Rob van den Braak

Wild Format #6: Finishing large format prints

22 jan 2015
Categorie: ,

Wild Format #6 FinishingCutting, shaping, glueing, framing and stretching of large format prints is specialist work and an important part of the production process. Nessan Cleary lists a number of possibilities and techniques in the sixth Digital Dots Wild Format Guide. This and the other Guides in the series can be downloaded from our Download page.

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Kentie gaat van finishing naar manufacturing of the future met 3D printing

21 jan 2015

Kentie 3D printingKentie, een leverancier van oudsher bekend van haar pakket aan finishing systemen, heeft zijn leveringsprogramma de laatste tijd uitgebreid met een breed pakket 3D printing oplossingen. Met dat pakket staat het niet alleen op de Grafische Vakbeurs in Gorinchem, 10, 11 en 12 maart, maar ook op RapidPro 2015, een vakbeurs geheel gericht op 3D printing. Deze gratis te bezoeken beurs vindt plaats op 3, 4 en 5 maart in het NH Conference Centre Koningshof in Veldhoven. Meer informatie over de beurzen en het leveringsprogramma vind je op de website van Kentie.

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Laurel Brunner: Fespa’s Planet Friendly Guides een aanrader voor elk grafisch bedrijf

20 jan 2015
Categorie: ,

laurel_templatedDe Fespa organisatie heeft een nieuwe versie uitgebracht van haar Planet Friendly Guides. In 11 korte en bondige guides worden de voor onze industrie belangrijke thema’s op het gebied van verantwoord ondernemen behandeld. Lees in Laurel’s blog op over welke zaken er in de guides behandeld worden, die gaan van hoe je je bedrijf kunt voorbereiden op de nieuwe milieuwetgeving tot een uitleg over zaken zoals emissies en ISO 16759 standaard for calculating the carbon footprint of print media.

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Laurel Brunner: Fespa’s Planet Friendly Guide Gets Even Friendlier

20 jan 2015

Fespa Planet Friendly Guide 2015Eleven is such a wonderful number. Think Spinal Tap and the BBC iPlayer’s volume control, or ISO TC130’s Working Group 11. When something goes up to eleven, you get just that little bit more, and it’s that little bit that can make a massive difference. So it is with Fespa’s newly relaunched Planet Friendly Guide, which has been split into eleven easily consumed parts.

Fespa pitches the Planet Friendly Guide for digital and screen printers, but the content is valuable for any type of printing company and their customers. This previously ginormous tome is the definitive sustainability reference for the graphic arts, and now in a series of digestible pieces it’s going to be even more useful.

Instead of being a single volume, the Planet Friendly Guide is reorganised into a series of smaller parts. A helpful introduction explains how printers should prepare themselves to manage their environmental impact and improve their sustainability, and there are ten additional guidance documents. These ten provide everything you need to know about a range of topics, such as pollution or emissions to water or handling waste and environmental impact. The idea is to make it easier for readers to get to the information they want without having to waste precious time ploughing through acres of words to find what’s relevant for them. As Sean Holt, general secretary for Fespa says “Keeping up to date with legislation can be prohibitively time-consuming, particularly for SMEs.”

Organising the Planet Friendly Guide in this way makes for a much more accessible and engaging series. It turns the Planet Friendly Guide from a single volume into a part-work publication that can be extended as often as required. Fespa can use this model to deliver bespoke environmental content that meets local needs based on member feedback, rather than sticking exclusively to material with global relevance. There is also a better chance that the content will be read and implemented to improve production and business processes. Hopefully this will mean more printing companies taking an active role in environmental impact reduction.

The new format gives Fespa scope to add topics without having to edit and revise the entire publication and with this revamped format Fespa has a mechanism for delivering a greater range of environmental content to members. For instance environmental benchmarking and market updates can be added, along with taylored explanations of environmental legislation for different parts of the world and what rules mean for print buyers. Fespa could also develop a global directory of printers certified for compliance to ISO 14001 (Environmental management systems).

