Rob van den Braak

AiiM free webinar: how to organise, find and manage digital information

23 okt 2015
Categorie: ,

webinarAiiM, the global community of information professionals, sponsored by HP will do a free webinar on 29 October about the organisation and management of digital information. Issues such as clean-up of records, backups and dissemination of information will be discussed in the webinar.
Participation is free, register via this link.

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Svetlana Aleksijevitsj awarded Nobel Prize for Literature 2015

22 okt 2015

STOCKHOLM 2013-10-24 Vitryska fˆrfattaren Svetlana Aleksijevitj ‰r i Sverige fˆr att delta p den internationella litteraturfestivalen. Hon ‰r aktuell med boken "Tiden second hand". Foto: Vilhelm Stokstad / TT / Kod 11370

Sara Danius announced, on behalf of the Nobel Prize committee, that the Nobel Prize for Literature 2015 will go to Belarusian author Svetlana Aleksijevitsj.
Alexijevitsj is a Belarusian writer and research journalist. She wrote successful books about the WW II, the Sovjet war in Afghanistan and the Tsjernobyl disaster. The jury says she has been able to record emotions about historic events through interviews with thousands of witnesses. The Nobel Prize Committee awarded the prize ´for her polyphonic writings, a monument so suffering and courage in our time.´

Three novels by Aleksijevitsj (1948) have been published in Dutch. The end of last year Second Hand Time was published, Voices from Chernobyl was published in 2006 and Enchanted with Death in 1995.


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Laurel Brunner: ISO 14001-2015 finally ready

22 okt 2015

iso 14001In her Verdigris Blog, Laurel Brunner announces the new ISO standard for Environmental Management. ISO 14001-2015 will be the standard for every supply chain, also those of the graphic industry. It will not be easy to implement, it usually takes years to implement new norms. How to do this with a step-by-step programme and what the advantages of the new standard are can be read in her blog on our articles page.




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Laurel Brunner: ISO 14001-2015 is Go!

22 okt 2015

iso 14001

Printers and publishers and everyone in their supply chains have a new version of ISO14001 to grapple with. This is one of the world’s leading standard for Environmental Management Systems and it’s being adopted by all types of organisations.

The rationale for going ISO 14001-2015 is simple: control over the environmental impact of your business. But with that control come various other benefits, such as improved cost management, waste reduction, staff engagement and something positive for your marketing people to shout about.

This can be a real benefit in that it attracts tangible new business estimated at over €20,000 per million Euros of turnover. This is in addition to the indirect financial benefits that come with certification to ISO 14001-2015. Certification can cost anywhere from a few hundred Euros up, depending on the readiness of your organisation, its size and the scope of the certification. How much benefit a printer gets from certification is hard to say, but as more and more large entities start specifying it as a requirement, serious consideration of the opportunity cost should be given.

Implementing the new version of ISO 14001 can take a while depending on its complexity, but the average is about a year. Implementation will also be harder and longer for companies coming from a standing start. But the environmental benefits are considerable. For example, Warren Board a paper, board and converting company brought waste down by 41% and reduced landfill waste by 59% following its implementation and sees compliance with ISO 14001 2015 as an extension of its ISO 9001 quality management system.

It’s all in the preparation. Judith Turner of Lloyd’s Register, an auditing outfits, says it takes around three years to fully implement ISO 14001 from scratch. She recommends a six step process: plan, prepare, transition, engage, assess and finally certification. In all of these steps it is important to constantly review what you are doing. Judith’s most important piece of advice is to: “read the standard”, which is astonishing. But apparently many people doing the implementing have never read the standard and are just following guidelines. This is a surefire route to failure!

Management’s role in ISO 14001-2015 is the biggest change. Management needs to demonstrate engagement and include environmental management in the company’s wider strategy. Leadership is at the heart of the Plan-Do-Check-Act model that is fundamental to your management system. Leadership should be driving the planning, support and operations, performance evaluations and improvements, so it’s one of the major differences between ISO 14001-2015 and the old version. It’s about management responsibility and controlling risk. These requirements take ISO 14001 into new territory, hopefully a place where its principles and objectives have a higher profile and broader appeal.

Laurel Brunner


Dit blog wordt mogelijk gemaakt dankzij de bijdrage van: Agfa Graphics (, Digital Dots (, drupa (, EFI (, Fespa (, Heidelberg (, Kodak (, Mondi (, Pragati Offset (, Ricoh (, Shimizu Printing (, Splash PR (, Unity Publishing ( and Xeikon ( is de Nederlandse media-partner van Verdigris, een non-profit initiatief dat de werkelijke voetprint van druk- en printwerk die drukwerk achterlaat eerlijk in kaart wil brengen en dat bedrijven en organisatie steunt om die voetprint te verlagen.
Meer informatie over Verdigris vindt je via deze link.

