Rob van den Braak

Global Graphics toont de voordelen van zijn halftoon rastertechniek op de Inkjet Conference

02 okt 2015

Inkjet Conference 01Tijdens de Inkjet Conference volgende week laat Global Graphics de eerste voorbeelden zien van zijn nieuwe halftoon rastertechniek. Met die techniek kan volgens Martin Bailey, CTO van Global Graphics, niet alleen de afdrukkwaliteit verbeterd worden maar ook het inktgebruik drastisch verlaagd worden.
Meer informatie over deze revolutionaire techniek lees je in het onderstaande persbericht van Global Graphics. Inschrijven voor de Inkjet Conference om de voorbeelden met eigen ogen te zien kun je via deze link.



Global Graphics shares advances in high-speed inkjet quality at The Inkjet Conference Duesseldorf

How do you achieve the optimum image quality on a high-speed inkjet press? That’s the question posed by Martin Bailey, Global Graphics’ CTO, at the Inkjet Conference, Düsseldorf which opens on 7th October.

With one inkjet press manufacturer describing droplet placement while inkjet printing at high-speed like “high-level bombing in a gale” the subject is a topic of much debate in the industry with many press manufacturers frustrated in the knowledge that they are not yet able to get the most out of their high-speed presses.

Which is why for many months, Global Graphics Software has been working with a number of inkjet press manufacturers to develop entirely new half-tone screening technology for presses that can vary the amount of ink delivered in any one location on the media.

“The partners we are working with have already seen significant improvements to their output and we’re still at the exploratory stage,” says Martin Bailey, Global Graphics’ CTO. “We’ll be sharing some samples at The Inkjet Conference in Düsseldorf (October 7th and 8th ) and we’d like to encourage other manufacturers to try it for themselves.”

“Every UV inkjet press vendor we speak to has problems with droplets ‘randomly’ coalescing at some tone values, leading to an uneven or streaky effect,” Bailey continues. “In the same way aqueous inkjet vendors suffer from the loss of extreme highlights in a way that’s reminiscent of flexography. Both are affected significantly by media selection, but most press vendors struggle to prevent their customers from using the most cost effective media at the quality they require and cannot avoid the issues by recommending different media.”

““Colour management is very important, but it’s not enough. If you haven’t got the right screening to apply no amount of colour management will give you the image quality you need. If you’re printing graphics, images, graduations and anything else that requires a full range of tonality, the half-tone screening that we’re developing is what you will need to avoid artefacts. It works hand in hand with good colour management.”

A halftone screen persuades the human eye to see a tone or colour that is not actually there by marking areas that are too small to be resolved individually. The physics of inkjet printing leads to challenges such as losing highlights or pseudo-random coalescing of dots on the media, challenges which can best be addressed with the results of Global Graphics’ development.

Martin Bailey’s session is titled “Colour management is not enough: achieving maximum inkjet quality with screening” and will take place at The Inkjet Conference on 7th October. Watch the video preview

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Global Graphics shares advances in high-speed inkjet quality at The Inkjet Conference Duesseldorf

02 okt 2015
Categorie: ,

Inkjet Conference 01How do you achieve the optimum image quality on a high-speed inkjet press? That’s the question posed by Martin Bailey, Global Graphics’ CTO, at the Inkjet Conference, Düsseldorf which opens on 7th October.

With one inkjet press manufacturer describing droplet placement while inkjet printing at high-speed like “high-level bombing in a gale” the subject is a topic of much debate in the industry with many press manufacturers frustrated in the knowledge that they are not yet able to get the most out of their high-speed presses.

Which is why for many months, Global Graphics Software has been working with a number of inkjet press manufacturers to develop entirely new half-tone screening technology for presses that can vary the amount of ink delivered in any one location on the media.

“The partners we are working with have already seen significant improvements to their output and we’re still at the exploratory stage,” says Martin Bailey, Global Graphics’ CTO. “We’ll be sharing some samples at The Inkjet Conference in Düsseldorf (October 7th and 8th ) and we’d like to encourage other manufacturers to try it for themselves.”

“Every UV inkjet press vendor we speak to has problems with droplets ‘randomly’ coalescing at some tone values, leading to an uneven or streaky effect,” Bailey continues. “In the same way aqueous inkjet vendors suffer from the loss of extreme highlights in a way that’s reminiscent of flexography. Both are affected significantly by media selection, but most press vendors struggle to prevent their customers from using the most cost effective media at the quality they require and cannot avoid the issues by recommending different media.”

