Rob van den Braak

Open huis Domino: Bekijk de nieuwe AX-Serie, rijdt in een Lamborghini of win een printer

02 dec 2016
Categorie: ,


Dinsdag 31 januari 2017 organiseert Domino Benelux op haar kantoor in Houten van 10.00 tot 17.00 uur een open huis voor al haar klanten en prospects. De dag staat in het teken van de onlangs gelanceerde Ax-Serie, een nieuwe reeks kleinkarakter inkjetprinters (CIJ) die vanaf nul opnieuw zijn ontwikkeld voor de meest veeleisende industriële verpakkingsomgevingen. Hiermee is continuous inkjet opnieuw uitgevonden. Aanmelden voor het open huis kan via

Coureur voor een dag

Naast de nieuwste printers uit de Domino-familie, kan er kennis worden gemaakt met alle andere codeertechnologieën van Domino, van product tot pallet. Er vinden live demonstraties plaats en voor de autoliefhebbers staat er een Lamborghini en Ferrari klaar, waarmee een speciaal uitgezet parcours gereden kan worden. Zo stuurt men met Domino de toekomst in.

Win een inkjetprinter

Domino is een actie gestart waarbij klanten en prospects kans maken op een nieuwe Ax350i inkjetprinter. Er kan een USB-stick aangevraagd worden via waarbij geldt: op=op. Vervolgens wordt de deelnemer gevraagd een originele foto te maken met de Ax350i USB-stick en deze te posten op Twitter onder vermelding van #dominofotowedstrijd.

De leukste en origineelste foto wint de printer voor zijn of haar bedrijf waarbij ook aan de maker van de winnende foto is gedacht. Tijdens het open huis op 31 januari 2017 wordt de winnaar van de Ax350i inkjetprinter bekendgemaakt.

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Laurel Brunner: Environmental Product Declarations can make life easier

01 dec 2016

2015 Laurel 5x7cm 300ppiIf every machine or supply for the print production process would have an Environmental Product Declaration, it would  be much easier for companies to comply with legal or volunary environmental requirements. But, as Laurel Brunner describes in her Verdigris Blog, there is still a long way to go before these are easily available. Read her blog about why Environmental Product Declarations are important and why they are not easy to write.



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Laurel Brunner’s Verdigris Blog: Environmental Product Declarations

01 dec 2016
logo_epdIn the graphics industry, the idea of making Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) is basically an alien concept. But, from printed matter through to the machinery and systems used to produce print media, EPDs are becoming increasingly important to procurement.

An EPD is a standardised way of quantifying the environmental impact of a product, say a printed book, or a system such as a platesetter or digital press. Today no printer, publisher or equipment manufacturer of graphics technologies provides comprehensive EPDs with their products. However the idea might be worth considering, especially for manufacturers of digital printing systems.

At an event taking place this week in Milan, a number of companies explained their positions on EPD. From what they say, it’s clear that a robust EPD demonstrates compliance with regulations and provides business benefits. In graphics for example, EPDs for inks and consumables confirm that products comply with rules such as the the European REACH restrictions. Similarly paper EPDs confirm compliance with the USA’s Lacey Act.

But the benefit of an EPD goes beyond sticking to the rules. It provides accountability and a mechanism for managing environmental footprint. If you have to quantify environmental aspects and impacts to develop an EPD, you have a means to measure and control them. This makes for more efficient production, with less scope for manufacturing errors.

Producing an EPD is not exactly quick and easy, taking time, investment and expertise. There are several parts to the process, which should comply with ISO 14044 (for Life Cycle Analysis) and ISO 14025 (for environmental labels and declarations). The first step is to define the scope of the project. You then need to do a Life Cycle Analysis on your product. Obviously this will range in complexity from the very simple book say using ISO 16759 for calculating the carbon footprint of print media products, through to very complicated as would be the case for a printing system.

Obtaining an EPD is rarely simple or cheap. However the process is not money down the drain for a useless piece of paper, because it provides the basis for process control. For companies who design for the environment, an EPD is an environmental impact baseline against which new designs can be considered. Perhaps the biggest benefit of an EPD is that having one fast tracks customer investment decisions. And it can advance a given product or system up the candidate list for public and private procurement.

