Rob van den Braak
For the newspaper printers of the New York Times ink is still black gold. Jason Koebler interviewed these printers and got a good idea of what working with a rotation press is like. His interviews didn´t just deliver some strong opinions, but also some great images. Read the interview with the images via this link.
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Constantly innovating and optimizing its existing portfolio, Agfa Graphics recently launched a powerful upgrade of the Jeti Mira. The new Jeti Mira LED now relies on UV LED curing technology to offer mid- to high-end sign and display printers its signature print quality. The engine now also integrates with PrintSphere, through Asanti. Finally, an enhanced varnish option results in 3D prints with some serious stopping power.
Extra benefits thanks to LED curing technology
The Jeti Mira is a moving-gantry flatbed printer specially designed to offer optimal flexibility. Indeed, Jeti Mira has it all – up to 2.69 m-wide prints, print and prepare functionality, a dockable roll-to-roll option, two table versions, speed (up to 231 m²/hr), six color, white color standard, highly-pigmented UV inks and two rows of fast-firing Ricoh inkjet print heads. The latest printer upgrade also includes UV LED curing technology, which involves significant advantages.
Spot on: Agfa’s LED UV-curable inks
Relying on LED technology, Agfa Graphics’ specially-formulated UV LED inks can print on heat-sensitive substrates such as thin slides, self-adhesive sheets and stretchable PVC materials. They are both customized and versatile, developed with a view to the many different media they are intended for. Agfa-made UV inks also boast a wide color gamut and high color vibrancy in both indoor and outdoor applications, while their high pigment load and Asanti’s color management optimization ensure low ink consumption.
Integrable with PrintSphere, powered by Asanti
The Jeti Mira is driven by Agfa Graphics’ wide-format workflow software Asanti, which controls the entire printing process from prepress to production and finishing. New to Asanti is the optional integration with PrintSphere – Agfa’s cloud-based service for production automation, easy file sharing and safe data storage. PrintSphere offers a standardized way for print service providers to automate their workflows and facilitate data exchange with customers, colleagues, freelancers, other departments and other Agfa solutions.
Advanced 3D lens printing
Last but not least, the Jeti Mira can add a dramatic touch to many different applications, including POP displays, packaging, decorative prints and trade show graphics, thanks to 3D lens printing technology. Using a combination of printed lenses composed of UV-curable varnish and image manipulations, the Jeti Mira knows no limits. It adds depth to print results by tuning the size of varnish lenses and the array in which they are printed. “With this new potential to generate stunning 3D effects, the Jeti Mira is truly a versatile printing revelation,” Alaert concludes.
Agfa Graphics heeft een update geïntroduceerd voor zijn super groot formaat Jeti Mira printers. Naast de mogelijkheid om met UV LED droging gebruik te maken van milieuvriendelijker en snel drogende inkten, geeft de update ook nog de mogelijkheid om met een speciale vernis 3D lenzen te printen waarmee prints tot leven komen. Ook werken in de cloud is met de nieuwe PrintSphere module mogelijk. Met PrintSphere kan Agfa’s groot formaat automatisering software Asanti nu overal en altijd ingezet worden. Lees meer over deze belangrijke update in onderstaand persbericht.
Agfa Graphics launches Jeti Mira with UV LED curing, advanced 3D lens printing and PrintSphere integration powered by Asanti
Constantly innovating and optimizing its existing portfolio, Agfa Graphics recently launched a powerful upgrade of the Jeti Mira. The new Jeti Mira LED now relies on UV LED curing technology to offer mid- to high-end sign and display printers its signature print quality. The engine now also integrates with PrintSphere, through Asanti. Finally, an enhanced varnish option results in 3D prints with some serious stopping power.
Extra benefits thanks to LED curing technology
The Jeti Mira is a moving-gantry flatbed printer specially designed to offer optimal flexibility. Indeed, Jeti Mira has it all – up to 2.69 m-wide prints, print and prepare functionality, a dockable roll-to-roll option, two table versions, speed (up to 231 m²/hr), six color, white color standard, highly-pigmented UV inks and two rows of fast-firing Ricoh inkjet print heads. The latest printer upgrade also includes UV LED curing technology, which involves significant advantages.
Spot on: Agfa’s LED UV-curable inks
Relying on LED technology, Agfa Graphics’ specially-formulated UV LED inks can print on heat-sensitive substrates such as thin slides, self-adhesive sheets and stretchable PVC materials. They are both customized and versatile, developed with a view to the many different media they are intended for. Agfa-made UV inks also boast a wide color gamut and high color vibrancy in both indoor and outdoor applications, while their high pigment load and Asanti’s color management optimization ensure low ink consumption.
