Rob van den Braak

How wearables will change the workplace

28 okt 2015
Categorie: ,

wearables1Wearable mini computers such as smart watches, smart rings, and smart clothes will change the workplace. Wearables will improve the way we get information about production processes, planning, customers and the status of the machinery we use for our jobs. Printers, presses and peripherals will be able to communicate with the operator, management or the customer. Details about working hours, health and availability of employees will be shared with management information systems. Lindsey Irvine, director of business development and strategic partnerships at Salesforce wrote an article in which she discusses the possibilities and pitfalls of wearables. Read the article via this link.


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Komori at Drupa with Landa inkjet press

28 okt 2015
Categorie: ,
Landa Update 2014Komori will show its B1-format (70x100cm) inkjet press equipped with Landa technology during the Drupa 2016. They had previously announced the introduction of a new inkjet press and the cooperation between Komori and Landa had also been announced. So, now we know the new product will definitely be introduced during Drupa.

The frame and sheetfeeder are based on Komori presses, the technology is Landa´s promising nanographic printing technology which many in our industry have been looking forward to.
Komori has been working hard regarding digital presses. The Japanese company promises more digital novelties during Drupa and  an inkjet press will shortly be displayed in their European Graphic Centre in Utrecht. This is the Impremia IS29, an inkjet sheet press in B2 format (50x70cm).


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Hoe elke werkplek door wearables gaat veranderen

28 okt 2015
Categorie: ,
wearables1Draagbare minicomputers in de vorm van smart watches, smart rings en slimme werkkleren gaan elke werkplek veranderen. Wearables zullen er voor zorgen dat we meer, sneller en exacter informatie krijgen over productie processen, planningen, klanten en wat de status is van de apparaten die we gebruiken voor ons werk. Printers, drukpersen en andere apparatuur kunnen met wearables communiceren met de operator, het management of opdrachtgevers. Gegevens over werktijden, gezondheid en beschikbaarheid van een medewerker zullen gedeeld worden met management informatie systemen. Lindsey Irvine, director of business development and strategic partnerships at Salesforce, schreef voor ReadWrite een artikel waarin ze de mogelijkheden en de valkuilen van deze technieken onder de loupe neemt. Lees haar artikel via deze link.

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Record numbers for EFI

27 okt 2015
EFI labelexpoAgain EFI is in the news with a record turnover: an increase in profit of 16% compared to the same quarter last year. In an interview with Printweek CEO Guy Gecht said that he is expecting a billion dollar turnover in 2016.

Specifically investments in textile printing are the reason for the increase. This year EFI acquired Reggiani Macchine, the Italian textile printer manufacturer, and the Israeli company Matan.
EFI sees great opportunities in the textile printing market. Digital textile printing is only just beginning. Roll to roll textile printing is only 5% of the total textile market. The conversion to digital will take place in the coming years, says the EFI CEO.


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Google Books does not harm copyright

27 okt 2015
BB151019 Google booksThe 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeal has decided that Google may continue digitising millions of books without payment to the authors. The case had been running for ten years. The initial verdict was also in favour of Google.

Google started its library project in 2004 and has scanned 20 million books already. Users can look through the books and read fragments. Google informs them where the book can be bought or borrowed. According to the courts this does not violate copyrights.
The Authors Guild, the American association of writers, went to court in 2005. Google´s library project was said to be a commercial project and the internet giant was supposedly infringing on copyrights. In 2003 a judge decided that Google was supplying a public service without copyright infringement. The Court of Appeal has confirmed this. According to the judges only a limited part of the books are made public.
Google says that the service is profitable for the writers as their books are now easier to find.


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GlassPrint – nog 4 weken te gaan

27 okt 2015
Categorie: ,

GlassPrint2015 kleinJe hebt niet lang meer om je in te schrijven voor GlassPrint 2015. Het enige evenement in Europa speciaal voor glasdecoratie. Op 25 en 26 november in het Radisson Blu Scandinavia hotel in Düsseldorf, kunnen aanwezigen een uitgebreide conferentie bijwonen. Leiders in de industrie zullen presentaties houden over the nieuwste trends en ontwikkelingen in het decoreren van allerlei soorten glas. Registreren kan via deze link.

Glasmakers en decorateurs die al toezegden aanwezig te zijn, zijn Allied glass, Bormioli Luigi, Deco Glas, NSG, O-I, PSL, Rastal, Sahm, Schott, en nog vele anderen. Het programma telt maar liefst 17 technische presentaties en 5 keynote speeches door leiders in de industrie over de nieuwste digitale en zeefdruk technologie. Ook het panel van experts op het nieuwe GlassPrint LIVE! zal zich buigen over belangrijke thema´s die nu en in de toekomst in de markt spelen.
Het volledige programma is te vinden op de nieuwe website van

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DCP Direct Container Print – nog 4 weken te gaan

26 okt 2015
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ESMA dcp-400Met nog maar 4 weken te gaan kondigt Direct Container Print 2015 het volledige programma aan, met daarin 18 presentaties van vooraanstaande spelers uit de industrie. Drukkers, product managers, verpakkingsontwerpers en -ontwikkelaars zullen technische presentaties houden en bijwonen over  direct-to-shape decoratie voor plastic flessen, potten, kopjes, etc.
DCP zal plaatsvinden op 23 en 24 november 2015, in het Radisson Blu Scandinavia hotel in Düsseldorf.
Op het programma staan een keynote speech van Krones DecoType, presentaties over low migration inks, substrate vereisten, computer-to-screen, UV droging, maar ook de rol van innovative verpakkingen in de verkoop.
Het complete programma is te bekijken via deze link.