As more companies take more seriously their environmental responsibilities, we’d like to think it won’t for long be rare to find EPDs in the graphics industry.

Laurel Brunner

verdigris_logo-vrijstaandThe Verdigris project is an industry initiative intended to raise awareness of print’s positive environmental impact. It provides a weekly commentary to help printing companies keep up to date with environmental standards, and how environmentally friendly business management can help improve their bottom lines. Verdigris is supported by the following companies: Agfa GraphicsEFIEpson, FespaHPKodakKornit, RicohSpindrift, Splash PRUnity Publishing and Xeikon.

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Laurel Brunner: Environmental Product Declarations kunnen bedrijven het makkelijker maken

01 dec 2016

2015 Laurel 5x7cm 300ppiAls voor elke machine en supplies in het grafische productieproces een Environmental Product Declaration beschikbaar zou zijn, is het voor bedrijven makkelijker om te voldoen aan wettelijke of vrijwillig gestelde milieu-eisen. Maar, zoals Laurel Brunner in haar Verdigris Blog signaleert, is er nog een lange weg te gaan voor die algemeen beschikbaar zijn. Lees in haar blog waarom Environmental Product Declarations belangrijk zijn en waarom het schrijven daarvan niet makkelijk is.



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Laurel Brunner: Environmental Product Declarations 

01 dec 2016
logo_epdIn the graphics industry, the idea of making Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) is basically an alien concept. But, from printed matter through to the machinery and systems used to produce print media, EPDs are becoming increasingly important to procurement.

An EPD is a standardised way of quantifying the environmental impact of a product, say a printed book, or a system such as a platesetter or digital press. Today no printer, publisher or equipment manufacturer of graphics technologies provides comprehensive EPDs with their products. However the idea might be worth considering, especially for manufacturers of digital printing systems.

At an event taking place this week in Milan, a number of companies explained their positions on EPD. From what they say, it’s clear that a robust EPD demonstrates compliance with regulations and provides business benefits. In graphics for example, EPDs for inks and consumables confirm that products comply with rules such as the the European REACH restrictions. Similarly paper EPDs confirm compliance with the USA’s Lacey Act.

But the benefit of an EPD goes beyond sticking to the rules. It provides accountability and a mechanism for managing environmental footprint. If you have to quantify environmental aspects and impacts to develop an EPD, you have a means to measure and control them. This makes for more efficient production, with less scope for manufacturing errors.

Producing an EPD is not exactly quick and easy, taking time, investment and expertise. There are several parts to the process, which should comply with ISO 14044 (for Life Cycle Analysis) and ISO 14025 (for environmental labels and declarations). The first step is to define the scope of the project. You then need to do a Life Cycle Analysis on your product. Obviously this will range in complexity from the very simple book say using ISO 16759 for calculating the carbon footprint of print media products, through to very complicated as would be the case for a printing system.

Obtaining an EPD is rarely simple or cheap. However the process is not money down the drain for a useless piece of paper, because it provides the basis for process control. For companies who design for the environment, an EPD is an environmental impact baseline against which new designs can be considered. Perhaps the biggest benefit of an EPD is that having one fast tracks customer investment decisions. And it can advance a given product or system up the candidate list for public and private procurement.

As more companies take more seriously their environmental responsibilities, we’d like to think it won’t for long be rare to find EPDs in the graphics industry.

Laurel Brunner

verdigris_logo-vrijstaandThe Verdigris project is an industry initiative intended to raise awareness of print’s positive environmental impact. It provides a weekly commentary to help printing companies keep up to date with environmental standards, and how environmentally friendly business management can help improve their bottom lines. Verdigris is supported by the following companies: Agfa GraphicsEFIEpson, FespaHPKodakKornit, RicohSpindrift, Splash PRUnity Publishing and Xeikon.

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Australian government encourages printed solar panels

30 nov 2016
Categorie: ,
bb161128-zonnepanelen-printenThe Australian government encourages print shops to develop printed solar panels for commercial use. Their aim is for Australia to become market leader in a business which is currently estimated to be about 250 million Australian dollars a year.

