Rob van den Braak

E-book subscription encourages readers

07 jul 2017

Since the start of the e-book subscription service Kobo Plus about three months ago, the developers and Rakuten Kobo have seen a remarkable increase in users. The subscription which allows readers to read an unlimited amount of books from a selection of 80,000 e-books is especially popular among ´new´book readers.

– 20% had never bought a book (paper or digital) from;
– 40% had not previously bought a digital book from or Kobo;
– 10% had previously only bought one digital book per year, with Kobo Plus they read an average of 10 books.

These percentages show that Kobo Plus already has a new (digital) reader group and encourages the Dutch and Belgians to read more. These are people who previously didn´t read digitally or possibly illegally.

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Nostalgia: Hoe de Boston Globe meer dan 50 jaar gedrukt werd

07 jul 2017
Het is een unieke video, voor sommigen nostalgie en voor de meesten kennismaken met hoe ‘vroeger’ kranten gedrukt werden. Wat opvalt in de video is de trots die alle operators uitstralen over hun toch niet eenvoudige job. Bekijk de video via deze link en zie hoeveel er in onze industrie veranderd is in meer dan 50 jaar.

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Nostalgia: How the Boston Globe was printed for more than 50 years

07 jul 2017

It is a unique video, for some of us nostalgia, for most of us an introduction to how newspapers used to be printed. The most remarkable thing is the pride of the operators in their quite difficult job. Watch the video via this link and see how much our industry has changed over the past 50 years.



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PDF Aktuell 109: JPEG2000 compression for PDF files, notes on PDF Days Europe and more PDF news

06 jul 2017

In the PDF Aktuell 109 newsletter Stephan Jaeggi reports on the PDF Days Europe, explains what the JPEG2000 compression can mean for PDF files and how you can check barcodes in a PDF with ChkBarcode. Read this and more PDF news via this link.



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PDF Aktuell 109: JPEG2000 compression voor PDF files, verslag PDF Days Europe en meer PDF nieuws

06 jul 2017
In de PDF Aktuell 109 nieuwsbrief geeft Stephan Jaeggi een verslag van de PDF Days Europe, legt uit wat JPEG2000 compressie kan betekenen voor PDF files en hoe je met ChkBarcode barcodes in een PDF kunt controleren.
Lees dit en meer PDF nieuws via deze link.
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Laurel Brunners Blog: the other side of growth in textile printing

05 jul 2017

We don´t always think about it, but the unbridled growth in digitally printed textiles has a different side to it. Laurel Brunner explains in her Verdigris blog that many of this awesome printed clothing is discarded quite quickly. The solution for this problem is, according to Laurel, apart from making consumers aware of this, the collecting of clothing which is no longer fashionable and recycling it in a responsible manner. Read Laurel´s blog about this problem and the possible solutions on our articles page via this link.



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Laurel Brunner: De keerzijde van de groei in textielprinting

05 jul 2017

We denken er misschien niet over na, maar de onstuimige omzetgroei van digitaal bedrukt textiel heeft ook een keerzijde. Zoals Laurel Brunner uitlegt in haar Verdigris Blog eindigen veel fantastisch bedrukte kledingstukken steeds sneller in de vuilnisbak. De oplossing voor dit probleem is, volgens Laurel, naast het wijzen van consumenten op dit probleem, het inzamelen van niet meer in de mode zijnde kleding en die hergebruiken of op een verantwoorde wijze recycelen. Lees Laurels blog over dit probleem en de mogelijke oplossingen op onze artikelenpagina via deze link.



Lees verder.... Power Women in Print

03 jul 2017
Categorie: ,,, the TV channel for the print industry, rightly shines a light on women in our industry. Quite remarkably many work in binderies and that their strong side is in managing growing companies. Watch these Power Women below or via this link.
Power Women in the printing industry

Power Women in the printing industry!