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Laurel Brunner: ISO 14001-2015 is klaar

22 okt 2015

iso 14001In haar Verdigris Blog kondigt Laurel Brunner de nieuwe ISO standaard voor Environmental Management aan. ISO 14001-2015 zal de komende jaren de baken zijn waarop elke supply chain, ook die van grafische bedrijven zich kan richten. Invoering is zoals Laurel aangeeft niet eenvoudig, het kost jaren om deze nieuwe norm in te voeren. Hoe je dat met een stappenplan kunt doen en wat de voordelen voor een bedrijf zijn lees je in haar blog op onze artikelen pagina.



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Laurel Brunner: ISO 14001-2015 is Go!

22 okt 2015

iso 14001Printers and publishers and everyone in their supply chains have a new version of ISO14001 to grapple with. This is one of the world’s leading standard for Environmental Management Systems and it’s being adopted by all types of organisations.

The rationale for going ISO 14001-2015 is simple: control over the environmental impact of your business. But with that control come various other benefits, such as improved cost management, waste reduction, staff engagement and something positive for your marketing people to shout about.

This can be a real benefit in that it attracts tangible new business estimated at over €20,000 per million Euros of turnover. This is in addition to the indirect financial benefits that come with certification to ISO 14001-2015. Certification can cost anywhere from a few hundred Euros up, depending on the readiness of your organisation, its size and the scope of the certification. How much benefit a printer gets from certification is hard to say, but as more and more large entities start specifying it as a requirement, serious consideration of the opportunity cost should be given.

Implementing the new version of ISO 14001 can take a while depending on its complexity, but the average is about a year. Implementation will also be harder and longer for companies coming from a standing start. But the environmental benefits are considerable. For example, Warren Board a paper, board and converting company brought waste down by 41% and reduced landfill waste by 59% following its implementation and sees compliance with ISO 14001 2015 as an extension of its ISO 9001 quality management system.

It’s all in the preparation. Judith Turner of Lloyd’s Register, an auditing outfits, says it takes around three years to fully implement ISO 14001 from scratch. She recommends a six step process: plan, prepare, transition, engage, assess and finally certification. In all of these steps it is important to constantly review what you are doing. Judith’s most important piece of advice is to: “read the standard”, which is astonishing. But apparently many people doing the implementing have never read the standard and are just following guidelines. This is a surefire route to failure!

Management’s role in ISO 14001-2015 is the biggest change. Management needs to demonstrate engagement and include environmental management in the company’s wider strategy. Leadership is at the heart of the Plan-Do-Check-Act model that is fundamental to your management system. Leadership should be driving the planning, support and operations, performance evaluations and improvements, so it’s one of the major differences between ISO 14001-2015 and the old version. It’s about management responsibility and controlling risk. These requirements take ISO 14001 into new territory, hopefully a place where its principles and objectives have a higher profile and broader appeal.

Laurel Brunner







Dit blog wordt mogelijk gemaakt dankzij de bijdrage van: Agfa Graphics (, Digital Dots (, drupa (, EFI (, Fespa (, Heidelberg (, Kodak (, Mondi (, Pragati Offset (, Ricoh (, Shimizu Printing (, Splash PR (, Unity Publishing ( and Xeikon ( is de Nederlandse media-partner van Verdigris, een non-profit initiatief dat de werkelijke voetprint van druk- en printwerk die drukwerk achterlaat eerlijk in kaart wil brengen en dat bedrijven en organisatie steunt om die voetprint te verlagen.
Meer informatie over Verdigris vindt je via deze link.

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Toine Prudon, nieuwe international sales manager grootformaat van Screen

