Rob van den Braak
Om zijn ambitieuze milieudoelstelling voor 2025 te halen, heeft Avery Dennison al zijn groene producten ondergebracht in een portfolio, Clearintent. Clearintent moet het Avery klanten makkelijker maken om de meest milieuvriendelijk media te kiezen. Lees meer over Clearintent in onderstaand persbericht.
New Avery Dennison Clearintent™ portfolio enables sustainability improvements
As part of its ambitious 2025 sustainability goals, Avery Dennison Label and Packaging Materials has created a new portfolio designed to enable customers choose products, that can help to make a positive environmental impact.
Xander van der Vlies, director sustainability, Avery Dennison Europe, said that the ClearIntent™ portfolio is about working with converters and brand owners – supporting them in meeting their sustainable packaging goals: “Avery Dennison has been creating more and more materials designed to empower sustainable choices, and it makes perfect sense to assemble all of them under one umbrella. Label converters can now offer materials with confidence to their customers, knowing that anything within the ClearIntent range provides the sustainability credentials they seek. The available materials cover a wide range of applications, so ClearIntent gives converters more ways to say ‘yes’ to sustainability.”
“The materials that help converters ‘pick responsibly’ have to meet at least one of three main sustainability standards to qualify for the new portfolio”, adds Luuk Zonneveld, product manager sustainability. The first is responsible sourcing, where it has been verified by third party companies that a significant amount of the product’s content comes from sustainably sourced materials. The second is reduction of material – a product must offer comparable or superior performance to a conventional alternative, while using less material.
The third criterion focuses on recycling, requiring a label material to be recyclable itself, to be made of recycled content, or to enable or improve the recyclability of the container or packaging the label is on.
Zonneveld said that some of the most recent product innovations from Avery Dennison are included in the ClearIntent range: “All of our development work takes place with a central focus on sustainability, which is why so many of these products deliver not only sustainability improvements, but also differentiation for converters who are seeking new business opportunities. For example, ClearCut™ adhesive technology combined with an FSC-liner offers improved sustainability with no compromise on performance or productivity. We have more than 1100 FSC-certified label constructions offered at price and performance parity. Our Bio-based PE film is made from a plant-based feedstock which avoids the use of scarce petroleum resources and prevents pollution caused by fossil fuel extraction. Recycling-friendly options include facestocks made from 100% recycled paper, which offer improved GreenPrint™ performance vs similar paper facestocks made from virgin fibers.* There is a choice here for almost any application you can think of.”
As part of its ambitious 2025 sustainability goals, Avery Dennison Label and Packaging Materials has created a new portfolio designed to enable customers choose products that can help to make a positive environmental impact.
Xander van der Vlies, director sustainability, Avery Dennison Europe, said that the ClearIntent™ portfolio is about working with converters and brand owners – supporting them in meeting their sustainable packaging goals: “Avery Dennison has been creating more and more materials designed to empower sustainable choices, and it makes perfect sense to assemble all of them under one umbrella. Label converters can now offer materials with confidence to their customers, knowing that anything within the ClearIntent range provides the sustainability credentials they seek. The available materials cover a wide range of applications, so ClearIntent gives converters more ways to say ‘yes’ to sustainability.”
“The materials that help converters ‘pick responsibly’ have to meet at least one of three main sustainability standards to qualify for the new portfolio”, adds Luuk Zonneveld, product manager sustainability. The first is responsible sourcing, where it has been verified by third party companies that a significant amount of the product’s content comes from sustainably sourced materials. The second is reduction of material – a product must offer comparable or superior performance to a conventional alternative, while using less material.
The third criterion focuses on recycling, requiring a label material to be recyclable itself, to be made of recycled content, or to enable or improve the recyclability of the container or packaging the label is on.
