Rob van den Braak

Award for a paper bike helmet 

28 nov 2016
Categorie: ,

A folding recycable bike helmet, made out of paper, recently won the Dyson Innovation Award in the US. The EcoHelmet is made of honeycomb structured recycled paper is especially constructed to resist considerable force so that is can be used in traffic. The paper is water resistant so can withstand rain as well.

Watch the video about this wonderful invention.

[video_embed url=”” embed_style=”default” width=”400 “]

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De productiehoeveelheid van DEKALU is meer dan verdubbeld met Acuity F

28 nov 2016
Categorie: ,,

fujifilm_dekalu-owner-jeroen-rengelink-kopieFamiliebedrijf en drukker DEKALU is gevestigd in Winterswijk in het oosten van Nederland. De productie van het bedrijf nam een hoge vlucht na de toevoeging van de sterk presterende grootformaat flatbedprinter Acuity F aan zijn productiepakket. DEKALU is gespecialiseerd in POS en signalisatie voor de retailsector, inclusief de productie van diverse creatieve toepassingen met meerwaarde, zoals lenticulaire posters en displays. Het bedrijf telt vele klanten in zowel Nederland als Duitsland, die allemaal veel belang hechten aan de kwaliteit en betrouwbaarheid van het printwerk.

DEKALU zag in hoe het bedrijf kon groeien met bestaande klanten maar ook door nieuwe klanten aan te trekken – als het maar een manier kon vinden om de productiviteit aanzienlijk te verhogen. Eigenaar Jeroen Rengelink legt uit: “Kwaliteit is altijd van het grootste belang geweest voor onze klanten, maar we merkten onlangs dat snelheid van levering even belangrijk aan het worden is. De levertijden, die onze klanten vragen, worden steeds korter en we beseften dat we een manier moesten vinden om onze productiesnelheid aanzienlijk te verhogen om al het mogelijke werk dat op ons afkwam de baas te kunnen zijn.

“We werkten met twee Acuity Select HS flatbedprinters. Omdat we een uitstekende relatie hebben met Fujifilm – sinds de eerste van die printers in 2009 werd geïnstalleerd – was het logisch om verder met het bedrijf te blijven samenwerken. Fujifilm bood ons met de Acuity F het perfecte platform voor de noodzakelijke stijging van de productiviteit.”

Zes maanden na installatie is de Acuity F daar ook in geslaagd. “Onze productiecapaciteit is meer dan verdubbeld”, zegt Rengelink. “En met de groei van ons bedrijf is die nieuwe capaciteit ingenomen. De snelheid waarmee we nu opdrachten kunnen uitvoeren is buitengewoon. En door de investering kunnen we een gigantische hoeveelheid dringend werk uitvoeren die we een jaar geleden niet op tijd zouden hebben geleverd.”

En wat voor DEKALU belangrijk is, bracht de kwaliteit niet in gevaar: “Onze klanten waren gewend aan de betrouwbare hoge kwaliteit van onze Acuity HS printers”, legt Rengelink uit. “Maar Fujifilm vertelde ons, dat de kwaliteit van het drukwerk van de Acuity F zelfs nog beter is. We zijn er ontzettend blij mee, maar ook met de professionele ondersteuning die we krijgen van het team van Fujifilm in Nederland.”

Nils Gottfried, Product Manager, Wide Format Inkjet Solutions, Fujifilm EMEA, zegt: “Fujifilm en DEKALU werken nu al zeven jaar succesvol samen, en we zijn blij dat we hen konden helpen om hun bedrijf dit jaar zo snel te laten groeien. Fujifilm beschikt over een groot assortiment grootformaat oplossingen voor alle bedrijfsbehoeften. Met de Acuity F en de juiste ondersteuning konden we DEKALU de perfecte middelen bieden om al hun mogelijkheden te benutten.”

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Vlakliggende fotoboeken produceren wordt een stuk sneller met de fastbook Professional 1000

25 nov 2016

flatbook-igsHet Zwitserse ISAG heeft een snellere versie uitgebracht van zijn fastBook Professional, het nieuwe model 1000 verwerkt maar liefst 1.000 vellen per uur tot een super vlakliggend fotoboek. Lees meer over de de fastBook Professional 1000 in onderstaand persbericht.

