Rob van den Braak

Wild Format #2.11: It Seemed Like a Good Idea At The Time

03 nov 2016

If you have been letting your imagination run wild recently, wide format digital printing is just the technology to turn your creative ideas into splendid reality. Here are a few things to help you avoid waking up to a project management nightmare.

So, radio spots, a Facebook campaign or the odd website banner does not excite your customer: he wants to go really big, make a splash in the city, on national TV, and of course on Instagram? A wide format campaign may very well influence a brand’s image for years to come, which is why high-profile companies like Apple and Samsung heavily rely on wide format applications for their brand communication.


It is actually hard to decide, if the wide format poster for the video game Overwatch at Berlin Alexanderplatz looks better at day or night. Photo © Sonja Angerer

SNAFU (Situation Normal, All F**** Up)

It may sound like the most trivial observation ever – but a project means that people have to work together as a team, regardless of expertise, rank, age, gender or nationality. Wide format projects often still dive deep into unchartered territory, and will most likely involve a host of people from different countries, as well as levels of education. So it is vital to get the basics right from the beginning: what level of communication is expected, and which channels should we be using? Between a written letter and a WhatsApp Message, ideas about appropriate business communication may differ substantially along national and demographic border lines. If this means that emails in broken English are the lowest common denominator, so be it. There are other options such as dedicated project management software that might help you to add much-needed structure to projects.

The Powers That Be

There is a very broad choice of what’s possible for wide format projects, but for clarity one can simply break them down into three main categories: indoor, outdoor and vehicle advertising. For each group a host of rules and regulations exist and these may be extended by supra-national bodies like the European Union, a country, or a city.


Borissia Dortmund, a successful team on Germany ́s “1. Bundesliga” (= Premier League) flies with a chartered A320 Airbus in their team colours to their away games. Planes still don’t get wrappings very often, but are always very impres- sive items, prone to create a long tail Social Media exposure. Photo © Sonja Angerer

Even a neighbourhood or a single building’s owner might have a very distinct point of view on what poster size and what motif is acceptable at a certain location, or which safety-standards to follow. Never assume that because a wide format project is not a problem in one city, it will be OK with another town council just 50 kilometres away. It’s probably not a problem, but once you enlist locals in a timely manner, they can help you to sort things out before a real problem arises.

Also, do bear in mind, that countries like Germany and Austria ban most advertising near highways and interstates, while regulation for street-side-advertising in France, Spain and Italy are much less strict. Check before you start.

Vehicle wrapping projects are often between a rock and a hard place, as they have to follow national traffic safety regulations, as well as limitations set by the fleet owner. They might even impose the use of certified substrates or printing technologies because they fear the vehicle’s paintwork might become damaged when wrapped or stripped. Widely accepted certifications such as 3M MCS are available for certain substrates when printed with HP, EFI/Vutek and Mimaki machines, among others, so they are usually very helpful to help dispel any fears the customer might have.


Right in the middle of Berlin at Potsdamer Platz, Cupertino made quite some splash with their super wide format bill- board for the Apple Watch. Photo © Sonja Angerer

With indoor applications, the two most prominent pitfalls are odour and fire retardancy. Odour may arise when printing onto certain substrates, mainly textiles, with UV-curing and solvent inks. Though not always toxic per se, the fumes could cause some uneasiness leading to questions from the customer. Aqueous, sublimation or latex ink prints, therefore, are becoming more and more popular for indoor applications.

Knowing which fire retardancy certificates are required is critical for any indoor wide format project, especially for trade show designs. German B1 and French M1 certifications are widely accepted on the show floor and for many public areas. For aircrafts, airports, ship and train interiors there are a broad range of other testing standards, often widely different even around Europe. Choosing a substrate with the appropriate certification will potentially save a lot of time and money, although for some special applications, additional lab tests might be required by the authorities. Keep this in mind from the very start of the creative process.


