Rob van den Braak

In Nieuwegein maakt Singlandia verlichte en onverlichte doosletters in alle profielsoorten, vervaardigd in aluminium, acrylaat of RVS. Deze doosletters, van groot tot klein, worden compleet geleverd met ingebouwde led- of neonverlichting.
“Tevens kunnen wij deze voormonteren en brandklaar maken met een solide dak- of gevelconstructie. Daarnaast produceren en leveren wij ook aanverwante lichtreclame-uitingen, zoals Signluxx LED letters, lichtbakken, reclamezuilen, doekbakken en aluminium constructies. Hiervoor hebben wij veel kennis en productiemogelijkheden in huis.
Door onze jarenlange ervaring en resultaatgerichte manier van werken zijn onze producten niet alleen van hoge kwaliteit, maar ook betaalbaar. Ervaren medewerkers zorgen voor een hoogwaardig product, afgestemd op uw wensen en eisen. Wij begeven ons niet op de eindmarkt, dus ontwerp en installatie laten wij graag aan u als specialisten over. Voor advies op maat, een productcatalogus, een vrijblijvende offerte of een bezoek aan onze showroom, nodigen wij u van harte uit contact met ons op te nemen.”
Lees verder....The Danish ARoS Art Museum announced via Print Power that their direct mail campaign to their registered members (people under 27) was a big success. The museum often uses Facebook to inform their members, the results of the print campaign were decidedly better. According to their research among 200 members, 81% had read the direct mail and 20 people renewed their membership. Read more about the print campaign, which proves that direct mail is an excellent means of reaching younger people, in the press release below.
ARoS Art Museum in Aarhus, Denmark, one of the largest and oldest art museums in Northern Europe, used a spectacular and personalised mailing to engage their younger member’s loyalty.
It has two membership clubs – the ARoS club for all museumgoers and ARoS27, open only to younger members under 27 years of age.
The purpose of the ARoS27 Club is to make art relevant to young people by offering free admission to the Museum as well as exclusive lounges with DJ music, drinks and special exhibitions four Fridays every year. However with the enormous range of experiences and events offered to young people in Aarhus, competition was fierce.
The museum knew if they could convince members to attend events, they would see the value of their membership and renew the following year.
The Case Study
Given the audience’s youth, e-mail, text messaging and Facebook had been used as the primary channels to communicate with members. However, ARoS wanted to see if, in a world where almost all communications that a young person receives are digital, they would appreciate, and engage with, a physical letter.
A spectacular looking envelope was mailed to the c. 4,000 ARoS27 Club database. Difficult to ignore on the doormat or confuse for a bill, this was a mailing that demanded to be opened. Once inside, members found a letter, reminding them of the benefits of their membership, and a leaflet that opened up to a calendar laying down all the member-only, exclusive events. Beautifully designed, it was hoped that the calendar would be hung on the fridge or tacked on a noticeboard to serve as a reminder throughout the year of events they wouldn’t want to miss, the overall benefits of the museum and ARos27 membership.
The printed calendar left its mark with members. By acting as a reminder to attend events ARoS believe it helped influenced membership renewal.
As membership renewal was on a yearly cycle, the impact of the mailing on membership uptake was difficult to track. So, in order to get a more immediate reading of the effectiveness of the mailing, the museum employed a research agency to measure, and benchmark, recall and engagement.
200 members were telephoned a week after receiving the mailing. The results were benchmarked against an average for other direct mail measures in the business to consumer market.
67% of respondents spontaneously recalled receiving the mailing from ARoS – double the average of 32% for the benchmarked packs.
81% of participants who could recall receiving mailing had also read it – compared to a benchmark of 53%. And 70% of participants that could recall receiving the mail had also saved the letter (vs 44% in the benchmarked group).
These high impact mailing translated to an increase in membership.
Standard marketing in the club’s first year had led to a membership renewal rate of 20%.
In the second year, the museum presented an extensive Edvard Munch exhibition. This special event and standard marketing increased the renewal rate to 34.9%.
The following year, the year of the mailing there were no extraordinary exhibitions yet ARoS managed to obtain a 30% renewal rate, surpassing expectations
“Our interpretation is that information sent out via digital channels is read as casual and superficial. Therefore, we wanted to show the value of ARoS27 using a mailing that allowed young people to immerse themselves in, and which also exposed and retained our messages with the young”
– Bettina Bach Nielsen, ARoS marketing manager
Het Deense ARoS Art Museum meldt via Print Power, dat haar direct mailcampagne naar haar geregistreerde leden (jongeren onder de 27 jaar) een groot succes was. Hoewel het museum veelvuldig gebruik maakt van Facebook om haar leden te informeren, waren de resultaten van de printcampagne overtuigend beter. Zo had, volgens een onderzoek onder 200 leden, 81% de direct mail gelezen en vernieuwde 20 van de lezers zijn lidmaatschap. Lees meer over deze printcampagne, die aantoont dat direct mail een uitstekend middel is om jongeren te bereiken, in het onderstaand persbericht.
ARoS Art Museum in Aarhus, Denmark, one of the largest and oldest art museums in Northern Europe, used a spectacular and personalised mailing to engage their younger member’s loyalty.
It has two membership clubs – the ARoS club for all museumgoers and ARoS27, open only to younger members under 27 years of age.