21 okt 2015
Categorie: ,

Toine-Prudon_wide-format-International-Sales-Manager_Screen_resizedScreen Europe heeft het genoegen om aan te kondigen dat Toine Prudon zal beginnen als International Sales Manager voor de UV grootformaat printers in de Truepress Jet range. Toine brengt 25 jaar ervaring met zich mee bij o.a. Thieme, Spandex, Oce/Canon en swissQprint.
Met de komst van Toine wordt het commerciele team van Screen Europe versterkt. Hij zal werken vanuit het European Solutions & Technology Centre in Nederland. “Het is een zeer spannende tijd om bij Screen te komen werken”, zegt Toine. “Het bedrijf heeft zoveel technische oplossingen die perfect zijn voor drukkers die flexibel willen werken in een groeiende grootformaat markt.”
Bui Burke, de VP Sales van Screen voegt daaraan toe: “Toine brengt zoveel ervaring met zich mee in het nieuwe sales en support team, juist nu wij in heel Europa zoveel succes hebben met de Truepress Jet W3200 serie.¨
De Truepress Jet grootformaat UV printers van Screen worden door dochteronderneming Inca Digital gemaakt en zijn ideaal voor het maken van displays, billboards, auto advertenties en backlight signage. Er zijn drie modellen in deze serie inclusief de laatste en zeer veelzijdige zeskleur en wit Truepress W3200UV flat-bed printer. Deze printer, ook geproduceerd door Inca Digital, is beschikbaar als 85 m2/uur en de snelle 150 m2/uur versies, met of zonder roll-to-roll.


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3D printing at Drupa

21 okt 2015
Categorie: ,,
800_carbon3d3D printing will have a prominent place at the Drupa 2015. “Drupa wants to be a platform for pioneering, interdisciplinary technology such as 3D printing”, says Drupa director Sabine Geldermann. ´Traditional´ exhibitors such as HP, Leapfrog, Mimaki, Roland, Rico and Xerox will very likely come with 3D printing novelties. But also specialised companies such as Stratasys and Massivit 3D printing will come to Drupa for the first time. All newest 3D printing developments will be on display in a real 3D fab+print area at the fair.

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Image Test Lab: Een ‘nieuwe’ manier om de afdrukkwaliteit van drukpersen en printers te testen

21 okt 2015

Image Test LabHenry Freedman, uitgever van Technology Watch heeft samen met Peter Crean en Peter Dundas een nieuwe service gestart om de afdrukkwaliteit van drukpersen en printers te testen. Voor 470 US dollars krijg je een digitale file die je gebruikt om afdrukken te maken op het papier van je keuze. Deze afdrukken worden door ITL bekeken op kleurweergave (total color), vlakvulling (solids) en lijn- en tekstweergave (lines and text). Voor elke categorie krijgt je afdruk punten, plus een totaalpunt voor de afdrukkwaliteit. ITL doet voor 740 US dollars ook een vergelijkende test tussen twee persen of printers. Klanten van ITL zijn niet alleen grafische bedrijven maar ook fabrikanten zoals FujiFilm die er zijn J Press 720 mee test. Meer info over ITL vind je via deze link.


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Image Test Lab: A ´new´ way to test print quality in presses and printers

21 okt 2015

Image Test LabHenry Freedman, publisher of Technology Watch, has, together with Peter Crean and Peter Dundas, started a new service to test the print quality of presses and printers. For US$470 you will get a digital file to use for making prints on the paper of your choice. These prints are tested by ITL for total color, solids and lines and text. For each category the print is given marks, with a total score for the print quality. ITL can also do a comparison between two presses or printers which will cost you US$740. ITL´s clients are print shops, but also manufacturers such as FujiFilm who test their J Press 720 with ITL. More information about ITL via this link.



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Krones gives keynote speech at Direct Container Print

20 okt 2015
Categorie: ,,

ESMA dcp-400Krones, the world’s leading packaging and bottling machine manufacturer will open the first Direct Container Print conference as the keynote presenter. Further 20 presentations will follow during the brand new event which takes place on 23-24 November at the Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Florian Lauterbach will introduce Krones Decotype “the future of container decoration by digital direct printing”.

The programme includes also presentations from Agfa, Encres Dubuit , Marabu, the innovative NMP Systems powered by KHS and many more. Follow the programme updates here. 

DCP 2015 introduces printers, packaging manufacturers and brand owners to the potential of direct to shape container decoration on plastics.

Delegate booking is now open on DCP website.


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Konica Minolta verspreidt eerste afdrukken van de B2 inkjet production printer KM-1

20 okt 2015

KM1 print samples Jim HamiltonOp Drupa 2012 toonde Konica Minolta voor het eerst haar B2, 50 x70 cm. inkjet production printer. Een production printer die met UV inkten en LED droging 3.300 eenzijdige, of 1.650 dubbelzijdige afdrukken per uur kan maken op een breed assortiment media van papier tot kunststoffen en plastics. Voor het eerst verspreidde Konica Minolta nu afdrukken en kondigde aan dat er een aantal beta testen gedaan worden. De KM-1 zou dus op tijd klaar moeten zijn voor Drupa 2016. Bekijk op onze Video Pagina de bespreking van Infotrend’s Jim Hamilton van deze print voorbeelden.


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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