Rob van den Braak

IPEX announces its ‘Future Skills’ programme

09 okt 2017
Categorie: ,

The Future Skills programme is a jewel in the crown at this year’s IPEX and runs throughout the four days of the show. The event includes a packed guest speaker programme from a diverse cross-section of the print and design industry.

Rob Fisher explains, “Our Future Skills conference has been designed to inspire, engage and help the print industry promote itself. For young people considering a career in print or those that are just starting out and printers looking for guidance on filling the skills gap, this is a must-attend event. Speakers will explain how the industry can attract young talented individuals as well as highlighting the career opportunities on offer. There will also be sessions covering the apprenticeship levy, recruitment and succession planning.”

For the young print professional needing career guidance, Mel Fedeli and Sarah Large from Woodrow Mercer, will be sharing findings from their market research including a discussion around what really matters to candidates, when choosing their next role and ways that print businesses can attract the finest young talent and crucially how best to retain it.

Jon Bray, Education Director at Learn2Print, will be discussing apprenticeships in print, an informative session about the enormous benefits and growth opportunities for your business, large or small. Ursula Daly, from the BPIF, will demystify apprenticeships, explaining apprenticeship standards vs frameworks, what is a trailblazer, and clarifying the status of the trailblazer for print.

A panel debate on 2nd November will also deliberate on what is happening now to encourage young people to look at our industry seriously as a career path – from engaging students to providing the means to help them succeed. It will include an interactive session to find out what ‘you’ as potential employers need from young people.

Adding to the programme are topics that will push the boundaries of print in the future. Tony Harmer, Specialist Solutions Consultant at Adobe, will be presenting daily about “the Adobe Creative Cloud: The world’s best creative application.” Printed electronics will be explained with Novalia, an award-winning team that combine conventional printing with electronics and touch software. Also, Ian Sullivan, CEO – Paperhat Consorcio, will present an informative session on Combining Print & Social Media: How to effectively manage cross media campaigns for your customers.

Rob concludes, “I believe IPEX provides an excellent combination of technology, innovation, advice and practical support, which will provide our visitors with greater insights into the opportunities that the print industry has to offer.”

For further details about the Future Skills programme and complete schedule, visit:

IPEX is the UK’s longest running international print show. The event takes place from 31st October to 3rd November 2017 at the NEC in Birmingham. IPEX 2017 will be a showcase of innovation, technology and print in action, covering a range of applications including printing, software, digital, and finishing. Online visitor registration is open and IPEX is free to attend, visitors are advised to register early to avoid the queues and take advantage of travel discounts and event updates at

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The end of the British postcard

09 okt 2017
Categorie: ,

The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph announced “the end of the postcard”. They did so because of hte news that J Salmon, the oldest postcard producer in the UK, will cease to exist after 140 years.
The postcard printer is dealing with a very difficult market. People send their holiday greetings via social media such as Facebook and Instagram. The other issue is that people take shorter holidays now which means they have returned home long before the postcard arrives.
Charles and Harry Salmon are the fifth generation leading this family-run company. Their ancestor J Salmon started printing postcard in 1880. The new generation does not want to continue the company. The 50 employees of the company will continue to work until December this year. The company will close its doors then. They are still looking for a buyer for the five colour B1 Komori press which they used to print the last postcards over the past few years.

Source: Printweek

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IPEX Future of Skills programma

09 okt 2017

Wat moeten toekomstige grafici weten en hoe zou hun skill set er uit moeten zien. Dat is wat het Future of Skills programma belooft. Er worden niet alleen presentaties gegeven, maar Jon Bray, Education Director at Learn2Print, wil graag in discussie gaan met vakgenoten, om een nog duidelijker beeld te krijgen over dit belangrijke onderwerp. Meer info over Future Skills in onderstaand persbericht.


IPEX announces its ‘Future Skills’ programme, providing a platform to discuss the print industries skills agenda

The Future Skills programme is a jewel in the crown at this year’s IPEX and runs throughout the four days of the show. The event includes a packed guest speaker programme from a diverse cross-section of the print and design industry.

