Rob van den Braak

3D glass printing

27 apr 2017
Categorie: ,
German researchers have found a way to print 3D objects of pure glass.
Researchers at the German Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have developed ´liquid glass´ which can be used as ink in a normal 3D printer.
The liquid glass consists of silica nano particles dissolved in prepolymeres. They effectively are mini glass particles in a solution. With this glass ink you can print an object which then has to be put in an oven to harden and remove excess material. The resulting object is made of pure see-through glass. It is not only beautiful, but also heat and weather resistant.
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18 mei: Symposium ‘Grafisch & Musea’

27 apr 2017

Een museum zonder grafische vormgeving is niet alleen ondenkbaar, maar ook onmogelijk. Overal kom je grafische ontwerpen tegen, van de naam op de gevel en de catalogus in de museumwinkel, tot de teksten in tentoonstellingen, de bewegwijzering naar toiletten, garderobe en lift en het educatieve materiaal voor schoolklassen. Tijdens het vierde PRINT-symposium op 18 mei 2017 nemen we je mee naar de zogenaamde tempels van kunst en cultuur, en laten zien hoe onlosmakelijk grafische vormgeving en musea met elkaar verbonden zijn. Tijdens ‘Grafisch & Musea’ vertellen de 6 sprekers over huisstijlen, de inrichting van musea en tentoonstellingen, bewegwijzering en drukwerk. Het symposium vindt plaats in De Ontwerpfabriek van Cibap, vakschool voor verbeelding in Zwolle.

De 6 sprekers zijn: Jelle F. Post over zijn familiegidsen voor het Rijksmuseum, Enchilada over de huisstijl voor het Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam, Atja Apitulay van Mijksenaar over de bewegwijzering voor diverse musea, Maarten Meevis van Kinkorn over de inrichting van vaste presentaties en tentoonstellingen in binnen- en buitenland, Vruchtvlees over het digitale Literatuurmuseum, waarmee zij een European Design Award wonnen, en Joost Swarte over de inrichting van het Hergé Museum en zijn bijdragen aan diverse tentoonstellingen in binnen- en buitenland.

Tickets zijn te koop via deze link.



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Heidelberg steals Landa client

26 apr 2017

Heidelberg will deliver one of the first Primefire 106 inkjet presses to Germany packaging printer Colordruck Baiersbronn. Salient details is that last year this company was named beta site for the new Landa press. However, on a recently published list of Landa beta sites Colordruck Baiersbronn was absent. So now we know why. Heidelberg is a competitor of Landa and has won the first battle. Colordruck Baiersbronn will use Heidelberg´s press for mass personalisation of packaging.



Lees verder.... Drukkers doen het nog niet zo slecht

26 apr 2017

Volgens een publicatie van van Eddy Hagen doen drukkers het nog niet zo slecht. Zeker niet in België, hun marges zijn beter dan het gemiddelde van alle industrieën.

Helaas wordt het verschil tussen succesvolle drukkers en de minder florissante bedrijven steeds groter. Lees hieronder de intro van het artikel van Eddy.
Voor meer informatie: bezoek

Printing isn’t a bad industry
If you are a profit leader

Another article on statistics, this time my favorite statistics. Each year the National Bank of Belgium publishes an overview of financial ratios based on the annual accounts from all companies. Which is a great statistic! Just yesterday the data from 2015 was published, the oldest data available is from 1994…

An important conclusion is, that the printing industry offers a nice margin, if you are a profit leader. But the gap between profit leaders and laggards has grown, once again.

In my article I’ve included several graphs based upon these new statistics. Check it out on my blog!


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Insights4Print: Printers are doing quite well

26 apr 2017

According to a publication by, written by Eddy Hagen, printers are doing quite well. Especially in Belgium, their margins are better than the average of other industries.
Unfortunately the gap between successful printers and the less flourishing printers is becoming bigger. Read Eddy´s intro below for more visit

Printing isn’t a bad industry
If you are a profit leader

Good morning!

Another article on statistics, this time my favorite statistics. Each year the National Bank of Belgium publishes an overview of financial ratios based on the annual accounts from all companies. Which is a great statistic! Just yesterday the data from 2015 was published, the oldest data available is from 1994…

An important conclusions is that the printing industry offers a nice margin, if you are a profit leader. But the gap between profit leaders and laggards has grown, once again.