““Colour management is very important, but it’s not enough. If you haven’t got the right screening to apply no amount of colour management will give you the image quality you need. If you’re printing graphics, images, graduations and anything else that requires a full range of tonality, the half-tone screening that we’re developing is what you will need to avoid artefacts. It works hand in hand with good colour management.”

A halftone screen persuades the human eye to see a tone or colour that is not actually there by marking areas that are too small to be resolved individually. The physics of inkjet printing leads to challenges such as losing highlights or pseudo-random coalescing of dots on the media, challenges which can best be addressed with the results of Global Graphics’ development.

Martin Bailey’s session is titled “Colour management is not enough: achieving maximum inkjet quality with screening” and will take place at The Inkjet Conference on 7th October. Watch the video preview

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Waterproof bible thanks to synthetic paper

30 sep 2015
Categorie: ,,

Waterproof BibleWell, this is something an e-reader cannot offer, an element resistant bible without a charger. Perhaps that is the reason why the NLT Waterproof Bible Blue Wave is successful despite its hefty price of 44.95US$. Some of the advantages of the Yupo synthetic paper are the option to, with the right pen, make notes on the pages which can later be erased, the fact that the bible floats, the lightweight paper makes it a very light book and the text is exceptionally easy to read. Yupo paper is available in different weights and qualities and is certified for the HP Indigo digital presses.





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Waterproof bijbel dankzij synthetisch papier

30 sep 2015
Categorie: ,

Waterproof BibleKom daar maar eens om bij een e-reader, een bijbel die bestand is tegen de elementen en die geen oplader nodig heeft. Wellicht dat daarom de NLT Waterproof Bible Blue Wave ondanks zijn forse prijs, 44,95 dollar, een succes is. Bijkomende voordelen van het gebruikte synthetische papier van Yupo is dat met de juiste pen er notities op gemaakt kunnen worden die later ook weer te wissen zijn, dat de bijbel blijft drijven, het een laag gramsgewicht heeft waardoor het boek opvallend licht is en de tekst uitzonderlijk goed te lezen is. Yupo papier is verkrijgbaar in verschillende gewichten en kwaliteiten en is gecertificeerd voor de HP Indigo digitale drukpersen.





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Krones geeft keynote speech op 1e Direct Container Print conferentie

29 sep 2015
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ESMA dcp-400Krones, wereldleider in verpakkings- en bottelmachines zal de eerste Direct Container Print conferentie met een keynote speech openen. Meer dan 20 presentaties zullen volgen tijdens dit gloednieuwe evenement dat plaatsvindt op 23 en 24 November in het Radisson Scandinavia Hotel, Düsseldorf.

Florian Lauterbach zal tijdens de keynote Krones Decotype introduceren, een techniek die de toekomst van container decoration met digital direct printing gestalte geeft. Op het programma staan ook presentaties van onder andere Agfa, Dubuit Marabu, het innovative NMP Systems powered by KHS. Volg de programma updates via deze link.

DCP 2015 geeft printers, packaging manufacturers en brand owners inzicht in de potentie van direct to shape container decoration op plastics. Inschrijven voor deze conferentie kan via  DCP website.


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The Inkjet Conference: 1 Week To Go

29 sep 2015
Categorie: ,,

image-ijcWith over 300 confirmed participants from 24 countries The Inkjet Conference opens its doors in one week. Leading inkjet engineers and chemists from around the world gather on the 7th and 8th October in Düsseldorf for over 20 hours of lectures and presentations on inkjet developments.

Market leaders who have already registered include: Agfa, Barberan, Bobst, Bundesdruckerei Coldenhove, Domino, Durst, FFEI, Hapa, Heidelberg, Hymmen, Impress Surfaces, KBA, Kerajet, Kornit, Martinenghi, MS, SPGPrint, Kagaku, System Ceramics, Torrecid, Sun Automation, Zimmer and many more.

Last minute delegate bookings are available here.

The conference programme is filled with 49 presentations on all aspects of inkjet engineering and inkjet chemistry – for more details visit TheIJC website.

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The Inkjet Conference: One Week To Go

29 sep 2015
Categorie: ,,

The Injet Conference 2015Met 300 deelnemers uit 24 landen opent The Inkjet Conference volgende week zijn deuren. De wereldtop van inkjet engineers en chemici komen op 7 oktober bij elkaar in Düsseldorf om in meer dan twintig uur met presentaties en voordrachten de ontwikkelingen in inkjet te bespreken. Marktleiders die zich al geregistreerd hebben zijn onder andere Agfa, Barberon, Bobst, Bundesdruckerei, Coldenhove, Domino, Durst, FFEI, Hapa, Heidelberg, Hymmen, Impres Surfaces, KBA, Kerajet, Kornit, Martinenghi, MS, Kagaku, System Ceramics, Torrecid, Sun Automation en Zimmer.