In its new flexible format, the Planet Friendly Guide will be altogether more useful to the 37 national member associations that are Fespa. The Planet Friendly Guide is free to association members as part of their membership and is funded by Fespa’s Profit for Purpose programme. This programme was set up to reinvest profits from Fespa exhibitions back into the global printing industry. Fespa is also an associate member of the Verdigris project which funds development of ISO standards related to the environmental impact of print. Hopefully Fespa might consider adding a new part to the Planet Friendly Guide that explains which ISO environmental standards printers should consider using, such as ISO 16759 for calculating the carbon footprint of print media, and how to implement them.

Laurel Brunner



Dit blog wordt mogelijk gemaakt dankzij de bijdrage van: Agfa Graphics (, Digital Dots (, drupa (, EFI (, Fespa (, Heidelberg (, Kodak (, Mondi (, Pragati Offset (, Ricoh (, Shimizu Printing (, Splash PR (, Unity Publishing ( and Xeikon ( is de Nederlandse media-partner van Verdigris, een non-profit initiatief dat de werkelijke voetprint van druk- en printwerk die drukwerk achterlaat eerlijk in kaart wil brengen en dat bedrijven en organisatie steunt om die voetprint te verlagen.
Meer informatie over Verdigris vindt je via deze link.

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Laurel Brunner: Fespa´s Planet Friendly Guides, a must for any graphics company

20 jan 2015
Categorie: ,

laurel_templatedFespa have published a new version of their Planet Friendly Guides. The 11 short and concise guides describe important topics on sustainability for our industry. Read Laurel´s blog on about the guides and their contents, such as environmental management, emissions and the ISO 16759 standard for calculation the carbon footprint of print media.

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Laurel Brunner: Fespa’s Planet Friendly Guide Gets Even Friendlier

20 jan 2015

Fespa Planet Friendly Guide 2015Eleven is such a wonderful number. Think Spinal Tap and the BBC iPlayer’s volume control, or ISO TC130’s Working Group 11. When something goes up to eleven, you get just that little bit more, and it’s that little bit that can make a massive difference. So it is with Fespa’s newly relaunched Planet Friendly Guide, which has been split into eleven easily consumed parts.

Fespa pitches the Planet Friendly Guide for digital and screen printers, but the content is valuable for any type of printing company and their customers. This previously ginormous tome is the definitive sustainability reference for the graphic arts, and now in a series of digestible pieces it’s going to be even more useful.

Instead of being a single volume, the Planet Friendly Guide is reorganised into a series of smaller parts. A helpful introduction explains how printers should prepare themselves to manage their environmental impact and improve their sustainability, and there are ten additional guidance documents. These ten provide everything you need to know about a range of topics, such as pollution or emissions to water or handling waste and environmental impact. The idea is to make it easier for readers to get to the information they want without having to waste precious time ploughing through acres of words to find what’s relevant for them. As Sean Holt, general secretary for Fespa says “Keeping up to date with legislation can be prohibitively time-consuming, particularly for SMEs.”

Organising the Planet Friendly Guide in this way makes for a much more accessible and engaging series. It turns the Planet Friendly Guide from a single volume into a part-work publication that can be extended as often as required. Fespa can use this model to deliver bespoke environmental content that meets local needs based on member feedback, rather than sticking exclusively to material with global relevance. There is also a better chance that the content will be read and implemented to improve production and business processes. Hopefully this will mean more printing companies taking an active role in environmental impact reduction.

The new format gives Fespa scope to add topics without having to edit and revise the entire publication and with this revamped format Fespa has a mechanism for delivering a greater range of environmental content to members. For instance environmental benchmarking and market updates can be added, along with taylored explanations of environmental legislation for different parts of the world and what rules mean for print buyers. Fespa could also develop a global directory of printers certified for compliance to ISO 14001 (Environmental management systems).

In its new flexible format, the Planet Friendly Guide will be altogether more useful to the 37 national member associations that are Fespa. The Planet Friendly Guide is free to association members as part of their membership and is funded by Fespa’s Profit for Purpose programme. This programme was set up to reinvest profits from Fespa exhibitions back into the global printing industry. Fespa is also an associate member of the Verdigris project which funds development of ISO standards related to the environmental impact of print. Hopefully Fespa might consider adding a new part to the Planet Friendly Guide that explains which ISO environmental standards printers should consider using, such as ISO 16759 for calculating the carbon footprint of print media, and how to implement them.