Using staircases as an advertising space has become possible only through wide format printing. The project shown was located at then main corridor of Expo 4.0 Stuttgart in early 2016. Photo © Sonja Angerer

Show Your Real Colours

Wide format printing often uses more than four process colours, so it comes as no surprise that the gamut of inkjet prints, depending on substrate, is often much wider than traditional commercial print. When other printing technologies with a smaller gamut are part of a campaign, it might prove necessary to define a smaller, but shared colour space to ensure consistency. Inkjet printers usually don’t do spot colours, though there are inks sets that are able to reproduce most of the Pantone library.

UV-cured inks are able to print on virtually any reasonably flat white or coloured surface. It is often difficult to properly render unusual surfaces into a screen proof, so what you see on the monitor can be deceptive. Do make sure to request a sample print on the actual substrate for early inspection, preferably under standard light conditions, D50 or D65 as applicable. Alternatively view samples under the actual light conditions for which your wide format print will be used. Metamerism effects, where colours look different under different lighting conditions, can be quite extraordinary with some ink sets and substrate plus light combinations. To make sure you aren’t lead astray, look at the print from different angles and, if in doubt, multiple light conditions.

Digital printing and cutting tables developments lately have opened up a whole new world of short-run packaging and sales display opportunities that many wild format fans are exploiting. For a traditional print designer, as well as a printing house experienced primarily in wide format poster printing, a 3D object with crease lines and complicated cut-outs might cause some problems. Among others, Esko and SAi, offer a range of software to help with designing folded 3D objects and ensure that the data is ready for digital print and cut, including crease lines and crop marks.

Form Follows Function

Wide format inkjet has made possible a plethora of stunning applications previously not imagined. But designers and print buyers are well advised to keep in mind that, not only the potential impact, but also the dangers to the public can be quite substantial. What needs to be considered for a 50m-wide format High Street poster or gorgeous wallpaper in an airport arrival hall, are rather more complicated than considerations say, for a few thousand A5 flyers – obviously!

So, a wide format project not only requires creativity, curiosity and some courage, but also a lot of team work alongside colour management and substrate handling expertise, and mindful of legislative and security guidelines. Or, as Luis Sullivan said in 1896, “Form Follows Function”. This has never been more true in the graphic arts industry than with wide format printing.

Sonja Angerer

The Wild Format guides are intended to expand awareness and understanding of the craziness that can be created on wide format digital printing devices, from floors to lampshades and everything in between.

These guides are made possible by a group of manufacturers working together with Digital Dots. 

This article is supported by Mimaki ( and Digital Dots (

Together we hope you enjoy the articles and that you put into practise what you learn. If you want to talk about it, go to our LinkedIn group via this link. 

Enjoy and Go Wild!

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Esveco Specialities investeert in rotatieve Bograma stans

03 nov 2016
Categorie: ,

Esveco drukt en print al variabele data sinds 1985. Bovendien doet het bedrijf dat met een extreem hoge nauwkeurigheid, in grote aantallen en met behulp van uiteenlopende technieken. Erik en Martijn den Ouden besloten bij Wifac te investeren in een machine die hen in staat stelt nog slimmer te werken: de Bograma BSR 550 Servo.



Esveco in Molenaarsgraaf is een bijzonder grafisch bedrijf. Het begon in 1983 met het maken van variabele bingotickets en instant kansspelen. “We verwerken dan ook al variabele data en wisselende drukbeelden vanaf 1985.” Dat zegt Erik den Ouden, die samen met zijn broer Martijn de directie van Esveco vormt. “Met onze kennis van bijzondere afwerkingstechnieken en systeemdruk werken we niet alleen voor de eindklant, maar ook voor andere grafische bedrijven. Zo printen wij bijvoorbeeld variabele gegevens met inkjet op drukvellen in combinatie met krasinkt. Daarnaast zijn wij een van de weinige bedrijven die vellen papier of karton op elkaar kunnen verlijmen met uitsparingen in het lijmbeeld.”


Creativiteit en precisie 

Bij alle producten van Esveco gaat het om variabele data, of gemixte afbeeldingen, gegenereerd en geproduceerd in een hoge nauwkeurigheid in combinatie met opmerkelijke afwerktechnieken. Creativiteit en precisie gaan dan ook hand in hand bij de onderneming waar circa vijftig mensen werken. Slimme technieken om de brug tussen print en digitaal te slaan is een andere specialiteit.