Online boeken kan hier.
Meer informatie op: TheIJC website.


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FAQ sheet: the difference between Hexachrome and Pantone Extended Gamut

29 sep 2015

Pantone XG vs GRACOL Color SpaceDo you need special inks or software for the Pantone Extended Gamut, and what is the difference with Hexachrome? The answers to these questions and more can be found in the FAQ sheet which can be downloaded via our downloads page. You will also find the ink thickness, screen ruling and type of paper which was used for the Pantone Extended Gamut guide. More information about printing with extended gamut via this link. 

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FAQ sheet: Het verschil tussen Hexachrome en Pantone Extended Gamut

29 sep 2015

Pantone XG vs GRACOL Color SpaceHeb je speciale inkten of software nodig voor Pantone Extended Gamut en wat is het verschil met Hexachrome? De antwoorden daarop vind je in de FAQ sheet die je kunt downloaden via onze download pagina. Daar vind je ook de inktlaagdikte, welke rasterliniatuur en welk papier er gebruikt is voor de Pantone Extended Gamut guide. Meer informatie over het drukken met extended gamut vind je via deze link.




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Morgen begint de Labelexpo Europe in Brussel

28 sep 2015
Categorie: ,

Vanaf 29 september tot 2 oktober wordt in Brussel de Labelexpo Europe gehouden. Voor niet alleen label- en verpakkingsdrukkers een beurs die het bezoeken waard is door de vele digitale productie print oplossingen en workflow software die daar gedemonstreerd wordt. Entree, als je geen uitnodiging hebt, is niet goedkoop, 55 euro per persoon. Meer info hieronder in het Engelstalige persbericht van de organisatie.


Labelexpo Europe

Visitors to Labelexpo Europe will be able to discover the label and packaging technology of tomorrow at this year’s show. Being held at Brussels Expo in Belgium from 29 September to 2 October, the show will be taking an up close look at the latest developments in active and intelligent packaging as part of the inaugural Smart Packaging Lab feature area.

Smart packaging solutions are already beginning to drive consumer demand and influence purchasing decisions while transforming the retail experience and stock management processes and Labelexpo will include a roundup of the latest advances in substrates, inks, digital systems and printing. Show-goers will also be able to view augmented reality systems, radio frequency identification (RFID) and near field communication (NFC) smart tags alongside anti-bacterial films that prevent label contamination. Exhibitor highlights from this fast moving sector will include:

Avery Dennison will feature RFID technology from its Retail Branding and Information Solutions (RBIS) business. RFID can provide 99+% real-time inventory accuracy and improve efficiency by offering heightened product visibility, throughout the end-to-end global supply chain. In addition, the company will feature FiberTracker, an anti-counterfeiting labelling solution which features a paper facestock with unique fibre patterns that can be scanned at point of purchase to validate product authenticity. The company will also demonstrate the capabilities of DirectLink, which uses NFC technology to deliver special offers, videos, and product information. Avery Dennison will feature a printed electronic label that highlights time, temperature and tracking information to ensure compliance of product handling.

Blippar is the world’s leading visual discovery app, harnessing augmented reality and image-recognition technology to bring the physical world to life through smartphones. Once the Blippar app is downloaded, people can blipp (‘scan’) objects they’re curious about and unlock useful and entertaining content.

EyeSee optimizes marketing communication effectiveness with affordable and fast eye tracking and facial coding insights. The company measures and maximizes return on advertising, shopper and digital using its innovative online webcam-based platform to track eyes and facial expressions with respondents’ laptop and webcam at home.

Seido Systems will be showcasing the latest in 3D technology for package printing. From individual designer through product development collaboration to the manufacturing department, Seido Systems and Stratasys offers FDM and PolyJet 3D printers designed for you. Stratasys will bring Fortus and Polyjet machines to the exhibition.

Systec, a German manufacturer of cylinder and flatbed screen printing and slitting equipment, will be displaying various techniques for printing flexible printed circuits for labels and electronic devices. These techniques will include via hole printing and contact drying solutions for effectively printing and drying a variety of conductive inks.

Taghleef Industries will be promoting its Derprosa Bacterstop’s range: anti-bacterial BOPP films for food contamination prevention applications. The BOPP films are treated on one side with either matte or gloss with anti-bacterial properties, while the other side is corona treated for printing and laminating. Applications include pressure sensitive, roll fed wrap around and in-mould labels.

