Rob van den Braak

Hoe twee huisvrouwen de computer industrie meer veranderden dan de twee Steve’s

29 jul 2015
Hoe twee verveelde huisvrouwe de computer industrie veranderdeComputer historicus Ben J. Edwards vertelt op hoe Lore Harp en Carole Ely, twee Amerikaanse huisvrouwen die zich begin jaren zeventig verveelden, de toen opkomende computer industrie meer veranderde dan Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak en Bill Gates. Met een combinatie van zakelijk instinct, marketing talent en het technisch inzicht van Lore Harp´s man Bob bouwde het tweetal in een paar jaar tijd een computerbedrijf dat helaas de tand des tijds niet doorstond. Vector Graphic was niet alleen een bedrijf dat superieure computers maken, het was ook de eerste computerbouwer die aandacht schonk aan het ontwerp van de voorheen saaie kasten, die een trouw goed opgeleid dealernetwerk opzette en die bij het aannemen van personeel niet keek naar sexe of ras. Een echte voorloper dus. Lees het hele verhaal over Vector Graphic, goed voor een film, via deze link.

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Artificial Intelligence adds value to advertising

28 jul 2015
Categorie: ,,

AI in postersM&C Saatchi is the first to use artificial intelligence to enhance the effect of multi channel advertising. Smart software chooses the most effective images for every campaign and target market and the program even chooses the most effective texts.
Audience response is measured by a camera embedded in the billboard. Based upon this response the most successful combination of image and text is used for the rest of the campaign. Watch the video by M&C Saatchi´s Chief Innovation Officer David Cox to understand more about this project on via this link.


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Kunstmatige intelligentie verhoogt het effect van advertentie

28 jul 2015
Categorie: ,,

AI in postersM&C Saatchi gebruikt als eerste reclamebureau kunstmatige intelligentie om het effect van multi channel advertenties te verhogen. Met slimme software worden voor elke campagne en elke doelgroep de juiste afbeeldingen geselecteerd en het programma selecteert zelfs de meest effectieve teksten voor die campagne. Met een in billboards ingebouwde camera worden de reacties van het publiek geregistreerd waarna de meest succesvolle combinatie van tekst en beeld voor de verdere campagne kan worden ingezet. Bekijk het filmpje van M&C Saatchi’s Chief Innovation Officer David Cox waarin hij het project uitlegt via deze link.


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Roland 700 Evolution now with energy-saving LED UV drying technology

27 jul 2015
Roland 700 UV LEDThe success of LED UV drying technology seems unstoppable. Manroland has announced that their new Roland 700 Evolution sheetfed press will be equipped with it. LED UV drying technology not only saves energy substantially, it also gives more powerful colours, faster drying times and prevents sheets from warming up which happens in other forced drying techniques.

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Roland 700 Evolution krijgt energie besparende LED UV droging

27 jul 2015
Roland 700 UV LEDDe opmars van LED UV droging lijkt niet te stuiten, ook MANroland heeft aangekondigd dat zijn nieuwe Roland 700 Evolution vellen offsetpers ermee uitgerust kan worden. LED UV droging zorgt niet alleen voor een aanmerkelijke energiebesparing, maar geeft ook krachtiger kleuren, snellere droogtijden en voorkomt dat vellen opgewarmd worden zoals met andere geforceerde droogtechnieken gebeurt.

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MPS to unveil new hybrid printing solution at Labelexpo Europe 2015

24 jul 2015


MPS hybridpressMPS will unveil a new flexo press with an integrated high quality inkjet printer up to 6 colours and white option. This hybrid printing solution will give converters a range of new print potential with the combination of conventional and digital printing technologies, along with operator focus that MPS is known for. The new hybrid printing solution can be seen in the MPS stand 11C20.

Along with this new hybrid machine, MPS will show two other presses at Labelexpo Europe: the next generation EF ‘Neo’ flexo press and the EB label press. The EF Neo features completely new servo drive technology, new press software, revamped web tension control systems, and a larger main press operator control panel and touch screen. The operator panel menu, buttons and icons have been redesigned with a modern, fresh and user-friendly layout that is easy to understand, navigate and control. With the new servo drive technology combined with an improved operator interface, higher productivity is achieved.

During Labelexpo, scheduled demos will be given on the new EF Neo flexo press, featuring an extremely stable print register while running at extremely low web tension. Visitors can also witness first-hand the new fully-automated Quick-Change die unit in operation.

Ideal for both short and long label printing runs, the EB is the state-of-the-art narrow web label press on which any operator can produce the best quality labels in an operator-friendly and cost-effective way. Demos on the EB will also be provided upon request.

Partnerships and new collaborations

Results of new collaborations with industry-leading partners will be presented at Labelexpo Europe, such as the technological cooperation with GEW for the hybrid UV/LED drying system on the EF Neo, Kocher & Beck for the new fully-automated Quick Change die unit and AVT for the PrescoNW system for the full automated process of pressure settings on the print stations.

MPS is joining forces with Henkel/Novamelt, Appvion, Evonik, Maan Engineering, Ricoh, Ravenwood Packaging and Bostik in the Linerless Trail at Labelexpo Europe, which offers show visitors an efficient way to get in contact with linerless related technologies. Presented by a physical green marked route on the map alongside the stands of the participants, the Linerless Trail has been established to introduce visitors of Labelexpo with linerless technology; from basic materials till processing and everything in between, in a convenient and efficient way.