Zonneveld said that some of the most recent product innovations from Avery Dennison are included in the ClearIntent range: “All of our development work takes place with a central focus on sustainability, which is why so many of these products deliver not only sustainability improvements but also differentiation for converters who are seeking new business opportunities. For example, ClearCut™ adhesive technology combined with an FSC-liner offers improved sustainability with no compromise on performance or productivity. We have more than 1100 FSC-certified label constructions offered at price and performance parity. Our Bio-based PE film is made from a plant-based feedstock which avoids the use of scarce petroleum resources and prevents pollution caused by fossil fuel extraction. Recycling-friendly options include facestocks made from 100% recycled paper, which offer improved GreenPrint™ performance vs similar paper facestocks made from virgin fibers.* There is a choice here for almost any application you can think of.”
Lees verder....Ten years iPhone is one of those moments to look back upon and that is possible with the video of the introduction in 2007 by Steve Jobs.
It is not just a historical moment and the start of a whole new generation mobile computer systems, but also a masterclass in presenting a new product. The build-up, the choice of words and manipulation of the (carefully chosen) public makes it well worth watching the video even after ten years. You can watch it via this link to our videos page. It is more than an hour of joy with, for me the best moment, the phrase “internet in the pocket”. A phrase that I didn´t completely get at the time, but which is now, in hindsight, the biggest change the iPhone made possible.
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Forced by law and the public opinion the packaging industry is making great strides in improving their sustainability. In her Verdrigris blog Laurel Brunner talks about the measures taken and the importance of tackling waste issues. Read her blog on our articles page.
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That headline might suggest some major advance in printing methods, or perhaps some clever new substrates. But in fact the way packaging technology can reduce emissions is by taking a machete to waste volumes.
There is a lot that can be done in the supply chain to cut waste, and this is where packaging advances come into the picture. As much as 35% of food produced ends up being thrown away, either because it is too manky to offer for sale or because it has gone off while sitting on the shelf. According to the United Nations this amounts about 1.3 billion tonnes of food per year. Wasting food also wastes the resources used to produce it in the first place. Anything we can do to get more food to market and consumers in a fit state for use has to be a good thing. But it isn’t all we can do.
We can make much better use of the food we produce and do manage to get into the shops, especially in developed markets. For a start we can stop buying more food than we are likely to consume, so that we don’t let it rot in the fridge only to be thrown in the bin. Apart from being a waste of money, overbuying of foodstuffs encourages us to eat more than we need, so we get fat as well as being wasteful.
Time is a constant series of changing events so the graphics industry needs to keep up with advances in packaging and of how packaging is perceived. Contrary to popular opinion packaging is not necessarily a source of waste. The primary purpose of food packaging should be to protect and preserve foodstuffs, so that they last as long as possible. Shrink wrapping food prevents oxidation. Oxygen is a major cause of decay so if we can keep oxygen away from the food, it is likely to last longer. This applies to all types of foods from meat (which apparently gets tenderised as a result of being shrinked wrapped) and cheeses, through to vegetables packaged in individual portions. An increasing number of food retailers in developing markets rely on shrink wrapping to lengthen the selling window for perishable goods.
The process involves heat applied with a heat gun or more commonly in a heated chamber, to polyolefin. This polymer is extremely heat sensitive so there is no risk that the food it contains starts cooking. It can be applied in several layers which may or may not cross-link depending on the material. Either way the resulting package is robust, resistant to bugs and blocks exposure to oxygen, ensuring that foods is not contaminated.
With every tonne of food waste we produce, we increase the planet’s carbon footprint. Rather than seeing packaging as a source of waste, we should encourage people to recognise that it reduces waste and can ensure that more food reaches peoples’ plates. Something to chew on.
Laurel Brunner
The Verdigris project is an industry initiative intended to raise awareness of print’s positive environmental impact. It provides a weekly commentary to help printing companies keep up to date with environmental standards, and how environmentally friendly business management can help improve their bottom lines. Verdigris is supported by the following companies: Agfa Graphics, EFI, Epson,Fespa, HP, Kodak, Kornit, Ricoh, Spindrift, Splash PR, Unity Publishing and Xeikon.