Lisa Milburn, managing director of the Labelexpo Global Series commented, ‘The whole smart packaging section of the market is rapidly developing and continuously evolving. It is being driven and influenced by many external factors such as brand owners trying to leverage consumer loyalty, the desire and need to improve efficiency in the retail chain and the need to protect against anti-counterfeiting. Smart packaging is here to stay and is impacting on all major industries so this feature area will give a taste of the many technologies out there and how they can be applied from food and drink, to pharmaceutical, to automotive products and beyond.’

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Labelexpo Europe starts tomorrow in Brussel

28 sep 2015
Categorie: ,,

Labelexpo Europe hall5

Visitors to Labelexpo Europe will be able to discover the label and packaging technology of tomorrow at this year’s show. Being held at Brussels Expo in Belgium from 29 September to 2 October, the show will be taking an up close look at the latest developments in active and intelligent packaging as part of the inaugural Smart Packaging Lab feature area.

Smart packaging solutions are already beginning to drive consumer demand and influence purchasing decisions while transforming the retail experience and stock management processes and Labelexpo will include a roundup of the latest advances in substrates, inks, digital systems and printing. Show-goers will also be able to view augmented reality systems, radio frequency identification (RFID) and near field communication (NFC) smart tags alongside anti-bacterial films that prevent label contamination. Exhibitor highlights from this fast moving sector will include:

Avery Dennison will feature RFID technology from its Retail Branding and Information Solutions (RBIS) business. RFID can provide 99+% real-time inventory accuracy and improve efficiency by offering heightened product visibility, throughout the end-to-end global supply chain. In addition, the company will feature FiberTracker, an anti-counterfeiting labelling solution which features a paper facestock with unique fibre patterns that can be scanned at point of purchase to validate product authenticity. The company will also demonstrate the capabilities of DirectLink, which uses NFC technology to deliver special offers, videos, and product information. Avery Dennison will feature a printed electronic label that highlights time, temperature and tracking information to ensure compliance of product handling.

Blippar is the world’s leading visual discovery app, harnessing augmented reality and image-recognition technology to bring the physical world to life through smartphones. Once the Blippar app is downloaded, people can blipp (‘scan’) objects they’re curious about and unlock useful and entertaining content.

EyeSee optimizes marketing communication effectiveness with affordable and fast eye tracking and facial coding insights. The company measures and maximizes return on advertising, shopper and digital using its innovative online webcam-based platform to track eyes and facial expressions with respondents’ laptop and webcam at home.

Seido Systems will be showcasing the latest in 3D technology for package printing. From individual designer through product development collaboration to the manufacturing department, Seido Systems and Stratasys offers FDM and PolyJet 3D printers designed for you. Stratasys will bring Fortus and Polyjet machines to the exhibition.

Systec, a German manufacturer of cylinder and flatbed screen printing and slitting equipment, will be displaying various techniques for printing flexible printed circuits for labels and electronic devices. These techniques will include via hole printing and contact drying solutions for effectively printing and drying a variety of conductive inks.

Taghleef Industries will be promoting its Derprosa Bacterstop’s range: anti-bacterial BOPP films for food contamination prevention applications. The BOPP films are treated on one side with either matte or gloss with anti-bacterial properties, while the other side is corona treated for printing and laminating. Applications include pressure sensitive, roll fed wrap around and in-mould labels.

Lisa Milburn, managing director of the Labelexpo Global Series commented, ‘The whole smart packaging section of the market is rapidly developing and continuously evolving. It is being driven and influenced by many external factors such as brand owners trying to leverage consumer loyalty, the desire and need to improve efficiency in the retail chain and the need to protect against anti-counterfeiting. Smart packaging is here to stay and is impacting on all major industries so this feature area will give a taste of the many technologies out there and how they can be applied from food and drink, to pharmaceutical, to automotive products and beyond.’

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Ten reasons why cross channel marketing doesn´t have to be rocket science

28 sep 2015

10 reaaans why crosschanel marketing is no rocket sciencePrint companies are slowly transforming into cross media companies. With good reason. As partner in the communication process print companies need to be aware of the customers´ PR targets and what the continously decreasing budgets are spent on. They cannot succeed if they are just the cheap or fast printer against cut-throat prices. But, the road to becoming a cross channel marketing provider can be long and hard. Adobe, in an effort to market their Campaign marketing software and cloud service, published a concise and not too technical booklet describing ten reasons why cross channel marketing does not have to be rocket science. The ten steps, according to Adobe, include analysis of what your customers need and how to choose those channels. The publication can be read offline after download from our downloads page. A short description can be found via this link.

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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