AB InBev, Actega, Albéa , Avery Dennison, Domino, ESKO, Esterform, Ferro, Fujifilm, Kamman, KHS, Lawter, Leonhard Kurz, Mankiewicz, MOSS, Pall, Omso, Tiger Coatings, SABMiller, Tonejet en Younique hebben reeds toegezegd aanwezig te zijn.
Inschrijven kan via deze link.
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Latest Screen Truepress ´unbelievably productive´

26 okt 2015

With their Truepress Jet L350UV Screen offers the alternative for conventional label production. Quality, speed and flexibility make this label inkjet press a top of the range digital label press. At least, that is what a satisfied Screen customer says.

‘I’ve just enjoyed a real highlight in my 40-plus years in the label printing industry,’ says Chris Bobbert, owner of HP Labelling in Capetown, South Africa in an interview with Packaging & Print Media magazine. Bobbert is talking about the first prints from the Screen Truepress Jet L350UV, Screen´s inkjet label press which was recently installed in his shop. ‘This new digital press is truly amazing!’ he says. ‘We completed the first 12 variants in just two hours, and they were all printed in CMYK only,’ Chris explains. ‘The equivalent job on a mechanical flexo press would have involved CMYK plus at least two spot colours, not to mention some R37 000 in plate-making costs, and would have taken 16 hours (two shifts) to complete.’ The other contributor to productivity is the lack of residue which makes the Truepress easy to maintain.

Photo quality
screenThe Truepress delivers high quality with sharp text and photorealistic quality of the halftone images. With 50 meters a minute up to 350mm wide thanks to the CMYK+white high-definition inks. This results in a wide colour range and powerful colours, fluorescents and high resolution shades. The combination with 600×600 dots per inch print resolution achieves high detail, sharp text and pinsharp lines.



Change to digital

In the change from conventional printing (offset) to digital HP Labelling consciously chose the Truepress. ‘Not all digital presses are born equal,’ asserts Chris Bobbert. ‘The Truepress is the crème de la crème of digital machines. Running at 50m/min it’s considerably more productive than any toner-based press,’ he adds vehemently.
The Screen Truepress Jet L350UV offers a much needed flexibility. HP Labelling can now produce short, medium and long runs and can print on a range of substrates including transparent film and metallic foil.

Since the introduction of the Truepress Jet L350UV two years ago Screen has continuously improved the label press. Screen showed their newest label press recently during the Labelexpo in Brussels.



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Ricoh shows change during Drupa

26 okt 2015
Categorie: ,

BB151019 Ricoh-drupa-2012At the world´s largest print show Drupa, Ricoh will exhibit a range of new products targeted at changing business in the print industry. New chances and greater efficiency are central to the presentations which will cover the whole workflow rather than individual products.
We have worked with print service providers to help them transform their businesses in the face of a fast-paced and dynamically changing print production and communications landscape,” comments Benoit Chatelard, Vice President, Production Printing Business Group, Ricoh Europe. “Now, as they look to be many things to many clients, we stand ready to help them expand their services, improve utilisation and streamline operations for end-to-end efficiency. Visitors to our stand will experience a wide range of technologies and tools that will allow them to continue their production printing transformation.”
Drupa will be held in Düsseldorf, Germany from 31 May to 10 June, 2016.


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Fontreach: a tool to test the uniqueness of your font

26 okt 2015

FontreachIf you want to create a unique site the use of special fonts is a good tool to distinguish yourself. If you want to know how many times the font of your choice is being used online, Fontreach can do this for you. By simply typing in the name of your font Fontreach shows you how many sites use this font. It also shows you how unique the font is by its ranking.


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AiiM gratis webinar: Hoe organiseer, vind en beheer je digitale informatie

23 okt 2015
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webinarAiiM, the global community of information professionals, organiseert met sponsoring van HP op 29 oktober een gratis webinar over het organiseren, vinden en beheren van digitale informatie. In de webinar komen zaken aan bod zoals het opschonen van bestanden, het maken van backups en het ontsluiten van informatie voor gebruikers. Deelname is na registratie gratis, aanmelden kan via deze link.



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PR Professionals think press releases are less relevant

23 okt 2015
Categorie: ,

BB151015 social mediaPR professionals, and to a lesser extent journalists, think that traditional PR tools such as press releases are less relevant these days. Organisations are contacted less often for fact checking. News is published and shared faster and more often online. Not just by journalists, but also by consumers and professionals in various fields. User generated content such as photos, videos and tweets will be increasingly popular says about 77% of international media professionals.

Dutch journalists think that social media messages are a trustworthy source of information. Last year journalists were reluctant (35%), but now 60% of journalists see social media as their most important source of information. Dutch PR professionals are sceptical. Only 39% sees social media as a trustworthy source, down from 43% last year.

These are the results from the annual Social Media Impact survey (#SMING15) by ING, held amongst an international group of journalists and PR professionals. A total of 1000 media professionals were surveyed in the Netherlands, Germany, the USA and the UK.

Despite their scepticism regarding social media nearly 60% of PR professionals say they would not be able to work without them.
63% of Dutch media professionals says that the rise of social media has been at the cost of traditional media channels.

(bron communicatieonline)


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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