Rob van den Braak

Mimaki nieuwe serie small format UV inkjetprinters

21 apr 2017

De nieuwe Mimaki UJF-3042 MkII EX

Op de FESPA gaat Mimaki een nieuwe serie small format printers introduceren. De UJF-MkII serie kan in een doorgang een primer aanbrengen voor witte inkt of inkten met een hoge opaciteit, en is daardoor zeer productief voor hoge kwaliteit printopdrachten tot het maximale formaat van 300 x 420 mm, de UJF-3042 of 619 x 420 mm, de UJF-6042. Lees meer over deze nieuwe inkjetprinters in onderstaand persbericht.


Mimaki Unveils New Model to UJF-MkII Product Line at FESPA 2017

UJF-3042MkII EX reduces four steps to one for high-value-added print

Amsterdam, April 20, 2017

Mimaki, a leading manufacturer of wide-format inkjet printers and cutting systems, today announced a new member to the UJF-MkII product family, its latest generation of small format UV flatbed printers. The UJF-3042MkII EX, which will be unveiled at FESPA 2017, offers a unique approach to value-added printing by combining four steps into one: delivering the ability to place primer for strong ink adhesion, white ink for high print opacity, full colour CMYK printing and a clear print surface treatment, all in one operation. This high versatility approach was enabled by the addition of a fourth print head and the ability to hold eight ink bottles. FESPA 2017 is scheduled for 8-12 May in Hamburg, Germany. Mimaki Europe, which has two stands at FESPA, will be showing this new printer on its stand in the Digital Hall (Stand A1-A25), where it will also be demonstrating a wide range of solutions for the sign graphics market and industrial print. The company will also have a presence in the Textile Hall (Stand B6-C50), demonstrating its long-time commitment to the textile industry.

“We’ve had great reception to our UJF-MkII UV-curable flatbed printing systems since we launched them last summer,” said Ronald van den Broek, General Manager Sales of Mimaki EMEA. “The new addition to this outstanding family of printers raises the bar even more, making it extremely easy to produce high-value-add print. In a single operation, the UJF-3042MkII EX can lay down a base coat of inkjet primer, a base print of white ink, full colour print and a surface coating of clear ink. This adds up to a highly efficient way to produce the value-added printing applications that are growing in popularity among marketers and other buyers of print.”

Van den Broek also points out that customers can add more value to their prints by using texture library available in the Mimaki RasterLink6 RIP that drives the printer.

The details

Apart from having all of the advantages of the UJF-3042MkII, the new UJF-3042MkII EX adds more features as the standard model for higher performance and ease of use, including a status indication lamp to quickly check the status of the printer, a vacuum table to fix the print substrate, and an emergency switch to immediately stop the machine operation. It also offers worry-free operation with automatic detection and cleaning of clogged nozzles, substituting them with good nozzles for printing during the process.

The compressed workflow includes:

  • Inkjet primer to improve ink adhesion, important in cases where inkjet adhesion is less than desired. It retains the texture of the material while printing, which is difficult to do with manual primer application. The Mimaki PR-200 primer can be used on resin, glass and metal materials.
  • White ink with high opacity enables more vivid expression of full colour, especially on dark or transparent substrates. Two bottles of white ink can be attached to the printer to achieve high density white print in a shorter time with more opacity.
  • Clear ink, with either glossy or matte effects can add texture and depth. Clear ink can be laid down in multiple layers for an embossed effect.
  • The texture library as part of the Mimaki RasterLink6 RIP software offers 129 different textures that can be displayed as swatches in Adobe® Illustrator. Application of these textures with clear ink can deliver more elaborate designs, such as a floral motif or other patterns that add even more value to the printed piece.

Environmental considerations

As part of Mimaki’s dedication to delivering environmentally sustainable solutions, the company renews its GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold certifications. The GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold certifications offer stricter certification criteria and consider safety factors to ensure that a product is acceptable for use in environments such as schools and healthcare facilities. GREENGUARD Certification is part of UL Environment, a business unit of UL (Underwriters Laboratories). As an ISO-IEC Guide 65:1996 accredited, third-party certifying body, the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute issues the GREENGUARD Certification to help manufacturers create – and help buyers identify – interior products and materials that have low chemical emissions, improving the quality of the air in environments in which the products are used, including schools and healthcare facilities.

