Rob van den Braak

Optimum sheet optimization with PerfectPattern sPrint One EasyApps saves money

03 okt 2017

Various solutions are available to make sure that paper is fully used. And now a web-based solution has been added by PerfectPattern. The sPrint One EasyApps is available free of charge for a trial period. After that it is pay-per-use. An ideal solutions for printers who do not struggle with layouts and sheet optimization on a daily basis. The app can be used for offset, digital and wide format printing.

Read more about the sPrint One EasyApps in the press release below.


PerfectPattern Launches sPrint One EasyApps for Optimization of Printing Sheets

MUNICH, GERMANY, 26. Sept. 2017 – Printing houses can now increase efficiency and improve quality significantly using PerfectPattern’s Web-based EasyApps. The apps employ the company´s powerful algorithms to calculate the optimal layouts of gang forms for entire job pools in seconds. These make up the powerful sPrint One engine, which also used in sPrint One, the most modern solution for dynamic sheet optimization and print planning. Billing is based on usage, but thanks to a temporary introductory offer, the apps are now available free of charge. PerfectPattern will explain the benefits and usage of the apps in a webinar on 26. October.


The sPrint One EasyApps from PerfectPattern calculate cost-optimized gang forms for large format and offset printing in seconds.
Every printing company is familiar with the time-consuming and complex calculation of printing a multitude of different jobs with maximum efficiency. Without suitable software, executing this process with the necessary speed and precision is virtually impossible.

EasyApps calculate optimal gang forms in seconds

PerfectPattern’s small, specialized web apps for calculating cost-optimized gang forms in large-format and offset printing accomplish in seconds what would typically take hours of manual work. The EasyApps currently calculate jobs with variable sheet heights and section lengths, as well as jobs in 4- and 8-color offset printing. Additional apps will be available at a later stage.

The apps are accessible through PerfectPattern’s EasyApp portal on the web. After registration, users can import the data from their print jobs in a csv format (e.g. from Microsoft Excel), with the help of a convenient assistant. The calculation can be started as soon as the setup data is specified.

EasyApps help to exploit efficiency potential

“Many print houses are investing heavily in printing presses, but most of them do not carefully exploit the potential of their existing machinery,” says Robert Meissner, one of PerfectPattern’s two managing directors. “With our EasyApps, they now can optimize the production of their print jobs. They maximize the capacity utilization of their presses, minimize setup processes, and decisively lower material waste and production costs.”

Compatible with common workflow systems

A comprehensive EasyApps report indicates the amount of material required and the size of the sheets. The sheet layouts for the entire job pool and the total costs for material and printing are also shown. Each calculation results in a JDF file that contains all of the necessary information, which can be transferred to familiar workflow systems (Prinergy, Apogee, Fuji, KIM and others).

Billing based on usage
Billing of the optimization of the print jobs is based on usage. However, as part of the introduction of the first EasyApps, the apps can be used free of charge until 31. October 2017.

EasyApps are based on established technology

EasyApps are based on the same powerful algorithms that PerfectPattern developed for its flagship product sPrint One, the world’s most advanced solution for dynamic ganging, sheet optimization and print planning.

While the EasyApps focus on optimizing sheet layouts, sPrint One combines sheet optimization and capacity planning in one solution. During the fully automated planning of the print jobs, all influencing factors, as well as the complexity of their relationships — including printing machine, material, color, costs, deadlines and much more — are taken into account in sPrint One. The solution decides which jobs are collected and when and determines which machine they are printed on. Free capacities are filled with suggestions.

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Optimale vel- en baanindeling met PerfectPattern sPrint One EasyApps geeft fikse besparing

03 okt 2017

Er zijn verschillende oplossingen om er voor te zorgen dat het volledige papier of baanformaat benut wordt. Daar komt nu een web-based oplossing bij van PerfectPattern. De sPrint One EasyApps is tijdelijk gratis beschikbaar om uit te proberen. Daarna wordt per gebruik betaald. Voor drukkers, die niet elke dag met papierbezetting worstelen, een ideale oplossing. De app kan ingezet worden voor zowel offset, digitaal drukken als groot formaat printen.