MPS is also an official sponsor of Label Academy, which will host two master classes during Labelexpo Europe 2015: ‘Conventional Label Printing Processes’ and ‘Digital Label and Package Printing’. Wim van den Bosch, CEO comments: “Our slogan Operator Focused, Results Driven defines what MPS stands for. Sharing knowledge and creating an operator-friendly environment results in higher productivity and profit. Label Academy offers an ideal learning platform to help operators gain knowledge and improve their skills. MPS is delighted to sponsor and contribute to this valuable program.”

About MPS

MPS is a worldwide, well-known and high-quality brand of flexo and offset press solutions for label and flexible packaging printers. By providing extensive knowledge and world-class service to enhance the printing process, MPS helps customers excel. MPS has a team of experts when it comes to knowledge of the printing process and desired results in label and flexible packaging print runs. We share and apply our expertise every day, and can offer a specific solution for every customer.


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MPS met hybride printing oplossing op Labelexpo

24 jul 2015

MPS hybridpressDe Nederlandse label en flexibele verpakking persen-bouwer MPS introduceert op de Labelexpo, 29 september tot 2 oktober in de Brussel Expo, een nieuwe hybride rotatie-pers die flexo combineert met high quality inkjet. Met de inkjet unit kan in zes kleuren plus wit variabele data opdrachten in combinatie met flexo gedrukt worden. Ook de nieuwe EF Neo flexo-pers met servo drive technologie zal tijdens de Labelexpo gedemonstreerd worden.


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Michael William Lester: stamp sized book with design treasures

23 jul 2015
Willima Lester smallest design portfolioIf you admired the smallest printed bible, 4,75mm big, according to Guinness, you will understand why designer Michael William Lester decided to do the same with his portfolio. His World´s Tiniest Portfolio impressed sites such as Behance, which proves that creativity and print can produce little treasures.

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Michael William Lester: Postzegel boekje met design juweeltjes

23 jul 2015
Willima Lester smallest design portfolioAls je vol bewondering naar de kleinste gedrukte bijbel ooit gekeken hebt, volgens Guinness 4,75 mm groot, dan begrijp je het idee van ontwerper Michael William Lester om zijn portfolio in een klein boekje te bundelen. Met zijn World’s Tiniest Portfolio maakte hij diepe indruk op sites zoals Bēhance, een bewijs dat creativiteit en druk juweeltjes op kunnen leveren.

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Laurel Brunner: stop going round in circles and start a sustainable enterprise

22 jul 2015

laurel_templatedIn her Verdigris blog Laurel Brunner makes the case for the EU initiative for a circular economy in which sustainable development will be one of the main pillars for every company or organisation. She asks us to help our industry by filling in the EU questionnaire. Read her blog post about why that is important and how you can do this, on our articles page.


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Laurel Brunner: Going Round in Circles

22 jul 2015

circular economyThe Greek government’s antics and dissemblings to the upper echelons of the European Commission have been astonishing. They’ve been played out on a public stage that one way or another has involved everyone. But life goes on beyond the bounds of Greek high drama, even for the European Union (EU). The new circular economy strategy for Europe is a case in point.

The EU has an open consultation underway to gather input for what a European circular economy might look like. The EU hopes to present its plans later this year and the technocrats hope that it will “transform Europe into a more competitive resource-efficient economy”. But the printing industry is already highly sustainable, so does the circular economy matter?

A circular economy is a restorative one, whereby biological materials are designed to return to nature and technical ones to circulate endlessly within a manufacturing system. This is in stark contrast to a linear economy which takes raw materials, creates products and then moves on, creating waste which mostly ends up in landfill. A circular economy is relevant for all industrial sectors because it has the scope to create a more sustainable alternative, managing resources so that the earth can begin to heal and economies are self-supporting.

Raw materials are fundamental to the success of any manufacturing enterprise and print is no different. Recycling habits and equipment reuse are already well entrenched and paper, which accounts for around 70% of print’s carbon footprint, is one of the most widely recycled materials. Its popularity as a recyclate has created a range of markets for secondary raw materials and new businesses from waste collection and sorting, to new paper based products.

Waste features prominently in the EU’s strategy, so European printers and their supply chains can expect new legislation on waste handling and management. It is expected that waste reporting requirements will be simplified. Another hint is the focus on covering “the whole value chain and … concrete measures with clear EU added value”. This is about resource efficiency and closing the loop of the circular economy for the growth and jobs agenda that underlies much EU policy.

A primary objective is to tidy up the existing tangle of EU rules, regulations, communications and directives relating to the environment. The result should be a cohesive framework that supports new business development and entrepreneurship, leading to growth in the green economy and beyond. This inevitably creates opportunities for printers and publishers. And brand owners and their service providers will need to pay close attention to labelling and product information requirements.

It takes about half an hour to complete but this consultation is your chance to have your say and even promote your position, if you have one.

Laurel Brunner



This blog has been made possible by: Agfa Graphics (, Digital Dots (, drupa (, EFI (, Fespa (, Heidelberg (, Kodak (, Mondi (, Pragati Offset (, Ricoh (, Shimizu Printing (, Splash PR (, Unity Publishing ( and Xeikon ( is the Dutch media partner of Verdrigris, a non-profit initiative which aims to realistically chart the real footprint of printing and which helps companies and organisations to lower that footprint. More information about Verdrigris can be found via this link.

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Laurel Brunner: stop het rennen in rondjes en onderneem duurzaam

22 jul 2015

medium_laurel3In haar Verdigris blog breekt Laurel Brunner een lans voor het EU initiatief om te komen tot een Circular Economy waar verantwoord ondernemen een hoofddoelstelling voor elk bedrijf of organisatie is. Ze roept ons op om ons zegje te doen voor onze industrie door de EU enquete in te vullen. Waarom dat belangrijk is en hoe je dat kunt doen lees je in haar blog op onze artikelen pagina.


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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