Mimaki has GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold certifications for the UV-curable inks used in its UJF-3042MkII, UJF-6042MkII and UJF-3042MkII EX printers, including LH-100, LUS-120, LUS-150 UV curable inks. The certification also applies to Mimaki’s LUS-200 UV-curable ink; LX-101 Latex ink; and SS21, Mimaki’s most popular solvent ink.

Note to journalists: To RSVP for the Mimaki press conference at FESPA 2017, scheduled for May 8th at 1 PM, please contact Margot Schuljin ( from duomedia.

More details about Mimaki products, including its full range of printers and inks, can be found at


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Sophie Matthews-Paul: How does Direct to Garment (DtG) printing work? – Wild Format #2.26

21 apr 2017

Of all forms of textile printing direct to garment is most popular with SMEs. In her article in the Wild Format series Sophie Matthews-Paul explains which technology is available for direct to garment and how it can be used for this growth market. Read her article on our articles page via this link.

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Sophie Matthews-Paul: How Does Direct to Garment (DtG) Printing Work?

21 apr 2017
Categorie: ,

Van alle vormen van textiel bedrukken spreekt direct to garment het meeste aan bij kleine en middelgrote bedrijven. In haar artikel in de Wild Format serie legt Sophie Matthews-Paul uit welke technieken er zijn voor direct-to, en hoe ze ingezet kunnen worden om deze groeimarkt te bedienen. Lees haar bijdrage via deze link op onze artikelenpagina.



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De Samsung smartphone S8 en de nieuwe Facebook Messenger geven Apple en Microsoft een innovatielesje

20 apr 2017
Categorie: ,

Apple en Microsoft zullen zich wel achter de oren gekrabd hebben bij de introductie van de Samsung S8 en de aankondigingen van Facebook op F8. De Samsung S8 verslaat met gemak de huidige lijn van iPhones, een perfect scherm, meer rekenkracht en meer uitbreidingsmogelijkheden maken het de ideale smartphone. Mark Zuckerbergs team toonde op F8, de jaarlijkse developers conferentie, ook een aantal spectaculaire innovaties. Niet alleen hoe we in de toekomst betere en bijzondere foto’s gaan maken met onze smartphones, maar ook hoe Virtual Reality dankzij de Facebook Spaces app snel gemeengoed kan gaan worden.

Voor AR gaat er ook een nieuwe tijd aanbreken. Met SLAM kunnen virtuele objecten simpel in ‘echte’ wereld foto’s en video’s geplaatst worden; een toepassing die ook voor adverteerders interessant kan zijn.

Een andere F8 aankondiging, die in combinatie met super smartphones als de Samsung S8 de wereld gaat veranderen, is de rol die Facebook Messenger moet gaan spelen. Naast berichten, nieuws, worden straks ook muziek en games ingebed in deze app, die volgens Facebook al meer actieve gebruikers heeft dan WhatsApp. Zuckerberg denkt dat de gemiddelde gebruiker, met de nieuwe Messenger, Facebook niet meer zal verlaten. Als dat zo is, dan heeft Facebook goud in zijn handen.

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Big Impact from Eindhoven world´s first in relief printing

20 apr 2017
Categorie: ,,

Eindhovens Dagblad (Eindhoven´s Daily – newspaper in the Netherlands) printed an article about Big Impact, Eindhoven´s specialist in super large format printing. Together with manufacturer Durst, the company developed UV printing technology which makes relief printing on large format possible.

Pioneer Marc Schoenmakers of Big Impact started another adventure. Schoenmakers is envisioning a new market for what he calls printing in 2.5D. Printing in braille. Making a tactile map. An art project with relief. Tactile objects in museums for children. He is convinced that “it has new opportunities”.

Big Impact developed the machine together with their supplier, Durst. Their machine for so-called haptic printing is being further developed by Big Impact. At the end of this year the developmental phase of two years altogether is expected to be finished. The ink used is hardened with UV light and is printed layer by layer up to a height of 0.6 millimeter. The machine can print with a speed of up to 6 sqm per hour. This is expected to be improved.
The machine costs 500,000 euro and is currently printing test products. “We are gaining skills for designing products to maximise the technology.”