Integrable with PrintSphere, powered by Asanti
The Jeti Mira is driven by Agfa Graphics’ wide-format workflow software Asanti, which controls the entire printing process from prepress to production and finishing. New to Asanti is the optional integration with PrintSphere – Agfa’s cloud-based service for production automation, easy file sharing and safe data storage. PrintSphere offers a standardized way for print service providers to automate their workflows and facilitate data exchange with customers, colleagues, freelancers, other departments and other Agfa solutions.
Advanced 3D lens printing
Last but not least, the Jeti Mira can add a dramatic touch to many different applications, including POP displays, packaging, decorative prints and trade show graphics, thanks to 3D lens printing technology. Using a combination of printed lenses composed of UV-curable varnish and image manipulations, the Jeti Mira knows no limits. It adds depth to print results by tuning the size of varnish lenses and the array in which they are printed. “With this new potential to generate stunning 3D effects, the Jeti Mira is truly a versatile printing revelation,” Alaert concludes.
You may have noticed, is working at turbo speed. To keep up with our growth we decided to switch to a dedicated VPN server for our Dutch and English language sites. We also thought it is a perfect timing to change our logo. Not an easy project, but thanks to the wonderful help of New Fountain, website specialist in Haarlem, the Netherlands, we did so in record time and with hardly any issues.
We hope the new site will help the reader access all industry news even faster.
We would like to hear your views on the changes, in the comments field below.
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Je hebt het misschien al gemerkt, draait nu in turbo mode. Om onze groei bij te blijven benen zijn we overgegaan naar een eigen VPN server voor onze Nederlandse en Engelse site. We vonden het ook tijd om ons logo aan te passen en een aantal veranderingen aan te brengen. Geen eenvoudig project, maar dankzij de fantastische hulp van New Fountain, WordPress specialist in Haarlem, gespecialiseerd in het bouwen van websites die voor je werken, hebben we het in een recordtijd en met weinig echte problemen voor elkaar gekregen.
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Now that more and more production printers use rolls the efficient processing of these rolls is an important part of the production process. One of the parts is slitting. Atlas Converting has published a white paper about the solutions available, including off-line options. The white paper, already the third in the rewinding series can be downloaded from our downloads page via this link.
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Nu er steeds meer production printers van de rol werken, wordt het efficiënt verwerken van die bedrukte rollen een belangrijke factor in het productieproces. Eén van de bewerkingen is, het exact snijden van rollen. Welke mogelijkheden er zijn en hoe deze off-line toegepast kunnen worden, is het onderwerp van een white paper, geschreven door Atlas Converting. De white paper is al de derde in een serie over rewinding. Download deze white paper op onze Download Pagina via deze link.
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Meer dan 1.000 medewerkers zullen in 2018 in het nieuwe ontwikkelingscentrum van Heidelberg werken aan state-of-the-art machines, materialen en software voor de grafische industrie.
De start van het nieuwe ontwikkelingscentrum werd gegeven door de Wetenschapsminister van deelstaat Baden-Württemberg, Theresia Bauer, die blij is dat Heidelberg gekozen heeft voor Wiesloch. Voor Heidelberg was dat, gezien de beschikbaarheid van voldoende geschoold personeel en een goede infrastructuur, een eenvoudige keus. Het Heidelberg ontwikkelingscentrum gaat zich niet alleen richten op het verder ontwikkelen van offsetpersen, maar ook op digitale production printers en 4D printing, het rechtstreeks digitaal bedrukken van objecten gemaakt met verschillende materialen. Ook de software-ontwikkeling krijgt nog meer aandacht. Er zullen straks 250 programmeurs aan het werk zijn om ontwikkelingen zoals Print 4.0, de koppeling van alle productiemachines met elkaar en met de digitale pre-press te optimaliseren. Lees meer over de gigantische investering die bewijst dat Heidelberg vertrouwen heeft in de toekomst van onze industrie in onderstaand persbericht.
Science Minister Bauer and CEO Hundsdörfer launch new development center project of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Heidelberg is setting new standards by investing some €50 million in the new innovation hub. This will create the number one competence center in the printing industry, which has a global annual turnover of around €400 billion, a figure that is increasing.
“This investment represents a new beacon in Baden-Württemberg’s research landscape. Building a development center of this size and quality proves that Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG bases its decisions on a long-term strategy and makes the future worth looking forward to,” says Bauer.
“We deliberately chose Baden-Württemberg because it combines an excellent environment with highly qualified experts,” stresses Heidelberg CEO Rainer Hundsdörfer. A highly modern and future-orinted working environment will be created in Wiesloch-Walldorf, designed to support interdisciplinary and cross-functional development processes.
Despite the difficult economic situation in recent years, the company at no time cut its research budget, focusing instead on developing new, innovative products and services.