Meer informatie over de fastBook vindt je op site van ISAG.




Luxury LayFlat Wedding Albums in XXL format

The latest ISAG production solution was launched successfully at photokina: the new bookbinding system fastBook Professional.

With numerous orders from leading photo product suppliers, the market entry of fastBook Professional can be considered as a major success.

ISAG now responds to the increasing demands of customers with another powerful version of this new LayFlat binding machine: fastBook Professional 1000.

In comparison to the current version fastBook Professional 600, the new fastBook Professional 1000 processes up to 1,000 sheets by gluing sheet to sheet.Both system versions are designed for the production of LayFlat photo books up to a format of 18″ x 18″, providing first-class quality with 180 degree opening and panoramic photo layout, spread flawless over two pages. Fields of application for premium photo books are wedding photography, fine art photography, exclusive product presentations and many more lucrative segments.

Producers can increase their workflow flexibility with the high-performance and efficient fastBook Professional production solution. The systems are designed to produce 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Compared to other production lines, this system has a space-saving footprint, and the integrated hotmelt technology reduces consumable costs significantly.

For an extraordinary look and special haptics, these photobook production machines run different types of original photo papers (AgX) and digital printing papers.

The fastBook Professional book block system is a 100 % Swiss made development, produced in Switzerland.

18″ x 18″ Professional Flush Mount Quality for B2B

Professional photographers demand vibrant reproductions of their images, and a perfect finishing when it comes to photo book production. For exceptional product quality, the new fastBook Professional bookbinding machine produces flush mount albums with cardboards included between two photo paper sheets.

This book block finishing system will more than satisfy the requirements of photo professional clients. Whether flush mounted wedding albums or coffee-table books with panoramic landscape images, the XXL format up to 18″ x 18″ will meet any expectations regarding quality, image layout, look and feel.

Additional B2B target groups for this kind of photo products are advertising agencies, real estate agencies, or manufacturers of luxury goods and labels, such as cars, jewelery, yachts etc.

Luxury XXL Photo Albums for End Consumers

In the end consumer market, the demand on individual premium photo products is also rising constantly. Consumers are willing to pay higher prices for wonderful flush mounted albums, including their precious wedding memories.

All suppliers of wedding related photo products can additionally benefit from the production variety, the fastBook Professional systems offer: first-class “save-the-date”, invitation or “thank you” cards, photo albums, parent gift books, wedding menu cards and many more.

End customers will appreciate to get all these photo products easily from a single and reliable source, in a consistent and high product quality, thus saving time and effort. They always will come back to purchase this premium products on other occasions (travel books, anniversaries etc.).

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Videos disclose the world of mobile publishing – Eversify by Agfa Graphics

25 nov 2016
Categorie: ,

evrersify-hybride-publishing-youtubeThe Eversify team recently launched a series of vlogs that clearly illustrate key features of multi-channel publishing.

The first video ” automating data import in Eversify” illustrates how you can fully automate the import of data from your actual editorial system with Eversify.

The second  video “App and Web Publishing ” shows the high automated diversification of digital content to a range of App- and Web-publishing products with Eversify.

The third video reveals the power of the Eversify One Touch InDesign® plug-in. Or how you can create, enrich and distribute a digital publication from within Adobe InDesign® with a mere click on a button.

The videos are available on the Eversify website via this link.


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Video’s onthullen de wereld van mobile publishing – Eversify van Agfa Graphics

25 nov 2016
Categorie: ,

evrersify-hybride-publishing-youtubeHet Eversify team lanceerde enkele vlogs die een aantal belangrijke facetten van multi-channel publishing helder uitleggen.

De eerste video “automating data import in Eversify” laat zien hoe je het importeren van data volledig kan automatiseren vanuit het editoriaal systeem met Eversify.

De eerste video “App and Web Publishing” toont hoe digitale content geautomatiseerd gediversifieerd kan worden naar verschillende app en web publishing systemen met Eversify.

