoration and embroidery) and interior décor.

On Tuesday 8th March, the FESPA Digital Textile Conference is also taking place, alongside the exhibition, making it easy for visitors to combine with their time at the show. A full day of interesting sessions ranging from Insights into the growth & creative development of digital textiles markets with Ron Gilboa of Infotrends, to Growing your business with fabric printing by Daniel Arzt of Sun Ski Sport sro, means that attendees are sure to gain useful knowledge on how to diversify into this potentially lucrative field.

Those visitors with a leaning towards fashion will benefit from attending the Q&A session with Basso & Brooke, pioneers of the digital print process in fashion.  Winning the accolade of ‘Best New Designers’ at the Elle Style Awards, this partnership is a proven success story of the use of textile in the fashion world.

Roz McGuinness concludes: “With the Census highlighting that textile printing capabilities and equipment purchases are high on the agenda with over one fifth of respondents, FESPA Textile is set to be a key event in printers’ diaries. And, as always, we are committed to helping printers understand the opportunities open to them and how to make the right investments.”

For more information on FESPA Textile 2016 including a full exhibitor list, visitor information and event registration, go to Information on the Digital Textile Conference can also be found here. Entry to the exhibition automatically includes entry to FESPA Digital 2016, European Sign Expo and Printeriors.

Visitors who register online before 15th January 2016 will have free access to all of the FESPA events from 8-11 March 2016; registration after this date will be subject to a €40.00 entry fee.

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Fespa Fabric: Waar Textile Print Heroes samenkomen

06 nov 2015
Categorie: ,

FESPA_Textilewoman_press_loresTegelijk met Fespa Digital organiseert Fespa ook de Fespa Textile, de vakbeurs voor textiel printers. Van 8 t/m 11 maart, in de RAI in Amsterdam, tonen Brother, Bullmer, Kiian Digital, INX Digital, Pongs, Screen Europe, MS Printing Solutions, Stahls en Kornit Digital oplossingen voor deze groeimarkt.  Op 8 maart wordt ook de Fespa Digital Textile Conferentie gehouden met sprekers als Ron Gilboa van Infotrends en Daniel Arzt van Sun Ski Sport. Meer informatie over de beurs en conferentie vind je via deze link.


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Kwaliteitscontrole in digitale textiel printing

04 nov 2015
Categorie: ,

Mail-bijlageEén van de snelst groeiende marktsegmenten in digitaal printen is textiel printing. En ook in dit marktsegment is kwaliteitscontrole essentieel voor de kostenbeheersing en klanttevredenheid. Voor Fespa schreef journalist Rob Fletcher een artikel over de haken en ogen van kwaliteitscontrole in de speciale printtechniek en hoe tijdens de Fespa Digital 2016 deze uitdaging getackeld kan worden. Een probleem dat zoals Mike Horsten, general marketing manager EMEA bij Mimaki uitlegt, begint bij de honderden soorten textiel die bedrukt moeten worden. Lees het artikel van Rob via this link. 

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Quality control in digital textile printing

04 nov 2015
Categorie: ,
Quality Control TextileprintingOne of the fastest growing markets in digital printing is textile printing. Also in this segment quality control is essential for cost control and customer satisfaction. Journalist Rob Fletcher wrote an article for Fespa about the ins and outs of quality control for this specific print technology and how Fespa Digital 2016 will tackle this challenge. A problem, which, according to Mike Horsten, general marketing manager EMEA at Mimaki, starts with the amount of different types of textiles. Read Rob´s article via this link.

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Laurel Brunner: The deinking challenge

03 nov 2015

de-inkingDeinking of offset printed paper has long been resolved, but deinking prints printed with flexo or inkjet inks and some liquid toners is still a challenge. Laurel Brunner discusses solutions in her Verdigris blog and suggests that the market for pulp will continue to grow in the coming years. It has become a multi million dollar business.

Read Laurel´s blog on our articles page about how enzymes can help and what digital press manufacturers have to do to deink digital prints fast and environmentally friendly.


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Google Material Design: Leidraad voor wat de komende jaren als moderne vormgeving zal worden gezien

03 nov 2015
Google Material DesignBedrijven als Apple, Microsoft en Google bepalen niet alleen hoe onze computer devices er uit zien. Hun grafische vormgeving is ook een leidraad voor wat consumenten als ‘modern’ ervaren. Daarom is de Smart Person’s Guide van Google’s Material Design niet alleen een aanrader voor programmeurs die Android apps willen maken. Het geeft je inzicht met welke kleuren, fonts en vormgeving je mee kunt liften op de marketing power van Google. Via deze link kun je een korte samenvatting bekijken die inzicht geeft in Material Design en je wellicht inspireert bij de vormgeving van drukwerk, websites en online publicaties.


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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