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The Samsung smartphone S8 and the new Facebook Messenger are a lesson in innovation for Apple and Microsoft

20 apr 2017
Categorie: ,

Apple and Microsoft will have been very surprised when confronted with the introduction of the Samsung S8 and the news from Facebook during the F8.
The Samsung S8 by far beats the current line of iPhones. A perfect screen, more power and more possibilities make it the ideal smartphone. Mark Zuckerberg´s team showed a number of spectacular innovations during the yearly developers conference F8. Not just about the future of better photos with a smartphone, but also about how Virtual Reality will become more commonly used thanks to the Facebook Spaces app. A bright future also for AR, SLAM will make it possible to simply place virtual objects in real-world photos and videos – an application which will also be interesting for marketing purposes.

Another F8 announcement, which in combination with super smartphones such as the S8 will change the world, is the role of Facebook Messenger. Apart from messages and news, music and games will be integrated in the app which, according to Facebook, has more users than WhatsApp. Zuckerberg thinks that the average Facebook user will stay faithful because of the new Messenger. If that is indeed the case this will be pure gold for Facebook.



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Sterke betrokkenheid van Mimaki op Texprocess en Techtextil 2017

19 apr 2017

Mimaki zal deel uitmaken van een geïntegreerde productieketen voor kleding en keynote presentaties geven

Amsterdam, 13 april 2017

Mimaki, een toonaangevende fabrikant van grootformaat inkjetprinters en snijsystemen, heeft aangekondigd dat het een prominente aanwezigheid zal hebben op Texprocess en de parallelle beurs Techtextil 2017, waarbij het in twee afzonderlijke beurshallen de aandacht zal vestigen op Mimaki’s grootformaat digitale textielprinters en innovatieve inkt- en dye-sublimatietechnologieën. Op het Texprocess Forum en de European Digital Textile Conference, zullen vertegenwoordigers van Mimaki Deutschland GmbH keynote presentaties geven.

Texprocess richt zich op de internationale confectie- en textielverwerkende industrie, terwijl Techtextil technisch textiel en non-wovens samenbrengt op één plek, om het volledige spectrum aan mogelijke toepassingen van textieltechnologieën te tonen. Beide internationale beurzen vinden van 9 tot en met 12 mei 2017 plaats in de Messe Frankfurt in Frankfurt am Main.

“De parallelle evenementen Texprocess en Techtextil 2017 bieden ons bij Mimaki het voordeel dat wij onze inkjetprinttechnologieën voor textiel kunnen demonstreren, en tegelijkertijd een breed publiek kunnen laten kennismaken met de meerwaarde die Mimaki de snelgroeiende textielmarkten te bieden heeft”, zegt Uwe Niklas, General Manager Marketing & Sales bij Mimaki Deutschland GmbH. “Op beide evenementen zullen interessante, geïntegreerde showcases te zien zijn voor uiteenlopende bedrijven, die betrokken zijn bij de internationale productie van textiel en kleding.”

Op weg naar Industrie 4.0

Tijdens de Texprocess beurs zal in de Digital Textile Micro Factory, op stand B.57 in hal 6.0, een live demonstratie te bewonderen zijn van een geïntegreerde productieketen voor kleding. Van het ontwerpstadium tot het digitaal bedrukken, automatisch uitsnijden en produceren: in samenwerking met de Duitse DITF-instituten voor textiel- en vezelonderzoek in Denkendorf en een aantal bekende bedrijven in de textielsector, zal de microfabriek de hele onderling verbonden productie van kledingartikelen demonstreren. De Digital Textile Micro Factory zal zich vooral focussen op sportkleding.

Mimaki’s TS300P-1800 met sublimatie-inkten en Tx300P-1800 printer met pigmentinkten, zullen in actie te zien zijn in de fase van grootformaat inkjetprint van de microfabriek voor sublimatiebedrukking op polyester en pigmentbedrukking op katoen en stoffen van gemengde vezels. Beide zijn ontwikkeld voor de textieldrukindustrie. De revolutionaire TS300P-1800 grootformaat dye-sublimatietextielprinter met hoge snelheden, combineert het voordeel van rendabel digitaal bedrukken met behoud van hoge kwaliteit en productiviteit. Hij is ontworpen om zelfs op het dunste transferpapier te kunnen printen. De Tx300P-1800 direct-op-textiel inkjetprinter levert prints van hoge kwaliteit op een breed scala aan textielsoorten en is ideaal voor toepassingen zoals mode, bekleding, soft signage en prints voor tentoonstellingen en beurzen.