Een derde video toont de kracht van de Eversify One Touch InDesign® plug-in. Of hoe je met slechts een klik een digitale publicatie kan maken, verrijken en versturen vanuit Adobe InDesign®.

De video zijn te bekijken op de Eversify site via deze link.


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Xeikon at Heimtextil to inspire with brand-new possibilities

24 nov 2016
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Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Jochen Günther

At its third Heimtextil Xeikon will showcase highly unique wall paper designs produced using its wall decoration production suite. Xeikon will be located in Hall 6, in Frankfurt, from January 10 to 13 2017, next to the Heimtextil theme park. In addition to the live printing of unique wall coverings, the display will feature printed patterns and murals projected using new video mapping techniques. This will provide visitors with a “virtual reality” like experience and present the creativity of digitally produced wallcoverings.


“We have more than 15 years’ experience supporting clients producing innovative wallpaper offerings and are the only supplier that offers a complete tailored solution for this market. At Heimtextil we want to demonstrate the amazing results digital printing can achieve and inspire more designers to embrace the creative freedom and production flexibility digital print enables. Our booth will partly be a ‘black box’ onto which we will use video mapping technology to show the designs our technology is producing during the show. We will be presenting all the different capabilities as realistically as possible so architects and designers can quickly grasp how incorporating digital printing into the mix can revolutionize their practices. Our goal is to inspire them with the brand-new possibilities digital printing of wall coverings and other interior décor offers to them and their clients” states Filip Weymans, Xeikon Vice President of Marketing



Running on the stand will be Xeikon’s flagship five-colour Xeikon 3500 digital press. It will show how simple and easy it is to produce eye-catching digital print at 600 m2 per hour in widths up to 516mm (20.3”).

The Xeikon 3500 will be demonstrated in a fully functional end-to-end configuration with a Web Varnishing Module (WVM) with aqueous varnish for scratch and scuff protection of the end-product. At the show, Xeikon also demonstrates for the first time its new wallpaper rewinder: the WMR. This unit delivers perfectly finished rolls at the end of the process. This is the most productive solution on the market for digital wallcoverings, photo murals, patterns and short run wallpaper. Sample wall coverings will be produced using an array of new substrates from partners that include Felix Schoeller, Neu Kaliss, Lahnpaper and Glatfelter.


Xeikon and its Aura partners will also be showing special developed coatings that create gold and embossing effects while specific Xeikon colors and UV reflective toners deliver a host of effects that make these digitally printed wall coverings both unique and compelling. And because they are printed digitally on demand, smaller runs are cost-effective to produce, giving architects and interior designers the ability to deliver the kinds of unique interior décor that clients are looking for as they seek to differentiate themselves.

In addition to live production of wall coverings and murals in the stand, an array of additional samples will be on hand to highlight even more possibilities that will further inspire designers and architects.



Filip Weymans, “We are excited to be back at Heimtextil in 2017, showcasing unique solutions that will bring value to the Heimtextil audience as they look for ways to differentiate themselves. Attendees will be pleased to learn that the Xeikon dry toner printing process complies with international standards for interior decoration, comprehensively supporting end user requirements. Heimtextil presents a fantastic opportunity for us to engage directly with interior designers and architects and to inspire them to take their interior décor ideas to a new level, and to connect with existing and prospective Xeikon customers who are attending the event.”


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Laurel Brunner: Epson en de Oeko-tex certificatie

24 nov 2016
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2015 Laurel 5x7cm 300ppiVan alle nieuwe digital printing technieken is het bedrukken van textiel de snelst groeiende toepassing. De chemicaliën en inkten die daarvoor gebruikt worden zijn niet allemaal even milieuvriendelijk. In haar Verdigris Blog legt Laurel Brunner uit wat de Oeko-Tex certificatie inhoudt en wat de waarde is van het Eco Passport dat printerfabrikant Epson onlangs behaalde voor zijn textiel printoplossingen. Lees haar blog op onze artikelenpagina.

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Ricoh Expands Production Options With Pro™ 8200s 

23 nov 2016

pro82sRicoh has launched the Ricoh Pro 8200s series to help print service providers manage varied content in books and brochures, offer a greater number of production sizes and handle more media.

