Rob van den Braak
De Fespa organisatie heeft een infographic gepubliceerd met de resultaten van haar Census 2015 onderzoek onder haar leden. Rode draad in de resultaten is het optimisme in onze industrie. Daardoor groeit de investeringsbereidheid en de wens om nieuwe markten te betreden. Opvallend is ook de verdeling van de groot formaat opdrachten waar banners de hoofdmoot vormen samen met posters, en waar textielprint de groeimarkt is. Download de infographic op onze download pagina.
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GfK rapporteert een lichte opleving van de boekverkoop in het tweede
kwartaal van 2015. Er gingen maar liefst 7,9 miljoen papieren A-boeken
over de toonbank, een stijging van 1,1 %. De totale groei over de
eerste zes maanden komt daarmee op 3,1%. Meer info in het GfK YouTube
filmpje op onze Video Pagina.
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Most creative communication professionals can only dream about a turnover of 1 billion US$, and if, like Adobe, a quarter of this comes from subscriptions, you are having a great year and a bright future. You might think that Adobe could reduce their prices a bit, but that´s not the way it works. And honestly the price for such a versatile product as CC is fair. Let´s hope Adobe uses the money to continue improving their products as well as for training so that we can be most effective in using it.
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Je kunt er als creatieve communicatiemaker alleen maar van dromen, een omzet van 1 miljard en als dat net als bij Adobe ook nog voor bijna een kwart komt uit abonnementen dan heb je een goed jaar en een mooie toekomstverwachting. Wellicht dat je als grafisch bedrijf denkt waarom kunnen we dan niet wat minder betalen voor ons abonnement op CC, maar zo werkt dat nu eenmaal niet. En eerlijk gezegd als je ziet wat je met CC kunt doen is het een redelijke prijs. Laten we hopen dat Adobe zijn winst stopt in het nog beter maken van de productie software en in training zodat we er het meeste uit kunnen halen.
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Fespa has published an infographic on the results of the Census 2015 which was held amongst the Fespa members. What stands out is the optimism in our industry which will result in more investments and increased interest in new markets. Another remarkable fact is the product mix of large format printing with banners and posters as the main market and textile printing as the growth market.
Download the infographic from our downloads page.
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Printers have to do more marketing and offer full service to their customers. Good advice which has helped quite a few printers already. Those printers will agree that there is no simple way to become a marketing professional. What you need to do and the pitfalls, especially when acquiring software, is described by Scott Brinker in his blogpost on, The Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic. Don´t be put off by the gigantic infographic. Once you have managed to read the article you will know if you do or do not want to become marketing professional. If not, then you can always seek out cooperation with a marketing specialist; thanks to the internet this is a lot simpler and no longer limited by borders.
Pitney Bowes AcceleJet: a production inkjet printer with inline finishing for the white paper market
At the GraphExpo Chicago, Pitney Bowes, manufacturer and supplier to the mail market, will introduce a complete system for white papers and personalised publications.
The AcceleJet is a compact roll to cut-sheet full colour system which can produce finished products. Finishing options include cutting and perforating.
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Ricoh is a unique company. Not only for its product portfolio which ranges from clickable paper to production inkjet systems, but also because of the way the company uses soft-selling to slowly, but surely increase brand awareness and their market share. An example of this marketing technique is the new book Work Live. A book produced with the aim to inspire clients and prospects with examples of new ways of working. Various people, from typeface aficionado Ruud de Wild to web-to-print entrepreneur of the year 2014, Marco Aarnink, share their vision of the communication industry and how to be successful in it. Ricoh clients share their experiences with Ricoh products and services in this beautifully designed, printed and bound book. Definitely worth a read and it can be acquired free of charge via this link. You do need to register and share your details with Ricoh, but that´s a low price to pay for such a beautiful book. I do have a few minor issues. The book shows how difficult the colour red is for a printer, with variations from Ricoh´s warm red to a less successful brick red. The red of the box is different form the red of the book. This may be an attempt by Ricoh to show which parts have been printed in offset and which are digital prints from the Ricoh Pro VC 60000. If so, it would have been nice to read about it, unless Ricoh is challenging the reader to find this out by its self. This same reader also finds out that the book is not in landscape as the cover suggests: perhaps an attempt by the designer to draw attention to the contents. The personalisation of the address wrapper has been beautifully done, but I would have liked to be addressed as Rob van den Braak or Mr van den Braak, not Mr Robert van den Braak, but that is just my preference.
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Our industry is doing well, but there is still a long way to go to 100% recycling of all printed paper we produce. In her Verdigris blog Lauren Brunner talks about the steps needed and how she and her organisation are contributing to the ISO standard.
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We doen het goed in onze industrie, maar het is nog een lange weg naar een 100% recycling van al het bedrukte en geprinte papier dat we produceren. In haar Verdigris Blog op onze artikelen pagina vertelt Laurel Brunner welke stappen daarvoor nog nodig zijn en hoe ze met haar organisatie daar meewerkt aan de ISO standaard.
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.