The government previously invested 1.6M$ in a project for the development of cheaper, portable printed solar panels. The project is a cooperation between print shop Norwood Commercial in Melbourne, CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) and the start-up Solafast. “The project is an extremely exciting project, which sees science partnering with industry in creating jobs and growth potential for Australia. If successful, the 2-year project will help cut down the cost of solar PV and create and environmentally responsible building material that doesn’t compromise architectural integrity” according to Minister of Industry, Greg Hunt.

The printed solar cells are made by printing solar inks into rolls of plastic film using industrial printing equipment. The resulting solar panels are thin, flexible and lightweight, thus they can be incorporated into objects and structures in ways that normal solar panels can’t.

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Gmund Paper Gift: not just gifts, but also inspiration

30 nov 2016

gmund-papershopIn the December newsletter paper manufacturer Gmund writes about the winners of the Paper Awards 2016 and their new collection of cards, as well as their webshop with special paper products. The webshop has unique and fun paper gifts, but even more so inspiration for using unique papers and cartons. Take a look at the online giftshop via this link.

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Gmund Paper Gift: Niet alleen leuke geschenken, maar vooral inspiratie voor het toepassen van bijzonder papier

30 nov 2016

gmund-papershopIn de december nieuwsbrief vraagt papierfabrikant Gmund niet alleen aandacht voor de winnaars van de Paper Awards 2016 en hun nieuwe collectie kaarten, maar ook voor de webshop met speciale papierproducten. Daar vind je niet alleen leuke en bijzondere papiergeschenken, maar vooral ook inspiratie voor de toepassing van bijzondere papieren en kartons. Neem een kijkje op de online giftshop via deze link.



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UPM ontvangt de PPI Bio Strategy Award 2016

29 nov 2016
Categorie: ,,

Papierfabrikant UPM heeft in Brussel de PPI Bio Strategy Award ontvangen voor al zijn inspanningen om het produceren van papier en karton nog milieuvriendelijker te maken. De prijs is voor het hele proces, van het planten van bomen tot het transport van papier naar grafische bedrijven. Lees meer over deze Award, die zeker ook voor het imago van de grafische industrie belangrijk is, in onderstaand persbericht.


UPM has received the PPI Bio Strategy Award 2016 for its biofuels business in Brussels, Belgium. The PPI Awards are the only global awards that are dedicated to recognizing the achievements of companies, mills and individuals in the pulp and paper sector.

The judges were looking for a company that has grabbed the opportunity in using wood, biomass or waste for the creation of bioenergy, biofuels and other non-core products signifying an entrance into the bioeconomy, and has demonstrated that the strategy impacts financial performance. A great example case of this is of course UPM’s advanced biofuels production in the UPM Lappeenranta Biorefinery in Finland.

“We are very pleased and honoured to receive this recognition. We are convinced that the biofuels business makes sense in so many ways, as it uses residues for raw material, makes us less dependent on fossil oil, and is a fast track for reducing greenhouse gas and tailpipe emissions from transportation,” says Sari Mannonen, Head of UPM Biofuels. “Last but not least we have been able to demonstrate that this is not only sustainable but also good business.”

PPI Awards ceremony in Brussels – Sari Mannonen, Head of UPM Biofuels (fourth from left), accepted UPM’s awards.

Excellence in the global pulp and paper industry was celebrated for the 8th year in a row at the PPI Awards on 21 November, held in conjunction with the CEPI European Paper Week in Brussels. Winners were selected by a high level jury which includes CEOs and professionals from pulp and paper industry, sustainability consultancy, specialised media and industry associations.

In addition to the Bio Strategy Award category, UPM also won the Financial Strategy award at the PPI 2016 Awards.

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UPM Biofuels wins Pulp and Paper Industry’s Bio Strategy Award 2016

29 nov 2016
Categorie: ,

UPM has received the PPI Bio Strategy Award 2016 for its biofuels business in Brussels, Belgium.The PPI Awards are the only global awards that are dedicated to recognizing the achievements of companies, mills and individuals in the pulp and paper sector.

