Rob van den Braak

OCR Journal #001, is dit de toekomst van drukwerk?

25 mei 2015
Categorie: ,,
OCR coverExclusief, met een oplage van slechts 500 exemplaren waarvan elke omslag een unieke data art visualisatie heeft, content die perfect afgestemd is op de doelgroep en een eigentijdse vormgeving, Office for Creative Research toont een glimp van wat de toekomst van (tijdschriften) drukwerk kan worden. Zoals Mark Wilson op zijn Co.Design blog schrijft is OCR Journal #001 een gimmick en een perfect marketinggereedschap voor de datastudio. Bekijk een aantal pagina’s op Mark’s blog of bestel voor 35 dollar, zolang de voorraad strekt, je eigen exemplaar. Alle kans dat het over een paar maanden het dubbele waard is. Als dat zo is dan is de cirkel rond, drukwerk is dan weer een verzamelobject net als in de Gutenberg, Coster en Senefelder dagen.

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This Point Forward: How to prepare for the future of print

22 mei 2015
Categorie: ,,,

This Point ForwardRichard Romano and Dr Joe Webb co-wrote a book which stresses what we at also want to achieve: opening the printing industry´s eyes to the changes in the landscape of communication. This Point Forward predicts that in 2020 paper information will be produced by companies who take care of all aspects of their clients´ communications. These companies not only print, but help and accompany their clients int he process, companies who invest in knowledge, people and new technology. The book can be ordered via Amazon.


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This Point Forward: Hoe drukkers zich moeten voorbereiden op de toekomst

22 mei 2015
Categorie: ,,,
This Point ForwardRichard Romano en Dr. Joe Webb schreven een boek dat onderstreept wat wij ook met willen bereiken, de ogen openen van drukkers voor de veranderingen in het communicatielandschap. This Point Forward voorspelt dat in 2020 papieren informatie gemaakt wordt door communicatiebedrijven die zelf of met partners alle facetten van het communicatieproces voor hun klanten kunnen verzorgen. Het zullen bedrijven zijn die meedenken met hun klanten, bedrijven die nu investeren in kennis, mensen en nieuwe technieken. Het boek is te bestellen via Het verschil in prijs voor het ebook (15,56 dollar, direct te lezen) en de paperback (24,61 dollar, 2 tot 5 dagen levertijd) demonstreert één van de veranderingen in het communicatie landschap.

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Screen Srl installs Italy’s first Screen Truepress Jet L350UV digital label press

21 mei 2015
Categorie: ,


Left to right: -Domenico Beraldi (Innovation); Angelo Meazza; Stefano-Rossetti; Marco-Mosca (Screen)

Screen Srl, based in Mazzo di Rho near Milan, is the first company in Italy to invest in a Screen Truepress Jet L350UV digital press, confirming their role as pioneers when it comes to adopting new technology for printing both packaging and labels.

Present on the Italian market since 1987, the company started out in classical photolithography, investing early on in Screen technology – it’s no coincidence that the company is actually called Screen, just like its trusted supplier! First there was a scanner, then typesetting terminals, and finally an inkjet label press.

“I was attending the Faculty of Business and Economy at Bocconi University in Milan”, says Stefano Rossetti, founder and owner of Screen Srl, “when I accepted an interesting job offer from Bancolini, who at the time was the exclusive distributor for Dainippon Screen in Italy. When I left Bancolini, I decided to set up my own company with a partner, Angelo Meazza, who had experience in both chromatics and photography within a printing company. In the beginning, our clients were half advertising agencies, half publishers, but we soon realised that we had to look around and explore new avenues, as the world of photolithography was really beginning to struggle.

It was then that Screen Srl became innovative and began moving towards the promising label and packaging market, initially offering an engraving service for photopolymer plates, then a digital printing service for label production.

“In June 2010 we were the first in Italy to install a Durst Tau 150, after seeing it in action about a year before at the Labelexpo trade show in Brussels, still in prototype form”, explains Rossetti. Before going ahead with the investment we examined all the digital label printing solutions available on the market at the time, eventually rejecting those based on electrophotographic technology. The UV inkjet was much more persuasive for a number of reasons, chief among which was productivity. When we bought the Durst Tau 150 we were not a printing company so we didn’t understand the dynamics of different formats, but over the years we have gained evermore experience in this.”

Always on the lookout for new technology, Rossetti came across Innovation, which introduced him to the new technological solution from the Japanese manufacturer, and he paid a visit to the Screen headquarters in Holland in March last year before returning in September to carry out print tests on the Truepress Jet L350UV, a machine that had already attracted his interest on previous occasions.

“I went to Holland with Domenico Beraldi from Innovation, Screen’s distributor of the Truepress for labels in Italy, and we met up with Carlo Sammarco, sales director of Screen Europe, who I’d first encountered three years earlier when buying a Screen CtP for photopolymer plates.”

The Truepress Jet L350UV quickly proved to be up to Rossetti’s expectations, enough to persuade him to make a purchase. The machine was installed in late December 2014 and went into production in early 2015, replacing the Durst Tau 150.

With speeds of 50 m per minute and a print width of up to 350 mm, the new machine actually doubles the company’s productivity and has high growth potential for the future. Their chosen configuration features all the accessories used for the various functions, including corona treatment, perfect machine registration but also, in the event of overprint, quick cleaning of the inlet ribbon and, above all, high-opacity white printing.

“I am extremely satisfied with the Truepress Jet L350UV, a machine that represents the perfect combination of speed and printing quality”, says Rossetti.

“Currently, 90% of our work is for printing companies, to whom we provide a dual service – preparation of photopolymers and digital label printing. This year we expect to increase our sales significantly.”