Lees meer over sPrint One EasyApps in onderstaand persbericht.


PerfectPattern Launches sPrint One EasyApps for Optimization of Printing Sheets

MUNICH, GERMANY, 26. Sept. 2017 – Printing houses can now increase efficiency and improve quality significantly using PerfectPattern’s Web-based EasyApps. The apps employ the company´s powerful algorithms to calculate the optimal layouts of gang forms for entire job pools in seconds. These make up the powerful sPrint One engine, which also used in sPrint One, the most modern solution for dynamic sheet optimization and print planning. Billing is based on usage, but thanks to a temporary introductory offer, the apps are now available free of charge. PerfectPattern will explain the benefits and usage of the apps in a webinar on 26. October.


The sPrint One EasyApps from PerfectPattern calculate cost-optimized gang forms for large format and offset printing in seconds.
Every printing company is familiar with the time-consuming and complex calculation of printing a multitude of different jobs with maximum efficiency. Without suitable software, executing this process with the necessary speed and precision is virtually impossible.

EasyApps calculate optimal gang forms in seconds
PerfectPattern’s small, specialized web apps for calculating cost-optimized gang forms in large-format and offset printing accomplish in seconds what would typically take hours of manual work. The EasyApps currently calculate jobs with variable sheet heights and section lengths, as well as jobs in 4- and 8-color offset printing. Additional apps will be available at a later stage.

The apps are accessible through PerfectPattern’s EasyApp portal on the web. After registration, users can import the data from their print jobs in a csv format (e.g. from Microsoft Excel), with the help of a convenient assistant. The calculation can be started as soon as the setup data is specified.

EasyApps help to exploit efficiency potential

“Many print houses are investing heavily in printing presses, but most of them do not carefully exploit the potential of their existing machinery,” says Robert Meissner, one of PerfectPattern’s two managing directors. “With our EasyApps, they now can optimize the production of their print jobs. They maximize the capacity utilization of their presses, minimize setup processes, and decisively lower material waste and production costs.”

Compatible with common workflow systems

A comprehensive EasyApps report indicates the amount of material required and the size of the sheets. The sheet layouts for the entire job pool and the total costs for material and printing are also shown. Each calculation results in a JDF file that contains all of the necessary information, which can be transferred to familiar workflow systems (Prinergy, Apogee, Fuji, KIM and others).

Billing based on usage
Billing of the optimization of the print jobs is based on usage. However, as part of the introduction of the first EasyApps, the apps can be used free of charge until 31. October 2017.

EasyApps are based on established technology

EasyApps are based on the same powerful algorithms that PerfectPattern developed for its flagship product sPrint One, the world’s most advanced solution for dynamic ganging, sheet optimization and print planning.

While the EasyApps focus on optimizing sheet layouts, sPrint One combines sheet optimization and capacity planning in one solution. During the fully automated planning of the print jobs, all influencing factors, as well as the complexity of their relationships — including printing machine, material, color, costs, deadlines and much more — are taken into account in sPrint One. The solution decides which jobs are collected and when and determines which machine they are printed on. Free capacities are filled with suggestions.

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Simian bestelt bij AtéCé een nieuwe Kodak plaatbelichter

03 okt 2017

CTP- en indeelspecialist Jurjen Sleebos en directeur Wouter Haan van Simian en Patrick Kleijer van AtéCé