Rob Fisher explains, “Our Future Skills conference has been designed to inspire, engage and help the print industry promote itself. For young people considering a career in print or those that are just starting out and printers looking for guidance on filling the skills gap, this is a must-attend event. Speakers will explain how the industry can attract young talented individuals as well as highlighting the career opportunities on offer. There will also be sessions covering the apprenticeship levy, recruitment and succession planning.”

For the young print professional needing career guidance, Mel Fedeli and Sarah Large from Woodrow Mercer will be sharing findings from their market research including a discussion around what really matters to candidates when choosing their next role and ways that print businesses can attract the finest young talent and crucially how best to retain it.

Jon Bray, Education Director at Learn2Print will be discussing apprenticeships in print, an informative session about the enormous benefits and growth opportunities for your business, large or small.  Ursula Daly from the BPIF will demystify apprenticeships, explaining apprenticeship standards vs frameworks, what is a trailblazer, and clarifying the status of the trailblazer for print.

A panel debate on 2nd November will also deliberate on what is happening now to encourage young people to look at our industry seriously as a career path – from engaging students to providing the means to help them succeed. It will include an interactive session to find out what ‘you’ as potential employers need from young people.

Adding to the programme are topics that will push the boundaries of print in the future. Tony Harmer, Specialist Solutions Consultant at Adobe, will be presenting daily about ‘the Adobe Creative Cloud: The world’s best creative application’. Printed electronics will be explained with Novalia, an award-winning team that combine conventional printing with electronics and touch software. Also, Ian Sullivan, CEO – Paperhat Consorcio will present an informative session on Combining Print & Social Media: How to effectively manage cross media campaigns for your customers.

Rob concludes, “I believe IPEX provides an excellent combination of technology, innovation, advice and practical support, which will provide our visitors with greater insights into the opportunities that the print industry has to offer.”

For further details about the Future Skills programme and complete schedule, visit:

IPEX is the UK’s longest running international print show. The event takes place from 31st October to 3rd November 2017 at the NEC in Birmingham. IPEX 2017 will be a showcase of innovation, technology and print in action, covering a range of applications including printing, software, digital, and finishing. Online visitor registration is open and IPEX is free to attend, visitors are advised to register early to avoid the queues and take advantage of travel discounts and event updates at

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KVGO fel tegen voorgenomen verhoging lage btw-tarief

06 okt 2017

Het KVGO is fel tegen de aankondiging dat het lage btw-tarief omhoog gaat van 6 naar 9 procent. Dat betekent dat ook boeken, tijdschriften en kranten een stuk duurder gaan worden.

“Dat is een grote klap voor de grafische sector die dat drukwerk produceert. Ook veel van onze opdrachtgevers worden hard getroffen. Net nu er hier en daar tekenen zijn van enig herstel in onze sector, komt de nieuwe regering met deze vervelende verrassing”, zegt directeur Fons Bakkes in een eerste reactie op de ‘uitgelekte’plannen.

De verhoging van het lage btw-tarief met 50 procent staat in het regeerakkoord voor het kabinet Rutte III. Daar tegenover verlaagt de regering de vennootschapsbelasting maar dat zal volgens Bakkes de schadelijke effecten van het duurder maken van drukwerk niet compenseren.

Eerste levensbehoefte
“Drukwerk is de drager van maatschappelijk relevante informatie zoals nieuws en ook van cultuur, literatuur en wetenschap. Het behoort daarmee tot de eerste levensbehoeften. Boeken en tijdschriften spelen al eeuwen lang een cruciale rol in de samenleving. Het kabinet begaat een grote fout door dat drukwerk, net als andere producten voor de consumentenmarkt, duurder te maken. Ik kan nauwelijks iets bedenken dat een grotere bedreiging vormt voor het op gang komen van het economisch herstel in de sector dan dit plan.”