Onder druk van wetgeving en publieke opinie, maakt de verpakkingsindustrie snelle voortgang met milieuvriendelijker producten. In haar Verdigris blog geeft Laurel Brunner aan, welke maatregelen er al zijn genomen en hoe belangrijk het is ook het afvalprobleem aan te pakken. Lees haar blog op onze artikelen pagina.
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At Heimtextil, the largest international tradeshow for home and contract textiles, HP showed its first complete latex printed lounge.
The lounge is a cooperation between two of the world´s leading companies in wall decoration: New York´s Flavor Paper and Robin Sprong Wallpapers from Cape Town.
HP prints on various flexible coated and uncoated materials, including wallpaper, canvas, printed floors, textile and faux leather.
Flavor Paper (FP) and Robin Sprong Wallpapers (RWS) are some of world´s most famous surface designers in the interior print industry. Their work for HP at Heimtextil is a mix of South African, European, Australian and American influences. When creating the combination of patterns and wallpaper they trust HP Latex technology to execute their work. The lounge bar, decorated with pink onyx by RSW and flowers by FP makes an even more powerful impression when combined with Tiphaine Alston´s floor design.
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Inkjet production printers offer added value thanks to an increasing number of finishings. Apart from varnishing and metallic print it is now possible to print textures. Traditionally textures were produced by embossing, but production printers from Domino, Landa and Director Color Systems can do this digitally. For the growth market of luxury labels this is a very welcome addition. But there are quite a few limitations such as maximum thickness and production speed which is lower than that of flexo printers with inline finishing. Domino however claims that its N6 I Oi press prints 50 meters per minute including textures.
Combined with customisation technology completely new applications develop such as labels for special wines and luxury packaging for expensive fashion. Important element is protection against fake products, until, of course, these pirates buy their own digital label printers. The only solution to protect against fakes is with the use of special software, such as Agfa Graphics Arziro, design a label which is very difficult to copy, and that is another new market.
Volgende week dinsdag 17 januari gaan dé Pro•lezingen van het Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht weer van start.
In navolging van de succesvolle lezingen van vorig jaar staan er ook dit jaar weer boeiende lezingen door inspirerende topprofessionals op het programma.
Peter Villevoye bijt het spits af met zijn lezing:
Peter komt tot inkeer
Zo mooi en duidelijk als grafische software voor print-media werkt, zo’n enorme bende zijn alle tools en services voor web- en app-design. Men bouwt een eigen CMS, knutselt aan een WordPress-template en jongleert met tientallen tools om een app van de grond te krijgen. Het kan allemaal makkelijk (maar met minder vrijheid) of moeilijk (met een heel team en voor veel geld).
De scheidslijn tussen designers en developers lijkt soms harder en dan weer zachter te worden. Ontwerp en uitvoering drijven uiteen, maar komen af en toe ook weer samen. Adobe maakt het ons ook niet makkelijker. InDesign verrast en stuntelt tegelijk met DPS, AEM, ePubs en Online Publishing; Muse maakt websites bedenken en bouwen simpeler, maar heeft duidelijke beperkingen. Dreamweaver zwalkt constant van designers naar developers. Edge Animate verdween en de ouwe Flash/Animate is geen pretje. Photoshop doet ook wat interface-design, maar is dat eigenlijk wel verstandig?
Als designer hobbel je op en neer, van het kastje naar de muur. Het kastje is het Adobe CC-abonnement op je computer, en de muur is dat bastion van techniek waar je niet doorheen, overheen of langs lijkt te komen. Wat is er toch zo anders aan web- en app-design? En heb je je al eens verdiept in narrow-casting, digital signing en kiosk-software? Mijn hemel, wat een bagger.
Peter beschrijft de historie, de belangen en de mogelijke koersen die je kan volgen.