Simian, het productiebedrijf CTP- en indeelspecialist Jurjen Sleebos en directeur Wouter Haan van Simian en Patrick Kleijer van AtéCé van Reclameland, en Flyerzone, heeft bij AtéCé Graphic Products een tweede Kodak Magnus 800Q plaatbelichter besteld. ‘Die is hard nodig, want we groeien als kool, afgelopen jaar zelfs met 48%’, zegt directeur/eigenaar Wouter Haan. ‘We hebben opnieuw gekozen voor een plaatbelichter van Kodak. Dat heeft alles met betrouwbaarheid van het merk te maken. Bovendien hebben we uitstekende ervaringen met de Kodak Magnus 800Q, die we vorig jaar hebben aangeschaft. Met onze nieuwe aanwinst zijn we in staat volledig geautomatiseerd 40 platen per uur te maken. Er komen nauwelijks mensenhanden meer aan te pas, alleen nog om de platen bij te vullen en de belichte platen naar onze Komori drukpersen te brengen. We gebruiken Kodak Trillian offsetplaten. Deze platen zijn geschikt voor H-UV inkten. Het drukwerk dat van de persen afkomt, moet direct kunnen worden nabewerkt. Dat stelt ook eisen aan de kwaliteit van de platen. Die is prima, het zijn de meest robuuste platen in zijn soort. Trillian platen kennen amper slijtage door mechanisch of chemische invloeden. Bovendien kent de plaat een extreem lage milieubelasting. Ook dat is voor onze internetklanten een belangrijk argument’.

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CB en Printforce integreren hun dienstverlening voor printing on demand

02 okt 2017
Categorie: ,

Boeken nog sneller bij de klant door samengaan boekproductie en distributie

Logistiek dienstverlener CB en digitaal printbedrijf Printforce gaan hun processen volledig integreren zodat (on demand) productie en distributie van het boek naadloos op elkaar aansluiten. Samen bieden beide partijen uitgevers en boekverkopers betere service door de keten te verkorten: het boek nog sneller bij de consument. CB bekrachtigt de samenwerking door 50% van de aandelen Printforce te verwerven.

CB en Printforce sluiten met deze aanpak aan op de veranderde markt waarin snelle en brede beschikbaarheid voor de consument steeds belangrijker wordt. De integratie zorgt ervoor dat distributie vanuit voorraad en voorraadloze on demand productie volledig samengaan. Een aanpak die uniek is in de wereld.

Printforce en CB hebben een overeenkomst getekend waarin de samenwerking en aandelenoverdracht is vastgelegd. Voor maximale integratie van print en distributie verhuist Printforce zijn productiefaciliteiten in 2018 naar CB in Culemborg.

Voorraadloos uitgeven
Hans Willem Cortenraad, Algemeen directeur CB: ‘Gezamenlijk kunnen wij de boekensector van een unieke service voorzien. Doordat wij straks de printfaciliteiten in huis hebben, kunnen wij boeken nog sneller leveren. Boekverkopers en hun klanten grijpen dan nooit meer mis.’

Steeds meer uitgevers kiezen ervoor boeken pas te laten produceren, nadat deze zijn verkocht. Met als belangrijke reden de onvoorspelbaarheid van de vraag en daarmee samenhangend de voorraadrisico’s. Boeken worden pas gemaakt als ze besteld worden, en toch zijn ze altijd snel beschikbaar.
Gezamenlijk realiseren Printforce en CB een dermate groot volume dat de kosten voor print en logistiek voor de uitgever omlaag kunnen.

Rombout Eikelenboom, Managing partner Printforce: ‘In de loop van 2018 verhuizen wij van Alphen aan den Rijn naar Culemborg. Wij hebben met alle collega’s goed contact over wat dat voor hen betekent. De verhuizing heeft impact, dat realiseren we ons goed, dus gezamenlijk bekijken we hoe we iedereen zo goed mogelijk kunnen ondersteunen bij deze ontwikkeling.’

‘Door de verhuizing zijn we samen in staat om best in class print te combineren met best in class logistiek.’ Aldus Eikelenboom.

Buitenlandse uitgevers
Ook voor buitenlandse uitgevers biedt de nieuwe combinatie volop kansen. Hun titels zijn nu nog sneller beschikbaar voor het Europese continent zonder dat lokale voorraad of overzees transport noodzakelijk is.

