Rob van den Braak

Adobe Publish met ‘flat fee’ gaat de Digital Publishing Suite vervangen

06 apr 2015
Categorie: ,
Adobe PublishVijf jaar geleden kwam Adobe met zijn Digital Publishing Suite, een compleet softwarepakket om apps te maken van elke soort content. Nu wordt van de zomer DPS vervangen door Adobe Publish, met als grootste verandering dat je nu niet meer per publicatie betaalt, maar een vooraf bepaald vast bedrag, een flat fee. Nieuw zijn ook meer en betere gereedschappen waarmee schrijvers/journalisten en hun managers een uitgave niet alleen kunnen maken maar ook het hele proces tot aan de verkoop van de digitale content kunnen volgen. Meer info over Publish dat onder het motto “content first” deze zomer op de markt wordt gebracht via deze link.
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Wild Format #12: Adding value

03 apr 2015
Categorie: ,
Wild Format #12 Adding ValueIn this 12th Wild Format Guide Sophie Matthews-Paul explains why adding value to print services is important. Helping clients think through their products, extensive knowledge of media and inks are just as important as low prices and short turnaround. Download her guide from our download page.




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Industrial Print Showcase at FESPA 2015

02 apr 2015
Categorie: ,

Esma_logo_300dpiIn cooperation with ESMA, the non-profit association of companies specializing in industrial printing, FESPA 2015 (18 – 22 May in Cologne, Germany) has filled an entire hall with industrial applications for the manufacturing of printed electronics, décor and laminates and automotives. During the Industrial Print Showcase ESMA will deliver ´Lunch & Learn´ sessions together with industry partners about best practices, applications and markets. More information about the Industrial Print Showcase can be found via this link. 


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Industrial Print Showcase op de FESPA 2015

02 apr 2015
Categorie: ,
Esma_logo_300dpiIn samenwerking met ESMA, de organisatie van bedrijven gespecialiseerd in industrial printing, heeft FESPA 2015 (18 t/m 22 mei in Keulen) een complete hal gevuld met industriële toepassingen voor het fabriceren van printed electronics, decors & laminaten en producten voor de automobiel industrie. In de Industrial Print Showcase organiseert ESMA ook een aantal ‘lunch & Learn’ sessies waarin het met partners toepassingen, markten en best practice cases bespreekt. Meer info over de Industrial Print Showcase vind je via deze link.

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HP to use Google Glass for serivce

01 apr 2015

google-glass-rachel-king-620x414For the heavier professional printers such as the T 1100 HP uses the Google Glass to deliver service.Google Glass is still alive, but just not actively in the consumer´s eye. Behind the scenes Google is working with enterprises to develop the technology further. HP is one of the development partners as I fond out during a visit to the new demo centre in Barcelona. Companies using complex machinery such as the HP rotation press will be provided with Google Glass technology. The service engineer will be on the spot wearing the smart glasses and maintenance experts from other parts of the world can follow him and give instructions via the glasses. According to a HP spokesperson Google is currently more interested in enterprise solutions for the smart glasses rather than consumer solutions.

According to Google CEO Eric Schmidt in an interview in the Wall Street journal the Google Glass is alive and well and one of the most important pillars in Google´s future. . “We ended the Explorer program and the press conflated this into us cancelling the whole project, which isn’t true. Google is about taking risks and there’s nothing about adjusting Glass that suggests we’re ending it.”


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Laurel Brunner: Taking the P**s

01 apr 2015

medium_laurel3Laurel’s blog heeft dit keer een luchtje, het gaat over het gebruik van bio-massa voor het produceren van gelamineerde verpakkingsmaterialen. Hoe dat werkt en hoe een Zuidafrikaanse drukker bio-massa inzet voor het generen van elektriciteit lees je in Laurel’s blog op onze artikelenpagina.



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Laurel Brunner: Taking the P**s

01 apr 2015

biomasssources1The idea of using rubbish to create energy goes back to the first bonfire, but only a handful of companies in the graphic arts industries seem to be paying much heed to using biomass. Toppan Printing has developed a laminated packaging material that contains around 10% of biomass and Toppan expect it to be commercially viable this year. Paarl Media, one of South Africa’s biggest publishing companies, has installed a biomass boiler at its Cape Town plant. It burns weeds and woodchips and uses the steam generated to power Paarl’s gravure presses.

Biomass uses biological material such as wood, manure or similar agricultural waste, to generate energy through combustion or as the waste biodegrades. As such it can be used to reduce carbon footprints, which is why the installed bioenergy capacity for electricity generation is growing. But by far our most favourite example of how technology is being used to exploit waste organic material, is the urinal developed for a British university working in cooperation with the international charity, Oxfam.The University of the West of England has installed a very special pissoir at its Bristol campus. The urinal is loaded with microbes which feed on urine. Yum. Male staff and students are keenly providing the device with the necessary raw material for energy generation. The urine is used in a stack of microbial fuel cells (MFC) containing hungry bacteria.The MFCs are an electrochemical system that produces electricity by converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Oxfam wanted the technology to provide lighting for toilet cubicles in refugee camps. However given the copious and widespread availability of the raw materials required for these MFCs to work, there is no limit to how this technology might be applied.According to Professor Ioannis Ieropoulos, director of the Bristol BioEnergy Centre. an MFC “taps a portion of that biochemical energy used for microbial growth, and converts [it] directly into electricity – what we are calling urine-tricity or pee power. This technology is about as green as it gets, as we do not need to utilise fossil fuels and we are effectively using a waste product that will be in plentiful supply.”Printers and publishers might be inclined to convert more space to urinals and provide unlimited free drinks for staff. They might even open up their conveniences to male members of the public, to maximise opportunities for raw material collection. The only difficulty with the technology in its present form is that in practical terms it is inherently sexist. The current generation depends on male input to delivery the raw material to the MFCs, so we really need an additional option better suited to the female form. Consequently, we hope to see developers making more of a splash shortly.