The printing industry now requires new applications and control technologies. Alongside traditional offset printing, digital printing will also be part of the future and ensure that the sector enjoys continued growth. It caters in particular to the trend toward flexible and personalized extremely short runs. Digital 4D printing – the printing on three-dimensional objects made from all kinds of materials – also underscores this trend. It enables customized printing of glass, wood, plastic, and other materials. Heidelberg is the first company to have developed a number of digital presses for industrial use.
What’s more, customers’ presses are networked with Heidelberg, which enables new services to be offered. As a result, maintenance work can be carried out and materials such as inks supplied promptly. Industry 4.0 is now part and parcel of Heidelberg, because speed is vital in both the offset and digital worlds.
A further indication of the company’s transformation is the fact that there are now over 250 software specialists working there. And in addition to the traditional areas of expertise, Heidelberg has also started employing chemists, for example, because the company is now developing and producing its own environmentally friendly inks for numerous new applications.
“The example of Heidelberg is demonstrating that even a large company can reinvent itself,” says Bauer. She firmly believes that not only Baden-Württemberg but the entire German printing industry will benefit from this.
“Combining development, service, and production at a single location close to the customer, will make us even faster and more efficient in the future,” says Stephan Plenz, member of the Heidelberg Management Board responsible for Equipment.
More than 1,000 employees will be working in the new Heidelberg development centre in 2018. They will be working on and with state-of-the-art machines, materials and software for the print industry.
Theresia Bauer, Minister of Science, Research and the Arts for the Germany state of Baden-Württemberg officially launched the project. She was content that Heidelberg had chosen Wiesloch. It was an obvious choice for Heidelberg because of the availability of trained staff and the excellent infrastructure. The development centre will not only focus on the development of offset presses, but also on digital production printers and 4D printing, the printing on three-dimensional objects on various types of materials. Software development will also receive more attention, there will be 250 specialists working on developments such as Print 4.0, connecting production printers and digital prepress.
Read more about this gigantic investment which proves that Heidelberg is confident that there is a future for our industry in the press release below.
Science Minister Bauer and CEO Hundsdörfer launch new development center project of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Heidelberg is setting new standards by investing some €50 million in the new innovation hub. This will create the number one competence center in the printing industry, which has a global annual turnover of around €400 billion, a figure that is increasing.
“This investment represents a new beacon in Baden-Württemberg’s research landscape. Building a development center of this size and quality proves that Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG bases its decisions on a long-term strategy and makes the future worth looking forward to,” says Bauer.
“We deliberately chose Baden-Württemberg because it combines an excellent environment with highly qualified experts,” stresses Heidelberg CEO Rainer Hundsdörfer. A highly modern and future-oriented working environment will be created in Wiesloch-Walldorf, designed to support interdisciplinary and cross-functional development processes.
Despite the difficult economic situation in recent years, the company at no time cut its research budget, focusing instead on developing new, innovative products and services.
The printing industry now requires new applications and control technologies. Alongside traditional offset printing, digital printing will also be part of the future and ensure that the sector enjoys continued growth. It caters in particular to the trend toward flexible and personalized extremely short runs. Digital 4D printing – the printing on three-dimensional objects made from all kinds of materials – also underscores this trend. It enables customized printing of glass, wood, plastic, and other materials. Heidelberg is the first company to have developed a number of digital presses for industrial use.
What’s more, customers’ presses are networked with Heidelberg, which enables new services to be offered. As a result, maintenance work can be carried out and materials such as inks supplied promptly. Industry 4.0 is now part and parcel of Heidelberg, because speed is vital in both the offset and digital worlds.
A further indication of the company’s transformation is the fact that there are now over 250 software specialists working there. And in addition to the traditional areas of expertise, Heidelberg has also started employing chemists, for example, because the company is now developing and producing its own environmentally friendly inks for numerous new applications.
“The example of Heidelberg is demonstrating that even a large company can reinvent itself,” says Bauer. She firmly believes that not only Baden-Württemberg but the entire German printing industry will benefit from this.
“Combining development, service, and production at a single location close to the customer will make us even faster and more efficient in the future,” says Stephan Plenz, member of the Heidelberg Management Board responsible for Equipment.
There is a wide range of solutions available for large format finishing. In the Wild Format series journalist Nessan Cleary gives an overview of these solutions, from cutting to laminating and everything in between. Read his article on our articles page via this link.
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Voor het afwerken van grootformaat print is een breed scala aan oplossingen beschikbaar. In de Wild Format serie artikelen geeft vakjournalist Nesson Cleary een overzicht van deze mogelijkheden. Van snijden tot lamineren behandelt hij in het artikel dat u kunt lezen op onze artikelenpagina via deze link.
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The pixels are circular indents of about 13 micrometers wide, cut into silicon and covered by a double layer of graphene that is two atoms thick. this way the air is caught in the pixel and depending on the pressure put on the pixel it changes colour. The team is now working on a method to control the colour electrically.
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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