Over CB
CB heeft 145 jaar ervaring als integrale logistieke dienstverlener en biedt oplossingen in de vorm van logistieke diensten, digitale distributie, e-commerce logistiek, financiële diensten en informatie- en communicatiediensten. Met een fijnmazig distributienetwerk bedient CB de hele Nederlandse en Belgische markt in de sectoren media, healthcare en fashion.

Over Printforce
Printforce ondersteunt uitgevers bij het implementeren en uitvoeren van uitgeefprocessen met minimale voorraad. Hiertoe zet Printforce de modernste print- en bindtechnieken in, om in oplages van 1 tot 1500 exemplaren razendsnel boeken en tijdschriften te kunnen produceren en wereldwijd te kunnen uitleveren. Printforce is de afgelopen jaren sterk gegroeid en behoort inmiddels tot een van de grootste digitale printbedrijven van Europa. Een uniek Nederlands bedrijf, met een efficiënt en kwalitatief printerpark. Naast het leveren van kleur of zwart-wit softcover boeken, is Printforce specialist in harde band boeken, genaaide boeken en gehechte producten. Haar digitale boekenmagazijn garandeert optimale efficiency in voorraadbeheer, logistiek en productiekosten.

Over JointBookServices
JointBookServices (JBS) is het huidige samenwerkingsverband tussen CB en Printforce. JBS zorgt sinds 2011 voor Print on demand in het distributiecentrum van CB, waarbij de focus ligt op single copies, bijvoorbeeld van titels met een lage omloopsnelheid.

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CB and Printforce integrate all book on-demand services

02 okt 2017
Categorie: ,

Integration of book production and distribution gets books to customers even faster

Logistics service provider CB and digital printing company Printforce are integrating their processes so that (on-demand) production and distribution of books seamlessly complement each other. Together, these parties offer publishers and booksellers better service by shortening the supply chain: books delivered even faster to the consumer. CB is sealing the partnership by acquiring 50% of the shares of Printforce.

Through this approach, CB and Printforce are responding to the changing market in which fast and wide availability is becoming increasingly important to the consumer. The integration ensures that distribution from stock and stockless on-demand production are fully aligned. This approach is unique in the world.

Today Printforce and CB signed an agreement which establishes the partnership and share transfer. For maximum integration of print and distribution, Printforce will be relocating its production facilities to CB in Culemborg in 2018.

Stockless publishing
Hans Willem Cortenraad, CEO of CB: ‘Together, we can provide the book sector with a unique service. Having the print facilities in house will enable us to deliver books even faster. So booksellers and their customers will never miss out.’

Mainly due to the unpredictability of demand and the related stock risks, more and more publishers are choosing to have books produced after they have been sold. So books are only made when they are ordered, yet are still available fast.
Together, Printforce and CB achieve such a high volume that they are able to reduce the print and logistic costs for the publisher.

Rombout Eikelenboom, Managing partner at Printforce: ‘During the course of 2018, we will be moving from Alphen aan den Rijn to Culemborg. We have explained to all our colleagues how this will affect them. We realise that the implementation of our partnership will have an impact, so we will be working closely with all of our colleagues and stakeholders, to ensure that everybody will get the support that is required.’

‘By relocating, we will be able to combine best in class print with best in class logistics,’ says Eikelenboom.

International publishers
The new combination also offers plenty of opportunities to international publishers. Their titles will now be available to the European continent even faster, without requiring local stock or overseas transport.

About CB
CB has 145 years’ experience as an integral logistics service provider and offers solutions in the form of: logistics services, digital distribution, e-commerce logistics, financial services and information and communication services. With a fine-meshed distribution network, CB serves the entire Dutch and Belgian market in the media, healthcare and fashion sectors.

About Printforce
Printforce supports publishers in implementing and executing publishing processes with minimum stocks. To do this, Printforce uses the most modern print and binding techniques in order to produce books and magazines super-fast in volumes between 1 and 1500 copies, and deliver them worldwide. In recent years, Printforce has rapidly grown into one of the biggest digital printing companies in Europe. A unique Dutch company, with an efficient and high quality printer park. Besides delivering color or black and white softcover books, Printforce specializes in hardcover books, sewn books and stapled products. Its digital book warehouse guarantees optimal efficiency in stock management, logistics and production costs.