Internationaal Texprocess Forum

Tijdens het Texprocess Forum zullen experts uit de wetenschap en het bedrijfsleven in meer dan 30 lezingen en panelgesprekken, de nieuwste kennis uit de doeken doen over actuele onderwerpen voor de sector. Highlights van het programma zijn textiel finishing, digitaal bedrukken, duurzaamheid en productlevenscyclusbeheer, om maar enkele voorbeelden te noemen.

Michael Wartmann, Product Manager Textile bij Mimaki Deutschland GmbH, geeft op 9 mei om 14.55 uur, in hal 6.0, de keynote presentatie: “Various Textile Ink Technologies for Interior Design.” Aansluitend neemt Wartmann deel aan het panelgesprek “Drivers for future growth of digital textile printing in technical textile applications?” om 16.25 uur.



European Digital Textile Conference

De European Digital Textile Conference, die voor de eerste keer door het World Textile Information Network (WTiN) in samenwerking met Texprocess en Techtextil georganiseerd wordt, vindt op 10 mei van 09.00 uur tot 16.30 uur plaats in Saal Europa in hal 4.0. De focus van de conferentie zal liggen op onderwerpen, zoals de nieuwste productontwikkelingen en de voordelen van het gebruik van digitale druktechnologie voor functionalisatie en decoratie van technische stoffen.

Tijdens de conferentie op 10 mei leidt Mimaki om 12.05 uur een rondetafelgesprek. Daarnaast geeft Uwe Niklas op 10 mei, om 11.40 uur, de keynote: “High Speed Dye Sublimation Printing”. In deze presentatie zal hij het verschil uitleggen tussen sublimatietransfer en direct dye-sublimatieprinten. Hoe elke technologie voordelig kan zijn voor woningtextiel en interieurdesign, zal ook aan bod komen.

Op Techtextil zal Mimaki op stand D.05 in hal 3, samen met haar erkende dealer Multi-Plot Europe GmbH, ook haar Tx300P-1800 printer met sublimatie-inkt demonstreren.

Meer details over Mimaki’s producten, waaronder het volledige portfolio printers en inkten van het bedrijf, is beschikbaar op



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Strong engagement of Mimaki at Texprocess and Techtextil 2017

19 apr 2017
Categorie: ,,

Mimaki will take part in an integrated apparel production chain, and deliver key presentations


Mimaki announced its powerful presence at Texprocess and the parallel show Techtextil 2017 that will highlight Mimaki’s wide-format digital textile printers and innovate ink and dye sublimation technologies in two separate exhibition halls. Key presentations will be given by Mimaki Deutschland GmbH representatives in the Texprocess Forum and the inaugural European Digital Textile Conference.

Texprocess serves the international garment-manufacturing and textile processing industry while Techtextil brings together technical textiles and nonwovens showing the full range of potential uses of textile technologies. Both international trade fairs will take place 9 to 12 May, 2017 at the Messe Frankfurt in Frankfurt am Main.

“The parallel Texprocess and Techtextil 2017 events provide Mimaki the advantage to demonstrate our textile inkjet print technologies and educate a wide audience on the value that Mimaki brings to the fast-growing textile markets,” says Uwe Niklas, General Manager Marketing & Sales of Mimaki Deutschland GmbH. “Both events offer valuable, integrated components to connect with a variety of businesses involved with textile and apparel production at an international level.”


On the way to Industry 4.0

During the Texprocess trade fair, the Digital Textile Micro Factory will present a live demonstration of an integrated production chain for apparel in hall 6.0, stand B57. In collaboration with the German Institutes for Textile and Fibre Research in Denkendorf and a number of well-known companies in the textile sector, the micro-factory will demonstrate the entire networked production of clothing items – from the design stage to digital printing, automatic cutting out and fabrication. The Digital Textile Micro Factory will focus mainly on sport apparel.

Mimaki will show its TS300P-1800 with sublimation inks and the Tx300P-1800 printer with pigment inks during the large-format inkjet printing step of the micro-factory, involving sublimation printing on polyester and pigment printing on cotton and mixed fibres. Both developed for the textile print industry, the revolutionary TS300P-1800 wide format, high-speed dye sublimation textile printer delivers cost-effective printing while maintaining high quality and productivity and is designed to print onto the thinnest of transfer paper. The Tx300P-1800 direct textile inkjet printer delivers high-quality printing on a wide range of textiles and is ideally suited for applications such as fashion, furnishing, soft signage and exhibitions.