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IPEX: Exhibitors List & New Launches

06 okt 2017
Categorie: ,

Over 150 exhibitors from the UK and over 20 countries, will be exhibiting at IPEX this year. Many of them will be utilizing the opportunity to show new products and launches exclusive to IPEX. 

Find out what exhibitors, brands and machinery will be on display:

View the Exhibitor List >

Launches and new products: Read the October IPEX Newsletter >

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Gaat Google als hardwarefabrikant de wereld veroveren?

06 okt 2017

Google introduceerde deze week een vloed aan hardware producten. Van laptops tot koptelefoontjes, en van mobieltjes tot spraakgestuurde draadloze luidsprekers, werden gepresenteerd in Londen. Dat lijkt er op te duiden dat de softwaregigant met hardware de wereld wil veroveren. Maar niets is minder waar, AI en ML is waarom het gaat. Met de best mogelijke kunstmatige intelligentie en slimme zelflerende software, wil Google de greep op onze digitale wereld verstevigen. En daarvoor zijn betaalbare en ruim beschikbare devices nodig. Devices, zoals de nieuwe Pixel 2 Chromebook, een laptop met dezelfde specificaties als een twee keer zo dure Macbook Pro, of de Google Home Mini, een 49 dollar kostende digitale assistent, die je met het web verbindt. Google gelooft sterk in de kracht van AI en ziet toepassingen, bijvoorbeeld in zijn Google Map software, die dankzij AI meer en betere router-informatie gaat geven. AI gaat ook een grote rol spelen in waar het allemaal om begonnen is: de zoekmachine van Google. Door iedereen dit te laten gebruiken, wordt een inkomstenstroom gegenereerd die niet door hardware is te bereiken.

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Will Google conquer the world with its hardware?

06 okt 2017

Google introduced a flood of hardware products this week. From laptops to headphones and from mobile phones to voice activated loud speakers were presented in London. This seems to suggest that the software giant wants to conquer the world with hardware. But it´s quite the opposite. AI and ML are what it´s all about. With the best possible artificial intelligence and smart self-learning software Google wants to tighten its grip on our digital world. And affordable and available devices are necessary to achieve this. Devices like the new Pixel 2 Chromebook, a laptop with the same specifications as the Macbook Pro at half the price, or the Google Home Mini, a digital assistant at 49$ which will connect you to the internet. Google strongly believes in the power of AI and sees it being used in applications such as its Google Map software which will greatly improve with AI. AI will also play a big role in where it all started, Google Search. By having everyone use this search engine an income stream is being generated which can never be accomplished by selling hardware.

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Agfa Graphics migrates mobile publishing activities to Twipe

05 okt 2017
Categorie: ,

Twipe Digital Publishing announces that it will support Agfa Graphics’ Eversify customer base by migrating them to the Twipe platform. Through this, Twipe strengthens its position in the German, Swiss, and Austrian newspaper and magazine markets and will guarantee business continuity for the Eversify customers.

Fueling further growth of Twipe

“We welcome the Agfa Graphics Eversify customers and look forward to introducing them to our innovative digital solutions. This is the first time Twipe has integrated such a large portfolio at once, and it will further increase our ability to scale our platform in a short period of time. Through this, we have doubled our size in the German language markets,” says Danny Lein, Founder and CEO of Twipe.

Twipe Digital Publishing will transfer Eversify’s service offerings with a smooth migration path starting in October 2017. The transition will be completed by the end of 2017.

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Control Media installs Micron Media´s Cron platesetter

05 okt 2017
Categorie: ,

Control Media recently purchased a new Cron platesetter. “It is now being used in our premises in Wildert (Belgium), but will move with us to Etten-Leur (the Netherlands) to our new premises, a 9,000m2 production plant”, says director Leon van Nunen. “The new platesetter means an increase from two to three platesetters. The number of plates we use has been increasing every year and I don´t expect this to change in the near future. This was a reason for us to look closely at our process efficiency. This resulted in testing a Cron solution which we really liked. Our new system uses conventional plates from Blackwood. These plates are 30 to 40% cheaper than offset plates of the more well-known brands. The sums were simple ´one and one is and will always be two´ and the choice to invest to continue to make money from print was easy.”