The VERY first episode on INKISH.TV two years ago was with Litka Dalgaard from the Danish niche bindery Dakabo. Being one of the best binders in the world, of course, requires excellence and competencies above average and though being a small company in Denmark – clients really appreciate the company’s products and services.

See a few examples here below and click on the image to see more:

Litka Dalgaard is in our opinion a Power Woman – promoting craftsmanship and products that we are certain will bring a lot of value to her clients. Two other Power Women is Jenny Holmén and Gitte J. Amby – both are CEO’s in huge binding companies in Sweden and Denmark. Women who have taken leadership and has a clear plan for growth, profitability, and excellence in their domain.

Power Woman Litka Dalgaard – premiering on INKISH.TV and an episode that we really like. See her approach to craftsmanship, management and increasing needs for niche products.
Power Woman Jenny Holmén took over a rather large bindery in Sweden a little more than a year ago – and in this film we see her talking about leadership, empowering employees and how to lead with a business plan. We will follow Jenny Holmén and her work – so stay tuned for an updated INKISH film from Aros Bokbinderi.
Power Woman Gitte Amby is the CEO of the largest bindery in Denmark. Growing through M&A’s is the plan and in this episode, she speaks about how important volume is when working with industrial binding.
Do women lead differently from men? Well – we are certain that all humans are different and therefore manage differently. Diversity is important and with a mix of men and women management of course, also should deliver the diversity of their customers and employees.
As some of our viewers already know, Girls Who Print has started to become an institution in the US with their GirlieAward and therefore we are also proud that INKISH.TV is committed to supporting the event at the upcoming Print 17 in Chicago.

Last year’s winner was Deborah Corn from and below you can see the award ceremony.

Winner Deborah Corn from Girlie Award 2016
We have covered several other interesting women here on INKISH.TV, but when we yesterday evening (CET) re-published the episode with Dakabo and Litka Dalgaard it was quite fun to see, that actually all three binderies that we have covered on INKISH.TV were all managed by women – so, therefore, this little tribute to women who prints.
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Power Women in Print

03 jul 2017
Categorie: ,
INKISH.TV, het tv-kanaal special voor de printindustrie, zet terecht een aantal vrouwen in onze industrie in het zonnetje. Opvallend dat veel van hen werken in binderijen en dat hun kracht ligt in het managen van groeiende ondernemingen. Bekijk deze Power Women hier onder of  via deze link.
Power Women in the printing industry

Power Women in the printing industry!

The VERY first episode on INKISH.TV two years ago was with Litka Dalgaard from the Danish niche bindery Dakabo. Being one of the best binders in the world, of course, requires excellence and competencies above average and though being a small company in Denmark – clients really appreciate the company’s products and services.

See a few examples here below and click on the image to see more:

Litka Dalgaard is in our opinion a Power Woman – promoting craftsmanship and products that we are certain will bring a lot of value to her clients. Two other Power Women are Jenny Holmén and Gitte J. Amby – both are CEO’s in huge binding companies in Sweden and Denmark. Women who have taken leadership and has a clear plan for growth, profitability, and excellence in their domain.

Power Woman Litka Dalgaard – premiering on INKISH.TV and an episode that we really like. See her approach to craftsmanship, management and increasing needs for niche products.
Power Woman Jenny Holmén took over a rather large bindery in Sweden a little more than a year ago – and in this film we see her talking about leadership, empowering employees and how to lead with a business plan. We will follow Jenny Holmén and her work – so stay tuned for an updated INKISH film from Aros Bokbinderi.
Power Woman Gitte Amby is the CEO of the largest bindery in Denmark. Growing through M&A’s is the plan and in this episode, she speaks about how important volume is when working with industrial binding.
Do women lead differently from men? Well – we are certain that all humans are different and therefore manage differently. Diversity is important and with a mix of men and women management of course, also should deliver the diversity of their customers and employees.
As some of our viewers already know, Girls Who Print has started to become an institution in the US with their GirlieAward and therefore we are also proud that INKISH.TV is committed to supporting the event at the upcoming Print 17 in Chicago.