“We ontwikkelden zelf een RFID-machine die bijna alle type RFID-tags kan programmeren en synchroon kan plakken op gepersonaliseerd drukwerk. Hierdoor kunnen fysieke middelen contactloos gekoppeld worden aan een online omgeving. Deze online koppeling maakt het mogelijk om data te verzamelen die weer voor oneindig veel toepassingen kan worden ingezet.”


Kwaliteit en uitstraling

Innovatie en procesverbetering is uiterst belangrijk voor een specialistisch bedrijf als Esveco Specialties. “Onze investering in de Bograma BSR 550 Servo valt daaronder. We hebben alle stanstechnieken in huis echter is het uitbreken van het product inclusief een inwendige stans, zoals een blisterkaart met euro-lock of venster altijd handwerk. De Bograma maakt dit handwerk overbodig. Eindproducten worden volledig machinaal gestanst en uitgebroken uitgelegd. De inwendige gaten en vensters worden in-line door een geavanceerd systeem met air pistols automatisch uitgeblazen. Vanwege de vlakke uitleg, waarbij het afval wordt weggetrokken, zijn geen uitbreekpuntjes meer nodig. Dit komt de kwaliteit en uitstraling van onze eindproducten weer ten goede.”

Den Ouden noemt nog een voordeel van de Bograma. “De korte omsteltijd en de hoge netto-output, in combinatie met de uitgebreide papiercapaciteit van dun tot dik karton, gaven de doorslag om bij Wifac in deze machine te investeren. Het past perfect in onze strategische plannen om bijzonder papieren producties verder te ontwikkelen voor klanten in binnen- en buitenland. De combinatie van druk-, print-, stans- en plaktechnieken bieden nieuwe mogelijkheden.”


Bograma: Snel en precies

De BSR 550 Servo is een compacte, rotatieve stansmachine. De Bograma is geknipt voor mailings en verpakkingen. Substraten met een formaat tussen 55×75 centimeter en A4 verwerkt de machine probleemloos. Papier, karton of andere substraten mogen een maximale dikte van 0,5 mm hebben. Het minimum gramsgewicht bedraagt 80 gram per vierkante meter. Op topsnelheid verwerkt de Bograma stans 12.000 vel per uur. De machine is robuust gebouwd. Mede daardoor loopt de stans als het spreekwoordelijke Zwitserse naaimachientje.

Neem voor meer informatie contact op met Jaco Wandel, telefoon 06-53 47 88 25 of per e-mail of via de website van Wifac.


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Wit printen met inkjet hoe werkt dat?

03 nov 2016
Categorie: ,,
clearview-witprintJannemiek Douma van print service provider Probo schreef een interessant artikel over hoe inkjet wit printen werkt en welke praktische toepassingen er zijn. Lees haar uitleg op onze artikelenpagina via deze link.



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Jannemiek Douma: Wat is witprint in vier stappen

03 nov 2016

De term witprint zorgt nog steeds voor verwarring. In dit artikel leggen we je in 4 overzichtelijke stappen uit wat witprint exáct is. Plús, we delen twee veelgemaakte fouten die je gemakkelijk kunt voorkomen.

Zelfs bij Probo op de werkvloer krijg je soms verschillende antwoorden op de vraag: Wat is witprint nou eigenlijk precies? We hebben al onze experts bij elkaar gezet om voor eens en altijd af te rekenen met die onduidelijkheid.

Witprint: Clearview met zandstraaleffect

Stap 1: Wat is witprint?

Allereerst de belangrijkste vraag: wat is witprint?

De definitie van witprint = een printtechniek waarbij zowel full color als ook witte inkt wordt toegepast óf alleen witte inkt

Dat klinkt niet al te ingewikkeld. Pas een laag wit toe ónder of óver een laag full color óf tussen 2 lagen full color in. Met wit versterk je de dekking en de kleurkracht van full color op transparante materialen. Hoe lager de hoeveelheid witte inkt, hoe doorschijnender/doorzichtiger het effect van jouw print. Hoe hoger de densiteit, hoe krachtiger en dekkender de kleuren.