About JointBookServices
JointBookServices (JBS) is the current partnership between CB and Printforce. Since 2011, JBS has been supplying Print on demand in CB’s distribution center, focusing on single copies, for example titles with a low turnover rate.

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IKEA catalogue gradually greener

02 okt 2017
Categorie: ,

IKEA has won the Retail Sustainability Award, awarded by the ABN AMRO Best Retail Chain of the Netherlands contest. The Swedish furniture shop wants to show that it is doing its bit for sustainability and is a ´green´ company. When printing the catalogue IKEA also takes its CO2 footprint into account. This year´s edition is printed on 10% PSC-paper. The company has been able to reduce energy use during the printing process (5% reduction between 2014 and 2016) and the goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by 28% in 2018.

IKEA wants to keep the paper version of its famous catalogue (it also has a digital version and the IKEA catalogue app). According to the company, they want to continue to give people the opportunity to have the paper version. People like to read the catalogue and refer back to it. The IKEA catalogue, its the biggest regular publication in the world with 203 million copies.

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Feldmuehle restructuring portfolio and sales organisation

02 okt 2017

Paper manufacturer Feldmuehle has tweaked its portfolio and sales organisation. With a focus on labels, packaging, graphic papers and cardboard, the company thinks it´s ready for the future. Just like before Feldmuehle focuses on customers who value a high service level. Read more about the changes in the press release below.



Feldmuehle is restructuring product portfolio as part of its long-term strategic orientation

The new Managing Director Kayser, is focusing on the expansion of customer proximity and product innovations.

Uetersen, 28 September 2017 – Feldmuehle Uetersen GmbH is restructuring its product portfolio and sales organisation: the company’s six product segments are now bundled into the business areas of Labelling Applications, Packaging Solutions and Graphical Options. From the restructuring under the new Managing Director Heiner Kayser, customer proximity shall benefit. The aim is to strengthen the market position of Feldmuehle in the three areas.

With clear focus on high-quality label papers, packaging papers, graphic papers and cardboard, Feldmuehle is firmly dedicated to meet the requirements of the market. At the same time, the special expertise and experience of the employees as well as the flexible possibilities of the machine fleet are to be used even better according to the customer requirements. “We are concentrating on our greatest strengths,” says Heiner Kayser, who is the Managing Director of Feldmuehle Uetersen GmbH since May this year. “Our aim is to be particularly close to the customer, to find innovative solutions for specific requirements and to constantly set standards in terms of quality and customer service.”

The objectives of Feldmuehle are clearly defined: the company’s market shares are to be expanded in the three business areas and the position as supplier of high-quality white coated papers for the label, packaging and printing industries is to be strengthened.

High service quality through customer-oriented sales

As a result of the reorganisation of the product portfolio, the entire sales structure will be more stringently oriented to the customer. The sales support and field sales employees will specialise in one of the three business areas and be able to advise customers with in-depth product knowledge. “The name Feldmuehle stands for a particularly high service level”, says Eckhard Kallies, Director Sales and Marketing. “The new structure allows us to address the requirements and needs even more intensively and to act as a true partner of our customers.”

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Feldmuehle past zijn portfolio en verkooporganisatie aan

02 okt 2017

Papierfabrikant Feldmuehle heeft zijn portfolio en verkooporganisatie aangepast. Met een focus op labels, verpakkingen en grafisch papier en karton denkt het bedrijf klaar te zijn voor de toekomst. Zoals voorheen richt Feldmuehle zich op klanten die het hoge service niveau waarderen. Lees meer over deze aanpassingen in onderstaand persbericht.