Last year’s winner was Deborah Corn from and below you can see the award ceremony.

Winner Deborah Corn from Girlie Award 2016
We have covered several other interesting women here on INKISH.TV, but when we yesterday evening (CET) re-published the episode with Dakabo and Litka Dalgaard it was quite fun to see, that actually all three binderies that we have covered on INKISH.TV were all managed by women – so, therefore, this little tribute to women who prints.
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LG 42,5″ supersize monitor not only good for gamers

22 jun 2017
Categorie: ,,

If you want to have up to four apps open on a monitor the LG 43 UD79-B could be a good solution for you. With a resolution of 3840×2160 pixels this 4K monitor has sufficient space for a super large image or for 4 screens. This super size monitor which will cost approx 800€ has 4 HDMI ports, a DisplayPort, a USB type C and two USV 3.0 ports. This will make it possible to show a smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop computer next to each other. Ideal for multi channel publications. For creative minds who work with Photoshop or other editing software the screen is perfect. You can work on different screens and several versions of your work at the same time.

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LG 42,5” supersize beeldscherm niet alleen leuk voor gamers

22 jun 2017
Categorie: ,,

Wil je tot vier vensters open hebben op een beeldscherm, dan is de LG 43UD79-B wellicht een aanrader. Met een resolutie van 3840 x 2160 pixels heeft deze 4K monitor voldoende ruimte voor een super groot beeld of voor 4 schermen. Deze super size monitor, die rond de 800 euro gaat kosten, heeft 4 HDMI-ingangen, een DisplayPort, een USB type C en twee USV 3.0-ingangen. Daarmee kun je bijvoorbeeld het beeld van een smartphone, een tablet, een laptop en een desktop computer naast elkaar laten zien. Ideaal voor multichannel publicaties. Voor creatievelingen die met Photoshop of andere beeldbewerking software werken, is het grote scherm ook een verademing. Je kunt alle hulpschermen en meerdere versies van je werk tegelijk open hebben.


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La Mer Hydrating Serum verpakking: het toppunt van luxe tastbaar gemaakt

21 jun 2017
Categorie: ,,

Als je eens wilt zien hoe luxe verpakkingen een kostbaar product kunnen verkopen, kijk dan eens op de site van MW Luxury Packaging naar de presentatiedoos die dit bedrijf maakte voor La Mer. MW zette alle mogelijke druk- en afwerktechnieken in om kopers te verleiden en La Mer’s nieuwe Hydrating Serum meerwaarde te geven. Het idee achter de doos is een pop-up boek. Een boek dat tot leven komt door het gebruik van speciale folies, die de kleuren van de zee benaderen. Na het openen van de doos geeft de pop-up voorlichting over het product. De noodzaak van het gebruik van het product wordt onderstreept door een simpel gereedschap, een beweegbare spiegel. Je hoeft, mocht je het geld er al voor over hebben, niet te proberen om dit unieke product te kopen. Het is in een gelimiteerde oplage, verspreid naar een select gezelschap van influencers. Maar het is wel een mooi voorbeeld van wat de huidige verpakkingsindustrie voor prachtige producten kan maken als geld geen probleem is.

La Mer Hydrating Serum packaging: the height of luxury made visible
If you want to see how luxury packaging can sell a product, have a look at MW Luxury Packaging site to see the box the company made for La Mer. MW used all possible print and finishing technology to seduce the buyer and add value to La Mer’s new Hydrating Serum. The idea behind the box is the pop-up book. A book which comes to life through special foils which remind you of the colours of the sea. After opening the box the pop-up gives information about the product. The need for the product is emphasised by a simple tool, a movable mirror. If you were tempted to spend a lot of money, don’t bother as the box is not for sale. It has been produced in a limited edition and sent to a select number of influencers. But is a good example of what the packaging industry can produce if money is no object.

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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