In my article I’ve included several graphs based upon these new statistics. Check it out on my blog!


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Metz UV Days 2017: Focus op de mogelijkheden van UV droogtechnieken

25 apr 2017
Categorie: ,

Van 15 tot 18 mei organiseert Metz, fabrikant van UV droogsystemen, drie dagen die in het teken staan van deze snel in populariteit winnende droogtechniek. Met praktische demonstraties van een keur aan partners, zoals Heidelberg Nilpeter en bijna alle UV-inkt fabrikanten plus een serie presentaties en paneldiscussies, geeft Metz in Nürtingen je de kans om alles te weten te komen over UV droging. Lees meer over dit event in onderstaande HighLights.


NEW LEDcure for Sheetfed offset printing
Come and see the most innovative LED system live on a sheetfed offset press. High speed, high power, high distance – the new designed LEDcure is not just made for race tracks but also perfectly fits the needs of a sheetfed offset press. During UV DAYS you will see the practical proof of the most innovative LED UV system: LEDcure
LEDcure Narrow Web
Ready, Steady, Go! The new VIVA 340 with Aniflo offset technology perfectly mixes the flexibility of digital printing with the performance of conventional printing technology. This machine is fully equipped with the latest aircooled LED series: MBS LEDcure
Hot Swap concept for LAMPcure and LEDcure
Maximum Flexibility – The new ‘Hot Swap’ concept for IST METZ Lampcure and LEDcure systems  allows users to switch between the two technologies at any time. This gives our customers the option of changing from tried and tested UV lamp technology to LED technology (or vice versa) at short notice and any time if the application demands it.
No compromise with Food packaging
Foodpackaging will grow at a faster rate than the overall packaging market from 2016 to 2021, at 3.0 % CAGR in real value and print area. At UV DAYS you will have the chance to learn about new facts and you will get some helpful guidelines (developed with VSKE) for the safe production of food packaging.
Panel discussion powered by Deutscher Drucker
Our exhibitors and partners discuss (only in German) about issues and questions such as:
  • Job printing: UV LED – future of industrial processes?
  • Flexible packaging: New prospectives with UV/LED technology?
  • Packaging printing: Everything is working with UV – inline!
  • Labels printing: Digital and LED is flexibility!
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Metz UV Days 2017: Focus on UV curing possibilities

25 apr 2017
Categorie: ,

From 15 to 18 May Metz, manufacturer of UV curing systems, will organise a three day event all about this curing technology which is rapidly gaining popularity. Practical demonstrations by a choice of partners such as Heidelberg Nilpeter, almost all UV ink manufacturers and a series of presentations and panel discussions give you the chance to get to know everything about UV curing. Read more about this event in the highlights below.



NEW LEDcure for Sheetfed offset printing
Come and see the most innovative LED system live on a sheetfed offset press. High speed, high power, high distance – the new designed LEDcure is not just made for race tracks but also perfectly fits the needs of a sheetfed offset press. During UV DAYS you will see the practical proof of the most innovative LED UV system: LEDcure
LEDcure Narrow Web
Ready, Steady, Go! The new VIVA 340 with Aniflo offset technology perfectly mixes the flexibility of digital printing with the performance of conventional printing technology. This machine is fully equipped with the latest aircooled LED series: MBS LEDcure
Hot Swap concept for LAMPcure and LEDcure
Maximum Flexibility – The new ‘Hot Swap’ concept for IST METZ Lampcure and LEDcure systems  allows users to switch between the two technologies at any time. This gives our customers the option of changing from tried and tested UV lamp technology to LED technology (or vice
versa) at short notice and any time if the application demands it.
No compromise with Food packaging
Foodpackaging will grow at a faster rate than the overall packaging market from 2016 to 2021, at 3.0 % CAGR in real value and print area. At UV DAYS you will have the chance to learn about new facts and you will get some helpful guidelines (developed with VSKE – for the safe production of food packaging.
Panel discussion powered by Deutscher Drucker
Our exhibitors and partners discuss (only in German) about issues and questions such as:
  • Job printing: UV LED – future of industrial processes?
  • Flexible packaging: New prospectives with UV/LED technology?
  • Packaging printing: Everything is working with UV – inline!
  • Labels printing: Digital and LED is flexibility!
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Laurel Brunners Blog: The 250th Verdigris Blog

24 apr 2017

What a milestone! The 250th Verdigris Blog. A blog which over the past five years has discussed all important issues around sustainability and conscious entrepreneurship. Laurel Brunner and her team not only wrote about these issues, but actively worked on ISO projects which delivered standards with which companies can measure, monitor and improve their sustainability. Read the anniversary blog via this link, about what Verdigris has achieved and what else we can expect of them.