De combinatie van lagen full color en wit op transparante materialen levert bijzondere effecten op. Welke dat zijn vertellen we je in de volgende stap.

Witprint: Full color met wit

Stap 2: Welke effecten zijn met witprint mogelijk?

Zoals gezegd kun je door te variëren met de hoeveelheid witte inkt in combinatie met full color de mooiste effecten creëren. We stellen de vijf bekendste aan je voor:

Full color met wit

In dit geval pas je wit toe ónder of óver een full color printlaag. Zo laat je een full color print beter uitkomen op een transparante/glasheldere ondergrond óf op een gekleurde/donkere ondergrond. Plak je jouw print bijvoorbeeld aan de binnenzijde van een glaswand, zodat deze van buitenaf leesbaar moet zijn? Dan printen we de witte inkt óver de full color printlaag. Een laag percentage witte inkt zorgt voor een doorschijnend en/of doorzichtig effect van jouw print. Met een hoge densiteit creëer je krachtiger, dekkende kleuren.

Zandstraal/privacy effect

Wil je een gematigd doorzicht creëren mét natuurlijke lichtinval? En daarnaast het effect van zandstraalfolie benaderen? Dat kan door een combinatie van 25% witte inkt met 25% zwarte toe te voegen ónder of óver een full color print. Op deze manier blijven vormen en/of silhouetten zichtbaar zónder dat je privacy verliest.

Day & Night

Om dit effect te bereiken print je een laag witte inkt tússen twee lagen full color. Dankzij een speciale laagopbouw geef je verlichte toepassingen de perfecte uitstraling, zowel overdag als ’s nachts. Overdag zorgt de witte tussenlaag ervoor dat de bovenste printlaag niet te donker wordt. ’s Nachts – met verlichting – versterkt de achterste printlaag de voorste printlaag juist. Zo is de print altijd goed verzadigd én prima zichtbaar.

One Way Vision

Wie kent het niet: one way vision folie, ook wel gaatjesfolie genoemd. Op het raam van een gebouw of voertuig vermindert het de inkijk van buiten, terwijl het zicht van binnen behouden blijft. Hoe wij dit effect printen? Door twee lagen full color inkt met daartússen 200% witte inkt – inclusief transparante uitsparingen in de vorm van een stippenpatroon – aan te brengen op clearview.

Bestellen doe je meestal in spiegelbeeld: zo is de folie aan de binnenzijde van een raam te plakken met het beeld naar buiten. Hierdoor is de levensduur langer, het monteren eenvoudiger (met name bij hoge gebouwen) en het is vandalisme-proof. Let op: met standaard one way vision folie is dit níet mogelijk!


Met een dubbelzijdige print bedoelen we 2 lagen full color met daartússen een dubbele laag witte inkt. Het beeld is dekkend, maar níet blockout. Én het beeld aan de achterzijde is in spiegelbeeld. Mooi voor grafische ontwerpen, minder geschikt voor teksten en logo’s.


Stap 3: Hoe pas ik witprint toe in mijn ontwerp?

Klinkt mooi allemaal, de effecten die je met witprint kunt realiseren. Maar hoe pas je het toe? Daarvoor moet je weten dat standaard printers de full color inkten Cyaan, Magenta, Geel en Zwart (oftewel: CMYK) gebruiken. Dankzij witprint is het ook mogelijk om witte inkt toe te voegen aan jouw designs.

Wil je bepaalde objecten in jouw ontwerp van witprint voorzien? Óf variëren met de densiteit? Kies dan ‘wit aangegeven met steunkleur’. Maak een steunkleur aan met de naam White en pas deze toe in jouw ontwerp. Tip: Importeer onze staalbibliotheek (in Illustrator) om snel de juiste steunkleur te selecteren.

Een bestand helemaal opvullen met witte inkt? Kies dan tijdens het bestellen ‘volledig opvullen met wit’. Zo wordt jouw volledige print automatisch voorzien van een witlaag.


Stap 4: Hoe weet ik zeker dat mijn ontwerp goed uit de printer rolt?