These allow the high speed black and white digital print platform to enhance and expand the print production capabilities possible.

A wider variety of substrates are now supported and a more creative product mix is enabled by the High Capacity Interposer. It allows front and back covers or inserts, printed on offset or digital printers, to be added post-fusing, into books and manuals. This inline capability also streamlines production.

Another service expanding capability is the long sheet (banner) printing of up to 700mm while an improved stacker allows heavier media use.

Benoit Chatelard, Vice President, Production Printing, Ricoh Europe, says, “The 8200s series empowers printers to produce a wide variety of applications by eliminating manual steps. It supports a greater range of cost-effective services to help the delivery of a broader portfolio of print solutions. It ensures greater flexibility to meet demand for faster turnaround times and tighter deadlines.”

The Ricoh Pro 8200s series can be tailored to suit client needs. It offers users active registration to help ensure more precise, clean output. It can run at speeds of up to 136 ppm, maintain 1,200 x 4,800 dpi VCSEL quality on a wide variety of media, including coated media, up to 350 gsm. It supports NCR and pre-printed media.

Chatelard adds, “Printing on thick and coated media for attractive inserts, running NCR sheets and producing banners helps printers differentiate and add value. While high quality results and flexible set-up support busy production environments. This is a device for the future of high speed production.”

Its durable design and Ricoh’s Trained Customer Replaceable Unit (TCRU) programme work together to help maximise uptime.

The Ricoh Pro 8200s series will have its first European showing at Ricoh’s Open New Worlds events at its Customer Experience Centre in Telford, UK in November; and will be commercially available in Europe from January 2017.


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Matthews International Corporation takes over Ungricht and Dornbush

23 nov 2016
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schermafbeelding-2016-11-23-om-09-43-09Matthews International Corporation announced that the Company, through its affiliate, has signed definitive agreements for the purchase of A. + E. Ungricht GmbH + Co KG (hereafter “Ungricht”) and Dornbusch Engraving GmbH (hereafter “Dornbusch”).

Ungricht is a leading European provider of pre-press services and gravure printing forms, located in Moenchengladbach, Germany. The products and services are sold worldwide. Dornbusch has a profound expertise in embossing rollers and corresponding services, located in Kempen, Germany. The acquisitions are designed to expand Matthews’ products and services in the global surfaces market.

Joseph C. Bartolacci, President and Chief Executive Officer of Matthews, stated, “The combination of our existing businesses with Ungricht and Dornbusch will increase our European production capacities  and provide expanded product and service capabilities for our European and global customers.”  Terms of the acquisition were not immediately disclosed.

The transactions, which are subject to regulatory approval in Germany, are expected to close during Matthews’ 2017 second fiscal quarter.

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Laurel Brunner: Epson & Oeko-Tex Certification

23 nov 2016

oeko-tex-logoOur industry is seeing massive improvements in ink technologies, especially to suit new print methods and substrates. Technology advances are taking print into all sorts of new applications. One of the most attractive for all concerned is textiles, particularly those produced digitally with devices such as the Epson SureColor SC-F2000 direct-to-garment printer or the EFI Reggiani series. Textile printing brings with it a host of expectations for quality and durability, and when it comes to on demand prototyping there is less price sensitivity in this kind of print. However there are other more important concerns, with product safety at the top of the list.

As one might expect, there are many standards relating to the safety of printed textiles. The worldwide reference for textile standards is Oeko-Tex. This international association of textile testing institutes has been around for many years and has sixteen members across the globe. The organisation drives innovation in testing and safety in the textile industry, so that users of its services can check that their materials won’t cause harm or illness. Oeko-Tex standards are also used to optimise production and supply chains, so that they are sustainable. A certification from Oeko-Tex ensures independent verification of a company’s safety and sustainability claims.

The latest addition to the Oeko-Tex range of standards and tests is the Eco Passport. Intended for use by chemical and textile manufacturers and suppliers, the Eco Passport confirms that their products can be used in sustainable textile production. The chemicals used in a given product, such as ink, are checked against the Oeko-Tex restricted substance list. They are then analysed for various characteristics, including toxicity, in order to ascertain that the product can be used in the production of sustainable textiles. The mark can only be applied if the chemical product and its preparation meet the conditions of the Eco Passport label.