Laurel Brunner



This blog has been made possible by: Agfa Graphics (, Digital Dots (, drupa (, EFI (, Fespa (, Heidelberg (, Kodak (, Mondi (, Pragati Offset (, Ricoh (, Shimizu Printing (, Splash PR (, Unity Publishing ( and Xeikon ( is the Dutch media partner of Verdrigris, a non-profit initiative which aims to realistically chart the real footprint of printing and which helps companies and organisations to lower that footprint. More information about Verdrigris can be found via this link.

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UK packaging printer Springfield installs first Screen Truepress digital label press 

19 jan 2015
Categorie: ,
Screen Jetpres SpringfieldLabel and packaging printer Springfield Solutions in Hull, UK, installed Europe´s first Screen Truepress Jet L350UV. The L350UV is able to print 50 metres a minute on material with a maximum width of 322mm. Dennis Ebeltoft, Springfield´s Operation Director says that the L350UV was chosen because of its excellent cost efficiency. The press proved itself a worthy addition to the 3 HP Indigos of this ´all digital´ printer immediately since the first run. Springfield specializes in orders which are usually not longer than 300 metres with the exceptional 10,000 metres. With the Truepress Jet de ISO, BRC/IoP and Fogra accredited printer can handle the increasing growth in small quantities and short delivery times and hopes to match the 26% yearly growth of the past few years. The L350UV, which required a UKP 570,000 investment, is equipped with inline finishing and a high opacity white option which allows for opaque white to be printed, a must in the current label market.

Screen President Brian Filler sees Springfield´s choice for the L350UV as an endorsement of Truepress´s technological capacity, especially since the press offers label printers the possibility of increasing their turnover in the fast growing market of small quantities. More information about the Truepress Jet can be found on Screen Europe´s website.

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Engelse verpakkingsdrukker Springfield neemt eerste Screen Truepress Jet digitale labelpers in gebruik

19 jan 2015
Screen Jetpres SpringfieldIn Hull, UK, heeft label- en verpakkingsdrukker Springfield Europa’s eerste Screen Truepress Jet L350UV in gebruik genomen. De L350UV die 50 meter per minuut kan printen op materiaal tot 322 mm breed werd door Springfield volgens Operations Director Dennis Ebeltoft gekozen om zijn uitstekende prijs/prestatie verhouding. De pers is al direct na ingebruikname een waardevolle aanvulling gebleken op de drie HP Indigo’s van deze “all-digital’ drukker. Een drukker die zich specialiseert in opdrachten die gemiddeld niet langer zijn dan 300 meter met uitschieters tot 10.000 meter. Met de Truepress Jet kan de ISO, BRC/IoP en Fogra gecertificeerde drukker de stijgende vraag naar kleine oplagen en korte levertijden weer aan, en hoopt het bedrijf de omzetgroei van 26% van de laatste jaren tenminste te kunnen evenaren. De L350UV, die een investering vergde van 570.000 Engels ponden, is uitgerust met inline finishing en een high-opacity white optie waarmee dekkend wit gedrukt kan worden, een belangrijk punt in de huidige labelmarkt. Screen President Brian Filler ziet de keuze van Springfield voor de L350UV als een erkenning voor de technische capaciteiten van de Truepress, maar vooral van de mogelijkheden die de pers labeldrukkers biedt om hun omzet in de snel groeiende markt van kleine oplagen te vergroten. Meer informatie over de Truepress Jet vind je op de site van Screen Europe.
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Gratis kaarten voor de Grafische Vakbeurs en Vakbeurs Sign nu aan te vragen

18 jan 2015

[9,10]-16693-Grafische-Vakbeurs-GO_400x300-px-(bewegend)Het is vanaf nu mogelijk om te registreren voor een bezoek aan Grafische Vakbeurs en Vakbeurs Sign 2015. De vakbeurzen vinden gelijktijdig plaats op 10, 11 en 12 maart in Gorinchem, het moment waarop de branche elkaar treft! De beurs kan uitsluitend bezocht worden door vakprofessionals en is dagelijks geopend tussen 12.00 – 21.00 uur. Registreren kan via deze link.

Hiermee krijgen bezoekers gratis toegang tot de vakbeurs. Zorg dat u er bij bent!