Tenslotte, hoe rolt jouw ontwerp mét de juiste witprint uit de printer? Na ‘wat is witprint’ de meest gestelde vraag én de grootste angst van vormgevers!
Vrees niet: in onze webshop leiden we je zo logisch mogelijk door alle stappen in het bestelproces heen.

  • Regel één: stel eerst de laagopbouw vast. Wil je wit óver, ónder of tússen lagen full color?
  • Kies vervolgens hóe je wit wilt toepassen. Zoals verteld in de vorige stap, dien je bij ‘wit aangegeven met steunkleur white’ het ontwerp grondig te controleren.
  • Met ‘voorvertoning overdruk*’ check je vervolgens welke lagen óverof ónder elkaar worden geprint. Dit kun je ook doen in het uitvoervoorbeeld van Acrobat. Zie je de full color laag en wit níet door elkaar heen schijnen? En was dat wel de bedoeling? Dan is overdruk wellicht niet juist toegepast.

*Overdruk = Een nieuwe kleur over de onderliggende kleur heen drukken. Bij overdruk worden die lagen met elkaar gemengd. Hierdoor is niet alleen de bovenste laag zichtbaar, maar ook de laag die daaronder ligt. Zonder overdruk zou alleen de bovenste laag zichtbaar zijn.


Tips bij het bestellen van folies met witprint

Tenslotte delen we nog drie tips voor het beste resultaat en om fouten of teleurstelling te voorkomen.

  • Kies je er bijvoorbeeld voor om raamstickers aan de binnenzijde van het raam te plakken die van buitenaf zichtbaar moeten zijn. Vergeet dan niet het bestand gespiegeld aan te leveren of jouw afbeelding alsnog te spiegelen in de Upload, voordat je jouw bestelling plaatst.
  • Kies je voor ‘wit aangeven in ontwerp’ dan dien je een steunkleur White toe te voegen in je bestand. Dit laatste wordt regelmatig vergeten. Tip: geef deze steunkleur een totaal andere kleur dan wit! Op deze manier zie je exact waar wit wordt toegepast in je ontwerp.
  • Een goede voorbereiding is het halve werk. Denk van te voren goed na over het effect dat je wilt bereiken. Bekijk ook onze aanleverspecificaties voor de verschillende manieren om aan te geven waar in de opmaak wit geprint moet worden.


Jannemiek Douma

© 2016 – Probo Sign B.V.

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UV LED: De droging techniek van de toekomst ook voor offsetdrukkers

02 nov 2016


UV Led is voor offsetdrukkers duidelijk de droging techniek voor de toekomst. Zeker als er verschillende media bedrukt moeten worden zoals bij de Amerikaanse drukker Starnet die zijn Speedmaster upgrade met twee AMS LED XP9 drogers. Zoals je in onderstaand persbericht kunt lezen was John Cullen een meevaller, niet alleen bleken alle indianen verhalen over moeilijk drukken niet te kloppen, hij is ook blij dat het wassen en schoonmaken van de pers een stuk eenvoudiger is geworden.



In a time of minimal growth in the printing industry, Starnet Business Solutions of northern New Jersey has enacted strategic practices that flag it as one of the fastest growing printers in its region.

The 20-year-old company serves a diverse array of clients in a variety of verticals, with especially strong footholds in the pharmaceutical, automotive, fashion and insurance markets. It draws ample customers from the nearby New York City metropolitan area, as well as from surrounding New Jersey businesses and beyond.

Starnet sets itself apart from other operations by offering a full gamut of creative and production services in-house – from photography, graphic design and packaging ideation through pre-press, printing, die-cutting, finishing, mailing and fulfillment – and it keeps customers happy by serving as a one-stop shop for their various commercial printing needs.

Because its workflow doesn’t rely on subcontractors to complete orders, Starnet’s clients enjoy incredibly fast turnaround times, consistently high product quality, and competitive pricing – and they expect all three with every project they bring in.

“Because our clients have such high standards, we’re always looking for ways to improve in terms of customer service and operational efficiency,” commented Doug Arbolino, president of Starnet. “I know that if we don’t, our competitors will.”

