Rob van den Braak
Met “The quick brown fox” tekst, krijg je een goed idee van een font. Maar letterontwerpers gebruiken hun eigen test-teksten. Op Wired staat een goed artikel hierover met voorbeelden van moderne fonts, die je niet alleen kunnen inspireren, maar ook inzicht geven in letter-trends.
Lees het artikel via deze link.
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The winners of the EDP Awards were announced at FESPA 2017. Agfa Graphics’ UV LED inks, which are used in the Jeti Tauro H2500 LED, Anapurna H3200i LED, Jeti Ceres RTR3200 LED and Jeti Mira LED on the FESPA show floor, were recognized for their excellence.
The European Digital Press Association reviews products introduced in the European market evaluating quality, but also value to the user, support and service. It grants the EDP Awards to the best products of the year.
Agfa Graphics is proud to have been rewarded with this quality and innovation mark for its UV LED inks, now used in the entire assortment of Anapurna and Jeti wide-format printers and in many industrial printing.
Printing systems equipped with UV LED lamps provide a number of unique technical advantages resulting in important economical benefits for the system owner. These include a wider media scope, lower power consumption and better system uptime.
Agfa Graphics’ specially-formulated UV LED inks can print on a wide variety of rigid and flexible substrates guaranteeing outstanding print quality and perfect physical characteristics such as adhesion. These include heat-sensitive substrates such as thin styrene sheets, self-adhesive sheets and stretchable PVC materials. Agfa Graphics also markets UV LED inks for single-pass applications, available for inkjet system integrators active in marking and coding, digital label printing, packaging and object decoration.
Agfa’s UV inks boast a wide color gamut and high color vibrancy thanks to the well-known Thin Ink Layer technology from Agfa Graphics, which guarantees the lowest ink consumption with the highest color quality.
Tijdens FESPA kreeg Agfa Graphics de EDP Award voor zijn UV LED inkten. De jury kende deze prijs toe op basis van de kwaliteit, de toegevoegde waarde voor de gebruiker en voor de support en service die Agfa Graphics zijn UV LED inkt gebruikers biedt. Meer over de Award lees je in onderstaand persbericht.
European Digital Press Association (EDP) rewards UV LED inks from Agfa Graphics
Today, the winners of the EDP Awards were announced at FESPA 2017. Agfa Graphics’ UV LED inks, which are used in the Jeti Tauro H2500 LED, Anapurna H3200i LED, Jeti Ceres RTR3200 LED and Jeti Mira LED on the FESPA show floor, were recognized for their excellence.
The European Digital Press Association reviews products introduced in the European market evaluating quality, but also value to the user, support and service. It grants the EDP Awards to the best products of the year.
Agfa Graphics is proud to have been rewarded with this quality and innovation mark for its UV LED inks, now used in the entire assortment of Anapurna and Jeti wide-format printers and in many industrial printing.
Printing systems equipped with UV LED lamps provide a number of unique technical advantages resulting in important economical benefits for the system owner. These include a wider media scope, lower power consumption and better system uptime.
Agfa’s UV inks boast a wide color gamut and high color vibrancy thanks to the well-known Thin Ink Layer technology from Agfa Graphics, which guarantees the lowest ink consumption with the highest color quality.
Het internet leverde al vele succesvolle gedrukte publicaties op. Daar komt nu het airbnb magazine bij. Een magazine dat alleen op papier zal verschijnen en wordt gemaakt en gedistribueerd door Hearst Magazines. Volgens Hearst levert de eerst uitgave al geld op, door het grote aantal advertenties. Lees meer over deze bijzondere ontwikkeling via deze link naar
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The internet has already delivered successful printed publications and these will be joined by the airbnb magazine. A magazine which will only appear in print and is made and distributed by Hearst Magazines. According to Hearst the first edition was already profitable because of the large amount of advertising. Read more about this interesting development via this link to
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In Amsterdam you will find a museum that doesn´t exist: the Poetry museum. That is to say, there is no actual building. The museum is located on the Museumplein in Amsterdam and can be visited via a smartphone app. The initiators really wanted to start a museum for poetry because it does not yet exist. Writer Anna Enquist has been appointed curator and selected six poems each by 10 Dutch poets. The poets (among which Annie M.G. Schmidt, Ida Gerhard and Menno Wigman) each have a virtual pavilion on the Museumplein which can be chosen via the app. By walking around and pointing the camera in the right direction poems can be read and viewed.
It is necessary to actually visit the Museumplein as the app works with GPS.
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Stickers are becoming smarter with PARC´s new invention. PARC is Xerox´s research and development arm. The sensors can measure temperature, air quality, humidity and more and are powered by RF energy. This will surely result in a new market. The American government also believes in it and has offered 19 million USD for the project which will save energy and the environment. Practical solutions in our industry are numerous such as storage of paper, inks and printed information.
In haar Verdigris Blog gaat Laurel Brunner in op het probleem dat oude computers kunnen geven in ons milieu. De snelle technologische veranderingen dwingen bedrijven soms snel afscheid te nemen van een nog goede computer. Gelukkig zijn er, zoals Laurel uitlegt, nu betere wetten en vooral betere oplossingen om computers te hergebruiken of op een verantwoorde wijze te demonteren.
In Laurel´s Verdrigris blog she talks about the problems with old computers and the environment. The fast technological developments sometimes force companies to say goodbye to perfectly fine computers. Luckily, as Laurel explains, there are better laws and especially better solutions to recycle computers.
Read her article on our articles page.
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Latest information on PDF for Print Production by Stephan Jaeggi Issue 108 / May 5th, 2017 |
Most important issue in PDF workflows
How many of your PDF files are checked with a Preflight tool?
Acrobat DC April 2017 Update with confusing version jump
Enfocus PitStop 2017 with new technology
Enfocus PDF Review Module released
Callas pdfToolbox 9.2 with cross-library search
Ghent Workgroup PDF Survey 2017
ESKO workflows compliant with Ghent PDF Output Suite 5
More articles available in german blog
© 2017 Copyright PrePress-Consulting Stephan Jaeggi, Binningen/Basel, Switzerland, |
Stephan Jaeggi´s PDF Aktuell nieuwsbrief vraagt aandacht voor de grote Ghent Workgroup PDF survey, de nieuwe mogelijkheden van Enfocus PitStop 2017 en de verwarring die er is over de Adobe Acrobat DC update. Lees hier onder PDF Aktuell of bezoek de newslettersite via deze link
Latest information on PDF for Print Production by Stephan Jaeggi Issue 108 / May 5th, 2017 |
Most important issue in PDF workflows
How many of your PDF files are checked with a Preflight tool?
Acrobat DC April 2017 Update with confusing version jump
Enfocus PitStop 2017 with new technology
Enfocus PDF Review Module released
Callas pdfToolbox 9.2 with cross-library search
Ghent Workgroup PDF Survey 2017
ESKO workflows compliant with Ghent PDF Output Suite 5
More articles available in german blog
© 2017 Copyright PrePress-Consulting Stephan Jaeggi, Binningen/Basel, Switzerland, |
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.