Epson has recently announced that its inks and printers have now been certified for the Eco Passport. This means that all processing chemicals and compounds used in Epson textile printers and inks are safe and produced in a sustainable way. The certification includes all dyes, additives, finishing agents and detergents as well as inks, so it is a majorly important step for Epson. Epson is reducing the environmental impact of its products, but it is also supporting the sustainability efforts of its customers. When it was launched in 2008, Epson’s Environmental Vision 2050 set a CO2 reduction target of 90% across the whole life cycle of its products, the Oeko-Tex certification confirms that it is making steady progress.

Laurel Brunner


The Verdigris project is an industry initiative intended to raise awareness of print’s positive environmental impact. It provides a weekly commentary to help printing companies keep up to date with environmental standards, and how environmentally friendly business management can help improve their bottom lines. Verdigris is supported by the following companies: Agfa GraphicsEFIEpson,FespaHPKodakKornit, RicohSpindrift, Splash PRUnity Publishing and Xeikon

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Laurel Brunner: Epson and Oeko-tex certification

23 nov 2016
Categorie: ,,

2015 Laurel 5x7cm 300ppiOut of all new digital printing technology textile printing is the fastest growing solution. Not all chemicals and inks used in this process are equally environmentally friendly. In her Verdigris blog Laurel Brunner explains what Oeko-Tex certification is and the value of the Eco Passport recently given to printer manufacturer Epson for their textile print solutions. Read her blog on our articles page.



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Laurel Brunners Verdigris Blog: Epson & Oeko-Tex Certification

23 nov 2016

oeko-tex-logoOur industry is seeing massive improvements in ink technologies, especially to suit new print methods and substrates. Technology advances are taking print into all sorts of new applications. One of the most attractive for all concerned is textiles, particularly those produced digitally with devices such as the Epson SureColor SC-F2000 direct-to-garment printer or the EFI Reggiani series. Textile printing brings with it a host of expectations for quality and durability, and when it comes to on demand prototyping there is less price sensitivity in this kind of print. However there are other more important concerns, with product safety at the top of the list.

As one might expect, there are many standards relating to the safety of printed textiles. The worldwide reference for textile standards is Oeko-Tex. This international association of textile testing institutes has been around for many years and has sixteen members across the globe. The organisation drives innovation in testing and safety in the textile industry, so that users of its services can check that their materials won’t cause harm or illness. Oeko-Tex standards are also used to optimise production and supply chains, so that they are sustainable. A certification from Oeko-Tex ensures independent verification of a company’s safety and sustainability claims.

The latest addition to the Oeko-Tex range of standards and tests is the Eco Passport. Intended for use by chemical and textile manufacturers and suppliers, the Eco Passport confirms that their products can be used in sustainable textile production. The chemicals used in a given product, such as ink, are checked against the Oeko-Tex restricted substance list. They are then analysed for various characteristics, including toxicity, in order to ascertain that the product can be used in the production of sustainable textiles. The mark can only be applied if the chemical product and its preparation meet the conditions of the Eco Passport label.

Epson has recently announced that its inks and printers have now been certified for the Eco Passport. This means that all processing chemicals and compounds used in Epson textile printers and inks are safe and produced in a sustainable way. The certification includes all dyes, additives, finishing agents and detergents as well as inks, so it is a majorly important step for Epson. Epson is reducing the environmental impact of its products, but it is also supporting the sustainability efforts of its customers. When it was launched in 2008, Epson’s Environmental Vision 2050 set a CO2 reduction target of 90% across the whole life cycle of its products, the Oeko-Tex certification confirms that it is making steady progress.

Laurel Brunner






The Verdigris project is an industry initiative intended to raise awareness of print’s positive environmental impact. It provides a weekly commentary to help printing companies keep up to date with environmental standards, and how environmentally friendly business management can help improve their bottom lines. Verdigris is supported by the following companies: Agfa GraphicsEFIEpson,FespaHPKodakKornit, RicohSpindrift, Splash PRUnity Publishing and Xeikon

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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