Feldmuehle is restructuring product portfolio as part of its long-term strategic orientation

The new Managing Director Kayser is focusing on the expansion of customer proximity and product innovations

Uetersen, 28 September 2017 – Feldmuehle Uetersen GmbH is restructuring its product portfolio and sales organisation: the company’s six product segments are now bundled into the business areas of Labelling Applications, Packaging Solutions and Graphical Options. From the restructuring under the new Managing Director Heiner Kayser, customer proximity shall benefit. The aim is to strengthen the market position of Feldmuehle in the three areas.

With clear focus on high-quality label papers, packaging papers, graphic papers and cardboard, Feldmuehle is firmly dedicated to meet the requirements of the market. At the same time, the special expertise and experience of the employees as well as the flexible possibilities of the machine fleet are to be used even better according to the customer requirements. “We are concentrating on our greatest strengths,” says Heiner Kayser, who is the Managing Director of Feldmuehle Uetersen GmbH since May this year. “Our aim is to be particularly close to the customer, to find innovative solutions for specific requirements and to constantly set standards in terms of quality and customer service.”

The objectives of Feldmuehle are clearly defined: the company’s market shares are to be expanded in the three business areas and the position as supplier of high-quality white coated papers for the label, packaging and printing industries is to be strengthened.

High service quality through customer-oriented sales

As a result of the reorganisation of the product portfolio, the entire sales structure will be more stringently oriented to the customer. The sales support and field sales employees will specialise in one of the three business areas and be able to advise customers with in-depth product knowledge. “The name Feldmuehle stands for a particularly high service level”, says Eckhard Kallies, Director Sales and Marketing. “The new structure allows us to address the requirements and needs even more intensively and to act as a true partner of our customers.”

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New Products and Launches Exclusively at IPEX

30 sep 2017
Categorie: ,,

New exhibitors to confirm for IPEX 2017 this week include BFS Pressroom Solutions, Benford, Care Graphic Machinery, ERAPA, Exel Printing Machinery, Grafitec, IML Machinery, Ricoh, Uchida and Warren Services.

Apex Digital Graphics will launch the RMGT Ryobi 928P, 8 colour press. Joining Apex will be Konica Minolta and their new AccurioPress C6100.

Friedheim International, Intelligent Finishing Systems, Morgana, Renz, Newtown and Duplo are utlising IPEX to launch innovative new finishing solutions. Presstek will launch new LED-UV technology.

See Watkiss’ new Powersquare PSQ160X booklet maker working inline with the Xerox Versant 3100 press.


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Libertec officiële agent voor de Mouvent digitale labelprinters

29 sep 2017
Categorie: ,

Sinds deze week is Libertec de officiële agent geworden voor de firma MOUVENT voor de BeNeLux en Noord-Frankrijk. Mouvent is de joint venture tussen BOBST en Radex, die tijdens de Labelexpo maar liefst drie highspeed labelprinters introduceerden. De 7 kleuren labelprinter levert, met een optische resolutie van 2.000 dpi, topkwaliteit afdrukken. Lees meer over Mouvent in onderstaand persbericht.


Labelexpo 2017 sees trade show debut for Mouvent – a new company focused on pioneering digital print technology

Mouvent – a new joint venture from BOBST and Radex, focused on inventing and delivering the future of digital printing – is making its trade show debut at Labelexpo 2017, 25-28 September, in Brussels. This is the first global reveal of the company’s highly innovative label printing product range.

The Mouvent Team welcomes you to visit their stand A60 Hall 3 during Labelexpo 2017 for the launch of a truly new type of digital printing presses for the label industry.

Mouvent is a joint venture from BOBST – one of the world’s leading suppliers of equipment and services to packaging and label manufacturers, and Radex – a startup company owned by multiple stakeholders with a long track record in the field of DOD inkjet digital printing, and has become the digital printing competence center and solutions provider of BOBST. Mouvent is comprised of about 80 employees in Switzerland.