The judges were looking for a company that has grabbed the opportunity in using wood, biomass or waste for the creation of bioenergy, biofuels and other non-core products signifying an entrance into the bioeconomy, and has demonstrated that the strategy impacts financial performance. A great example case of this is of course UPM’s advanced biofuels production in the UPM Lappeenranta Biorefinery in Finland.

“We are very pleased and honoured to receive this recognition. We are convinced that the biofuels business makes sense in so many ways, as it uses residues for raw material, makes us less dependent on fossil oil, and is a fast track for reducing greenhouse gas and tailpipe emissions from transportation,” says Sari Mannonen, Head of UPM Biofuels. “Last but not least we have been able to demonstrate that this is not only sustainable but also good business.”

PPI Awards ceremony in Brussels – Sari Mannonen, Head of UPM Biofuels (fourth from left), accepted UPM’s awards.

Excellence in the global pulp and paper industry was celebrated for the 8th year in a row at the PPI Awards on 21 November, held in conjunction with the CEPI European Paper Week in Brussels. Winners were selected by a high level jury which includes CEOs and professionals from pulp and paper industry, sustainability consultancy, specialised media and industry associations.

In addition to the Bio Strategy Award category, UPM also won the Financial Strategy award at the PPI 2016 Awards.

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Dekalu more than doubles production with Acuity F

28 nov 2016
Categorie: ,

Based in the town of Winterswijk in the east of the Netherlands, family-run printer, Dekalu, has seen its output soar after adding the high-performance Acuity F wide-format flatbed printer to its production suite.


◁ Company owner Jeroen Rengelink with the new Acuity F

Specialising in POS and signage for the retail sector, including the production of a range of added value creative applications such as lenticular posters and displays, Dekalu has a broad customer base in both the Netherlands and Germany, all of whom place tremendous value on the quality and reliability of its work.

Dekalu saw the potential to grow its business with its existing customers, as well as bringing in new clients – if it could find a way to significantly step up productivity. Company owner, Jeroen Rengelink explained, ‘Quality has always been vital to our customers, but we’ve found recently that speed of delivery is becoming just as important. The delivery times our customers are demanding of us are getting shorter all the time and we realised that we needed to find a way to significantly boost our production speed in order to fulfil all the potential work that was coming our way.

‘We were running two Fujifilm Acuity Select HS flatbed printers, and as we’ve enjoyed an excellent relationship with Fujifilm since the first of those presses was installed in 2009, it was natural that we would look to continue to work with the company. In the Acuity F, Fujifilm was able to provide the perfect platform for us to make the necessary step up in productivity.’

And six months on from installation, the Acuity F has done just that. ‘We’ve more than doubled our production capacity,’ says Rengelink. ‘And we’ve grown our business to fill that new capacity. The speed with which we can turn jobs around now is extraordinary, and the investment has enabled us to take on a huge amount of fast turnaround work that we simply could not have delivered in time a year ago.’

And, importantly for Dekalu, quality has not been compromised in the process: ‘Our customers already respected the reliable high quality of our Acuity HS printers,’ Rengelink explains. ‘But they’ve told us that if anything, the quality of print produced on the Acuity F is even greater. We couldn’t be happier with it and the continuing high level of support that we are getting from the Fujifilm team in the Netherlands.’

Said Nils Gottfried, product manager, wide-format inkjet solutions, Fujifilm EMEA, ‘Fujifilm and Dekalu have enjoyed a very successful partnership for seven years now – and we are delighted to have been able to assist them in achieving such rapid growth in their business this year. Fujifilm has a huge range of wide-format solutions available to meet all business needs, and with the Acuity F, and the right support, we’re pleased to have been able to provide the perfect means for Dekalu to grow realise its full potential.’

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Printed electronics measures your sweat

28 nov 2016
bb161122-alcohol-meting-printer-eScientists of the University of California have developed new technology to simply measure one´s alcohol percentage from sweat. The flexible wearable sensor measures the alcohol in the blood in near real-time. Every 15 minutes the system reflects a value, something that previously took 2 hours. The system consists of printed electrodes, fed by a printed circuit board that sticks to the skin. The system wirelessly sends the information to a computer or smartphone.
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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