“It has been very rewarding for us to sell the first Truepress Jet L350UV in Italy to a company that has shown its confidence in us several times before by choosing our technology solutions”, comments Carlo Sammarco from Screen Europe. “Screen Srl has huge confidence that this machine can expand their production capacity, enabling them to develop new products in the labelling sector and to open up new market opportunities”.

“It’s a source of pride for us to be partners with a prestigious brand like SCREEN”, says Domenico Beraldi from Innovation. “It’s a real pleasure to meet visionary entrepreneurs like Rossetti who invest in new technology so they can better serve their clientele”.

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Strong decline in turnover for German press manufacturers

21 mei 2015

BB heidelberg wieslochYearly turnover of German press and paper manufacturers saw a decline of 12% in 2014 compared to 2013, according to Deutscher Drucker. Dr.-Ing. Markus Heering responsible for the Printing and Paper Technology Association within the VDMA, the organisation of German machine manufacturers, says that there is not a lot to be done. The market for printing and paper technology is declining. The branche will have to live with this.
Despite the declining turnover, the market share worldwide of the German press and paper manufacturers is still over 25%. The value of export is 4.10 billion Euro in 2014 against 4.45 billion Euro in 2013. The decline is mostly due to the stagnation of the Chinese economy, especially newspaper and book printing. Packaging and tissues are doing better. Chinese machine manufacturers are catching up on what they lacked in technical abilities. Export volumes to Europe and the USA remained stable.


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21 mei 2015
Categorie: ,,

RockstockPaper can be produced from various materials such as wood, rags, natural fibres, but also stone. Stonepaper is made from minerals and its characteristics are comparable to coated paper and is, just like synthetic paper, waterproof and very strong. Contrary to synthetic paper made of polypropylene it has a low CO2 footprint and a low energy production process. Read more about stonepaper on the Rockstock website.

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Papier van steen

21 mei 2015
Categorie: ,,
RockstockBehalve hout, lompen en andere natuurlijke vezels kan papier ook gemaakt worden van steen. Stonepaper wordt gemaakt van mineralen en heeft eigenschappen vergelijkbaar met coated papier en is net als synthetisch papier waterbestendig en extra sterk. In tegenstelling tot synthetisch papier gemaakt van polypropyleen heeft het een lage CO2 footprint en wordt er tijdens het productieproces weinig energie gebruikt. Lees meer over Stonepaper op de site van Rockstock.

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Errol Morris: typography influences the trustworthiness of content

20 mei 2015
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Errol Morris TypografieIt´s here in black and white and other such famous sayings: we believe what is printed. Errol Morris, filmmaker of The Thin Blue Line and The Fog of War, has ´proven´ something else. Typography influences the trustworthiness of content. Especially typeface decides if we trust the contents of an article. Morris asked people to indicate if they thought that a certain article was true and found that people trust articles printed in Baskerville most. This is a phenomenon that many teachers already knew and taught in the good old days of cast metal typesetting: use serif fonts such as Baskerville, Times and Garamond when printing ´real´ information and a sans serif font for other information. Read about Morris´s experiment via this link. 

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Errol Morris: Bewijs dat typografie de waarde van content beïnvloedt

20 mei 2015
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Errol Morris Typografie“Hier staat het zwart op wit” en andere gevleugelde uitspraken geven het al aan, we geloven wat er gedrukt staat. Errol Morris, de filmmaker van The Thin Blue Line en The Fog of War, heeft nog wat meer ‘uitgevonden’, typografie beïnvloedt de waarde van content. Vooral letterkeuze is bepalend of we de inhoud van een publicatie vertrouwen. Hij vroeg mensen om aan te geven of ze dachten dat een bepaald bericht waar was en vond uit dat berichten in Baskerville het meeste vertrouwd werden. Dat is een fenomeen wat menig leermeestergezel aan zijn jonggezellen in het loodtijdperk al leerde, gebruik letters met schreven als Baskerville, Times, Garamond voor ‘echte’ informatie en schreefloze voor andere informatie. Lees het experiment van Morris via deze link.

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Kolor: online game to test your sense of colour

19 mei 2015
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KolorMoro, a Spanish designer and app developer developed an online game with which you can test how good you are at recognising colour. At the end of the game you know which colours you are sensitive to. That is, if you react fast enough……………

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Kolor: een online game om je ‘kleurgevoeligheid’ te testen

19 mei 2015
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KolorMoro, de spaanse app-ontwikkelaar en vormgever, maakte een online game waarmee je kunt testen hoe goed je kleuren kunt onderscheiden. Aan het eind van het spelletje weet je precies voor welke kleuren je ‘gevoelig’ bent. Tenminste als je snel genoeg reageert …
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EFI at Fespa: Focus on complete portfolio for every market

18 mei 2015
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At Fespa EFI focus is on complete solutions for low, middle, high-volume and specialty printers. Highlights are the new Vutek Go app for Android and the new Digital StoreFront 8.9.

Schermafbeelding 2015-05-18 om 13.31.26

Vote Go is a Android-based, remote monitoring application for VUTEk HS Pro series that allows customers to:

•  Monitor real time: print queue status, ink levels, lamp settings and lamp life

•  Review history of printer status and print queue within last 24 hours

•  Receive push notifications on printer alerts or errors


New Digital StoreFront 8.0

• Stronger customer relationship, better service for larger corporate clients

• Establish subsidiary StoreFronts for departments at a single corporate client, without purchasing an additional license

• New, marketplace offering to add content writers, photographers, designers into printing company’s web-to-print ordering platform

•  Variable-data module features EFI DirectSmile technology

•  Enhanced finishing controls for web-to-print ordering of inkjet graphics jobs.


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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