Central to the digital innovation at Mouvent is an ingenious digital printing technology developed by Radex, which is based on the highly integrated MouventTM Cluster and represents a quantum leap for the industry. Thanks to its intelligent and compact design, it will be the centerpiece of revolutionary new machines developed by Mouvent for a wide variety of markets such as textile, labels, corrugated board, flexible packaging, folding carton and more.

“We truly believe that Labelexpo 2017 will be a watershed moment not only for Mouvent but for the future of digital printing,” says Simon Rothen, CEO of Mouvent. “Current industry trends – including high demand for digitalization, short runs, fast availability, promotion and versioning, personalized and seasonal products, and increasing sensitivity towards cost and environment – are driving demand for high quality and affordable digital printing machines. Through Mouvent we aim to initiate a quantum leap in this area, ultimately providing the market with what it needs most; highly reliable industrial digital printing on different substrates at a competitive cost.”

As well as the digital printing presses, Mouvent offers a fully integrated, complete solution – it develops, engineers, tests, and industrializes digital printers based on the MouventTM Cluster, it writes the software around the printers, develops inks and coatings for various substrates, as well as providing a full servicing offering. The company is promising a new standard in inkjet label production cost and quality, in ink pricing, head durability, quality and machine performance. Its first machine that has been launched is an innovative, highly productive digital printer for textiles, which prints with up to 8 colors, and there is a full product pipeline to follow.

The innovative cluster design is the base building block for all systems, current and in development. “Our radical new approach, which we look forward to sharing at Labelexpo, is to use a base cluster which is arranged in a modular, scalable matrix instead of having different print bars for different applications and different print widths” explains Piero Pierantozzi, Co-Founder of Mouvent. “The Mouvent Cluster is the key technology behind the Mouvent machines, resulting in high optical resolution for a crisp, colorful, very high printing quality, as well as a never-seen-before flexibility and possibilities in terms of machine development. Simplicity is our engineering philosophy.”

Mouvent printers are the smallest digital printers in their category – closer to desktop printing than to traditional analogic printers like flexo – making them very compact, light-weighted and easily accessible. The modular, compact system allows easier settings and start-up with less fine adjustments required resulting in a productivity boost. The compact design has many other benefits, including smaller footprint, faster change-over, simple implementation and low cost.

“We are very excited to showcase our label printing range at Labelexpo and talk with attendees at our stand,” says Simon Rothen. “This is the start of an exciting journey of bringing large-scale digital printing to various industries. The digital printing solutions offered by Mouvent will present new opportunities for all sorts of companies, bringing more flexibility, unmatched productivity, shorter time to market and infinite variation, all with a very compact and energy efficient design. This will revolutionize the digital printing world.”




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When computers design with AI and ML

29 sep 2017
Categorie: ,,

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are spreading their wings to creative tasks, according to an article by Jason Tselentis. In his Backchannel article on WIRED he predicts that computers will soon be designing websites and print according to information from clients. Complete designs, or to save a lot of time for professional designers. An example is the Quick Layout project which was demonstrated by Adobe during the last Adobe Max.
The software helps with the layout of page elements without affecting the designer´s creativity.

Watch the Quick Layout video via this link or read Jason´s full article on WIRED.


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Als computers dankzij AI en ML zelf gaan ontwerpen

29 sep 2017
Categorie: ,

Artificial Intelligence en Machine Learning spreiden, volgens een artikel van Jason Tselentis, hun vleugels uit naar creatieve beroepen. In zijn Backchannel artikel op WIRED, voorspelt hij dat computers straks websites en drukwerk zullen ontwerpen, op basis van door de klant verstrekte gegevens. Dat kunnen complete ontwerpen zijn, maar AI en ML kunnen professionele ontwerpers ook ondersteunen en veel tijd besparen. Een voorbeeld hiervan is het Quick Layout project, dat Adobe tijdens de laatste Adobe Max demonstreerde. De software helpt bij het esthetisch verdelen van pagina-elementen, zonder de creatieve vrijheid van een ontwerper aan te tasten.

Bekijk het filmpje van Quick Layout via deze link of lees het hele artikel van Jason op WIRED.



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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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