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Laurel Brunner: Jaar begint goed nu de Deense regering zijn printtax intrekt

16 jan 2015

laurel_templatedHet jaar begint goed volgens Laurel Brunner nu de Deense regering zijn krankzinnige plan om belasting te heffen op gedrukte media intrekt of in ieder geval opnieuw bekijkt. De belastingmaatregel die drukwerk tot 50% duurder zou maken kreeg in eigen land veel kritiek en de Deense drukkersorganisatie kwam met goed onderbouwde argumenten waarnaar politici duidelijk geluisterd hebben. Ook de internationale druk zal meegespeeld hebben in het terugdraaien van het wetsvoorstel. Lees in het Verdigris blog van Laurel op hoe het allemaal zo kwam.


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Laurel Brunner: Danish Sanity Redux

16 jan 2015

laurel_templatedHappy New Year and Hooray because the Danish politicians who want to tax printed advertising are rethinking their position! In late December the Danish government’s press office notified us that the intended tax on printed ads is being reconsidered.

The Danish parliament was due to vote this month on legislation that would impose a tax on printed advertising, increasing its cost by up to 50%. The Danish Printers’ Association has worked extremely hard over many months to encourage Danish lawmakers to look more carefully at print’s sustainability and at the knock-on effects of a such a punitive tax. They have explained that print is not damaging to the environment and that the proposed legislation is based on poor environmental science. Consequently Benny Engelbracht, the Danish Minister for Taxation, has invited members of Denmark’s two leading political parties to a renewed discussion. Mr Engelbracht said that “When I hear signals of reservations from the other parties, I of course take this seriously. So I think it’s only natural to invite [them] to new talks. But I have to stress that if this tax is to be abandoned we need to find other ways to finance this.” He is referring to the fact that the tax was intended to pay for the Danish “green check” tax refund. This is: “a deduction of your tax payment … as a compensation for new “green” taxes. In 2015 it is 955 DKK a year per person [over 18]”, according to the Danish government press office.

The government’s stated goal was to tax print on the basis that it is bad for the environment. The vote has been delayed until March to give the politicians more time to understand the economic and social implications of the proposed tax and to think of how to replace it. Extending the window for debate is an opportunity for a more nuanced consideration. It is a basis for closer dialogue between the Danish government and the Danish Printers’ Association and other interested parties. The extension gives politicians the chance to understand print’s sustainability, associated environmental impact data and the importance of waste and resource management at local level. Taxing print also fails to consider the opportunity cost of restricted media options to businesses and wider society.

This whole business has been about money, but that might also be why the tax is being reconsidered. When the proposal was initiated in 2012, anticipated revenues were DKK340 million per year, roughly $57 million. But according to the Danish government press office “The tax minister’s calculations show that the expected revenue will be a third less than expected in 2012.”. The Danish printers’ association estimates that the tax would result in the loss of 600 print and supply chain jobs. The cost in unemployment benefits, which in Denmark are generous and so expensive for taxpayers, would be high. Maybe Mr Engelbracht reckons there are other less costly and less damaging ways of finding $57 million? Let’s hope so.

Laurel Brunner



Dit blog wordt mogelijk gemaakt dankzij de bijdrage van: Agfa Graphics (, Digital Dots (, drupa (, EFI (, Fespa (, Heidelberg (, Kodak (, Mondi (, Pragati Offset (, Ricoh (, Shimizu Printing (, Splash PR (, Unity Publishing ( and Xeikon ( is de Nederlandse media-partner van Verdigris, een non-profit initiatief dat de werkelijke voetprint van druk- en printwerk die drukwerk achterlaat eerlijk in kaart wil brengen en dat bedrijven en organisatie steunt om die voetprint te verlagen.
Meer informatie over Verdigris vindt je via deze link.

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Laurel Brunner: Good start of the year with the Danish government withdrawing their printed advertising tax plans

16 jan 2015

laurel_templatedThe year is starting off well according to Laurel Brunner now that the Danish government has withdrawn, or at least being reconsidered, their ridiculous plan to tax printed advertising. The tax rule which would make this up to 50% more expensive received a lot of criticism in Denmark and the Danish Printers´ Association worked hard to encourage politicians to look more carefully at the plan and its unintended consequences.. Also international pressure may have played a role in the withdrawal of the proposal. Read about it on Laurel´s Verdrigris blog on

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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