Rob van den Braak
In the battle for print orders with short turnaround times offset printers have a new weapon: LED curing. LED curing dries the inks which are especially formulated for this process inside the press with the extra advantage that there is no heat transfer onto the printed sheet. This means that the sheet can be processed as soon as it leaves the press. Following in Ryobi´s footsteps, Riyobi pioneered this new curing technology, Heidelberg, Komori, Manroland and KBA are supplying offset presses with this technology.
The disadvantages
However, there are some disadvantages to LED curing. There are extra costs for installation, it is still relatively difficult to get hold of, the cost of the ink (nearly double of that of standard ink), the energy use and installation of the cooling system and the right distance between dryer and media which needs to be absolutely right.
The advantages
It seems that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, seeing that Heidelberg sold over 20 in Japan alone. Apart from the fast and complete curing and the absence of heat on the printed sheet, the long lifespan of the LED lamps – on average 20,000 hours vs 2,000 for mercury lamps -, the fast and simple changing of LEDs, the fast and simple switching on and off of LEDs, no ozone production and consequently no expensive ozone processing as well as the consistency of the actual curing.
More information about LED can be found on the (sales) publication by UV-technik Meyer which can be downloaded from our downloads page, in the UV Technology guide by Bundesgenossenschaft Druck und Papierverarbeiting, and with the manufacturers.
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When everyone tells you your app is a brilliant idea and you agree with them, but you forget that a good idea needs a good business model to earn money, your venture will fail. That is the story of Arthur Tolsma and Greetinq. You can read his story via this link and Arthur is one of the speakers of Failing Forward, a conference in Brussels on 14 October where you can learn from the mistakes others, such as Greetinq have made.
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Als iedereen je vertelt dat je app een briljant idee is en je daar zelf ook in gelooft, maar je vergeet dat je een goed zakelijk model nodig hebt om er geld mee te verdienen, dan gaat het mis met dat briljante idee. Dat is het verhaal van Arthur Tolsma en Greetinq. Het verhaal kun je lezen via deze link en Arthur is een van de sprekers op Failing Forward een conferentie op 14 oktober in Brussel waar je als start-up kunt leren hoe fouten als die van Greetinq te voorkomen.
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Not just the number of visitors, more than the 20,000 visitors expected and the number of exhibitors at the Graph Expo increased, also the number of product introductions was remarkable. HP showed their new inkjet rotation press which was inspired by their PageWide technology, Xerox and Kodak introduced new models of their production printers and Pitney Bowes showed their new AcceleJet printing and finishing system.
Graph Expo 2015 showed the healthy heartbeat of a recuperating print industry. So much promise for Drupa 2016. Drupa 2016 is the giant event of which is the official publishing partner. will continue to inform their readers about any news concerning Drupa 2016. If you are interested in seeking prospects and publicity around this event, please contact Marco den Engelsman, He has all the information about the unique opportunities offers in print, online and via social media.
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Niet alleen het aantal bezoekers, meer dan de verwachte 20.000, en het aantal exposanten van de Graph Expo steeg dit jaar, ook het aantal productintroducties was opvallend. HP kwam met een nieuwe op haar PageWide techniek gebaseerde inkjetrotatiepers, Xerox en Kodak presenteerden nieuwe modellen van hun productie printers en Pitney Bowes toonde zijn nieuwe AcceleJet printing en finishing systeem.
Graph Expo 2015 toonde daarmee de gezonde hartslag van een zich herstellende grafische industrie. Dat belooft wat voor de Drupa 2016, het gigantische evenement waarover als officiële publishing partner jou als lezer uitgebreid zal informeren. En mocht je als ondernemer rond dit evenement prospects en publiciteit zoeken neem dan contact op met Marco den Engelsman,, hij kan je alles vertellen over de unieke mogelijkheden die in print, online en via sociale media kan bieden.