Keeping in line with this focus, the company recently added a 40-inch Heidelberg Speedmaster perfector (set up for six colors, coatings and varnish) to its arsenal, which it was able to acquire used. The only downside of the purchase, Arbolino explained, was that the machine came with known marking issues.

To avoid this problem, Starnet decided to retrofit the press with two XP9 LED-UV units from Air Motion Systems.

Cullen checks a proof from a high-fashion print job cured with Air Motion Systems' LED UV system.

Cullen checks a proof from a high-fashion print job cured with Air Motion Systems’ LED UV system.

“I knew that in addition to eliminating potential marking problems, AMS’s LED UV curing system offered us a better overall way of printing,” Arbolino said. “It would let us produce even higher-quality product, offer even faster turnarounds, and take advantage of instantly dry sheets that could be sent straight from the press to the bindery.”

One challenge that Starnet’s team expected to face with the transition to the AMS LED-UV system was that of learning to use LED inks. However, Starnet press operator John Cullen noted that he was surprised to find that most “horror stories” he had heard about making the switch proved decidedly untrue.

“I’d heard horror stories about working with LED inks,” Cullen said, “but in reality, we’ve found them to be a lot easier to use – the opposite of what we expected.”

Cullen said that the end-of-day cleanup process he was used to – removing ink from the press and trying to save it, washing the press, going through piles of rags while wiping down components – is no longer necessary with LED inks, and this saves his team time every day.

“At the end of the night, we just turn the press off,” he summed up. “It’s great.”

Arbolino added that bringing the Air Motion Systems LED UV setup to its operations has expanded Starnet’s product offerings as well. The company now can print on plastics and other nonporous substrates, and thus offers new items like static clings to customers, which have grown popular quickly.

The blue glow of AMS's XP9 LED UV module is barely visible on Starnet's retrofitted Heidelberg Speedmaster.

The blue glow of AMS’s XP9 LED UV module is barely visible on Starnet’s retrofitted Heidelberg Speedmaster.

The second LED UV lamp from AMS, installed mid-press on the 40" Heidelberg, can be seen above.

The second LED UV lamp from AMS, installed mid-press on the 40″ Heidelberg, can be seen above.

Air Motion Systems’ Barry Walsh noted that the Starnet installation is an exciting one for the industry, as it serves as an example of how the evolution of AMS’s LED UV curing solutions can fix problems that have historically plagued sheetfed offset perfecting setups.

“Starnet is a great example of how we can reduce marking, improve quality, and speed up turnaround time on a long perfector,” Walsh said, adding that he expects a large contingent of forward-thinking printers to refresh existing presses in the coming years, to remain competitive within their markets.

Noting his excitement about the Starnet installation, AMS President Steve Metcalf spoke to the general evolution of LED curing for  and its current capabilities, reiterating how far they have come in recent years.

“Four years ago, we could use LED UV to cure on paper. Now it can cure ink on virtually any substrate, and brings numerous cost-saving benefits to sheetfed setups,” he summed up. “Press refreshes like this one are going to become a must-do in the industry, for those who want to successfully compete and grow.”

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Starnet Enhances Heidelberg Speedmaster With AMS LED UV System

01 nov 2016

schermafbeelding-2016-11-01-om-19-29-34In a time of minimal growth in the printing industry, Starnet Business Solutions of northern New Jersey has enacted strategic practices that flag it as one of the fastest growing printers in its region.

The 20-year-old company serves a diverse array of clients in a variety of verticals, with especially strong footholds in the pharmaceutical, automotive, fashion and insurance markets. It draws ample customers from the nearby New York City metropolitan area, as well as from surrounding New Jersey businesses and beyond.

Starnet sets itself apart from other operations by offering a full gamut of creative and production services in-house – from photography, graphic design and packaging ideation through pre-press, printing, die-cutting, finishing, mailing and fulfillment – and it keeps customers happy by serving as a one-stop shop for their various commercial printing needs.

Because its workflow doesn’t rely on subcontractors to complete orders, Starnet’s clients enjoy incredibly fast turnaround times, consistently high product quality, and competitive pricing – and they expect all three with every project they bring in.

