Rob van den Braak
Konica Minolta introduced their B2 at Drupa 2012. The 50x70cm inkjet production printer can do 3,300 single sided or 1,650 double sided prints per hour with UV ink and LED curing on a vast variety of media from paper to plastics to synthetics.
Konica Minolta has now shared prints and announced that a number of beta tests are running. The KM-1 should be finished in time for drupa 2016. Watch the review by Infotrend´s Jim Hamilton on our videos page.
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Naar jaarlijkse gewoonte reikt Febelgra, de federatie van de grafische sector in België, deze prijs uit aan de beste afstuderende bachelors uit de richting Grafische en Digitale Media. Uit de preselectie van eindwerken van de Arteveldehogeschool in Gent en Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen kozen professionele juryleden voor creativiteit en vernieuwing.
Met de Febelgra-prijs 2015 geeft de organisatie nieuw professioneel talent een extra duw in de rug en trekt ze de aandacht voor opmerkelijke ideeën binnen de sector. Creativiteit, relevantie en meerwaarde zijn de belangrijkste criteria waar de jury, bestaande uit grafische professionals, zich op baseert. Opvallend werd dit jaar voluit gekozen voor vernieuwende concepten, die ook verder gingen dan louter print.
Winnares Janice Lievens en Febelgra-bestuurder Philippe Van Ongevalle (drukkerij Gazelle)
Voor de thee- en inktkalender tastte Janice Lievens (Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool) de grenzen van het medium en van zichzelf af. Ze stapte af van de traditionele vorm en ontwikkelde twee modellen: een inktkalender, waarbij elke dag zichtbaar wordt via vloeiende inkt, en een theekalender waar je van de blaadjes je dagelijkse kopje thee kunt zetten en opdrinken.
Winnaar Arno Van Biesen (midden) met Febelgra-bestuurders Martin Desmaele (Deriemaecker Printing) en Andreas Foriers (Creafor)
YAM, de voedings-app van Arno Van Biesen overtuigde de jury dan weer door het nut en de uitgebreide commerciële mogelijkheden ervan. De app werkt als een voorraadbeheerder voor de familie en regelt de aankopen, volgt het verbruik, geeft suggesties voor consumptie en houdt bewaartijden in de gaten. Hij kan door verschillende leden tegelijk ingezet worden en helpt zo voedselverspilling tegen te gaan. Momenteel wordt de commercialisering ervan nagegaan.
De Febelgra-prijs bestaat uit een geldbedrag van 750 euro en een cadeaubon voor een weekend Parijs. Op de proclamaties van de Arteveldehogeschool in Gent en Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen mochten de winnaars deze maand hun prijs in ontvangst nemen.
Naast de uitreiking in de hogescholen, zorgt Febelgra ook voor een cadeaubon van 50 euro voor de beste afstuderende leerlingen uit grafische richtingen van de aangesloten secundaire scholen. Deze uitreikingen vonden plaats voor de zomervakantie.
Lees verder....Screen Europe is pleased to announce that it has appointed Toine Prudon as International Sales Manager for its Truepress Jet range of UV wide-format printers. Toine brings 25 years of experience in the industry with leading suppliers, including Thieme, Spandex, Oce/Canon and swissQprint.
Toine’s appointment strengthens Screen Europe’s commercial team and he is based at Screen’s European Solutions & Technology Centre in The Netherlands. “It is an incredibly exciting time to join Screen,” says Toine. “The company has a range of highly-engineered solutions that are ideal for print service providers looking to work flexibly in the growing wide-format market.”
Bui Burke, Screen’s VP Sales, adds: “Toine brings considerable experience to our expanded sales and support team and joins us at a time when we are experiencing tremendous success with the Truepress Jet W3200 range throughout Europe.”
Screen’s family of Truepress Jet wide format UV printers are manufactured by Screen’s subsidiary company Inca Digital and are ideal for the creation of displays, point-of-purchase materials, billboards, vehicle graphics and backlight signage. There are three models in the range including the latest and highly versatile six colour + white Truepress Jet W3200UV flat-bed printer. This printer, manufactured by Inca Digital, is available as 85sqm/hr and high-speed 150 sqm/hr versions, with or without roll-to-roll capability.