Even géén ronkende demo of vrolijke presentatie. (Nou ja, eentje: het wonderbaarlijke Adobe XD…)
Je bent aanstaande dinsdag 17 januari om 15.30 uur van harte welkom in de collegezaal.
Aanmelden is niet nodig, de toegang is gratis en iedereen is van harte welkom.
Download via deze link: prolezingen_minifolder_12_01_17 een PDF van het complete programma, zodat je geen van de lezingen hoeft te missen.
Lees verder....Located in the purpose-built BITEC exhibition centre in the heart of Bangkok, visitors to FESPA Asia 2017 (15-17 February 2017) will be able to source all they need fortheir business under one roof.
Designed to connect the screen, digital and textile printing communities across the ASEAN+ region and beyond, FESPA Asia 2017 will bring together print professionals with exhibitors showcasing the newest products, the latest innovations and offering the best advice.
If you are a printer, designer, print buyer, retailer, interior designer, fashion brand or deal with digital, screen or textile print on a daily basis then a visit to FESPA Asia offers the ideal opportunity for you to network and make business connections that will benefit your profits and company growth across 2017 and beyond.
And, with both local and international brands exhibiting their products, this is the ideal chance to discover what is on offer for your business from companies including: M&R, Kornit, EFI/Reggiani, Mimaki, Siser, HP, KIP, Roland, JTeck, Kiian, MS Srl, Hexis, Caldera, Decoprint, Chaiyaboon, CST, Saati, Winson and BPS. See the full line-up at
Free seminars to boost your business
FESPA Asia will be home to three days of seminars and case studies from leading printers who will offer top tips on how to take your business forward, with real-life examples of the challenges they faced within their businesses and how they overcame them.
Join a leading local consultant as they share information and key takeaways to support sales and the marketing of your business. And, with a core focus on supporting the design aspect, including Photoshop and design skills, these learnings will enable you to offer an even better-value service.
Plus, uncover trends and forecasts for the future, discover growth sectors and understand how you can grow your business. Explore the very latest technological advances, offering you the opportunity to reach new markets and boost your bottom line, and enjoy practical expertise as independent consultants offer hard-hitting advice and information on topics such as the latest EU regulations and how to comply.
In addition, keynote sessions will see end-users, including Adidas, share their experiences on what they hope for in a supplier, what they are looking for technically in their product and how you, the printer, can match these needs to create a fruitful and long lasting business relationship.
Uncover the world of ‘wrap’
Driven by its great global success Wrap Masters Asia will be heading to FESPA Asia 2017, bringing together style, technique and innovation.
This adrenaline-fueled show feature will showcase the skills and creativity of vehicle wrappers and is designed to recognise and promote the global vehicle wrapping community at its best, whilst illustrating how vehicle decoration can be an effective tool in the marketing mix.
If you’re a vehicle wrapper, or just interested in learning more about this effective marketing tool, stop by the Wrap Masters Asia Stand during your visit to FESPA Asia 2017.
As part of the Wrap programme, enjoy daily live workshops and demonstrations from tinting and wrap expert Ole Solskin Ravn as he shares his tips and techniques for cutting, wrapping with chrome, cold pre-stretch and triangles, and material considerations.
Visitors to the Wrap Masters Asia will also have the opportunity to showcase their skills in a global competition where entrants will be judged on the quality of their installation.
Participating in four competing rounds, including a creative round, and tasked with wrapping cars, helmets and tuk tuks using HEXIS vinyl, winners will automatically qualify to enter the final which will take place in Hamburg, Germany on the 10-11 May 2017, where they will be joined by regional and national winners of Wrap Masters events from Africa, Brazil and Turkey competing for the title of World Wrap Master 2017.
If you are keen to discover what the future holds for you and your business, don’t miss the chance to visit FESPA Asia 2017 and benefit from all this opportunity and much more.
FESPA Asia 2017 is free to attend when you register in advance at using code ASAJ701.
Explore the latest technologies, find the newest innovations. Book today and visit FESPA Asia.
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.