The purpose of the ARoS27 Club is to make art relevant to young people by offering free admission to the Museum as well as exclusive lounges with DJ music, drinks and special exhibitions four Fridays every year. However with the enormous range of experiences and events offered to young people in Aarhus, competition was fierce.
The museum knew if they could convince members to attend events, they would see the value of their membership and renew the following year.
The Case Study
Given the audience’s youth, e-mail, text messaging and Facebook had been used as the primary channels to communicate with members. However, ARoS wanted to see if, in a world where almost all communications that a young person receives are digital, they would appreciate, and engage with, a physical letter.
A spectacular looking envelope was mailed to the c. 4,000 ARoS27 Club database. Difficult to ignore on the doormat or confuse for a bill, this was a mailing that demanded to be opened. Once inside, members found a letter, reminding them of the benefits of their membership, and a leaflet that opened up to a calendar laying down all the member-only, exclusive events. Beautifully designed, it was hoped that the calendar would be hung on the fridge or tacked on a noticeboard to serve as a reminder throughout the year of events they wouldn’t want to miss, the overall benefits of the museum and ARos27 membership.
The printed calendar left its mark with members. By acting as a reminder to attend events ARoS believe it helped influenced membership renewal.
As membership renewal was on a yearly cycle, the impact of the mailing on membership uptake was difficult to track. So, in order to get a more immediate reading of the effectiveness of the mailing, the museum employed a research agency to measure, and benchmark, recall and engagement.
200 members were telephoned a week after receiving the mailing. The results were benchmarked against an average for other direct mail measures in the business to consumer market.
67% of respondents spontaneously recalled receiving the mailing from ARoS – double the average of 32% for the benchmarked packs.
81% of participants who could recall receiving mailing had also read it – compared to a benchmark of 53%. And 70% of participants that could recall receiving the mail had also saved the letter (vs 44% in the benchmarked group).
These high impact mailing translated to an increase in membership.
Standard marketing in the club’s first year had led to a membership renewal rate of 20%.
In the second year, the museum presented an extensive Edvard Munch exhibition. This special event and standard marketing increased the renewal rate to 34.9%.
The following year, the year of the mailing there were no extraordinary exhibitions yet ARoS managed to obtain a 30% renewal rate, surpassing expectations.
“Our interpretation is, that information sent out via digital channels is read as casual and superficial. Therefore, we wanted to show the value of ARoS27 using a mailing that allowed young people to immerse themselves in, and which also exposed and retained our messages with the young”
– Bettina Bach Nielsen, ARoS marketing manager

Handboekbinderij Jouke ten Wolde houdt tradities in ere.
De handboekbinderij uit Hattem is gespecialiseerd in boekbinden, reparaties en restauraties.
Voor liefhebbers van het traditionele handwerk laat hij op de vakbeurs zien:
– hoe boekblokken gemaakt worden
– hoe leer wordt uitgedund
– hoe de teksten op een boekband worden gezet
En ook het maken van:
– cassettes – overslagdozen – fotoalbums
– boeken met verborgen wire-o – busschroeven enz. behoort tot de mogelijkheden.
Bent u geïnteresseerd of wilt u meer informatie, kom dan langs op de Grafische Vakbeurs op 14, 15 en 16 maart.
Lees verder....
M-Display heeft een passie voor karton en met een vast team van 24 vakidioten heeft het elke discipline in huis.
Bij M-Display zeggen ze nooit op voorhand nee en nemen iedere opdracht uiterst serieus.
Laat u verrassen door de creativiteit, snelheid en kwaliteit van onze organisatie. Net als meerdere andere opdrachtgevers in heel Europa.
Al meer dan tien jaar maakt M-Display het onmogelijke mogelijk!
Lees verder....
Zoekt u een partner in frames? Maak dan kennis met Efka LEDframes en aluminium textielframes en ontdek de vele mogelijkheden. Laat u adviseren over het best passende frame voor uw klant en ervaar zelf het specialisme van Efka op de Vakbeurs.
Efka levert:
› Indoor lichtbakken
LEDframes in elke gewenste maat.
› Aluminium textielframes
Snelle levering in vele soorten en kleuren.
› Gebogen textielframes
Naar uw ideeën.
“LaboPrint is een groot formaat digitaal printbedrijf in Polen. Voor vele tevreden klanten in heel Europa verzorgen wij printwerk. De Vakbeurs is een uitstekende mogelijkheid om kennis te maken met ons en u te laten zien wat wij voor u kunnen betekenen. Van spandoeken tot vlaggen, van etiketten tot displays, plaatmateriaal of verpakkingen: de mogelijkheden zijn oneindig. We zien u graag op onze stand!”
ISCA Nederland BV is een van de hoofdspelers reclame groothandelaren in Nederland en België. ISCA Nederland BV richt zich uitsluitend op, onder andere signmakers, beletteraars, decorateurs, standbouwers, interieurbouwers etc. ISCA Nederland BV is gespecialiseerd in het bouwen van lichtreclame, zoals lichtbakken, doosletters, lichtlijnen en winkelinterieurs.
De stand van ISCA Nederland is gemaakt van Crown Truss. Dit systeem maakt het mogelijk om elk soort stand te maken met behulp van het 3D progamma.
ISCA Nederland BV heeft een groot assortiment aan reclameartikelen die overal op aansluiten. ISCA Nederland BV levert uitsluitend aan signmaker, beletteraars, decorateurs, standbouwers, interieurbouwers etc.
Lees verder....VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.