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FESPA China & CSGIA 2015 will open this Wednesday, 21 October as the biggest event to date. Visitors descending on Shanghai New International Expo Centre over the next three days (21-23 October 2015) will have access to the widest amount of technology, applications and solutions available.
With approximately 450 exhibitors, FESPA China is 30% bigger than the inaugural FESPA China 2013 in Shanghai. Visitors attending the show will be able to ‘find their key to success’ at the third FESPA China and CSGIA collaborative event, with exhibitors showcasing new products and technology across digital, screen and textile wide format printing, including international brands such as Mimaki, Monti Antonio, Kornit Digital, Brother, Epson, Kiian, J-Teck and MS Printing.
Local manufacturers include: Shanghai Hexuan Industrial Co. Ltd; Guangzhou Tome; Shenzen Lopo; Xingke; Hangzhou Yulan; Wuhan Yili Electronics Co. Ltd; Beijing Fulei and Shanghai RICH, among many others.
What’s on?
The Educational Conference, which will take place on Thursday 22 October on the exhibition floor, will provide visitors with the opportunity to listen to various experts from local and international companies including Epson and Ningbo Shenzhou Knitting Co. Ltd. Attendees can listen to FESPA CEO, Neil Felton to gain insight about trends within the global print community, through the FESPA Print Census findings. Seminars will be in both English and Chinese.
President of Taublieb Consulting and screen print guru, Charlie Taublieb, will host a workshop throughout the show covering all things relating to textile print and garment decoration while providing takeaway business tips. Visitors will also be able to attempt various garment screen printing techniques and special effects in the hands-on sessions.
Visitors interested in vehicle wrapping and the opportunities it presents for businesses should visit the Vehicle Wrap Workshop, where Ole Solskin, FESPA World Wrap Masters Judge, will demonstrate the latest wrapping techniques, as well as providing visitors the chance to try wrapping vehicles themselves.
Roz McGuinness, FESPA Divisional Director, comments: “It’s great to be back in Shanghai for the third iteration of FESPA China and to see the support we’ve gained from the Chinese and International print community. The 30% increase in floor space shows the value that exhibitors and visitors put in the FESPA China event. The exhibitor line-up will be a fantastic showcase of the latest technologies and solutions from both regional and international manufacturers and suppliers.
“Printers increasingly looking to expand and diversify their business are seeking to embed new technologies to complement their existing offering. FESPA China, in conjunction with CSGIA, will provide visitors with a forum to gain knowledge through the educational sessions and share experiences and insights with their peers. All the tools are there to help printers find their keys to success.”
For more information on FESPA China 2015, visit:
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Met de uitdagende titel “Crossing the finish line” schreef de bekende journaliste en consultant Cary Sherburne het vierde Drupa Expert artikel over de rol van afwerking in het grafische productie proces. Terecht vergelijkt Sherburne afwerking met de rol van Assepoester. Afwerking is vaak de sluitpost, niet alleen in de kostprijs maar ook in het productieproces waar het krappe levertijden waar moet maken. Lees het hele verhaal van deze Afwerking Assepoester door het Drupa Expert Artikel #4 op onze Download Pagina op te halen.
With the challenging title “Crossing the finish line” the well-known journalist and consultant Cary Sherburne wrote the fourth Drupa Expert article about the role of finishing in the production process. She quite rightly compares finishing with the role of Cinderella. Finishing is the final piece both in cost and the production process with short turn-arounds. Read the full article about the Finishing Cinderella by downloading the Drupa Expert Article #4 from our downloads page.
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With 285 new visitors and almost 400 participants in total, The Inkjet Conference 2015 has by far broken the record of the last year’s edition. But it is not all about quantity, as the quality and content of 49 presentations have been widely commented as “inspirational” and “stimulating”. Two days and two tracks of technical talks have packed tight the presentation rooms and sixty tabletops have turned into a perfect networking arena which continued during the networking dinner on day 1.