International Texprocess Forum

Experts from the fields of science and business will present the latest knowledge on subjects of topical interest to the sector in over 30 lectures and panel discussions during the Texprocess Forum. Programme highlights include: textile finishing, digital printing, sustainability, and product-lifecycle management.

Michael Wartmann, Product Manager Textile of Mimaki Deutschland GmbH, will present “Various Textile Ink Technologies for Interior Design” on May 9, 2:55pm in hall 6.0. The presentation will be followed by Wartmann’s participation in the panel discussion: “Drivers for future growth of digital textile printing in technical textile applications?” at 4:25pm.


Inaugural European Digital Textile Conference

The first-time European Digital Textile Conference, organised by the World Textile Information Network (WTiN) in collaboration with Texprocess and Techtextil will take place in hall 4.0, Saal Europa on May 10 from 09:00am to 4:30pm. Focus topics of the conference will be the latest product developments and the advantages of using digital printing technology for functionalisation and decoration of technical fabrics.

During the conference on May 10, Mimaki will lead a roundtable discussion at 12:05pm. In addition, Uwe Niklas will present “High Speed Dye Sublimation Printing” on May 10 at 11:40am. In this presentation, he will explain the difference between sublimation transfer and direct dye sublimation printing, and how each technology can be beneficial for home textiles and interior design will also be discussed.

At Techtextil, Mimaki will also demonstrate its Tx300P-1800 with sublimation ink in hall 3 stand D05, together with its authorised dealer Multi-Plot Europe GmbH.

More details about Mimaki products, including its full range of printers and inks, can be found at





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Hubergroup is increasing prices for printing varnishes and coatings

19 apr 2017

Price adjustments are inevitable, due to rising cost especially for binders.

Kirchheim near Munich/Germany, 10 April 2017 – Due to massive price increases of important raw materials for printing varnishes and coatings during the past months, the production costs of several product groups have risen noticeably. Water-based and energy curing printing varnishes are seriously affected because the binder components have become significantly more expensive. The expenses for important basic upstream products, such as styrene and acrylic acid, grew severely.

Striving to serve the customers with best quality products and services offered at fair prices, the printing ink manufacturer feels forced to react to the increased cost for water-based coatings and UV varnishes with an adjustment of sales prices by up to 10%.



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Huber Group: Prijsverhoging vernissen en coatings onvermijdelijk

19 apr 2017

Na de inktprijsverhoging zijn nu de vernissen en coatings aan de beurt. De Huber Group heeft als eerste een verhoging van 10% aangekondigd. Volgens het persbericht was de prijsverhoging onvermijdelijk door de prijsstijging van bindmiddelen. Populaire producten, zoals coating op waterbasis en UV-vernissen krijgen daarom een verhoging die kunnen oplopen tot 10%

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KAMA met short run packaging finishing op Interpack

18 apr 2017
Categorie: ,

Op Interpack, Düsseldorf, 4 tot 10 mei, presenteert KAMA complete workflow oplossingen voor het afwerken van verpakkingen. De KAMA DC 76 Foil ASB wordt getoond op de stand van HP Indigo, hal 13, C.77.

Lees meer over deze en andere finishing oplossingen van KAMA in onderstaand persbericht.


At Interpack KAMA will be presenting an efficient workflow for processing and finishing digitally printed folding cartons with the KAMA DC 76 Foil ASB at the stand of HP Indigo (Hall 13, C.77).

KAMA provides the complete workflow with the advanced DC 76 Foil ASB, presented at Interpack, and the unique KAMA FF 52i, the world’s first short-run folder gluer with set up at record speeds.

The German based specialist for smart finishing solutions has optimised the versatile die-cutting and stamping machine with AutoRegister for the requirements in digital printing. New features reduce the setup time, servomotors simplify the hot foil stamping and increase performance and the tool-less inline stripping system with blanking saves additional time and costs. The result: significantly reduced throughput times and accelerated ‘speed-to-market’ – customised for the growing demand of brand manufacturers for versioned packages ‘on demand’.

The complete workflow to the finished folding carton with the world’s first folder gluer for short runs, the KAMA FF 52i, includes the fully 100 per cent inspection of each and individual box (and ejection, if necessary). Thus, producing serial or personalised folding cartons in short and very short runs is possible: Quickly, straightforwardly and profitably.