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Het 250ste Verdigris Blog van Laurel Brunner

24 apr 2017

Wat een mijlpaal! Dit is het 250ste Verdigris Blog. Een Blog dat in de vijf jaar van zijn bestaan alle belangrijk zaken op het gebied van verantwoord ondernemen en duurzaam produceren heeft behandeld. Laurel Brunner en haar team schreven in die jaren niet alleen over deze zaken, maar werkten actief mee aan ISO projecten die standaards opleverden waarmee bedrijven hun inspanningen op milieugebied kunnen meten, monitoren en verbeteren. Lees in de jubileumblog via deze link wat Verdigris heeft bereikt en wat we nog kunnen verwachten.




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Xitron Sells 4,500th Screen PT-R Interface

21 apr 2017
Categorie: ,

Xitron, the leading independent developer of RIP and workflow products for commercial, digital, and high-speed inkjet printing has now shipped more than 4,500 units of its Screen interface kit. The interface allows PT-R owners to use any RIP or workflow they choose when driving their computer-to-plate system.

“All installation scenarios are covered when our USB interface is used,” said Karen Crews, President of Xitron. “We have customers who want to buy a Screen PT-R but keep their current workflow, and we also have PT-R owners who want to switch RIP and workflow software but keep their PT-R. Our interface makes both situations possible.”

There are more than 20,000 Screen CtP engines installed worldwide, which means Xitron has driven nearly one quarter of them at one time or another. A favorite of Xitron dealers, they are often sold with new PT-R installations, but the engine is just as popular on the second-hand market. This is where a Xitron interface is essential because it allows such an easy integration.

The Screen interface kit is capable of driving all of the PIF-based platesetters, including the 4000, 6000, and 8000 series engines as well as the large format Ultima 16000, 24000, 32000, 36000, and 40000 systems. All like engines branded for companies like Fujifilm and Agfa are also supported. Coupled with Xitron’s Navigator RIP, the interface becomes an economical option for anyone considering the purchase of a used or remanufactured PT-R.

Driving CTP devices from Agfa, ECRM, Creo, Kodak, Presstek, Heidelberg, Fuji, and Screen, Xitron helps customers who want to maximize their investments by extending the life of their prepress systems. More information is available at




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VIGC Online Print Opleiding

21 apr 2017

Het VIGC organiseert een exclusieve 2-daagse opleiding voor grafische professionals, die willen starten met e-commerce!

Na deze voor de grafische sector exclusieve 2-daagse opleiding, bent u helemaal klaar om uw eigen online print project succesvol aan te vatten!

Er is bewust gekozen om met een mix van grafische en niet-grafische docenten te werken. Hierdoor worden de contacten en ervaringen op vlak van online print en e-commerce door VIGC en Safeshops maximaal aangewend.

De opleiding heeft een opbouwende doelstelling, vertrekkende vanuit de verschillende bouwstenen waaraan een online print project moet voldoen. Hierbij halen we cijfers en voorbeelden van binnen en buiten de sector aan. Minimaal twee cases zullen voor u door de oprichters worden toegelicht. Maar daar blijft het uiteraard niet bij. Zowel strategie, usability, the customer cycle, betaalmethoden, logistiek, verzending en automatisatie komen ruim aan bod.

Deze opleiding richt zich naar zaakvoerders (ook van kleine bedrijven!), sales en marketing managers, operationele managers, afdelingsverantwoordelijken binnen de grafische wereld die beter geïnformeerd willen worden, of de ambitie hebben om met een online print project te starten.