Laurel Brunner



This blog has been made possible by: Agfa Graphics (, Digital Dots (, drupa (, EFI (, Fespa (, Heidelberg (, Kodak (, Mondi (, Pragati Offset (, Ricoh (, Shimizu Printing (, Splash PR (, Unity Publishing ( and Xeikon ( is the Dutch media partner of Verdrigris, a non-profit initiative which aims to realistically chart the real footprint of printing and which helps companies and organisations to lower that footprint. More information about Verdrigris can be found via this link.


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Laurel Brunner’s Verdigris Blog: Taking the P**s

01 apr 2015

laurel_templatedLaurel´s blog has a bit of a smell this time. It is about the use of biomass for the production of laminated packaging materials. Read Laurel´s blog on how this works and how a South African printer uses biomass to generate electricity on our articles page.



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Laurel Brunner: Taking the P**s

01 apr 2015

biomasssources1The idea of using rubbish to create energy goes back to the first bonfire, but only a handful of companies in the graphic arts industries seem to be paying much heed to using biomass. Toppan Printing has developed a laminated packaging material that contains around 10% of biomass and Toppan expect it to be commercially viable this year. Paarl Media, one of South Africa’s biggest publishing companies, has installed a biomass boiler at its Cape Town plant. It burns weeds and woodchips and uses the steam generated to power Paarl’s gravure presses.

Biomass uses biological material such as wood, manure or similar agricultural waste, to generate energy through combustion or as the waste biodegrades. As such it can be used to reduce carbon footprints, which is why the installed bioenergy capacity for electricity generation is growing. But by far our most favourite example of how technology is being used to exploit waste organic material, is the urinal developed for a British university working in cooperation with the international charity, Oxfam.The University of the West of England has installed a very special pissoir at its Bristol campus. The urinal is loaded with microbes which feed on urine. Yum. Male staff and students are keenly providing the device with the necessary raw material for energy generation. The urine is used in a stack of microbial fuel cells (MFC) containing hungry bacteria.The MFCs are an electrochemical system that produces electricity by converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Oxfam wanted the technology to provide lighting for toilet cubicles in refugee camps. However given the copious and widespread availability of the raw materials required for these MFCs to work, there is no limit to how this technology might be applied.According to Professor Ioannis Ieropoulos, director of the Bristol BioEnergy Centre. an MFC “taps a portion of that biochemical energy used for microbial growth, and converts [it] directly into electricity – what we are calling urine-tricity or pee power. This technology is about as green as it gets, as we do not need to utilise fossil fuels and we are effectively using a waste product that will be in plentiful supply.”Printers and publishers might be inclined to convert more space to urinals and provide unlimited free drinks for staff. They might even open up their conveniences to male members of the public, to maximise opportunities for raw material collection. The only difficulty with the technology in its present form is that in practical terms it is inherently sexist. The current generation depends on male input to delivery the raw material to the MFCs, so we really need an additional option better suited to the female form. Consequently, we hope to see developers making more of a splash shortly.

Laurel Brunner



This blog has been made possible by: Agfa Graphics (, Digital Dots (, drupa (, EFI (, Fespa (, Heidelberg (, Kodak (, Mondi (, Pragati Offset (, Ricoh (, Shimizu Printing (, Splash PR (, Unity Publishing ( and Xeikon ( is the Dutch media partner of Verdrigris, a non-profit initiative which aims to realistically chart the real footprint of printing and which helps companies and organisations to lower that footprint. More information about Verdrigris can be found via this link.


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Lithrone G37 Komori’s nieuwe A1 formaat OffsetOnDemand oplossing

31 mrt 2015
Komori Lithorone G37OffsetOnDemand is wat Komori belooft met zijn nieuwe A1, 640 x 940 mm, Lithrone G37. Met de nieuwste versie van het KHS-AI control systeem kunnen nu ook A1 formaat opdrachten dankzij de snelle insteltijden economisch geproduceerd worden. Door het A1 formaat kan ook bij 8-up opdrachten een kleurenstrip voor automatische kleurcontrole mee gedrukt worden. Lees meer informatie over de G37 via deze link in het persbericht van Komori.

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Lithrone G37, Komori´s new A1 format OffsetOnDemand solution

31 mrt 2015

Komori Lithorone G37OffsetOnDemand is what Komori promises with its new A1, 640x940mm, Lithrone G37. The newest version of the KHS-AI control system handles tight turnaround. The A1 format allows for a CMS colour bar to be included in the print. More information about the G37 via this link to Komori´s press release.


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Research: Print professionals communicate digitally

30 mrt 2015
Categorie: ,

Vakbeurs 2015 dag 219How do print professionals communicate? Duomedia asked 100 European professionals in the print media industry. The results were quite interesting. It appears that trade fairs are still the most important way of communicating, especially when making plans for investments, closely followed by conferences and magazine articles.

Of these articles, business cases score best. Best practices also score very high. The most remarkable outcome is that digital is preferred by 45% of respondents. 31% of respondents preferred print. Social media are being actively used by half of respondents of which LinkedIn scores highest.

The complete research by Duomedia can be downloaded here.


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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