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Er zijn verschillende systemen om een kleurtoon exact te specificeren en die specificatie te delen met anderen en, wat zeker zo belangrijk is, die kleur zo goed mogelijk te reproduceren op verschillende media naar verschillende druk- en print technieken. Matchmycolor denkt daarvoor de perfecte oplossing te hebben gevonden. Samen met partner PACKZ, maker van software waarmee ontwerpen drukklaar gemaakt kunnen worden, biedt Matchmycolor nu een complete oplossing voor de verpakkingsindustrie. Het ontwikkelen van een speciale kleur, het maken van een inktrecept én het gestandaardiseerd en gecontroleerd produceren van kleuren is door deze samenwerking mogelijk. Matchmycolor draait om Colibri, een gepatenteerde standaard die in licentie gebruikt wordt door partners zoals Konica Minolta en meer dan 1.000 andere licentiehouders. Colibri wordt gebruikt in producten zoals Colibri ColorSpec, ColorMatch, ColorQuality en ColorTInt. Matchmycolor is een bedrijf dat bouwt op de meer dan 40 jaar ervaring die Ciba had met kleurmanagement, na de management buyout in 2009 is die kennis nu eigendom van Matchmycolor.
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There are several systems to code and share colour tones, and, what is as important, to reproduce these colours on different media via different printing technology. Matchmycolor thinks they have the perfect solution. Together with partner PACKZ, manufacturer of design print-ready software, Matchmycolor offers a complete system for the packaging industry. The development of special colours, the ink recipe and the standardised production of colours is possible because of this cooperation. Matchmycolor uses Colibri, a patented standard which is licensed to partners such as Konica Minolta and more than 1,000 others. Colibri is used in products such as Colibri ColorSpec, ColorMatch, ColorQuality and Colortint. Matchmycolor builds on 40 years of experience in colour management from Ciba from which Colibri was acquired by Matchmycolor in a management buy-out in 2009.
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Bombarded by social media millennials relax with a magazine, according to Michael Brunt in FOLIO:. Such magazines need to be well made and designed in a way that attracts this audience which is becoming increasingly interesting for marketing professionals and advertisers. If the content is within the millennial´s interest sphere there will be a great future for special interest and other magazines.
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Just a year after investing in its first Screen Truepress Jet L350UV digital label press, Springfield Solutions in Hull, UK, has installed a second press. The Truepress Jet is part of the company’s ongoing investment programme in new technology which also includes two Screen JetConverter L350 finishing systems.
“We invested in a second Screen Truepress to build capacity”, says Dennis Ebeltoft, Springfield Solutions joint MD. “Our first Truepress is performing very well and has generated significant growth in work from existing clients and attracted new customers so it was an easy decision to choose another. They produce great quality and are fantastic work horses – they just run and run.”
One Truepress is integrated with a Screen JetConverter L350s finishing system for inline varnishing, lamination, die cutting and slitting. The other JetConverter is standalone. “With online and offline finishing capability we can handle both long and short runs very efficiently,” says Dennis.
The end-to-end integration goes further at Springfield Solutions with the Screen presses linked into the company’s CERM MIS system to provide accurate job management, production cost analysis and control. This allows the company to maximise efficiency throughout and allocate jobs to the best press.
Dennis predicts 2015 will be a record breaking year for the company. By the end of June it had printed almost 65 million labels, setting an end of year target of in the region of 130 million labels. It is now handles about 2,000 jobs a month, up from the 800/1,000 two years ago.
“We have seen a 21% increase in jobs, with nearly 16,000 completed this year and more than 4.3 million metres of labels printed in the first six months of 2015,” says Dennis. “We have also witnessed a year-on-year increase since converting to an all-digital print room three years ago, offering clients’ greater flexibility, quicker turnarounds and consistency on every run.”
“Springfield Solutions was the first company to install a Truepress Jet L350UV in Europe,” explained Brian Filler, President of Screen Europe. “Clearly, it was a leap of faith for the company but the press has done what we said it would do and, together with the JetConverter L350, has given an innovative and far sighted company the tools to grow its business.”
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.