Delegates arrived to the Swissôtel in Neuss/Düsseldorf from 25 countries, mainly European, but also from the USA, Japan, China and India. “It was an excellent mix of suppliers, integrators, customers, both experienced and newcomers”, evaluated Marc Graindourze from Agfa. “Attending The Inkjet Conference has been a great opportunity to get in touch with renowned experts in the field, as well as to gain access to the state-of-the-art and future perspectives of technology”, said Jose Planelles Aragó from Esmalglass-Itaca. Jochen Christiaens from Atlantic Zeiser summed up: “A fully packed, professional conference offering the opportunity to (re-)connect with key players in the industry and gather impressions on technological trends, the do’s and don’ts in inkjet and market development”.
As a huge number of delegates declares their participation for next year, the dates for TheIJC 2016 are already set: 5-6 October 2016 in Swissôtel Neuss. The organisers’ goals for the next edition are ambitious but realistic with drupa as enabling partner at their side (drupa takes place in May-June 2016).
For every innovation, integration and imagination in inkjet : TheIJC 2016 is recognised as a “must attend” event in 2016.
Early-bird registration for The Inkjet Conference 2016 is now open online at www.theijc.ocm
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We know that the Netherlands has many good packaging designers, but the prestigious Pentawards have confirmed this. The best packaging designs from all over the world are represented in the Pentawards which were awarded this year during a special ceremony at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) in London. The Netherlands won no less than nine awards at the international packaging design contest.
DBOD received a gold Pentaward for the design of Rijksmuseum bottles, beer bottles with iconic masterpieces from the Rijksmuseum. Studio Kluif, ProudDesign, VBAT and DreamCatch were also awarded gold.
Click this link for more information.
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Rob Haak, journalist and inkjet consultant, wrote a white paper for Afga about the newest developments in production inkjet. According to Haak these are stimulated by market segments such as labels and PET bottles. Both segments profit from the advantages of inkjet: variable data and efficiency – even for smaller quantities. Inkjet production printing profits in turn because scientists have to make difficult materials print ready. The white paper with the clever name Message on a Bottle can be downloaded from our downloads page.
Rob Haak, journalist en inkjet consultant, schreef voor Agfa een white paper over de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in production inkjet. Die worden volgens Haak gestimuleerd door marktsegmenten zoals labels en het bedrukken van PET-flessen. Beide segmenten profiteren van de voordelen van inkjet, variabele data en economisch – ook bij kleine oplagen. Inkjet production printing profiteert weer van deze trend omdat slimme wetenschappers moeilijke materialen bedrukbaar moesten maken. De white paper met de goed gevonden titel Message on a bottle is te downloaden via de Download Pagina.
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Apple has added a new top model to its iMac range. The new model has a 21.5 inch screen with 4K resolution which gives a super sharp image also in close-up, thanks to the 10 million pixels. Ideal for Photoshoppers.
An Intel Core i5-5675R process with a speed of 31 GHz, a standard 8GB memory and a 1TB hard disk will be sufficiently fast and have enough capacity for most users. However, the new model will cost 400US$ more. Apple also introduces the new Magic Keyboard, the Magic Mouse 2 and the Magic Trackpad 2 which not only have been restyled but can finally also be charged via a lightning port. So no more replacing batteries at the most inconvenient times.
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Apple heeft een topmodel toegevoegd aan zijn iMac range. Het nieuwe model heeft een 21,5 inch beeldscherm met een 4K resolutie die met 10 miljoen pixels ook van dichtbij een superscherp beeld geeft, ideaal dus voor Photoshoppers. Een Intel Core i5-5675R processor met kloksnelheid van 31 GHZ, een standaard 8 GB geheugen en 1 TB harddisk geven voor de meeste gebruikers voldoende snelheid en capaciteit. Het nieuwe model gaat wel 400 dollar meer kosten. Apple introduceert ook een nieuw Magic Keyboard, de Magic Mouse 2 en de Magic Trackpad 2 die naast een restyling eindelijk ook via een Lightning poort hun batterijen opladen. Je bent dus af van het op de slechtste momenten moeten verwisselen van batterijen.
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.