Deze opleiding komt in aanmerking voor de KMO-portefeuille – Erkenningsnummer: DV.O101579


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Mimaki Unveils New Model to UJF-MkII Product Line at FESPA 2017

21 apr 2017
Categorie: ,,

UJF-3042MkII EX reduces four steps to one for high-value-added print


Mimaki announced a new member to the UJF-MkII product family, its latest generation of small format UV flatbed printers. The UJF-3042MkII EX, which will be unveiled at FESPA 2017, offers a unique approach to value-added printing by combining four steps into one: delivering the ability to place primer for strong ink adhesion, white ink for high print opacity, full colour CMYK printing and a clear print surface treatment, all in one operation. This high versatility approach was enabled by the addition of a fourth print head and the ability to hold eight ink bottles. FESPA 2017 is scheduled for 8-12 May in Hamburg, Germany. Mimaki Europe, which has two stands at FESPA, will be showing this new printer on its stand in the Digital Hall (Stand A1-A25), where it will also be demonstrating a wide range of solutions for the sign graphics market and industrial print. The company will also have a presence in the Textile Hall (Stand B6-C50), demonstrating its long-time commitment to the textile industry.

“We’ve had great reception to our UJF-MkII UV-curable flatbed printing systems since we launched them last summer,” said Ronald van den Broek, General Manager Sales of Mimaki EMEA. “The new addition to this outstanding family of printers raises the bar even more, making it extremely easy to produce high-value-add print. In a single operation, the UJF-3042MkII EX can lay down a base coat of inkjet primer, a base print of white ink, full colour print and a surface coating of clear ink. This adds up to a highly efficient way to produce the value-added printing applications that are growing in popularity among marketers and other buyers of print.”

Van den Broek also points out that customers can add more value to their prints by using texture library available in the Mimaki RasterLink6 RIP that drives the printer.

The details

Apart from having all of the advantages of the UJF-3042MkII, the new UJF-3042MkII EX adds more features as the standard model for higher performance and ease of use, including a status indication lamp to quickly check the status of the printer, a vacuum table to fix the print substrate, and an emergency switch to immediately stop the machine operation. It also offers worry-free operation with automatic detection and cleaning of clogged nozzles, substituting them with good nozzles for printing during the process.

The compressed workflow includes:

  • Inkjet primer to improve ink adhesion, important in cases where inkjet adhesion is less than desired. It retains the texture of the material while printing, which is difficult to do with manual primer application. The Mimaki PR-200 primer can be used on resin, glass and metal materials.
  • White ink with high opacity enables more vivid expression of full colour, especially on dark or transparent substrates. Two bottles of white ink can be attached to the printer to achieve high density white print in a shorter time with more opacity.
  • Clear ink, with either glossy or matte effects can add texture and depth. Clear ink can be laid down in multiple layers for an embossed effect.
  • The texture library as part of the Mimaki RasterLink6 RIP software offers 129 different textures that can be displayed as swatches in Adobe® Illustrator. Application of these textures with clear ink can deliver more elaborate designs, such as a floral motif or other patterns that add even more value to the printed piece.

Environmental considerations

As part of Mimaki’s dedication to delivering environmentally sustainable solutions, the company renews its GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold certifications. The GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold certifications offer stricter certification criteria and consider safety factors to ensure that a product is acceptable for use in environments such as schools and healthcare facilities. GREENGUARD Certification is part of UL Environment, a business unit of UL (Underwriters Laboratories). As an ISO-IEC Guide 65:1996 accredited, third-party certifying body, the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute issues the GREENGUARD Certification to help manufacturers create – and help buyers identify – interior products and materials that have low chemical emissions, improving the quality of the air in environments in which the products are used, including schools and healthcare facilities.

Mimaki has GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold certifications for the UV-curable inks used in its UJF-3042MkII, UJF-6042MkII and UJF-3042MkII EX printers, including LH-100, LUS-120, LUS-150 UV curable inks. The certification also applies to Mimaki’s LUS-200 UV-curable ink; LX-101 Latex ink; and SS21, Mimaki’s most popular solvent ink.

Note to journalists: To RSVP for the Mimaki press conference at FESPA 2017, scheduled for May 8th at 1 PM, please contact Margot Schuljin ( from duomedia.

More details about Mimaki products, including its full range of printers and inks, can be found at



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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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