For beauty and pharmaceutical packages…
‘We will show the fast job changes and the diversity of applications live on the advanced DC 76 Foil with printed sheets directly from the HP Indigo 10000 and 30000,’ said KAMA CEO Marcus Tralau. Folding boxes for markets with short runs such as beauty, food and pharmaceutics are processed – the beauty box precisely embellished with four hot foils and diagonal creasing lines for the automatic lock bottom, the pharmaceutical box with registered holograms and the Braille embossing prescribed in Europe in the future. Interpack will also see the premiere of the EasyFix-system by hinderer + mühlich in the KAMA machine for the B2 format, with pre-registered dies on a carrier plate for further time savings.

…and personalised gift boxes in a very short time.
At the HP stand, visitors can directly take their photo-personalised gift boxes with them – printed on the HP Indigo 30000 with Tresu iCoat and converted on the KAMA DC 76 ASB. With the workflow, HP Indigo and KAMA address an exciting market with attractive margins: individual short runs which are designed by the end customer himself, e.g. gift boxes for private events such as wedding, name day or summer party. The shape of the box remains the same so the suitable cutting die for these ‘unique repeat orders’ is available for immediate use.

The new solution aims at print providers and folding box makers who want to enter new markets in packaging with digital printing and value-adding postpress. The KAMA solutions combine proven expertise in converting and embellishing with newly developed tools required by digital printing. First workflows have already been successfully introduced into the market – for the pure folding box production and, in addition, the KAMA DC 76 ASB as a flexible finishing die cutter for job printing.

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KAMA at Interpack with finishing for short-run cartons

18 apr 2017
Categorie: ,

At Interpack KAMA will be presenting an efficient workflow for processing and finishing digitally printed folding cartons with the KAMA DC 76 Foil ASB at the stand of HP Indigo (Hall 13, C77).

KAMA provides the complete workflow with the advanced DC 76 Foil ASB, presented at Interpack, and the unique KAMA FF 52i, the world’s first short-run folder gluer with set up at record speeds

The German based specialist for smart finishing solutions has optimised the versatile die-cutting and stamping machine with AutoRegister for the requirements in digital printing. New features reduce the setup time, servomotors simplify the hot foil stamping and increase performance and the tool-less inline stripping system with blanking saves additional time and costs. The result: Significantly reduced throughput times and accelerated ‘speed-to-market’ – customised for the growing demand of brand manufacturers for versioned packages ‘on demand’.

The complete workflow to the finished folding carton with the world’s first folder gluer for short runs, the KAMA FF 52i, includes the fully 100 per cent inspection of each and individual box (and ejection, if necessary). Thus, producing serial or personalised folding cartons in short and very short runs is possible: Quickly, straightforwardly and profitably.

For beauty and pharmaceutical packages…
‘We will show the fast job changes and the diversity of applications live on the advanced DC 76 Foil with printed sheets directly from the HP Indigo 10000 and 30000,’ said KAMA CEO Marcus Tralau. Folding boxes for markets with short runs such as beauty, food and pharmaceutics are processed – the beauty box precisely embellished with four hot foils and diagonal creasing lines for the automatic lock bottom, the pharmaceutical box with registered holograms and the Braille embossing prescribed in Europe in the future. Interpack will also see the premiere of the EasyFix-system by hinderer + mühlich in the KAMA machine for the B2 format, with pre-registered dies on a carrier plate for further time savings.

…and personalised gift boxes in a very short time
At the HP stand, visitors can directly take their photo-personalised gift boxes with them – printed on the HP Indigo 30000 with Tresu iCoat and converted on the KAMA DC 76 ASB. With the workflow, HP Indigo and KAMA address an exciting market with attractive margins: Individual short runs which are designed by the end customer himself, e.g. gift boxes for private events such as wedding, name day or summer party. The shape of the box remains the same so the suitable cutting die for these ‘unique repeat orders’ is available for immediate use.

The new solution aims at print providers and folding box makers who want to enter new markets in packaging with digital printing and value-adding postpress. The KAMA solutions combine proven expertise in converting and embellishing with newly developed tools required by digital printing. First workflows have already been successfully introduced into the market – for the pure folding box production and, in addition, the KAMA DC 76 ASB as a flexible finishing die cutter for job printing.

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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