“Because our clients have such high standards, we’re always looking for ways to improve in terms of customer service and operational efficiency,” commented Doug Arbolino, president of Starnet. “I know that if we don’t, our competitors will.”

Keeping in line with this focus, the company recently added a 40-inch Heidelberg Speedmaster perfector (set up for six colors, coatings and varnish) to its arsenal, which it was able to acquire used. The only downside of the purchase, Arbolino explained, was that the machine came with known marking issues.

To avoid this problem, Starnet decided to retrofit the press with two XP9 LED-UV units from Air Motion Systems.

Cullen checks a proof from a high-fashion print job cured with Air Motion Systems' LED UV system.

Cullen checks a proof from a high-fashion print job cured with Air Motion Systems’ LED UV system.

“I knew that in addition to eliminating potential marking problems, AMS’s LED UV curing system offered us a better overall way of printing,” Arbolino said. “It would let us produce even higher-quality product, offer even faster turnarounds, and take advantage of instantly dry sheets that could be sent straight from the press to the bindery.”

One challenge that Starnet’s team expected to face with the transition to the AMS LED-UV system was that of learning to use LED inks. However, Starnet press operator John Cullen noted that he was surprised to find that most “horror stories” he had heard about making the switch proved decidedly untrue.

“I’d heard horror stories about working with LED inks,” Cullen said, “but in reality, we’ve found them to be a lot easier to use – the opposite of what we expected.”

Cullen said that the end-of-day cleanup process he was used to – removing ink from the press and trying to save it, washing the press, going through piles of rags while wiping down components – is no longer necessary with LED inks, and this saves his team time every day.

“At the end of the night, we just turn the press off,” he summed up. “It’s great.”

Arbolino added that bringing the Air Motion Systems LED UV setup to its operations has expanded Starnet’s product offerings as well. The company now can print on plastics and other nonporous substrates, and thus offers new items like static clings to customers, which have grown popular quickly.

The blue glow of AMS's XP9 LED UV module is barely visible on Starnet's retrofitted Heidelberg Speedmaster.

The blue glow of AMS’s XP9 LED UV module is barely visible on Starnet’s retrofitted Heidelberg Speedmaster.

The second LED UV lamp from AMS, installed mid-press on the 40" Heidelberg, can be seen above.

The second LED UV lamp from AMS, installed mid-press on the 40″ Heidelberg, can be seen above.

Air Motion Systems’ Barry Walsh noted that the Starnet installation is an exciting one for the industry, as it serves as an example of how the evolution of AMS’s LED UV curing solutions can fix problems that have historically plagued sheetfed offset perfecting setups.

“Starnet is a great example of how we can reduce marking, improve quality, and speed up turnaround time on a long perfector,” Walsh said, adding that he expects a large contingent of forward-thinking printers to refresh existing presses in the coming years, to remain competitive within their markets.

Noting his excitement about the Starnet installation, AMS President Steve Metcalf spoke to the general evolution of LED curing for  and its current capabilities, reiterating how far they have come in recent years.

“Four years ago, we could use LED UV to cure on paper. Now it can cure ink on virtually any substrate, and brings numerous cost-saving benefits to sheetfed setups,” he summed up. “Press refreshes like this one are going to become a must-do in the industry, for those who want to successfully compete and grow.”

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PDF Aktuell 104: Free PDFX-ready Connector, een ISO naar PSO Converter en meer PDF nieuws

01 nov 2016

pdf-aktuel-104Stephan Jaeggi’s PDF nieuwsbrief staat deze maand vol met tools om PDFs te controleren en te converteren. Ook aandacht voor de Acrobat DC October update met nieuwe compare features. Lees de PDF Aktuell newsletter via deze link.



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PDF Aktuell 104: free PDFX-ready connector, an ISO-to-PSO converter and more PDF news

01 nov 2016
pdf-aktuel-104This month´s PDF newsletter by Stephan Jaeggi is full of tools to check and convert PDFs. Also news about the Acrobat DC October update with new compare features. Read PDF Aktuell via this link.