Micron Media was founded in 2014 based on the vision that the changing graphic industry landscape and the increasing pressure on price offer new opportunities. Co-founder Frank van Deursen: “Suppliers have to lead with good service and flexibility, but mostly delivery quality products and solutions at competitive pricing.” Micron Media has exclusive rights in the Netherlands for Cron CTP solutions and Blackwood offset plates. Micron Media is also main supplier of Mitsubishi offset plates and offers complete solutions for materials such as: inks, chemicals and such.

More info:

Micron Media
Frank van Deursen
T +31 (0)6 53 27 45 70


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Laurel Brunners Blog: a green card for textile printing

05 okt 2017

In Laurel´s Verdrigris blog this week good news for digital textile printers who are concerned about the recyclability of their products. If printers use inks with an Underwriters Laboratories Greenguard they are assured of the fact that their textiles comply with strict environmental rules.
Read more about the UL Greenguard and suppliers in Laruel´s blog on our articles page.

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Laurel Brunner: Een groene kaart voor textielprinting

05 okt 2017

In haar Verdigris Blog meldt Laurel deze week goed nieuws voor digitale textiel printers die het belangrijk vinden dat hun producten op een verantwoorde manier gerecycled kunnen worden. Als printers de inkten met een Underwriters Laboratories Greenguard gebruiken weten ze zeker dat textiel voor zowel binnen als buiten gebruik voldoet aan strenge milieu-eisen. Lees meer voor UL Greenguard en welke inktleveranciers er al aan voldoen in Laurel’s blog op onze artikelenpagina via deze link.

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16 nieuwe banen voor drukkerij Simian uit Westerbroek

04 okt 2017

Drukkerij Simian BV uit het Groningse Westerbroek investeert in een nieuwe drukpers. Deze drukpers werkt met een innovatief camerasysteem, waardoor er minder uitval is en de kwaliteit van het drukken wordt verbeterd. Door deze investering komen er zo’n zestien arbeidsplaatsen op LBO/MBO-niveau bij. Reden voor de provincie Groningen om dit bedrijf een subsidie toe te kennen van 50.000 euro uit het economie- en arbeidsmarktprogramma Groningen@Work.

Simian BV is een snel groeiende drukkerij in Westerbroek. Het is het moederbedrijf van de drukwerksites: Reclameland, en Flyerzone. De twee laatstgenoemde bedrijven zijn twee jaar geleden overgenomen door Simian. De drie bedrijven hebben een bestand van in totaal 300.000 klanten, zowel bedrijven als particulieren. Vanwege de overname, twee jaar geleden, zijn uiteindelijk alle drie de bedrijven gegroeid en verhuisd van Rotterdam en Roden naar Westerbroek. Momenteel heeft het bedrijf zo’n 110 mensen in dienst.

Echt ondernemerschap
Gedeputeerde Patrick Brouns vindt dit bedrijf een voorbeeld van echt ondernemerschap. ‘Simian laat zien dat het durft te investeren. Het is goed om te zien dat zo’n investering leidt tot nieuwe werkgelegenheid en het ook een verbetering is voor het milieu. De subsidie lijkt mij hier dan ook goed besteed.’

Innovatief en duurzaam
Door de investering in de nieuwe drukpers, een Komori Lithrone G 84OP H-UV met een innovatief camerasysteem, wordt het productieproces sneller en wordt fors bespaard op papier- en inktverbruik. Per product wordt de productietijd korter en wordt er dus minder energie gebruikt.

Groningen @ Work
De provincie zorgt voor cofinanciering vanuit Groningen@Work, het programma Economie en Arbeidsmarkt 2016-2019. Het doel van Groningen@Work is: om de regio economisch te versterken en daarmee zoveel mogelijk mensen aan het werk te helpen. Het programma omvat: projecten, subsidieregelingen en revolverende fondsen, waar ondernemers aan deel kunnen nemen, of een beroep op kunnen doen.

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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