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Telrol purchases 6 Xeikon presses

01 nov 2016
Categorie: ,
CEO Hoessein Hadaoui

Telrol CEO Hoessein Hadaoui

Dutch label printer Telrol Group has bought no less than 6 Xeikon CX3 presses. One of the biggest orders ever for Xeikon. Telrol, one of the biggest label printers in the Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg), is a loyal Xeikon customer. In 2009 they bought a Xeikon 3300 and they added several Xeikon presses to the Digital Centre of Excellence in Almere, Netherlands. With these six new printers Telrol is expanding production to 9 Xeikon presses. Telrol previously was the beta site for the CX3 press which at that time was still called Cheetah, referring to the speed of the toner based printer. The Xeikon CX3 is a five colour press for adhesive labels and has a speed of up to 30 m/min. The Telrol Group consists of several companies with a joint turnover of 200 million Euro and 500 employees.



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Laurel Brunner: generen van basisgegevens voor milieurapportages

31 okt 2016

valuesHet generen van gegevens voor een sluitende milieurapportage is niet eenvoudig. In haar Verdigris Blog bespreekt Laurel Brunner welke mogelijkheden er zijn en hoe een Life Cycle Analysis daarin past. Lees haar verhelderende uitleg over deze moeilijke materie op onze artikelenpagina.



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Laurel Brunner: generating data for environmental reporting

31 okt 2016

2015 Laurel 5x7cm 300ppiGenerating data for good environmental reporting is not simple. In her Verdigris blog Laurel Brunner discusses the possibilities and the importance of a life cycle analysis. Read her enlightening explanation about this difficult matter on our articles page. 



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Probo invests in Truepress Jet L350UV digital label press

28 okt 2016
Categorie: ,
bb161028-probo-truepress-jet-l350uv-digital-label-pressSpecialist web-to-print company Probo ( has entered the digital label print market with the installation of the latest Screen Truepress Jet L350UV digital label press. The investment will enable the company to expand its product portfolio and offer a faster turnaround on short-run variable jobs on a wider range of substrates.

Based in Dokkum, Netherlands, and working exclusively with its reseller partners, Probo specializes in digitally printed large-format products such as banners, flags, wallpaper, panels, canvas, wood, vinyl and foil, paper and textiles. In addition to its web-to-print services, the company also offers finishing on its products.

Owner and CEO, Erwin Postma, says: “Our investment in the Truepress Jet L350UV label press means we can now focus on expanding our reach in the label printing market and specialize in short runs of roll labels – the smallest job being one roll of 25m – and sheet labels.” With the Truepress Jet L350UV label press any design and size is possible, on a wide range of substrates.

Its high running speed – 50m per minute – was just one of the factors that convinced Probo to choose the Truepress Jet L350UV over other digital label presses. Erwin says: “We certainly wanted a press that offered a fast turnaround on high quality, short run label production, which the Truepress Jet L350UV delivers. The main difference for us, between this and other label presses, is the relatively low material loss in production, particularly at the start of each batch – the press uses just 9m of material at the start of each queue, with only 4mm loss of material on each side. That and the lower ink cost and usage means the press is extremely cost-effective which is good for business.”

The Truepress Jet L350UV runs offline and fits in well with Probo’s existing technology on site – prepress workflow is fully automated with Esko Automation Engine and finishing by the company’s SEI Label Master machine.

Probo likes the simplicity of the press. Its automated head cleaning function greatly simplifies maintenance and reduces the amount of time required to keep the press in an optimum condition. Cleaning of the head area can be executed with the simple click of a button so that the press is instantly ready for production.

With the installation of the Truepress Jet L350UV, Probo is able to produce significantly larger amounts of sheet and roll labels than before, with faster finishing when laser cutting. As well as being able to take on different types of jobs, the company is confident that new reseller partners will be signing up to its new label production service, which in turn could boost its large format print business.

Carlo Sammarco, European Sales Director, Packaging Solutions, Screen GP Europe, says: “Probo’s decision to choose the Screen Truepress Jet L350UV to advance its entry in the label printing market is a major endorsement for Screen engineering. We are delighted to be associated with such a professional company that is continually investing and growing a successful print business.”

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